def sampleField(self, directory, line, field): return SamplePlot(args=[self.path], directoryName=directory, line=[line], field=[field], mode="separate", pandasData=True)["dataFrame"]
def setSampleData(tbl, lineName, dirName="sets"): """Read sample data and put it into a vtkTable Use in 'Programmable Filter'. Set output type to 'vtkTable'. To get (for instance) the data on line 'lineCenter' from the sampled data in the directory sets (it will automatically use the current time) in the source code write from PyFoam.Paraview.Data import setSampleData setSampleData(self.GetOutput(),"lineCenter",dirName="sets") """ actualDir = checkDir(dirName) data = SamplePlot(args=[ case().name, "--directory=" + actualDir, "--time=" + str(vTime()), "--line=" + lineName, "--fuzzy-time", "--numpy" ]).data nExp = re.compile(lineName + "_t=[^ ]+ (.+)") for n in data.dtype.names: m = nExp.match(n) vals = data[n] if m: n = col = vtk.vtkDoubleArray() col.SetName(n) for v in vals: col.InsertNextValue(v) tbl.AddColumn(col) return tbl
def sampleTime(self, directory, line, time): return SamplePlot(args=[self.path], directoryName=directory, line=[line], time=[time], fuzzyTime=True, mode="separate", pandasData=True)["dataFrame"]
def compareSamples(self, data, reference, fields, time=None, line=None, scaleData=1, offsetData=0, scaleX=1, offsetX=0, useReferenceForComparison=False): """Compare sample data and return the statistics @param data: the name of the data directory @param reference:the name of the directory with the reference data @param fields: list of the fields to compare @param time: the time to compare for. If empty the latest time is used""" timeOpt=["--latest-time"] if time: timeOpt=["--time="+str(time)] if line: timeOpt+=["--line=%s" % line] addOpt=[] if useReferenceForComparison: addOpt.append("--use-reference-for-comparison") sample=SamplePlot(args=[self.caseDir, "--silent", "--dir="+data, "--reference-dir="+reference, "--tolerant-reference-time", "--compare", "--index-tolerant-compare", "--common-range-compare", "--metrics", "--scale-data=%f" % scaleData, "--scale-x=%f" % scaleX, "--offset-data=%f" % offsetData, "--offset-x=%f" % offsetX ]+ timeOpt+ addOpt+ ["--field="+f for f in fields]) return Data2DStatistics(metrics=sample["metrics"], compare=sample["compare"], noStrings=True, failureValue=0)
def postRunTestVelocityProfilesOldSchool(self): # Just as an example how to do it detailed sample = SamplePlot(args=[ self.caseDir, "--silent", "--dir=sets", "--reference-dir=referenceSet", "--latest-time", "--tolerant-reference-time", "--field=U", "--compare", "--metrics" ]) stat = Data2DStatistics(metrics=sample["metrics"], compare=sample["compare"], noStrings=True) relError = stat.relativeError() for l in relError.columns(): for com in relError.rows(): self.isEqual(value=relError[(com, l)], tolerance=self["velocityRelativeTolerance"], message="Match velocty component %s on line %s" % (com, l))
#! /usr/bin/env python from PyFoam.Applications.SamplePlot import SamplePlot SamplePlot()
def distributionInfo(self, directory): return SamplePlot(args=[self.path], directoryName=directory, isDistribution=True, info=True, silent=True).getData()
def sampleInfo(self, directory): return SamplePlot(args=[self.path], directoryName=directory, info=True, silent=True).getData()