コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, skipUpdate=False):
        self.dataFileName = os.path.join("pyasl", "resBased",
        configFilename = os.path.join("pyasl", "resBased", "sweetcat.cfg")
        pp.PyAUpdateCycle.__init__(self, configFilename, "sweetcatupdate")

        self.names = [
            'star', 'hd', 'ra', 'dec', 'vmag', 'ervmag', 'par', 'erpar',
            'parsource', 'teff', 'erteff', 'logg', 'erlogg', 'logglc',
            'erlogglc', 'vt', 'ervt', 'metal', 'ermetal', 'mass', 'ermass',
            'author', 'source', 'update', 'comment'

        # Check whether data file exists
        self._fs = pp.PyAFS()
        if (self.needsUpdate() or
            (not self._fs.fileExists(self.dataFileName))) and (not skipUpdate):
            # Data needs update
            print("Downloading exoplanet data from SWEET-Cat archive")
            print("Saved data to file: ", self.dataFileName,
                  " in data directory,")
            print("  which has been configured as: ", self._fs.dpath)
            print("By default, the data will be downloaded anew every 7 days.")
                "You can use the `changeDownloadCycle` to change this behavior."
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self):
        self.data = None
        self.dataFileName = os.path.join("pyasl", "resBased", "NEXA.csv.gz")
        configFileName = os.path.join("pyasl", "resBased", "NEXA.cfg")
        pp.PyAUpdateCycle.__init__(self, configFileName, "NEXA")
        # Define columns to select
        # Column name, Description, Unit
        self._columns = {}
        self._columns[0] = ["pl_hostname", "Name of host star", "", "S15"]
        self._columns[1] = ["pl_name", "Name of the planet", "", "S15"]
        self._columns[2] = [
            "pl_letter", "Planet letter (e.g., b, c, d, etc.)", "", "S2"
        self._columns[3] = ["ra", "Right ascension", "deg", np.float]
        self._columns[4] = ["dec", "Declination", "deg", np.float]
        self._columns[5] = [
            "pl_orbper", "Planetary orbital period", "d", np.float
        self._columns[6] = ["pl_massj", "Planetary mass", "MJ", np.float]
        self._columns[7] = ["pl_radj", "Planetary radius", "RJ", np.float]
        self._columns[8] = [
            "pl_trandep", "Central depth of transit", "%", np.float
        self._columns[9] = ["pl_trandur", "Transit duration", "d", np.float]
        self._columns[10] = ["pl_tranmid", "Transit midpoint", "BJD", np.float]
        self._columns[11] = ["pl_orbsmax", "Semi-major-axis", "AU", np.float]
        self._columns[12] = [
            "pl_orbincl", "Orbital inclination of planet", "deg", np.float
        self._columns[13] = ["st_rad", "Stellar radii", "Solar", np.float]
        self._columns[14] = ["st_dist", "Distance to star", "pc", np.float]
        self._columns[15] = ["st_mass", "Stellar mass", "Solar", np.float]
        self._columns[16] = [
            "st_teff", "Effective temperature of star", "K", np.float
        self._columns[17] = ["st_vsini", "Stellar vsin(i)", "km/s", np.float]
        self._columns[18] = [
            "st_logg", "Stellar surface gravity", "cm/s**2", np.float
        self._columns[19] = ["st_acts", "Stellar S-Index", "", np.float]
        self._columns[20] = [
            "st_vj", "Stellar V-band brightness", "mag", np.float
        # Check whether data file exists
        self._fs = pp.PyAFS()

        if self.needsUpdate():
            # Data needs update
            print("Downloading exoplanet data from NASA exoplanet archive")
            print("Saved data to file: ", self.dataFileName,
                  " in data directory,")
            print("  which has been configured as: ", self._fs.dpath)
            print("By default, the data will be downloaded anew every 7 days.")
                "You can use the `changeDownloadCycle` to change this behavior."
コード例 #3
ファイル: e.py プロジェクト: zhangjuan123/prophet-suite
    def __init__(self, skipUpdate=False, forceUpdate=False):

        if not _ic.check["astropy"]:
            raise(PE.PyARequiredImport("The 'astropy' package is not installed. astropy is required to read VO tables.",
                                       solution="Please install 'astropy'."))

        configFilename = os.path.join("pyasl", "resBased", "epeuvo.cfg")
        pp.PyAUpdateCycle.__init__(self, configFilename, "ExoUpdate")
        self.dataFileName = os.path.join("pyasl", "resBased", "epeu.vo.gz")
        self._fs = pp.PyAFS()
        if forceUpdate:
        elif (self.needsUpdate() or (not self._fs.fileExists(self.dataFileName))) and (not skipUpdate):
            # Download data if data file does not exist or
            # regular update is indicated
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, skipUpdate=False):
        configFilename = os.path.join("pyasl", "resBased", "epeu.cfg")
        pp.PyAUpdateCycle.__init__(self, configFilename, "ExoUpdate")
        self.dataFileName = os.path.join("pyasl", "resBased", "epeu.csv.gz")
        self._fs = pp.PyAFS()
        if self.needsUpdate() and (not skipUpdate):

        # Define internal column names and data types
        self._columns = {}
        self._columns[0] = ["plName", "Name of planet", "", "S15"]
        self._columns[1] = ["plMass", "Mass of planet", "MJ", np.float]
        self._columns[2] = ["plRadius", "Radius of planet", "RJ", np.float]
        self._columns[3] = ["period", "Orbital period", "d", np.float]
        self._columns[4] = ["sma", "Semi-major axis", "AU", np.float]
        self._columns[5] = [
            "eccentricity", "Orbital eccentricity", "", np.float
        self._columns[6] = [
            "inclination", "Orbital inclination", "deg", np.float
        self._columns[7] = [
            "angDistance", "Angular Distance", "arcsec", np.float
        self._columns[8] = ["pubStatus", "Publication status", "", "S2"]
        self._columns[9] = ["discovered", "Year of discovery", "yr", np.float]
        self._columns[10] = ["updated", "Date of data update", "", "S10"]
        self._columns[11] = [
            "omega", "Argument of Periastron", "deg", np.float
        self._columns[12] = ["tperi", "Epoch of Periastron", "d", np.float]
        self._columns[13] = ["detType", "Detection type", "", "S2"]
        self._columns[14] = [
            "molecules", "List of detected molecules", "", "S10"
        self._columns[15] = ["stName", "Name of star", "", "S15"]
        self._columns[16] = ["ra", "Right ascension (J2000)", "hms", "S12"]
        self._columns[17] = ["dec", "Declination (J2000)", "dms", "S12"]
        self._columns[18] = [
            "mag_v", "V magnitude of a host star", "mag", np.float
        self._columns[19] = [
            "mag_i", "I magnitude of a host star", "mag", np.float
        self._columns[20] = [
            "mag_j", "J magnitude of a host star", "mag", np.float
        self._columns[21] = [
            "mag_h", "H magnitude of a host star", "mag", np.float
        self._columns[22] = [
            "mag_k", "K magnitude of a host star", "mag", np.float
        self._columns[23] = ["dist", "Distance to host star", "pc", np.float]
        self._columns[24] = ["mh", "Metallicity of host star", "dex", np.float]
        self._columns[25] = ["stMass", "Stellar mass", "solar", np.float]
        self._columns[26] = ["stRadius", "Radius of star", "solar", np.float]
        self._columns[27] = ["SpT", "Spectral type of host star", "", "S5"]
        self._columns[28] = ["stAge", "Stellar age", "Ga", np.float]
        self._columns[29] = [
            "stTeff", "Stellar effective temperature", "K", np.float
        self._columns[30] = ["plRadMM", "Measuring method of Rpl", "", "S15"]
        # Identify exoplanet.eu csv column names with internal column names
        self._ident = {"name":"plName", "mass":"plMass", "radius":"plRadius", \
                       "semi_major_axis":"sma", "angular_distance":"angDistance", "publication_status":"pubStatus", \
                       "detection_type":"detType", "star_name":"stName", "mag_v":"mag_v", \
                       "mag_i":"mag_i", "mag_j":"mag_j", "mag_h":"mag_h", \
                       "mag_k":"mag_k", "star_distance":"dist", "star_metallicity":"mh", \
                       "star_mass":"stMass", "star_radius":"stRadius", "star_sp_type":"SpT", \
                       "star_age":"stAge", "star_teff":"stTeff", "orbital_period":"period", \

コード例 #5
    def __init__(self, skipUpdate=False, verbose=False):
        self.data = None
        self._verbose = verbose
        self.dataFileName = os.path.join("pyasl", "resBased", "eporg.csv.gz")
        configFilename = os.path.join("pyasl", "resBased", "eporg.cfg")
        pp.PyAUpdateCycle.__init__(self, configFilename, "eporgupdate")
        # Define columns to select
        # Column name, Description, Unit
        self._columns = {}
        # planetary parameters
        self._columns[0] = ["pl_name", "Name of the planet", "", "S15"]
        self._columns[1] = [
            "pl_orbper", "Planetary orbital period", "d", np.float
        self._columns[2] = ["pl_massj", "Planetary mass", "MJ", np.float]
        self._columns[3] = [
            "pl_msini", "Minimum planetary mass", "MJ", np.float
        self._columns[4] = ["pl_radj", "Planetary radius", "RJ", np.float]
        self._columns[5] = [
            "pl_trandep", "Central depth of transit", "(r_p/r_star)^2",
        self._columns[6] = [
            "pl_impact", "Impact Parameter", "Stellar Radii", np.float
        self._columns[7] = ["pl_trandur", "Duration of transit", "d", np.float]
        self._columns[8] = ["pl_tranmid", "Transit midpoint", "BJD", np.float]
        self._columns[9] = [
            "pl_tperi", "Time of Periastron passage", "d", np.float
        self._columns[10] = ["pl_orbsmax", "Semi-major-axis", "AU", np.float]
        self._columns[11] = [
            "pl_orbsmaxr", "Ratio sma to R_star", "Stellar Radii", np.float
        self._columns[12] = [
            "pl_orbincl", "Orbital inclination of planet", "deg", np.float
        self._columns[13] = [
            "pl_missal", "Orbital misalignment of planet ", "deg", np.float
        self._columns[14] = [
            "pl_omega", "Argument of Periastron", "deg", np.float
        self._columns[15] = [
            "pl_ecc", "Planetary orbital eccentricity", "", np.float
        self._columns[16] = [
            "pl_grav", "Planetary surface gravity", "log10(cm/s^2)", np.float
        self._columns[17] = [
            "pl_dens", "Planetary Density", "g/cm^3", np.float
        self._columns[18] = ["pl_dtype", "Detection type", "", "S27"]
        self._columns[19] = ["KOI", "Kepler ID (if available)", "", np.float]
        # stellar pars
        self._columns[20] = ["pl_hostname", "Name of host star", "", "S15"]
        self._columns[21] = ["st_binary", "Binary Flag", "", np.float]
        self._columns[22] = ["st_rad", "Radius of star", "Solar", np.float]
        self._columns[23] = ["st_dist", "Distance to Star", "pc", np.float]
        self._columns[24] = ["st_par", "Stellar parallax", "mas", np.float]
        self._columns[25] = ["st_mass", "Stellar mass", "Solar", np.float]
        self._columns[26] = [
            "st_teff", "Stellar effective temperature", "K", np.float
        self._columns[27] = ["st_vsini", "Stellar vsin(i)", "km/s", np.float]
        self._columns[28] = [
            "st_logg", "Stellar surface gravity", "cm/s**2", np.float
        self._columns[29] = ["st_acts", "Stellar S-Index ", "", np.float]
        self._columns[30] = [
            "st_actc", "Stellar chromospheric activity", "", np.float
        self._columns[31] = [
            "st_vj", "Stellar V-band brightness", "mag", np.float
        self._columns[32] = ["st_fe", "Stellar metallicity", "", np.float]
        self._columns[33] = [
            "st_radv", "System radial velocity", "km/s", np.float
        self._columns[34] = ["st_dens", "Density of star", "g/cm^3", np.float]
        self._columns[35] = ["K", "Velocity Semi-amplitude", "m/s", np.float]
        self._columns[36] = ["dec", "Declination (J2000)", "dms", "S12"]
        self._columns[37] = ["ra", "Right ascension (J2000)", "hms", "S12"]

        self._ident = {
            "STAR": "pl_hostname",
            "NAME": "pl_name",
            "PER": "pl_orbper",
            "MASS": "pl_massj",
            "MSINI": "pl_msini",
            "R": "pl_radj",
            "DEPTH": "pl_trandep",
            "B": "pl_impact",
            "T14": "pl_trandur",
            "TT": "pl_tranmid",
            "T0": "pl_tperi",
            "A": "pl_orbsmax",
            "AR": "pl_orbsmaxr",
            "I": "pl_orbincl",
            "LAMBDA": "pl_missal",
            "OM": "pl_omega",
            "ECC": "pl_ecc",
            "GRAVITY": "pl_grav",
            "DENSITY": "pl_dens",
            "PLANETDISCMETH": "pl_dtype",
            "BINARY": "st_binary",
            "RSTAR": "st_rad",
            "DIST": "st_dist",
            "PAR": "st_par",
            "MSTAR": "st_mass",
            "TEFF": "st_teff",
            "LOGG": "st_logg",
            "VSINI": "st_vsini",
            "SHK": "st_acts",
            "RHK": "st_actc",
            "V": "st_vj",
            "FE": "st_fe",
            "GAMMA": "st_radv",
            "RHOSTAR": "st_dens",
            "DEC_STRING": "dec",
            "RA_STRING": "ra",
            "KOI": "KOI",
            "K": "K"
        # Check whether data file exists
        self._fs = pp.PyAFS()
        if not skipUpdate:
            if self.needsUpdate() or (not self._fs.fileExists(
                # Data needs update
                    "Downloading exoplanet data from explanets.org exoplanet archive"
                print("Saved data to file: ", self.dataFileName,
                      " in data directory,")
                print("  which has been configured as: ", self._fs.dpath)
                    "By default, the data will be downloaded anew every 7 days."
                    "You can use the `changeDownloadCycle` to change this behavior."
コード例 #6
 def __init__(self, fn="default"):
     self._fs = PP.PyAFS()
         os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "transCurves.dat"))
コード例 #7
 def __init__(self):
     self._fs = pp.PyAFS()