コード例 #1
ファイル: separations.py プロジェクト: death-finger/Scripts
    def createImage(self):
        """ Creates an image by combining the contents of the three screens
            to present a page preview.
            The image associated with each screen is separated into cyan,
            magenta, and yellow components. We add up the values for each
            component from the three screen images, and subtract the totals
            from the maximum value for each corresponding primary color.
        newImage = self.scaledImage.copy()

        image1 = self.cyanWidget.image()
        image2 = self.magentaWidget.image()
        image3 = self.yellowWidget.image()
        darkness = 255 - self.brightness

        for y in range(newImage.height()):
            for x in range(newImage.width()):
                # Create three screens, using the quantities of the source CMY
                # components to determine how much of each of the inks are to
                # be put on each screen.
                p1 = image1.pixel(x, y)
                cyan1 = float(255 - qRed(p1))
                magenta1 = float(255 - qGreen(p1))
                yellow1 = float(255 - qBlue(p1))

                p2 = image2.pixel(x, y)
                cyan2 = float(255 - qRed(p2))
                magenta2 = float(255 - qGreen(p2))
                yellow2 = float(255 - qBlue(p2))

                p3 = image3.pixel(x, y)
                cyan3 = float(255 - qRed(p3))
                magenta3 = float(255 - qGreen(p3))
                yellow3 = float(255 - qBlue(p3))

                newColor = QColor(
                    max(255 - int(cyan1 + cyan2 + cyan3) - darkness, 0),
                    max(255 - int(magenta1 + magenta2 + magenta3) - darkness, 0),
                    max(255 - int(yellow1 + yellow2 + yellow3) - darkness, 0))

                newImage.setPixel(x, y, newColor.rgb())

コード例 #2
ファイル: parse_dash_results.py プロジェクト: tomchadwin/QGIS
def colorDiff(c1, c2):
    redDiff = abs(qRed(c1) - qRed(c2))
    greenDiff = abs(qGreen(c1) - qGreen(c2))
    blueDiff = abs(qBlue(c1) - qBlue(c2))
    alphaDiff = abs(qAlpha(c1) - qAlpha(c2))
    return max(redDiff, greenDiff, blueDiff, alphaDiff)
コード例 #3
 def get_color_at_point(self, x, y):
     if x >= 0 and y >= 0:
         rgb = self.qimage.pixel(x, y)
         return [qRed(rgb), qGreen(rgb), qBlue(rgb)]
         return [0, 0, 0]
コード例 #4
ファイル: ImageReader.py プロジェクト: TinkerGnome/Cura
    def _generateSceneNode(self, file_name, xz_size, peak_height, base_height, blur_iterations, max_size, image_color_invert):
        scene_node = SceneNode()

        mesh = MeshBuilder()

        img = QImage(file_name)

        if img.isNull():
            Logger.log("e", "Image is corrupt.")
            return None

        width = max(img.width(), 2)
        height = max(img.height(), 2)
        aspect = height / width

        if img.width() < 2 or img.height() < 2:
            img = img.scaled(width, height, Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio)

        base_height = max(base_height, 0)
        peak_height = max(peak_height, -base_height)

        xz_size = max(xz_size, 1)
        scale_vector = Vector(xz_size, peak_height, xz_size)

        if width > height:
            scale_vector = scale_vector.set(z=scale_vector.z * aspect)
        elif height > width:
            scale_vector = scale_vector.set(x=scale_vector.x / aspect)

        if width > max_size or height > max_size:
            scale_factor = max_size / width
            if height > width:
                scale_factor = max_size / height

            width = int(max(round(width * scale_factor), 2))
            height = int(max(round(height * scale_factor), 2))
            img = img.scaled(width, height, Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio)

        width_minus_one = width - 1
        height_minus_one = height - 1


        texel_width = 1.0 / (width_minus_one) * scale_vector.x
        texel_height = 1.0 / (height_minus_one) * scale_vector.z

        height_data = numpy.zeros((height, width), dtype=numpy.float32)

        for x in range(0, width):
            for y in range(0, height):
                qrgb = img.pixel(x, y)
                avg = float(qRed(qrgb) + qGreen(qrgb) + qBlue(qrgb)) / (3 * 255)
                height_data[y, x] = avg


        if image_color_invert:
            height_data = 1 - height_data

        for _ in range(0, blur_iterations):
            copy = numpy.pad(height_data, ((1, 1), (1, 1)), mode= "edge")

            height_data += copy[1:-1, 2:]
            height_data += copy[1:-1, :-2]
            height_data += copy[2:, 1:-1]
            height_data += copy[:-2, 1:-1]

            height_data += copy[2:, 2:]
            height_data += copy[:-2, 2:]
            height_data += copy[2:, :-2]
            height_data += copy[:-2, :-2]

            height_data /= 9


        height_data *= scale_vector.y
        height_data += base_height

        heightmap_face_count = 2 * height_minus_one * width_minus_one
        total_face_count = heightmap_face_count + (width_minus_one * 2) * (height_minus_one * 2) + 2


        # initialize to texel space vertex offsets.
        # 6 is for 6 vertices for each texel quad.
        heightmap_vertices = numpy.zeros((width_minus_one * height_minus_one, 6, 3), dtype = numpy.float32)
        heightmap_vertices = heightmap_vertices + numpy.array([[
            [0, base_height, 0],
            [0, base_height, texel_height],
            [texel_width, base_height, texel_height],
            [texel_width, base_height, texel_height],
            [texel_width, base_height, 0],
            [0, base_height, 0]
        ]], dtype = numpy.float32)

        offsetsz, offsetsx = numpy.mgrid[0: height_minus_one, 0: width - 1]
        offsetsx = numpy.array(offsetsx, numpy.float32).reshape(-1, 1) * texel_width
        offsetsz = numpy.array(offsetsz, numpy.float32).reshape(-1, 1) * texel_height

        # offsets for each texel quad
        heightmap_vertex_offsets = numpy.concatenate([offsetsx, numpy.zeros((offsetsx.shape[0], offsetsx.shape[1]), dtype=numpy.float32), offsetsz], 1)
        heightmap_vertices += heightmap_vertex_offsets.repeat(6, 0).reshape(-1, 6, 3)

        # apply height data to y values
        heightmap_vertices[:, 0, 1] = heightmap_vertices[:, 5, 1] = height_data[:-1, :-1].reshape(-1)
        heightmap_vertices[:, 1, 1] = height_data[1:, :-1].reshape(-1)
        heightmap_vertices[:, 2, 1] = heightmap_vertices[:, 3, 1] = height_data[1:, 1:].reshape(-1)
        heightmap_vertices[:, 4, 1] = height_data[:-1, 1:].reshape(-1)

        heightmap_indices = numpy.array(numpy.mgrid[0:heightmap_face_count * 3], dtype=numpy.int32).reshape(-1, 3)

        mesh._vertices[0:(heightmap_vertices.size // 3), :] = heightmap_vertices.reshape(-1, 3)
        mesh._indices[0:(heightmap_indices.size // 3), :] = heightmap_indices

        mesh._vertex_count = heightmap_vertices.size // 3
        mesh._face_count = heightmap_indices.size // 3

        geo_width = width_minus_one * texel_width
        geo_height = height_minus_one * texel_height

        # bottom
        mesh.addFaceByPoints(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, geo_height, geo_width, 0, geo_height)
        mesh.addFaceByPoints(geo_width, 0, geo_height, geo_width, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        # north and south walls
        for n in range(0, width_minus_one):
            x = n * texel_width
            nx = (n + 1) * texel_width

            hn0 = height_data[0, n]
            hn1 = height_data[0, n + 1]

            hs0 = height_data[height_minus_one, n]
            hs1 = height_data[height_minus_one, n + 1]

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(x, 0, 0, nx, 0, 0, nx, hn1, 0)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(nx, hn1, 0, x, hn0, 0, x, 0, 0)

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(x, 0, geo_height, nx, 0, geo_height, nx, hs1, geo_height)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(nx, hs1, geo_height, x, hs0, geo_height, x, 0, geo_height)

        # west and east walls
        for n in range(0, height_minus_one):
            y = n * texel_height
            ny = (n + 1) * texel_height

            hw0 = height_data[n, 0]
            hw1 = height_data[n + 1, 0]

            he0 = height_data[n, width_minus_one]
            he1 = height_data[n + 1, width_minus_one]

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(0, 0, y, 0, 0, ny, 0, hw1, ny)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(0, hw1, ny, 0, hw0, y, 0, 0, y)

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(geo_width, 0, y, geo_width, 0, ny, geo_width, he1, ny)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(geo_width, he1, ny, geo_width, he0, y, geo_width, 0, y)



        return scene_node
コード例 #5
def colorDiff(c1, c2):
    redDiff = abs(qRed(c1) - qRed(c2))
    greenDiff = abs(qGreen(c1) - qGreen(c2))
    blueDiff = abs(qBlue(c1) - qBlue(c2))
    alphaDiff = abs(qAlpha(c1) - qAlpha(c2))
    return max(redDiff, greenDiff, blueDiff, alphaDiff)
コード例 #6
    def _generateSceneNode(self, file_name, xz_size, height_from_base,
                           base_height, blur_iterations, max_size,
                           lighter_is_higher, use_transparency_model,
        scene_node = SceneNode()

        mesh = MeshBuilder()

        img = QImage(file_name)

        if img.isNull():
            Logger.log("e", "Image is corrupt.")
            return None

        width = max(img.width(), 2)
        height = max(img.height(), 2)
        aspect = height / width

        if img.width() < 2 or img.height() < 2:
            img = img.scaled(width, height, Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio)

        height_from_base = max(height_from_base, 0)
        base_height = max(base_height, 0)
        peak_height = base_height + height_from_base

        xz_size = max(xz_size, 1)
        scale_vector = Vector(xz_size, peak_height, xz_size)

        if width > height:
            scale_vector = scale_vector.set(z=scale_vector.z * aspect)
        elif height > width:
            scale_vector = scale_vector.set(x=scale_vector.x / aspect)

        if width > max_size or height > max_size:
            scale_factor = max_size / width
            if height > width:
                scale_factor = max_size / height

            width = int(max(round(width * scale_factor), 2))
            height = int(max(round(height * scale_factor), 2))
            img = img.scaled(width, height, Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio)

        width_minus_one = width - 1
        height_minus_one = height - 1


        texel_width = 1.0 / (width_minus_one) * scale_vector.x
        texel_height = 1.0 / (height_minus_one) * scale_vector.z

        height_data = numpy.zeros((height, width), dtype=numpy.float32)

        for x in range(0, width):
            for y in range(0, height):
                qrgb = img.pixel(x, y)
                if use_transparency_model:
                    height_data[y, x] = (
                        0.299 * math.pow(qRed(qrgb) / 255.0, 2.2) +
                        0.587 * math.pow(qGreen(qrgb) / 255.0, 2.2) +
                        0.114 * math.pow(qBlue(qrgb) / 255.0, 2.2))
                    height_data[y, x] = (
                        0.212655 * qRed(qrgb) + 0.715158 * qGreen(qrgb) +
                        0.072187 * qBlue(qrgb)
                    ) / 255  # fast computation ignoring gamma and degamma


        if lighter_is_higher == use_transparency_model:
            height_data = 1 - height_data

        for _ in range(0, blur_iterations):
            copy = numpy.pad(height_data, ((1, 1), (1, 1)), mode="edge")

            height_data += copy[1:-1, 2:]
            height_data += copy[1:-1, :-2]
            height_data += copy[2:, 1:-1]
            height_data += copy[:-2, 1:-1]

            height_data += copy[2:, 2:]
            height_data += copy[:-2, 2:]
            height_data += copy[2:, :-2]
            height_data += copy[:-2, :-2]

            height_data /= 9


        if use_transparency_model:
            divisor = 1.0 / math.log(
                transmittance_1mm / 100.0
            )  # log-base doesn't matter here. Precompute this value for faster computation of each pixel.
            min_luminance = (transmittance_1mm / 100.0)**(peak_height -
            for (y, x) in numpy.ndindex(height_data.shape):
                mapped_luminance = min_luminance + (
                    1.0 - min_luminance) * height_data[y, x]
                height_data[y, x] = base_height + divisor * math.log(
                )  # use same base as a couple lines above this
            height_data *= scale_vector.y
            height_data += base_height

        if img.hasAlphaChannel():
            for x in range(0, width):
                for y in range(0, height):
                    height_data[y, x] *= qAlpha(img.pixel(x, y)) / 255.0

        heightmap_face_count = 2 * height_minus_one * width_minus_one
        total_face_count = heightmap_face_count + (width_minus_one * 2) * (
            height_minus_one * 2) + 2


        # initialize to texel space vertex offsets.
        # 6 is for 6 vertices for each texel quad.
        heightmap_vertices = numpy.zeros(
            (width_minus_one * height_minus_one, 6, 3), dtype=numpy.float32)
        heightmap_vertices = heightmap_vertices + numpy.array(
            [[[0, base_height, 0], [0, base_height, texel_height],
              [texel_width, base_height, texel_height],
              [texel_width, base_height, texel_height],
              [texel_width, base_height, 0], [0, base_height, 0]]],

        offsetsz, offsetsx = numpy.mgrid[0:height_minus_one, 0:width - 1]
        offsetsx = numpy.array(offsetsx, numpy.float32).reshape(
            -1, 1) * texel_width
        offsetsz = numpy.array(offsetsz, numpy.float32).reshape(
            -1, 1) * texel_height

        # offsets for each texel quad
        heightmap_vertex_offsets = numpy.concatenate([
            numpy.zeros((offsetsx.shape[0], offsetsx.shape[1]),
                        dtype=numpy.float32), offsetsz
        ], 1)
        heightmap_vertices += heightmap_vertex_offsets.repeat(6, 0).reshape(
            -1, 6, 3)

        # apply height data to y values
        heightmap_vertices[:, 0,
                           1] = heightmap_vertices[:, 5,
                                                   1] = height_data[:-1, :
        heightmap_vertices[:, 1, 1] = height_data[1:, :-1].reshape(-1)
        heightmap_vertices[:, 2,
                           1] = heightmap_vertices[:, 3, 1] = height_data[
                               1:, 1:].reshape(-1)
        heightmap_vertices[:, 4, 1] = height_data[:-1, 1:].reshape(-1)

        heightmap_indices = numpy.array(numpy.mgrid[0:heightmap_face_count *
                                        dtype=numpy.int32).reshape(-1, 3)

        mesh._vertices[0:(heightmap_vertices.size //
                          3), :] = heightmap_vertices.reshape(-1, 3)
        mesh._indices[0:(heightmap_indices.size // 3), :] = heightmap_indices

        mesh._vertex_count = heightmap_vertices.size // 3
        mesh._face_count = heightmap_indices.size // 3

        geo_width = width_minus_one * texel_width
        geo_height = height_minus_one * texel_height

        # bottom
        mesh.addFaceByPoints(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, geo_height, geo_width, 0,
        mesh.addFaceByPoints(geo_width, 0, geo_height, geo_width, 0, 0, 0, 0,

        # north and south walls
        for n in range(0, width_minus_one):
            x = n * texel_width
            nx = (n + 1) * texel_width

            hn0 = height_data[0, n]
            hn1 = height_data[0, n + 1]

            hs0 = height_data[height_minus_one, n]
            hs1 = height_data[height_minus_one, n + 1]

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(x, 0, 0, nx, 0, 0, nx, hn1, 0)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(nx, hn1, 0, x, hn0, 0, x, 0, 0)

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(x, 0, geo_height, nx, 0, geo_height, nx, hs1,
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(nx, hs1, geo_height, x, hs0, geo_height, x, 0,

        # west and east walls
        for n in range(0, height_minus_one):
            y = n * texel_height
            ny = (n + 1) * texel_height

            hw0 = height_data[n, 0]
            hw1 = height_data[n + 1, 0]

            he0 = height_data[n, width_minus_one]
            he1 = height_data[n + 1, width_minus_one]

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(0, 0, y, 0, 0, ny, 0, hw1, ny)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(0, hw1, ny, 0, hw0, y, 0, 0, y)

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(geo_width, 0, y, geo_width, 0, ny, geo_width,
                                 he1, ny)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(geo_width, he1, ny, geo_width, he0, y,
                                 geo_width, 0, y)



        return scene_node
コード例 #7
    def _generateSceneNode(self, file_name, xz_size, peak_height, base_height, blur_iterations, max_size, image_color_invert):
        scene_node = SceneNode()

        mesh = MeshBuilder()

        img = QImage(file_name)

        if img.isNull():
            Logger.log("e", "Image is corrupt.")
            return None

        width = max(img.width(), 2)
        height = max(img.height(), 2)
        aspect = height / width

        if img.width() < 2 or img.height() < 2:
            img = img.scaled(width, height, Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio)

        base_height = max(base_height, 0)
        peak_height = max(peak_height, -base_height)

        xz_size = max(xz_size, 1)
        scale_vector = Vector(xz_size, peak_height, xz_size)

        if width > height:
            scale_vector = scale_vector.set(z=scale_vector.z * aspect)
        elif height > width:
            scale_vector = scale_vector.set(x=scale_vector.x / aspect)

        if width > max_size or height > max_size:
            scale_factor = max_size / width
            if height > width:
                scale_factor = max_size / height

            width = int(max(round(width * scale_factor), 2))
            height = int(max(round(height * scale_factor), 2))
            img = img.scaled(width, height, Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio)

        width_minus_one = width - 1
        height_minus_one = height - 1


        texel_width = 1.0 / (width_minus_one) * scale_vector.x
        texel_height = 1.0 / (height_minus_one) * scale_vector.z

        height_data = numpy.zeros((height, width), dtype=numpy.float32)

        for x in range(0, width):
            for y in range(0, height):
                qrgb = img.pixel(x, y)
                avg = float(qRed(qrgb) + qGreen(qrgb) + qBlue(qrgb)) / (3 * 255)
                height_data[y, x] = avg


        if image_color_invert:
            height_data = 1 - height_data

        for _ in range(0, blur_iterations):
            copy = numpy.pad(height_data, ((1, 1), (1, 1)), mode= "edge")

            height_data += copy[1:-1, 2:]
            height_data += copy[1:-1, :-2]
            height_data += copy[2:, 1:-1]
            height_data += copy[:-2, 1:-1]

            height_data += copy[2:, 2:]
            height_data += copy[:-2, 2:]
            height_data += copy[2:, :-2]
            height_data += copy[:-2, :-2]

            height_data /= 9


        height_data *= scale_vector.y
        height_data += base_height

        heightmap_face_count = 2 * height_minus_one * width_minus_one
        total_face_count = heightmap_face_count + (width_minus_one * 2) * (height_minus_one * 2) + 2


        # initialize to texel space vertex offsets.
        # 6 is for 6 vertices for each texel quad.
        heightmap_vertices = numpy.zeros((width_minus_one * height_minus_one, 6, 3), dtype = numpy.float32)
        heightmap_vertices = heightmap_vertices + numpy.array([[
            [0, base_height, 0],
            [0, base_height, texel_height],
            [texel_width, base_height, texel_height],
            [texel_width, base_height, texel_height],
            [texel_width, base_height, 0],
            [0, base_height, 0]
        ]], dtype = numpy.float32)

        offsetsz, offsetsx = numpy.mgrid[0: height_minus_one, 0: width - 1]
        offsetsx = numpy.array(offsetsx, numpy.float32).reshape(-1, 1) * texel_width
        offsetsz = numpy.array(offsetsz, numpy.float32).reshape(-1, 1) * texel_height

        # offsets for each texel quad
        heightmap_vertex_offsets = numpy.concatenate([offsetsx, numpy.zeros((offsetsx.shape[0], offsetsx.shape[1]), dtype=numpy.float32), offsetsz], 1)
        heightmap_vertices += heightmap_vertex_offsets.repeat(6, 0).reshape(-1, 6, 3)

        # apply height data to y values
        heightmap_vertices[:, 0, 1] = heightmap_vertices[:, 5, 1] = height_data[:-1, :-1].reshape(-1)
        heightmap_vertices[:, 1, 1] = height_data[1:, :-1].reshape(-1)
        heightmap_vertices[:, 2, 1] = heightmap_vertices[:, 3, 1] = height_data[1:, 1:].reshape(-1)
        heightmap_vertices[:, 4, 1] = height_data[:-1, 1:].reshape(-1)

        heightmap_indices = numpy.array(numpy.mgrid[0:heightmap_face_count * 3], dtype=numpy.int32).reshape(-1, 3)

        mesh._vertices[0:(heightmap_vertices.size // 3), :] = heightmap_vertices.reshape(-1, 3)
        mesh._indices[0:(heightmap_indices.size // 3), :] = heightmap_indices

        mesh._vertex_count = heightmap_vertices.size // 3
        mesh._face_count = heightmap_indices.size // 3

        geo_width = width_minus_one * texel_width
        geo_height = height_minus_one * texel_height

        # bottom
        mesh.addFaceByPoints(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, geo_height, geo_width, 0, geo_height)
        mesh.addFaceByPoints(geo_width, 0, geo_height, geo_width, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        # north and south walls
        for n in range(0, width_minus_one):
            x = n * texel_width
            nx = (n + 1) * texel_width

            hn0 = height_data[0, n]
            hn1 = height_data[0, n + 1]

            hs0 = height_data[height_minus_one, n]
            hs1 = height_data[height_minus_one, n + 1]

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(x, 0, 0, nx, 0, 0, nx, hn1, 0)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(nx, hn1, 0, x, hn0, 0, x, 0, 0)

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(x, 0, geo_height, nx, 0, geo_height, nx, hs1, geo_height)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(nx, hs1, geo_height, x, hs0, geo_height, x, 0, geo_height)

        # west and east walls
        for n in range(0, height_minus_one):
            y = n * texel_height
            ny = (n + 1) * texel_height

            hw0 = height_data[n, 0]
            hw1 = height_data[n + 1, 0]

            he0 = height_data[n, width_minus_one]
            he1 = height_data[n + 1, width_minus_one]

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(0, 0, y, 0, 0, ny, 0, hw1, ny)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(0, hw1, ny, 0, hw0, y, 0, 0, y)

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(geo_width, 0, y, geo_width, 0, ny, geo_width, he1, ny)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(geo_width, he1, ny, geo_width, he0, y, geo_width, 0, y)



        return scene_node
コード例 #8
ファイル: RgbImageWindow.py プロジェクト: Esttelle/CuteImage
 def calc_to_grayscale(pixel):
     gray_level = 0.299 * qRed(pixel) + 0.587 * qGreen(
         pixel) + 0.114 * qBlue(pixel)
     return qRgb(gray_level, gray_level, gray_level)
コード例 #9
ファイル: RgbImageWindow.py プロジェクト: Esttelle/CuteImage
 def calc_filter(pixel):
     return qRgb(self.fit_range(r_lambda(qRed(pixel))),
コード例 #10
ファイル: RgbImageWindow.py プロジェクト: Esttelle/CuteImage
 def calc_saturate_blue(pixel):
     return qRgb(qRed(pixel), qGreen(pixel), 255)
コード例 #11
ファイル: RgbImageWindow.py プロジェクト: Esttelle/CuteImage
 def calc_saturate_red(pixel):
     return qRgb(255, qGreen(pixel), qBlue(pixel))
コード例 #12
ファイル: RgbImageWindow.py プロジェクト: Esttelle/CuteImage
 def calc_reverse(pixel):
     return qRgb(255 - qRed(pixel), 255 - qGreen(pixel),
                 255 - qBlue(pixel))
コード例 #13
ファイル: RgbImageWindow.py プロジェクト: Esttelle/CuteImage
 def calc_origin_color(pixel):
     return qRgb(qRed(pixel), qGreen(pixel), qBlue(pixel))
コード例 #14
 def get_vector(color: QColor) -> tuple:
     rgb = color.rgb()
     return qRed(rgb), qGreen(rgb), qBlue(rgb)