def __init__(self, instruments = None, scripts = None, name = None, settings = None, log_function = None, data_path = None): """ Select points by clicking on an image """ Script.__init__(self, name, settings = settings, instruments = instruments, scripts = scripts, log_function= log_function, data_path = data_path) self.last_execution = None
def __init__(self, instruments, name=None, settings=None, log_function=None, data_path=None): ''' Initializes GalvoScan script for use in gui Args: instruments: list of instrument objects name: name to give to instantiated script object settings: dictionary of new settings to pass in to override defaults log_function: log function passed from the gui to direct log calls to the gui log data_path: path to save data ''' Script.__init__(self, name, settings=settings, instruments=instruments, log_function=log_function, data_path=data_path) # defines which daqs contain the input and output based on user selection of daq interface if self.settings['daq_type'] == 'PCI': self.daq_in = self.instruments['NI6259']['instance'] self.daq_out = self.instruments['NI6259']['instance'] elif self.settings['daq_type'] == 'cDAQ': self.daq_in = self.instruments['NI9402']['instance'] self.daq_out = self.instruments['NI9263']['instance']
def __init__(self, instruments=None, name=None, settings=None, scripts=None, log_function=None, data_path=None): Script.__init__(self, name, settings=settings, instruments=instruments, scripts=scripts, log_function=log_function, data_path=data_path) = { 'baseline_image': [], 'baseline_extent': [], 'new_image': [], 'new_image_extent': [], 'initial_galvo_position': [], 'shift': [], 'correlation_image': [] } self.baseline_processed_image =['baseline_image'] self.new_processed_image =['new_image'] self.count_executions = 0 # counts how often the script has been updated
def __init__(self, instruments=None, name=None, settings=None, scripts=None, log_function=None, data_path=None): """ Example of a script that emits a QT signal for the gui Args: name (optional): name of script, if empty same as class name settings (optional): settings for this script, if empty same as default settings """ Script.__init__(self, name, settings=settings, instruments=instruments, scripts=scripts, log_function=log_function, data_path=data_path) = { 'baseline_image': [], 'new_image': [], 'image_extent': [], 'correlation_image': [] }
def __init__(self, scripts, instruments=None, name=None, settings=None, log_function=None, data_path=None): """ Example of a script that emits a QT signal for the gui Args: name (optional): name of script, if empty same as class name settings (optional): settings for this script, if empty same as default settings """ print('LOADING') self.scan_label = 'Piezo Voltage [V]' try: Script.__init__(self, name, settings, instruments, scripts, log_function=log_function, data_path=data_path) except: import sys import traceback exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() print "*** print_exception:" traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, limit=2, file=sys.stdout) print('LOADED')
def __init__(self, scripts, instruments=None, name=None, settings=None, log_function=None, data_path=None): """ Example of a script that emits a QT signal for the gui Args: name (optional): name of script, if empty same as class name settings (optional): settings for this script, if empty same as default settings """ Script.__init__(self, name, settings, instruments, scripts, log_function=log_function, data_path=data_path) #always want to use the autofocus's location self.scripts['find_NV'].settings['center_on_current_location'] = True self.scripts['set_laser'].settings['point'] = self.scripts[ 'take_image'].settings['point_a'] self.scripts['set_laser'].run()
def __init__(self, instruments, name=None, settings=None, log_function=None, timeout=1000000000, data_path=None): self._recording = False self._timeout = timeout Script.__init__(self, name, settings, instruments, log_function=log_function, data_path=data_path) self.sweeper = self.instruments['zihf2']['instance'].daq.sweep( self._timeout) self.sweeper.set('sweep/device', self.instruments['zihf2']['instance'].device) = deque() # todo: clean this up! and plot data in gui! self._sweep_values = { 'frequency': [], 'x': [], 'y': [], 'phase': [], 'r': [] }.keys()
def __init__(self, scripts, instruments = None, name = None, settings = None, log_function = None, data_path = None): """ Example of a script that emits a QT signal for the gui Args: name (optional): name of script, if empty same as class name settings (optional): settings for this script, if empty same as default settings """ Script.__init__(self, name, settings, instruments, scripts, log_function= log_function, data_path = data_path)
def __init__(self, name=None, settings=None, log_function = None, data_path = None): """ Example of a script Args: name (optional): name of script, if empty same as class name settings (optional): settings for this script, if empty same as default settings """ Script.__init__(self, name, settings, log_function= log_function, data_path = data_path)
def __init__(self, instruments, scripts = None, name=None, settings=None, log_function=None, data_path = None): Script.__init__(self, name, settings=settings, scripts=scripts, instruments=instruments, log_function=log_function, data_path = data_path) # defines which daqs contain the input and output based on user selection of daq interface if self.settings['daq_type'] == 'PCI': self.daq_in = self.instruments['NI6259']['instance'] self.daq_out = self.instruments['NI6259']['instance'] elif self.settings['daq_type'] == 'cDAQ': self.daq_in = self.instruments['NI9402']['instance'] self.daq_out = self.instruments['NI9263']['instance']
def __init__(self, scripts, name = None, settings = None, log_function = None, timeout = 1000000000, data_path = None): self._recording = False self._timeout = timeout Script.__init__(self, name, settings, scripts = scripts, log_function= log_function, data_path = data_path) = deque() self._sweep_values = {'frequency' : [], 'x' : [], 'y' : [], 'phase': [], 'r':[]}.keys()
def __init__(self, instruments, scripts = None, name=None, settings=None, log_function=None, data_path = None): """ Example of a script that emits a QT signal for the gui Args: name (optional): name of script, if empty same as class name settings (optional): settings for this script, if empty same as default settings """ Script.__init__(self, name, settings=settings, scripts=scripts, instruments=instruments, log_function=log_function, data_path = data_path) = {'plant_output': deque(maxlen=self.settings['buffer_length']), 'control_output': deque(maxlen=self.settings['buffer_length'])}
def __init__(self, instruments, scripts=None, name=None, settings=None, log_function=None, data_path=None): Script.__init__(self, name, settings=settings, scripts=scripts, instruments=instruments, log_function=log_function, data_path=data_path)
def plot(self, figure_list): ''' Plots a dot on top of each selected NV, with a corresponding number denoting the order in which the NVs are listed. Precondition: must have an existing image in figure_list[0] to plot over Args: figure_list: ''' # if there is not image data get it from the current plot print('here we are') if not == {} and['image_data'] is None: axes = figure_list[0].axes[0] if len(axes.images) > 0:['image_data'] = np.array(axes.images[0].get_array())['extent'] = np.array(axes.images[0].get_extent()) self.plot_settings['cmap'] = axes.images[0].get_cmap().name self.plot_settings['xlabel'] = axes.get_xlabel() self.plot_settings['ylabel'] = axes.get_ylabel() self.plot_settings['title'] = axes.get_title() self.plot_settings['interpol'] = axes.images[ 0].get_interpolation() if['nv_locations'] == []: if self.settings['nv_selection_method'] == 'automatic': nvsauto = tp.locate(['image_data'], self.settings['nv_size_est'], minmass=self.settings['nv_mass_min'], invert=False) nvcoords = [ self.pixel_to_voltage(p,['extent'], np.shape(['image_data'])) for p in nvsauto[['x', 'y']].as_matrix() ]['nv_locations'] = nvcoords #['nv_masses'] = nvsauto['mass'] #['nv_sizes'] = nvcoords['size'] elif self.settings['nv_selection_method'] == 'loaded': coordstmp = np.loadtxt(self.settings['coords_file'], delimiter=',') coordstmp[:, 0] = coordstmp[:, 0] + self.settings['coord_offset_x'] coordstmp[:, 1] = coordstmp[:, 1] + self.settings['coord_offset_y'] coordstmp = coordstmp.tolist() coordstmp.pop(0)['nv_locations'] = coordstmp Script.plot(self, figure_list)
def __init__(self, scripts, name=None, settings=None, log_function=None, timeout=1000000000, data_path=None): Script.__init__(self, name, settings=settings, scripts=scripts, log_function=log_function, data_path=data_path)
def __init__(self, instruments=None, name=None, settings=None, log_function=None, data_path=None): """ Default script initialization """ Script.__init__(self, name, settings=settings, instruments=instruments, log_function=log_function, data_path=data_path)
def export_default_scripts(target_folder, source_folder=None, raise_errors=False): """ tries to instantiate all the scripts that are imported in /scripts/ saves each script that could be instantiated into a .b26 file in the folder path Args: target_folder: target path for .b26 files source_folder: location of python script files """ loaded_instruments = {} loaded_scripts = {} scripts_to_load = get_classes_in_folder(source_folder, Script) print('attempt to load {:d} scripts: '.format(len(scripts_to_load))) loaded_scripts, failed, loaded_instruments = Script.load_and_append( scripts_to_load, raise_errors=raise_errors) for name, value in loaded_scripts.iteritems(): filename = os.path.join(target_folder, '{:s}.b26'.format(name)) value.save_b26(filename) print('\n================================================') print('================================================') print('saved {:d} scripts, {:d} failed'.format(len(loaded_scripts), len(failed))) if failed != {}: for error_name, error in failed.iteritems(): print('failed to create script: ', error_name, error)
def test_loading_and_saving(self): from src.core.read_write_functions import load_b26_file filename = "Z:\Lab\Cantilever\Measurements\\__tmp\\XYX.b26" scripts, loaded_failed, instruments = Script.load_and_append( {"some script": 'ScriptDummyWithInstrument'}) script = scripts['some script'] script.save_b26(filename) data = load_b26_file(filename) scripts = {} instruments = {} scripts, scripts_failed, instruments_2 = Script.load_and_append( data['scripts'], scripts, instruments)
def __init__(self, instruments, scripts=None, name=None, settings=None, log_function=None, data_path=None): """ init script function see superclass for details on the parameters """ Script.__init__(self, name, settings=settings, scripts=scripts, instruments=instruments, log_function=log_function, data_path=data_path) = {'temperature': deque()}
def __init__(self, scripts, name=None, settings=None, instruments=None, log_function=None, timeout=1000000000, data_path=None): Script.__init__(self, name, scripts=scripts, settings=settings, instruments=instruments, log_function=log_function, data_path=data_path) self.scripts['scan_z'].update({'scan_axes': 'z'}) self.scripts['scan_z'].update({'RoI_mode': 'center'})
def __init__(self, scripts, name=None, settings=None, log_function=None, data_path=None): """ Default script initialization """ Script.__init__(self, name, scripts=scripts, settings=settings, log_function=log_function, data_path=data_path) self.iterator_type = self.get_iterator_type(self.settings, scripts) self._current_subscript_stage = None
def to_dict(self): """ Returns: itself as a dictionary """ dictator = Script.to_dict(self) # the dynamically created ScriptIterator classes have a generic name # replace this with ScriptIterator to indicate that this class is of type ScriptIterator dictator[]['class'] = 'ScriptIterator' return dictator
def __init__(self, instruments, name=None, settings=None, log_function=None, data_path=None): """ Example of a script that makes use of an instrument Args: instruments: instruments the script will make use of name (optional): name of script, if empty same as class name settings (optional): settings for this script, if empty same as default settings """ # call init of superclass Script.__init__(self, name, settings, instruments, log_function=log_function, data_path=data_path)
def __init__(self, instruments=None, scripts=None, name=None, settings=None, log_function=None, data_path=None): """ Example of a script that emits a QT signal for the gui Args: name (optional): name of script, if empty same as class name settings (optional): settings for this script, if empty same as default settings """ Script.__init__(self, name, settings=settings, instruments=instruments, scripts=scripts, log_function=log_function, data_path=data_path) self.azimuth_controller = self.instruments['KDC101']['instance']
def plot(self, figure_list): ''' Plots a dot on top of each selected NV, with a corresponding number denoting the order in which the NVs are listed. Precondition: must have an existing image in figure_list[0] to plot over Args: figure_list: ''' # if there is not image data get it from the current plot if not == {} and['image_data'] is None: axes = figure_list[0].axes[0] if len(axes.images) > 0:['image_data'] = np.array(axes.images[0].get_array())['extent'] = np.array(axes.images[0].get_extent()) self.plot_settings['cmap'] = axes.images[0].get_cmap().name self.plot_settings['xlabel'] = axes.get_xlabel() self.plot_settings['ylabel'] = axes.get_ylabel() self.plot_settings['title'] = axes.get_title() self.plot_settings['interpol'] = axes.images[ 0].get_interpolation() Script.plot(self, figure_list)
def __init__(self, instruments, name=None, settings=None, log_function=None, data_path=None): ''' Initializes GalvoScan script for use in gui Args: instruments: list of instrument objects name: name to give to instantiated script object settings: dictionary of new settings to pass in to override defaults log_function: log function passed from the gui to direct log calls to the gui log data_path: path to save data ''' Script.__init__(self, name, settings=settings, instruments=instruments, log_function=log_function, data_path=data_path)
def __init__(self, instruments=None, scripts=None, name=None, settings=None, log_function=None, data_path=None): """ Example of a script that emits a QT signal for the gui Args: name (optional): name of script, if empty same as class name settings (optional): settings for this script, if empty same as default settings """ Script.__init__(self, name, settings=settings, instruments=instruments, scripts=scripts, log_function=log_function, data_path=data_path) if self.settings['daq_type'] == 'PCI': self.daq_out = self.instruments['NI6259']['instance'] elif self.settings['daq_type'] == 'cDAQ': self.daq_out = self.instruments['NI9263']['instance']
def _update(self, axes_list): """ updates the data in already existing plots. the axes objects are provided in axes_list Args: axes_list: a list of axes objects, this should be implemented in each subscript Returns: None """ plot_type = self.settings['plot_style'] if plot_type == '2D': # we expect exactely one image in the axes object (see ScriptDummy.plot) implot = axes_list[1].get_images()[0] # now update the data implot.set_data(['random data']) colorbar = implot.colorbar if not colorbar is None: colorbar.update_bruteforce(implot) else: # fall back to default behaviour Script._update(self, axes_list)
def galvo_images(data_path, target_path = None): """ save load data from galvo scans and save images to target directory Args: data_path: path to image data target_path: target path to save images Returns: """ if target_path == None: target_path = DATA_PATH data = Script.load_data(DATA_PATH) number_of_images = len([k for k in data.keys() if len(k.split('image'))>1]) for c in range(number_of_images): k = 'image_{:d}'.format(c) fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111) plot_fluorescence(data[k], extent =[0.02, 0.17, 0.05, -0.10], axes = ax) fig.savefig('{:s}/{:s}.png'.format(TARGET_PATH, k)) fig.close()
elif self.scripts['deer_pwr'].is_running: self.scripts['deer_pwr']._update_plot(axes_list) elif self.scripts['deer_RFpitime'].is_running: self.scripts['deer_RFpitime']._update_plot(axes_list) # def get_axes_layout(self, figure_list): # """ # returns the axes objects the script needs to plot its data # the default creates a single axes object on each figure # This can/should be overwritten in a child script if more axes objects are needed # Args: # figure_list: a list of figure objects # Returns: # axes_list: a list of axes objects # # """ # # # create a new figure list that contains only figure 1, this assures that the super.get_axes_layout doesn't # # empty the plot contained on figure 2 # # return super(EsrRabiDeer, self).get_axes_layout([figure_list[0]]) # # return super(EsrRabiDeer, self).get_axes_layout(figure_list) if __name__ == '__main__': script, failed, instr = Script.load_and_append( {'EsrRabiDeerXYnSpectrumAdvanced': EsrRabiDeerXYnSpectrumAdvanced}) print(script) print(failed) print(instr)