コード例 #1
    def validate_coordinates(self):
        Iterate the geometry, testing for incomplete / incorrect station / coordinate values
        Fix them where possible, error if values cannot be resolved

        #calculate distance bewteen curve start and end using
        #internal station and coordinate vectors

        _datum = self.geometry['meta']
        _geo_data = self.geometry['geometry']

        _prev_geo = {
            'End': _datum['Start'],
            'InternalStation': (0.0, 0.0),
            'StartStation': _datum['StartStation'],
            'Length': 0.0

        for _geo in _geo_data:

            if not _geo:
            #get the vector between the two gemetries and the station distance
            _vector = _geo['Start'].sub(_prev_geo['End'])
            _sta_len = abs(_geo['InternalStation'][0] -

            #calculate the difference between the vector length and station distance
            #in document units
            _delta = (_vector.Length - _sta_len) / Units.scale_factor()

            #if the stationing / coordinates are out of tolerance,
            #determine if the error is with the coordinate vector or station
            if not Support.within_tolerance(_delta):
                bearing_angle = Support.get_bearing(_vector)

                #if the coordinate vector bearing matches, fix the station
                if Support.within_tolerance(bearing_angle, _geo['BearingIn']):
                    _geo['InternalStation'] = (
                        _prev_geo['InternalStation'][1] + _vector.Length,

                    _geo['StartStation'] = _prev_geo['StartStation'] + \
                                           _prev_geo['Length'] / Units.scale_factor() + \
                                           _vector.Length / Units.scale_factor()

                #otherwise, fix the coordinate
                    _bearing_vector = Support.vector_from_angle(

                    _geo['Start'] = _prev_geo['End'].add(_bearing_vector)

            _prev_geo = _geo
コード例 #2
def get_points(arc_dict, interval, interval_type='Segment'):
    Discretize an arc into the specified segments.
    Resulting list of coordinates omits provided starting point and
    concludes with end point

    arc_dict    - A dictionary containing key elemnts:
        Direction   - non-zero.  <0 = ccw, >0 = cw
        Radius      - in document units (non-zero, positive)
        Delta       - in radians (non-zero, positive)
        BearingIn   - true north starting bearing in radians (0 to 2*pi)
        BearingOut  - true north ending bearing in radians (0 to 2*pi)

    interval    - value for the interval type (non-zero, positive)

    interval_type: (defaults to segment for invalid values)
        'Segment'   - subdivide into n equal segments
        'Interval'  - subdivide into fixed length segments
        'Tolerance' - limit error between segment and curve

    Points are returned references to start_coord

    angle = arc_dict['Delta']
    direction = arc_dict['Direction']
    bearing_in = arc_dict['BearingIn']
    radius = arc_dict['Radius']
    start_coord = arc_dict['Start']

    _forward = App.Vector(math.sin(bearing_in), math.cos(bearing_in), 0.0)
    _right = App.Vector(_forward.y, -_forward.x, 0.0)

    result = [start_coord]

    #define the incremental angle for segment calculations, defaulting to 'Segment'
    _delta = angle / interval

    _ratio = (interval * Units.scale_factor()) / radius

    if interval_type == 'Interval':
        _delta = _ratio

    elif interval_type == 'Tolerance':
        _delta = 2.0 * math.acos(1 - _ratio)

    #pre-calculate the segment deltas, increasing from zero to the central angle
    segment_deltas = [
        float(_i + 1) * _delta for _i in range(0,
                                               int(angle / _delta) + 1)
    segment_deltas[-1] = angle

    for delta in segment_deltas:

        _dfw = App.Vector(_forward).multiply(math.sin(delta))
        _drt = App.Vector(_right).multiply(direction * (1 - math.cos(delta)))


    return result
コード例 #3
def convert_units(arc, to_document=False):
    Cnvert the units of the arc parameters to or from document units

    to_document = True - convert to document units
                  False - convert to system units (mm / radians)

    angle_keys = ['Delta', 'BearingIn', 'BearingOut']

    result = {}

    angle_fn = math.radians
    scale_factor = Units.scale_factor()

    if to_document:
        angle_fn = math.degrees
        scale_factor = 1.0 / scale_factor

    for _k, _v in arc.items():

        result[_k] = _v

        if _v is None:

        if _k in angle_keys:
            result[_k] = angle_fn(_v)

        if _k != 'Direction':
            result[_k] = _v * scale_factor

    return result
コード例 #4
    def _get_internal_station(self, station):
        Using the station equations, determine the internal station
        (position) along the alingment, scaled to the document units
        start_sta = self.Object.Station_Equations[0].y
        eqs = self.Object.Station_Equations

        #default to distance from starting station
        position = 0.0

        for _eq in eqs[1:]:

            #if station falls within equation, quit
            if start_sta < station < _eq.x:

            #increment the position by the equaion length and
            #set the starting station to the next equation
            position += _eq.x - start_sta
            start_sta = _eq.y

        #add final distance to position
        position += station - start_sta

        return position * Units.scale_factor()
コード例 #5
    def _parse_data(self, align_name, tags, attrib):
        Build a dictionary keyed to the internal attribute names from the XML
        result = {}

        #test to ensure all required tags are in the imrpoted XML data
        missing_tags = set(tags[0]).difference(set(list(attrib.keys())))

        #report error and skip the alignment if required tags are missing
        if missing_tags:
                'The required XML tags were not found in alignment %s:\n%s' %
                (align_name, missing_tags))
            return None

        #merge the required / optional tag dictionaries and iterate the items
        for _tag in tags[0] + tags[1]:

            attr_val = LandXml.convert_token(_tag, attrib.get(_tag))

            if attr_val is None:

                if _tag in tags[0]:
                        'Missing or invalid %s attribute in alignment %s' %
                        (_tag, align_name))

            #test for angles and convert to radians
            elif _tag in maps.XML_TAGS['angle']:
                attr_val = Utils.to_float(attrib.get(_tag))

                if attr_val:
                    attr_val = math.radians(attr_val)

            #test for lengths to convert to mm
            elif _tag in maps.XML_TAGS['length']:
                attr_val = Utils.to_float(attrib.get(_tag))

                if attr_val:
                    attr_val = attr_val * Units.scale_factor()

            #convert rotation from string to number
            elif _tag == 'rot':

                attr_val = 0.0

                if attrib.get(_tag) == 'cw':
                    attr_val = 1.0

                elif attrib.get(_tag) == 'ccw':
                    attr_val = -1.0

            if not attr_val:
                attr_val = LandXml.get_tag_default(_tag)

            result[maps.XML_MAP[_tag]] = attr_val

        return result
コード例 #6
    def validate_stationing(self):
        Iterate the geometry, calculating the internal start station based on the actual station
        and storing it in an 'InternalStation' parameter tuple for the start and end of the curve

        prev_station = self.geometry['meta'].get('StartStation')
        prev_coord = self.geometry['meta'].get('Start')

        if not prev_coord or not prev_station:
            print('Unable to validate alignment stationing')

        for _geo in self.geometry['geometry']:

            if not _geo:

            _geo['InternalStation'] = None
            geo_station = _geo.get('StartStation')
            geo_coord = _geo['Start']

            #if no station is provided, try to infer it from the start coordinate
            #and the previous station
            if geo_station is None:
                geo_station = prev_station

                if not geo_coord:
                    geo_coord = prev_coord

                delta = geo_coord.sub(prev_coord).Length

                if not Support.within_tolerance(delta):
                    geo_station += delta / Units.scale_factor()

                _geo['StartStation'] = geo_station

            prev_coord = _geo['End']
            prev_station = _geo[
                'StartStation'] + _geo['Length'] / Units.scale_factor()

            int_sta = self._get_internal_station(geo_station)

            _geo['InternalStation'] = (int_sta, int_sta + _geo['Length'])
コード例 #7
    def _parse_coord_geo_data(self, align_name, alignment):
        Parse the alignment coorinate geometry data to get curve information and
        return as a dictionary

        coord_geo = LandXml.get_child(alignment, 'CoordGeom')

        if not coord_geo:
            print('Missing coordinate geometry for ', align_name)
            return None

        result = []

        for geo_node in coord_geo:

            node_tag = geo_node.tag.split('}')[1]

            if not node_tag in ['Curve', 'Spiral', 'Line']:

            points = []

            for _tag in ['Start', 'End', 'Center', 'PI']:

                _pt = LandXml.get_child_as_vector(geo_node, _tag)


                if _pt:
                    points[-1] = (_pt.multiply(Units.scale_factor()))

                if not (node_tag == 'Line' and _tag in ['Center', 'PI']):
                        'Missing %s %s coordinate in alignment %s' %
                        (node_tag, _tag, align_name))

            coords = {
                'Type': node_tag,
                'Start': points[0],
                'End': points[1],
                'Center': points[2],
                'PI': points[3]

                **self._parse_data(align_name, maps.XML_ATTRIBS[node_tag], geo_node.attrib)

        print('\n<---- Import result ---->\n', result)
        return result
コード例 #8
    def _write_tree_data(self, data, node, attribs):
        Write data to the tree using the passed parameters

        for _tag in attribs[0] + attribs[1]:

            #find the xml tag for the current dictionary key
            _key = maps.XML_MAP.get(_tag)

            _value = None

            if _key:
                value = data.get(_key)

            #assign default if no value in the dictionary
            if value is None:
                value = LandXml.get_tag_default(_tag)

            if _tag in maps.XML_TAGS['angle']:
                value = math.degrees(value)

            elif _tag in maps.XML_TAGS['length']:
                value /= Units.scale_factor()

            elif _tag == 'rot':

                if value < 0.0:
                    value = 'ccw'

                elif value > 0.0:
                    value = 'cw'

                    value = ''

            result = str(value)

            if isinstance(value, float):
                result = '{:.8f}'.format(value)

            node.set(_tag, result)
コード例 #9
    def _parse_geo_data(self, align_name, geometry, curve_type):
        Parse curve data and return as a dictionary

        result = []

        for curve in geometry:

            #add the curve / line start / center / end coordinates, skipping if any are missing
            _points = []

            for _tag in ['Start', 'End', 'Center', 'PI']:

                _pt = LandXml.get_child_as_vector(curve, _tag)

                if _pt:

                    #report missing coordinates
                    if not (curve_type == 'line' and _tag in ['Center', 'PI']):
                            'Missing %s %s coordinate in alignment %s' %
                            (curve_type, _tag, align_name))


            coords = {
                'Type': curve_type,
                'Start': _points[0],
                'End': _points[1],
                'Center': _points[2],
                'PI': _points[3]

                **self._parse_data(align_name, maps.XML_ATTRIBS[curve_type], curve.attrib)

        return result
コード例 #10
    def _write_coordinates(self, data, parent):
        Write coordinate children to parent geometry

        _sf = 1.0 / Units.scale_factor()

        for _key in maps.XML_TAGS['coordinate']:

            if not _key in data:

            #scale the coordinates to the document units
            _vec = App.Vector(data[_key])

            _child = LandXml.add_child(parent, _key)

            _vec_string = LandXml.get_vector_string(_vec)

            LandXml.set_text(_child, _vec_string)
コード例 #11
def parameter_test(excludes=None):
    scale_factor = 1.0 / Units.scale_factor()

    radius = 670.00
    delta = 50.3161
    half_delta = math.radians(delta) / 2.0

    arc = {
        radius * math.radians(delta),
        radius * math.tan(half_delta),
        2 * radius * math.sin(half_delta),
        radius * ((1 / math.cos(half_delta) - 1)),
        radius * (1 - math.cos(half_delta)),
        App.Vector(122056.0603640062, -142398.20717496306,
        App.Vector(277108.1622932797, -9495.910944558627,
        App.Vector(280378.2141876281, -213685.7280672748,
        App.Vector(184476.32163324804, -215221.57431973785,

    #convert the arc to system units before processing, and back to document units on return

    comp = {
        'Type': 'arc',
        'Radius': 670.0,
        'Tangent': 314.67910063712156,
        'Chord': 569.6563702820052,
        'Delta': 50.31609999999997,
        'Direction': -1.0,
        'BearingIn': 139.3986,
        'BearingOut': 89.0825,
        'Length': 588.3816798810212,
        'External': 70.21816809491217,
        'Middle': 63.5571709144523,
        'Start': App.Vector(400.4463922703616, -467.1857190779628, 0.0),
        'Center': App.Vector(909.147514086, -31.1545634664, 0.0),
        'End': App.Vector(919.8760307993049, -701.0686616380407, 0.0),
        'PI': App.Vector(605.2372756996326, -706.1075272957279, 0.0)

    if excludes:
        return run_test(arc, comp, excludes)

    keys = ['Start', 'End', 'Center', 'PI']

    run_test(arc, comp, None)

    for i in range(0, 4):
        run_test(arc, comp, [keys[i]])
        for j in range(i + 1, 4):
            run_test(arc, comp, [keys[i], keys[j]])
            for k in range(j + 1, 4):
                run_test(arc, comp, [keys[i], keys[j], keys[k]])

    run_test(arc, comp, keys)

    return arc
コード例 #12
    def validate_datum(self):
        Ensure the datum is valid, assuming 0+00 / (0,0,0) for station and coordinate
        where none is suplpied and it cannot be inferred fromt the starting geometry
        _datum = self.geometry['meta']
        _geo = self.geometry['geometry'][0]

        if not _geo or not _datum:
            print('Unable to validate alignment datum')

        _datum_truth = [
            not _datum.get('StartStation') is None,
            not _datum.get('Start') is None

        _geo_truth = [
            not _geo.get('StartStation') is None, not _geo.get('Start') is None

        #CASE 0
        #both defined?  nothing to do
        if all(_datum_truth):

        _geo_station = 0
        _geo_start = App.Vector()

        if _geo_truth[0]:
            _geo_station = _geo['StartStation']

        if _geo_truth[1]:
            _geo_start = _geo['Start']

        #CASE 1
        #no datum defined?  use initial geometry or zero defaults
        if not any(_datum_truth):

            _datum['StartStation'] = _geo_station
            _datum['Start'] = _geo_start

        #CASE 2
        #station defined?
        #if the geometry has a station and coordinate, project the start coordinate
        if _datum['StartStation']:

            _datum['Start'] = _geo_start

            #assume geometry start if no geometry station
            if not _geo_truth[0]:

            #scale the distance to the system units
            delta = _geo_station - _datum['StartStation']

            #cutoff if error is below tolerance
            if not Support.within_tolerance(delta):
                delta *= Units.scale_factor()
                delta = 0.0

            #assume geometry start if station delta is zero
            if delta:

                #calcualte the start based on station delta
                _datum['Start'] = _datum['Start'].sub(


        #CASE 3
        #datum start coordinate is defined
        #if the geometry has station and coordinate, project the start station
        _datum['StartStation'] = _geo_station

        #assume geometry station if no geometry start
        if _geo_truth[1]:

            #scale the length to the document units
            delta = _geo_start.sub(
                _datum['Start']).Length / Units.scale_factor()

            _datum['StartStation'] -= delta