def test_spin_up(plot=False): # Arrange Setup.n_steps = 20 Setup.outfreq = 1 setup = Setup() for key in setup.processes.keys(): setup.processes[key] = False setup.processes["condensation"] = True setup.processes["fluid advection"] = True storage = DummyStorage() simulation = Simulation(setup, storage) simulation.reinit() # Act # Plot if plot: levels = np.arange(setup.grid[1]) for step, datum in storage.profiles.items(): pyplot.plot(datum["qv"], levels, label=str(step)) pyplot.legend() # Assert step_num = len(storage.profiles) - 1 for step in range(step_num): next = storage.profiles[step + Setup.outfreq]["qv"] prev = storage.profiles[step]["qv"] eps = 1e-5 assert ((prev + eps) >= next).all() assert storage.profiles[step_num]["qv"][-1] < 7.
def test_environment(plot=False): # Arrange setup = Setup() setup.n_steps = -1 simulation = Simulation(setup, None) simulation.reinit() # Act rhod = setup.backend.to_ndarray(simulation.particles.environment["rhod"]).reshape(setup.grid) # Plot if plot: fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(1, 1) plotter.image(ax, rhod, setup.size, label='rho_d [kg/m^3]') # Assert - same in all columns for column in range(setup.grid[0]): np.testing.assert_array_equal( rhod[column, :], rhod[0, :] ) # Assert - decreasing with altitude rhod_below = 2 * si.kilograms / si.metre**3 for level in range(setup.grid[1]): rhod_above = rhod[0, level] assert rhod_above < rhod_below rhod_below = rhod_above
def test_single_timestep(): # Arrange setup = Setup() setup.n_steps = 1 simulation = Simulation(setup, DummyStorage()) simulation.reinit() # Act
def test_single_timestep(): # Arrange Setup.n_steps = 1 Setup.outfreq = 1 setup = Setup() for key in setup.processes.keys(): setup.processes[key] = True setup.processes["condensation"] = True setup.processes["relaxation"] = False simulation = Simulation(setup, DummyStorage()) simulation.reinit() # Act
def test_export(): # Arrange setup = Setup() setup.n_steps = 1 setup.outfreq = 1 storage = Storage() simulator = Simulation(setup, storage) sut = netCDF(storage, setup, simulator) controller = DummyController() simulator.reinit() # Act
def main(): setup = Setup() setup.grid = (75, 75) setup.steps = [1] + list(range(10, 100, 10)) #[100, 3600] setup.processes = { "advection": True, "coalescence": True, "condensation": True } setup.condensation_dt_max = .2 n_sd = range(50, 51, 10) times = {} for parallel in (False, ): PySDM.backends.numba.conf.NUMBA_PARALLEL = parallel reload_backend() for method in ('local', ): key = f"{method} (parallel={parallel})" times[key] = [] for sd in n_sd: setup.n_sd_per_gridbox = sd storage = Storage() simulation = Simulation(setup, storage) # simulation.particles.croupier = method stats = times[key].append(stats.wall_times[-1]) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt for method, t in times.items(): plt.plot(n_sd, t, label=method) plt.legend() plt.loglog()
def main(): with np.errstate(all='ignore'): setup = Setup() setup.n_sd_per_gridbox = 25 setup.grid = (25, 25) setup.processes["coalescence"] = True setup.processes["condensation"] = True setup.condensation_rtol_lnv = 1e-8 setup.condensation_rtol_thd = 1e-8 setup.mpdata_iters = 2 storage = Storage() simulation = Simulation(setup, storage) simulation.reinit()
def test_environment(): # Arrange setup = Setup() setup.n_steps = -1 simulation = Simulation(setup, None) simulation.reinit() # Act rhod = simulation.core.environment["rhod"].to_ndarray().reshape(setup.grid) # Assert - same in all columns for column in range(setup.grid[0]): np.testing.assert_array_equal(rhod[column, :], rhod[0, :]) # Assert - decreasing with altitude rhod_below = 2 * si.kilograms / si.metre**3 for level in range(setup.grid[1]): rhod_above = rhod[0, level] assert rhod_above < rhod_below rhod_below = rhod_above
def test_initialisation(plot=False): # TODO: seed as a part of setup? setup = Setup() setup.n_steps = -1 setup.grid = (10, 5) setup.n_sd_per_gridbox = 2000 simulation = Simulation(setup, None) n_bins = 32 n_levels = setup.grid[1] n_cell = n_moments = 1 v_bins = np.logspace((np.log10(phys.volume(radius=setup.r_min))), (np.log10(phys.volume(radius=10 * setup.r_max))), num=n_bins, endpoint=True) r_bins = phys.radius(volume=v_bins) histogram_dry = np.empty((len(r_bins) - 1, n_levels)) histogram_wet = np.empty_like(histogram_dry) moment_0 = setup.backend.array(n_cell, dtype=int) moments = setup.backend.array((n_moments, n_cell), dtype=float) tmp = np.empty(n_cell) simulation.reinit() # Act (moments) particles = simulation.particles environment = simulation.particles.environment rhod = setup.backend.to_ndarray(environment["rhod"]).reshape( setup.grid).mean(axis=0) for i in range(len(histogram_dry)): particles.state.moments(moment_0, moments, specs={}, attr_name='dry volume', attr_range=(v_bins[i], v_bins[i + 1])), tmp) histogram_dry[i, :] = tmp.reshape( setup.grid).sum(axis=0) / (particles.mesh.dv * setup.grid[0]) particles.state.moments(moment_0, moments, specs={}, attr_name='volume', attr_range=(v_bins[i], v_bins[i + 1])), tmp) histogram_wet[i, :] = tmp.reshape( setup.grid).sum(axis=0) / (particles.mesh.dv * setup.grid[0]) # Plot if plot: for level in range(0, n_levels): color = str(.5 * (2 + (level / (n_levels - 1)))) pyplot.step(r_bins[:-1] * si.metres / si.micrometres, histogram_dry[:, level] / si.metre**3 * si.centimetre**3, where='post', color=color, label="level " + str(level)) pyplot.step(r_bins[:-1] * si.metres / si.micrometres, histogram_wet[:, level] / si.metre**3 * si.centimetre**3, where='post', color=color, linestyle='--') pyplot.grid() pyplot.xscale('log') pyplot.xlabel('particle radius [µm]') pyplot.ylabel('concentration per bin [cm^{-3}]') pyplot.legend() # Assert - location of maximum for level in range(n_levels): real_max = setup.spectrum_per_mass_of_dry_air.distribution_params[2] idx_max_dry = np.argmax(histogram_dry[:, level]) idx_max_wet = np.argmax(histogram_wet[:, level]) assert r_bins[idx_max_dry] < real_max < r_bins[idx_max_dry + 1] assert idx_max_dry < idx_max_wet # Assert - total number for level in reversed(range(n_levels)): mass_conc_dry = np.sum(histogram_dry[:, level]) / rhod[level] mass_conc_wet = np.sum(histogram_wet[:, level]) / rhod[level] mass_conc_STP = setup.spectrum_per_mass_of_dry_air.norm_factor assert .5 * mass_conc_STP < mass_conc_dry < 1.5 * mass_conc_STP np.testing.assert_approx_equal(mass_conc_dry, mass_conc_wet) # Assert - decreasing number density total_above = 0 for level in reversed(range(n_levels)): total_below = np.sum(histogram_dry[:, level]) assert total_below > total_above total_above = total_below