class ImageMediaView(MediaView): def __init__(self, media, parent): super(ImageMediaView, self).__init__(media, parent) self.widget = QLabel(parent) self.widget.setGeometry(media['geometry']) self.img = QImage() self.set_default_widget_prop() @Slot() def play(self): self.finished = 0 path = '%s/%s' % (self.save_dir, self.options['uri']) rect = self.widget.geometry() self.img.load(path) self.img = self.img.scaled(rect.width(), rect.height(), Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation) self.widget.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(self.img)) self.widget.raise_() if float(self.duration) > 0: self.play_timer.setInterval(int(float(self.duration) * 1000)) self.play_timer.start() self.started_signal.emit() @Slot() def stop(self, delete_widget=False): #---- kong ---- if not self.widget: return False del self.img self.img = QImage() #---- super(ImageMediaView, self).stop(delete_widget) return True
class Game(QOpenGLWidget): selectedCoordinates: List[Positions] = [] SCREEN = 1 gameTitle = None playButtonLabel = None def __init__(self, QOpenGLWidget): super().__init__() ''' if turn equals to false, then cirlcle will be marked and if its equals to true, then X will be marked ''' self.turn = False self.initializeHomeScreen() self.matrix_game = [[0 for _ in range(3)] for _ in range(3)] self.players = ['X', 'O'] def initializeGL(self): self.resize(env.VIEW_WIDTH, env.VIEW_HEIGHT) glViewport(0, 0, env.VIEW_WIDTH, env.VIEW_HEIGHT) def resizeEvent(self, e: PySide2.QtGui.QResizeEvent): super().resizeEvent(e) width = self.SCREEN == 1 and 220 or 400 if self.gameTitle is not None: x = e.size().width() / 3 y = e.size().height() / 2 self.gameTitle.setGeometry(int(x), int(y) - 100, width, 50) if self.playButtonLabel is not None: x = e.size().width() / 3 y = e.size().height() / 3 self.playButtonLabel.setGeometry(int(x), int(y) + 50, width, 50) def initializeHomeScreen(self): self.gameTitle = QLabel("Tic Tac Toe", self) self.playButtonLabel = QLabel("Jogar", self) self.gameTitle.setStyleSheet(env.titleLabelProps) self.playButtonLabel.setStyleSheet(env.btnLabelProps) def initializeEndScreen(self, victoryMsg): self.gameTitle = QLabel(victoryMsg, self) self.playButtonLabel = QLabel("Jogar Novamente", self) self.gameTitle.setStyleSheet(env.titleLabelProps) self.playButtonLabel.setStyleSheet(env.btnLabelProps) print(self.geometry().x(), self.geometry().y()) self.gameTitle.setGeometry(int(self.geometry().x() * 9), int(self.geometry().y() * 9) - 100, 420, 50) self.playButtonLabel.setGeometry(int(self.geometry().x() * 9), int(self.geometry().y() * 10) + 50, 400, 50) def calculateCoordinates(self, x, y): coordinates = Positions() # get width and height in case of resizes # divides by 3 due to 9x9 matrix of tic tac toe w1 = self.geometry().width() / 3 w2 = w1 * 2 h1 = self.geometry().height() / 3 h2 = h1 * 2 # identifying x index if 0 <= x < w1: coordinates.x = 0 elif w1 <= x < w2: coordinates.x = 1 else: coordinates.x = 2 # identifying y index if 0 <= y < h1: coordinates.y = 0 elif h1 <= y < h2: coordinates.y = 1 else: coordinates.y = 2 return coordinates def switchButtonsState(self, activate): if activate: else: self.playButtonLabel.hide() self.gameTitle.hide() def calculateCoordinatesHome(self, x, y): print(x, y, 215 <= x < 426, 204 <= y < 280) btnGeometry = self.playButtonLabel.geometry() print(self.playButtonLabel.geometry().x(), self.playButtonLabel.geometry().width()) if btnGeometry.x() <= x < btnGeometry.x() + btnGeometry.width( ) and btnGeometry.y() <= y < btnGeometry.y() + btnGeometry.height(): self.switchButtonsState(False) return 2 return 1 def clearBoard(self): self.selectedCoordinates: List[Positions] = [] self.matrix_game = [[0 for _ in range(3)] for _ in range(3)] def checkPlayPosition(self, x, y): for coordinate in self.selectedCoordinates: if coordinate.x == x and coordinate.y == y: print("Esse campo já foi escolhido") return False return True def mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent): if self.SCREEN == 1: self.SCREEN = self.calculateCoordinatesHome( QMouseEvent.x(), QMouseEvent.y()) elif self.SCREEN == 2: positions = self.calculateCoordinates(QMouseEvent.x(), QMouseEvent.y()) print("x: " + str(positions.x) + " Y: " + str(positions.y)) if self.checkPlayPosition(positions.x, positions.y): self.selectedCoordinates.append(positions) self.repaint() if self.turn: player = 'O' else: player = 'X' self.matrix_game[positions.x][positions.y] = player if self.hasFinished(positions.x, positions.y): self.initializeEndScreen("O Jogador '" + player + "' Ganhou!") print(player + ' Won!') self.clearBoard() self.SCREEN = 1 self.repaint() else: draw = True for line in range(3): for column in range(3): if self.matrix_game[line][ column] != 'X' and self.matrix_game[line][ column] != 'O': draw = False if draw: self.initializeEndScreen("Deu velha") print('Deu velha') self.clearBoard() self.SCREEN = 1 self.repaint() def repaint(self): if self.SCREEN == 1: self.switchButtonsState(True) elif self.SCREEN == 2: DRAWER.draw_grid() for coordinate in self.selectedCoordinates: if coordinate.turn == 0: if self.turn: DRAWER.draw_x(coordinate.x, coordinate.y) coordinate.turn = 1 else: DRAWER.draw_circle(coordinate.x, coordinate.y) coordinate.turn = 2 self.turn = not self.turn elif coordinate.turn == 1: DRAWER.draw_x(coordinate.x, coordinate.y) coordinate.turn = 1 elif coordinate.turn == 2: DRAWER.draw_circle(coordinate.x, coordinate.y) coordinate.turn = 2 self.update() def paintGL(self): glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) glClearColor(5 / 255, 102 / 255, 141 / 255, 1.0) glPointSize(10) self.repaint() def hasFinished(self, x, y): # check if is vertical line if (self.matrix_game[0][y] in self.players) and self.matrix_game[0][y] == self.matrix_game[1][y] == \ self.matrix_game[2][y]: return True # check if is horizontal line if (self.matrix_game[x][0] in self.players) and self.matrix_game[x][0] == self.matrix_game[x][1] == \ self.matrix_game[x][2]: return True # check if is in first diagonal if (self.matrix_game[0][0] in self.players) and self.matrix_game[0][0] == self.matrix_game[1][1] == \ self.matrix_game[2][2]: return True # check if is in second diagonal if (self.matrix_game[0][2] in self.players) and self.matrix_game[0][2] == self.matrix_game[1][1] == \ self.matrix_game[2][0]: return True return False