コード例 #1
def getkepRV(phases, ecc, omega, gamma, K):
    ks = pyasl.MarkleyKESolver()  # Initializes the Keplarian Solver
    #theta = []                                    # Makes empty list for theta  NOT NEEDED
    KepRVCurve = []  # Makes empty list for RV curve data

    ##  Run Keplarian solver MarkleyKESolver() to find the mean anomaly as a function
    ##  of phase [M_ph], the eccentric anomaly E_ph, and the True anomaly, Tru, or
    ##  theta, the missing piece of the RV curve calculation
    for phase in phases:  # Loop over phases
        MeAn = 2. * np.pi * phase  # Solve for mean anomaly, M(phase)
        EcAn = ks.getE(MeAn, ecc)  # Solve for eccentric anomaly, E

        # Compute the true anomaly
        cosTru = (np.cos(EcAn) - ecc) / (1 - ecc * np.cos(EcAn))
        sinTru = (np.sqrt(1 - ecc**2) * np.sin(EcAn)) / (1 -
                                                         ecc * np.cos(EcAn))
        Tru = np.arctan2(sinTru, cosTru)

        RV = gamma + K * (ecc * np.cos(omega) + np.cos(Tru + omega))

        ##   How exciting, now we've got all the pieces needed to solve for the Keplarian
        ##   projected RV curve!
        #result = np.add(system,costhetaplusomega)  # NO THIS WON'T WORK
        KepRVCurve.append(RV)  # add RV curve to the empty list

    return KepRVCurve
コード例 #2
def front():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return render_template("front.html")
        ks = pyasl.MarkleyKESolver()

        sat_no = request.form['sat_no']
        df = pd.read_csv('sornew.csv')
        df = df.loc[df['PRN'] == int(sat_no)]
        df = df[['Del_n', 'e', 'sqrt(A)', 'i0', 'omega', 'M0']]
        M0 = df['M0'].values[0]
        e = df['e'].values[0]
        print("Eccentric anomaly: ", ks.getE(M0, e))

        for col in df.columns:
            df1 = df[[col]]
            # df1 = df1.loc[:,len(df1)]
            plt.savefig('static/plot/' + col + '.png', format='png')

        Image_folder = os.path.join('static', 'plot')

        return render_template("root.html")
コード例 #3
ファイル: amfunc.py プロジェクト: HajimeKawahara/momorbit
def XYZf(t, T0, P, e, omegaA, OmegaL, a, i):
    ks = pyasl.MarkleyKESolver()
    n = 2 * np.pi / P
    M = n * (t - T0)
    Ea = []
    for Meach in M:
        Eeach = ks.getE(Meach, e)  #eccentric anomaly
        Ea.append(ks.getE(Meach, e))
    Ea = np.array(Ea)

    cosE = np.cos(Ea)
    cosf = (-cosE + e) / (-1 + cosE * e)
    sinf = np.sqrt((-1 + cosE * cosE) * (-1 + e * e)) / (-1 + cosE * e)
    mask = (Ea < np.pi)
    sinf[mask] = -sinf[mask]
    cosoA = np.cos(omegaA)
    sinoA = np.sin(omegaA)

    cosOL = np.cos(OmegaL)
    sinOL = np.sin(OmegaL)

    cosfoA = cosf * cosoA - sinf * sinoA
    sinfoA = cosf * sinoA + sinf * cosoA

    r = a * (1.0 - e * e) / (1.0 + e * cosf)
    X = r * (cosfoA * cosOL - np.cos(i) * sinfoA * sinOL)
    Y = r * (np.cos(i) * cosOL * sinfoA + cosfoA * sinOL)
    Z = r * (np.sin(i) * sinfoA)

    return X, Y, Z
コード例 #4
 def ma2ea(self, ma):
     ks = pyasl.MarkleyKESolver()
     if isinstance(ma, float):
         ea = ks.getE(ma, self.ecc)
         ea_list = [ks.getE(_ma, self.ecc) for _ma in ma]
         ea = np.array(ea_list)
     return ea
コード例 #5
def eccentric_anomaly_function(time, ellipticity, t_periastron, speed):
    ks = pyasl.MarkleyKESolver()

    eccentricities = []
    for t in time:
        phase = speed * (t - t_periastron)
        phase = phase % (2 * np.pi)
        ecc = ks.getE(phase, ellipticity)

    return eccentricities
コード例 #6
def rvs_keplerian(times, K, period, ecc, omega, t0=None, tau=None):
    if t0 is None and tau is None:
        print ('# give either t0 or rau.')
        return None
    if tau is None:
        E0 = 2*np.arctan(np.sqrt((1.-ecc)/(1.+ecc))*np.tan(0.25*np.pi-0.5*omega))
        M = E0 - ecc*np.sin(E0) + 2*np.pi*(times-t0)/period
    elif t0 is None:
        M = 2*np.pi*(times-tau)/period
    ks = pyasl.MarkleyKESolver()
    E = np.array([ks.getE(_m, ecc) for _m in M])
    f = 2*np.arctan(np.sqrt((1.+ecc)/(1.-ecc))*np.tan(0.5*E))
    rvs = K*(np.cos(omega+f)+ecc*np.cos(omega))
    return rvs
コード例 #7
ファイル: rvfunc.py プロジェクト: HajimeKawahara/momorbit
def rvcoref(t, T0, P, e, omegaA, K, i):
    # semi amplitude is defined by K*sin(i)
    ks = pyasl.MarkleyKESolver()
    n = 2 * np.pi / P
    M = n * (t - T0)

    Ea = []
    for Meach in M:
        Eeach = ks.getE(Meach, e)  #eccentric anomaly
        Ea.append(ks.getE(Meach, e))
    Ea = np.array(Ea)

    cosE = np.cos(Ea)
    cosf = (-cosE + e) / (-1 + cosE * e)
    sinf = np.sqrt((-1 + cosE * cosE) * (-1 + e * e)) / (-1 + cosE * e)
    mask = (Ea < np.pi)
    sinf[mask] = -sinf[mask]

    cosfpo = cosf * np.cos(omegaA) - sinf * np.sin(omegaA)
    face = 1.0 / np.sqrt(1.0 - e * e)
    Ksini = K * np.sin(i)
    model = Ksini * face * (cosfpo + e * np.cos(omegaA))

    return model
コード例 #8
## functions for plotting orbits

import numpy as np
from PyAstronomy import pyasl
ks = pyasl.MarkleyKESolver()

def orbit_model(a, e, inc, w, bigw, P, T, t):
    #plot results
    A = a * (np.cos(bigw) * np.cos(w) - np.sin(bigw) * np.cos(inc) * np.sin(w))
    B = a * (np.sin(bigw) * np.cos(w) + np.cos(bigw) * np.cos(inc) * np.sin(w))
    F = a * (-np.cos(bigw) * np.sin(w) -
             np.sin(bigw) * np.cos(inc) * np.cos(w))
    G = a * (-np.sin(bigw) * np.sin(w) +
             np.cos(bigw) * np.cos(inc) * np.cos(w))

    #Calculate the mean anamoly for each t in model:
    t0 = np.linspace(t[0], t[0] + P, 1000)
    M = []
    for i in t0:
        m_anom = 2 * np.pi / P * (i - T)
    M = np.asarray(M)
    #eccentric anamoly calculated for each t (using kepler function):
    E = []
    for j in M:
        e_anom = ks.getE(j, e)
    E = np.asarray(E)