def __init__(self, gui): QWidget.__init__(self, gui) self.setObjectName('jobs_pointer') self.setVisible(False) self.resize(100, 80) self.animation = QPropertyAnimation(self, "geometry", self) self.animation.setDuration(750) self.animation.setLoopCount(2) self.animation.setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve.Linear) self.animation.finished.connect(self.hide) taily, heady = 0, 55 self.arrow_path = QPainterPath(QPointF(40, taily)) self.arrow_path.lineTo(40, heady) self.arrow_path.lineTo(20, heady) self.arrow_path.lineTo(50, self.height()) self.arrow_path.lineTo(80, heady) self.arrow_path.lineTo(60, heady) self.arrow_path.lineTo(60, taily) self.arrow_path.closeSubpath() c = self.palette().color(QPalette.Active, QPalette.WindowText) self.color = QColor(c) self.color.setAlpha(100) self.brush = QBrush(self.color, Qt.SolidPattern)
def create_line(ly, ry, right_to_left=False): ' Create path that represents upper or lower line of change marker ' line = QPainterPath() if not right_to_left: line.moveTo(0, ly) line.cubicTo(C, ly, w - C, ry, w, ry) else: line.moveTo(w, ry) line.cubicTo(w - C, ry, C, ly, 0, ly) return line
def full(p, xmax, ymax): p.drawRect(0, 0, xmax, ymax) p.drawPolyline(QPoint(0, 0), QPoint(xmax, 0), QPoint(xmax, ymax), QPoint(0, ymax), QPoint(0, 0)) pp = QPainterPath() pp.addRect(0, 0, xmax, ymax) p.drawPath(pp) for i in xrange(3): col = [0, 0, 0, 200] col[i] = 255 p.setOpacity(0.3) p.fillRect(0, 0, xmax/10, xmax/10, QBrush(QColor(*col))) p.setOpacity(1) p.drawRect(0, 0, xmax/10, xmax/10) p.translate(xmax/10, xmax/10) p.scale(1, 1.5) p.restore() # p.scale(2, 2) # p.rotate(45) p.drawPixmap(0, 0, xmax/4, xmax/4, QPixmap(I('library.png'))) p.drawRect(0, 0, xmax/4, xmax/4) f = p.font() f.setPointSize(20) # f.setLetterSpacing(f.PercentageSpacing, 200) f.setUnderline(True) # f.setOverline(True) # f.setStrikeOut(True) f.setFamily('Calibri') p.setFont(f) # p.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 255)) # p.scale(2, 2) # p.rotate(45) p.drawText(QPoint(xmax/3.9, 30), 'Some—text not By’s ū --- Д AV ff ff') b = QBrush(Qt.HorPattern) b.setColor(QColor( pix = QPixmap(I('console.png')) w = xmax/4 p.fillRect(0, ymax/3, w, w, b) p.fillRect(xmax/3, ymax/3, w, w, QBrush(pix)) x, y = 2*xmax/3, ymax/3 p.drawTiledPixmap(QRectF(x, y, w, w), pix, QPointF(10, 10)) x, y = 1, ymax/1.9 g = QLinearGradient(QPointF(x, y), QPointF(x+w, y+w)) g.setColorAt(0, QColor('#00f')) g.setColorAt(1, QColor('#fff')) p.fillRect(x, y, w, w, QBrush(g))
def full(p, xmax, ymax): p.drawRect(0, 0, xmax, ymax) p.drawPolyline(QPoint(0, 0), QPoint(xmax, 0), QPoint(xmax, ymax), QPoint(0, ymax), QPoint(0, 0)) pp = QPainterPath() pp.addRect(0, 0, xmax, ymax) p.drawPath(pp) for i in xrange(3): col = [0, 0, 0, 200] col[i] = 255 p.setOpacity(0.3) p.fillRect(0, 0, xmax / 10, xmax / 10, QBrush(QColor(*col))) p.setOpacity(1) p.drawRect(0, 0, xmax / 10, xmax / 10) p.translate(xmax / 10, xmax / 10) p.scale(1, 1.5) p.restore() # p.scale(2, 2) # p.rotate(45) p.drawPixmap(0, 0, xmax / 4, xmax / 4, QPixmap(I('library.png'))) p.drawRect(0, 0, xmax / 4, xmax / 4) f = p.font() f.setPointSize(20) # f.setLetterSpacing(f.PercentageSpacing, 200) f.setUnderline(True) # f.setOverline(True) # f.setStrikeOut(True) f.setFamily('Calibri') p.setFont(f) # p.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 255)) # p.scale(2, 2) # p.rotate(45) p.drawText(QPoint(xmax / 3.9, 30), 'Some—text not By’s ū --- Д AV ff ff') b = QBrush(Qt.HorPattern) b.setColor(QColor( pix = QPixmap(I('console.png')) w = xmax / 4 p.fillRect(0, ymax / 3, w, w, b) p.fillRect(xmax / 3, ymax / 3, w, w, QBrush(pix)) x, y = 2 * xmax / 3, ymax / 3 p.drawTiledPixmap(QRectF(x, y, w, w), pix, QPointF(10, 10)) x, y = 1, ymax / 1.9 g = QLinearGradient(QPointF(x, y), QPointF(x + w, y + w)) g.setColorAt(0, QColor('#00f')) g.setColorAt(1, QColor('#fff')) p.fillRect(x, y, w, w, QBrush(g))
def start(self): if config['disable_animations']: return self.setVisible(True) self.raise_() end = self.abspos(self.gui.jobs_button) end = QPointF(end.x() + self.gui.jobs_button.width() / 3.0, end.y() + 20) start = QPointF(end.x(), end.y() - 0.5 * self.height()) self.path = QPainterPath(QPointF(start)) self.path.lineTo(end) self.path.closeSubpath() self.animation.setStartValue(self.rect_at(0.0)) self.animation.setEndValue(self.rect_at(1.0)) self.animation.setDirection(self.animation.Backward) num_keys = 100 for i in xrange(1, num_keys): i /= num_keys self.animation.setKeyValueAt(i, self.rect_at(i)) self.animation.start()
def start(self): if config['disable_animations']: return self.setVisible(True) self.raise_() end = self.abspos(self.gui.jobs_button) end = QPointF( end.x() + self.gui.jobs_button.width()/3.0, end.y()+20) start = QPointF(end.x(), end.y() - 0.5*self.height()) self.path = QPainterPath(QPointF(start)) self.path.lineTo(end) self.path.closeSubpath() self.animation.setStartValue(self.rect_at(0.0)) self.animation.setEndValue(self.rect_at(1.0)) self.animation.setDirection(self.animation.Backward) num_keys = 100 for i in xrange(1, num_keys): i /= num_keys self.animation.setKeyValueAt(i, self.rect_at(i)) self.animation.start()
def paintEvent(self, event): QSplitterHandle.paintEvent(self, event) left, right = self.parent().left, self.parent().right painter = QPainter(self) painter.setClipRect(event.rect()) w = self.width() h = self.height() painter.setRenderHints(QPainter.Antialiasing, True) C = 16 # Curve factor. def create_line(ly, ry, right_to_left=False): ' Create path that represents upper or lower line of change marker ' line = QPainterPath() if not right_to_left: line.moveTo(0, ly) line.cubicTo(C, ly, w - C, ry, w, ry) else: line.moveTo(w, ry) line.cubicTo(w - C, ry, C, ly, 0, ly) return line ldoc, rdoc = left.document(), right.document() lorigin, rorigin = left.contentOffset(), right.contentOffset() lfv, rfv = left.firstVisibleBlock().blockNumber( ), right.firstVisibleBlock().blockNumber() lines = [] for (ltop, lbot, kind), (rtop, rbot, kind) in zip(left.changes, right.changes): if lbot < lfv and rbot < rfv: continue ly_top = left.blockBoundingGeometry( ldoc.findBlockByNumber(ltop)).translated(lorigin).y() ly_bot = left.blockBoundingGeometry( ldoc.findBlockByNumber(lbot)).translated(lorigin).y() ry_top = right.blockBoundingGeometry( rdoc.findBlockByNumber(rtop)).translated(rorigin).y() ry_bot = right.blockBoundingGeometry( rdoc.findBlockByNumber(rbot)).translated(rorigin).y() if max(ly_top, ly_bot, ry_top, ry_bot) < 0: continue if min(ly_top, ly_bot, ry_top, ry_bot) > h: break upper_line = create_line(ly_top, ry_top) lower_line = create_line(ly_bot, ry_bot, True) region = QPainterPath() region.moveTo(0, ly_top) region.connectPath(upper_line) region.lineTo(w, ry_bot) region.connectPath(lower_line) region.closeSubpath() painter.fillPath(region, left.diff_backgrounds[kind]) for path, aa in zip((upper_line, lower_line), (ly_top != ry_top, ly_bot != ry_bot)): lines.append((kind, path, aa)) for kind, path, aa in sorted( lines, key=lambda x: {'replace': 0}.get(x[0], 1)): painter.setPen(left.diff_foregrounds[kind]) painter.setRenderHints(QPainter.Antialiasing, aa) painter.drawPath(path) painter.setFont(left.heading_font) for (lnum, text), (rnum, text) in zip(left.headers, right.headers): ltop, lbot, rtop, rbot = lnum, lnum + 3, rnum, rnum + 3 if lbot < lfv and rbot < rfv: continue ly_top = left.blockBoundingGeometry( ldoc.findBlockByNumber(ltop)).translated(lorigin).y() ly_bot = left.blockBoundingGeometry( ldoc.findBlockByNumber(lbot)).translated(lorigin).y() ry_top = right.blockBoundingGeometry( rdoc.findBlockByNumber(rtop)).translated(rorigin).y() ry_bot = right.blockBoundingGeometry( rdoc.findBlockByNumber(rbot)).translated(rorigin).y() if max(ly_top, ly_bot, ry_top, ry_bot) < 0: continue if min(ly_top, ly_bot, ry_top, ry_bot) > h: break ly = painter.boundingRect(3, ly_top, left.width(), ly_bot - ly_top - 5, Qt.TextSingleLine, text).bottom() + 3 ry = painter.boundingRect(3, ry_top, right.width(), ry_bot - ry_top - 5, Qt.TextSingleLine, text).bottom() + 3 line = create_line(ly, ry) painter.setPen(QPen(left.palette().text(), 2)) painter.setRenderHints(QPainter.Antialiasing, ly != ry) painter.drawPath(line) painter.end() # Paint the splitter without the change lines if the mouse is over the # splitter if getattr(self, 'hover', False): QSplitterHandle.paintEvent(self, event)
def paintEvent(self, event): QSplitterHandle.paintEvent(self, event) left, right = self.parent().left, self.parent().right painter = QPainter(self) painter.setClipRect(event.rect()) w = self.width() h = self.height() painter.setRenderHints(QPainter.Antialiasing, True) C = 16 # Curve factor. def create_line(ly, ry, right_to_left=False): ' Create path that represents upper or lower line of change marker ' line = QPainterPath() if not right_to_left: line.moveTo(0, ly) line.cubicTo(C, ly, w - C, ry, w, ry) else: line.moveTo(w, ry) line.cubicTo(w - C, ry, C, ly, 0, ly) return line ldoc, rdoc = left.document(), right.document() lorigin, rorigin = left.contentOffset(), right.contentOffset() lfv, rfv = left.firstVisibleBlock().blockNumber(), right.firstVisibleBlock().blockNumber() lines = [] for (ltop, lbot, kind), (rtop, rbot, kind) in zip(left.changes, right.changes): if lbot < lfv and rbot < rfv: continue ly_top = left.blockBoundingGeometry(ldoc.findBlockByNumber(ltop)).translated(lorigin).y() ly_bot = left.blockBoundingGeometry(ldoc.findBlockByNumber(lbot)).translated(lorigin).y() ry_top = right.blockBoundingGeometry(rdoc.findBlockByNumber(rtop)).translated(rorigin).y() ry_bot = right.blockBoundingGeometry(rdoc.findBlockByNumber(rbot)).translated(rorigin).y() if max(ly_top, ly_bot, ry_top, ry_bot) < 0: continue if min(ly_top, ly_bot, ry_top, ry_bot) > h: break upper_line = create_line(ly_top, ry_top) lower_line = create_line(ly_bot, ry_bot, True) region = QPainterPath() region.moveTo(0, ly_top) region.connectPath(upper_line) region.lineTo(w, ry_bot) region.connectPath(lower_line) region.closeSubpath() painter.fillPath(region, left.diff_backgrounds[kind]) for path, aa in zip((upper_line, lower_line), (ly_top != ry_top, ly_bot != ry_bot)): lines.append((kind, path, aa)) for kind, path, aa in sorted(lines, key=lambda x:{'replace':0}.get(x[0], 1)): painter.setPen(left.diff_foregrounds[kind]) painter.setRenderHints(QPainter.Antialiasing, aa) painter.drawPath(path) painter.setFont(left.heading_font) for (lnum, text), (rnum, text) in zip(left.headers, right.headers): ltop, lbot, rtop, rbot = lnum, lnum + 3, rnum, rnum + 3 if lbot < lfv and rbot < rfv: continue ly_top = left.blockBoundingGeometry(ldoc.findBlockByNumber(ltop)).translated(lorigin).y() ly_bot = left.blockBoundingGeometry(ldoc.findBlockByNumber(lbot)).translated(lorigin).y() ry_top = right.blockBoundingGeometry(rdoc.findBlockByNumber(rtop)).translated(rorigin).y() ry_bot = right.blockBoundingGeometry(rdoc.findBlockByNumber(rbot)).translated(rorigin).y() if max(ly_top, ly_bot, ry_top, ry_bot) < 0: continue if min(ly_top, ly_bot, ry_top, ry_bot) > h: break ly = painter.boundingRect(3, ly_top, left.width(), ly_bot - ly_top - 5, Qt.TextSingleLine, text).bottom() + 3 ry = painter.boundingRect(3, ry_top, right.width(), ry_bot - ry_top - 5, Qt.TextSingleLine, text).bottom() + 3 line = create_line(ly, ry) painter.setPen(QPen(left.palette().text(), 2)) painter.setRenderHints(QPainter.Antialiasing, ly != ry) painter.drawPath(line) painter.end() # Paint the splitter without the change lines if the mouse is over the # splitter if getattr(self, 'hover', False): QSplitterHandle.paintEvent(self, event)
class Pointer(QWidget): def __init__(self, gui): QWidget.__init__(self, gui) self.setObjectName('jobs_pointer') self.setVisible(False) self.resize(100, 80) self.animation = QPropertyAnimation(self, "geometry", self) self.animation.setDuration(750) self.animation.setLoopCount(2) self.animation.setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve.Linear) self.animation.finished.connect(self.hide) taily, heady = 0, 55 self.arrow_path = QPainterPath(QPointF(40, taily)) self.arrow_path.lineTo(40, heady) self.arrow_path.lineTo(20, heady) self.arrow_path.lineTo(50, self.height()) self.arrow_path.lineTo(80, heady) self.arrow_path.lineTo(60, heady) self.arrow_path.lineTo(60, taily) self.arrow_path.closeSubpath() c = self.palette().color(QPalette.Active, QPalette.WindowText) self.color = QColor(c) self.color.setAlpha(100) self.brush = QBrush(self.color, Qt.SolidPattern) # from PyQt4.Qt import QTimer # QTimer.singleShot(1000, self.start) @property def gui(self): return self.parent() def point_at(self, frac): return (self.path.pointAtPercent(frac).toPoint() - QPoint(self.rect().center().x(), self.height())) def rect_at(self, frac): return QRect(self.point_at(frac), self.size()) def abspos(self, widget): pos = widget.pos() parent = widget.parent() while parent is not self.gui: pos += parent.pos() parent = parent.parent() return pos def start(self): if config['disable_animations']: return self.setVisible(True) self.raise_() end = self.abspos(self.gui.jobs_button) end = QPointF(end.x() + self.gui.jobs_button.width() / 3.0, end.y() + 20) start = QPointF(end.x(), end.y() - 0.5 * self.height()) self.path = QPainterPath(QPointF(start)) self.path.lineTo(end) self.path.closeSubpath() self.animation.setStartValue(self.rect_at(0.0)) self.animation.setEndValue(self.rect_at(1.0)) self.animation.setDirection(self.animation.Backward) num_keys = 100 for i in xrange(1, num_keys): i /= num_keys self.animation.setKeyValueAt(i, self.rect_at(i)) self.animation.start() def paintEvent(self, ev): p = QPainter(self) p.setRenderHints(p.Antialiasing) p.setBrush(self.brush) p.setPen(Qt.NoPen) p.drawPath(self.arrow_path) p.end()
class Pointer(QWidget): def __init__(self, gui): QWidget.__init__(self, gui) self.setObjectName('jobs_pointer') self.setVisible(False) self.resize(100, 80) self.animation = QPropertyAnimation(self, "geometry", self) self.animation.setDuration(750) self.animation.setLoopCount(2) self.animation.setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve.Linear) self.animation.finished.connect(self.hide) taily, heady = 0, 55 self.arrow_path = QPainterPath(QPointF(40, taily)) self.arrow_path.lineTo(40, heady) self.arrow_path.lineTo(20, heady) self.arrow_path.lineTo(50, self.height()) self.arrow_path.lineTo(80, heady) self.arrow_path.lineTo(60, heady) self.arrow_path.lineTo(60, taily) self.arrow_path.closeSubpath() c = self.palette().color(QPalette.Active, QPalette.WindowText) self.color = QColor(c) self.color.setAlpha(100) self.brush = QBrush(self.color, Qt.SolidPattern) # from PyQt4.Qt import QTimer # QTimer.singleShot(1000, self.start) @property def gui(self): return self.parent() def point_at(self, frac): return (self.path.pointAtPercent(frac).toPoint() - QPoint(self.rect().center().x(), self.height())) def rect_at(self, frac): return QRect(self.point_at(frac), self.size()) def abspos(self, widget): pos = widget.pos() parent = widget.parent() while parent is not self.gui: pos += parent.pos() parent = parent.parent() return pos def start(self): if config['disable_animations']: return self.setVisible(True) self.raise_() end = self.abspos(self.gui.jobs_button) end = QPointF( end.x() + self.gui.jobs_button.width()/3.0, end.y()+20) start = QPointF(end.x(), end.y() - 0.5*self.height()) self.path = QPainterPath(QPointF(start)) self.path.lineTo(end) self.path.closeSubpath() self.animation.setStartValue(self.rect_at(0.0)) self.animation.setEndValue(self.rect_at(1.0)) self.animation.setDirection(self.animation.Backward) num_keys = 100 for i in xrange(1, num_keys): i /= num_keys self.animation.setKeyValueAt(i, self.rect_at(i)) self.animation.start() def paintEvent(self, ev): p = QPainter(self) p.setRenderHints(p.Antialiasing) p.setBrush(self.brush) p.setPen(Qt.NoPen) p.drawPath(self.arrow_path) p.end()