def test_client(): q=QUrl("entry: abc") print(q.toString().split(":")[1].strip("/ ")) print(q.scheme()) print( print(q.path()) print(q.fragment())
def _on_highlighted(self, url: QUrl) -> None: """ In general, if the mouse has moved over a new hyperlink, we save the fragment and send a mouseover action. An empty URL is given when the mouse moves off a hyperlink, which counts as a deselection. However, mouseovers are error-prone; there are unavoidable breaks between characters in a column. To avoid twitchy selection/deselection, we only send mouseover signals when the reference isn't empty. """ self._ref = ref = url.fragment() if ref and not self._has_focus: self._select()
def qute_back(url: QUrl) -> _HandlerRet: """Handler for qute://back. Simple page to free ram / lazy load a site, goes back on focusing the tab. """ src = jinja.render( 'back.html', title='Suspended: ' + urllib.parse.unquote(url.fragment())) return 'text/html', src
def parse_javascript_url(url: QUrl) -> str: """Get JavaScript source from the given URL. See and """ ensure_valid(url) if url.scheme() != 'javascript': raise Error("Expected a javascript:... URL") if url.authority(): raise Error("URL contains unexpected components: {}".format( url.authority())) code = url.path(QUrl.FullyDecoded) if url.hasQuery(): code += '?' + url.query(QUrl.FullyDecoded) if url.hasFragment(): code += '#' + url.fragment(QUrl.FullyDecoded) if not code: raise Error("Resulted in empty JavaScript code") return code
def _send_action(self, url: QUrl) -> None: """ Call back with the fragment string of the URL under the cursor and the focus state. """ self._call_on_graph_action(url.fragment(), self._has_focus)
def url_watcher(self, url: QtCore.QUrl): """Watches the QWebEngineView for url changes.""" if not in [ '', 'localhost',, '' ] and != '': self.LOGGER.warning( f'Redirected to an unsupported host! ({})') self.LOGGER.debug('Creating informative dialog...') _m = QtWidgets.QMessageBox( QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical, 'Token Generator', f'You were redirected to an unsupported host. ({})', QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok, self) self.LOGGER.debug('Displaying dialog...') self.hide() _m.exec() self.LOGGER.debug('Ensuring dialog is deleted properly...') if not sip.isdeleted(_m): _m.deleteLater() self.browser.setUrl(QtCore.QUrl('about:blank')) return self.reject() if url.hasFragment(): query = QtCore.QUrlQuery(url.fragment()) else: query = QtCore.QUrlQuery(url.query()) if not query.hasQueryItem('state') and url.path() != '/two_factor/new': self.LOGGER.warning('No state sent!') self.LOGGER.debug('Creating informative dialog...') _m = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical, 'Token Generator', "The state parameter wasn't passed.", QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok, self) self.LOGGER.debug('Displaying dialog...') self.hide() _m.exec() self.LOGGER.debug('Ensuring dialog is deleted properly...') if not sip.isdeleted(_m): _m.deleteLater() self.browser.setUrl(QtCore.QUrl('about:blank')) return self.reject() if query.hasQueryItem( 'state') and self._state != query.queryItemValue('state'): self.LOGGER.warning('Sent state is not our state!') self.LOGGER.debug('Creating informative dialog...') _m = QtWidgets.QMessageBox(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical, 'Token Generator', 'Sent state is not our state.', QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok, self) self.LOGGER.debug('Displaying dialog...') _m.exec() self.hide() self.LOGGER.debug('Ensuring dialog is deleted properly...') if not sip.isdeleted(_m): _m.deleteLater() self.browser.setUrl(QtCore.QUrl('about:blank')) return self.reject() if query.hasQueryItem('access_token'): # Declarations app: QtWidgets.QApplication = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() client_id = app.client.settings['extensions']['twitch'][ 'client_id'].value scopes: typing.List[Scopes] = [ Scopes(s) for s in parse.unquote(query.queryItemValue( 'scope')).split('+') ] self.GENERATED.emit( token.Token(client_id, query.queryItemValue('access_token'), scopes)) self.accept()