def create(id, userid): if id == 1: pdf_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/files/VTB_anketa.pdf' elif id == 2: return send_from_directory(directory=os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/files'), filename='VTB_accept.pdf') elif id == 3: pdf_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/files/VTB_spravka.pdf' else: return 'BAD ID' with open(pdf_path, 'rb') as f: pdf = PdfFileReader(f) fields = pdf.getFormTextFields() checkboxes = {} for i in pdf.getFields().keys(): if 'Check Box' in i: checkboxes[i] = pdf.getFields()[i] docChecker(id=id, userid=userid, fields=checkboxes) docWriter(id=id, userid=userid, fields=fields) pdf_writer = PdfFileWriter() for page in range(pdf.getNumPages()): pdf_writer.addPage(pdf.getPage(page)) pdf_writer.updatePageFormFieldValues(page=pdf_writer.getPage(page), fields=fields) updateCheckboxValues(page=pdf_writer.getPage(page), fields=checkboxes) with open(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/files/downloaded.pdf', 'wb') as out: pdf_writer.write(out) return send_from_directory(directory=os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/files'), filename='downloaded.pdf')
def verify(): print("verify") url = request.values.get('url') #获取参数 cert = url #cert='/home/jasmine/blockchain-certificates/PKU_2020_Graduates/certificates/Alice.pdf' try: valid, reason = validate_certificate(cert, conf['issuer_identifier'],conf['testnet'],conf['blockchain_services']) except: return '认证失败!url错误或服务器异常' else: if valid: file = open(url, 'rb') fileReader = PdfFileReader(file) textfields =fileReader.getFormTextFields() #dest = fileReader.getNamedDestinations() #page = fileReader.getPage(0) info = fileReader.getDocumentInfo() name = info['/metadata'].find('name') major = info['/metadata'].find('major') date = info['/metadata'].find('date') print(info['/metadata'][name+70 : major-5]) print(info['/metadata'][major+64 : date-5]) print(info['/metadata'][date+78 : date+82]) return '该证书为真!'+'持有者为北京大学'+info['/metadata'][date+78 : date+82]+'届毕业生'+info['/metadata'][name+70 : major-5]+'。' else: return '该证书为假!'+'原因:'+reason
def writeToPdf(client_id, doc_id): p_client = Client.objects.get(id=client_id) p_doc = Document.objects.get(id=doc_id) clients_file_name = str(p_client.first_name) + str( p_client.last_name) + '_' + str(p_doc.file_name) #date or time p_file_path = '' if p_doc.file_type == 'pdf': p_file_path = os.path.join(PDF_GENERATED_RESULT_DIR, clients_file_name) client_file = ClientsFile(client=p_client, file_path=p_file_path) path_in_file = os.path.join(PDF_TEMPLATE_DIR, p_doc.file_name) path_out_file = p_file_path inpt = open(path_in_file, 'rb') reads = PdfFileReader(inpt) read = reads.getFormTextFields() Page = reads.getPage(0) for i, value in Page.items(): read['20'] = '19' read['1'] = p_client.last_name read['2'] = p_client.first_name read['undefined_4'] = p_client.part_name read['undefined_5'] = 'Ничего не делаю' read['undefined_11'] = '9999999999999999999' outpt = open(path_out_file, 'wb') write = PdfFileWriter() set_need_appearances_writer(write) write.addPage(Page) write.updatePageFormFieldValues(Page, read) write.write(outpt) inpt.close() outpt.close()
def create_irs_1099k_csv(sourcefile, destination): try: with open(sourcefile, 'rb') as pdf: input = PdfFileReader(pdf) # get the data from page 3 (index 2) page = 3 pindex = page - 1 page = input.getPage(pindex) d = input.getFormTextFields() print(input.getFormTextFields()) filer = d['f2_1[0]'] payee = d['f2_2[0]'] gross_amt = float(d['f2_9[0]']) cards_not_present = int(d['f2_10[0]']) payment_transactions = int(d['f2_12[0]']) fed_income_tax_held = float(d['f2_13[0]']) state_income_tax_held_1 = float(d['f2_30[0]']) state_income_tax_held_2 = float(d['f2_31[0]']) state_income_total = state_income_tax_held_1 + state_income_tax_held_2 net = gross_amt - fed_income_tax_held - state_income_total with open('{}f1099k_2018.csv'.format(destination), 'w', newline='') as csvData: fieldnames = [ 'Filer', 'Payee', 'Gross Amount', 'Cards Not Present', 'Payments', 'Federal Income Tax With Held', 'State Income Tax With Held', 'Net' ] csvWriter = csv.DictWriter(csvData, fieldnames=fieldnames) csvWriter.writeheader() row = { fieldnames[0]: filer, fieldnames[1]: payee, fieldnames[2]: gross_amt, fieldnames[3]: cards_not_present, fieldnames[4]: payment_transactions, fieldnames[5]: fed_income_tax_held, fieldnames[6]: state_income_total, fieldnames[7]: net } csvWriter.writerow(row) except Exception as e: print(e)
def test_get_form(src, expected, expected_get_fields): """Check if we can read out form data.""" src = os.path.join(RESOURCE_ROOT, src) reader = PdfFileReader(src) fields = reader.getFormTextFields() assert fields == expected fields = reader.getFields() assert fields == expected_get_fields
def main(): fn = input("PDF filename: ") character = {} f = PdfFileReader(fn) print(f.getFormTextFields()) with open('./output/pdfsheet-test.json', mode='w') as f: json.dump(character, f, skipkeys=True, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
def get_fields(file_in): """ Gets all the editable fields in a PDF and writes it to a .csv :param file_in: :return: """ file = open(file_in, "rb") pdf_reader = PdfFileReader(file) dictionary = pdf_reader.getFormTextFields() print(dictionary) file.close() return
def extractPDFinfo(filename): file = PdfFileReader(filename, strict=False) immInfo = file.getFormTextFields() #creates a random user-password generator immInfo["username"] = randomStringDigits() immInfo["password"] = randomStringDigits() #two lists of 1. total receipts and 2. receipts added to website immInfo["receipt_number"] = [immInfo["receipt_number"]] immInfo["added_receipts"] = [] return immInfo
def save(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Document, self).save(*args, **kwargs) pdf = PdfFileReader(self.type.template.path_full) for field in pdf.getFormTextFields().keys(): m ='^(.*?)_(\d)$', field) if m: field = m.groups()[0] if '|' in field: field = field.split('|')[0] document_info = DocumentInfo.objects.get_or_create(name=field)[0] client_answer = ClientAnswer.objects.get_or_create( document=self, client=self.client, document_info=document_info)[0]
def upload(): try: certname = request.files['file'].filename cert = request.files.get('file') url = upload_path + "/" + certname valid, reason = validate_certificate(url, conf['issuer_identifier'],conf['testnet'],conf['blockchain_services']) except Exception as e: app.logger.error("Error when uploading file.") app.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return render_template('uploadfail.html',state='认证失败!',reason='请检查您是否上传了正确的文件或联系网站管理人员。') else: if valid: file = open(url, 'rb') fileReader = PdfFileReader(file) textfields =fileReader.getFormTextFields() info = fileReader.getDocumentInfo() #print(info) pdfname = info['/metadata'].find('name') pdfmajor = info['/metadata'].find('major') pdfdate = info['/metadata'].find('date') issuer_address = get_issuer_address(url) verify_issuer = get_issuer_verification(url) # if valid then check issuer verification methods issuer_verification = None if verify_issuer: issuer_verification = network_utils.check_issuer_verification_methods(issuer_address,verify_issuer, conf['testnet']) time=info['/metadata'][pdfdate+78 : pdfdate+82]+'年' name=info['/metadata'][pdfname+70 : pdfmajor-5].encode('utf-8').decode('unicode_escape') #print(name.encode('utf-8').decode('unicode_escape')) #print(json.dumps(name).decode("unicode-escape")) major=info['/metadata'][pdfmajor+64 : pdfdate-5].encode('utf-8').decode('unicode_escape') issuer = verify_issuer[0]['did']['blockstack'] if issuer=='' and issuer_verification['did']['success']==True: issuer_state="验证通过,为北大官方id与地址" else: issuer_state="验证失败" #reason = '证书持有者为北京大学'+info['/metadata'][date+78 : date+82]+'届毕业生'+info['/metadata'][name+70 : major-5]+'。' return render_template('uploadsuccess.html',state='该证书为真',time=time, name = name,major=major,issuer=issuer,issuerstate=issuer_state ) else: if reason.find('revoked')!= -1: reason = '原因:该证书已被撤回,不再具有有效性。' return render_template('uploadfail.html',state='该证书为假!',reason = reason)
sg.FileBrowse(), sg.Button("Export Data"), ], ] window = sg.Window("PDF Form to Excel", layout).Finalize() while True: event, values = if event == "-INPUT-": inputPath = values["-INPUT-"] if event == "Import Form": l = [] pdf_reader = PdfFileReader(open(inputPath, "rb")) dictionary = pdf_reader.getFormTextFields( ) # returns a python dictionary for key in dictionary: newVal = [key + " : " + str(dictionary[key])] l.append(newVal) window.Element("listBox").Update(values=l) if event == "-OUTPUT-": outputPath = values["-OUTPUT-"] if event == "Export Data": workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook("exportTest.xlsx") worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() row = 0
def write(client, doc): path_in_file = os.path.join(PDF_TEMPLATE_DIR, doc.file_name) inpt = open(path_in_file, 'rb') clients_file_name = str(client.first_name) + ' ' + str(client.last_name) + \ '_' + str(doc.file_name) # date or time p_file_path = os.path.join(PDF_GENERATED_RESULT_DIR, clients_file_name) reads = PdfFileReader(inpt) read = reads.getFormTextFields() checkboxes = reads.getFields() ## дефолтные значения ne menyat read['Text Field 490'] = ' ' # fio esli menyalos read['Text Field 473'] = ' ' # reklama read['Text Field 475'] = ' ' # inoe read['Text Field 493'] = ' ' read['Text Field 494'] = ' ' read['Text Field 492'] = ' ' read['Text Field 496'] = ' ' read['Text Field 497'] = ' ' read['Text Field 498'] = ' ' read['Text Field 50910'] = ' ' read['Text Field 50610'] = ' ' read['Text Field 505'] = ' ' read['Text Field 504'] = ' ' read['Text Field 506'] = ' ' for i in range(11, 21, 1): read['Text Field 50' + str(i)] = ' ' ##Заемщик\созаемщик checkboxes['Check Box 136'] = '/Yes' # zaemschik checkboxes['Check Box 137'] = '/Yes' # sozaemschik checkboxes['Check Box 97'] = '/Yes' # не убирать ########## Адрес checkboxes['Check Box 138'] = '/Yes' # fakt adres sovpadaet s registr ############Основания для проживания checkboxes['Check Box 101'] = '/Yes' # соц наем checkboxes['Check Box 102'] = '/Yes' # коммерческий наем checkboxes['Check Box 103'] = '/Yes' # собственность checkboxes['Check Box 104'] = '/Yes' # у родственников checkboxes['Check Box 105'] = '/Yes' # иное, отразить в Листе дополнений ###### Семейное положение checkboxes['Check Box 106'] = '/Yes' # женат\замужем checkboxes['Check Box 107'] = '/Yes' # в разводе checkboxes['Check Box 108'] = '/Yes' # вдовец\вдова checkboxes['Check Box 109'] = '/Yes' # гражданский брак checkboxes['Check Box 110'] = '/Yes' # холост\не замужем ## Брачный договор checkboxes['Check Box 111'] = '/Yes' # есть checkboxes['Check Box 112'] = '/Yes' # нет ## Изменялась фамилия checkboxes['Check Box 113'] = '/Yes' # да checkboxes['Check Box 114'] = '/Yes' # нет # Дети совместно проживают # первый ребенок checkboxes['Check Box 115'] = '/Yes' # да checkboxes['Check Box 116'] = '/Yes' # net ## второй ребенок checkboxes['Check Box 117'] = '/Yes' # da checkboxes['Check Box 118'] = '/Yes' # net ## третий ребенок checkboxes['Check Box 119'] = '/Yes' # da checkboxes['Check Box 120'] = '/Yes' # net ############Образование checkboxes['Check Box 121'] = '/Yes' # nizhe srednego checkboxes['Check Box 122'] = '/Yes' # srednee checkboxes['Check Box 123'] = '/Yes' # srednee spec checkboxes['Check Box 124'] = '/Yes' # neokon vishee checkboxes['Check Box 125'] = '/Yes' # highest checkboxes['Check Box 126'] = '/Yes' # neskolko high checkboxes['Check Box 127'] = '/Yes' # dop vish checkboxes['Check Box 128'] = '/Yes' # uchenaya stepen checkboxes['Check Box 129'] = '/Yes' # MBA checkboxes['Check Box 130'] = '/Yes' # inoe ################занятонсть checkboxes['Check Box 131'] = '/Yes' # yavlyatsya zarplatnym proektom checkboxes['Check Box 132'] = '/Yes' # ne yavlyaetsa ############Место работы checkboxes['Check Box 133'] = '/Yes' # ispytatelny srok checkboxes['Check Box 134'] = '/Yes' # ne ispytatelny srok checkboxes['Check Box 139'] = '/Yes' # по найму бессрочно checkboxes['Check Box 140'] = '/Yes' # по найму срочно checkboxes['Check Box 141'] = '/Yes' # ИП checkboxes['Check Box 142'] = '/Yes' # собственность бизнеса ###### Сфера деятельности организации checkboxes['Check Box 144'] = '/Yes' # армия checkboxes['Check Box 145'] = '/Yes' # ИТ checkboxes['Check Box 146'] = '/Yes' # Консалтинг checkboxes['Check Box 147'] = '/Yes' # Медицина checkboxes['Check Box 148'] = '/Yes' # наука checkboxes['Check Box 149'] = '/Yes' # образование checkboxes['Check Box 150'] = '/Yes' # строительство checkboxes['Check Box 151'] = '/Yes' # отповая розничная культура checkboxes['Check Box 152'] = '/Yes' # органы власти и управления checkboxes['Check Box 153'] = '/Yes' # охранная деятельность checkboxes['Check Box 154'] = '/Yes' # предприятия ТЭК checkboxes['Check Box 155'] = '/Yes' # промышленность и машиностроение checkboxes['Check Box 156'] = '/Yes' # социальная сфера checkboxes['Check Box 157'] = '/Yes' # транспорт checkboxes['Check Box 158'] = '/Yes' # туризм checkboxes['Check Box 159'] = '/Yes' # услуги checkboxes['Check Box 160'] = '/Yes' # финансы, банки, стразование checkboxes['Check Box 161'] = '/Yes' # другие отрасли ######################Численность персонала checkboxes['Check Box 162'] = '/Yes' # do 10 checkboxes['Check Box 163'] = '/Yes' # 11-50 checkboxes['Check Box 164'] = '/Yes' # 51-100 checkboxes['Check Box 165'] = '/Yes' # 101-500 checkboxes['Check Box 166'] = '/Yes' # 501-1000 checkboxes['Check Box 167'] = '/Yes' # >1000 ################Срок существования организации checkboxes['Check Box 168'] = '/Yes' # до 2 лет checkboxes['Check Box 169'] = '/Yes' # от 2 до 5 лет checkboxes['Check Box 170'] = '/Yes' # свыше 5 лет ################Дополнительное место работы checkboxes['Check Box 171'] = '/Yes' # имею checkboxes['Check Box 172'] = '/Yes' # не имею ##########Денежные средства (с учетом первоначального взноса) checkboxes['Check Box 17310'] = '/Yes' # имею checkboxes['Check Box 174'] = '/Yes' # не имею# ####################Автомобиль checkboxes['Check Box 175'] = '/Yes' # есть checkboxes['Check Box 176'] = '/Yes' # нет ##########Недвижисое имущество checkboxes['Check Box 1731011'] = '/Yes' # есть checkboxes['Check Box 173'] = '/Yes' # нет ############Основания возниконовения права на имущество checkboxes['Check Box 177'] = '/Yes' # покупка checkboxes['Check Box 178'] = '/Yes' # приватизация checkboxes['Check Box 179'] = '/Yes' # наследство checkboxes['Check Box 180'] = '/Yes' # дарение checkboxes['Check Box 181'] = '/Yes' # иное ##############процедура бонкротства checkboxes['Check Box 182'] = '/Yes' # применялось checkboxes['Check Box 183'] = '/Yes' # не применялось ################Алиментные обязательства checkboxes['Check Box 184'] = '/Yes' # yest checkboxes['Check Box 185'] = '/Yes' # net ################Не редаткировать. Принять условия соглашения checkboxes['Check Box 186'] = '/Yes' # иное checkboxes['Check Box 187'] = '/Yes' # иное checkboxes['Check Box 189'] = '/Yes' # согласие на обработку ПДн ######################Представитель checkboxes['Check Box 188'] = '/Yes' # есть представитель ################Клиент read['Text Field 470'] = 'stepen rodstva s zaemschikom' read['Text Field 471'] = client.last_name + ' ' + client.first_name + \ ' ' + client.part_name read['Text Field 472'] = client.passport.gender # male/female read['Text Field 474'] = client.snils # 'snils' read['Text Field 476'] = client.inn # 'INN' read['Text Field 477'] = 'index' read['Text Field 478'] = 'РФ' read['Text Field 479'] = 'oblast' read['Text Field 480'] = 'rayon' read['Text Field 481'] = # 'naselenny punkt' read['Text Field 482'] = client.address.street # 'street' read['Text Field 483'] = client.address.buildingNumber # 'number of home' read['Text Field 484'] = 'korpus' read['Text Field 485'] = client.address.flat # 'flat' read['Text Field 486'] = 'phone' read['Text Field 487'] = 'home phone reg' read['Text Field 488'] = 'home phone prozhivanie' read['Text Field 489'] = 'work phone' read['Text Field 490'] = 'e-mail' if checkboxes['Check Box 113'] == '/Yes': # изменялась ли фамилмя read['Text Field 491'] = 'FIO' read['Text Field 492'] = 'god izmeneniya' ##################Дети read['Text Field 493'] = 'data rozhdeniya 1go rebenka' read['Text Field 494'] = 'data rozhdeniya 2go rebenka' ################Зарплатный проект if checkboxes['Check Box 131'] == '/Yes': read['Text Field 496'] = 'nomer karty' ####################Работа if checkboxes['Check Box 136'] == '/Yes': read['Text Field 497'] = 's' read['Text Field 498'] = 'do' if checkboxes['Check Box 138'] == '/Yes': read['Text Field 499'] = '% buisness' read['Text Field 500'] = 'должность' read['Text Field 501'] = 'среднемесячный доход' read['Text Field 502'] = "стаж работы на текущем месте, лет" read['Text Field 50311'] = 'Стаж по профилю, лет' read['Text Field 50411'] = 'Общий стаж работы общий, лет' read['Text Field 50510'] = 'Название организации' read['Text Field 50610'] = 'инн организации' read['Text Field 50710'] = 'фактический адрес' read['Text Field 50810'] = 'телефон организации' read['Text Field 50910'] = 'добавочный номер' read['Text Field 5010'] = 'сайт организации' if checkboxes['Check Box 151'] == '/Yes': read['Text Field 505'] = 'сфера розничной торговли' if checkboxes['Check Box 159'] == '/Yes': read['Text Field 504'] = 'уточните сферу' if checkboxes['Check Box 161'] == '/Yes': read['Text Field 503'] = 'Уточните' ######################Активы if checkboxes['Check Box 173'] == '/Yes': read['Text Field 5011'] = 'Наличные средства, сумма, руб' read['Text Field 5012'] = 'Банк №1' read['Text Field 5013'] = 'Банк №2' read['Text Field 5014'] = 'Сумма' read['Text Field 5015'] = 'Сумма' if checkboxes['Check Box 175'] == '/Yes': read['Text Field 5016'] = 'марка' read['Text Field 5017'] = 'год приобретения' read['Text Field 5018'] = 'стоимость по вашей оценке' if checkboxes['Check Box 1731011'] == '/Yes': read['Text Field 5019'] = 'Тип объекта недвижимости' read['Text Field 5020'] = 'Текущая рыночная стоимость(по вашей оценке)' if checkboxes['Check Box 181'] == '/Yes': read['Text Field 506'] = 'иное' ######################Представитель if checkboxes['Check Box 188'] == '/Yes': read['Text Field 5021'] = 'Фио представителя' ########################Согласие на Пдн read['Text Field 5026'] = client.last_name + ' ' + client.first_name + \ ' ' + client.part_name # Пдн outpt = open(p_file_path, 'wb') write = PdfFileWriter() set_need_appearances_writer(write) for i in range(reads.getNumPages()): write.addPage(reads.getPage(i)) updateCheckboxValues(reads.getPage(i), checkboxes) write.updatePageFormFieldValues(reads.getPage(i), read) write.write(outpt) inpt.close() outpt.close()
def write(p_client, p_anketa): # organization = p_client.organizationinfo # organization_address = organization.address # organization_postaddress = organization.post_address # organization_bank_detail = organization.bank_detail clients_file_name = str(p_client.first_name) + ' ' + \ str(p_client.last_name) + '_' + str( p_anketa.file_name) # date or time p_file_path = '' if p_anketa.file_type == 'pdf': p_file_path = os.path.join(PDF_GENERATED_RESULT_DIR, clients_file_name) client_file = ClientsFile(client=p_client, file_path=p_file_path) path_in_file = os.path.join(PDF_TEMPLATE_DIR, p_anketa.file_name) path_out_file = p_file_path inpt = open(path_in_file, 'rb') reads = PdfFileReader(inpt) read = reads.getFormTextFields() Page = reads.getPage(0) for i, value in Page.items(): # 1Роль Заявителя в предполагаемой сделке # 2Параметры запрашиваемого кредита # сумма кредита # срок кредита # read['Text Field 5424'] read['Text Field 5427'] = p_client.last_name read['Text Field 5428'] = p_client.first_name read['Text Field 5429'] = p_client.part_name # Личные Данные заявителя read['Text Field 5569'] = p_client.last_name read['Text Field 5570'] = p_client.first_name read['Text Field 5571'] = p_client.part_name # read['Text Field 5572'] = p_client.part_name#дата рождения # Предыдущие Ф.И.О. read['Text Field 5572'] = p_client.last_name read['Text Field 5573'] = p_client.first_name read['Text Field 5574'] = p_client.part_name # Паспортные данные read['Text Field 5574'] = p_client.passport.serial # серия read['Text Field 5575'] = p_client.passport.number # номер пасспорта read['Text Field 5576'] = # день выдачи read['Text Field 5577'] = p_client.passport.date_of.month # месяц выдачи read['Text Field 5578'] = p_client.passport.year # год выдачи read['Text Field 5579'] = p_client.passport._from # кем выдан 23 символа read['Text Field 5584'] = p_client.passport._from # кем выдан 23 символа read['Text Field 5582'] = p_client.passport._from # кем выдан 10 символов read['Text Field 5580'] = p_client.passport.code_of # код подразделения 3 символа read['Text Field 5581'] = p_client.passport.code_of # код подразделения 3 символа read['Text Field 5583'] = p_client.snils.snils_number # cнилс # адрес регистрации # адрес проживания # контакты # read['Text Field 5498'] = p_client.phone_number #мобильный # read['Text Field 5499'] = p_client.additionalclientinfo.home_phone_number #домашний # read['Text Field 5500'] = p_client.additionalclientinfo.сont_phone_number #контактный # read['Text Field 5501'] = p_client.additionalclientinfo.work_phone_number #рабочий # read['Text Field 5503'] = #email # read['Text Field 5502'] = p_client.additionalclientinfo.relations_phone_number #телефон близкого родственника # Фио близкого родственника # read['Text Field 5505'] = p_client.clientrelative.first_name #имя # read['Text Field 5506'] = p_client.clientrelative.part_name #отчество # read['Text Field 5507'] = p_client.clientrelative.last_name #фамилия # read['Text Field 5504'] = p_client.clientrelative.relation_degree #степень родства # Сведения о занятости и доходах Заявителя # read['Text Field 5480'] = p_client.additionalclientinfo.work_expireance_years #(год) стаж за последние 5 лет (2 цифры) # read['Text Field 5482'] = p_client.additionalclientinfo.work_expireance_month #(месяцев) стаж за последние 5 лет (2 цифры) # read['Text Field 5483'] = p_client.additionalclientinfo.work_type_other #тип занятости иное # Основная работа (заполняется при наличии) # read['Text Field 5484'] = p_client.additionalclientinfo.work_expireance_lw_years # (год) стаж за последние 5 лет (2 цифры) # read['Text Field 5485'] = p_client.additionalclientinfo.work_expireance_lw_month # (месяцев) стаж за последние 5 лет (2 цифры) # Организация # read['Text Field 5495'] = organization.full_name # read['Text Field 5486'] = organization_address.index # read['Text Field 5487'] = organization_address.oblast # read['Text Field 5488'] = organization_address.rayon # read['Text Field 5489'] = # read['Text Field 5490'] = organization_address.street # read['Text Field 5491'] = organization_address.buildingNumber # read['Text Field 5492'] = organization_address.housing # read['Text Field 5493'] = organization_address.structure # read['Text Field 5494'] = organization_address.flat # read['Text Field 5497'] = organization.hr_number # read['Text Field 5496'] = #адрес сайта # read['Text Field 5524'] = organization.inn_number #вид деятельности иное # read['Text Field 5522'] = p_client.position #вид деятельности иное # read['Text Field 5523'] = p_client.additionalclientinfo.average_income #среднемесячный доход # Работа по совместительству (заполняется при наличии) - пока не заполняем # Иные доходы Заявителя - пока не заполняем # Дополнительная информация о занятости Заявителя (заполняется в случае применения опции «Легкая ипотека») - пока не заполняем # Дополнительная информация о доходах от сдачи недвижимости в аренду (заполняется в случае применения опции # «Легкая ипотека» и при наличии доходов от сдачи недвижимости в аренду) - пока не заполняем # Сведения о расходах Заявителя # read['Text Field 5704'] = p_client.additionalclientinfo.aliment # алименты # Информация о кредите/займе # read['Text Field 5611'] = p_client.clientcredit.type # типкредита # read['Text Field 5612'] = p_client.clientcredit.creditor_name # Наименование кредитора # read['Text Field 5613'] = # срок кредита с день # read['Text Field 5614'] = p_client.clientcredit.date_start.month # месяц # read['Text Field 5615'] = p_client.clientcredit.date_start.year # год # read['Text Field 5616'] = # день # read['Text Field 5617'] = p_client.clientcredit.date_end.month # месяц # read['Text Field 5618'] = p_client.clientcredit.date_end.year # год # read['Text Field 5620'] = p_client.clientcredit.currency # валюта # read['Text Field 5619'] = p_client.clientcredit.value # сумма # read['Text Field 5621'] = p_client.clientcredit.month_pay # платеж в месяц # read['Text Field 5622'] = p_client.clientcredit.leftover # остаток # Сведения об имуществе Заявителя # read['Text Field 5456'] = p_client.additionalclientinfo.immovable_property # вид недвижимости # read['Text Field 5457'] = '100' # доля в собственности # read['Text Field 5458'] = '' # регион местонахождения # read['Text Field 5459'] = '' # населенный пункт # read['Text Field 5460'] = p_client.additionalclientinfo.market_value_of_real_estate # стоимость # авто заявителя # read['Text Field 5461'] = p_client.additionalclientinfo.mark_of_car # марка # read['Text Field 5462'] = p_client.additionalclientinfo.model_of_car # модель # read['Text Field 5464'] = p_client.additionalclientinfo.year_of_manufacture_of_car # год выпуска # read['Text Field 5463'] = p_client.additionalclientinfo.car_valuation # стоимость outpt = open(path_out_file, 'wb') write = PdfFileWriter() set_need_appearances_writer(write) write.addPage(Page) write.updatePageFormFieldValues(Page, read) write.write(outpt) inpt.close() outpt.close()
def write(client, anketa): jobInfo = getObjectByClient(client, 'JobInfo'); # print(jobInfo.__dict__) jobaddress = Address.objects.get(id=jobInfo.address_id) bankdetail = BankDetail.objects.get(id=jobInfo.bank_detail_id) # organization = client.organizationinfo # organization_address = organization.address # organization_postaddress = organization.post_address # organization_bank_detail = organization.bank_detail clients_file_name = str(client.first_name) + ' ' + \ str(client.last_name) + '_' + str( anketa.file_name) # date or time p_file_path = '' if anketa.file_type == 'pdf': p_file_path = os.path.join(PDF_GENERATED_RESULT_DIR, clients_file_name) client_file = ClientsFile(client=client, file_path=p_file_path) path_in_file = os.path.join(PDF_TEMPLATE_DIR, anketa.file_name) path_out_file = p_file_path inpt = open(path_in_file, 'rb') reads = PdfFileReader(inpt) read = reads.getFormTextFields() Page = reads.getPage(0) for i, value in Page.items(): print(read) read['undefined_2']='' read['undefined_3']='' read['20']='' read['1'] = client.last_name read['2'] = client.first_name read['undefined_4'] = client.part_name read['undefined_5'] = jobInfo.position # Организация read['1_2'] = jobInfo.full_name read['2_2'] = '' #продолжение поля 1_2 read['fill_11'] = jobaddress.index read['fill_12'] = read['undefined_6'] = jobaddress.street read['fill_14'] = jobaddress.buildingNumber read['fill_15'] = jobaddress.housing read['fill_16'] = jobaddress.structure read['fill_17'] = jobaddress.flat read['fill_25'] = jobInfo.account_phone_number read['undefined_8'] = jobInfo.hr_phone_number read['undefined_9'] = jobInfo.inn_number read['fill_28'] = bankdetail.account_number read['fill_29'] = bankdetail.correspondent_account_number read['fill_30'] = bankdetail.bic read['fill_31'] = bankdetail.bank_name read['fill_36'] = 'fill_36' #прописью среднемесячный доход за последние N месяцев read['fill_41'] = 'fill_41' #Достоверность сведений в справке подтверждаю: Должность # почтовый адрес read['fill_18'] = jobaddress.index read['fill_19'] = read['undefined_7'] = jobaddress.street read['fill_21'] = jobaddress.buildingNumber read['fill_22'] = jobaddress.housing read['fill_23'] = jobaddress.structure read['fill_24'] = jobaddress.flat outpt = open(path_out_file, 'wb') write = PdfFileWriter() set_need_appearances_writer(write) write.addPage(Page) write.updatePageFormFieldValues(Page, read) write.write(outpt) inpt.close() outpt.close()
NameObject("/AcroForm"): IndirectObject(len(writer._objects), 0, writer) }) need_appearances = NameObject("/NeedAppearances") writer._root_object["/AcroForm"][need_appearances] = BooleanObject( True) return writer except Exception as e: print('set_need_appearances_writer() catch : ', repr(e)) return writer pdf = PdfFileReader('divorce.pdf') writer = PdfFileWriter() print pdf.getFormTextFields().keys() #writer.cloneDocumentFromReader(pdf) for page in range(pdf.getNumPages()): writer.addPage(pdf.getPage(page)) writer.updatePageFormFieldValues( writer.getPage(page), { 'case_number': 'Somebody McSomethingelse', 'plaintiff_full_name': 'Ryan Lowery', 'plaintiff_full_name_2': 'Ryan Lowery' }) with open('divorce_out.pdf', 'wb') as outf: writer = set_need_appearances_writer(writer) writer.write(outf)
def write(client, doc): path_in_file = os.path.join(PDF_TEMPLATE_DIR, doc.file_name) inpt = open(path_in_file, 'rb') clients_file_name = str(client.first_name) + ' ' + str(client.last_name) + \ '_' + str(doc.file_name) # date or time p_file_path = os.path.join(PDF_GENERATED_RESULT_DIR, clients_file_name) reads = PdfFileReader(inpt) read = reads.getFormTextFields() checkboxes = reads.getFields() ## checkboxes['chk0'] = '/Yes' read['gText1'] = 'Наименование компании-партнёра' read['gText2'] = 'ФИО сотрудника компании-партнёра' read['gText3'] = '*****@*****.**' read['Text1'] = read['Text28'] = 'Фамилия' # client.last_name read['Text2'] = 'Имя' # client.first_name read['Text3'] = 'Отчество' # client.part_name ## read['Text28'] = client.first_name + client.part_name read['gNum1'] = 9379373737 # телефон партнера read['Num1'] = 99999 # запрашиваемая сумма кредита read['Num2'] = 122 # количество месяцев срок кредита read['Num3'] = 99999 # Предваритаельная стоимость жилья read['Text32'] = 'РФ' read['Text7'] = 'РФ' read['Text8'] = 'oblast' read['Text9'] = 'rayon' read['Num33'] = 'номер квартиры' # client.address.flat read['Text33'] = 'ulitsa' # client.address.street read['Num32'] = 123 # client.address.buildingNumber read['Text44'] = 44 # client.address korpus ?? read['Text35'] = 'gorod' # read['Num6'] = 433 # client.address.flat read['Num4'] = 443531 # client.address.index ?? read['Num7'] = 9061264537 # stacion telefon read['email'] = '*****@*****.**' # read['Num14'] = 9061264536 # client.phone_number read['Text20'] = 'nameOfOrganiz' # client.OrganizationInfo.full_name read['Text21'] = 'address_of_jobs' # client.OrganizationInfo.address read['Num17'] = 'inn' # client.OrganizationInfo.inn_number read['Num18'] = 45523455549 # client.OrganizationInfo.hr_number read['Num19'] = 45523455548 # client.OrganizationInfo.phoneJob ?? # рабочий телефон read['Num20'] = 99 # stazh v godah in organization read['Num21'] = 11 # stazh v month in organization read['Num22'] = 24 # full stazh in years read['Num23'] = 11 # full stazh in months read['Num24'] = 555555 # client.AdditionalClientInfo.average_income read['Num25'] = 12222 # client.AdditionalClinetInfo.aliment read['Num26'] = 222222 # client.AdditionalClinetInfo.monetary_obligations read['Num27'] = 3608 # client.passport.serial read['Num28'] = 128333 # client.passport.number read['Num29'] = 640 # str(clent.passport.code_of)[:3] read['Num30'] = 128 # str(client.passport.code_of)[4:] read['Text31'] = '' # пока так дальше видно будет outpt = open(out, 'wb') write = PdfFileWriter() set_need_appearances_writer(write) for i in range(reads.getNumPages() - 1): # пока хз почему write.addPage(reads.getPage(i)) updateCheckboxValues(reads.getPage(i), checkboxes) write.updatePageFormFieldValues(reads.getPage(i), read) write.write(outpt) inpt.close() outpt.close()
# Not Completed from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter # From the module "PyPDF2" import the object called "PdfFileReader" pdfFileObject = open("blankform.pdf", "rb") # This program will only work on PDF files with only text pdfReader = PdfFileReader(pdfFileObject) # Using the PdfFileReader() function, we were able to call the pdfFileObject argument. print print ("Number of Page in pdf: \n" + str(pdfReader.numPages)) # print the total number of pages in the pdf file print("_"*20) formField = pdfReader.getFormTextFields() print (formField) # This is a dictionary datatype print (formField.get("Height Formatted Field")) # Grab text in the formField called "Height Formatted Field" = 150 height = {"Height Formatted Fieldbn ": "160"} # Dictionary "Height Formatted Field" gets updated to "160" formField.update(height) # in the dictionary formField, "Height Formatted Field" gets updated print ("_"*20) print (formField) # This is a dictionary datatype print (formField.get("Height Formatted Field")) # Grab text in the formField called "Height Formatted Field" = 160 (whatever the update was) print () #pageObj = pdfReader.getPage(0) #print() #extractText = (pageObj.extractText)() # Takes the function of pageObj.extractText() and iterate it to the variable extractText #print (extractText) # Replace the word "Simple" with "
else: newFile += (line) elif line.startswith(">>"): rem = False f = open("output.pdf", "wb") f.write(newFile) f.close if __name__ == "__main__": print sys.argv if len(sys.argv) > 1: deck = sys.argv[1] else: deck = "yosenju.dek" f = open("KDE_DeckList.pdf", 'rb') pdf = PdfFileReader(f) page = pdf.getPage(0) dict = pdf.getFormTextFields() for key in dict: if dict[key] == None: dict[key] = "" monsters, spells, traps, extra, side = deckReader(deck) writeEverything(dict, monsters, spells, traps, side, extra) writer = PdfFileWriter() new = writer.updatePageFormFieldValues(page, dict) writer.addPage(page) out = open('output.pdf', 'wb') writer.write(out) out.close() removeApTags("output.pdf") os.startfile("output.pdf")
clear = ['0', '', '', '', '0.00', '0.00', '', '0.00'] for i in range(0, len(Table[0])): for j in range(0, len(Table)): driver.execute_script('arguments[0].value = "' + clear[j] + '"', Table[j][i]) for i in range(0, len(CapGains)): for j in range(0, len(CapGains[0])): driver.execute_script( 'arguments[0].value = "' + str(CapGains[i][j]) + '"', Table[j][i]) infile = "f8949.pdf" pdf = PdfFileReader(open(infile, "rb"), strict=False) pfields = pdf.getFormTextFields() pfvalues = pfields.values() if "/AcroForm" in pdf.trailer["/Root"]: pdf.trailer["/Root"]["/AcroForm"].update( {NameObject("/NeedAppearances"): BooleanObject(True)}) i = 0 for key in pfields: pfields[key] = str(i) i += 1 # 0 is name, 1 is SSN # need to precheck Box A # 2 to 113; 14 rows, 8 columns # 114 is tproc, 115: tcost, 116: dont use, 117: adj total, 118 gain/loss total
def write(client, doc): path_in_file = os.path.join(PDF_TEMPLATE_DIR, doc.file_name) inpt = open(path_in_file, 'rb') clients_file_name = str(client.first_name) + ' ' + str(client.last_name) + \ '_' + str(doc.file_name) # date or time p_file_path = os.path.join(PDF_GENERATED_RESULT_DIR, clients_file_name) reads = PdfFileReader(inpt) read = reads.getFormTextFields() checkboxes = reads.getFields() checkboxes['chk0'] = '/Yes' ## checkboxes['chk1'] = '/Yes' #Созаемщик ## checkboxes['chk2'] = '/Yes' #Поручитель checkboxes['untitled9'] = '/Yes' # Квартира checkboxes['untitled10'] = '/Yes' # Дом с участком checkboxes['untitled11'] = '/Yes' # Апартаменты checkboxes['untitled12'] = '/Yes' # Таунхаус checkboxes['untitled13'] = '/Yes' # страховка checkboxes['untitled14'] = '/Yes' # мужчина checkboxes['untitled15'] = '/Yes' # женщина ## if str(checkboxes['chk1']) == '/Yes' or str(checkboxes['chk2']) == '/Yes': ## read['str0'] = 'фамилия заемщика' ## if checkboxes['chk'] read['str1'] = 'Сумма кредита' read['str2'] = 'срок кредита' read['str3'] = 'сумма первоначального взноса' read['str4'] = 'стоимость объекта' read['str5'] = 'запрашиваемая сумма top up' read['str6'] = 'регион приобретения недвижимости' read['str7'] = client.last_name read['str8'] = client.first_name read['str9'] = client.part_name read['str10'] = 'дата рождения' read['str11'] = 'гражданство' read['str12'] = 'место рождения' read['str13'] = client.snils # 'снилс' read['str14'] = client.inn # inn read['str15'] = 'фио при изменении' read['str16'] = client.passport.serial + ' ' + client.passport.number # 'серия номер паспорта' read['str17'] = 'дата выдачи' read['str18'] = 'код подразделения' read['str19'] = client.passport._from # 'кем выдан' read['str20'] = 'адрес регистрации' read['str21'] = 'адрес проживания' # lj,bnm read['str22'] = 'мобильный' read['str23'] = 'регистрац' read['str24'] = 'тел жит' read['str25'] = 'email' read['str62'] = 'кол-во детей' read['str26'] = 'регистрац' outpt = open(p_file_path, 'wb') write = PdfFileWriter() set_need_appearances_writer(write) for i in range(reads.getNumPages() - 1): # пока хз почему write.addPage(reads.getPage(i)) updateCheckboxValues(reads.getPage(i), checkboxes) write.updatePageFormFieldValues(reads.getPage(0), read) write.write(outpt) inpt.close() outpt.close()
import sys from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter from PyPDF2.generic import BooleanObject, NameObject, IndirectObject pdf = sys.argv[1] reader = PdfFileReader(pdf) for key in reader.getFormTextFields().keys(): print(key) values = { 'Last, First, Middle': 'Testerson, Testy, S', 'Service Branch': 'Air Force', 'Trusted Agent Name': 'Another Person', } writer = PdfFileWriter() if "/AcroForm" not in writer._root_object: writer._root_object.update({ NameObject("/AcroForm"): IndirectObject(len(writer._objects), 0, writer) }) writer._root_object["/AcroForm"].update( {NameObject("/NeedAppearances"): BooleanObject(True)}) def update_fields(page): if '/Annots' in page: writer.updatePageFormFieldValues(page, values)