def excepthook(exc_type, exc_value, traceback_obj): # "redirect" stderr to an in memory buffer in order to capture output of sys.excepthook() for use in GUI message sys.stderr = _text_buffer _original_hook(exc_type, exc_value, traceback_obj) # This is for me using PyCharm. # It will cause the traceback to be printed in the "Run" window, # providing a clickable link to the offending line. print(_text_buffer.getvalue(), file=_original_stderr) # make traceback visible in GUI font = QFont("non-existent") font.setStyleHint(QFont.StyleHint.TypeWriter) error_box = QMessageBox() error_box.setFont(font) error_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) error_box.setWindowTitle( "Warning: Something Wicked This Way Comes...\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t") error_box.setText("<h2>An unhandled exception occurred.</h2>") error_box.setInformativeText(_text_buffer.getvalue()) error_box.exec() # prevent accumulation of messages cluttering output _text_buffer.truncate(0) sys.stderr = _original_stderr
def showDialog(title, message, buttons: QMessageBox.StandardButtons): msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setWindowTitle(title) msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Information) msgBox.setText(message) msgBox.setStandardButtons(buttons) msgBox.exec()
def showInvalidParametersErrorMsg(self): msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText('It is physically impossible to produce an inductor from the given inductor parameters') msg.setInformativeText('Please adjust one or more of the inductor parameters and try again') msg.setWindowTitle("Error") msg.exec()
def call_del_chose_user(self): if self._del_user: if self._del_user != self.user_num -= 1 self._config.del_user(self._del_user) self.user_btns[self._del_user].close() self._del_user = "" if self.user_num <= 1: self.del_user_btn.close() self.del_user_btn = None return else: title = '不能删除' msg = '不能删除当前登录账户,请先切换用户!' else: title = '请选择账户' msg = '请单击选择需要删除的账户\n\n注意不能删除当前账户(绿色)' message_box = QMessageBox(self) message_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Critical) message_box.setStyleSheet(btn_style) message_box.setWindowTitle(title) message_box.setText(msg) message_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.StandardButton.Close) buttonC = message_box.button(QMessageBox.StandardButton.Close) buttonC.setText('关闭') message_box.exec()
def closeEvent(self, event): if self.isEdited: # pop up dialog to alert user of unsaved edits. # offer then a chance to save before exiting. # messageBox = QMessageBox(self) messageBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Question) messageBox.setWindowTitle("Close Check") messageBox.setText("You Have Unsaved Edits") messageBox.setInformativeText( "You have made edits that have not been saved.\nReally close and not save?" ) messageBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.StandardButtons.Yes | QMessageBox.StandardButtons.No) # # change the default Yes and No buttons to really say # what then mean: Yes = Save and No = Quit. # the button actions then match exactly what the dialog # is saying and there should be no disonnance. # buttonSave = messageBox.button(QMessageBox.StandardButtons.Yes) buttonSave.setText("Save") buttonQuit = messageBox.button(QMessageBox.StandardButtons.No) buttonQuit.setText("Close") messageBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.StandardButtons.Yes) buttonReply = messageBox.exec() if buttonReply == QMessageBox.StandardButtons.Yes: print("QMessageBox.Save") event.accept() else: print("QMessageBox.Close") else: print("Close event") event.accept()
def mostrar_mensaje(self): mensaje = QMessageBox() mensaje.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Information) #Information, NoIcon, Question,Warning, Critical mensaje.setText('Ha hecho Click sobre el botón!!!') mensaje.setDetailedText('Hola..') mensaje.setWindowTitle('sdf') mensaje.exec()
def mostrar_acerca_de(self): mensaje = QMessageBox() mensaje.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Information) mensaje.setText( 'A cerca de Aplicación captura de datos.\n\nAplicacion PyQt6.\nDesarrollador: Mauricio Posada.\nVersión: 1.0.0\n2021.' ) mensaje.exec()
def mostrar_acerca_de(self): mensaje = QMessageBox() mensaje.setWindowTitle('Acerca de') mensaje.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Information) mensaje.setText( 'A cerca de Mi Aplicación.\n\nAplicacion PyQt6.\nDesarrollador: Mauricio Posada.\nVersion 1.0.0\n2021.' ) mensaje.exec()
def mostrar_saludo(self): nombre = self.txt_nombre.text().strip() mensaje = QMessageBox() mensaje.setWindowTitle('Bienvenido!!!') if len(nombre): mensaje.setText(f'Hola, {nombre}!!!') mensaje.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Information) else: mensaje.setText(f'No ha ingresado un nombre aún...') mensaje.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Warning) mensaje.exec()
def change_ok_btn(self): if self._user and self._pwd: if self._user not in self._config.users_name: self._cookie = None if self._cookie: up_info = {"name": self._user, "pwd": self._pwd, "cookie": self._cookie, "work_id": -1} if self.ok_btn.text() == "切换用户": self._config.change_user(self._user) else: self._config.set_infos(up_info) self.clicked_ok.emit() self.close() elif USE_WEB_ENG: self.web = LoginWindow(self._user, self._pwd) self.web.cookie.connect(self.get_cookie_by_web) self.web.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModality.ApplicationModal) self.web.exec() elif os.path.isfile(self._cookie_assister): try: result = os.popen(f'{self._cookie_assister} {self._user} {self._pwd}') cookie = try: self._cookie = {kv.split("=")[0].strip(" "): kv.split("=")[1].strip(" ") for kv in cookie.split(";")} except: self._cookie = None if not self._cookie: return None up_info = {"name": self._user, "pwd": self._pwd, "cookie": self._cookie, "work_id": -1} self._config.set_infos(up_info) self.clicked_ok.emit() self.close() except: pass else: title = '请使用 Cookie 登录或是选择 登录辅助程序' msg = '没有输入 Cookie,或者没有找到登录辅助程序!\n\n' + \ '推荐使用浏览器获取 cookie 填入 cookie 输入框\n\n' + \ '如果不嫌文件体积大,请下载登录辅助程序:\n' + \ '' message_box = QMessageBox(self) message_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Critical) message_box.setStyleSheet(btn_style) message_box.setWindowTitle(title) message_box.setText(msg) message_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.StandardButton.Close) buttonC = message_box.button(QMessageBox.StandardButton.Close) buttonC.setText('关闭') message_box.exec()
def importImages(self): """Import the images a user selects, remove duplicates, and add items to the QListWidget.""" duplicate_images = [] # Store the names of duplicate images image_paths, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self, "Select Image Files", "", "Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg *.jpeg)") if image_paths: if self.image_dir.exists(): for image_path in image_paths: # Pass image path to QFileInfo object image_info = QFileInfo(image_path) file_name = image_info.fileName() item_name = image_info.baseName() # Copy the files into the Images directory, check for files # with the same name new_name = self.image_dir.absolutePath() + f"/{file_name}" file_exists = QFile.copy(image_path, new_name) if file_exists == False: duplicate_images.append(image_path) else: self.createListItems(image_path, item_name, image_info, new_name) if self.is_delete_checked == True: # Handle deleting images QFile.moveToTrash(image_path) else: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Images Location Not Found", """<p>The Images Location cannot be found. Restart the application to recreate the directory.</p>""") # Display a custom dialog to inform the user of duplicate images if len(duplicate_images) != 0: duplicates_dialog = QMessageBox(self) duplicates_dialog.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Information) duplicates_dialog.setWindowTitle("Duplicate Images") duplicates_dialog.setText("""<p>Some images were not imported because they already exist.</p>""") details = '\n'.join([item for item in duplicate_images]) duplicates_dialog.setDetailedText(details) duplicates_dialog.exec() duplicate_images.clear() # Clear the list # Check if window is still in focus. If not, give it focus if self.isActiveWindow() == False: self.activateWindow()
def _select_bridge(self, index): bridge = self._bridges[index] self._settings.setValue('selected_bridge', index) self._manager = DiscoBall(bridge['value']) try: self._lights = self._manager.get_light_list() self.lightsList.clear() for light in self._lights: self.lightsList.addItem(light['value']) self._select_light(0) except BridgeNotRegisteredException as e: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Warning) msg.setText( "This application is not registered with this Hue Bridge") msg.setInformativeText( "Please press the register button on top of the bridge and click the retry button" ) msg.setWindowTitle("Error")
def eliminar(self): confirmacion = QMessageBox(self) confirmacion.setText( f'Desea Eliminar el Producto con ID {self.txt_producto.text()}?') confirmacion.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Question) confirmacion.setDetailedText( 'El producto se eliminará definitivamente...') confirmacion.setWindowTitle('Confirmación...') confirmacion.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.StandardButton.Yes | QMessageBox.StandardButton.No) boton_yes = confirmacion.button(QMessageBox.StandardButton.Yes) confirmacion.exec() if confirmacion.clickedButton() == boton_yes: self.lbl_resultado.setText( f'Se ha eliminado el producto con ID {self.txt_producto.text()}.' ) else: self.lbl_resultado.setText( f'No se ha eliminado el producto con ID {self.txt_producto.text()}.' )
def sumar(self): numero_1 = self.txt_numero_1.text().strip() numero_2 = self.txt_numero_2.text().strip() mensaje = QMessageBox() mensaje.setWindowTitle('Algo salió mal...') if len(numero_1): if len(numero_2): try: numero_1 = float(numero_1) except: mensaje.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Warning) mensaje.setText( 'El número 1 debe ser un valor numérico...') mensaje.exec() return try: numero_2 = float(numero_2) except: mensaje.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Warning) mensaje.setText( 'El número 2 debe ser un valor numérico...') mensaje.exec() return resultado = numero_1 + numero_2 self.lbl_resultado.setText(str(resultado)) else: mensaje.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Warning) mensaje.setText('Debes digitar el Número 2...') mensaje.exec() else: mensaje.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Warning) mensaje.setText('Debes digitar el Número 1...') mensaje.exec()
class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # region Create CartPole instance and load initial settings # Create CartPole instance self.initial_state = create_cartpole_state() self.CartPoleInstance = CartPole(initial_state=self.initial_state) # Set timescales self.CartPoleInstance.dt_simulation = dt_simulation self.CartPoleInstance.dt_controller = controller_update_interval self.CartPoleInstance.dt_save = save_interval # set other settings self.CartPoleInstance.set_controller(controller_init) self.CartPoleInstance.stop_at_90 = stop_at_90_init self.set_random_experiment_generator_init_params() # endregion # region Decide whether to save the data in "CartPole memory" or not self.save_history = save_history_init self.show_experiment_summary = show_experiment_summary_init if self.save_history or self.show_experiment_summary: self.CartPoleInstance.save_data_in_cart = True else: self.CartPoleInstance.save_data_in_cart = False # endregion # region Other variables initial values as provided in # Start user controlled experiment/ start random experiment/ load and replay - on start button self.simulator_mode = simulator_mode_init self.slider_on_click = slider_on_click_init # Update slider on click/update slider while hoovering over it self.speedup = speedup_init # Default simulation speed-up # endregion # region Initialize loop-timer # This timer allows to relate the simulation time to user time # And (if your computer is fast enough) run simulation # slower or faster than real-time by predefined factor (speedup) self.looper = loop_timer( dt_target=(self.CartPoleInstance.dt_simulation / self.speedup)) # endregion # region Variables controlling the state of various processes (DO NOT MODIFY) self.terminate_experiment_or_replay_thread = False # True: gives signal causing thread to terminate self.pause_experiment_or_replay_thread = False # True: gives signal causing the thread to pause self.run_set_labels_thread = True # True if gauges (labels) keep being repeatedly updated # Stop threads by setting False # Flag indicating if the "START! / STOP!" button should act as start or as stop when pressed. # Can take values "START!" or "STOP!" self.start_or_stop_action = "START!" # Flag indicating whether the pause button should pause or unpause. self.pause_or_unpause_action = "PAUSE" # Flag indicating that saving of experiment recording to csv file has finished self.experiment_or_replay_thread_terminated = False self.user_time_counter = 0 # Measures the user time # Slider instant value (which is draw in GUI) differs from value saved in CartPole instance # if the option updating slider "on-click" is enabled. self.slider_instant_value = self.CartPoleInstance.slider_value self.noise = 'OFF' self.CartPoleInstance.NoiseAdderInstance.noise_mode = self.noise # endregion # region Create GUI Layout # region - Create container for top level layout layout = QVBoxLayout() # endregion # region - Change geometry of the main window self.setGeometry(300, 300, 2500, 1000) # endregion # region - Matplotlib figures (CartPole drawing and Slider) # Draw Figure self.fig = Figure( figsize=(25, 10) ) # Regulates the size of Figure in inches, before scaling to window size. self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.fig) self.fig.AxCart = self.canvas.figure.add_subplot(211) self.fig.AxSlider = self.canvas.figure.add_subplot(212) self.fig.AxSlider.set_ylim(0, 1) self.CartPoleInstance.draw_constant_elements(self.fig, self.fig.AxCart, self.fig.AxSlider) # Attach figure to the layout lf = QVBoxLayout() lf.addWidget(self.canvas) # endregion # region - Radio buttons selecting current controller self.rbs_controllers = [] for controller_name in self.CartPoleInstance.controller_names: self.rbs_controllers.append(QRadioButton(controller_name)) # Ensures that radio buttons are exclusive self.controllers_buttons_group = QButtonGroup() for button in self.rbs_controllers: self.controllers_buttons_group.addButton(button) lr_c = QVBoxLayout() lr_c.addStretch(1) for rb in self.rbs_controllers: rb.clicked.connect(self.RadioButtons_controller_selection) lr_c.addWidget(rb) lr_c.addStretch(1) self.rbs_controllers[self.CartPoleInstance.controller_idx].setChecked( True) # endregion # region - Create central part of the layout for figures and radio buttons and add it to the whole layout lc = QHBoxLayout() lc.addLayout(lf) lc.addLayout(lr_c) layout.addLayout(lc) # endregion # region - Gauges displaying current values of various states and parameters (time, velocity, angle,...) # First row ld = QHBoxLayout() # User time self.labTime = QLabel("User's time (s): ") self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.setInterval(100) # Tick every 1/10 of the second self.timer.timeout.connect(self.set_user_time_label) self.timer.start() ld.addWidget(self.labTime) # Speed, angle, motor power (Q) self.labSpeed = QLabel('Speed (m/s):') self.labAngle = QLabel('Angle (deg):') self.labMotor = QLabel('') self.labTargetPosition = QLabel('') ld.addWidget(self.labSpeed) ld.addWidget(self.labAngle) ld.addWidget(self.labMotor) ld.addWidget(self.labTargetPosition) layout.addLayout(ld) # Second row of labels # Simulation time, Measured (real) speed-up, slider-value ld2 = QHBoxLayout() self.labTimeSim = QLabel('Simulation Time (s):') ld2.addWidget(self.labTimeSim) self.labSpeedUp = QLabel('Speed-up (measured):') ld2.addWidget(self.labSpeedUp) self.labSliderInstant = QLabel('') ld2.addWidget(self.labSliderInstant) layout.addLayout(ld2) # endregion # region - Buttons "START!" / "STOP!", "PAUSE", "QUIT" self.bss = QPushButton("START!") self.bss.pressed.connect(self.start_stop_button) self.bp = QPushButton("PAUSE") self.bp.pressed.connect(self.pause_unpause_button) bq = QPushButton("QUIT") bq.pressed.connect(self.quit_application) lspb = QHBoxLayout() # Sub-Layout for Start/Stop and Pause Buttons lspb.addWidget(self.bss) lspb.addWidget(self.bp) # endregion # region - Sliders setting initial state and buttons for kicking the pole # Sliders setting initial position and angle lb = QVBoxLayout() # Layout for buttons lb.addLayout(lspb) lb.addWidget(bq) ip = QHBoxLayout() # Layout for initial position sliders self.initial_position_slider = QSlider( orientation=Qt.Orientation.Horizontal) self.initial_position_slider.setRange( -int(float(1000 * TrackHalfLength)), int(float(1000 * TrackHalfLength))) self.initial_position_slider.setValue(0) self.initial_position_slider.setSingleStep(1) self.initial_position_slider.valueChanged.connect( self.update_initial_position) self.initial_angle_slider = QSlider( orientation=Qt.Orientation.Horizontal) self.initial_angle_slider.setRange(-int(float(100 * np.pi)), int(float(100 * np.pi))) self.initial_angle_slider.setValue(0) self.initial_angle_slider.setSingleStep(1) self.initial_angle_slider.valueChanged.connect( self.update_initial_angle) ip.addWidget(QLabel("Initial position:")) ip.addWidget(self.initial_position_slider) ip.addWidget(QLabel("Initial angle:")) ip.addWidget(self.initial_angle_slider) ip.addStretch(0.01) # Slider setting latency self.LATENCY_SLIDER_RANGE_INT = 1000 self.latency_slider = QSlider(orientation=Qt.Orientation.Horizontal) self.latency_slider.setRange(0, self.LATENCY_SLIDER_RANGE_INT) self.latency_slider.setValue( int(self.CartPoleInstance.LatencyAdderInstance.latency * self.LATENCY_SLIDER_RANGE_INT / self.CartPoleInstance.LatencyAdderInstance.max_latency)) self.latency_slider.setSingleStep(1) self.latency_slider.valueChanged.connect(self.update_latency) ip.addWidget(QLabel("Latency:")) ip.addWidget(self.latency_slider) self.labLatency = QLabel('Latency (ms): {:.1f}'.format( self.CartPoleInstance.LatencyAdderInstance.latency * 1000)) ip.addWidget(self.labLatency) # Buttons activating noise self.rbs_noise = [] for mode_name in ['ON', 'OFF']: self.rbs_noise.append(QRadioButton(mode_name)) # Ensures that radio buttons are exclusive self.noise_buttons_group = QButtonGroup() for button in self.rbs_noise: self.noise_buttons_group.addButton(button) lr_n = QHBoxLayout() lr_n.addWidget(QLabel('Noise:')) for rb in self.rbs_noise: rb.clicked.connect(self.RadioButtons_noise_on_off) lr_n.addWidget(rb) self.rbs_noise[1].setChecked(True) ip.addStretch(0.01) ip.addLayout(lr_n) ip.addStretch(0.01) # Buttons giving kick to the pole kick_label = QLabel("Kick pole:") kick_left_button = QPushButton() kick_left_button.setText("Left") kick_left_button.adjustSize() kick_left_button.clicked.connect(self.kick_pole) kick_right_button = QPushButton() kick_right_button.setText("Right") kick_right_button.adjustSize() kick_right_button.clicked.connect(self.kick_pole) ip.addWidget(kick_label) ip.addWidget(kick_left_button) ip.addWidget(kick_right_button) lb.addLayout(ip) layout.addLayout(lb) # endregion # region - Text boxes and Combobox to provide settings concerning generation of random experiment l_generate_trace = QHBoxLayout() l_generate_trace.addWidget(QLabel('Random experiment settings:')) l_generate_trace.addWidget(QLabel('Length (s):')) self.textbox_length = QLineEdit() l_generate_trace.addWidget(self.textbox_length) l_generate_trace.addWidget(QLabel('Turning Points (m):')) self.textbox_turning_points = QLineEdit() l_generate_trace.addWidget(self.textbox_turning_points) l_generate_trace.addWidget(QLabel('Interpolation:')) self.cb_interpolation = QComboBox() self.cb_interpolation.addItems( ['0-derivative-smooth', 'linear', 'previous']) self.cb_interpolation.currentIndexChanged.connect( self.cb_interpolation_selectionchange) self.cb_interpolation.setCurrentText( self.CartPoleInstance.interpolation_type) l_generate_trace.addWidget(self.cb_interpolation) layout.addLayout(l_generate_trace) # endregion # region - Textbox to provide csv file name for saving or loading data l_text = QHBoxLayout() textbox_title = QLabel('CSV file name:') self.textbox = QLineEdit() l_text.addWidget(textbox_title) l_text.addWidget(self.textbox) layout.addLayout(l_text) # endregion # region - Make strip of layout for checkboxes l_cb = QHBoxLayout() # endregion # region - Textbox to provide the target speed-up value l_text_speedup = QHBoxLayout() tx_speedup_title = QLabel('Speed-up (target):') self.tx_speedup = QLineEdit() l_text_speedup.addWidget(tx_speedup_title) l_text_speedup.addWidget(self.tx_speedup) self.tx_speedup.setText(str(self.speedup)) l_cb.addLayout(l_text_speedup) self.wrong_speedup_msg = QMessageBox() self.wrong_speedup_msg.setWindowTitle("Speed-up value problem") self.wrong_speedup_msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Critical) # endregion # region - Checkboxes # region -- Checkbox: Save/don't save experiment recording self.cb_save_history = QCheckBox('Save results', self) if self.save_history: self.cb_save_history.toggle() self.cb_save_history.toggled.connect(self.cb_save_history_f) l_cb.addWidget(self.cb_save_history) # endregion # region -- Checkbox: Display plots showing dynamic evolution of the system as soon as experiment terminates self.cb_show_experiment_summary = QCheckBox('Show experiment summary', self) if self.show_experiment_summary: self.cb_show_experiment_summary.toggle() self.cb_show_experiment_summary.toggled.connect( self.cb_show_experiment_summary_f) l_cb.addWidget(self.cb_show_experiment_summary) # endregion # region -- Checkbox: Block pole if it reaches +/-90 deg self.cb_stop_at_90_deg = QCheckBox('Stop-at-90-deg', self) if self.CartPoleInstance.stop_at_90: self.cb_stop_at_90_deg.toggle() self.cb_stop_at_90_deg.toggled.connect(self.cb_stop_at_90_deg_f) l_cb.addWidget(self.cb_stop_at_90_deg) # endregion # region -- Checkbox: Update slider on click/update slider while hoovering over it self.cb_slider_on_click = QCheckBox('Update slider on click', self) if self.slider_on_click: self.cb_slider_on_click.toggle() self.cb_slider_on_click.toggled.connect(self.cb_slider_on_click_f) l_cb.addWidget(self.cb_slider_on_click) # endregion # endregion # region - Radio buttons selecting simulator mode: user defined experiment, random experiment, replay # List available simulator modes - constant self.available_simulator_modes = [ 'Slider-Controlled Experiment', 'Random Experiment', 'Replay' ] self.rbs_simulator_mode = [] for mode_name in self.available_simulator_modes: self.rbs_simulator_mode.append(QRadioButton(mode_name)) # Ensures that radio buttons are exclusive self.simulator_mode_buttons_group = QButtonGroup() for button in self.rbs_simulator_mode: self.simulator_mode_buttons_group.addButton(button) lr_sm = QHBoxLayout() lr_sm.addStretch(1) lr_sm.addWidget(QLabel('Simulator mode:')) for rb in self.rbs_simulator_mode: rb.clicked.connect(self.RadioButtons_simulator_mode) lr_sm.addWidget(rb) lr_sm.addStretch(1) self.rbs_simulator_mode[self.available_simulator_modes.index( self.simulator_mode)].setChecked(True) l_cb.addStretch(1) l_cb.addLayout(lr_sm) l_cb.addStretch(1) # endregion # region - Add checkboxes to layout layout.addLayout(l_cb) # endregion # region - Create an instance of a GUI window w = QWidget() w.setLayout(layout) self.setCentralWidget(w) self.setWindowTitle('CartPole Simulator') # endregion # endregion # region Open controller-specific popup windows self.open_additional_controller_widget() # endregion # region Activate functions capturing mouse movements and clicks over the slider # This line links function capturing the mouse position on the canvas of the Figure self.canvas.mpl_connect("motion_notify_event", self.on_mouse_movement) # This line links function capturing the mouse position on the canvas of the Figure click self.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", self.on_mouse_click) # endregion # region Introducing multithreading # To ensure smooth functioning of the app, # the calculations and redrawing of the figures have to be done in a different thread # than the one capturing the mouse position and running the animation self.threadpool = QThreadPool() # endregion # region Starts a thread repeatedly redrawing gauges (labels) of the GUI # It runs till the QUIT button is pressed worker_labels = Worker(self.set_labels_thread) self.threadpool.start(worker_labels) # endregion # region Start animation repeatedly redrawing changing elements of matplotlib figures (CartPole drawing and slider) # This animation runs ALWAYS when the GUI is open # The buttons of GUI only decide if new parameters are calculated or not self.anim = self.CartPoleInstance.run_animation(self.fig) # endregion # region Thread performing CartPole experiment, slider-controlled or random # It iteratively updates CartPole state and save data to a .csv file # It also put simulation time in relation to user time def experiment_thread(self): # Necessary only for debugging in Visual Studio Code IDE try: ptvsd.debug_this_thread() except: pass self.looper.start_loop() while not self.terminate_experiment_or_replay_thread: if self.pause_experiment_or_replay_thread: time.sleep(0.1) else: # Calculations of the Cart state in the next timestep self.CartPoleInstance.update_state() # Terminate thread if random experiment reached its maximal length if ((self.CartPoleInstance.use_pregenerated_target_position is True) and (self.CartPoleInstance.time >= self.CartPoleInstance.t_max_pre)): self.terminate_experiment_or_replay_thread = True # FIXME: when Speedup empty in GUI I expected inf speedup but got error Loop timer was not initialized properly self.looper.sleep_leftover_time() # Save simulation history if user chose to do so at the end of the simulation if self.save_history: csv_name = self.textbox.text() self.CartPoleInstance.save_history_csv( csv_name=csv_name, mode='init', length_of_experiment=np.around( self.CartPoleInstance.dict_history['time'][-1], decimals=2)) self.CartPoleInstance.save_history_csv(csv_name=csv_name, mode='save offline') self.experiment_or_replay_thread_terminated = True # endregion # region Thread replaying a saved experiment recording def replay_thread(self): # Necessary only for debugging in Visual Studio Code IDE try: ptvsd.debug_this_thread() except: pass # Check what is in the csv textbox csv_name = self.textbox.text() # Load experiment history history_pd, filepath = self.CartPoleInstance.load_history_csv( csv_name=csv_name) # Set cartpole in the right mode (just to ensure slider behaves properly) with open(filepath, newline='') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for line in reader: line = line[0] if line[:len('# Controller: ')] == '# Controller: ': controller_set = self.CartPoleInstance.set_controller( line[len('# Controller: '):].rstrip("\n")) if controller_set: self.rbs_controllers[self.CartPoleInstance. controller_idx].setChecked(True) else: self.rbs_controllers[1].setChecked( True) # Set first, but not manual stabilization break # Augment the experiment history with simulation time step size dt = [] row_iterator = history_pd.iterrows() _, last = next(row_iterator) # take first item from row_iterator for i, row in row_iterator: dt.append(row['time'] - last['time']) last = row dt.append(dt[-1]) history_pd['dt'] = np.array(dt) # Initialize loop timer (with arbitrary dt) replay_looper = loop_timer(dt_target=0.0) # Start looping over history replay_looper.start_loop() global L for index, row in history_pd.iterrows(): self.CartPoleInstance.s[POSITION_IDX] = row['position'] self.CartPoleInstance.s[POSITIOND_IDX] = row['positionD'] self.CartPoleInstance.s[ANGLE_IDX] = row['angle'] self.CartPoleInstance.time = row['time'] self.CartPoleInstance.dt = row['dt'] try: self.CartPoleInstance.u = row['u'] except KeyError: pass self.CartPoleInstance.Q = row['Q'] self.CartPoleInstance.target_position = row['target_position'] if self.CartPoleInstance.controller_name == 'manual-stabilization': self.CartPoleInstance.slider_value = self.CartPoleInstance.Q else: self.CartPoleInstance.slider_value = self.CartPoleInstance.target_position / TrackHalfLength # TODO: Make it more general for all possible parameters try: L[...] = row['L'] except KeyError: pass except: print('Error while assigning L') print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[1]) dt_target = (self.CartPoleInstance.dt / self.speedup) replay_looper.dt_target = dt_target replay_looper.sleep_leftover_time() if self.terminate_experiment_or_replay_thread: # Means that stop button was pressed break while self.pause_experiment_or_replay_thread: # Means that pause button was pressed time.sleep(0.1) if self.show_experiment_summary: self.CartPoleInstance.dict_history = history_pd.loc[:index].to_dict( orient='list') self.experiment_or_replay_thread_terminated = True # endregion # region "START! / STOP!" button -> run/stop slider-controlled experiment, random experiment or replay experiment recording # Actions to be taken when "START! / STOP!" button is clicked def start_stop_button(self): # If "START! / STOP!" button in "START!" mode... if self.start_or_stop_action == 'START!': self.bss.setText("STOP!") self.start_thread() # If "START! / STOP!" button in "STOP!" mode... elif self.start_or_stop_action == 'STOP!': self.bss.setText("START!") self.bp.setText("PAUSE") # This flag is periodically checked by thread. It terminates if set True. self.terminate_experiment_or_replay_thread = True # The stop_thread function is called automatically by the thread when it terminates # It is implemented this way, because thread my terminate not only due "STOP!" button # (e.g. replay thread when whole experiment is replayed) def pause_unpause_button(self): # Only Pause if experiment is running if self.pause_or_unpause_action == 'PAUSE' and self.start_or_stop_action == 'STOP!': self.pause_or_unpause_action = 'UNPAUSE' self.pause_experiment_or_replay_thread = True self.bp.setText("UNPAUSE") elif self.pause_or_unpause_action == 'UNPAUSE' and self.start_or_stop_action == 'STOP!': self.pause_or_unpause_action = 'PAUSE' self.pause_experiment_or_replay_thread = False self.bp.setText("PAUSE") # Run thread. works for all simulator modes. def start_thread(self): # Check if value provided in speed-up textbox makes sense # If not abort start speedup_updated = self.get_speedup() if not speedup_updated: return # Disable GUI elements for features which must not be changed in runtime # For other features changing in runtime may not cause errors, but will stay without effect for current run self.cb_save_history.setEnabled(False) for rb in self.rbs_simulator_mode: rb.setEnabled(False) for rb in self.rbs_controllers: rb.setEnabled(False) if self.simulator_mode != 'Replay': self.cb_show_experiment_summary.setEnabled(False) # Set user-provided initial values for state (or its part) of the CartPole # Search implementation for more detail # The following line is important as it let the user to set with the slider the starting target position # After the slider was reset at the end of last experiment # With the small sliders he can also adjust starting initial_state self.reset_variables( 2, s=np.copy(self.initial_state), target_position=self.CartPoleInstance.target_position) if self.simulator_mode == 'Random Experiment': self.CartPoleInstance.use_pregenerated_target_position = True if self.textbox_length.text() == '': self.CartPoleInstance.length_of_experiment = length_of_experiment_init else: self.CartPoleInstance.length_of_experiment = float( self.textbox_length.text()) turning_points_list = [] if self.textbox_turning_points.text() != '': for turning_point in self.textbox_turning_points.text().split( ', '): turning_points_list.append(float(turning_point)) self.CartPoleInstance.turning_points = turning_points_list self.CartPoleInstance.setup_cartpole_random_experiment() self.looper.dt_target = self.CartPoleInstance.dt_simulation / self.speedup # Pass the function to execute if self.simulator_mode == "Replay": worker = Worker(self.replay_thread) elif self.simulator_mode == 'Slider-Controlled Experiment' or self.simulator_mode == 'Random Experiment': worker = Worker(self.experiment_thread) worker.signals.finished.connect(self.finish_thread) # Execute self.threadpool.start(worker) # Determine what should happen when "START! / STOP!" is pushed NEXT time self.start_or_stop_action = "STOP!" # finish_threads works for all simulation modes # Some lines mya be redundant for replay, # however as they do not take much computation time we leave them here # As it my code shorter, while hopefully still clear. # It is called automatically at the end of experiment_thread def finish_thread(self): self.CartPoleInstance.use_pregenerated_target_position = False self.initial_state = create_cartpole_state() self.initial_position_slider.setValue(0) self.initial_angle_slider.setValue(0) self.CartPoleInstance.s = self.initial_state # Some controllers may collect they own statistics about their usage and print it after experiment terminated if self.simulator_mode != 'Replay': try: self.CartPoleInstance.controller.controller_report() except: pass if self.show_experiment_summary: self.w_summary = SummaryWindow( summary_plots=self.CartPoleInstance.summary_plots) # Reset variables and redraw the figures self.reset_variables(0) # Draw figures self.CartPoleInstance.draw_constant_elements(self.fig, self.fig.AxCart, self.fig.AxSlider) self.canvas.draw() # Enable back all elements of GUI: self.cb_save_history.setEnabled(True) self.cb_show_experiment_summary.setEnabled(True) for rb in self.rbs_simulator_mode: rb.setEnabled(True) for rb in self.rbs_controllers: rb.setEnabled(True) self.start_or_stop_action = "START!" # What should happen when "START! / STOP!" is pushed NEXT time # endregion # region Methods: "Get, set, reset, quit" # Set parameters from gui_default_parameters related to generating a random experiment target position def set_random_experiment_generator_init_params(self): self.CartPoleInstance.track_relative_complexity = track_relative_complexity_init self.CartPoleInstance.length_of_experiment = length_of_experiment_init self.CartPoleInstance.interpolation_type = interpolation_type_init self.CartPoleInstance.turning_points_period = turning_points_period_init self.CartPoleInstance.start_random_target_position_at = start_random_target_position_at_init self.CartPoleInstance.end_random_target_position_at = end_random_target_position_at_init self.CartPoleInstance.turning_points = turning_points_init # Method resetting variables which change during experimental run def reset_variables(self, reset_mode=1, s=None, target_position=None): self.CartPoleInstance.set_cartpole_state_at_t0( reset_mode, s=s, target_position=target_position) self.user_time_counter = 0 # "Try" because this function is called for the first time during initialisation of the Window # when the timer label instance is not yer there. try: self.labt.setText("Time (s): " + str(float(self.user_time_counter) / 10.0)) except: pass self.experiment_or_replay_thread_terminated = False # This is a flag informing thread terminated self.terminate_experiment_or_replay_thread = False # This is a command to terminate a thread self.pause_experiment_or_replay_thread = False # This is a command to pause a thread self.start_or_stop_action = "START!" self.pause_or_unpause_action = "PAUSE" self.looper.first_call_done = False ###################################################################################################### # (Marcin) Below are methods with less critical functions. # A thread redrawing labels (except for timer, which has its own function) of GUI every 0.1 s def set_labels_thread(self): while (self.run_set_labels_thread): self.labSpeed.setText( "Speed (m/s): " + str(np.around(self.CartPoleInstance.s[POSITIOND_IDX], 2))) self.labAngle.setText("Angle (deg): " + str( np.around( self.CartPoleInstance.s[ANGLE_IDX] * 360 / (2 * np.pi), 2))) self.labMotor.setText("Motor power (Q): {:.3f}".format( np.around(self.CartPoleInstance.Q, 2))) if self.CartPoleInstance.controller_name == 'manual-stabilization': self.labTargetPosition.setText("") else: self.labTargetPosition.setText( "Target position (m): " + str(np.around(self.CartPoleInstance.target_position, 2))) if self.CartPoleInstance.controller_name == 'manual_stabilization': self.labSliderInstant.setText( "Slider instant value (-): " + str(np.around(self.slider_instant_value, 2))) else: self.labSliderInstant.setText( "Slider instant value (m): " + str(np.around(self.slider_instant_value, 2))) self.labTimeSim.setText('Simulation time (s): {:.2f}'.format( self.CartPoleInstance.time)) mean_dt_real = np.mean(self.looper.circ_buffer_dt_real) if mean_dt_real > 0: self.labSpeedUp.setText('Speed-up (measured): x{:.2f}'.format( self.CartPoleInstance.dt_simulation / mean_dt_real)) sleep(0.1) # Function to measure the time of simulation as experienced by user # It corresponds to the time of simulation according to equations only if real time mode is on # TODO (Marcin) I just retained this function from some example being my starting point # It seems it sometimes counting time to slow. Consider replacing in future def set_user_time_label(self): # "If": Increment time counter only if simulation is running if self.start_or_stop_action == "STOP!": # indicates what start button was pressed and some process is running self.user_time_counter += 1 # The updates are done smoother if the label is updated here # and not in the separate thread self.labTime.setText("Time (s): " + str(float(self.user_time_counter) / 10.0)) # The actions which has to be taken to properly terminate the application # The method is evoked after QUIT button is pressed # TODO: Can we connect it somehow also the the default cross closing the application? def quit_application(self): # Stops animation (updating changing elements of the Figure) self.anim._stop() # Stops the two threads updating the GUI labels and updating the state of Cart instance self.run_set_labels_thread = False self.terminate_experiment_or_replay_thread = True self.pause_experiment_or_replay_thread = False # Closes the GUI window self.close() # The standard command # It seems however not to be working by its own # I don't know how it works QApplication.quit() # endregion # region Mouse interaction """ These are some methods GUI uses to capture mouse effect while hoovering or clicking over/on the charts """ # Function evoked at a mouse movement # If the mouse cursor is over the lower chart it reads the corresponding value # and updates the slider def on_mouse_movement(self, event): if self.simulator_mode == 'Slider-Controlled Experiment': if event.xdata == None or event.ydata == None: pass else: if event.inaxes == self.fig.AxSlider: self.slider_instant_value = event.xdata if not self.slider_on_click: self.CartPoleInstance.update_slider( mouse_position=event.xdata) # Function evoked at a mouse click # If the mouse cursor is over the lower chart it reads the corresponding value # and updates the slider def on_mouse_click(self, event): if self.simulator_mode == 'Slider-Controlled Experiment': if event.xdata == None or event.ydata == None: pass else: if event.inaxes == self.fig.AxSlider: self.CartPoleInstance.update_slider( mouse_position=event.xdata) # endregion # region Changing "static" options: radio buttons, text boxes, combo boxes, check boxes """ This section collects methods used to change some ''static option'': e.g. change current controller, switch between saving and not saving etc. These are functions associated with radio buttons, check boxes, textfilds etc. The functions of "START! / STOP!" button is much more complex and we put them hence in a separate section. """ # region - Radio buttons # Chose the controller method which should be used with the CartPole def RadioButtons_controller_selection(self): # Change the mode variable depending on the Radiobutton state for i in range(len(self.rbs_controllers)): if self.rbs_controllers[i].isChecked(): self.CartPoleInstance.set_controller(controller_idx=i) # Reset the state of GUI and of the Cart instance after the mode has changed # TODO: Do I need the follwowing lines? self.reset_variables(0) self.CartPoleInstance.draw_constant_elements(self.fig, self.fig.AxCart, self.fig.AxSlider) self.canvas.draw() self.open_additional_controller_widget() # Chose the simulator mode - effect of start/stop button def RadioButtons_simulator_mode(self): # Change the mode variable depending on the Radiobutton state for i in range(len(self.rbs_simulator_mode)): sleep(0.001) if self.rbs_simulator_mode[i].isChecked(): self.simulator_mode = self.available_simulator_modes[i] # Reset the state of GUI and of the Cart instance after the mode has changed # TODO: Do I need the follwowing lines? self.reset_variables(0) self.CartPoleInstance.draw_constant_elements(self.fig, self.fig.AxCart, self.fig.AxSlider) self.canvas.draw() # Chose the noise mode - effect of start/stop button def RadioButtons_noise_on_off(self): # Change the mode variable depending on the Radiobutton state if self.rbs_noise[0].isChecked(): self.noise = 'ON' self.CartPoleInstance.NoiseAdderInstance.noise_mode = self.noise elif self.rbs_noise[1].isChecked(): self.noise = 'OFF' self.CartPoleInstance.NoiseAdderInstance.noise_mode = self.noise else: raise Exception('Something wrong with ON/OFF button for noise') self.open_additional_noise_widget() # endregion # region - Text Boxes # Read speedup provided by user from appropriate GUI textbox def get_speedup(self): """ Get speedup provided by user from appropriate textbox. Speed-up gives how many times faster or slower than real time the simulation or replay should run. The provided values may not always be reached due to computer speed limitation """ speedup = self.tx_speedup.text() if speedup == '': self.speedup = np.inf return True else: try: speedup = float(speedup) except ValueError: self.wrong_speedup_msg.setText( 'You have provided the input for speed-up which is not convertible to a number' ) x = self.wrong_speedup_msg.exec_() return False if speedup == 0.0: self.wrong_speedup_msg.setText( 'You cannot run an experiment with 0 speed-up (stopped time flow)' ) x = self.wrong_speedup_msg.exec_() return False else: self.speedup = speedup return True # endregion # region - Combo Boxes # Select how to interpolate between turning points of randomly chosen target positions def cb_interpolation_selectionchange(self, i): """ Select interpolation type for random target positions of randomly generated experiment """ self.CartPoleInstance.interpolation_type = self.cb_interpolation.currentText( ) # endregion # region - Check boxes # Action toggling between saving and not saving simulation results def cb_save_history_f(self, state): if state: self.save_history = 1 else: self.save_history = 0 if self.save_history or self.show_experiment_summary: self.CartPoleInstance.save_data_in_cart = True else: self.CartPoleInstance.save_data_in_cart = False # Action toggling between saving and not saving simulation results def cb_show_experiment_summary_f(self, state): if state: self.show_experiment_summary = 1 else: self.show_experiment_summary = 0 if self.save_history or self.show_experiment_summary: self.CartPoleInstance.save_data_in_cart = True else: self.CartPoleInstance.save_data_in_cart = False # Action toggling between stopping (or not) the pole if it reaches 90 deg def cb_stop_at_90_deg_f(self, state): if state: self.CartPoleInstance.stop_at_90 = True else: self.CartPoleInstance.stop_at_90 = False # Action toggling between updating CarPole slider value on click or by hoovering over it def cb_slider_on_click_f(self, state): if state: self.slider_on_click = True else: self.slider_on_click = False # endregion # region - Additional GUI Popups def open_additional_controller_widget(self): # Open up additional options widgets depending on the controller type if self.CartPoleInstance.controller_name == 'mppi': self.optionsControllerWidget = MPPIOptionsWindow() else: try: self.optionsControllerWidget.close() except: pass self.optionsControllerWidget = None def open_additional_noise_widget(self): # Open up additional options widgets depending on the controller type if self.noise == 'ON': self.optionsNoiseWidget = NoiseOptionsWindow() else: try: self.optionsNoiseWidget.close() except: pass self.optionsNoiseWidget = None # endregion # region - Sliders setting initial position and angle of the CartPole def update_initial_position(self, value: str): self.initial_state[POSITION_IDX] = float(value) / 1000.0 def update_initial_angle(self, value: str): self.initial_state[ANGLE_IDX] = float(value) / 100.0 # endregion # region - Slider setting latency of the controller def update_latency(self, value: str): latency_slider = float(value) latency = latency_slider * self.CartPoleInstance.LatencyAdderInstance.max_latency / self.LATENCY_SLIDER_RANGE_INT # latency in seconds self.CartPoleInstance.LatencyAdderInstance.set_latency(latency) self.labLatency.setText('{:.1f} ms'.format(latency * 1000.0)) # latency in ms # endregion # region Buttons for providing a kick to the pole def kick_pole(self): if self.sender().text() == "Left": self.CartPoleInstance.s[ANGLED_IDX] += .6 elif self.sender().text() == "Right": self.CartPoleInstance.s[ANGLED_IDX] -= .6
def saveGraphics(self): dbfilename = self.obsTb.dbFilename if dbfilename != None: self.session = connectDatabase(dbfilename) else: msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) msg.setText('The database file is not defined.') msg.setInformativeText( 'In order to set the database file, open the Observation Toolbox' ) msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.exec_() return if self.gView.unsavedLines == [] and self.gView.unsavedZones == [] and \ self.gView.unsavedPoints == []: QMessageBox.information(self, 'Save', 'No new graphical items to save!') return for item in self.gView.unsavedLines: x1 = round(item.line().x1(), 2) y1 = round(item.line().y1(), 2) x2 = round(item.line().x2(), 2) y2 = round(item.line().y2(), 2) line = Line(None, None, x1, y1, x2, y2) self.session.add(line) self.session.flush() label = self.generate_itemGroup([x1, x2], [y1, y2], line.idx) self.gView.scene().addItem(label) for item in self.gView.unsavedZones: xs = [] ys = [] for p in item.polygon(): xs.append(round(p.x(), 2)) ys.append(round(p.y(), 2)) zone = Zone(None, None, xs, ys) self.session.add(zone) self.session.flush() label = self.generate_itemGroup(xs, ys, zone.idx) self.gView.scene().addItem(label) for item in self.gView.unsavedPoints: x = round(item.rect().center().x(), 2) y = round(item.rect().center().y(), 2) point = Point(x, y) self.session.add(point) self.session.flush() label = self.generate_itemGroup([x], [y], point.idx) self.gView.scene().removeItem(item) self.gView.scene().addItem(label) QMessageBox.information( self, 'Save', '{} point(s), {} line(s) and {} zone(s) saved to database successfully!' .format(len(self.gView.unsavedPoints), len(self.gView.unsavedLines), len(self.gView.unsavedZones))) self.gView.unsavedLines = [] self.gView.unsavedZones = [] self.gView.unsavedPoints = [] self.session.commit()
def loadGraphics(self): dbfilename = self.obsTb.dbFilename if dbfilename != None: self.session = connectDatabase(dbfilename) else: msg = QMessageBox() # msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Information) msg.setText('The database file is not defined.') msg.setInformativeText( 'In order to set the database file, open the Observation Toolbox' ) msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Critical) msg.exec() return for gitem in self.gView.scene().items(): if isinstance(gitem, QGraphicsItemGroup): self.gView.scene().removeItem(gitem) q_line = self.session.query(Line) q_zone = self.session.query(Zone) if q_line.all() == [] and q_zone.all() == []: QMessageBox.information(self, 'Warning!', 'There is no graphics to load!') return line_items = [] for line in q_line: p1 = line.points[0] p2 = line.points[1] if line.type != None: lineType = else: lineType = None gItmGroup = self.generate_itemGroup([p1.x, p2.x], [p1.y, p2.y], str(line.idx), lineType) self.gScene.addItem(gItmGroup) line_items.append(str(line.idx)) self.obsTb.line_list_wdgt.clear() self.obsTb.line_list_wdgt.addItems(line_items) self.obsTb.line_list_wdgt.setCurrentRow(0) self.obsTb.line_newRecButton.setEnabled(False) self.obsTb.line_saveButton.setEnabled(True) self.obsTb.line_saveButton.setText('Edit line(s)') self.obsTb.line_saveButton.setIcon(QIcon('icons/edit.png')) zone_items = [] for zone in q_zone: if zone.type != None: zoneType = else: zoneType = None gItmGroup = self.generate_itemGroup( [point.x for point in zone.points], [point.y for point in zone.points], str(zone.idx), zoneType) self.gScene.addItem(gItmGroup) zone_items.append(str(zone.idx)) self.obsTb.zone_list_wdgt.clear() self.obsTb.zone_list_wdgt.addItems(zone_items) self.obsTb.zone_list_wdgt.setCurrentRow(0) self.obsTb.zone_newRecButton.setEnabled(False) self.obsTb.zone_saveButton.setEnabled(True) self.obsTb.zone_saveButton.setText('Edit zone(s)') self.obsTb.zone_saveButton.setIcon(QIcon('icons/edit.png'))
def dialog_critical(self, s): dlg = QMessageBox(self) dlg.setText(s) dlg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical)