コード例 #1
	def getIBIandPuilDilation(self, pulse_ind, samples_pulse, pupil_ind,samples_pupil):
		This method computes statistics on the IBI and pupil diameter per trial, as well as aggregating data
		from all the trials indicated by the row_ind input to compute histograms of the data. Additionally it 
		computes the heart rate variability (HRV, standard deviation of the IBIs) per trial.

			- pulse_ind: N x 1 array containing indices of the pulse signal that correspond to particular events, e.g. center hold, where there are N events of interest
			- samples_pulse: N x 1 array containing the number of samples to compute the data from the pulse signal for the event of interest
			- pupil_ind: N x 1 array containing indices of the pupil signal that correspond to particular events, e.g. center hold, where there are N events of interest
			- samples_pupil: N x 1 array containing the number of samples to compute the data from the pupil signal for the event of interest. Note: the pulse data is often
							computed over the duration of the trial but pupil data in some cases may be restricted to short epochs within the trial.
			- ibi_mean: list of length N containing the average IBI for each event
			- hrv: list of length N containing the standard deviation of the IBIs (HRV) for each event 
			- all_ibi: list of variable length containing all IBI values measured across all events
			- pupil_mean: list of length N containing the average pupil diameter for each event
			- all_pupil: list of variable length containing all pupil diameter values (measured while eyes are detected to be open) across all events

		ibi_mean = []
		hrv = []
		pupil_mean = []
		all_ibi = []
		all_pupil = []

		for i in range(0,len(pulse_ind)):
			pulse_snippet = self.pulse_data[pulse_ind[i]:pulse_ind[i]+samples_pulse[i]]
			ibi_snippet = findIBIs(pulse_snippet,self.pulse_samprate)
			all_ibi += ibi_snippet.tolist()
			if np.isnan(np.nanmean(ibi_snippet)):
				ibi_mean.append(ibi_mean[-1])   # repeat last measurement
			pupil_snippet = self.pupil_data[pupil_ind[i]:pupil_ind[i]+samples_pupil[i]]
			pupil_snippet_range = range(0,len(pupil_snippet))
			eyes_closed = np.nonzero(np.less(pupil_snippet,-3.3))
			eyes_closed = np.ravel(eyes_closed)
			if len(eyes_closed) > 1:
				find_blinks = eyes_closed[1:] - eyes_closed[:-1]
				blink_inds = np.ravel(np.nonzero(np.not_equal(find_blinks,1)))
				eyes_closed_ind = [eyes_closed[0]]
				eyes_closed_ind += eyes_closed[blink_inds].tolist()
				eyes_closed_ind += eyes_closed[blink_inds+1].tolist()
				eyes_closed_ind += [eyes_closed[-1]]
				for i in np.arange(1,len(eyes_closed_ind),2):
					rm_range = range(np.nanmax(eyes_closed_ind[i-1]-20,0),np.minimum(eyes_closed_ind[i] + 20,len(pupil_snippet)-1))
					rm_indices = [pupil_snippet_range.index(rm_range[ind]) for ind in range(0,len(rm_range)) if (rm_range[ind] in pupil_snippet_range)]
					pupil_snippet_range = np.delete(pupil_snippet_range,rm_indices)
					pupil_snippet_range = pupil_snippet_range.tolist()
			pupil_snippet = pupil_snippet[pupil_snippet_range]
			pupil_snippet_mean = np.nanmean(pupil_snippet)
			pupil_snippet_std = np.nanstd(pupil_snippet)
			window = np.floor(pupil_samprate/10) # sample window equal to ~100 ms
			#pupil_snippet = (pupil_snippet[0:window]- pupil_snippet_mean)/float(pupil_snippet_std)
			pupil_snippet = pupil_snippet[0:window]
			all_pupil += pupil_snippet.tolist()
			if np.isnan(np.nanmean(pupil_snippet)):

		return ibi_mean, hrv, all_ibi, pupil_mean, all_pupil
コード例 #2
# Find IBIs and pupil data for all succesful stress trials. 
samples_pulse_successful_stress = np.floor(response_time_successful_stress*pulse_samprate) 	#number of samples in trial interval for pulse signal
samples_pupil_successful_stress = np.floor(response_time_successful_stress*pupil_samprate)
samples_hdeeg_successful_stress = np.floor(response_time_successful_stress*hdeeg_samprate)
#ibi_stress = dict()
#pupil_stress = dict()
ibi_stress_mean = []
ibi_stress_std = []
pupil_stress_mean = []
pupil_stress_std = []
all_ibi_stress = []
all_pupil_stress = []
for i in range(0,len(row_ind_successful_stress)):
	pulse_snippet = pulse_data[pulse_ind_successful_stress[i]:pulse_ind_successful_stress[i]+samples_pulse_successful_stress[i]]
	ibi_snippet = findIBIs(pulse_snippet,pulse_samprate)
	all_ibi_stress += ibi_snippet.tolist()
	#ibi_stress['i'] = ibi_snippet
	pupil_snippet = pupil_data[pupil_ind_successful_stress[i]:pupil_ind_successful_stress[i]+samples_pupil_successful_stress[i]]
	#eyes_open = np.nonzero(np.greater(pupil_snippet,-0.5))
	#eyes_open = np.ravel(eyes_open)
	pupil_snippet_range = range(0,len(pupil_snippet))
	eyes_closed = np.nonzero(np.less(pupil_snippet,-3.3))
	eyes_closed = np.ravel(eyes_closed)
	if len(eyes_closed) > 1:
		find_blinks = eyes_closed[1:] - eyes_closed[:-1]
		blink_inds = np.ravel(np.nonzero(np.not_equal(find_blinks,1)))
		eyes_closed_ind = [eyes_closed[0]]
		eyes_closed_ind += eyes_closed[blink_inds].tolist()