コード例 #1
ファイル: Resource.py プロジェクト: ice-pice/pybliographer
def StartViewer (entry, key, stringuri, parent=None, document=None):

    if not is_interactive (): 	return

    from Pyblio.GnomeUI import Compat, Utils    

    uri = Fields.URL (stringuri)
    scheme, location, path, parameters, query, fragment  = uri.url
    fileuri = uri.get_url ()
    if uri.invalid or uri.inexact:
	message = Utils.Callback (
	    _("Warning: This URL is marked as Invalid or Approximate: %s\nContinue?") % fileuri)
	if not message.answer (): return

    if document:
	document.statusbar.set_status (_("Determining Mime Type ... "))

	mimetype =  Compat.get_mime_type (fileuri)
    except RuntimeError, mesg:
	Utils.error_dialog(_("Cannot determine mime type for item %s ") % entry.key.key, 
			   _("URL in question is: %s\n"
			   "You should check the url or path given for errors.\n"
			   "Details: %s")
			   % (fileuri, mesg))
	if document:
	    document.statusbar.pop ()
コード例 #2
ファイル: Resource.py プロジェクト: ice-pice/pybliographer
    if scheme == 'file' and not location:
	filename = path
    elif mimetype in ['text/html', 'text/plain']:
	filename = fileuri

	filename, headers = urllib.urlretrieve (fileuri)
    if mimetype == 'application/x-gzip':
	    tempname = os.tmpnam ()
	    os.system ("gzip -d < %s >%s" %(filename, tempname))
	    filename = tempname
	    mimetype =  Compat.get_mime_type (filename)
	except RuntimeError, mesg:
	    Utils.error_dialog (_("IOError for item %s: cannot uncompress resource.")
				% entry.key.key, _("URL: %s\nDetails: %s")
				% (filename, mesg))
	    if document:
		document.statusbar.pop ()

    viewers = [
	item [1] for item in
	Config.get (config_viewers).data if item [0] == mimetype] or [
	item [1] for item in
	Config.get (config_viewers).data if item [0].endswith ('/*') and
	item [0] [:-2] == mimetype1]