class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # 윈도우 설정 self.setGeometry(200, 100, 300, 300) # x, y, w, h self.setWindowTitle('삼인성호') # QSliter 추가 self.dial = QDial(self) self.dial.move(10, 10) self.dial.setFixedSize(100, 100) self.dial.setRange(0, 100) self.dial.setMinimum(1) self.dial.setMaximum(24) self.dial.setNotchesVisible(True) self.dial.valueChanged.connect(self.value_changed) # QSlider 데이터를 표시할 라벨 self.label = QLabel(self) self.label.setGeometry(10, 120, 200, 100) self.label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) self.label.setStyleSheet("border-radius: 5px;" "border: 1px solid gray;" "background-color: #ffffff") # 슬라이드 시그널 valueChanged 연결 함수 def value_changed(self, value): self.label.setText(str(value) + "시") self.label.setFont(QtGui.QFont("Malgun Gothic", 40)) #폰트,크기 조절
def initUI(self): self.combo = QComboBox(self) self.combo.move(10, 10) self.combo.activated[str].connect(self.onActivated) refresh = QPushButton('Refresh', self) refresh.move(10, 40) refresh.clicked.connect(self.refreshClicked) # sld = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) # sld.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) # sld.setGeometry(30, 40, 150, 30) sld = QDial(self) sld.setRange(0, 360) sld.move(10, 70) sld.valueChanged[int].connect(self.changeValue) self.motorAngle = QLabel("Angle: 000", self) self.motorAngle.move(120, 110) self.status = QLabel("Select a COM", self) self.status.move(10, 180) self.setGeometry(200, 200, 200, 200) self.setWindowTitle('Motor Control') self.combo.addItem("Connect/Refresh") self.addPorts() self.positionGraph = AnalogPosition()
def initUI(self): self.combo = QComboBox(self) self.combo.move(10, 10) self.combo.activated[str].connect(self.onActivated) refresh = QPushButton("Refresh", self) refresh.move(10, 40) refresh.clicked.connect(self.refreshClicked) # sld = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) # sld.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) # sld.setGeometry(30, 40, 150, 30) sld = QDial(self) sld.setRange(0, 360) sld.move(10, 70) sld.valueChanged[int].connect(self.changeValue) self.motorAngle = QLabel("Angle: 000", self) self.motorAngle.move(120, 110) self.status = QLabel("Select a COM", self) self.status.move(10, 180) self.setGeometry(200, 200, 200, 200) self.setWindowTitle("Motor Control") self.combo.addItem("Connect/Refresh") self.addPorts() self.positionGraph = AnalogPosition()
class MyApp(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) self.slider.move(30, 30) # 슬라이더 위치는 x축 30, y축 30 떨어진 곳에 self.slider.setRange(0, 50) # 슬라이더 범위 self.slider.setSingleStep(2) # 슬라이더는 하나로만 잡고(SingleStep) 2씩 증가! self.dial = QDial(self) self.dial.move(30, 50) # 슬라이더 보다 아래쪽에 위치 self.dial.setRange(0, 50) # 슬라이더와 동일한 범위 btn = QPushButton('Default', self) btn.move(35, 160) self.slider.valueChanged.connect(self.dial.setValue) # 슬라이더 쪽에 변화가 일어난 후, 다이얼값이 슬라이더와 동일하게 발생할 수 있도록! # => 슬라이더가 움직이면 다이얼도 움직이도록 하는 것! # valueChanged() : 슬라이더 값이 변할 때 발생! self.dial.valueChanged.connect(self.slider.setValue) btn.clicked.connect(self.button_clicked) self.setWindowTitle('QSlider and QDial') self.setGeometry(300, 300, 400, 200) def button_clicked(self): self.slider.setValue(0) self.dial.setValue(0) #버튼 누르면 초기화 시키려고 값을 0으로 줌!
class MyApp(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) #수평 슬라이더 생성, 생성시킬때 수평, 수직 설정. 상수는 Qt가 갖고있으니 임포트 해옴 self.slider.move(30, 30) self.slider.setRange(0, 50) self.slider.setSingleStep(2) # 싱글스탭 으로 하고 간격은 2 self.dial = QDial(self) #다이얼 객체 생성 self.dial.move(30, 50) self.dial.setRange(0, 50) #다이얼 범위 지적 btn = QPushButton('Default', self) btn.move(35, 160) self.slider.valueChanged.connect( self.dial.setValue) #슬라이더 값 변화 일어난 후 다이얼 값도 동일하게(내장함수임) self.dial.valueChanged.connect( self.slider.setValue) #다이얼의 값 변화가 일어난 후 슬라이더값도 동일하게(내장함수, 직접설정) btn.clicked.connect(self.button_clicked) self.setWindowTitle('QSlider and QDial') self.setGeometry(300, 300, 400, 200) def button_clicked(self): self.slider.setValue(0) self.dial.setValue(0)
class MyApp(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.initUI() pass def initUI(self): self.slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) self.slider.move(30, 30) self.slider.setRange(0, 50) self.slider.setSingleStep(2) self.dial = QDial(self) self.dial.move(30, 50) self.dial.setRange(0, 50) button = QPushButton('Default', self) button.move(35, 160) self.slider.valueChanged.connect(self.dial.setValue) self.dial.valueChanged.connect(self.slider.setValue) button.clicked.connect(self.button_clicked) self.setWindowTitle('QSlider and QDial') self.setGeometry(300, 300, 400, 200) pass def button_clicked(self): self.slider.setValue(0) self.dial.setValue(0) pass pass
class MyWindow(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.uiInit() def uiInit(self): self.value = 0 self.dial = QDial(self) self.dial.move(0, 100) self.dial.setRange(0, 9999) self.dial.setNotchesVisible(True) self.lcd = QLCDNumber(self) self.setGeometry(300, 300, 300, 300) self.setWindowTitle('来来来') # self.dial.valueChanged.connect(self.lcd.display) def mousePressEvent(self, e): self.value += 1 print(self.value) self.lcd.display(self.value)
def dial(self, func=None, X=200, Y=200, radius=50, wrap=False): knob = QDial(self) knob.move(X, Y) knob.resize(radius, radius) knob.setWrapping(wrap) if func is not None: func # TODO:something something show number in a box nearby return knob
class MouseTracker(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.initUI() self.setMouseTracking(True) def initUI(self): self.setGeometry(300, 300, 700, 700) self.setWindowTitle('Mouse Tracker') self.label = QLabel(self) self.label.resize(200, 40) self.label.move(100, 40) self.laabel = QLabel(self) self.laabel.resize(200, 40) self.laabel.move(200, 300) self.laabel1 = QLabel(self) self.laabel1.resize(200, 40) self.laabel1.move(300, 100) self.dial = QDial(self) self.dial.move(xmove - 50, ymove - 50) self.dial.setValue(30) self.dial.resize(100, 100) self.dial.setWrapping(True) self.dial.setMinimum(0) self.dial.setMaximum(360) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): x = event.x() y = event.y() if x < xmove and y < ymove: q = 1 elif x > xmove and y < ymove: q = 2 elif x > xmove and y > ymove: q = 3 elif x < xmove and y > ymove: q = 4 self.label.setText('Mouse coords: ( %d : %d )' % (x, y)) if y != ymove and x != xmove: a = math.degrees( math.atan((ymove - event.y()) / (xmove - event.x()))) if q == 1: a = a elif q == 2: a = 180 + a elif q == 3: a = 180 + a elif q == 4: a = a else: if x < xmove and y == ymove: a = 0 elif x == xmove and y < ymove: a = 90 elif x > xmove and y == ymove: a = 180 elif x == xmove and y > ymove: a = 270 self.dial.setValue(int(a) + 90) self.laabel1.setText(str(a))
class MyApp(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) # QSlider 위젯을 하나 만들었습니다. Qt.Horizontal 또는 # Qt.Vertical을 입력해줌으로써 수평 또는 수직 방향을 설정합니다. self.slider.move(30, 30) self.slider.setRange(0, 50) # setRange() 메서드로 값의 범위를 0에서 50까지로 설정합니다. # setSingleStep() 메서드는 조절 가능하는 최소 단위를 설정합니다 self.slider.setSingleStep(2) self.dial = QDial(self) # QDial 위젯을 하나 만들었습니다. self.dial.move(30, 50) self.dial.setRange(0, 50) # 슬라이더와 마찬가지로 setRange() 메서드로 범위를 정해줍니다. btn = QPushButton('Default', self) btn.move(35, 160) self.slider.valueChanged.connect(self.dial.setValue) self.dial.valueChanged.connect(self.slider.setValue) # 슬라이더와 다이얼의 값이 변할 때 발생하는 시그널을 각각 다이얼과 # 슬라이더의 값을 조절해주는 메서드 (setValue)에 서로 연결함으로써 # 두 위젯의 값이 언제나 일치하도록 해줍니다. btn.clicked.connect(self.button_clicked) # 'Default' 푸시 버튼을 클릭하면 발생하는 시그널을 button_clicked 메서드에 연결합니다. self.setWindowTitle('QSlider and QDial') self.setGeometry(300, 300, 400, 200) def button_clicked(self): self.slider.setValue(0) self.dial.setValue(0)
class 다이얼위젯(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.dial = QDial(self) self.dial.move(30, 20) self.dial2 = QDial(self) self.dial2.move(200, 20) self.dial2.setRange(0, 50) self.dial2.setNotchesVisible(True) self.label1 = QLabel('다이얼 1값', self) self.label1.move(40, 130) self.label2 = QLabel('다이얼 2값', self) self.label2.move(210, 130) btn = QPushButton('기본값으로 되돌리기', self) btn.move(150, 200) self.dial.valueChanged.connect(self.chageValue) self.dial2.valueChanged.connect(self.chageValue) btn.clicked.connect(self.btn_clicked) self.setGeometry(300, 300, 500, 400) self.setWindowTitle('QDial') def btn_clicked(self): self.dial.setValue(0) self.dial2.setValue(0) def chageValue(self): self.label1.setText(str(self.dial.value())) self.label2.setText(str(self.dial2.value()))
class MyApp(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.slider = QSlider( Qt.Horizontal, self) # 슬라이더 객체 생성(가로로 만들기), 수평으로 만들건지 수직으로 만들건지 내장 [상수]로 보내준다. # 상수는 대부분 Qt가 가지고 있기 때문에 값을 Qt에서 꺼내온다.(Qt.Horizontal / Qt.Vertical) self.slider.move(30, 30) # 위치 설정 self.slider.setRange(0, 50) # 슬라이더의 min, max값 설정 self.slider.setSingleStep(2) # 한 번 이동시 이동할 틱 값 설정 self.dial = QDial(self) # 다이얼 객체 생성 self.dial.move(30, 50) # 다이얼 위치 설정 self.dial.setRange(0, 50) # 다이얼의 min, Max값 설정 btn = QPushButton('Default', self) # Default 라고 쓰여진 버튼 생성 btn.move(35, 160) # 버튼 위치 선정 #slider 따로 dial 따로 하면 아래 3줄은 필요 없음 self.slider.valueChanged.connect( self.dial.setValue) # 슬라이더의 값에 변화가 일어나면 그 값을 dial.setValue로 보낸다. self.dial.valueChanged.connect( self.slider.setValue) # 다이얼의 값이 변했을 때 그 값을 slider.setValue로 보낸다. btn.clicked.connect( self.button_clicked ) # 버튼이 클릭되었을 때 그 값을 button_clicked로 보내준다.(사용자가 만드는 함수) self.setWindowTitle('QSlider and QDial') self.setGeometry(300, 300, 400, 200) def button_clicked(self): self.slider.setValue(0) # 슬라이더의 값을 0으로 설정 self.dial.setValue(0) # 다이얼의 값을 0으로 설정
class MyApp(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.title = 'Ex5.8_QSlider_Qdial' self.posXY = (1200, 50) self.windowSize = (370, 250) self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, self) self.slider.move(30, 30) self.slider.setRange(0, 50) self.slider.setSingleStep(2) self.dial = QDial(self) self.dial.move(30, 60) self.dial.setRange(0, 50) self.dial.setNotchesVisible(True) btn = QPushButton('RESET', self) btn.move(35, 190) self.slider.valueChanged.connect(self.dial.setValue) self.dial.valueChanged.connect(self.slider.setValue) btn.clicked.connect(self.button_clicked) self.show_basic() def button_clicked(self): self.slider.setValue(0) self.dial.setValue(0) def show_basic(self): self.setWindowTitle(self.title) self.setGeometry(*self.posXY, *self.windowSize)
class Temperature_Page(QWidget): def __init__(self): QWidget.__init__(self) self.NowTemperature = QLCDNumber(self) self.WantTemperature = QLCDNumber(self) self.SettingDial = QDial(self) self.lbNow = QLabel("현재 온도", self) self.lbWant = QLabel("희망 온도", self) self.NowFont = self.lbNow.font() self.NowFont.setPointSize(40) self.NowFont.setBold(True) self.lbNow.resize(300, 50) self.lbNow.move(50, 50) self.lbNow.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.lbNow.setFont(self.NowFont) self.lbWant.resize(300, 50) self.lbWant.move(400, 50) self.lbWant.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.lbWant.setFont(self.NowFont) self.NowTemperature.resize(300, 100) self.NowTemperature.move(50, 130) self.WantTemperature.resize(300, 100) self.WantTemperature.move(400, 130) self.SettingDial.resize(190, 190) self.SettingDial.setRange(-20, 20) self.SettingDial.setNotchesVisible(True) self.SettingDial.move(460, 250) self.NowTemperature.display(sensorValue) self.SettingDial.valueChanged.connect(self.WantTemperature.display)
class Image(QWidget): def __init__(self, image_path): super().__init__() self.title = "Image Processing" self.left = 10 = 10 self.width = 500 self.height = 250 self.thresh_type = "cv2.THRESH_BINARY" self.image_path = image_path self.image = cv2.imread(self.image_path) self.image_gray = cv2.cvtColor(self.image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) self.dial1 = QDial(self) self.dial2 = QDial(self) self.im_label = QLabel(self) self.cb1 = QComboBox(self) self.cb2 = QComboBox(self) self.label1 = QLabel(self) self.label2 = QLabel(self) self.reset_button = QPushButton("Revert changes", self) self.updateImage(self.image_gray) self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.setWindowTitle(self.title) self.setGeometry(self.left,, self.width, self.height) self.dial1.setMinimum(0) self.dial1.setMaximum(255) self.dial2.setMinimum(0) self.dial2.setMaximum(255) self.dial1.move(20, 130) self.dial2.move(120, 130) self.dial1.valueChanged.connect(self.dial1_changed) self.dial2.valueChanged.connect(self.dial2_changed) self.cb1.addItems( ["BINARY", "BINARY_INV", "TRUNC", "TOZERO", "TOZERO_INV"]) self.cb1.activated[str].connect(self.combo1_selection) self.cb1.move(40, 50) self.cb2.move(280, 50) self.reset_button.move(280, 170) self.reset_button.clicked.connect(self.revert_button_pressed) self.label1.setText("000") self.label2.setText("000") self.label1.move(60, 120) self.label2.move(160, 120) def thresh(self): _, temp = cv2.threshold(self.image_gray, self.dial1.value(), self.dial2.value(), eval(self.thresh_type)) self.updateImage(temp) def updateImage(self, gray): cv2.imshow('image', gray) def dial1_changed(self): self.thresh() self.change_labels() def dial2_changed(self): self.thresh() self.change_labels() def combo1_selection(self, text): self.thresh_type = "cv2.THRESH_" + text self.thresh() def revert_button_pressed(self): cv2.imshow('image', self.image_gray) self.dial1.setValue(0) self.dial2.setValue(0) def change_labels(self): self.label1.setText(str(self.dial1.value())) self.label2.setText(str(self.dial2.value()))
class UIControl(QFrame): def __init__(self, graphicUI): super().__init__() self.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.setFrameShape(QFrame.StyledPanel) self.graphicUI = graphicUI self.labelWidth = 130 self.xmlControll = XS xmlPath = Path("temp/" + AO.getDate() + ".xml") if (xmlPath.exists()): self.xmlControll.loadLastData() # Label for Temperature-Text self.labelTempText = QLabel(self) self.labelTempText.setText("Temperature shower [K] : ") self.labelTempText.setFixedWidth(180) self.labelTempText.move(20, 30) # Label for Temperature self.labelTemp = QLabel(self) self.labelTemp.setText("290") self.labelTemp.move(200, 30) self.labelTemp.setFixedWidth(30) self.labelTemp.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)") # Dial-to regulate Temperature self.dial = QDial(self) self.dial.setMaximum(P.hotTankTemp) self.dial.setMinimum(P.coldTankTemp) self.dial.setNotchesVisible(True) self.dial.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.dial.move(100, 60) self.dial.valueChanged.connect(self.labelTemp.setNum) # Button to start shower self.startButton = QPushButton(self) self.startButton.setText("Start Shower") self.startButton.move(10, 200) self.startButton.clicked.connect(self.handleShowerButton) # Button to refill tanks self.refillButton = QPushButton(self) self.refillButton.setText("Refill Tanks") self.refillButton.move(140, 200) self.refillButton.clicked.connect(self.refillTanks) # Button to start collector self.startCollectorButton = QPushButton(self) self.startCollectorButton.setText("Start Collector") self.startCollectorButton.move(270, 200) self.startCollectorButton.clicked.connect(self.handleCollector) # Label for Time-Text self.labelTimeText = QLabel(self) self.labelTimeText.setText("Time (hh:mm): ") self.labelTimeText.setFixedWidth(180) self.labelTimeText.move(10, 270) # Label for Time self.labelTime = QLabel(self) t = AO.getTime() self.labelTime.setText(t) self.labelTime.move(220, 270) self.labelTime.setFixedWidth(self.labelWidth) self.labelTime.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)") # Label for Temperature-Outside-Text self.labelTempOutText = QLabel(self) self.labelTempOutText.setText("Ambient temperature [K]: ") self.labelTempOutText.setFixedWidth(180) self.labelTempOutText.move(10, 300) # Label for Temperature-Outside self.labelTempOut = QLabel(self) t = AO.getTemperature() self.labelTempOut.setText(str(t)) self.labelTempOut.move(220, 300) self.labelTempOut.setFixedWidth(self.labelWidth) self.labelTempOut.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)") # Label for Temperature-hot-tank-Text self.labelTempTankHotText = QLabel(self) self.labelTempTankHotText.setText("Temperature hot tank [K]: ") self.labelTempTankHotText.setFixedWidth(180) self.labelTempTankHotText.move(10, 330) # Label for Temperature-tank-hot self.labelTempTankHot = QLabel(self) self.labelTempTankHot.setText(str(P.hotTankTemp)) self.labelTempTankHot.move(220, 330) self.labelTempTankHot.setFixedWidth(self.labelWidth) self.labelTempTankHot.setStyleSheet( "background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)") # Label for Temperature-cold-tank-Text self.labelTempTankColdText = QLabel(self) self.labelTempTankColdText.setText("Temperature cold tank [K]: ") self.labelTempTankColdText.setFixedWidth(180) self.labelTempTankColdText.move(10, 360) # Label for Temperature-tank-cold self.labelTempTankCold = QLabel(self) self.labelTempTankCold.setText(str(P.coldTankTemp)) self.labelTempTankCold.move(220, 360) self.labelTempTankCold.setFixedWidth(self.labelWidth) self.labelTempTankCold.setStyleSheet( "background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)") # Label for Temperature-Collector-Text self.labelTempCollectorText = QLabel(self) self.labelTempCollectorText.setText("Temperature collector [K]: ") self.labelTempCollectorText.setFixedWidth(180) self.labelTempCollectorText.move(10, 390) # Label for Temperature-Collector self.labelTempCollector = QLabel(self) self.labelTempCollector.setText("290") self.labelTempCollector.move(220, 390) self.labelTempCollector.setFixedWidth(self.labelWidth) self.labelTempCollector.setStyleSheet( "background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)") # Label for Collector-Mass-Of-Water-Text self.labelCollectorMassText = QLabel(self) self.labelCollectorMassText.setText("Collector mass [Kg]: ") self.labelCollectorMassText.setFixedWidth(180) self.labelCollectorMassText.move(10, 420) # Label for Collector-Mass-Of-Water self.labelCollectorMass = QLabel(self) self.labelCollectorMass.setText("20") self.labelCollectorMass.move(220, 420) self.labelCollectorMass.setFixedWidth(self.labelWidth) self.labelCollectorMass.setStyleSheet( "background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)") # Label for Tank-Mass-Of-Water-Text self.labelTankHotMassText = QLabel(self) self.labelTankHotMassText.setText("Tank hot mass [Kg]: ") self.labelTankHotMassText.setFixedWidth(180) self.labelTankHotMassText.move(10, 450) # Label for Tank-Mass-Of-Water self.labelTankHotMass = QLabel(self) self.labelTankHotMass.setText("300") self.labelTankHotMass.move(220, 450) self.labelTankHotMass.setFixedWidth(self.labelWidth) self.labelTankHotMass.setStyleSheet( "background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)") # Label for Tank-Mass-Of-Cold-Water-Text self.labelTankMassColdText = QLabel(self) self.labelTankMassColdText.setText("Tank cold mass [Kg]: ") self.labelTankMassColdText.setFixedWidth(180) self.labelTankMassColdText.move(10, 480) # Label for Tank-Mass-Of-Water self.labelTankMassCold = QLabel(self) self.labelTankMassCold.setText("300") self.labelTankMassCold.move(220, 480) self.labelTankMassCold.setFixedWidth(self.labelWidth) self.labelTankMassCold.setStyleSheet( "background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)") # Label for Solar-Irradiance-Text self.labelSolarIrradianceText = QLabel(self) self.labelSolarIrradianceText.setText("Solar irradiance [W/m²]: ") self.labelSolarIrradianceText.setFixedWidth(180) self.labelSolarIrradianceText.move(10, 510) # Label for Solar-Irradiance self.labelSolarIrradiance = QLabel(self) self.labelSolarIrradiance.setText(AO.getSolarIrradianceString()) self.labelSolarIrradiance.move(220, 510) self.labelSolarIrradiance.setFixedWidth(self.labelWidth) self.labelSolarIrradiance.setStyleSheet( "background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)") # Label for Solar-Irradiance-Text self.labelSolarIrradianceText = QLabel(self) self.labelSolarIrradianceText.setText("Statistics:") self.labelSolarIrradianceText.setFixedWidth(180) self.labelSolarIrradianceText.move(10, 570) # Button to show heatening-statistics self.diagrammButton = QPushButton(self) self.diagrammButton.setText("Heatening") self.diagrammButton.move(10, 600) self.diagrammButton.setFixedWidth(90) self.diagrammButton.setToolTip( 'Show diagram of Runge-Kutta-Calculation for collector heating the hot tank' ) self.diagrammButton.clicked.connect(self.showDiagrams) # Button to show temp - statistics self.statisticTempButton = QPushButton(self) self.statisticTempButton.setText("Temperature") self.statisticTempButton.move(10, 650) self.statisticTempButton.setFixedWidth(90) self.statisticTempButton.setToolTip( 'Show temperature - statistics of the day') self.statisticTempButton.clicked.connect(self.showTempStatistic) # Button to show level - statistics self.statisticLevelButton = QPushButton(self) self.statisticLevelButton.setText("Fluid-level") self.statisticLevelButton.move(150, 600) self.statisticLevelButton.setFixedWidth(90) self.statisticLevelButton.setToolTip( 'Show fluid - level - statistics of the day') self.statisticLevelButton.clicked.connect(self.showLevelStatistic) # Button to clear - statistics self.clearStatButton = QPushButton(self) self.clearStatButton.setText("Clear") self.clearStatButton.move(150, 650) self.clearStatButton.setFixedWidth(90) self.clearStatButton.setToolTip( 'Clear the daily statistics and start a new round') self.clearStatButton.setStyleSheet( "background-color:rgb(220, 255, 255)") self.clearStatButton.clicked.connect(self.clearStatistic) # Label for Information self.labelInformation = QLabel(self) self.labelInformation.setFixedWidth(350) self.labelInformation.setFixedHeight(100) self.labelInformation.move(10, 700) self.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Sunken) self.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(240, 255, 255)") self.setFixedHeight(800) self.setFixedWidth(400) try: _thread.start_new_thread(self.updateLabelsAndValues, ()) _thread.start_new_thread(BO.TempChanging, ()) except: print("Error: unable to start thread") def handleShowerButton(self): if (P.showerOn): self.stopShower() else: self.startShower() def startShower(self): self.startButton.setText("Stop Shower") P.showerOn = True self.blockButtons() self.graphicUI.updateGraphics() Tshower = int(self.labelTemp.text()) BO.flowRate(Tshower) self.labelInformation.setText("Shower startet, Hot/Cold [kg/s]: " + P.flowRateHC) def stopShower(self): self.labelInformation.setText("Shower stoped") self.startButton.setText("Start Shower") P.showerOn = False self.freeButtons() self.graphicUI.updateGraphics() def emptyTanks(self): if (not AO.getLevelColdTank()): self.labelInformation.setText("Cold Tank is empty") if (not AO.getLevelHotTank()): self.labelInformation.setText("Hot Tank is empty") def updateLabelsAndValues(self): while (True): self.labelTankHotMass.setText(str(P.fluidLevelHot)) self.labelTankMassCold.setText(str(P.fluidLevelCold)) self.labelTime.setText(AO.getTime()) self.labelSolarIrradiance.setText(AO.getSolarIrradianceString()) self.labelTempTankHot.setText(str(round(P.hotTankTemp, 4))) self.labelTempTankCold.setText(str(round(P.coldTankTemp, 4))) self.labelTempCollector.setText(str(round(P.collectorTemp, 4))) self.dial.setMaximum(P.hotTankTemp) self.dial.setMinimum(P.coldTankTemp) if (P.collectorIsOn): BO.startTimeCalculator() self.labelInformation.setText( "Collector is running.\nCalculated Time ~" + str(round(P.calcTimeForHeatUp)) + "sec") if (P.collectorIsOn and P.hotTankTemp >= 340): self.startCollectorButton.setText("Start Collector") self.labelInformation.setText( "Collector stoped.\nHot Tank Temp = " + str(round(P.hotTankTemp, 2)) + "K") self.freeButtons() P.collectorIsOn = False AO.setSolarIrradiance() AO.getTemperature() self.graphicUI.updateGraphics() self.emptyTanks() time.sleep(5) def refillTanks(self): self.labelInformation.setText("Tanks where refilled") BO.refill() self.graphicUI.updateGraphics() def blockButtons(self): self.clearStatButton.setEnabled(False) self.statisticLevelButton.setEnabled(False) self.statisticTempButton.setEnabled(False) self.diagrammButton.setEnabled(False) def freeButtons(self): self.clearStatButton.setEnabled(True) self.statisticLevelButton.setEnabled(True) self.statisticTempButton.setEnabled(True) self.diagrammButton.setEnabled(True) def handleCollector(self): if (not P.collectorIsOn): self.startCollector() else: self.stopCollector() def startCollector(self): if (P.currentSolarIrradiance != 0): self.startCollectorButton.setText("Stop Collector") self.labelInformation.setText("Collector started") P.collectorIsOn = True P.collectorFlowRate = 0.8 self.blockButtons() self.graphicUI.updateGraphics() else: self.labelInformation.setText( "Collector is only working when\ncurrent solar irradiance is not zero." ) def stopCollector(self): self.startCollectorButton.setText("Start Collector") self.labelInformation.setText("Collector stoped") P.collectorIsOn = False P.collectorFlowRate = 0 self.freeButtons() self.graphicUI.updateGraphics() def showDiagrams(self): Stat.showCalculationStatistics() def showTempStatistic(self): xmlPath = str("temp/" + AO.getDate() + ".xml") if (os.path.exists(xmlPath)): Stat.showTempStatistics() def showLevelStatistic(self): xmlPath = str("temp/" + AO.getDate() + ".xml") if (os.path.exists(xmlPath)): Stat.showLevelStatistics() def clearStatistic(self): self.labelInformation.setText( "New round: Temperatures and fluid-levels at\ninitial (no statistics of both available)." ) self.xmlControll.clearStatistics() P.fluidLevelCold = 300 P.fluidLevelHot = 300 P.hotTankTemp = 320 P.coldTankTemp = 290 P.collectorTemp = 300 self.graphicUI.updateGraphics()
class MouseTracker(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.setGeometry(300, 300, 700, 700) self.setWindowTitle('Mouse Tracker') self.label = QLabel(self) self.label.resize(200, 40) self.label.move(100, 40) self.setMouseTracking(True) self.laabel = QLabel(self) self.laabel.resize(200, 40) self.laabel.move(200, 300) self.laabel1 = QLabel(self) self.laabel1.resize(200, 40) self.laabel1.move(300, 100) self.dial1 = QDial(self) self.dial1.move(X1, Y1) self.dial1.resize(100, 100) self.dial1.setWrapping(True) self.dial1.setMinimum(0) self.dial1.setMaximum(360) self.dial2 = QDial(self) self.dial2.move(X2, Y2) self.dial2.resize(100, 100) self.dial2.setWrapping(True) self.dial2.setMinimum(0) self.dial2.setMaximum(360) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): x = event.x() y = event.y() if x < (X1 + xshift1) and y < (Y1 + yshift1): q = 1 elif x > (X1 + xshift1) and y < (Y1 + yshift1): q = 2 elif x > (X1 + xshift1) and y > (Y1 + yshift1): q = 3 elif x < (X1 + xshift1) and y > (Y1 + yshift1): q = 4 self.label.setText('Mouse coords: ( %d : %d )' % (x, y)) if y != (Y1 + yshift1) and x != (X1 + xshift1): a = math.degrees( math.atan(((Y1 + yshift1) - y) / ((X1 + xshift1) - x))) if q == 1: a = a elif q == 2: a = 180 + a elif q == 3: a = 180 + a elif q == 4: a = a else: if x < (X1 + xshift1) and y == (Y1 + yshift1): a = 0 elif x == (X1 + xshift1) and y < (Y1 + yshift1): a = 90 elif x > (X1 + xshift1) and y == (Y1 + yshift1): a = 180 elif x == (X1 + xshift1) and y > (Y1 + yshift1): a = 270 x = event.x() y = event.x() q2 = 0 b = 0 if x < (X2 + xshift2) and y < (Y2 + yshift2): q2 = 1 elif x > (X2 + xshift2) and y < (Y2 + yshift2): q2 = 2 elif x > (X2 + xshift2) and y > (Y2 + yshift2): q2 = 3 elif x < (X2 + xshift2) and y > (Y2 + yshift2): q2 = 4 self.label.setText('Mouse coords: ( %d : %d )' % (x, y)) if (y - 150) != (Y2 + yshift2) and (x - 150) != (X2 + xshift2): b = math.degrees( math.atan(((Y2 + yshift2) - (y - 150)) / ((X2 + xshift2) - (x - 150)))) if q2 == 1: b = b elif q2 == 2: b = 180 + b elif q2 == 3: b = 180 + b elif q2 == 4: b = b else: if x < (X2 + xshift2) and y == (Y2 + yshift2): b = 0 elif x == (X2 + xshift2) and y < (Y2 + yshift2): b = 90 elif x > (X2 + xshift2) and y == (Y2 + yshift2): b = 180 elif x == (X2 + xshift2) and y > (Y2 + yshift2): b = 270 self.dial1.setValue(int(a) + 90) self.dial2.setValue(int(b) + 90) self.laabel1.setText(str(a))
def Drehknopf(self): dial = QDial(self) dial.move(850, 10) dial.setValue(30)
def create_ui(self): # 1.文字标签 # QLabel(显示的文字, 父标签/放到哪个窗口上) label1 = QLabel('用户名:', self) # 一般不常用的移动坐标 label1.move(50, 10) # 2.按钮 btn1 = QPushButton('登录', self) btn1.move(50, 50) # css语法:选择器{属性1:属性值1; 属性2:属性值2;..} # color - 字体颜色,对应的值:颜色单词, rbg(255, 0, 0) # btn1.setStyleSheet('QPushButton{}') btn2 = QRadioButton('男', self) btn2.move(50, 100) btn3 = QCheckBox('篮球', self) btn3.move(50, 150) btn4 = QCommandLinkButton('hello', 'hellowword', self) btn4.move(50, 200) b1 = QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Ok b2 = QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Cancel btn5 = QDialogButtonBox(b2, self) btn5.move(50, 300) # 3.输入框 input1 = QLineEdit(self) input1.move(150, 10) input2 = QLineEdit('admin', self) input2.move(150, 50) input1.setText('张三') # 富文本 input3 = QTextEdit('张三', self) input3.move(50, 300) # 设置成只读 input3.setReadOnly(True) # 只能显示纯文本 input4 = QPlainTextEdit(self) input4.move(300, 10) # 输入数值 input5 = QSpinBox(self) input5.move(100, 100) input5.setMinimum(10) input5.setMaximum(20) input5.setValue(15) print(input5.value()) # 获取当前值 # 输入小数 input6 = QDoubleSpinBox(self) input6.move(100, 150) # 下拉菜单 input7 = QComboBox(self) input7.addItems(['item1', 'item2']) input7.move(150, 200) print(input7.currentText()) # 获取当前选中的选项,适用input8 input8 = QFontComboBox(self) input8.move(350, 300) input8.setCurrentIndex(2) print(input8.currentText()) label1.setFont(input8.currentFont()) # 日期选择 input9 = QDateEdit(, self) input9.move(300, 400) # 选择颜色 input10 = QColorDialog(self) input10.move(400, 400) # input11 = QDial(self) input11.move(300, 200) input12 = QSlider(self) input12.move(430, 350) input12.setMaximum(100) input12.setMinimum(-100) input12.setValue(20) input12.setOrientation(Qt.Horizontal) # 设置为水平方向