コード例 #1
def makelongenough(text, w=20, p=False, font=None):
    compare_text = 'M' * w
    if font is None:
        font = QFont('Helvetica', 8)
    m = QFontMetrics(font)
    target_width = m.width(compare_text)
    while m.width(text) <= target_width:
        a = m.width(text)
        if p:
            return text
            text = ' ' + text
            text += ' '
    return text
コード例 #2
 def formatText(self, font):
     metrics = QFontMetrics(font)
     width = metrics.width(self.text)
     need_to_modify = False
     while(width > Words.MAXIMUM_TEXT_WIDTH):
         need_to_modify = True
         self.text = self.text[0:-1]
         width = metrics.width(self.text)
     if need_to_modify:
         self.text = self.text[0:-3]
         self.text = self.text + "..."
コード例 #3
ファイル: text.py プロジェクト: pombreda/calibre-1
    def populate(self, phrase, ts, process_space=True):
        phrase_pos = 0
        processed = False
        matches = self.__class__.whitespace.finditer(phrase)
        font = QFont(ts.font)
        if self.valign is not None:
            font.setPixelSize(font.pixelSize() / 1.5)
        fm = QFontMetrics(font)
        single_space_width = fm.width(' ')
        height, descent = fm.height(), fm.descent()
        for match in matches:
            processed = True
            left, right = match.span()
            if not process_space:
                right = left
            space_width = single_space_width * (right - left)
            word = phrase[phrase_pos:left]
            width = fm.width(word)
            if self.current_width + width < self.line_length:
                self.commit(word, width, height, descent, ts, font)
                if space_width > 0 and self.current_width + space_width < self.line_length:
                phrase_pos = right

            # Word doesn't fit on line
            if self.hyphenate and len(word) > 3:
                tokens = hyphenate_word(word)
                for i in range(len(tokens) - 2, -1, -1):
                    word = ''.join(tokens[0:i + 1]) + '-'
                    width = fm.width(word)
                    if self.current_width + width < self.line_length:
                        self.commit(word, width, height, descent, ts, font)
                        return phrase_pos + len(word) - 1, True
            if self.current_width < 5:  # Force hyphenation as word is longer than line
                for i in range(len(word) - 5, 0, -5):
                    part = word[:i] + '-'
                    width = fm.width(part)
                    if self.current_width + width < self.line_length:
                        self.commit(part, width, height, descent, ts, font)
                        return phrase_pos + len(part) - 1, True
            # Failed to add word.
            return phrase_pos, True

        if not processed:
            return self.populate(phrase + ' ', ts, False)

        return phrase_pos, False
コード例 #4
ファイル: text.py プロジェクト: Farb/calibre
    def populate(self, phrase, ts, process_space=True):
        phrase_pos = 0
        processed = False
        matches = self.__class__.whitespace.finditer(phrase)
        font = QFont(ts.font)
        if self.valign is not None:
        fm = QFontMetrics(font)
        single_space_width = fm.width(' ')
        height, descent = fm.height(), fm.descent()
        for match in matches:
            processed = True
            left, right = match.span()
            if not process_space:
                right = left
            space_width = single_space_width * (right-left)
            word = phrase[phrase_pos:left]
            width = fm.width(word)
            if self.current_width + width < self.line_length:
                self.commit(word, width, height, descent, ts, font)
                if space_width > 0 and self.current_width + space_width < self.line_length:
                phrase_pos = right

            # Word doesn't fit on line
            if self.hyphenate and len(word) > 3:
                tokens = hyphenate_word(word)
                for i in range(len(tokens)-2, -1, -1):
                    word = ''.join(tokens[0:i+1])+'-'
                    width = fm.width(word)
                    if self.current_width + width < self.line_length:
                        self.commit(word, width, height, descent, ts, font)
                        return phrase_pos + len(word)-1, True
            if self.current_width < 5:  # Force hyphenation as word is longer than line
                for i in range(len(word)-5, 0, -5):
                    part = word[:i] + '-'
                    width = fm.width(part)
                    if self.current_width + width < self.line_length:
                        self.commit(part, width, height, descent, ts, font)
                        return phrase_pos + len(part)-1, True
            # Failed to add word.
            return phrase_pos, True

        if not processed:
            return self.populate(phrase+' ', ts, False)

        return phrase_pos, False
コード例 #5
 def do_size_hint(self, option, index):
     text = index.data(Qt.DisplayRole) or ''
     font = QFont(option.font)
     font.setPointSize(QFontInfo(font).pointSize() * 1.5)
     m = QFontMetrics(font)
     return QSize(m.width(text), m.height())
コード例 #6
 def do_size_hint(self, option, index):
     text = index.data(Qt.DisplayRole) or ''
     font = QFont(option.font)
     font.setPointSize(QFontInfo(font).pointSize() * 1.5)
     m = QFontMetrics(font)
     return QSize(m.width(text), m.height())
コード例 #7
    def paint(self, painter, option, index):  # noqa C901
        @param painter QPainter
        @param option index QStyleOptionViewItem
        @param option index QModelIndex
        from ..LocationBar import LocationBar
        opt = QStyleOptionViewItem(option)
        self.initStyleOption(opt, index)

        w = opt.widget
        if w:
            style = w.style()
            style = QApplication.style()

        height = opt.rect.height()
        center = height / 2 + opt.rect.top()

        # Prepare link font
        # QFont
        linkFont = opt.font
        linkFont.setPointSize(linkFont.pointSize() - 1)

        linkMetrics = QFontMetrics(linkFont)

        leftPosition = self._padding * 2
        rightPosition = opt.rect.right() - self._padding

        opt.state |= QStyle.State_Active

        if opt.state & QStyle.State_Selected:
            iconMode = QIcon.Selected
            colorRole = QPalette.HighlightedText
            colorLinkRole = QPalette.HighlightedText
            iconMode = QIcon.Normal
            colorRole = QPalette.Text
            colorLinkRole = QPalette.Link

        if const.OS_WIN:
            opt.palette.setColor(QPalette.All, QPalette.HighlightedText,
                opt.palette.color(QPalette.Active, QPalette.Text))
            opt.palette.setColor(QPalette.All, QPalette.Highlight,

        textPalette = QPalette(opt.palette)
        if opt.state & QStyle.State_Enabled:

        # Draw background
        style.drawPrimitive(QStyle.PE_PanelItemViewItem, opt, painter, w)

        isVisitSearchItem = index.data(LocationCompleterModel.VisitSearchItemRole)
        isSearchSuggestion = index.data(LocationCompleterModel.SearchSuggestionRole)

        loadAction = LocationBar.LoadAction()
        isWebSearch = isSearchSuggestion

        # BookmarkItem
        bookmark = index.data(LocationCompleterModel.BookmarkItemRole)

        if isVisitSearchItem:
            text = index.data(LocationCompleterModel.SearchStringRole)
            loadAction = LocationBar.loadAction(text)
            isWebSearch = loadAction.type == LocationBar.LoadAction.Search
            if not self._forceVisitItem:
                bookmark = loadAction.bookmark

        # Draw icon
        iconSize = 16
        iconYPos = center - iconSize / 2
        iconRect = QRect(leftPosition, iconYPos, iconSize, iconSize)
        icon = index.data(Qt.DecorationRole)
        if not icon:
            icon = QIcon()
        pixmap = icon.pixmap(iconSize)
        if isSearchSuggestion or (isVisitSearchItem and isWebSearch):
            pixmap = QIcon.fromTheme('edit-find', QIcon(':/icons/menu/search-icon.svg')).pixmap(iconSize, iconMode)
        if isVisitSearchItem and bookmark:
            pixmap = bookmark.icon().pixmap(iconSize)
        elif loadAction.type == LocationBar.LoadAction.Search:
            if loadAction.searchEngine.name != LocationBar.searchEngine().name:
                pixmap = loadAction.searchEngine.icon.pixmap(iconSize)

        painter.drawPixmap(iconRect, pixmap)
        leftPosition = iconRect.right() + self._padding * 2

        # Draw star to bookmark items
        starPixmapWidth = 0
        if bookmark:
            icon = IconProvider.instance().bookmarkIcon
            starSize = QSize(16, 16)
            starPixmapWidth = starSize.width()
            pos = QPoint(rightPosition - starPixmapWidth, center - starSize.height() / 2)
            starRect = QRect(pos, starSize)
            painter.drawPixmap(starRect, icon.pixmap(starSize, iconMode))

        searchText = index.data(LocationCompleterModel.SearchStringRole)

        # Draw title
        leftPosition += 2
        titleRect = QRect(leftPosition, center - opt.fontMetrics.height() / 2,
                opt.rect.width() * 0.6, opt.fontMetrics.height())
        title = index.data(LocationCompleterModel.TitleRole)

        if isVisitSearchItem:
            if bookmark:
                title = bookmark.title()
                title = index.data(LocationCompleterModel.SearchStringRole)
                searchText = ''

        leftPosition += self.viewItemDrawText(painter, opt, titleRect, title,
                textPalette.color(colorRole), searchText)
        leftPosition += self._padding * 2

        # Trim link to maximum number characters that can be visible,
        # otherwise there may be perf issue with huge URLs
        maxChars = int((opt.rect.width() - leftPosition) / opt.fontMetrics.width('i'))
        link = index.data(Qt.DisplayRole)
        if not link.startswith('data') and not link.startswith('javascript'):
            link = unquote(link)[:maxChars]
            link = link[:maxChars]

        if isVisitSearchItem or isSearchSuggestion:
            if not (opt.state & QStyle.State_Selected) and not (opt.state & QStyle.State_MouseOver):
                link = ''
            elif isVisitSearchItem and (not isWebSearch or self._forceVisitItem):
                link = _('Visit')
                searchEngineName = loadAction.searchEngine.name
                if not searchEngineName:
                    searchEngineName = LocationBar.searchEngine().name
                link = _('Search with %s') % searchEngineName

        if bookmark:
            link = bookmark.url().toString()

        # Draw separator
        if link:
            separator = '-'
            separatorRect = QRect(leftPosition, center - linkMetrics.height() / 2,
                    linkMetrics.width(separator), linkMetrics.height())
            style.drawItemText(painter, separatorRect, Qt.AlignCenter, textPalette,
                    True, separator, colorRole)
            leftPosition += separatorRect.width() + self._padding * 2

        # Draw link
        leftLinkEdge = leftPosition
        rightLinkEdge = rightPosition - self._padding - starPixmapWidth
        linkRect = QRect(leftLinkEdge, center - linkMetrics.height() / 2,
                rightLinkEdge - leftLinkEdge, linkMetrics.height())

        # Darw url (or switch to tab)
        tabPos = index.data(LocationCompleterModel.TabPositionTabRole)

        if gVar.appSettings.showSwitchTab and not self._forceVisitItem and tabPos != -1:
            tabIcon = QIcon(':/icons/menu/tab.svg')
            iconRect = QRect(linkRect)
            painter.drawPixmap(iconRect, tabIcon.pixmap(iconRect.size(), iconMode))

            textRect = QRect(linkRect)
            textRect.setX(textRect.x() + self._padding + 16 + self._padding)
            self.viewItemDrawText(painter, opt, textRect, _('Switch to tab'),
        elif isVisitSearchItem or isSearchSuggestion:
            self.viewItemDrawText(painter, opt, linkRect, link, textPalette.color(colorLinkRole))
            self.viewItemDrawText(painter, opt, linkRect, link, textPalette.color(colorLinkRole),