class Editor(QWidget): """ This class is the central widget of the MainWindow. It contains the items library, diagram graphics scene and graphics view, and the inspector widget Function of Connections: Logically: A Connection is composed of a fromPort and a toPort, which gives the direction of the pipe. Ports are attached to Blocks. Visually: A diagram editor has a QGraphicsLineItem (connLineItem) which is set Visible only when a connection is being created Function of BlockItems: Items can be added to the library by adding them to the model of the library broswer view. Then they can be dragged and dropped into the diagram view. Function of trnsysExport: When exporting the trnsys file, exportData() is called. Function of save and load: A diagram can be saved to a json file by calling encodeDiagram and can then be loaded by calling decodeDiagram wiht appropiate filenames. Attributes ---------- projectFolder : str Path to the folder of the project diagramName : str Name used for saving the diagram saveAsPath : :obj:`Path` Default saving location is trnsysGUI/diagrams, path only set if "save as" used idGen : :obj:`IdGenerator` Is used to distribute ids (id, trnsysId(for trnsysExport), etc) alignMode : bool Enables mode in which a dragged block is aligned to y or x value of another one Toggled in the MainWindow class in toggleAlignMode() editorMode : int Mode 0: Pipes are PolySun-like Mode 1: Pipes have only 90deg angles, visio-like snapGrid : bool Enable/Disable align grid snapSize : int Size of align grid horizontalLayout : :obj:`QHBoxLayout` Contains the diagram editor and the layout containing the library browser view and the listview vertL : :obj:`QVBoxLayout` Cointains the library browser view and the listWidget moveDirectPorts: bool Enables/Disables moving direct ports of storagetank (doesn't work with HxPorts yet) diagramScene : :obj:`QGraphicsScene` Contains the "logical" part of the diagram diagramView : :obj:`QGraphicsView` Contains the visualization of the diagramScene _currentlyDraggedConnectionFromPort : :obj:`PortItem` connectionList : :obj:`List` of :obj:`Connection` trnsysObj : :obj:`List` of :obj:`BlockItem` and :obj:`Connection` graphicalObj : :obj:`List` of :obj:`GraphicalItem` connLine : :obj:`QLineF` connLineItem = :obj:`QGraphicsLineItem` """ def __init__(self, parent, projectFolder, jsonPath, loadValue, logger): super().__init__(parent) self.logger = logger"Initializing the diagram editor") self.projectFolder = projectFolder self.diagramName = os.path.split(self.projectFolder)[-1] + ".json" self.saveAsPath = _pl.Path() self.idGen = IdGenerator() self.testEnabled = False self.existReference = True self.controlExists = 0 self.controlDirectory = "" self.alignMode = False self.moveDirectPorts = False self.editorMode = 1 # Related to the grid blocks can snap to self.snapGrid = False self.snapSize = 20 self.trnsysPath = _pl.Path(r"C:\Trnsys17\Exe\TRNExe.exe") self.horizontalLayout = QHBoxLayout(self) self.libraryBrowserView = QListView(self) self.libraryModel = LibraryModel(self) self.libraryBrowserView.setGridSize(QSize(65, 65)) self.libraryBrowserView.setResizeMode(QListView.Adjust) self.libraryModel.setColumnCount(0) componentNamesWithIcon = [ ("Connector", _img.CONNECTOR_SVG.icon()), ("TeePiece", _img.TEE_PIECE_SVG.icon()), ("DPTee", _img.DP_TEE_PIECE_SVG.icon()), ("SPCnr", _img.SINGLE_DOUBLE_PIPE_CONNECTOR_SVG.icon()), ("DPCnr", _img.DOUBLE_DOUBLE_PIPE_CONNECTOR_SVG.icon()), ("TVentil", _img.T_VENTIL_SVG.icon()), ("WTap_main", _img.W_TAP_MAIN_SVG.icon()), ("WTap", _img.W_TAP_SVG.icon()), ("Pump", _img.PUMP_SVG.icon()), ("Collector", _img.COLLECTOR_SVG.icon()), ("GroundSourceHx", _img.GROUND_SOURCE_HX_SVG.icon()), ("PV", _img.PV_SVG.icon()), ("HP", _img.HP_SVG.icon()), ("HPTwoHx", _img.HP_TWO_HX_SVG.icon()), ("HPDoubleDual", _img.HP_DOUBLE_DUAL_SVG.icon()), ("HPDual", _img.HP_DUAL_SVG.icon()), ("AirSourceHP", _img.AIR_SOURCE_HP_SVG.icon()), ("StorageTank", _img.STORAGE_TANK_SVG.icon()), ("IceStorage", _img.ICE_STORAGE_SVG.icon()), ("PitStorage", _img.PIT_STORAGE_SVG.icon()), ("IceStorageTwoHx", _img.ICE_STORAGE_TWO_HX_SVG.icon()), ("ExternalHx", _img.EXTERNAL_HX_SVG.icon()), ("Radiator", _img.RADIATOR_SVG.icon()), ("Boiler", _img.BOILER_SVG.icon()), ("Sink", _img.SINK_SVG.icon()), ("Source", _img.SOURCE_SVG.icon()), ("SourceSink", _img.SOURCE_SINK_SVG.icon()), ("Geotherm", _img.GEOTHERM_SVG.icon()), ("Water", _img.WATER_SVG.icon()), ("Crystalizer", _img.CRYSTALIZER_SVG.icon()), ("GenericBlock", _img.GENERIC_BLOCK_PNG.icon()), ("GraphicalItem", _img.GENERIC_ITEM_PNG.icon()), ] libItems = [ QtGui.QStandardItem(icon, name) for name, icon in componentNamesWithIcon ] for i in libItems: self.libraryModel.appendRow(i) self.libraryBrowserView.setModel(self.libraryModel) self.libraryBrowserView.setViewMode(self.libraryBrowserView.IconMode) self.libraryBrowserView.setDragDropMode( self.libraryBrowserView.DragOnly) self.diagramScene = Scene(self) self.diagramView = View(self.diagramScene, self) # For list view self.vertL = QVBoxLayout() self.vertL.addWidget(self.libraryBrowserView) self.vertL.setStretchFactor(self.libraryBrowserView, 2) self.listV = QListWidget() self.vertL.addWidget(self.listV) self.vertL.setStretchFactor(self.listV, 1) # for file browser self.projectPath = "" self.fileList = [] if loadValue == "new" or loadValue == "json": self.createProjectFolder() self.fileBrowserLayout = QVBoxLayout() self.pathLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.projectPathLabel = QLabel("Project Path:") self.PPL = QLineEdit(self.projectFolder) self.PPL.setDisabled(True) self.pathLayout.addWidget(self.projectPathLabel) self.pathLayout.addWidget(self.PPL) self.scroll = QScrollArea() self.scroll.setWidgetResizable(True) self.splitter = QSplitter(Qt.Vertical, ) self.splitter.setChildrenCollapsible(False) self.scroll.setWidget(self.splitter) self.scroll.setFixedWidth(350) self.fileBrowserLayout.addLayout(self.pathLayout) self.fileBrowserLayout.addWidget(self.scroll) self.createDdckTree(self.projectFolder) if loadValue == "new" or loadValue == "json": self.createConfigBrowser(self.projectFolder) self.copyGenericFolder(self.projectFolder) self.createHydraulicDir(self.projectFolder) self.createWeatherAndControlDirs(self.projectFolder) self.horizontalLayout.addLayout(self.vertL) self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.diagramView) self.horizontalLayout.addLayout(self.fileBrowserLayout) self.horizontalLayout.setStretchFactor(self.diagramView, 5) self.horizontalLayout.setStretchFactor(self.libraryBrowserView, 1) self._currentlyDraggedConnectionFromPort = None self.connectionList = [] self.trnsysObj = [] self.graphicalObj = [] self.fluids = _hlm.Fluids([]) self.hydraulicLoops = _hlm.HydraulicLoops([]) self.copyGroupList = QGraphicsItemGroup() self.selectionGroupList = QGraphicsItemGroup() self.printerUnitnr = 0 # Different colors for connLineColor colorsc = "red" linePx = 4 if colorsc == "red": connLinecolor = QColor( elif colorsc == "blueish": connLinecolor = QColor(3, 124, 193) # Blue elif colorsc == "darkgray": connLinecolor = QColor(140, 140, 140) # Gray else: connLinecolor = QColor(196, 196, 196) # Gray # Only for displaying on-going creation of connection self.connLine = QLineF() self.connLineItem = QGraphicsLineItem(self.connLine) self.connLineItem.setPen(QtGui.QPen(connLinecolor, linePx)) self.connLineItem.setVisible(False) self.diagramScene.addItem(self.connLineItem) # For line that shows quickly up when using the align mode self.alignYLine = QLineF() self.alignYLineItem = QGraphicsLineItem(self.alignYLine) self.alignYLineItem.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QColor(196, 249, 252), 2)) self.alignYLineItem.setVisible(False) self.diagramScene.addItem(self.alignYLineItem) # For line that shows quickly up when using align mode self.alignXLine = QLineF() self.alignXLineItem = QGraphicsLineItem(self.alignXLine) self.alignXLineItem.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QColor(196, 249, 252), 2)) self.alignXLineItem.setVisible(False) self.diagramScene.addItem(self.alignXLineItem) if loadValue == "load" or loadValue == "copy": self._decodeDiagram(os.path.join(self.projectFolder, self.diagramName), loadValue=loadValue) elif loadValue == "json": self._decodeDiagram(jsonPath, loadValue=loadValue) # Debug function def dumpInformation(self): self.logger.debug("Diagram information:") self.logger.debug("Mode is " + str(self.editorMode)) self.logger.debug("Next ID is " + str(self.idGen.getID())) self.logger.debug("Next cID is " + str(self.idGen.getConnID())) self.logger.debug("TrnsysObjects are:") for t in self.trnsysObj: self.logger.debug(str(t)) self.logger.debug("") self.logger.debug("Scene items are:") sItems = self.diagramScene.items() for it in sItems: self.logger.debug("") for c in self.connectionList: c.printConn() self.logger.debug("") # Connections related methods def startConnection(self, port): self._currentlyDraggedConnectionFromPort = port def _createConnection(self, startPort, endPort) -> None: if startPort is not endPort: if (isinstance(startPort.parent, StorageTank) and isinstance(endPort.parent, StorageTank) and startPort.parent != endPort.parent): msgSTank = QMessageBox(self) msgSTank.setText( "Storage Tank to Storage Tank connection is not working atm!" ) msgSTank.exec_() isValidSinglePipeConnection = isinstance( startPort, SinglePipePortItem) and isinstance( endPort, SinglePipePortItem) if isValidSinglePipeConnection: command = CreateSinglePipeConnectionCommand( startPort, endPort, self) elif isinstance(startPort, DoublePipePortItem) and isinstance( endPort, DoublePipePortItem): command = CreateDoublePipeConnectionCommand( startPort, endPort, self) else: raise AssertionError( "Can only connect port items. Also, they have to be of the same type." ) self.parent().undoStack.push(command) def sceneMouseMoveEvent(self, event): """ This function is for dragging and connecting one port to another. When dragging, the fromPort will remain enlarged and black in color and when the toPort is hovered over, it will be enlarged and turn red. A port's details will also be displayed at the widget when they are hovered over. """ fromPort = self._currentlyDraggedConnectionFromPort if not fromPort: return fromX = fromPort.scenePos().x() fromY = fromPort.scenePos().y() toX = event.scenePos().x() toY = event.scenePos().y() self.connLine.setLine(fromX, fromY, toX, toY) self.connLineItem.setLine(self.connLine) self.connLineItem.setVisible(True) hitPortItem = self._getHitPortItemOrNone(event) if not hitPortItem: return mousePosition = event.scenePos() portItemX = hitPortItem.scenePos().x() portItemY = hitPortItem.scenePos().y() distance = _math.sqrt((mousePosition.x() - portItemX)**2 + (mousePosition.y() - portItemY)**2) if distance <= 3.5: hitPortItem.enlargePortSize() hitPortItem.innerCircle.setBrush(hitPortItem.ashColorR) self.listV.clear() hitPortItem.debugprint() else: hitPortItem.resetPortSize() hitPortItem.innerCircle.setBrush(hitPortItem.visibleColor) self.listV.clear() fromPort.debugprint() fromPort.enlargePortSize() fromPort.innerCircle.setBrush(hitPortItem.visibleColor) def _getHitPortItemOrNone(self, event: QEvent) -> _tp.Optional[PortItemBase]: fromPort = self._currentlyDraggedConnectionFromPort mousePosition = event.scenePos() relevantPortItems = self._getRelevantHitPortItems( mousePosition, fromPort) if not relevantPortItems: return None numberOfHitPortsItems = len(relevantPortItems) if numberOfHitPortsItems > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Can't deal with overlapping port items.") hitPortItem = relevantPortItems[0] return hitPortItem def sceneMouseReleaseEvent(self, event): if not self._currentlyDraggedConnectionFromPort: return fromPort = self._currentlyDraggedConnectionFromPort self._currentlyDraggedConnectionFromPort = None self.connLineItem.setVisible(False) mousePosition = event.scenePos() relevantPortItems = self._getRelevantHitPortItems( mousePosition, fromPort) numberOfHitPortsItems = len(relevantPortItems) if numberOfHitPortsItems > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Can't deal with overlapping port items.") if numberOfHitPortsItems == 1: toPort = relevantPortItems[0] if toPort != fromPort: self._createConnection(fromPort, toPort) def _getRelevantHitPortItems( self, mousePosition: QPointF, fromPort: PortItemBase) -> _tp.Sequence[PortItemBase]: hitItems = self.diagramScene.items(mousePosition) relevantPortItems = [ i for i in hitItems if isinstance(i, PortItemBase) and type(i) == type(fromPort) and not i.connectionList ] return relevantPortItems def cleanUpConnections(self): for c in self.connectionList: c.niceConn() def exportHydraulics(self, exportTo=_tp.Literal["ddck", "mfs"]): assert exportTo in ["ddck", "mfs"] if not self._isHydraulicConnected(): messageBox = QMessageBox() messageBox.setWindowTitle("Hydraulic not connected") messageBox.setText( "You need to connect all port items before you can export the hydraulics." ) messageBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) messageBox.exec() return "------------------------> START OF EXPORT <------------------------" ) self.sortTrnsysObj() fullExportText = "" ddckFolder = os.path.join(self.projectFolder, "ddck") if exportTo == "mfs": mfsFileName = self.diagramName.split(".")[0] + "_mfs.dck" exportPath = os.path.join(self.projectFolder, mfsFileName) elif exportTo == "ddck": exportPath = os.path.join(ddckFolder, "hydraulic\\hydraulic.ddck") if self._doesFileExistAndDontOverwrite(exportPath): return None"Printing the TRNSYS file...") if exportTo == "mfs": header = open(os.path.join(ddckFolder, "generic\\head.ddck"), "r") headerLines = header.readlines() for line in headerLines: if line[:4] == "STOP": fullExportText += "STOP = 1 \n" else: fullExportText += line header.close() elif exportTo == "ddck": fullExportText += "*************************************\n" fullExportText += "** BEGIN hydraulic.ddck\n" fullExportText += "*************************************\n\n" fullExportText += "*************************************\n" fullExportText += "** Outputs to energy balance in kWh\n" fullExportText += ( "** Following this naming standard : qSysIn_name, qSysOut_name, elSysIn_name, elSysOut_name\n" ) fullExportText += "*************************************\n" fullExportText += "EQUATIONS 1\n" fullExportText += "qSysOut_PipeLoss = PipeLossTot\n" simulationUnit = 450 simulationType = 935 descConnLength = 20 exporter = self._createExporter() blackBoxProblem, blackBoxText = exporter.exportBlackBox( exportTo=exportTo) if blackBoxProblem: return None fullExportText += blackBoxText if exportTo == "mfs": fullExportText += exporter.exportMassFlows() fullExportText += exporter.exportPumpOutlets() fullExportText += exporter.exportDivSetting(simulationUnit - 10) fullExportText += exporter.exportDoublePipeParameters( exportTo=exportTo) fullExportText += exporter.exportParametersFlowSolver( simulationUnit, simulationType, descConnLength) fullExportText += exporter.exportInputsFlowSolver() fullExportText += exporter.exportOutputsFlowSolver(simulationUnit) fullExportText += exporter.exportFluids() + "\n" fullExportText += exporter.exportHydraulicLoops() + "\n" fullExportText += exporter.exportPipeAndTeeTypesForTemp( simulationUnit + 1) # DC-ERROR fullExportText += exporter.exportPrintPipeLosses() fullExportText += exporter.exportMassFlowPrinter( self.printerUnitnr, 15) fullExportText += exporter.exportTempPrinter(self.printerUnitnr + 1, 15) if exportTo == "mfs": fullExportText += "CONSTANTS 1\nTRoomStore=1\n" fullExportText += "ENDS" "------------------------> END OF EXPORT <------------------------" ) if exportTo == "mfs": f = open(exportPath, "w") f.truncate(0) f.write(fullExportText) f.close() elif exportTo == "ddck": if fullExportText[:1] == "\n": fullExportText = fullExportText[1:] hydraulicFolder = os.path.split(exportPath)[0] if not (os.path.isdir(hydraulicFolder)): os.makedirs(hydraulicFolder) f = open(exportPath, "w") f.truncate(0) f.write(fullExportText) f.close() try: lines = _du.loadDeck(exportPath, eraseBeginComment=True, eliminateComments=True) _du.checkEquationsAndConstants(lines, exportPath) except Exception as error: errorMessage = f"An error occurred while exporting the system hydraulics: {error}" _errs.showErrorMessageBox(errorMessage) return None return exportPath def _createExporter(self) -> Export: massFlowContributors = self._getMassFlowContributors() exporter = Export(massFlowContributors, self) return exporter def _getMassFlowContributors( self) -> _tp.Sequence[_mfs.MassFlowNetworkContributorMixin]: massFlowContributors = [ o for o in self.trnsysObj if isinstance(o, _mfs.MassFlowNetworkContributorMixin) ] return massFlowContributors def _isHydraulicConnected(self) -> bool: for obj in self.trnsysObj: if not isinstance(obj, _mfs.MassFlowNetworkContributorMixin): continue internalPiping = obj.getInternalPiping() for portItem in internalPiping.modelPortItemsToGraphicalPortItem.values( ): if not portItem.connectionList: return False return True def _doesFileExistAndDontOverwrite(self, folderPath): if not _pl.Path(folderPath).exists(): return False qmb = QMessageBox(self) qmb.setText( f"Warning: {folderPath} already exists. Do you want to overwrite it or cancel?" ) qmb.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Save | QMessageBox.Cancel) qmb.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Cancel) ret = qmb.exec() if ret == QMessageBox.Cancel: self.canceled = True"Canceling") return True self.canceled = False"Overwriting") return False def exportHydraulicControl(self): "------------------------> START OF EXPORT <------------------------" ) self.sortTrnsysObj() fullExportText = "" ddckFolder = os.path.join(self.projectFolder, "ddck") hydCtrlPath = os.path.join(ddckFolder, "control\\hydraulic_control.ddck") if _pl.Path(hydCtrlPath).exists(): qmb = QMessageBox(self) qmb.setText( "Warning: " + "The file hydraulic_control.ddck already exists in the control folder. Do you want to overwrite it or cancel?" ) qmb.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Save | QMessageBox.Cancel) qmb.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Cancel) ret = qmb.exec() if ret == QMessageBox.Save: self.canceled = False"Overwriting") else: self.canceled = True"Canceling") return fullExportText += "*************************************\n" fullExportText += "**BEGIN hydraulic_control.ddck\n" fullExportText += "*************************************\n" simulationUnit = 450 exporter = self._createExporter() fullExportText += exporter.exportPumpOutlets() fullExportText += exporter.exportMassFlows() fullExportText += exporter.exportDivSetting(simulationUnit - 10) "------------------------> END OF EXPORT <------------------------" ) if fullExportText[:1] == "\n": fullExportText = fullExportText[1:] controlFolder = os.path.split(hydCtrlPath)[0] if not (os.path.isdir(controlFolder)): os.makedirs(controlFolder) f = open(str(hydCtrlPath), "w") f.truncate(0) f.write(fullExportText) f.close() return hydCtrlPath def sortTrnsysObj(self): res = self.trnsysObj.sort(key=self.sortId) for s in self.trnsysObj: self.logger.debug("s has tr id " + str(s.trnsysId) + " has dname " + s.displayName) def sortId(self, l1): """ Sort function returning a sortable key Parameters ---------- l1 : Block/Connection Returns ------- """ return l1.trnsysId def setName(self, newName): self.diagramName = newName def delBlocks(self): """ Deletes the whole diagram Returns ------- """ self.hydraulicLoops.clear() while len(self.trnsysObj) > 0:"In deleting...") self.trnsysObj[0].deleteBlock() while len(self.graphicalObj) > 0: self.graphicalObj[0].deleteBlock() # Encoding / decoding def encodeDiagram(self, filename): """ Encodes the diagram to a json file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Returns ------- """"filename is at encoder " + str(filename)) # if filename != "": with open(filename, "w") as jsonfile: json.dump(self, jsonfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True, cls=Encoder) def _decodeDiagram(self, filename, loadValue="load"):"Decoding " + filename) with open(filename, "r") as jsonfile: blocklist = json.load(jsonfile, cls=Decoder, editor=self) blockFolderNames = [] for j in blocklist["Blocks"]: for k in j: if isinstance(k, BlockItem): k.setParent(self.diagramView) k.changeSize() self.diagramScene.addItem(k) blockFolderNames.append(k.displayName) if isinstance(k, StorageTank): k.updateImage() if isinstance(k, GraphicalItem): k.setParent(self.diagramView) self.diagramScene.addItem(k) if isinstance(k, dict): if "__idDct__" in k: # here we don't set the ids because the copyGroup would need access to idGen self.logger.debug( "Found the id dict while loading, not setting the ids" ) self.idGen.setID(k["GlobalId"]) self.idGen.setTrnsysID(k["trnsysID"]) self.idGen.setConnID(k["globalConnID"]) if "__nameDct__" in k: self.logger.debug("Found the name dict while loading") if loadValue == "load": self.diagramName = k["DiagramName"] blockFolderNames.append("generic") blockFolderNames.append("hydraulic") blockFolderNames.append("weather") blockFolderNames.append("control") ddckFolder = os.path.join(self.projectFolder, "ddck") ddckFolders = os.listdir(ddckFolder) additionalFolders = [] for folder in ddckFolders: if folder not in blockFolderNames and "StorageTank" not in folder: additionalFolders.append(folder) if len(additionalFolders) > 0: warnBox = QMessageBox() warnBox.setWindowTitle("Additional ddck-folders") if len(additionalFolders) == 1: text = "The following ddck-folder does not have a corresponding component in the diagram:" else: text = "The following ddck-folders do not have a corresponding component in the diagram:" for folder in additionalFolders: text += "\n\t" + folder warnBox.setText(text) warnBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) warnBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Ok) warnBox.exec() for t in self.trnsysObj: t.assignIDsToUninitializedValuesAfterJsonFormatMigration( self.idGen) self.logger.debug("Tr obj is" + str(t) + " " + str(t.trnsysId)) if hasattr(t, "isTempering"): self.logger.debug("tv has " + str(t.isTempering)) self._decodeHydraulicLoops(blocklist) def _decodeHydraulicLoops(self, blocklist): singlePipeConnections = [ c for c in self.connectionList if isinstance(c, SinglePipeConnection) ] if "hydraulicLoops" not in blocklist: hydraulicLoops = _hlmig.createLoops(singlePipeConnections, self.fluids.WATER) else: serializedHydraulicLoops = blocklist["hydraulicLoops"] hydraulicLoops = _hlm.HydraulicLoops.createFromJson( serializedHydraulicLoops, singlePipeConnections, self.fluids) self.hydraulicLoops = hydraulicLoops def exportSvg(self): """ For exporting a svg file (text is still too large) Returns ------- """ generator = QSvgGenerator() generator.setResolution(300) generator.setSize( QSize(self.diagramScene.width(), self.diagramScene.height())) # generator.setViewBox(QRect(0, 0, 800, 800)) generator.setViewBox(self.diagramScene.sceneRect()) generator.setFileName("VectorGraphicsExport.svg") painter = QPainter() painter.begin(generator) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) self.diagramScene.render(painter) painter.end() # Saving related def save(self, showWarning=True): """ If saveas has not been used, diagram will be saved in "/diagrams" If saveas has been used, diagram will be saved in self.saveAsPath Returns ------- """ self.diagramName = os.path.split(self.projectFolder)[-1] + ".json" diagramPath = os.path.join(self.projectFolder, self.diagramName) if os.path.isfile(diagramPath) and showWarning: qmb = QMessageBox(self) qmb.setText( "Warning: " + "This diagram name exists already. Do you want to overwrite or cancel?" ) qmb.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Save | QMessageBox.Cancel) qmb.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Cancel) ret = qmb.exec() if ret != QMessageBox.Save:"Canceling") return"Overwriting") self.encodeDiagram(diagramPath) self.encodeDiagram(diagramPath) msgb = QMessageBox(self) msgb.setText("Saved diagram at " + diagramPath) msgb.exec() def saveToProject(self): projectPath = self.projectPath def renameDiagram(self, newName): """ Parameters ---------- newName Returns ------- """ if != "": # print("Path name is " + if newName + ".json" in self.saveAsPath.glob("*"): QMessageBox( self, "Warning", "This diagram name exists already in the directory." " Please rename this diagram") else: self.saveAsPath = _pl.Path( self.saveAsPath.stem[ index(self.diagramName)] + newName) self.diagramName = newName self.parent().currentFile = newName # fromPath = self.projectFolder # destPath = os.path.dirname(__file__) # destPath = os.path.join(destPath, 'default') # destPath = os.path.join(destPath, newName) # os.rename(fromPath, destPath) # print("Path is now: " + str(self.saveAsPath)) # print("Diagram name is: " + self.diagramName) def saveAtClose(self):"saveaspath is " + str(self.saveAsPath)) # closeDialog = closeDlg() # if closeDialog.closeBool: filepath = _pl.Path( _pl.Path(__file__).resolve().parent.joinpath("recent")) self.encodeDiagram(str(filepath.joinpath(self.diagramName + ".json"))) # Mode related def setAlignMode(self, b): self.alignMode = True def setEditorMode(self, b): self.editorMode = b def setMoveDirectPorts(self, b): """ Sets the bool moveDirectPorts. When mouse released in diagramScene, moveDirectPorts is set to False again Parameters ---------- b : bool Returns ------- """ self.moveDirectPorts = b def setSnapGrid(self, b): self.snapGrid = b def setSnapSize(self, s): self.snapSize = s def setConnLabelVis(self, isVisible: bool) -> None: for c in self.trnsysObj: if isinstance(c, ConnectionBase): c.setLabelVisible(isVisible) if isinstance(c, BlockItem): c.label.setVisible(isVisible) if isinstance(c, TVentil): c.posLabel.setVisible(isVisible) def updateConnGrads(self): for t in self.trnsysObj: if isinstance(t, ConnectionBase): t.updateSegGrads() # Dialog calls def showBlockDlg(self, bl): c = BlockDlg(bl, self) def showDoublePipeBlockDlg(self, bl): c = DoublePipeBlockDlg(bl, self) def showPumpDlg(self, bl): c = PumpDlg(bl, self) def showDiagramDlg(self): c = diagramDlg(self) def showGenericPortPairDlg(self, bl): c = GenericPortPairDlg(bl, self) def showHxDlg(self, hx): c = hxDlg(hx, self) def showSegmentDlg(self, seg): c = segmentDlg(seg, self) def showTVentilDlg(self, bl): c = TVentilDlg(bl, self) def showConfigStorageDlg(self, bl): c = ConfigureStorageDialog(bl, self) def getConnection(self, n): return self.connectionList[int(n)] # Unused def create_icon(self, map_icon): map_icon.fill() painter = QPainter(map_icon) painter.fillRect(10, 10, 40, 40, QColor(88, 233, 252)) # painter.setBrush( painter.setBrush(QColor(252, 136, 98)) painter.drawEllipse(36, 2, 15, 15) painter.setBrush(Qt.yellow) painter.drawEllipse(20, 20, 20, 20) painter.end() def setTrnsysIdBack(self): self.idGen.trnsysID = max(t.trnsysId for t in self.trnsysObj) def findStorageCorrespPorts1(self, portList): """ This function gets the ports on the other side of pipes connected to a port of the StorageTank. Unused Parameters ---------- portList : :obj:`List` of :obj:`PortItems` Returns ------- """ res = [] # print("Finding c ports") for p in portList: if len(p.connectionList) > 0: # check if not >1 needed # connectionList[0] is the hidden connection created when the portPair is i = 0 # while type(p.connectionList[i].fromPort.parent) is StorageTank and type(p.connectionList[i].toPort.parent) is StorageTank: while (p.connectionList[i].fromPort.parent) == ( p.connectionList[i].toPort.parent): i += 1 if len(p.connectionList) >= i + 1: if p.connectionList[i].fromPort is p: res.append(p.connectionList[i].toPort) elif p.connectionList[i].toPort is p: res.append(p.connectionList[i].fromPort) else: self.logger.debug("Port is not fromPort nor toPort") # [print(p.parent.displayName) for p in res] return res def printPDF(self): """ --------------------------------------------- Export diagram as pdf onto specified folder fn = user input directory --------------------------------------------- """ fn, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Export PDF", None, "PDF files (.pdf);;All Files()") if fn != "": if QFileInfo(fn).suffix() == "": fn += ".pdf" printer = QPrinter(QPrinter.HighResolution) printer.setOrientation(QPrinter.Landscape) printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter.PdfFormat) printer.setOutputFileName(fn) painter = QPainter(printer) self.diagramScene.render(painter) painter.end()"File exported to %s" % fn) def openProject(self): self.projectPath = str( QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "Select Project Path")) if self.projectPath != "": test = self.parent() self.parent().newDia() self.PPL.setText(self.projectPath) loadPath = os.path.join(self.projectPath, "ddck") self.createConfigBrowser(self.projectPath) self.copyGenericFolder(self.projectPath) self.createHydraulicDir(self.projectPath) self.createWeatherAndControlDirs(self.projectPath) self.createDdckTree(loadPath) # todo : open diagram # todo : add files into list def createDdckTree(self, loadPath): treeToRemove = self.findChild(QTreeView, "ddck") try: # treeToRemove.hide() treeToRemove.deleteLater() except AttributeError: self.logger.debug("Widget doesnt exist!") else: self.logger.debug("Deleted widget") if self.projectPath == "": loadPath = os.path.join(loadPath, "ddck") if not os.path.exists(loadPath): os.makedirs(loadPath) self.model = MyQFileSystemModel() self.model.setRootPath(loadPath) self.model.setName("ddck") self.tree = MyQTreeView(self.model, self) self.tree.setModel(self.model) self.tree.setRootIndex(self.model.index(loadPath)) self.tree.setObjectName("ddck") self.tree.setMinimumHeight(600) self.tree.setSortingEnabled(True) self.splitter.insertWidget(0, self.tree) def createConfigBrowser(self, loadPath): self.layoutToRemove = self.findChild(QHBoxLayout, "Config_Layout") try: # treeToRemove.hide() self.layoutToRemove.deleteLater() except AttributeError: self.logger.debug("Widget doesnt exist!") else: self.logger.debug("Deleted widget") runConfigData = self._getPackageResourceData("templates/run.config") runConfigPath = _pl.Path(loadPath) / "run.config" runConfigPath.write_bytes(runConfigData) self.HBox = QHBoxLayout() self.refreshButton = QPushButton(self) self.refreshButton.setIcon(_img.ROTATE_TO_RIGHT_PNG.icon()) self.refreshButton.clicked.connect(self.refreshConfig) self.model = MyQFileSystemModel() self.model.setRootPath(loadPath) self.model.setName("Config File") self.model.setFilter(QDir.Files) self.tree = MyQTreeView(self.model, self) self.tree.setModel(self.model) self.tree.setRootIndex(self.model.index(loadPath)) self.tree.setObjectName("config") self.tree.setFixedHeight(60) self.tree.setSortingEnabled(False) self.HBox.addWidget(self.refreshButton) self.HBox.addWidget(self.tree) self.HBox.setObjectName("Config_Layout") self.fileBrowserLayout.addLayout(self.HBox) def createProjectFolder(self): if not os.path.exists(self.projectFolder): os.makedirs(self.projectFolder) def refreshConfig(self): # configPath = os.path.dirname(__file__) # configPath = os.path.join(configPath, 'project') # configPath = os.path.join(configPath, self.date_time) # emptyConfig = os.path.join(configPath, 'run.config') if self.projectPath == "": localPath = self.projectFolder else: localPath = self.projectPath self.configToEdit = os.path.join(localPath, "run.config") os.remove(self.configToEdit) shutil.copy(self.emptyConfig, localPath) self.configToEdit = os.path.join(localPath, "run.config") localDdckPath = os.path.join(localPath, "ddck") with open(self.configToEdit, "r") as file: lines = file.readlines() localPathStr = "string LOCAL$ %s" % str(localDdckPath) # localPathStr.replace('/', '\\') lines[21] = localPathStr + "\n" with open(self.configToEdit, "w") as file: file.writelines(lines) # print(localPathStr) self.userInputList() def userInputList(self): self.logger.debug(self.fileList) dia = FileOrderingDialog(self.fileList, self) def copyGenericFolder(self, loadPath): genericFolderPath = _pl.Path(loadPath) / "ddck" / "generic" if not genericFolderPath.exists():"Creating %s", genericFolderPath) genericFolderPath.mkdir() headData = self._getPackageResourceData("templates/generic/head.ddck")"Copying head.ddck") (genericFolderPath / "head.ddck").write_bytes(headData) endData = self._getPackageResourceData("templates/generic/end.ddck")"Copying end.ddck") (genericFolderPath / "end.ddck").write_bytes(endData) @staticmethod def _getPackageResourceData(resourcePath): data = _pu.get_data(_tgui.__name__, resourcePath) assert data, f"{resourcePath} package resource not found" return data def createHydraulicDir(self, projectPath): self.hydraulicFolder = os.path.join(projectPath, "ddck") self.hydraulicFolder = os.path.join(self.hydraulicFolder, "hydraulic") if not os.path.exists(self.hydraulicFolder):"Creating " + self.hydraulicFolder) os.makedirs(self.hydraulicFolder) def createWeatherAndControlDirs(self, projectPath): ddckFolder = os.path.join(projectPath, "ddck") weatherFolder = os.path.join(ddckFolder, "weather") controlFolder = os.path.join(ddckFolder, "control") if not os.path.exists(weatherFolder):"Creating " + weatherFolder) os.makedirs(weatherFolder) if not os.path.exists(controlFolder):"Creating " + controlFolder) os.makedirs(controlFolder) def editHydraulicLoop(self, singlePipeConnection: SinglePipeConnection): assert isinstance(singlePipeConnection.fromPort, SinglePipePortItem) hydraulicLoop = self.hydraulicLoops.getLoopForExistingConnection( singlePipeConnection) _hledit.edit(hydraulicLoop, self.hydraulicLoops, self.fluids)
class BoxBoard(QGraphicsWidget): """A generic board that draws an animated rectangular border """ def __init__(self, width, height, parent=None): """Prepare the lines to be drawn and set up the animation Parameters ---------- width: float Width of the box height: float Height of the box parent: object Pass into QGraphicsWidget init method """ super().__init__(parent) self.width = width self.height = height self.half_circumference = width + height self.freeze = False self.setMinimumSize(QSizeF(width, height)) #self.setMaximumSize(QSizeF(width, height)) self.size_policy = QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.size_policy.setHeightForWidth(True) self.setSizePolicy(self.size_policy) # Set up a default pen for drawing self.default_pen = QPen() self.default_pen.setColor(Qt.white) self.default_pen.setWidth(5) # The 4 lines to construct the box self.left = QLineF(0, 0, 0, self.height) self.down = QLineF(0, self.height, self.width, self.height) self.right = QLineF(self.width, self.height, self.width, 0) self.up = QLineF(self.width, 0, 0, 0) self.line_order = [self.up, self.right, self.down, self.left] self.length = 0 # Set up the length to be animated self.anim = QPropertyAnimation(self, b'length') self.anim.setDuration(800) # Animation speed self.anim.setStartValue(0) for t in range(1, 10): self.anim.setKeyValueAt(t / 10, self.half_circumference * t / 10) self.anim.setEndValue(self.half_circumference) # Defining the length to be drawn as a pyqtProperty @pyqtProperty(float) def length(self): """float: The length of the box to be drawn When the value is set, the length of the lines making up the box are calculated and updated. """ return self._length # Determine the length of the four lines to be drawn @length.setter def length(self, value): self._length = value remaining_length = value if remaining_length >= self.height: length_to_draw = remaining_length - self.height remaining_length -= length_to_draw else: length_to_draw = 0 self.down.setLine(0, self.height, length_to_draw, self.height) self.up.setLine(self.width, 0, self.width - length_to_draw, 0) self.left.setLine(0, 0, 0, remaining_length) self.right.setLine(self.width, self.height, self.width, self.height - remaining_length) self.update() def toggle_anim(self, toggling): """Toggle the animation forward and backwards Parameters ---------- toggling: bool True for forward, False for backwards """ if toggling: self.anim.setDirection(QAbstractAnimation.Forward) else: self.anim.setDirection(QAbstractAnimation.Backward) self.anim.start() def paint(self, painter, style, widget=None): """Reimplemented from QGraphicsWdiget paint function. Draws the lines making up the box. """ painter.setPen(self.default_pen) for line in self.line_order: if line.length() > 1: painter.drawLine(line)