def __init__(self, parent): # OpenGL Widget setup f = QGLFormat() f.setSampleBuffers(True) f.setVersion(3,3) f.setProfile(QGLFormat.CoreProfile) QGLFormat.setDefaultFormat(f) if not QGLFormat.hasOpenGL(): QMessageBox.information(None, "OpenGL samplebuffers", "This system does not support OpenGL.") sys.exit(0) super(GLWidget, self).__init__(f, parent) self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.list_ = [] self.width = 640.0 self.height = 480.0 self.startTimer(40) self.setWindowTitle("Sample Buffers") self.fov = 60.0 self.deltaTime = 0.0 self.lastFrame = None self.sketching = False self.sketchType = 0 self.sketchPoints = []
def start(): # Start the Qt main object app = QApplication([]) # Start the bluesky network client client = GuiClient() # Enable HiDPI support (Qt5 only) if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000: app.setAttribute(Qt.AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps) splash = Splash() # Register our custom pan/zoom event for etype in range(1000, 1000 + NUMCUSTOMEVENTS): reg_etype = QEvent.registerEventType(etype) if reg_etype != etype: print(( 'Warning: Registered event type differs from requested type id (%d != %d)' % (reg_etype, etype))) # Install error message handler handler = QErrorMessage.qtHandler() handler.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) # Check and set OpenGL capabilities if not QGLFormat.hasOpenGL(): raise RuntimeError('No OpenGL support detected for this system!') else: f = QGLFormat() f.setVersion(3, 3) f.setProfile(QGLFormat.CoreProfile) f.setDoubleBuffer(True) QGLFormat.setDefaultFormat(f) print(('QGLWidget initialized for OpenGL version %d.%d' % (f.majorVersion(), f.minorVersion()))) splash.showMessage('Constructing main window') app.processEvents() win = MainWindow() splash.showMessage('Done!') app.processEvents() splash.finish(win) # If this instance of the gui is started in client-only mode, show # server selection dialog if bs.settings.is_client: dialog = DiscoveryDialog(win) else: client.connect(event_port=bs.settings.event_port, stream_port=bs.settings.stream_port) # Start the Qt main loop app.exec_()
def start(mode): # Install message handler for Qt messages qInstallMessageHandler(gui_msg_handler) # Start the Qt main object app = QApplication([]) # Start the bluesky network client client = GuiClient() # Enable HiDPI support (Qt5 only) if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000: app.setAttribute(Qt.AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps) splash = Splash() # Register our custom pan/zoom event for etype in range(1000, 1000 + NUMCUSTOMEVENTS): reg_etype = QEvent.registerEventType(etype) if reg_etype != etype: print(('Warning: Registered event type differs from requested type id (%d != %d)' % (reg_etype, etype))) # Install error message handler handler = QErrorMessage.qtHandler() handler.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) # Check and set OpenGL capabilities if not QGLFormat.hasOpenGL(): raise RuntimeError('No OpenGL support detected for this system!') else: f = QGLFormat() f.setVersion(3, 3) f.setProfile(QGLFormat.CoreProfile) f.setDoubleBuffer(True) QGLFormat.setDefaultFormat(f) print(('QGLWidget initialized for OpenGL version %d.%d' % (f.majorVersion(), f.minorVersion()))) splash.showMessage('Constructing main window') app.processEvents() win = MainWindow(mode) splash.showMessage('Done!') app.processEvents() splash.finish(win) # If this instance of the gui is started in client-only mode, show # server selection dialog if mode == 'client': dialog = DiscoveryDialog(win) else: client.connect(event_port=bs.settings.event_port, stream_port=bs.settings.stream_port) # Start the Qt main loop app.exec_()
def __init__(self, parent=None): self.first = True f = QGLFormat() f.setVersion(3, 3) f.setProfile(QGLFormat.OpenGLContextProfile.CoreProfile) f.setDoubleBuffer(True) QGLWidget.__init__(self, QGLContext(f), parent) print(('QGLWidget initialized for OpenGL version %d.%d' % (f.majorVersion(), f.minorVersion()))) print("This script creates a file called 'opengl-test.txt', containing information about the opengl support of your computer. Useful when debugging problems with the opengl version of BlueSky.")
def __init__(self, parent=None): self.first = True f = QGLFormat() f.setVersion(3, 3) f.setProfile(QGLFormat.CoreProfile) f.setDoubleBuffer(True) QGLWidget.__init__(self, QGLContext(f), parent) print(('QGLWidget initialized for OpenGL version %d.%d' % (f.majorVersion(), f.minorVersion()))) print("This script creates a file called 'opengl-test.txt', containing information about the opengl support of your computer. Useful when debugging problems with the opengl version of BlueSky.")
def __init__(self, renderer, title): QApplication.__init__(self, sys.argv) self.window = QMainWindow() self.window.setWindowTitle(title) self.window.resize(800,600) # Get OpenGL 4.1 context glformat = QGLFormat() glformat.setVersion(4, 1) glformat.setProfile(QGLFormat.CoreProfile) glformat.setDoubleBuffer(False) self.glwidget = MyGlWidget(renderer, glformat, self) self.window.setCentralWidget(self.glwidget)
def __init__(self): super(Gui, self).__init__([]) self.acdata = ACDataEvent() self.birddata = BirdDataEvent() self.navdb = None self.radarwidget = [] self.command_history = [] self.cmd = '' self.args = [] self.history_pos = 0 self.command_mem = '' self.command_line = '' self.prev_cmdline = '' self.mousedragged = False self.mousepos = (0, 0) self.prevmousepos = (0, 0) self.panzoomchanged = False self.simt = 0.0 # Register our custom pan/zoom event for etype in range(1000, 1000 + NUMEVENTS): reg_etype = QEvent.registerEventType(etype) if reg_etype != etype: print( 'Warning: Registered event type differs from requested type id (%d != %d)' % (reg_etype, etype)) self.splash = Splash() # Install error message handler handler = QErrorMessage.qtHandler() handler.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) # Check and set OpenGL capabilities if not QGLFormat.hasOpenGL(): raise RuntimeError('No OpenGL support detected for this system!') else: f = QGLFormat() f.setVersion(3, 3) f.setProfile(QGLFormat.CoreProfile) f.setDoubleBuffer(True) QGLFormat.setDefaultFormat(f) print('QGLWidget initialized for OpenGL version %d.%d' % (f.majorVersion(), f.minorVersion())) # Enable HiDPI support (Qt5 only) if QT_VERSION == 5: self.setAttribute(Qt.AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps)
def __init__(self): super(Gui, self).__init__([]) self.acdata = ACDataEvent() self.routedata = RouteDataEvent() self.navdb = None self.radarwidget = [] self.command_history = [] self.cmd = '' self.args = [] self.history_pos = 0 self.command_mem = '' self.command_line = '' self.prev_cmdline = '' self.mousedragged = False self.mousepos = (0, 0) self.prevmousepos = (0, 0) self.panzoomchanged = False self.simt = 0.0 # Register our custom pan/zoom event for etype in range(1000, 1000 + NUMEVENTS): reg_etype = QEvent.registerEventType(etype) if reg_etype != etype: print('Warning: Registered event type differs from requested type id (%d != %d)' % (reg_etype, etype)) self.splash = Splash() # Install error message handler handler = QErrorMessage.qtHandler() handler.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) # Check and set OpenGL capabilities if not QGLFormat.hasOpenGL(): raise RuntimeError('No OpenGL support detected for this system!') else: f = QGLFormat() f.setVersion(3, 3) f.setProfile(QGLFormat.CoreProfile) f.setDoubleBuffer(True) QGLFormat.setDefaultFormat(f) print('QGLWidget initialized for OpenGL version %d.%d' % (f.majorVersion(), f.minorVersion())) # Enable HiDPI support (Qt5 only) if QT_VERSION == 5: self.setAttribute(Qt.AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps)
def __init__(self): super(StimCanvas, self).__init__() self.control = TrialControl() self.t = time.time() glformat = QGLFormat() glformat.setVersion(4, 1) glformat.setProfile(QGLFormat.CoreProfile) glformat.setDoubleBuffer(True) self.drawtimer = QTimer(self) self.drawtimer.timeout.connect(self.update) self.drawtimer.start(1000 / 60) self.curframe = 0 self.curtrial = 0 self.trial_seq = [0]
def initWindow(self): self.window = MainWindow(self) self.window.setWindowTitle('CS791a') glFormat = QGLFormat() glFormat.setDoubleBuffer(True) glFormat.setDirectRendering(True) glFormat.setProfile(QGLFormat.CoreProfile) glFormat.setVersion(3,3) QGLFormat.setDefaultFormat(glFormat) #glFormat.setOption(QGLFormat.OpenGL_Version_3_3) = GraphicsManager(self) self.window.setCentralWidget( self.window.resize(1600,900) print(glGetString(GL_VERSION))
self.selValues[4] += int(val) * increment self.remainder = val - int(val) self.update_lcd() if self.btn_pressed is not None: QTimer.singleShot(200, self.updateAPValues) if __name__ == "__main__": qapp = QApplication([]) # Check and set OpenGL capabilities if not QGLFormat.hasOpenGL(): raise RuntimeError('No OpenGL support detected for this system!') else: f = QGLFormat() f.setVersion(3, 3) f.setProfile(QGLFormat.CoreProfile) f.setDoubleBuffer(True) QGLFormat.setDefaultFormat(f) print(('QGLWidget initialized for OpenGL version %d.%d' % (f.majorVersion(), f.minorVersion()))) blip = BlipDriver() gltimer = QTimer(qapp) gltimer.timeout.connect(blip.updateGL) gltimer.start(50) qapp.exec_()
def __init__(self): super(DrawingWindow, self).__init__() self.history = [] self.userDefinedPoints = [] self.setMouseTracking(True) #SURFACE setup self.ctrPnt = [[ QVector3D(10, 0, 10), QVector3D(5, 0, 10), QVector3D(-5, 0, 10), QVector3D(-10, 0, 10) ], [ QVector3D(10, 0, 5), QVector3D(5, 10, 5), QVector3D(-5, 10, 5), QVector3D(-10, 0, 5) ], [ QVector3D(10, 0, -5), QVector3D(5, 10, -5), QVector3D(-5, 10, -5), QVector3D(-10, 0, -5) ], [ QVector3D(10, 0, -10), QVector3D(5, 0, -10), QVector3D(-5, 0, -10), QVector3D(-10, 0, -10) ]] self.vtr = [] self.vertices = [] self.indices = [] self.controlPoints = [] self.rotationAxis = None for row in self.ctrPnt: for vector in row: self.controlPoints.append(float(vector.x())) self.controlPoints.append(float(vector.y())) self.controlPoints.append(float(vector.z())) self.surface = NURBSSurface(controlNet=self.ctrPnt, Udegree=3, Wdegree=3, Uknots=[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1], Wknots=[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]) self.surface.setWeights([[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]) self.surface.compute() self.vtr = self.surface.surfacePoints self.indices = triangleRenderer(row=12, col=11) normalsList = normalsPerTriangle(self.vtr, self.indices) self.surfaceNormals = [] self.normals = normalsPerVertex(normalsList, len(self.vtr)) for value in self.vtr: self.vertices.append(float(value.x())) self.vertices.append(float(value.y())) self.vertices.append(float(value.z())) for value in self.normals: self.surfaceNormals.append(float(value.x())) self.surfaceNormals.append(float(value.y())) self.surfaceNormals.append(float(value.z())) #QTsetting glFormat = QGLFormat() glFormat.setVersion(3, 2) glFormat.setProfile(QGLFormat.CoreProfile) QGLFormat.setDefaultFormat(glFormat) print(glFormat) #camera = Camera(position=QVector3D(0, 7, 20), direction=QVector3D(0, 0, 0), up=QVector3D(0, 1, 0)) self.normalMatrix = QMatrix4x4() #interaction self.selectedPoint = None self.editFlag = False self.showControlPoints = False
def start(mode): # Install message handler for Qt messages qInstallMessageHandler(gui_msg_handler) # Start the Qt main object app = QApplication([]) # Start the bluesky network client client = GuiClient() # Enable HiDPI support (Qt5 only) if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000: app.setAttribute(Qt.AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps) splash = Splash() # Register our custom pan/zoom event for etype in range(1000, 1000 + NUMCUSTOMEVENTS): reg_etype = QEvent.registerEventType(etype) if reg_etype != etype: print(( 'Warning: Registered event type differs from requested type id (%d != %d)' % (reg_etype, etype))) # Install error message handler handler = QErrorMessage.qtHandler() handler.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) # Check and set OpenGL capabilities if not QGLFormat.hasOpenGL(): raise RuntimeError('No OpenGL support detected for this system!') else: f = QGLFormat() f.setVersion(3, 3) f.setProfile(QGLFormat.CoreProfile) f.setDoubleBuffer(True) QGLFormat.setDefaultFormat(f) print(('QGLWidget initialized for OpenGL version %d.%d' % (f.majorVersion(), f.minorVersion()))) splash.showMessage('Constructing main window') app.processEvents() win = MainWindow(mode) splash.showMessage('Done!') app.processEvents() splash.finish(win) # Quick hack to connect to a remote simulation import sys arg = '--bluesky_host=' host = next((x for x in sys.argv if x.startswith(arg)), None) if host is not None: host = host[len(arg):] try: print('Attempting connection to BlueSky at: {}'.format(host)) client.connect(hostname=host, event_port=bs.settings.event_port, stream_port=bs.settings.stream_port, timeout=5) except TimeoutError: print('Failed to connect to BlueSky server at {}, exiting'.format( host)) QApplication.quit() sys.exit(0) app.exec_() return # If this instance of the gui is started in client-only mode, show # server selection dialog if mode == 'client': dialog = DiscoveryDialog(win) else: client.connect(event_port=bs.settings.event_port, stream_port=bs.settings.stream_port) # Start the Qt main loop app.exec_()
def __init__(self, navdb): super(Gui, self).__init__([]) self.acdata = ACDataEvent() self.navdb = navdb self.radarwidget = [] self.command_history = [] self.cmdargs = [] self.history_pos = 0 self.command_mem = '' self.command_line = '' self.prev_cmdline = '' self.simevent_target = 0 self.mousedragged = False self.mousepos = (0, 0) self.prevmousepos = (0, 0) self.panzoomchanged = False self.simt = 0.0 # Register our custom pan/zoom event for etype in [PanZoomEventType, ACDataEventType, SimInfoEventType, StackTextEventType, ShowDialogEventType, DisplayFlagEventType, RouteDataEventType, DisplayShapeEventType, SimQuitEventType, AMANEventType]: reg_etype = QEvent.registerEventType(etype) if reg_etype != etype: print('Warning: Registered event type differs from requested type id (%d != %d)' % (reg_etype, etype)) self.splash = Splash() self.splash.showMessage('Constructing main window') self.processEvents() # Install error message handler handler = QErrorMessage.qtHandler() handler.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) # Check and set OpenGL capabilities if not QGLFormat.hasOpenGL(): raise RuntimeError('No OpenGL support detected for this system!') else: f = QGLFormat() f.setVersion(3, 3) f.setProfile(QGLFormat.CoreProfile) f.setDoubleBuffer(True) QGLFormat.setDefaultFormat(f) print('QGLWidget initialized for OpenGL version %d.%d' % (f.majorVersion(), f.minorVersion())) # Create the main window and related widgets self.radarwidget = RadarWidget(navdb) = MainWindow(self, self.radarwidget) self.nd = ND(shareWidget=self.radarwidget) #self.aman = AMANDisplay(shareWidget=self.radarwidget) # Enable HiDPI support (Qt5 only) if QT_VERSION == 5: self.setAttribute(Qt.AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps) timer = QTimer(self) timer.timeout.connect(self.radarwidget.updateGL) timer.timeout.connect(self.nd.updateGL) #timer.timeout.connect(self.aman.updateGL) timer.start(50)
def set_default_context(major_version, minor_version, profile): f = QGLFormat() f.setVersion(major_version, minor_version) f.setProfile(profile) QGLFormat.setDefaultFormat(f)
self.remainder = val - int(val) self.update_lcd() if self.btn_pressed is not None: QTimer.singleShot(200, self.updateAPValues) if __name__ == "__main__": qapp = QApplication([]) # Check and set OpenGL capabilities if not QGLFormat.hasOpenGL(): raise RuntimeError('No OpenGL support detected for this system!') else: f = QGLFormat() f.setVersion(3, 3) f.setProfile(QGLFormat.CoreProfile) f.setDoubleBuffer(True) QGLFormat.setDefaultFormat(f) print('QGLWidget initialized for OpenGL version %d.%d' % (f.majorVersion(), f.minorVersion())) blip = BlipDriver() gltimer = QTimer(qapp) gltimer.timeout.connect(blip.updateGL) gltimer.start(50) qapp.exec_()
self.remainder = val - int(val) self.update_lcd() if self.btn_pressed is not None: QTimer.singleShot(200, self.updateAPValues) if __name__ == "__main__": qapp = QApplication([]) # Check and set OpenGL capabilities if not QGLFormat.hasOpenGL(): raise RuntimeError('No OpenGL support detected for this system!') else: f = QGLFormat() f.setVersion(3, 3) f.setProfile(QGLFormat.OpenGLContextProfile.CoreProfile) f.setDoubleBuffer(True) QGLFormat.setDefaultFormat(f) print(('QGLWidget initialized for OpenGL version %d.%d' % (f.majorVersion(), f.minorVersion()))) blip = BlipDriver() gltimer = QTimer(qapp) gltimer.timeout.connect(blip.updateGL) gltimer.start(50) qapp.exec_()