def modifiers(self): modifiers = Qt.KeyboardModifiers() for key in self.__pressed_keys: if key == Qt.Key_Shift: modifiers |= Qt.ShiftModifier elif key == Qt.Key_Control: modifiers |= Qt.ControlModifier elif key == Qt.Key_Alt: modifiers |= Qt.AltModifier elif key == Qt.Key_Meta: modifiers |= Qt.MetaModifier return modifiers
def showMessage(self, msg): """Procedure to update message in splash [description] Arguments: - msg {[type]} -- [description] """ align = Qt.Alignment(Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignAbsolute) #color = QtGui.QColor(QtCore.Qt.White) color = QColor(0, 0, 0) QSplashScreen.showMessage(self, msg, align, color) QApplication.processEvents()
def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Constructor @param parent reference to the parent widget (QObject) """ super(WatchPointModel, self).__init__(parent) self.watchpoints = [] self.header = ["Condition"),"Special"),'Temporary'),'Enabled'),'Ignore Count'), ] self.alignments = [Qt.Alignment(Qt.AlignLeft), Qt.Alignment(Qt.AlignLeft), Qt.Alignment(Qt.AlignHCenter), Qt.Alignment(Qt.AlignHCenter), Qt.Alignment(Qt.AlignRight), ]
def __init__(self, main_window: QMainWindow): """ QDockWidget 基类 :param main_window: """ super().__init__(main_window) self.main_window = main_window # QDockWidget self.widget_contents = QWidget(self, Qt.WindowFlags()) # QHBoxLayout self.layout = QHBoxLayout(self.widget_contents)
def __init__(self, index, ring, knobTendonModels, parent=None, flags=Qt.WindowFlags()): super().__init__(parent=parent, flags=flags) self.formLayout = QFormLayout() self.index = index self.knobTendonModels = knobTendonModels self._configFormLayout() box = QGroupBox(f"{self.index+1}-th segment") box.setLayout(self.formLayout) mainLayout = QHBoxLayout() mainLayout.addWidget(box) self.setLayout(mainLayout)
def keyClick(self, key, modifiers=Qt.NoModifier, widget=None): """Alias for ``QTest.keyClick``. If widget is none - focused widget will be keyclicked key may be QKeySequence or string """ if widget is None: widget = QApplication.instance().focusWidget() if widget is None: widget = core.mainWindow() assert widget is not None if isinstance(key, str): assert modifiers == Qt.NoModifier, 'Do not set modifiers, if using text key' code = QKeySequence(key)[0] key = Qt.Key(code & 0x01ffffff) modifiers = Qt.KeyboardModifiers(code & 0xfe000000) QTest.keyClick(widget, key, modifiers)
def __init__(self, ascendent): super(Popup, self).__init__(ascendent=ascendent) if == 'nt': self.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowFlags(Qt.FramelessWindowHint)) self.setStyleSheet(Style.replace_variables(Style.light)) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground, True) top_margin = Style.unit * 1.5 left_margin = Style.unit * 2.5 main_height = int(3 * Style.unit) main_width = int(5 * Style.unit) popup_width = int(Style.unit * 2) self.setGeometry(left_margin + (main_width / 2) - (popup_width / 2), top_margin + (main_height / 2) - (popup_width / 2), popup_width, popup_width)
def datachange(self): self.setlist.clear() flags= Qt.ItemFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable)|Qt.ItemFlags(Qt.ItemIsEnabled)|Qt.ItemFlags(Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable)|Qt.ItemFlags(Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled) keys=list( visible = keys.sort() parms = # get the colors from this for i,j in enumerate(keys) : a = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem(j) a.setFlags(flags) try: a.setForeground(qt_color_map[colortypes[parms[j][0]]]) except: print("Color error") print(list(sorted(parms.keys()))) print(parms[j][0]) print(colortypes[parms[j][0]]) print(qt_color_map[colortypes[parms[j][0]]]) if visible[j]: a.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) else: a.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) self.setlist.addItem(a) if len(keys) > 0 : self.setlist.setCurrentRow(0) self.showslide.setRange(0,len(keys))
def UploadImagem(self): Dialog = QFileDialog() Dialog.setOption(QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog, True) fname = Dialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Selecionar Imagem", "", "Image files (*.jpg *.png)")[0] self.lb_FotoProduto.setPixmap( QPixmap(fname).scaledToWidth( 150, Qt.TransformationMode(Qt.FastTransformation))) # self.lb_FotoProduto.setScaledContents(True) self.bt_AddImagem.setHidden(True) self.bt_DelImagem.setVisible(True)
def __init__(self, parent=None, flags=Qt.WindowFlags()): super().__init__(parent=parent, flags=flags) self.login = None self.setupGuest(self) self.setupUser(self) self.setupSearchResult(self) self.setupHomepage(self) self.setupInformation(self) self.hideUser() self.hideSearchResult() self.hideInformation() self.setupUi(self) self.setWindowTitle('豆豉电影')
def on_errorsListWidget_currentTextChanged(self, text): """ Private slot to handle the highlighted signal. @param text current text (string) """ if text: for pattern in self.rxPatterns: text = re.sub(pattern, "", text) itm = self.testsListWidget.findItems( text, Qt.MatchFlags(Qt.MatchExactly))[0] self.testsListWidget.setCurrentItem(itm) self.testsListWidget.scrollToItem(itm)
def showImage(self, imageName): folderPath = os.path.join(self.imagesFolder, imageName) if not os.path.isdir(folderPath): filename = self.downloadImage(imageName)[imageName][0] else: filename = os.path.join(folderPath, os.listdir(folderPath)[0]) pixmap = QPixmap(filename) self.Image.setPixmap( pixmap.scaledToHeight(600, Qt.TransformationMode( Qt.FastTransformation))) self.Image.resize(200, 100)
def __init__(self): super(LoggerWindow, self).__init__(flags=Qt.WindowFlags()) self.title = QLabel(self) self.ip_label = QLabel(self) self.ip = QLineEdit(self) self.login_label = QLabel(self) self.login = QLineEdit(self) self.password_label = QLabel(self) self.password = QLineEdit(self) self.connect_button = QPushButton(self) self.setup()
def UploadLogo(self): Dialog = QFileDialog() Dialog.setOption(QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog, True) fname = Dialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Selecionar Logo", "", "Image files (*.jpg *.png)")[0] self.lb_LogoEmpresa.setPixmap( QPixmap(fname).scaledToWidth( 300, Qt.TransformationMode(Qt.FastTransformation))) # self.lb_LogoEmpresa.setScaledContents(True) self.bt_AddLogo.setHidden(True) self.bt_DelLogo.setVisible(True)
def append_event(self, ev): """Create a new KeySequence object with the given QKeyEvent added.""" key = ev.key() modifiers = ev.modifiers() _assert_plain_key(key) _assert_plain_modifier(modifiers) if key == 0x0: raise KeyParseError(None, "Got nil key!") # We always remove Qt.GroupSwitchModifier because QKeySequence has no # way to mention that in a binding anyways... modifiers &= ~Qt.GroupSwitchModifier # We change Qt.Key_Backtab to Key_Tab here because nobody would # configure "Shift-Backtab" in their config. if modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier and key == Qt.Key_Backtab: key = Qt.Key_Tab # We don't care about a shift modifier with symbols (Shift-: should # match a : binding even though we typed it with a shift on an # US-keyboard) # # However, we *do* care about Shift being involved if we got an # upper-case letter, as Shift-A should match a Shift-A binding, but not # an "a" binding. # # In addition, Shift also *is* relevant when other modifiers are # involved. Shift-Ctrl-X should not be equivalent to Ctrl-X. if (modifiers == Qt.ShiftModifier and _is_printable(ev.key()) and not ev.text().isupper()): modifiers = Qt.KeyboardModifiers() # On macOS, swap Ctrl and Meta back # WORKAROUND for if utils.is_mac: if modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier and modifiers & Qt.MetaModifier: pass elif modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier: modifiers &= ~Qt.ControlModifier modifiers |= Qt.MetaModifier elif modifiers & Qt.MetaModifier: modifiers &= ~Qt.MetaModifier modifiers |= Qt.ControlModifier keys = list(self._iter_keys()) keys.append(key | int(modifiers)) return self.__class__(*keys)
def mousePressEvent(self, event): if self.conspIsOpen and event.button() == Qt.MouseButton(1): self.changeBords() self.cursorClickCoords = [event.pos().x(), event.pos().y()] if self.clickedWidNum == []: # нет ли уже кликнутого виджета for index in range(self.begWid, self.endWid + 1): # по виджетам, которые видны if self.piecelist[index][1].y() <= self.cursorClickCoords[1] <=\ self.piecelist[index][1].y() + self.piecelist[index][1].height(): # в куске ли if self.cursorClickCoords[0] <= self.piecelist[index][ 1].x() and index != 0: self.clickedWidNum = [index, 0] # виджеты для передвижения self.moveButtons[0].move( self.cursorClickCoords[0] + int(self.width() * 0.025), self.cursorClickCoords[1] + int(self.height() * 0.025)) self.moveButtons[1].move( self.cursorClickCoords[0] + int(self.width() * 0.0625), self.cursorClickCoords[1] + 0) self.moveButtons[2].move( self.cursorClickCoords[0] + 0, self.cursorClickCoords[1] + int(self.height() * 0.025)) self.moveButtons[3].move( self.cursorClickCoords[0] + int(self.width() * 0.125), self.cursorClickCoords[1] + int(self.height() * 0.025)) self.moveButtons[4].move( self.cursorClickCoords[0] + int(self.width() * 0.025), self.cursorClickCoords[1] + int(self.height() * 0.05)) self.moveButtons[5].move( self.cursorClickCoords[0] + int(self.width() * 0.1), self.cursorClickCoords[1] + int(self.height() * 0.05)) for wid in self.moveButtons: elif self.width() * 0.95 >= self.cursorClickCoords[ 0] >= self.piecelist[index][1].x(): self.clickedWidNum = [index, 1] break else: # есть уже выделенный виджет self.clickedWidNum = [] for wid in self.moveButtons: wid.hide()
def __init__(self, TraceMain, name): super(QDockWidget, self).__init__(TraceMain) #self.dockWidget = QDockWidget(TraceMain) self.dockContents = QWidget(TraceMain) # Create container self.setFeatures(QDockWidget.DockWidgetFloatable | QDockWidget.DockWidgetMovable) self.setWindowTitle(name) # set dockwidget title self.setWidget(self.dockContents) # add container to dockwidget TraceMain.addDockWidget(Qt.DockWidgetArea(Qt.TopDockWidgetArea), self) # add widget to dock TraceMain.setTabPosition(Qt.DockWidgetArea(Qt.TopDockWidgetArea), QTabWidget.TabPosition(QTabWidget.North)) Globals.dockList.append(self) # Keep track of all docks if (len(Globals.dockList) > 1): for i, purge in enumerate(Globals.dockList): if i < len(Globals.dockList) - 1: TraceMain.tabifyDockWidget(Globals.dockList[i], Globals.dockList[i + 1]) self.parent = TraceMain # Set parent, so we can access the MainWindow (e.g themeChange) # Initialize all modules = name self.snifferConfig = ConfigurationData(self, name) self.snifferParser = SnifferFileParser() self.snifferFilter = SnifferFilter(self) self.snifferFilter.setSnifferFilterUi() self.snifferStats = SnifferStats() self.snifferStats.setSnifferStatsUi() self.logger = SnifferLogger(name)
def keyPressEvent(self, evt): """ Protected method to handle key presses. @param evt reference to the key press event (QKeyEvent) """ if evt.key() == Qt.Key_Escape: if self.__browser is not None: self.setText( str(self.__browser.url().toEncoded(), encoding="utf-8")) self.selectAll() completer = self.completer() if completer: completer.popup().hide() return currentText = self.text().strip() if (evt.key() in [Qt.Key_Enter, Qt.Key_Return] and not currentText.lower().startswith( ("http://", "https://"))): append = "" if evt.modifiers() == Qt.KeyboardModifiers(Qt.ControlModifier): append = ".com" elif evt.modifiers() == Qt.KeyboardModifiers(Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.ShiftModifier): append = ".org" elif evt.modifiers() == Qt.KeyboardModifiers(Qt.ShiftModifier): append = ".net" if append != "": url = QUrl("http://www." + currentText) host = if not host.lower().endswith(append): host += append url.setHost(host) self.setText(url.toString()) E5LineEdit.keyPressEvent(self, evt)
def __createItem(self, file, line, text, start, end, replTxt="", md5=""): """ Private method to create an entry in the file list. @param file filename of file (string) @param line line number (integer) @param text text found (string) @param start start position of match (integer) @param end end position of match (integer) @param replTxt text with replacements applied (string) @keyparam md5 MD5 hash of the file (string) """ if self.__lastFileItem is None: # It's a new file self.__lastFileItem = QTreeWidgetItem(self.findList, [file]) self.__lastFileItem.setFirstColumnSpanned(True) self.__lastFileItem.setExpanded(True) if self.__replaceMode: self.__lastFileItem.setFlags( self.__lastFileItem.flags() | Qt.ItemFlags(Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsTristate)) # Qt bug: # item is not user checkable if setFirstColumnSpanned # is True (< 4.5.0) self.__lastFileItem.setData(0, self.md5Role, md5) itm = QTreeWidgetItem(self.__lastFileItem) itm.setTextAlignment(0, Qt.AlignRight) itm.setData(0, Qt.DisplayRole, line) itm.setData(1, Qt.DisplayRole, text) itm.setData(0, self.lineRole, line) itm.setData(0, self.startRole, start) itm.setData(0, self.endRole, end) itm.setData(0, self.replaceRole, replTxt) if self.__replaceMode: itm.setFlags(itm.flags() | Qt.ItemFlags(Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable)) itm.setCheckState(0, Qt.Checked) self.replaceButton.setEnabled(True)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setWindowTitle("funkyD Widget") self.width = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().width() self.height = QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry().height() self.setFixedWidth(self.width) self.setFixedHeight(self.height) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground) self.setStyleSheet("background:transparent;") if (sys.platform == 'win32'): flags = Qt.WindowFlags(Qt.FramelessWindowHint | Qt.Tool) else: flags = Qt.WindowFlags(Qt.FramelessWindowHint | Qt.WindowTransparentForInput | Qt.WindowStaysOnBottomHint) self.setWindowFlags(flags) #Load Configuration json file self.loadConf() self.betas = [] self.greeting() self.time() self.saveConf() print(self.betas) # self.cpu_usage() # self.setLayout(QGridLayout()) # self.layout().addWidget(self.dayLabel,0,0) # self.layout().addWidget(self.timeLabel,1,0) # self.layout().addWidget(self.cpuLabel) # # self.layout().setSizeConstrafloat(QLayout.SetMinimumSize) # self.customPostition() #Works with X11 enable system like linux and macOS # self.setAttribute(Qt.WindowTransparentForInput) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDesktop, True)
def __init__(self, adb, battle, cwd, btnCheck, listGoTo, normal, high, parent=None, flags=Qt.WindowFlags(1)): super().__init__(parent=parent, flags=flags) self.initVar(adb, battle, cwd, btnCheck, normal, high) self.initAuto(listGoTo) self.initUI()
def __init__(self, Ui, sql_main=None, PKValue=None, sql_sub=None, edit_mode=JPEditFormDataMode.ReadOnly, flags=Qt.WindowFlags()): super().__init__(Ui, sql_main=sql_main, PKValue=PKValue, edit_mode=edit_mode, flags=flags) self.subSQL = sql_sub self.ui = Ui
def __init__(self, parent=None, flags=Qt.WindowFlags()): super().__init__(parent=parent, flags=flags) self.setWindowTitle("CaptureWords") self.setWindowFlags( Qt.FramelessWindowHint | Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt.Dialog ) self.setWindowState(self.windowState() | Qt.WindowFullScreen) self.screen = QtWidgets.QApplication.screenAt(QtGui.QCursor.pos()).grabWindow(0) palette = QtGui.QPalette() palette.setBrush(self.backgroundRole(), QtGui.QBrush(self.screen)) self.setPalette(palette) QtWidgets.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.CrossCursor)) self.start, self.end = QtCore.QPoint(), QtCore.QPoint()
def __init__(self, parent=None, flags=Qt.WindowFlags()): super().__init__(parent=parent, flags=flags) self.setWindowTitle("TextShot") self.setWindowFlags(Qt.FramelessWindowHint | Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt.Dialog) self.setWindowState(self.windowState() | Qt.WindowFullScreen) self.setStyleSheet("background-color: black") self.setWindowOpacity(0.5) QtWidgets.QApplication.setOverrideCursor( QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.CrossCursor)) self.start, self.end = QtCore.QPoint(), QtCore.QPoint()
def on_addButton_clicked(self): """ Private slot to add a new entry. """ menutext = self.menuEdit.text() icon = self.iconPicker.text() executable = self.executablePicker.text() arguments = self.argumentsEdit.text() redirect = self.redirectionModes[self.redirectCombo.currentIndex()][0] if not executable: E5MessageBox.critical( self,"Add tool entry"),"You have to set an executable to add to the" " Tools-Menu first.")) return if not menutext: E5MessageBox.critical( self,"Add tool entry"),"You have to insert a menuentry text to add the" " selected program to the Tools-Menu first.")) return if not Utilities.isinpath(executable): E5MessageBox.critical( self,"Add tool entry"),"The selected file could not be found or" " is not an executable." " Please choose an executable filename.")) return if len( self.toolsList.findItems(menutext, Qt.MatchFlags(Qt.MatchExactly))): E5MessageBox.critical( self,"Add tool entry"),"An entry for the menu text {0} already exists."). format(menutext)) return self.toolsList.addItem(menutext) tool = { 'menutext': menutext, 'icon': icon, 'executable': executable, 'arguments': arguments, 'redirect': redirect, } self.toollist.append(tool)
def __init__(self, grid_layout_widget: QWidget, grid_layout: QGridLayout): self.grid_layout_widget = grid_layout_widget self.grid_layout = grid_layout = QGroupBox(self.grid_layout_widget) self.aero_grid_layout_widget = QWidget(, Qt.WindowFlags()) self.aero_grid_layout = QGridLayout(self.aero_grid_layout_widget) self.alpha = QLabel(self.aero_grid_layout_widget) self.shadow_size = QLabel(self.aero_grid_layout_widget) self.shadow_sharp = QLabel(self.aero_grid_layout_widget) self.alpha_slider = QSlider(self.aero_grid_layout_widget) self.shadow_size_slider = QSlider(self.aero_grid_layout_widget) self.shadow_sharp_slider = QSlider(self.aero_grid_layout_widget)
def __init__(self, grid_layout_widget: QWidget, grid_layout: QGridLayout): self.grid_layout_widget = grid_layout_widget self.grid_layout = grid_layout self.hsb = QGroupBox(self.grid_layout_widget) self.hsb_grid_layout_widget = QWidget(self.hsb, Qt.WindowFlags()) self.hsb_grid_layout = QGridLayout(self.hsb_grid_layout_widget) self.hue = QLabel(self.hsb_grid_layout_widget) self.saturation = QLabel(self.hsb_grid_layout_widget) self.brightness = QLabel(self.hsb_grid_layout_widget) self.hue_slider = QSlider(self.hsb_grid_layout_widget) self.saturation_slider = QSlider(self.hsb_grid_layout_widget) self.brightness_slider = QSlider(self.hsb_grid_layout_widget)
def __init__(self, parent=None, flags=Qt.WindowFlags()): super().__init__(parent=parent, flags=flags) self.setupUi(self) self.companyManager = CompanyInterface(True) self.genreManager = GenreInterface(True) self.directorManager = DirectorInterface(True) self.castManager = CastInterface(True) self.filmChecker = FilmInterface(False) self.searchCompany() self.searchGenre() self.searchDirector() self.searchCast()
def __init__(self, confidence_level_name: str, parent=None): flags = Qt.WindowFlags() flags |= Qt.FramelessWindowHint super().__init__(parent=parent, flags=flags) self.setWindowModality(Qt.ApplicationModal) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setWindowTitle("GIWAXS analysis") self.setWindowIcon(Icon("window_icon")) self._init_ui(confidence_level_name) self._init_layout() self._init_connect()
def keySequenceClicks(widget, keySequence, extraModifiers=Qt.NoModifier): """Use QTest.keyClick to send a QKeySequence to a widget.""" # This is based on a simplified version of I added code to handle the case in which the resulting key contains a modifier (for example, Shift+Home). When I execute QTest.keyClick(widget, keyWithModifier), I get the error "ASSERT: "false" in file .\qasciikey.cpp, line 495". To fix this, the following code splits the key into a key and its modifier. # Bitmask for all modifier keys. modifierMask = int(Qt.ShiftModifier | Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.AltModifier | Qt.MetaModifier | Qt.KeypadModifier) ks = QKeySequence(keySequence) # For now, we don't handle a QKeySequence("Ctrl") or any other modified by itself. assert ks.count() > 0 for _, key in enumerate(ks): modifiers = Qt.KeyboardModifiers((key & modifierMask) | extraModifiers) key = key & ~modifierMask QTest.keyClick(widget, key, modifiers)
def load(self, f): if not QFile.exists(f): return False fh = QFile(f) if not return False data = fh.readAll() codec = QTextCodec.codecForHtml(data) unistr = codec.toUnicode(data) if Qt.mightBeRichText(unistr): self.textEdit.setHtml(unistr) else: self.textEdit.setPlainText(unistr) self.setCurrentFileName(f) return True
def __init__(self, parent, dvar, dvalue, dtype): """ Constructor @param parent reference to the parent item @param dvar variable name (string) @param dvalue value string (string) @param dtype type string (string) """ self.__value = dvalue if len(dvalue) > 2048: # 1024 * 2 dvalue = QCoreApplication.translate( "VariableItem", "<double click to show value>") self.__tooltip = dvalue else: if Qt.mightBeRichText(dvalue): self.__tooltip = Utilities.html_encode(dvalue) else: self.__tooltip = dvalue lines = dvalue.splitlines() if len(lines) > 1: # only show the first non-empty line; # indicate skipped lines by <...> at the # beginning and/or end index = 0 while index < len(lines) - 1 and lines[index] == "": index += 1 dvalue = "" if index > 0: dvalue += "<...>" dvalue += lines[index] if index < len(lines) - 1: dvalue += "<...>" super(VariableItem, self).__init__(parent, [dvar, dvalue, dtype]) self.populated = True
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt as Q QT_KEYS = {k[4:]: Q.__getattribute__(Q, k) for k in dir(Q) if k.startswith('Key_')} LEFT_KEYS = (QT_KEYS['A'], QT_KEYS['Left']) RIGHT_KEYS = (QT_KEYS['D'], QT_KEYS['Right']) UP_KEYS = (QT_KEYS['W'], QT_KEYS['Up']) DOWN_KEYS = (QT_KEYS['S'], QT_KEYS['Down']) def is_left(key, left_keys=LEFT_KEYS): return key in left_keys def is_right(key, right_keys=RIGHT_KEYS): return key in right_keys def is_up(key, up_keys=UP_KEYS): return key in up_keys def is_down(key, down_keys=DOWN_KEYS): return key in down_keys