def subject_propagator(self) -> "URLAvailabilityChecker": """ Propagate the currently set subject. .. warning:: You are not invited to run this method directly. """ self.http_status_code_query_tool.set_subject(self.idna_subject) self.domain_syntax_checker.subject = self.idna_subject self.ip_syntax_checker.subject = self.idna_subject self.url_syntax_checker.subject = self.idna_subject self.status = AvailabilityCheckerStatus() self.status.params = self.params self.status.dns_lookup_record = None self.status.whois_lookup_record = None self.status.subject = self.subject self.status.idna_subject = self.idna_subject self.status.status = None self.query_syntax_checker() return self
def test_push_with_whois_no_json_response(self, request_mock) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us push some dataset into the collection. """ response_dict = self.response_dataset response_dict["subject"] = "" self.availability_status_dataset["expiration_date"] = "23-nov-2090" def mocking(*args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument response_content = "I'm a teapot." response = requests.models.Response() response.url = "" response.status_code = 418 # pylint: disable=protected-access response._content = str.encode(response_content) response.history = [response] return response self.query_tool.url_base = "" self.query_tool.token = secrets.token_urlsafe(6) request_mock.side_effect = mocking expected = None actual = self.query_tool.push( AvailabilityCheckerStatus(**self.availability_status_dataset)) self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def test_push_subject_empty_str(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us push some dataset into the collection. In this test, we test the case that the given subject is an empty string. """ self.availability_status_dataset["subject"] = "" self.assertRaises( ValueError, lambda: self.query_tool.push( AvailabilityCheckerStatus(**self.availability_status_dataset)), )
def test_push_checker_type_not_str(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us push some dataset into the collection. In this test, we test the case that the given subject is not a string. """ self.availability_status_dataset["checker_type"] = 987 self.assertRaises( TypeError, lambda: self.query_tool.push( AvailabilityCheckerStatus(**self.availability_status_dataset)), )
def test_push_checker_type_not_supported(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us push some dataset into the collection. In this test, we test the case that the given subject is not a string. """ self.availability_status_dataset["checker_type"] = "GIT" self.query_tool.token = secrets.token_urlsafe(6) self.assertRaises( ValueError, lambda: self.query_tool.push( AvailabilityCheckerStatus(**self.availability_status_dataset)), )
def test_push_token_not_given(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us push some dataset into the collection. In this test, we test the case that no token is given. """ if "PYFUNCEBLE_COLLECTION_API_TOKEN" in os.environ: del os.environ["PYFUNCEBLE_COLLECTION_API_TOKEN"] self.query_tool.token = "" expected = None actual = self.query_tool.push( AvailabilityCheckerStatus(**self.availability_status_dataset)) self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def test_push_with_whois_token_not_given(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us push some dataset into the collection. In this test, we test the case that no token is given. """ response_dict = self.response_dataset response_dict["subject"] = "" self.availability_status_dataset["expiration_date"] = "23-nov-2090" if "PYFUNCEBLE_COLLECTION_API_TOKEN" in os.environ: del os.environ["PYFUNCEBLE_COLLECTION_API_TOKEN"] self.query_tool.token = "" expected = None actual = self.query_tool.push( AvailabilityCheckerStatus(**self.availability_status_dataset)) self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def setUp(self) -> None: """ Setups everything we need. """ self.status = AvailabilityCheckerStatus(subject="")
class TestAvailabilityCheckerStatus(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests of our availability status handler. """ def setUp(self) -> None: """ Setups everything we need. """ self.status = AvailabilityCheckerStatus(subject="") def tearDown(self) -> None: """ Destroys everything we need. """ del self.status def test_is_special(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us check if the current status is a special one. """ self.status.status_after_extra_rules = "ACTIVE" self.status.status_before_extra_rules = "INACTIVE" self.status.status = "ACTIVE" self.status.status_source = "SPECIAL" expected = True actual = self.status.is_special() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_is_not_special(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us check if the current status is a not a special one. """ self.status.status = "ACTIVE" self.status.status_source = "DNSLOOKUP" expected = False actual = self.status.is_special() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_is_available(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us check if the current status represent an available status. """ self.status.status = "ACTIVE" self.status.status_source = "HTTP CODE" expected = True actual = self.status.is_available() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_is_not_available(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us check if the current represent a non- available status. """ self.status.status = "INACTIVE" self.status.status_source = "STDLOOKUP" expected = False actual = self.status.is_available() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_is_active(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us check if the current status represent an active status. """ self.status.status = "ACTIVE" self.status.status_source = "DNSLOOKUP" expected = True actual = self.status.is_active() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_is_not_active(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us check if the current represent a non- active status. """ self.status.status = "INACTIVE" self.status.status_source = "DNSLOOKUP" expected = False actual = self.status.is_active() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_is_inactive(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us check if the current status represent an inactive status. """ self.status.status = "INACTIVE" self.status.status_source = "DNSLOOKUP" expected = True actual = self.status.is_inactive() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_is_not_inactive(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us check if the current represent a non- inactive status. """ self.status.status = "ACTIVE" self.status.status_source = "NETINFO" expected = False actual = self.status.is_inactive() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_is_invalid(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us check if the current status represent an invalid status. """ self.status.status = "INVALID" self.status.status_source = "SYNTAX" expected = True actual = self.status.is_invalid() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_is_not_invalid(self) -> None: """ Tests the method which let us check if the current represent a non- invalid status. """ self.status.status = "ACTIVE" self.status.status_source = "DNSLOOKUP" expected = False actual = self.status.is_invalid() self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def __init__( self, subject: Optional[str] = None, *, use_extra_rules: Optional[bool] = None, use_whois_lookup: Optional[bool] = None, use_dns_lookup: Optional[bool] = None, use_netinfo_lookup: Optional[bool] = None, use_http_code_lookup: Optional[bool] = None, use_reputation_lookup: Optional[bool] = None, do_syntax_check_first: Optional[bool] = None, db_session: Optional[Session] = None, use_whois_db: Optional[bool] = None, use_collection: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> None: self.dns_query_tool = DNSQueryTool() self.whois_query_tool = WhoisQueryTool() self.addressinfo_query_tool = AddressInfo() self.hostbyaddr_query_tool = HostByAddrInfo() self.http_status_code_query_tool = HTTPStatusCode() self.domain_syntax_checker = DomainSyntaxChecker() self.ip_syntax_checker = IPSyntaxChecker() self.url_syntax_checker = URLSyntaxChecker() self.extra_rules_handler = ExtraRulesHandler() self.db_session = db_session self.params = AvailabilityCheckerParams() self.status = AvailabilityCheckerStatus() self.status.params = self.params self.status.dns_lookup_record = self.dns_query_tool.lookup_record self.status.whois_lookup_record = self.whois_query_tool.lookup_record if use_extra_rules is not None: self.use_extra_rules = use_extra_rules else: self.guess_and_set_use_extra_rules() if use_whois_lookup is not None: self.use_whois_lookup = use_whois_lookup else: self.guess_and_set_use_whois_lookup() if use_dns_lookup is not None: self.use_dns_lookup = use_dns_lookup else: self.guess_and_set_dns_lookup() if use_netinfo_lookup is not None: self.use_netinfo_lookup = use_netinfo_lookup else: self.guess_and_set_use_netinfo_lookup() if use_http_code_lookup is not None: self.use_http_code_lookup = use_http_code_lookup else: self.guess_and_set_use_http_code_lookup() if use_reputation_lookup is not None: self.use_reputation_lookup = use_reputation_lookup else: self.guess_and_set_use_reputation_lookup() if use_whois_db is not None: self.use_whois_db = use_whois_db else: self.guess_and_set_use_whois_db() super().__init__( subject, do_syntax_check_first=do_syntax_check_first, db_session=db_session, use_collection=use_collection, )