def doActionAbout(self): f = open(os.path.join(GURU_ROOT, 'guru', 'guru_about.html')) file_contents = message_text = file_contents % (platform.python_version(), QT_VERSION_STR, PYSIDE_VERSION_STR, platform.system()) QMessageBox.about(self, "About Guru", message_text)
def check_barcode(self, txt): if len(txt) == self.edBarcode.maxLength(): db = Db_Instance("obook_barcode_search").get_instance() try: if query = QSqlQuery(db) query.prepare("SELECT * FROM book WHERE barcode = :barcode") query.bindValue(":barcode", txt) query.exec_() if self.add_book_from_record(query.record()) self.edBarcode.clear() else: raise RecordNotFoundException else: raise DbUnavailableException except RecordNotFoundException: message = unicode("Código de barra inválido!\n\n""" "O código informado não corresponde a nenhum livro cadastrado".decode('utf-8')) QMessageBox.critical(self, "Seareiros - Livraria", message) except DbUnavailableException: self.log.error(db.lastError().text()) message = unicode("Erro de conexão\n\n""Banco de dados indisponível".decode('utf-8')) QMessageBox.critical(self, "Seareiros - Livraria", message) self.edBarcode.setFocus()
def doActionSageServer(self): server_list_dialog = ServerListDlg(self) #Get a reference to the WorksheetController associated to this window. wsc = self.webViewController().worksheet_controller #Select the server associated to this window, if there is one. if wsc and wsc.server_configuration: server_list_dialog.selectServer(wsc.server_configuration) #Show the dialog. server_list_dialog.exec_() #It's possible that the user will delete all of the servers. It's not clear how to cleanly handle this case. #We choose to give the user a choice to fix the situation. while not ServerConfigurations.server_list: #No servers? message_text = "Guru needs a Sage server configured in order to evaluate cells. " \ "Add a Sage server configuration in the server configuration dialog?" response = QMessageBox.question(self, "Sage Not Configured", message_text, QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No) if response == QMessageBox.No: return server_list_dialog.exec_() #Execution only reaches this point if there exists a server. server_name = server_list_dialog.ServerListView.currentItem().text() if wsc: new_config = ServerConfigurations.getServerByName(server_name) try: wsc.useServerConfiguration(new_config) except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error Switching Servers", "Could not switch servers:\n%s" % e.message)
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.serviceProvider = 0 self.popupMenu = None self.mapControlButtons = [] self.mapControlTypes = [] self.markerObjects = [] self.setWindowTitle('Map Viewer Demo')) self.routingManager = None self.mapManager = None self.mapWidget = None self.markerIcon = None self.slider = None manager = QNetworkConfigurationManager() canStartIAP = manager.capabilities() & QNetworkConfigurationManager.CanStartAndStopInterfaces configuration = manager.defaultConfiguration() if not configuration.isValid or (not canStartIAP and configuration.starte() != QNetworkConfiguration.Active): QMessageBox.information(self,'Map Viewer Demo'),'Available Access Points not found.')) return self.session = QNetworkSession(configuration, self) self.session.opened.connect(self.networkSessionOpened) self.session.error.connect(self.error) self.session.waitForOpened() self.setProvider('nokia') self.setupUi()
def on_addTagsButton_clicked(self): if len(self.tagsInput.text()) == 0: QMessageBox.critical(self, u'错误', u'请至少输入一个类别') else: tags = set(self.tagsInput.text().split()) self.selectedTag.addItems(list(tags-set(self.tags))) self.tags.extend(tags)
def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): super().mouseReleaseEvent(event) pos = event.pos() x, y = pos.x() // self.cell_size, pos.y() // self.cell_size # Нельзя изменять дефолтную ячейку try: if not self.def_num_matrix[x][y]: if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: self.matrix[x][y] = self.matrix[x][y] + 1 if self.matrix[x][y] < 9 else 0 elif event.button() == Qt.RightButton: self.matrix[x][y] = self.matrix[x][y] - 1 if self.matrix[x][y] > 0 else 9 elif event.button() == Qt.MiddleButton: self.matrix[x][y] = 0 # Получим список решения этой судоку for solution in self.sudoku_solutions: if solution == self.matrix: QMessageBox.information(None, 'Победа', 'Совпало, мать его!') break self.update() except IndexError: pass
def importNominalPositions(self): fn, filt = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open Excel File", "", "Excel Files(*.xls)") if not fn: return try: wb = xlrd.open_workbook(fn) except: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Invalid Excel file", "Pyrite could not " "parse the selected Excel file. Make sure it is the .xls not " ".xlsx format.") return dlg = ExcelRegionSelector(self, wb.sheet_names()) dlg.exec_() if dlg.result() != QDialog.Accepted: return xRow = dlg.xRow xCol = dlg.xCol yRow = dlg.yRow yCol = dlg.yCol count = dlg.count sheetName = dlg.sheetName sheet = wb.sheet_by_name(sheetName) # load the nominal positions for i in range(count): pos = (float(sheet.cell(xRow + i, xCol).value), float(sheet.cell(yRow + i, yCol).value)) self._nominalData.append(pos) self._nominalDataLoaded = True self.updateNominalPositionPreview() self.updateGenerateEnabled()
def create_window(window_class, **kwargs): """Create a QT window in Python, or interactively in IPython with QT GUI event loop integration. """ global app app = get_app_qt4(sys.argv) app.references = set() net = None fname = None if len(sys.argv) > 1: fname = sys.argv[1] if os.path.exists(fname): net = read_pickle(fname) else: QMessageBox.critical( None, "Error opening file %s", fname, QMessageBox.Ok, QMessageBox.NoButton) window = window_class(net, fname) app.references.add(window) start_event_loop_qt4(app) return window
def _isCloseOk(self): doc = self.document if doc.saved: return True else: # current document has unsaved changes if doc.filePath is None: prefix = 'This document' else: fileName = os.path.basename(doc.filePath) prefix = 'The document "{:s}"'.format(fileName) box = QMessageBox() box.setText(prefix + ' has unsaved changes.') box.setInformativeText('Would you like to save them before closing?') box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Save | QMessageBox.Discard | QMessageBox.Cancel) box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Save) result = box.exec_() if result == QMessageBox.Save: return self._onSave() elif result == QMessageBox.Cancel: return False else: return True
def fetched_usages(self, reply): self.updateButton.setEnabled(True) self.progressBar.setHidden(True) if reply.error() == QNetworkReply.NoError: if not self.usage_model.parse(str(reply.readAll())): title = "Parsing error" message = self.usage_model.error else: title = None self.tree_model.deleteLater() self.tree_model = TreeModel(self.usage_model.usage) self.treeView.setModel(self.tree_model) self.show_lastupdate() self.write_usage() elif reply.error() in [QNetworkReply.AuthenticationRequiredError, QNetworkReply.ContentAccessDenied]: title = "Authentication error" message = "Please check your account credentials." else: title = "An error occured" message = reply.errorString() \ + ".\nPlease check your internet connection." if title: QMessageBox.critical(self, title, message) reply.deleteLater()
def merge_pdf(destination=None, pdf_files=None): try: output = PdfFileWriter() inputs = [] for pdf_file in pdf_files: reader_pdf_file = PdfFileReader(open(pdf_file, 'rb')) inputs.append(reader_pdf_file) for input_pdf in inputs: for page in input_pdf.pages: output.addPage(page) output_stream = open(destination, 'wb') output.write(output_stream) output_stream.close # merger = PdfFileMerger() # for pdf_file in pdf_files: # merger.append(open(pdf_file, 'rb')) # merger.write(open(destination), 'wb') QMessageBox.information(main, 'Success!', 'PDFs have been merged to ' + destination ) except: QMessageBox.critical(main, 'Error!', 'Critical error occured.\n\n%s' % traceback.format_exc())
def beginScan(self): global infectionsList global infectedFiles global infectionsList self._theMainWindow.theScan.theScanProgress.theShowScanResults.tableWidget.clear() self.isCleanScan = False global scanPath global abnormalTermination global scanParameters self.getScanSettings() infectedFiles = [] infectionsList = [] abnormalTermination = 0 self._theMainWindow.theScan.theScanProgress.btnExitScan.setText(langmodule.terminateScan) #print("Scan path is: " + str(scanPath)) if scanPath == None: QMessageBox.information(None, langmodule.attention, langmodule.noFilesChosen, QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Default, QMessageBox.NoButton) return -1 # preparing to start scan in a new thread self.theScanWorker = utilities.scanWorker(scanPath, scanParameters) #self.theScanWorker.finished.connect(self.onScanFinish) self.theScanWorker.sigWriteScan.connect(self.printToWidget) self.theScanWorker.sigScanTerminated.connect(self.onScanFinish) self._theMainWindow.theScan.theScanProgress.textScanProg.clear() self.theScanWorker.start() #preparing to store scan event in a new thread self.theSQLITEWorker = utilities.sqliteWorker() self.theSQLITEWorker.finished.connect(self.onSQLiteFinish)
def insert(self): p = self.aFileModel.insert() if p: msgDuplBox = QMessageBox() msgDuplBox.setText('\n'.join(p) + "\n\n...file(s) already being tracked.") msgDuplBox.exec_()
def handleMainWindowEmits(self, param): #print(param) if param == "SCAN": self._theMainWindow.theScan.clear() self._theMainWindow.theScan.theSelect.clear() elif param == "UPDATE": elif param == "HISTORY": # populating combo boxes availMal = utilities.populateMalware() modelMalware = utilities.malwareModel(availMal) self._theMainWindow.theHistory.comMalware.setModel(modelMalware) availDBs = utilities.populateVirusDBs() modelDBs = utilities.virusDBModel(availDBs) #populating date fields self.curDateList ='-') self.curQDate = QDate(int(self.curDateList[0]), int(self.curDateList[1]), int(self.curDateList[2])) self._theMainWindow.theHistory.comStartDate.setDate(self.curQDate ) self._theMainWindow.theHistory.comEndDate.setDate(self.curQDate ) self._theMainWindow.theHistory.comDatabase.setModel(modelDBs) else: QMessageBox.critical(None, langmodule.attention, langmodule.applicationError, QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Default, QMessageBox.NoButton)
def do_it(self): QMessageBox.information( self, 'Do it!', 'The input was {0}'.format(self.edit.text())) number = float(self.edit.text()) QMessageBox.information( self, 'Do it!', 'Convert to a double and add something: ' '{0} + 2.5 = {1}'.format(number, number+2.5))
def convert(self): ''' Converts the input file and writes to the output file. ''' input_path = self.input_path.text() # Should be set below when opening input the file. output_path = self.output_path.text() try: input_path, output_path = validate(input_path, output_path) except OutputExistsError as e: # E128 Technically this should be indented more, but I feel that # hurts readability in this case. overwrite = QMessageBox.warning(self,'JWPCE conversion'),'The output file already exits. Overwrite it?'), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) # noqa: E128 if overwrite == QMessageBox.No: return except ValidateError as e: QMessageBox.warning(self,'JWPCE conversion'),, QMessageBox.Ok) return # TODO - add in some kind of progress indicator? contents = read_file(input_path) write_file(output_path, contents) QMessageBox.information(self,'JWPCE conversion'),'The conversion is complete.'), QMessageBox.Ok)
def tratarRetornoModem(iRetorno, Janela): RetornoMetodo = '' if (iRetorno == 0): RetornoMetodo = 'Tratamento de Retorno - DarumaFramework Python/Qt','Retorno 0 - Erro de comunicação, não foi possível enviar o método.' elif (iRetorno == 1): RetornoMetodo = 'Tratamento de Retorno - DarumaFramework Python/Qt','Retorno 1 - Operação realizada com sucesso!!' elif (iRetorno == -1): RetornoMetodo = 'Tratamento de Retorno - DarumaFramework Python/Qt','Retorno -1 - Erro na comunicação da serial.' elif (iRetorno == -2): RetornoMetodo = 'Tratamento de Retorno - DarumaFramework Python/Qt','Retorno -2 - Modem retornou erro.' elif (iRetorno == -3): RetornoMetodo = 'Tratamento de Retorno - DarumaFramework Python/Qt','Retorno -3 - Modem retornou caractere(s) inválido(s).' elif (iRetorno == -4): RetornoMetodo = 'Tratamento de Retorno - DarumaFramework Python/Qt','Retorno -4 - Modem não conectado na rede GSM.' elif (iRetorno == -5): RetornoMetodo = 'Tratamento de Retorno - DarumaFramework Python/Qt','Retorno -5 - Modem retornou NO CARRIER.' elif (iRetorno == -6): RetornoMetodo = 'Tratamento de Retorno - DarumaFramework Python/Qt','Retorno -6 - Modem retornou NO DIALTONE.' elif (iRetorno == -7): RetornoMetodo = 'Tratamento de Retorno - DarumaFramework Python/Qt','Retorno -7 - Modem retornou BUSY.' if (iRetorno > 1): QMessageBox.information(Janela,'Tratamento de Retorno - DarumaFramework Python/Qt',' O nivel de sinal é: ' + str(iRetorno)) else: QMessageBox.information(Janela, 'Tratamento Retorno - Genérico','Retorno do Método: ' + str(RetornoMetodo))
def onAbout(self): aboutMsg = 'TFTP Until Dinner\n\nCopyright Huw Lewis 2014' aboutMsg += '\n\nA TFTP Server implemented in Python; User interface in Qt and PySide (LGPL)' aboutMsg += '\n\nLicensed under MIT license. See' aboutMsg += '\n\ntftpudGui:' aboutMsg += "\nTftpud:" QMessageBox.about(self, 'TFTPUD', aboutMsg)
def extractToText(self): try: now ='T') filename='scanLog_' + now[0][0:10] + '_' + now[1][0:8] + '.txt' flags = QFileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks | QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly folder = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self._theMainWindow.theHistory.theResults, langmodule.chooseFolderToStoreText, homeDir, flags) print(filename) print(manager._resultsToPrint) path = folder + '/' + filename with open(path, 'w') as file: file.write(langmodule.userTitle + '\t\t\t' + langmodule.noOfResultsTitle + '\t\t' + langmodule.scanDateTimeTitle + '\n') # linux specific newline - not portable! file.write("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + '\n') # linux specific newline - not portable! for inlist in manager._resultsToPrint: file.write(inlist[0] + '\t\t\t') file.write(inlist[1] + '\t\t\t\t\t') file.write(inlist[2] + '\n') # linux specific newline - not portable! file.close() except IOError as error: print(str(error)[0:13]) if "Permission denied" in str(error): QMessageBox.critical(None, langmodule.attention, langmodule.noAccessRightsInFolder, QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Default, QMessageBox.NoButton) except Exception: QMessageBox.critical(None, langmodule.attention, langmodule.errorStoringFile, QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Default, QMessageBox.NoButton)
def addServer(self): dialog = EditSageServerDlg(self) name_collision = True #The while loop needs to run at least once. while name_collision: if not dialog.exec_(): #The user clicked cancel. return #Fetch the data. new_server = dialog.getServerConfiguration() #Check to see if the name is in use. name_collision = ServerConfigurations.getServerByName(new_server["name"]) #If the user set the name to a new name that is already in use, name_collision will #not be None. The loop will continue and the dialog reopened. if name_collision: #The name is already in use. QMessageBox.critical(self, "Name already exists", "A server configuration already exists with that name. Choose a different name.") dialog.txtName.selectAll() dialog.txtName.setFocus() #Add the server configuration to the list. ServerConfigurations.addServer(new_server) item = QListWidgetItem(new_server["name"], self.ServerListView) self.ServerListView.setCurrentItem(item) if new_server["default"]: self.updateListViewDefault()
def delete(self): if(self.get_item(self.tree.currentItem()).parent == None): QMessageBox.warning(None, 'cannot delete the root node', 'cannot delete the root node') return delete(self.get_item(self.tree.currentItem())) self.tree.currentItem().parent().removeChild(self.tree.currentItem())
def startApplication(self): self.m_server = QLocalServer() if self.m_server.listen(self.applicationName()): self.m_server.newConnection.connect(self.getNewConnection) else: QMessageBox.critical(None,"Error"),"Error listening the socket."))
def about(self): app = QApplication.instance() args = {'name': app.applicationName(), 'version': app.applicationVersion()} title = self.trUtf8(b'{name} {version}').format(**args) text = self.trUtf8("""\ <h1>{name} {version}</h1> <p>An trivial text editor implemented in Qt</p> <p>Copyright © 2011 <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Sebastian Wiesner</a></p> <p>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:<p> <ul><li>The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.</li></ul> <p><strong>The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.</strong></p>""").format(**args) QMessageBox.about(self, title, text)
def change_auth(self): if msgBox = QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Critical,"You are trying to remove authorisation"),""" Are you sure want to remove authoristion? It remove all not synced changes! """.strip()), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No ) ret = msgBox.exec_() if ret == QMessageBox.Yes: self.update_tabs() else: self.ui.tabWidget.hide() consumer = oauth.Consumer(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET) client = oauth.Client(consumer, proxy_info=get_oauth_proxy('https')) resp, content = client.request( 'https://%s/oauth?oauth_callback=' % HOST + urllib.quote('http://everpad/'), 'GET') data = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(content)) url = 'http://%s/OAuth.action?oauth_token=' % HOST + urllib.quote(data['oauth_token']) page = AuthPage( data['oauth_token'], data['oauth_token_secret'], self, ) self.ui.webView.setPage(page) page.mainFrame().load(url)
def saveRecord(self, where): ''' Method saves the current row in the self.mapper and moves the data model cursor to a given location. ''' if self.sppLineEdit.text() == "": QMessageBox.warning(self, "Warning", "You must enter a species name!", QMessageBox.Ok) return # Get the current index and submit changes to the underlying model row = self.mapper.currentIndex() self.mapper.submit() # Move the data model cursor to a given location if where == ObservationDialog.FIRST: row = 0 elif where == ObservationDialog.PREV: row = 0 if row <= 1 else row - 1 elif where == ObservationDialog.NEXT: row += 1 if row >= self.model.rowCount(): row = self.model.rowCount() - 1 elif where == ObservationDialog.LAST: row = self.model.rowCount() - 1 self.mapper.setCurrentIndex(row)
def accept(self): = self.accountNameEdit.text() username = self.usernameEdit.text() password = self.passwordEdit.text() if not all([username, password]): QMessageBox.critical(self, "Username & Password", "Both the username and password are required.") if not username: self.usernameEdit.setFocus() else: self.passwordEdit.setFocus() return self.model.username = username self.model.password = password try: self.model.capKB = int(self.capEdit.text() or 0) except ValueError: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Invalid value", "Please enter a number in KB for the capacity.") self.capEdit.setFocus() return self.model.start = self.model.end = super(AccountDialog, self).accept()
def fileUnlockedEvent(self, success, decryptedFileName): if success == 'True': QMessageBox.information(self, __appname__, "File Unlocked Successfully.") else: os.remove(decryptedFileName) EncryptedFile.replaceWithUnlockDialog(EncryptedFile.CALLER_LOCATION, decryptedFileName) QMessageBox.information(self, __appname__, "Wrong password. Couldn't unlock file.")
def loadFile(self, file_name): #Which MainWindow object we create the new worksheet in depends on if loadFile() #is fired on a welcome page or not. Returns True on success. if self.isWelcome: #Use the current MainWindow object to create the worksheet. self.hideWelcome() #Set the working filename self.file_name = file_name #We set the window title. self.setUniqueWindowTitle() #Open the worksheet in the webView. try: self.webViewController().openWorksheetFile(file_name) except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(self, "File Open Error", "Could not open the file:\n%s" % e.message) self.showWelcome() return False #Set the dirty flag handler. self.dirty(False) self.connectWorksheetSignals() self.updateRecentFilesMenu() else: #Create a new MainWindow object to use for the new worksheet. main_window = MainWindow(file_name=file_name) main_window.activateWindow() main_window.raise_() return True
def fileLockedEvent(self, fileName): msgSuccess = "{0} locked successfully.".format(fileName) QMessageBox.information(self, __appname__, msgSuccess) self.lockButton.setText("Lock EXE") self.lockButton.setEnabled(True) self.groupBox.setEnabled(True) self.step1GroupBox.setEnabled(True)
def showStatusPopup(self): msgBox = QMessageBox( self.status.boxIcon, "System status", '<span style="color: white;">' + self.status.message + '</span>' ) msgBox.exec_()
def deploySelectedTemplates(self, connect_after=False): '''Deploys machines using the selected templates''' templates = [] for item in self._mywindow.lv_templates.selectedItems(): templates.append(item.text()) if len(templates) == 0: QMessageBox.warning(self._mywindow, "Template", "Please select a template to deploy") return comment = self._mywindow.le_comment.text() expires = int(self._mywindow.le_expires.text()) host = resolveHost(self._mywindow.cb_blades.currentText()) self.deployTemplates(templates, comment, expires, host, connect_after)
def okToContinue(self): """ Checks if it is ok to close the application. The user will be prompted to save files. @return: True, if it is ok to continue (e.g. close the app); False, otherwise @rtype: bool @todo: Make a smart save dialog to allow the user to save only certain files. """ dirtyFilenames = [] for filename, networkController in self.ModelControllers.items(): if networkController.Dirty: dirtyFilenames.append( networkController.filename) # we don't use the filename key because it might be outdated if len(dirtyFilenames) == 0: #nothing to save return True reply = QMessageBox.question(self, "BioParkin - Unsaved Changes", "Unsaved changes in these files:\n\n%s\n\nDo you want to save them?" % "\n".join( dirtyFilenames), buttons=QMessageBox.SaveAll | QMessageBox.Discard | QMessageBox.Cancel) if reply == QMessageBox.Cancel: return False elif reply == QMessageBox.SaveAll: for networkController in self.ModelControllers: if networkController.Dirty: return True
def accept(self): """ Commit the input and dispose the dialog. """ path = self.path.text() if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) path += "/" path += path += ".kif" path = os.path.normpath(path) # create the ontology file. try: with open(path, 'x') as f: f.close() except FileExistsError: ret = QMessageBox.warning( self, "The ontology file already exists.", "Do you want to override the existing ontology file?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) if ret == QMessageBox.Yes: with open(path, 'w') as f: f.close() elif ret == QMessageBox.No: return else: raise RuntimeError ontology = Ontology(path,, url=self.url.text()) # download the ontology (user must save to store ontology on disk) updater.update( ontology, lambda x: self.parent().addOntology( ontology, newversion=x.getvalue().decode('utf8'))) super(OpenRemoteOntologyDialog, self).accept()
def __connectHttpServer(self): retCode = True retCode &= not self.leGraylogIP.text() retCode &= not self.leGraylogPort.text() if (not retCode): self.view.load( QUrl("http://" + self.leGraylogIP.text() + ":" + self.leGraylogHttpPort.text() + "/dashboards/59ef8317ac4207031e41f294")) else: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Error", "Please, fill Graylog IP and Http Port before connect!", QMessageBox.Ok)
def deleteXRef(self): widget = QApplication.focusWidget() self.state.maybeSave() item = self.state.entryPanel.xrefList.currentItem() if item is not None: xref = Xix.Util.xref_for_data( from_term = self.state.model.term(xref.from_eid) kind = "see" if xref.kind is XrefKind.SEE else "see also" if xref.kind in {XrefKind.SEE, XrefKind.SEE_ALSO}: term = self.state.model.term(xref.to_eid) elif xref.kind in { XrefKind.SEE_GENERIC, XrefKind.SEE_ALSO_GENERIC }: term = xref.term kind += " (generic)" with Lib.Qt.DisableUI(*self.window.widgets(), forModalDialog=True): reply = QMessageBox.question( self.window, "Delete Cross-reference — {}".format( QApplication.applicationName()), "<p>Delete cross-reference from<br>“{}” to {} “{}”?". format(from_term, kind, term), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.Yes) if reply == QMessageBox.Yes: if xref.kind in {XrefKind.SEE, XrefKind.SEE_ALSO}: self.state.model.deleteXRef(xref.from_eid, xref.to_eid, xref.kind) elif xref.kind in { XrefKind.SEE_GENERIC, XrefKind.SEE_ALSO_GENERIC }: self.state.model.deleteGenericXRef(xref.from_eid, xref.term, xref.kind) Lib.restoreFocus(widget)
def msgApp(self, title, msg): uinfo = QMessageBox.question(self, title, msg, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if uinfo == QMessageBox.Yes: return 'y' if uinfo == QMessageBox.No: return 'n'
def remove(self, res): """Remove resource""" msg_box = QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Critical,"ResourceEdit", "Delete Resource"),"ResourceEdit", "Are you sure want to delete this resource?"), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) ret = msg_box.exec_() if ret == QMessageBox.Yes: self._resources.remove(res) self._resource_labels[res].hide() del self._resource_labels[res] self.on_change() if not self._resources: self.widget.hide()
def accept(self): """ Commit the input and dispose the dialog. """ path = self.ontologyPath.text() if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) path = ''.join([path, '/', self.ontologyName.text(), '.kif']) path = os.path.normpath(path) # create the ontology file. try: with open(path, 'x') as f: f.close() except FileExistsError: ret = QMessageBox.warning( self, "The ontology file already exists.", "Do you want to override the existing ontology file?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) if ret == QMessageBox.Yes: with open(path, 'w') as f: f.close() elif ret == QMessageBox.No: return else: raise RuntimeError ontology = Ontology(path, name=self.ontologyName.text()) self.parent().addOntology(ontology) super(NewOntologyDialog, self).accept()
def close(self): msg = QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Critical,"Close without Saving"),"Are you sure want to close this note without saving?"), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if not self.touched or msg.exec_() == QMessageBox.Yes: self.hide() self.closed = True "note-geometry-%d" %, self.saveGeometry(), ) "note-geometry-default", self.saveGeometry(), )
def confirmToRemove(self, txt): question = QMessageBox.question(self, "Remove", "Remove '{0}'?".format(txt), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.Default, QMessageBox.No) return question == QMessageBox.Yes
def getItemSlotMapping(self): qfile = QtCore.QFile(":db/slotMap.csv") items = {} if | QtCore.QIODevice.Text): data = qfile.readAll() content = StringIO.StringIO(data) reader = csv.reader(content, delimiter=',') for row in reader: items[row[0].decode('utf-8')] = row[1].decode('utf-8') return items QMessageBox.critical(None, 'Database Failure', 'Failed to read item mappings from database', QMessageBox.Ok) self.stop()
def delete(self): # No need to restore focus widget row = self.listWidget.currentRow() item = self.listWidget.item(row) if item is None: return gid = for button in self.buttons: button.setEnabled(False) deleteItem = False if (not self.state.model.isLinkedGroup(gid) or not self.state.model.groupMemberCount(gid)): with Lib.Qt.DisableUI(self, forModalDialog=True): reply = QMessageBox.question( self, "Delete Group — {}".format(QApplication.applicationName()), "<p>Delete Group “{}”?</p>".format(item.text()), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if reply == QMessageBox.Yes: self.state.model.deleteGroup(gid) deleteItem = True else: with Lib.Qt.DisableUI(self, forModalDialog=True): form = Forms.DeleteOrUnlink.Form("Delete", gid, self.state, self) deleteItem = form.exec_() if deleteItem: item = self.listWidget.takeItem(row) del item self.updateUi()
def on_pushButtonEnviar_clicked(self): # Definiçao do Tamanho do Vetor de Recebimento da informação cStatus = create_string_buffer(100) iIndice = self.lineEditIndice.text().toInt() # Execuçao do Método de Retorno da Informação # trataRetorno( rConsultaStatusImpressoraStr_ECF_Daruma(iIndice, cStatus) #)) # Devolve o retorno da DLL para o campo de texto QMessageBox.information( self, "DarumaFramework - Python/Qt", "Indice: " + str(iIndice) + " Status: " + str(cStatus))
def remove(self, res): """Remove resource""" msg_box = QMessageBox( QMessageBox.Critical,"You try to delete resource"),"Are you sure want to delete this resource?"), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No ) ret = msg_box.exec_() if ret == QMessageBox.Yes: self._resources.remove(res) self._resource_labels[res].hide() del self._resource_labels[res] self.on_change() if not self._resources: self.widget.hide()
def okRead(self): 'Pop-up a warning message.' reply = QMessageBox.warning(self, "Warning", '''\nFile Open and Save is possible only in Data Page! \n\(Use SaveAs for Solution Page)''', QMessageBox.Ok) return True
def addEntry(self, name=None, address=None): """ Add an entry to the addressbook. """ if name is None and address is None: addDialog = AddDialogWidget() if addDialog.exec_(): name = address = addDialog.address address = {"name": name, "address": address} addresses = self.tableModel.addresses[:] # The QT docs for this example state that what we're doing here # is checking if the entered name already exists. What they # (and we here) are actually doing is checking if the whole # name/address pair exists already - ok for the purposes of this # example, but obviously not how a real addressbook application # should behave. try: addresses.remove(address) QMessageBox.information(self, "Duplicate Name", "The name \"%s\" already exists." % name) except ValueError: # The address didn't already exist, so let's add it to the model. # Step 1: create the row self.tableModel.insertRows(0) # Step 2: get the index of the newly created row and use it. # to set the name ix = self.tableModel.index(0, 0, QModelIndex()) self.tableModel.setData(ix, address["name"], Qt.EditRole) # Step 3: lather, rinse, repeat for the address. ix = self.tableModel.index(0, 1, QModelIndex()) self.tableModel.setData(ix, address["address"], Qt.EditRole) # Remove the newAddressTab, as we now have at least one # address in the model. self.removeTab(self.indexOf(self.newAddressTab)) # The screenshot for the QT example shows nicely formatted # multiline cells, but the actual application doesn't behave # quite so nicely, at least on Ubuntu. Here we resize the newly # created row so that multiline addresses look reasonable. tableView = self.currentWidget() tableView.resizeRowToContents(ix.row())
def save(self, filename=None): filename = filename or self.currentFilename if not filename: raise ValueError() try: encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() with open(filename, 'w', encoding=encoding) as stream: stream.write(self.editor.toPlainText()) except EnvironmentError as error: QMessageBox.critical(self, self.trUtf8(b'Save file'), self.trUtf8( b'Could not save <tt>{filename}</tt>: {message}').format( filename=filename, message=error.strerror)) return False else: self.editor.document().setModified(False) self.currentFilename = filename return True
def _lockFile(self): fileName = self.locationLineEdit.text() if len(self.locationLineEdit.text() ) == 0 or self.locationLineEdit.text() == None: QMessageBox.information(self, __appname__, "Pick an exe file first to lock.") self.showFileDialog() else: password = self.passwordLineEdit.text() makeBackup = self.checkBox.isChecked() self.workerThread = WorkerThread(fileName, password, self.signal, makeBackup) self.lockButton.setText("Working") self.lockButton.setEnabled(False) self.groupBox.setEnabled(False) self.step1GroupBox.setEnabled(False) self.workerThread.start()
def has_equal_references_shape_types(self): import FemMeshTools ref_shty = '' for ref in self.references: r = FemMeshTools.get_element( ref[0], ref[1] ) # the method getElement(element) does not return Solid elements # print(' ReferenceShape : ', r.ShapeType, ', ', ref[0].Name, ', ', ref[0].Label, ' --> ', ref[1]) if not ref_shty: ref_shty = r.ShapeType if r.ShapeType != ref_shty: message = 'Multiple shape types are not allowed in the reference list.\n' FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(message) QMessageBox.critical(None, "Multiple ShapeTypes not allowed", message) return False return True
def removeQuestion(self, category='', who=[]): """Removes a section item.""" return QMessageBox.question( self,'Remove'),"Do you want to remove item(s) {} from {}?".format( str(who)[1:-1], category)), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No)
def handleExitAction(self, show_confirmation=False): reply = QMessageBox.No if show_confirmation: reply=QMessageBox.question(self,'Exit %s?' % APP_NAME, "Are you sure to exit %s?" % APP_NAME, QMessageBox.Yes,QMessageBox.No) if not show_confirmation or reply==QMessageBox.Yes: self.trayIcon.hide() QTimer.singleShot(250,
def updateQuestion(self, category, xxx_todo_changeme): """Updates a section item.""" (old_who, new_who) = xxx_todo_changeme return QMessageBox.question( self,'Update'),"Do you want to update item '{}' to '{}' in {}?".format( old_who, new_who, category)), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No)
def get_new_address(self): result = QMessageBox.question(self.add_pool_dialog, "Get New Wallet Address?", \ "This will open Cryptonote generator in browser.<br><br>\ Are you sure to proceed?" , \ QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, defaultButton=QMessageBox.Yes) if result == QMessageBox.No: return self.open_link("")
def on_addFilesButton_clicked(self): if len(self.tags) == 0: QMessageBox.critical(self, u'错误', u'请先添加至少一个类别') else: addedFiles = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self, u'选择文件')[0] tag = self.selectedTag.currentText() for idx, filePath in enumerate(addedFiles): if filePath in self.files: continue fileName = os.path.split(filePath)[1] self.file_tag_map[fileName] = tag self.tags_files_table.insertRow(self.files_count + idx) self.tags_files_table.setItem(self.files_count + idx, 0, QTableWidgetItem(tag)) self.tags_files_table.setItem(self.files_count + idx, 1, QTableWidgetItem(fileName)) self.files.extend(addedFiles) self.files_count = len(self.files)
def loadConfigButtonClicked(self): """ load the config """ if not os.path.isdir('conf'): os.mkdir('conf') files = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, u"读取配置文件", "conf/default.ini", "INI File (*.ini)", ) filename = files[0] try: self.loadConfig(filename) except Exception, e: QMessageBox.information(self, u'读取失败', u'配置文档有误,请重新配置' + str(e))
def dba_help_button_clicked(self): s = ''' All the expression usable are: - cst: val, val<size>, hexa - var: eax, al .. - load/store: @[addr], @[addr,size] - unary: !e, -e - binary: e1 bop e2 - restrict: {e, low, high} - ite: if c e1 else e2 With: - uop: [-, !(not)] - bop: [+, -, *u, *s, /, /s, modu, mods, or, and, xor, >>(concat), lshift, rshiftu, rshifts, lrotate, rrotate, =, <>, <=u, <u, >=u, >u, <=s, <s, >=s, >s, extu, exts] ''' QMessageBox.about(self, u"DBA langage help", unicode(s))
def Check_ue_asset(self): # file_lists_ins = self.File_list.selectedItems() # # file_path_lists = [] # for i in file_lists_ins: # file_path_lists.append(file_dict[i.text()]) # # UE4_project = self.UE4Project_path_line.text() # ue_lack_list = self.set.check_ue_asset(file_path_lists, UE4_project) # if ue_lack_list: # # QMessageBox.information(self, "Lack Asset List", "".join(ue_lack_list)) # else: # QMessageBox.information(self, "Lack Asset List", "No assets missing ! ~") QMessageBox.information(self, "Lack Asset List", "No assets missing ! ~")
def search_mayaenv_path(self): usd = cmds.internalVar(usd=True) ud = '/'.join(usd.split('/')[0:-2]) p = os.path.join(ud, 'Maya.env') if not os.path.exists(p): # searching path for environments other than English UI ud = '/'.join(usd.split('/')[0:-3]) p = os.path.join(ud, 'Maya.env') if not os.path.exists(p): QMessageBox.question( self, "Error", "Maya.env is not detected (at: {0}), check your installation or call your system administrator." .format(p), QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Default) raise "Maya.env is not detected" return p
def get_new_address(self): result = QMessageBox.question(self.add_pool_dialog, "Get New Wallet Address?", \ "This will open HongbaoBlockchain/Monero/Aeon wallet generator in browser.<br><br>\ Are you sure to proceed?" , \ QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, defaultButton=QMessageBox.Yes) if result == QMessageBox.No: return self.open_link("")
def __init__(self, x, y, scaleFactor, text, obj, v, parent=None): """ Default class constructor. :param `x`: TOWRITE :type `x`: qreal :param `y`: TOWRITE :type `y`: qreal :param `scaleFactor`: TOWRITE :type `scaleFactor`: qreal :param `text`: TOWRITE :type `text`: QString :param `obj`: TOWRITE :type `obj`: `BaseObject` :param `v`: TOWRITE :type `v`: `View` :param `parent`: TOWRITE :type `parent`: `QUndoCommand`_ """ super(UndoableScaleCommand, self).__init__(parent) self.gview = v self.object = obj self.setText(text) # Prevent division by zero and other wacky behavior if scaleFactor <= 0.0: self.dx = 0.0 self.dy = 0.0 self.factor = 1.0 QMessageBox.critical(0,"ScaleFactor Error"),"Hi there. If you are not a developer, report this as a bug. " "If you are a developer, your code needs examined, and possibly your head too.")) else: # Calculate the offset oldX = self.object.x() # qreal oldY = self.object.y() # qreal scaleLine = QLineF(x, y, oldX, oldY) scaleLine.setLength(scaleLine.length() * scaleFactor) newX = scaleLine.x2() # qreal newY = scaleLine.y2() # qreal self.dx = newX - oldX self.dy = newY - oldY self.factor = scaleFactor