コード例 #1
class MetaDataManager():
  MetaDataManager manages the metadata of a scientific project
  def __init__( self ):
  def init( self, a_currentHost ):
    Create meta data for a research project
    #If the metadata directory is already been created, return
    if os.path.exists( '.scientificProjectManager' ):
      print "The directory .scientificProjectManager is already been created!"
    #Create data and metadata directories 
    subprocess.call( [ 'mkdir', 'data' ] )
    subprocess.call( [ 'mkdir', 'data/externalData' ] )
    subprocess.call( [ 'mkdir', 'data/manuallyProcessedData' ] )
    subprocess.call( [ 'mkdir', '.scientificProjectManager' ] )
    subprocess.call( [ 'mkdir', '.scientificProjectManager/scratch' ] )
    subprocess.call( [ 'mkdir', '.scientificProjectManager/scripts' ] )
    subprocess.call( [ 'mkdir', '.scientificProjectManager/scripts/steps' ] )
    subprocess.call( [ 'mkdir', '.scientificProjectManager/scripts/showData' ] )
    subprocess.call( [ 'mkdir', '.scientificProjectManager/scripts/utilities' ] )
    #Create metadata files 
    self.createNewProjectInfo( a_currentHost )
    self.createNewProjectLog( a_currentHost )

  def createNewProjectInfo( self, a_currentHost ):
    create a new projectInfo.xml file
    #If the projectInfo.xml file is already been created, return
    if os.path.exists( '.scientificProjectManager/projectInfo.xml' ):
      print "The .scientificProjectManager/projectInfo.xml is already been created!"

    #Create the XML tree of the project information
    projectInfo      = ET.Element('projectInfo')
    hostInfo         = ET.SubElement( projectInfo, 'hostInfo' )
    currentHost      = ET.SubElement( hostInfo, 'currentHost' )
    hostList         = ET.SubElement( hostInfo, 'hostList'    )
    host             = ET.SubElement( hostList, a_currentHost )
    homeAbsPath      = ET.SubElement( host, 'homeAbsPath'     )
    currentHost.text = a_currentHost
    homeAbsPath.text = os.path.abspath('.')

    #Save the projectInfo.xml file
    fXml = open('.scientificProjectManager/projectInfo.xml', 'w')
    fXml.write( utilities.getPrettyXmlString( projectInfo ) )
  def createNewProjectLog( self, a_currentHost ):
    create a new projectLog.xml file
    #If the projectLog.xml file is already been created, return
    if os.path.exists( '.scientificProjectManager/projectLog.xml' ):
      print "The .scientificProjectManager/projectLog.xml is already been created!"

    #Create the XML tree of the project log
    projectLog = ET.Element('projectLog')
    record     = ET.SubElement( projectLog, 'record' )
    timeE      = ET.SubElement( record, 'time'       )
    host       = ET.SubElement( record, 'host'       )
    event      = ET.SubElement( record, 'event'      )
    timeE.text = time.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S')
    host.text  = a_currentHost
    event.text = "Create metadata"

    #Save the projectLog.xml file
    fXml = open('.scientificProjectManager/projectLog.xml', 'w')
    fXml.write( utilities.getPrettyXmlString( projectLog ) )

  def createNewProjectGraph( self ):
    create a new projectGraph.xml file
    #If the projectGraph.xml file is already been created, return
    if os.path.exists( '.scientificProjectManager/projectGraph.xml' ):
      print "The .scientificProjectManager/projectGraph.xml is already been created!"

    #Create the XML tree of the project graph
    projectGraph = ET.Element('projectGraph')
    nodes        = ET.SubElement( projectGraph, 'nodes' )
    edges        = ET.SubElement( projectGraph, 'edges' )

    #Save the projectGraph.xml file
    fXml = open('.scientificProjectManager/projectGraph.xml', 'w')
    fXml.write( utilities.getPrettyXmlString( projectGraph ) )

  def loadMetaData( self ):
    Load metadata from the drictory .scientificProjectManager and return initialized objects of ProjectInfo, ProjectLog, ProjectGraph and DataFileOperation 
    #Create objects of the metadat handlers
    self.pI = ProjectInfo( '.scientificProjectManager/projectInfo.xml' )
    self.pL = ProjectLog( '.scientificProjectManager/projectLog.xml' )
    self.pG = ProjectGraph( '.scientificProjectManager/projectGraph.xml' )
    self.dO = DataFileOperation( self.pI, self.pL )
    #Register destruct functions 
    atexit.register( self.pI.destruct )
    atexit.register( self.pL.destruct )
    atexit.register( self.pG.destruct )

    return  ( self.pI, self.pL, self.pG, self.dO )

  def syncMetadataToRemote( self, a_host ):
    Synchronize metadata to the remote host.
    Metadata must be load before calling this function 
    #Temporarily change the current host into the remote host
    currentHost = self.pI.getCurrentHost()
    self.pI.setCurrentHost( a_host )
    #Save metaData files
    #Change the currenthost name back
    self.pI.setCurrentHost( currentHost )
    utilities.syncFilesToRemote( self.pI.getHomeAbsPath(), ['SMPInterface.py','.scientificProjectManager'], a_host, self.pI.getHomeAbsPath(a_host) )
    #Restore the correct project info file

  def createRemoteWorkSpace( self, a_host, a_homeAddr ):
    Create a remote work space on a given host and copy all metadata there.
    if self.pI.hostExists( a_host ):
      print 'The remote host '+a_host+' already exists!'
    self.pI.addHost( a_host, a_homeAddr )
    currentHost    = self.pI.getCurrentHost()
    currentHomeAbs = self.pI.getHomeAbsPath() 

    #This is a trick to create a empty data directory in the remote host
    subprocess.call( [ 'rsync', '-av', os.path.join( currentHomeAbs, '.scientificProjectManager/scratch' ), a_host+':'+os.path.join(a_homeAddr,'data') ] )  
    #Temporarily change the current host into the remote host
    self.pI.setCurrentHost( a_host )
    self.pI.saveToFile( self.pI.xmlFileName )
    #Synchronize the metadata and the interface to the remote host
    utilities.syncFilesToRemote( currentHomeAbs, ['SMPInterface.py','.scientificProjectManager'], a_host, a_homeAddr)

    #Change the currenthost name back
    self.pI.setCurrentHost( currentHost )