def __call__(self, ok): from PyQt4.Qt import QImage, QPainter, QByteArray, QBuffer try: if not ok: raise RuntimeError('Rendering of HTML failed.') de = pe = de.findFirst('parsererror') if not pe.isNull(): raise ParserError(pe.toPlainText()) image = QImage(, QImage.Format_ARGB32) image.setDotsPerMeterX(96*(100/2.54)) image.setDotsPerMeterY(96*(100/2.54)) painter = QPainter(image) painter.end() ba = QByteArray() buf = QBuffer(ba), 'JPEG') = str( except Exception as e: self.exception = e self.traceback = traceback.format_exc() finally: self.loop.exit(0)
def getScreenByQt(): buffer = QBuffer() img = QPixmap.grabWindow( QApplication.desktop().winId()).toImage().copy( 0, 0, 320, 240).convertToFormat(QImage.Format_RGB16) buf = bytearray(img.bits().asarray(320 * 240 * 2)) # flip vertically offset = 320 * 240 * 2 for i in range(0, 240 // 2): row_a = i row_b = 239 - i row_a_offset = 320 * row_a * 2 row_b_offset = 320 * row_b * 2 row_a_data = bytes(buf[row_a_offset:row_a_offset + 320 * 2]) row_b_data = bytes(buf[row_b_offset:row_b_offset + 320 * 2]) buf[row_a_offset:row_a_offset + 320 * 2] = row_b_data buf[row_b_offset:row_b_offset + 320 * 2] = row_a_data return buf
def screenTable(library='xlib'): if (library=='xlib'): from Xlib import display, X ##Get screenshot of the table## width,height = int((1/2)*pyautogui.size().width/constants.NB_DISPLAYS),int((4/4)*pyautogui.size().height) dsp = display.Display() root = dsp.screen().root raw = root.get_image(0, 0, width, height, X.ZPixmap, 0xffffffff) table_img = Image.frombytes("RGB", (width, height),, "raw", "BGRX").convert('RGB') return table_img elif (library=='pyqt'): from PyQt4.QtGui import QPixmap, QApplication from PyQt4.Qt import QBuffer, QIODevice import io app = QApplication(sys.argv) buffer = QBuffer() QPixmap.grabWindow(QApplication.desktop().winId()).save(buffer, 'png') strio = io.BytesIO() strio.write( buffer.close() del app table_img = width,height = int((1/2)*pyautogui.size().width/constants.NB_DISPLAYS),int((3/4)*pyautogui.size().height) table_img = table_img.crop((0,0,width,height)) # print(table_img) return table_img else: print("The library: "+library+" can't be used here")
def __init__(self, dir_pub, socket_opengazer_c): self.ctx_zmq = zmq.Context() self.socket = self.ctx_zmq.socket(zmq.PUB) self.socket.bind(dir_pub) self.socket_opengazer_c = socket_opengazer_c = QApplication(sys.argv) self.buffer = QBuffer()
def applyFilter(self): # Konvertujem QImage do grayscale global frameBuffer imgBuffer = QBuffer(), "bmp") strio = cStringIO.StringIO() strio.write( imgBuffer.close() pil_im ='L') # Pole v Numpy 8bit oer pixel numpyArray = np.asarray(pil_im) # Tu si urob filter nad polom numpyArray = fft(numpyArray) # koniec filtra, konvertujem obrazok nazad to QTimage pilOutput = Image.fromarray(numpyArray, 'L') if screenCaptureModifier.colorMap is not None: pilOutput.putpalette(screenCaptureModifier.colorMap) self.modifiedImage = ImageQt.ImageQt(pilOutput.convert('RGB'))
def image_to_data(image): # {{{ ba = QByteArray() buf = QBuffer(ba) if not, CACHE_FORMAT): raise EncodeError('Failed to encode thumbnail') ret = bytes( buf.close() return ret
def pixmap_to_data(pixmap, format='JPEG', quality=90): ''' Return the QPixmap pixmap as a string saved in the specified format. ''' ba = QByteArray() buf = QBuffer(ba), format, quality=quality) return bytes(
def add_image(self, img, cache_key): ref = self.get_image(cache_key) if ref is not None: return ref fmt = img.format() image = QImage(img) if (image.depth() == 1 and img.colorTable().size() == 2 and img.colorTable().at(0) == QColor( and img.colorTable().at(1) == QColor(Qt.white).rgba()): if fmt == QImage.Format_MonoLSB: image = image.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_Mono) fmt = QImage.Format_Mono else: if (fmt != QImage.Format_RGB32 and fmt != QImage.Format_ARGB32): image = image.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_ARGB32) fmt = QImage.Format_ARGB32 w = image.width() h = image.height() d = image.depth() if fmt == QImage.Format_Mono: bytes_per_line = (w + 7) >> 3 data = image.constBits().asstring(bytes_per_line * h) return self.write_image(data, w, h, d, cache_key=cache_key) has_alpha = False soft_mask = None if fmt == QImage.Format_ARGB32: tmask = image.constBits().asstring(4*w*h)[self.alpha_bit::4] sdata = bytearray(tmask) vals = set(sdata) vals.discard(255) # discard opaque pixels has_alpha = bool(vals) if has_alpha: # Blend image onto a white background as otherwise Qt will render # transparent pixels as black background = QImage(image.size(), QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) background.fill(Qt.white) painter = QPainter(background) painter.drawImage(0, 0, image) painter.end() image = background ba = QByteArray() buf = QBuffer(ba), 'jpeg', 94) data = bytes( if has_alpha: soft_mask = self.write_image(tmask, w, h, 8) return self.write_image(data, w, h, 32, dct=True, soft_mask=soft_mask, cache_key=cache_key)
def getScreenByQt(self): from PyQt4.QtGui import QPixmap, QApplication from PyQt4.Qt import QBuffer, QIODevice import StringIO app = QApplication(sys.argv) buffer = QBuffer() QPixmap.grabWindow(QApplication.desktop().winId()).save(buffer, 'png') strio = StringIO.StringIO() strio.write( buffer.close() del app return
def getScreenByQt4(self): from PyQt4.Qt import QBuffer import StringIO from PyQt4.Qt import QIODevice from PyQt4.QtGui import QPixmap from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication buffer = QBuffer() rootwin = QApplication.desktop().winId() strio = StringIO.StringIO() QPixmap.grabWindow(rootwin).save(buffer, 'jpg') strio.write( buffer.close() return
def getScreenByQt(self): from PyQt4.QtGui import QPixmap, QApplication from PyQt4.Qt import QBuffer, QIODevice import StringIO # there should only ever be a single instance of QApplication or else it crashes on some platforms if Screenshot.qtAppInstance is None: Screenshot.qtAppInstance = QApplication(sys.argv) buffer = QBuffer() QPixmap.grabWindow(QApplication.desktop().winId()).save(buffer, 'png') strio = StringIO.StringIO() strio.write( buffer.close() return
def to_png(bmp): # ImageMagick does not convert some bmp files correctly, while Qt does, # so try Qt first. See for instance: # # ImageMagick bug report: # from PyQt4.Qt import QImage, QByteArray, QBuffer i = QImage() if i.loadFromData(bmp): ba = QByteArray() buf = QBuffer(ba), 'png') return bytes( from calibre.utils.magick import Image img = Image() img.load(bmp) return img.export('png')
def _save(self): self.checkPrice self.itemName=self.window.le_ItemName.text() if self.itemName=="" or self.itemPrice==0 or self.itemIcon is None: message=u"Не все данные указаны" self._showMessage(u'Ошибка', message) self.window.btn_Save.setEnabled(False) return blobImg=QByteArray() buff=QBuffer(blobImg), "JPG") if self.typeOperation=='Add': self.addItem(blobImg) elif self.typeOperation=='Edit': self.editItem(blobImg) self.window.close() self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("RefreshItemTable"))
def _repr_png_(self): self._widget.hide() QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() try: self.image = QImage(self._widget.viewRect().size().toSize(), QImage.Format_RGB32) except AttributeError: self._widget.updateGL() self.image = self._widget.grabFrameBuffer() painter = QPainter(self.image) self._widget.render(painter) byte_array = QByteArray() buffer = QBuffer(byte_array), 'PNG') buffer.close() return bytes(byte_array)
def add_image(self, img, cache_key): ref = self.get_image(cache_key) if ref is not None: return ref fmt = img.format() image = QImage(img) if (image.depth() == 1 and img.colorTable().size() == 2 and img.colorTable().at(0) == QColor( and img.colorTable().at(1) == QColor(Qt.white).rgba()): if fmt == QImage.Format_MonoLSB: image = image.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_Mono) fmt = QImage.Format_Mono else: if (fmt != QImage.Format_RGB32 and fmt != QImage.Format_ARGB32): image = image.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_ARGB32) fmt = QImage.Format_ARGB32 w = image.width() h = image.height() d = image.depth() if fmt == QImage.Format_Mono: bytes_per_line = (w + 7) >> 3 data = image.constBits().asstring(bytes_per_line * h) return self.write_image(data, w, h, d, cache_key=cache_key) ba = QByteArray() buf = QBuffer(ba), 'jpeg', 94) data = bytes( has_alpha = has_mask = False soft_mask = mask = None if fmt == QImage.Format_ARGB32: tmask = image.constBits().asstring(4 * w * h)[self.alpha_bit::4] sdata = bytearray(tmask) vals = set(sdata) vals.discard(255) has_mask = bool(vals) vals.discard(0) has_alpha = bool(vals) if has_alpha: soft_mask = self.write_image(tmask, w, h, 8) elif has_mask: # dither the soft mask to 1bit and add it. This also helps PDF # viewers without transparency support bytes_per_line = (w + 7) >> 3 mdata = bytearray(0 for i in xrange(bytes_per_line * h)) spos = mpos = 0 for y in xrange(h): for x in xrange(w): if sdata[spos]: mdata[mpos + x >> 3] |= (0x80 >> (x & 7)) spos += 1 mpos += bytes_per_line mdata = bytes(mdata) mask = self.write_image(mdata, w, h, 1) return self.write_image(data, w, h, 32, mask=mask, dct=True, soft_mask=soft_mask, cache_key=cache_key)