def ask_link(self): d = QDialog(self) d.setWindowTitle(_('Create link')) l = QFormLayout() d.setLayout(l) d.url = QLineEdit(d) = QLineEdit(d) d.treat_as_image = QCheckBox(d) d.setMinimumWidth(600) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) = b = QPushButton(_('&Browse')) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('document_open.png'))) def cf(): files = choose_files(d, 'select link file', _('Choose file'), select_only_single_file=True) if files: path = files[0] d.url.setText(path) if path and os.path.exists(path): with lopen(path, 'rb') as f: q = what(f) is_image = q in {'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'} d.treat_as_image.setChecked(is_image) b.clicked.connect(cf) = la = QLabel( _('Enter a URL. If you check the "Treat the URL as an image" box ' 'then the URL will be added as an image reference instead of as ' 'a link. You can also choose to create a link to a file on ' 'your computer. ' 'Note that if you create a link to a file on your computer, it ' 'will stop working if the file is moved.')) la.setWordWrap(True) la.setStyleSheet('QLabel { margin-bottom: 1.5ex }') l.setWidget(0, l.SpanningRole, la) l.addRow(_('Enter &URL:'), d.url) l.addRow(_('Treat the URL as an &image'), d.treat_as_image) l.addRow(_('Enter &name (optional):'), l.addRow(_('Choose a file on your computer:'), l.addRow( d.resize(d.sizeHint()) link, name, is_image = None, None, False if d.exec_() == d.Accepted: link, name = unicode(d.url.text()).strip(), unicode( is_image = d.treat_as_image.isChecked() return link, name, is_image
def ask_link(self): d = QDialog(self) d.setWindowTitle(_('Create link')) l = QFormLayout() d.setLayout(l) d.url = QLineEdit(d) = QLineEdit(d) d.treat_as_image = QCheckBox(d) d.setMinimumWidth(600) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok|QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) = b = QPushButton(_('&Browse')) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('document_open.png'))) def cf(): files = choose_files(d, 'select link file', _('Choose file'), select_only_single_file=True) if files: path = files[0] d.url.setText(path) if path and os.path.exists(path): with lopen(path, 'rb') as f: q = what(f) is_image = q in {'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'} d.treat_as_image.setChecked(is_image) b.clicked.connect(cf) = la = QLabel(_( 'Enter a URL. If you check the "Treat the URL as an image" box ' 'then the URL will be added as an image reference instead of as ' 'a link. You can also choose to create a link to a file on ' 'your computer. ' 'Note that if you create a link to a file on your computer, it ' 'will stop working if the file is moved.')) la.setWordWrap(True) la.setStyleSheet('QLabel { margin-bottom: 1.5ex }') l.setWidget(0, l.SpanningRole, la) l.addRow(_('Enter &URL:'), d.url) l.addRow(_('Treat the URL as an &image'), d.treat_as_image) l.addRow(_('Enter &name (optional):'), l.addRow(_('Choose a file on your computer:'), l.addRow( d.resize(d.sizeHint()) link, name, is_image = None, None, False if d.exec_() == d.Accepted: link, name = unicode(d.url.text()).strip(), unicode( is_image = d.treat_as_image.isChecked() return link, name, is_image
def ask_about_cc_mismatch(gui, db, newdb, missing_cols, incompatible_cols): # {{{ source_metadata = db.field_metadata.custom_field_metadata(include_composites=True) ndbname = os.path.basename(newdb.library_path) d = QDialog(gui) d.setWindowTitle(_('Different custom columns')) l = QFormLayout() tl = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(tl) d.s = QScrollArea(d) tl.addWidget(d.s) d.w = QWidget(d) d.s.setWidget(d.w) d.s.setWidgetResizable(True) d.w.setLayout(l) d.setMinimumWidth(600) d.setMinimumHeight(500) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok|QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) msg = _('The custom columns in the <i>{0}</i> library are different from the ' 'custom columns in the <i>{1}</i> library. As a result, some metadata might not be copied.').format( os.path.basename(db.library_path), ndbname) = la = QLabel(msg) la.setWordWrap(True) la.setStyleSheet('QLabel { margin-bottom: 1.5ex }') l.addRow(la) if incompatible_cols: la = d.la2 = QLabel(_('The following columns are incompatible - they have the same name' ' but different data types. They will be ignored: ') + ', '.join(sorted(incompatible_cols, key=sort_key))) la.setWordWrap(True) la.setStyleSheet('QLabel { margin-bottom: 1.5ex }') l.addRow(la) missing_widgets = [] if missing_cols: la = d.la3 = QLabel(_('The following columns are missing in the <i>{0}</i> library.' ' You can choose to add them automatically below.').format( ndbname)) la.setWordWrap(True) l.addRow(la) for k in missing_cols: widgets = (k, QCheckBox(_('Add to the %s library') % ndbname)) l.addRow(QLabel(k), widgets[1]) missing_widgets.append(widgets) d.la4 = la = QLabel(_('This warning is only shown once per library, per session')) la.setWordWrap(True) tl.addWidget(la) tl.addWidget( d.resize(d.sizeHint()) if d.exec_() == d.Accepted: for k, cb in missing_widgets: if cb.isChecked(): col_meta = source_metadata[k] newdb.create_custom_column( col_meta['label'], col_meta['name'], col_meta['datatype'], len(col_meta['is_multiple']) > 0, col_meta['is_editable'], col_meta['display']) return True return False