コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: SamSchott/maestral-qt
def native_item_icon(item_path):
    """Returns the system icon for the given file or folder. If there is no item at the
    given path, the systems default file icon will be returned.

    :param str item_path: Path to local item.
    while not osp.exists(item_path):
        # We create a temporary file with the given extension to get the correct icon
        # this is necessary because QFileIconProvider has no API to get an icon for a
        # file extension.
        _, extension = osp.splitext(item_path)
            item_path = _tmp_file_for_ext[extension]
        except KeyError:
            tmp_file = QtCore.QTemporaryFile(
                osp.join(QtCore.QDir.tempPath(), f"XXXXXX{extension}"))
            # open and close to create

            item_path = tmp_file.fileName()
            _tmp_file_for_ext[extension] = item_path

    return _icon_provider.icon(QtCore.QFileInfo(item_path))
コード例 #2
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: SamSchott/maestral-qt
def native_file_icon():
    """Returns the system's default file icon."""
    # use a real file here because Qt may otherwise
    # return the wrong folder icon in some cases
    return _icon_provider.icon(QtCore.QFileInfo(resource_path("file")))
コード例 #3
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: SamSchott/maestral-qt
def native_folder_icon():
    """Returns the system's default folder icon."""
    # use a real folder here because Qt may otherwise
    # return the wrong folder icon in some cases
    return _icon_provider.icon(QtCore.QFileInfo("/usr"))