コード例 #1
ファイル: _ex3.py プロジェクト: Noughmad/Sola
		def __init__(self, mass=2000, Tmax=0.5, Isp=3500, Vinf_dep=3, Vinf_arr=2, nseg1=5, nseg2=20):
			#First we call the constructor for the base PyGMO problem
			#(dim, integer dim, number of obj, number of con, number of inequality con, tolerance on con violation)
			super(mga_lt_EVMe,self).__init__(17 + 3 * (nseg1+nseg2), 0, 1, 14 + 1 + nseg1+nseg2 + 3, nseg1+nseg2 + 3, 1e-4)

			#We then define some data members (we use the double underscore to indicate they are private)
			from PyKEP import planet_ss, MU_SUN
			from PyKEP.sims_flanagan import spacecraft, leg
			self.__earth = planet_ss('earth')
			self.__venus = planet_ss('venus')
			self.__mercury = planet_ss('mercury')
			self.__sc = spacecraft(mass,Tmax,Isp)
			self.__Vinf_dep = Vinf_dep*1000
			self.__Vinf_arr = Vinf_arr*1000
			self.__leg1 = leg()
			self.__leg2 = leg()
			self.__nseg1 = nseg1
			self.__nseg2 = nseg2

			#And the box-bouds (launch windows, allowed velocities etc.)
			lb = [3000,100,mass/2] + [-self.__Vinf_dep]*3 + [-6000]*3 + [200,mass/9] + [-6000]*3 + [-self.__Vinf_arr]*3 + [-1,-1,-1] * (nseg1+nseg2)
			ub = [4000,1000,mass]   + [self.__Vinf_dep]*3  + [6000]*3  + [2000,mass]    + [6000]*3  + [ self.__Vinf_arr]*3 + [1,1,1]    * (nseg1+nseg2)
コード例 #2
ファイル: _ex3.py プロジェクト: pjte/pykep
        def __init__(self, mass=2000, Tmax=0.5, Isp=3500, Vinf_dep=3, Vinf_arr=2, nseg1=5, nseg2=20):
            # First we call the constructor for the base PyGMO problem
            # (dim, integer dim, number of obj, number of con, number of inequality con, tolerance on con violation)
            super(mga_lt_EVMe, self).__init__(17 + 3 * (nseg1 + nseg2),
                                              0, 1, 14 + 1 + nseg1 + nseg2 + 3, nseg1 + nseg2 + 3, 1e-4)

            # We then define some data members (we use the double underscore to
            # indicate they are private)
            from PyKEP import MU_SUN
            from PyKEP.planets import jpl_lp
            from PyKEP.sims_flanagan import spacecraft, leg
            self.__earth = jpl_lp('earth')
            self.__venus = jpl_lp('venus')
            self.__mercury = jpl_lp('mercury')
            self.__sc = spacecraft(mass, Tmax, Isp)
            self.__Vinf_dep = Vinf_dep * 1000
            self.__Vinf_arr = Vinf_arr * 1000
            self.__leg1 = leg()
            self.__leg2 = leg()
            self.__nseg1 = nseg1
            self.__nseg2 = nseg2

            # And the box-bounds (launch windows, allowed velocities, etc.)
            lb = [3000, 100, mass / 2] + [-self.__Vinf_dep] * 3 + [-6000] * 3 + [200, mass / 9] + [-6000] * 3 + [-self.__Vinf_arr] * 3 + [-1, -1, -1] * (nseg1 + nseg2)
            ub = [4000, 1000, mass] + [self.__Vinf_dep] * 3 + [6000] * 3 + [2000, mass] + [6000] * 3 + [self.__Vinf_arr] * 3 + [1, 1, 1] * (nseg1 + nseg2)
            self.set_bounds(lb, ub)
コード例 #3
        def __init__(self, mass=1000, Tmax=0.05, Isp=2500, Vinf=3.0, nseg=20):
            # First we call the constructor for the base PyGMO problem
            # (dim, integer dim, number of obj, number of con, number of inequality con, tolerance on con violation)
            super(mga_lt_earth_mars, self).__init__(6 + nseg * 3, 0, 1,
                                                    8 + nseg, nseg + 1, 1e-4)

            # We then define some data members (we use the double underscore to
            # indicate they are private)
            from PyKEP import MU_SUN
            from PyKEP.planet import jpl_lp
            from PyKEP.sims_flanagan import spacecraft, leg
            self.__earth = jpl_lp('earth')
            self.__mars = jpl_lp('mars')
            self.__sc = spacecraft(mass, Tmax, Isp)
            self.__Vinf = Vinf * 1000
            self.__leg = leg()
            self.__nseg = nseg
                2480, 2400, self.__sc.mass / 10, -self.__Vinf, -self.__Vinf,
            ] + [-1] * 3 * nseg, [
                2490, 2500, self.__sc.mass, self.__Vinf, self.__Vinf,
            ] + [1] * 3 * nseg)
コード例 #4
ファイル: _one_lt_leg.py プロジェクト: fagan2888/jupiter_tour
    def __init__(
            r=[[-660821073.83843112, -85286653.193055451, -3513417.5052384529],
               [-660832082.91625774, -85197143.615338504,
            v=[[7873.9701471924709, -16990.277371090539, -58.967610944493998],
               [7869.0526122101373, -16988.601525093596, -58.937906751346844]],
		USAGE: one_lt_leg(t = [epoch(8.233141758995751e+003), epoch(8.289990617468195e+003)],
			r = [[-660821073.83843112, -85286653.193055451, -3513417.5052384529], [-660832082.91625774, -85197143.615338504, -3513971.6825616611]],
			v = [[7873.9701471924709, -16990.277371090539, -58.967610944493998], [7869.0526122101373, -16988.601525093596, -58.937906751346844]],
			m0 = 2000,
			Tmax = 0.1,
			Isp = 2000,
			mu = MU_JUPITER,
			n_seg = 10,
			high_fidelity = False)

		* t: starting and final epochs
		* r: starting and final position (m)
		* v: starting and final velocity (m/s)
		* m0: starting mass (k)
		* Tmax: maximum allowed thrust (N)
		* Isp: specific impulse (s)
		* mu = central body gravity parameter (m^3/s^2)
		* n_seg = number of segments,
		* high_fidelity = compute the trajectory in high fidelity mode
		* optimize_mass = when False the problem is built as a constraint satisfaction problem. When True mass gets optimized

        self.__t = t
        self.__r = r
        self.__v = v
        self.__opt_mass = optimize_mass
        self.__sc = spacecraft(m0, Tmax, Isp)
        self.__leg = leg()
        self.__leg.high_fidelity = high_fidelity
        dim = 1 + n_seg * 3
        c_dim = n_seg + 7
        #First we call the constructor for the base PyGMO problem
        #As our problem is n dimensional, box-bounded (may be multi-objective), we write
        #(dim, integer dim, number of obj, number of con, number of inequality con, tolerance on con violation)
        super(one_lt_leg, self).__init__(dim, 0, 1, c_dim, n_seg, 1e-4)

        #And we compute the bounds
        lb = [m0 / 2] + [-1.0] * n_seg * 3
        ub = [m0] + [1.0] * n_seg * 3
        self.set_bounds(lb, ub)
コード例 #5
ファイル: _one_lt_leg.py プロジェクト: darioizzo/jupiter_tour
	def __init__(self, 
			t = [epoch(8.233141758995751e+003), epoch(8.289990617468195e+003)],
			r = [[-660821073.83843112, -85286653.193055451, -3513417.5052384529], [-660832082.91625774, -85197143.615338504, -3513971.6825616611]],
			v = [[7873.9701471924709, -16990.277371090539, -58.967610944493998], [7869.0526122101373, -16988.601525093596, -58.937906751346844]],
			m0 = 2000,
			Tmax = 0.1,
			Isp = 2000,
			mu = MU_JUPITER,
			n_seg = 10,
			high_fidelity = False,
			optimize_mass = False
		USAGE: one_lt_leg(t = [epoch(8.233141758995751e+003), epoch(8.289990617468195e+003)],
			r = [[-660821073.83843112, -85286653.193055451, -3513417.5052384529], [-660832082.91625774, -85197143.615338504, -3513971.6825616611]],
			v = [[7873.9701471924709, -16990.277371090539, -58.967610944493998], [7869.0526122101373, -16988.601525093596, -58.937906751346844]],
			m0 = 2000,
			Tmax = 0.1,
			Isp = 2000,
			mu = MU_JUPITER,
			n_seg = 10,
			high_fidelity = False)

		* t: starting and final epochs
		* r: starting and final position (m)
		* v: starting and final velocity (m/s)
		* m0: starting mass (k)
		* Tmax: maximum allowed thrust (N)
		* Isp: specific impulse (s)
		* mu = central body gravity parameter (m^3/s^2)
		* n_seg = number of segments,
		* high_fidelity = compute the trajectory in high fidelity mode
		* optimize_mass = when False the problem is built as a constraint satisfaction problem. When True mass gets optimized
		self.__t = t
		self.__r = r
		self.__v = v
		self.__opt_mass = optimize_mass
		self.__sc = spacecraft(m0,Tmax,Isp)
		self.__leg = leg()
		self.__leg.high_fidelity = high_fidelity
		dim =  1 + n_seg * 3
		c_dim = n_seg + 7
		#First we call the constructor for the base PyGMO problem 
		#As our problem is n dimensional, box-bounded (may be multi-objective), we write
		#(dim, integer dim, number of obj, number of con, number of inequality con, tolerance on con violation)
		#And we compute the bounds
		lb = [m0/2] + [-1.0] * n_seg * 3
		ub = [m0] + [1.0] * n_seg * 3
コード例 #6
ファイル: _ex1.py プロジェクト: JohannesSimon81/pykep
		def __init__(self,mass=1000,Tmax=0.05,Isp=2500,Vinf=3.0,nseg=20):
			#First we call the constructor for the base PyGMO problem 
			#(dim, integer dim, number of obj, number of con, number of inequality con, tolerance on con violation)
			super(mga_lt_earth_mars,self).__init__(6 + nseg*3,0,1,8 + nseg,nseg+1,1e-4)
			#We then define some data members (we use the double underscore to indicate they are private)
			from PyKEP import planet_ss, MU_SUN
			from PyKEP.sims_flanagan import spacecraft, leg
			self.__earth = planet_ss('earth')
			self.__mars = planet_ss('mars')
			self.__sc = spacecraft(mass,Tmax,Isp)
			self.__Vinf = Vinf*1000
			self.__leg = leg()
			self.__nseg = nseg
			self.set_bounds([2480,2400,self.__sc.mass/10,-self.__Vinf,-self.__Vinf,-self.__Vinf] + [-1] * 3 *nseg,[2490,2500,self.__sc.mass,self.__Vinf,self.__Vinf,self.__Vinf] + [1] * 3 * nseg)
コード例 #7
ファイル: TrajectoryExample.py プロジェクト: lulzzz/Astro.IQ
    def __init__(self, mass=1000, Tmax=0.05, Isp=2500, Vinf=3.0, nseg=20):
        # First we call the constructor for the base PyGMO problem
        # (dim, integer dim, number of obj, number of con, number of inequality con, tolerance on con violation)
        super(mga_lt_earth_mars, self).__init__(
            6 + nseg * 3, 0, 1, 8 + nseg, nseg + 1, 1e-4

        self.earth = jpl_lp('earth')
        self.mars  = jpl_lp('mars')
        self.sc    = spacecraft(mass, Tmax, Isp)
        self.Vinf  = Vinf * 1000
        self.leg   = leg()
        self.nseg  = nseg
            [2480, 2400, self.sc.mass / 10, -self.Vinf, -self.Vinf, -self.Vinf] + [-1]* 3 * nseg,
            [2490, 2500, self.sc.mass, self.Vinf, self.Vinf, self.Vinf] + [1] * 3 * nseg
コード例 #8
ファイル: _mga_lt_nep.py プロジェクト: JohannesSimon81/pykep
	def __init__(self,
		seq = [planet_ss('earth'),planet_ss('venus'),planet_ss('earth')], 
		n_seg = [10]*2, 
		t0 = [epoch(0),epoch(1000)], 
		tof = [[200,500],[200,500]], 
		fb_rel_vel = 6, 
		multi_objective = False, 
		prob = mga_lt_nep(seq = [planet_ss('earth'),planet_ss('venus'),planet_ss('earth')], n_seg = [10]*2, 
		t0 = [epoch(0),epoch(1000)], T = [[200,500],[200,500]], Vinf_dep=2.5, Vinf_arr=2.0, mass=4000.0, Tmax=1.0, Isp=2000.0,
		multi_objective = False, fb_rel_vel = 6, high_fidelity=False)

		* seq: list of PyKEP.planet defining the encounter sequence for the trajectoty (including the initial planet)
		* n_seg: list of integers containing the number of segments to be used for each leg (len(n_seg) = len(seq)-1)
		* t0: list of PyKEP epochs defining the launch window
		* tof: minimum and maximum time of each leg (days)
		* vinf_dep: maximum launch hyperbolic velocity allowed (in km/sec)
		* vinf_arr: maximum arrival hyperbolic velocity allowed (in km/sec)
		* mass: spacecraft starting mass
		* Tmax: maximum thrust
		* Isp: engine specific impulse
		* fb_rel_vel = determines the bounds on the maximum allowed relative velocity at all fly-bys (in km/sec)
		* multi-objective: when True defines the problem as a multi-objective problem, returning total DV and time of flight
		* high_fidelity = makes the trajectory computations slower, but actually dynamically feasible.
		#1) We compute the problem dimensions .... and call the base problem constructor
		self.__n_legs = len(seq) - 1
		n_fb = self.__n_legs - 1
		# 1a) The decision vector length
		dim = 1 + self.__n_legs * 8 + sum(n_seg) * 3
		# 1b) The total number of constraints (mismatch + fly-by + boundary + throttles
		c_dim = self.__n_legs * 7 + n_fb * 2 + 2 + sum(n_seg)
		# 1c) The number of inequality constraints (boundary + fly-by angle + throttles)
		c_ineq_dim = 2 + n_fb + sum(n_seg)
		# 1d) the number of objectives
		f_dim = multi_objective + 1
		#First we call the constructor for the base PyGMO problem 
		#As our problem is n dimensional, box-bounded (may be multi-objective), we write
		#(dim, integer dim, number of obj, number of con, number of inequality con, tolerance on con violation)

		#2) We then define some class data members
		self.seq = seq
		self.__n_seg = n_seg
		self.__vinf_dep = vinf_dep*1000
		self.__vinf_arr = vinf_arr*1000
		self.__sc = spacecraft(mass,Tmax,Isp)
		self.__leg = leg()
		self.__leg.high_fidelity = high_fidelity
		#3) We compute the bounds
		lb = [t0[0].mjd2000] + [0, mass / 2, -fb_rel_vel, -fb_rel_vel, -fb_rel_vel, -fb_rel_vel, -fb_rel_vel, -fb_rel_vel] * self.__n_legs + [-1,-1,-1] * sum(self.__n_seg)
		ub = [t0[1].mjd2000] + [1, mass, fb_rel_vel, fb_rel_vel, fb_rel_vel, fb_rel_vel, fb_rel_vel, fb_rel_vel] * self.__n_legs + [1,1,1] * sum(self.__n_seg)
		#3a ... and account for the bounds on the vinfs......
		lb[3:6] = [-self.__vinf_dep]*3
		ub[3:6] = [self.__vinf_dep]*3
		lb[-sum(self.__n_seg)*3-3:-sum(self.__n_seg)*3] = [-self.__vinf_arr]*3
		ub[-sum(self.__n_seg)*3-3:-sum(self.__n_seg)*3] = [self.__vinf_arr]*3
		# 3b... and for the time of flight
		lb[1:1+8*self.__n_legs:8] = [el[0] for el in tof]
		ub[1:1+8*self.__n_legs:8] = [el[1] for el in tof]
		#4) And we set the bounds
コード例 #9
	def __init__(self, 
			seq = [ganymede,europa], 
			tf = epoch(8.174621347386377e+03),
			vf = [-1610.7520437617632, 5106.5676929998444, 122.39394967587651],
			n_seg = [10]*2, 
			m0 = 2000,
			Tmax = 0.1,
			Isp = 2000,
			mu = MU_JUPITER,
			high_fidelity = False,
			obj = 'none'
		USAGE: mga_incipit_lt(seq = [io,io], t0 = [epoch(7305.0),epoch(11323.0)], tof = [[100,200],[3,200]])

		* seq: list of jupiter moons defining the trajectory incipit
		* t0:  list of two epochs defining the launch window
		* tof: list of n lists containing the lower and upper bounds for the legs flight times (days)
		* n_seg: list containing the number of segments for each leg
		* m0: starting mass (k)
		* Tmax: maximum allowed thrust (N)
		* Isp: specific impulse (s)
		* high_fidelity = compute the trajectory in high fidelity mode
		#1) We compute the problem dimensions .... and call the base problem constructor
		self.__n_legs = len(seq)
		n_fb = self.__n_legs - 1
		# 1a) The decision vector length
		dim = self.__n_legs * 8 + sum(n_seg) * 3 - 1
		# 1b) The total number of constraints (mismatch + fly-by + boundary + throttles
		c_dim = self.__n_legs * 7 + n_fb * 2 + 1 + sum(n_seg)
		# 1c) The number of inequality constraints (fly-by angle + throttles)
		c_ineq_dim = n_fb + sum(n_seg)
		# 1d) the number of objectives
		f_dim = 1
		#First we call the constructor for the base PyGMO problem 
		#As our problem is n dimensional, box-bounded (may be multi-objective), we write
		#(dim, integer dim, number of obj, number of con, number of inequality con, tolerance on con violation)
		#2) We then define some class data members
		self.seq = seq
		self.obj = obj
		self.vf = vf
		self.tf = tf.mjd2000
		self.__n_seg = n_seg
		self.__sc = spacecraft(m0,Tmax,Isp)
		self.__leg = leg()
		self.__leg.high_fidelity = high_fidelity

		#3) We compute the bounds
		lb = (
			[-4*pi,   -pi] + 
			[0, m0 / 1.5, -10000, -10000, -10000, -10000, -10000, -10000] * (self.__n_legs - 1) + 
			[0, m0 / 1.5, -10000, -10000, -10000] +
			[-1,-1,-1] * sum(self.__n_seg)
		ub = (
			[4*pi,pi] +  
			[1, m0, 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000] * (self.__n_legs - 1) + 
			[1, m0, 10000, 10000, 10000] +
			[1,1,1] * sum(self.__n_seg)
		#3a ... and account for the bounds on the starting velocity
		lb[4:7] = [-3400.0]*3
		ub[4:7] = [3400.0]*3
		# 3b... and for the time of flight
		lb[2:2+8*self.__n_legs:8] = [1]*len(seq)
		ub[2:2+8*self.__n_legs:8] = [700]*len(seq)
		#4) And we set the bounds
コード例 #10
    def __init__(
            n_seg=[10] * 2,
            t0=[epoch(0), epoch(1000)],
            tof=[[200, 500], [200, 500]],
		prob = mga_lt_nep(seq = [planet_ss('earth'),planet_ss('venus'),planet_ss('earth')], n_seg = [10]*2, 
		t0 = [epoch(0),epoch(1000)], T = [[200,500],[200,500]], Vinf_dep=2.5, Vinf_arr=2.0, mass=4000.0, Tmax=1.0, Isp=2000.0,
		multi_objective = False, fb_rel_vel = 6, high_fidelity=False)

		* seq: list of PyKEP.planet defining the encounter sequence for the trajectoty (including the initial planet)
		* n_seg: list of integers containing the number of segments to be used for each leg (len(n_seg) = len(seq)-1)
		* t0: list of PyKEP epochs defining the launch window
		* tof: minimum and maximum time of each leg (days)
		* vinf_dep: maximum launch hyperbolic velocity allowed (in km/sec)
		* vinf_arr: maximum arrival hyperbolic velocity allowed (in km/sec)
		* mass: spacecraft starting mass
		* Tmax: maximum thrust
		* Isp: engine specific impulse
		* fb_rel_vel = determines the bounds on the maximum allowed relative velocity at all fly-bys (in km/sec)
		* multi-objective: when True defines the problem as a multi-objective problem, returning total DV and time of flight
		* high_fidelity = makes the trajectory computations slower, but actually dynamically feasible.

        #1) We compute the problem dimensions .... and call the base problem constructor
        self.__n_legs = len(seq) - 1
        n_fb = self.__n_legs - 1
        # 1a) The decision vector length
        dim = 1 + self.__n_legs * 8 + sum(n_seg) * 3
        # 1b) The total number of constraints (mismatch + fly-by + boundary + throttles
        c_dim = self.__n_legs * 7 + n_fb * 2 + 2 + sum(n_seg)
        # 1c) The number of inequality constraints (boundary + fly-by angle + throttles)
        c_ineq_dim = 2 + n_fb + sum(n_seg)
        # 1d) the number of objectives
        f_dim = multi_objective + 1
        #First we call the constructor for the base PyGMO problem
        #As our problem is n dimensional, box-bounded (may be multi-objective), we write
        #(dim, integer dim, number of obj, number of con, number of inequality con, tolerance on con violation)
        super(mga_lt_nep, self).__init__(dim, 0, f_dim, c_dim, c_ineq_dim,

        #2) We then define some class data members
        self.seq = seq
        self.__n_seg = n_seg
        self.__vinf_dep = vinf_dep * 1000
        self.__vinf_arr = vinf_arr * 1000
        self.__sc = spacecraft(mass, Tmax, Isp)
        self.__leg = leg()
        self.__leg.high_fidelity = high_fidelity
        fb_rel_vel *= 1000
        #3) We compute the bounds
        lb = [t0[0].mjd2000] + [
            0, mass / 2, -fb_rel_vel, -fb_rel_vel, -fb_rel_vel, -fb_rel_vel,
            -fb_rel_vel, -fb_rel_vel
        ] * self.__n_legs + [-1, -1, -1] * sum(self.__n_seg)
        ub = [t0[1].mjd2000] + [
            1, mass, fb_rel_vel, fb_rel_vel, fb_rel_vel, fb_rel_vel,
            fb_rel_vel, fb_rel_vel
        ] * self.__n_legs + [1, 1, 1] * sum(self.__n_seg)
        #3a ... and account for the bounds on the vinfs......
        lb[3:6] = [-self.__vinf_dep] * 3
        ub[3:6] = [self.__vinf_dep] * 3
        lb[-sum(self.__n_seg) * 3 - 3:-sum(self.__n_seg) *
           3] = [-self.__vinf_arr] * 3
        ub[-sum(self.__n_seg) * 3 - 3:-sum(self.__n_seg) *
           3] = [self.__vinf_arr] * 3
        # 3b... and for the time of flight
        lb[1:1 + 8 * self.__n_legs:8] = [el[0] for el in tof]
        ub[1:1 + 8 * self.__n_legs:8] = [el[1] for el in tof]

        #4) And we set the bounds
        self.set_bounds(lb, ub)
コード例 #11
    def __init__(
            seq=[ganymede, europa],
            vf=[-1610.7520437617632, 5106.5676929998444, 122.39394967587651],
            n_seg=[10] * 2,
		USAGE: mga_incipit_lt(seq = [io,io], t0 = [epoch(7305.0),epoch(11323.0)], tof = [[100,200],[3,200]])

		* seq: list of jupiter moons defining the trajectory incipit
		* t0:  list of two epochs defining the launch window
		* tof: list of n lists containing the lower and upper bounds for the legs flight times (days)
		* n_seg: list containing the number of segments for each leg
		* m0: starting mass (k)
		* Tmax: maximum allowed thrust (N)
		* Isp: specific impulse (s)
		* high_fidelity = compute the trajectory in high fidelity mode

        #1) We compute the problem dimensions .... and call the base problem constructor
        self.__n_legs = len(seq)
        n_fb = self.__n_legs - 1
        # 1a) The decision vector length
        dim = self.__n_legs * 8 + sum(n_seg) * 3 - 1
        # 1b) The total number of constraints (mismatch + fly-by + boundary + throttles
        c_dim = self.__n_legs * 7 + n_fb * 2 + 1 + sum(n_seg)
        # 1c) The number of inequality constraints (fly-by angle + throttles)
        c_ineq_dim = n_fb + sum(n_seg)
        # 1d) the number of objectives
        f_dim = 1
        #First we call the constructor for the base PyGMO problem
        #As our problem is n dimensional, box-bounded (may be multi-objective), we write
        #(dim, integer dim, number of obj, number of con, number of inequality con, tolerance on con violation)
        super(mga_incipit_lt, self).__init__(dim, 0, f_dim, c_dim, c_ineq_dim,

        #2) We then define some class data members
        self.seq = seq
        self.obj = obj
        self.vf = vf
        self.tf = tf.mjd2000
        self.__n_seg = n_seg
        self.__sc = spacecraft(m0, Tmax, Isp)
        self.__leg = leg()
        self.__leg.high_fidelity = high_fidelity

        #3) We compute the bounds
        lb = ([-4 * pi, -pi] +
              [0, m0 / 1.5, -10000, -10000, -10000, -10000, -10000, -10000] *
              (self.__n_legs - 1) + [0, m0 / 1.5, -10000, -10000, -10000] +
              [-1, -1, -1] * sum(self.__n_seg))
        ub = ([4 * pi, pi] +
              [1, m0, 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000] *
              (self.__n_legs - 1) + [1, m0, 10000, 10000, 10000] +
              [1, 1, 1] * sum(self.__n_seg))
        #3a ... and account for the bounds on the starting velocity
        lb[4:7] = [-3400.0] * 3
        ub[4:7] = [3400.0] * 3
        # 3b... and for the time of flight
        lb[2:2 + 8 * self.__n_legs:8] = [1] * len(seq)
        ub[2:2 + 8 * self.__n_legs:8] = [700] * len(seq)

        #4) And we set the bounds
        self.set_bounds(lb, ub)