コード例 #1
    def genCategories(self):
        config = self._request.getConfiguration()
        root = config["datadir"]

        start_t = config.get("category_start", DEFAULT_START)
        begin_t = config.get("category_begin", DEFAULT_BEGIN)
        item_t = config.get("category_item", DEFAULT_ITEM)
        end_t = config.get("category_end", DEFAULT_END)
        finish_t = config.get("category_finish", DEFAULT_FINISH)
        #zoomq: configed order by mind the catrgorise
        root_path_list = config.get("category_root_list", DEFAULT_ROOT)

        cfgBaseUrl = config.get("base_url", "")

        form = self._request.getForm()
        flavour = (form.has_key('flav') and form['flav'].value or 
            config.get('default_flavour', 'html'))
        #print flavour

        # build the list of all entries in the datadir
        output = ""
        if 0==len(root_path_list):  #as default walk and export Categories as word order 
            elist = tools.Walk(self._request, root)
            output += self._subCategories(elist,root,"")
            for rootCategory in root_path_list:
                subroot = "%s/%s"%(root,rootCategory)
                self._baseurl = "%s/%s"%(cfgBaseUrl,rootCategory)
                elist = tools.Walk(self._request, subroot)
                output += self._subCategories(elist,subroot,rootCategory)

        # then we join the list and that's the final string
        #self._categories = "\n".join(output)
        self._categories = output
コード例 #2
    def genLinearArchive(self):
        config = self._request.getConfiguration()
        data = self._request.getData()
        root = config["datadir"]
        archives = {}
        archiveList = tools.Walk(self._request, root)
        fulldict = {}

        template = config.get(
            '<a href="%(base_url)s/%(Y)s/%(b)s">%(Y)s-%(b)s</a><br />')
        for mem in archiveList:
            timetuple = tools.filestat(self._request, mem)
            timedict = {}
            for x in ["B", "b", "m", "Y", "y"]:
                timedict[x] = time.strftime("%" + x, timetuple)

            if not archives.has_key(timedict['Y'] + timedict['m']):
                archives[timedict['Y'] + timedict['m']] = (template % fulldict)

        arcKeys = archives.keys()
        result = []
        for key in arcKeys:
        self._archives = '\n'.join(result)
コード例 #3
    def genLinearArchive(self):
        config = self._request.getConfiguration()
        data = self._request.getData()
        root = config["datadir"]
        baseurl = config.get("base_url", "")

        archives = {}
        archiveList = tools.Walk(self._request, root)
        items = []

        for mem in archiveList:
            timetuple = tools.filestat(self._request, mem)

            y = time.strftime("%Y", timetuple)
            m = time.strftime("%m", timetuple)
            d = time.strftime("%d", timetuple)
            l = "<a href=\"%s/%s/\">%s</a><br>" % (baseurl, y, y)

            if not archives.has_key(y):
                archives[y] = l
            items.append( ["%s-%s" % (y, m), "%s-%s-%s" % (y, m, d), time.mktime(timetuple), mem] )

        arcKeys = archives.keys()

        result = []
        for key in arcKeys:
        self._archives = '\n'.join(result)
        self._items = items
コード例 #4
def cb_prepare(args):
    request = args['request']
    data = request.getData()
    if data['bl_type'] != 'file':

    entry = data['entry_list']
    flavour = data['flavour']
    filename = os.path.normpath(
        entry[0]['filename'])  # normpath is for windows.

    config = request.getConfiguration()
    datadir = config['datadir']
    base_url = config['base_url']

    extension = config.get('entry_extension', 'txt')

    r = re.compile('(.*\.' + extension + '$)')
    allentries = tools.Walk(request, datadir, pattern=r)

    #    cur_time = time.localtime()

    entrylist = []
    for e in allentries:
        timetuple = tools.filestat(request, e)
        #        if cur_time < timetuple:
        #            continue

        entrylist.append((timetuple, e))


    entrylist = [x[1] for x in entrylist]
        num = entrylist.index(filename)
    except ValueError:
        data['entry_navi'] = '| <a href="%s">MAIN</a> |' % base_url

    def _entry_url(file_entry):
        return "%s/%s.%s" % (base_url, file_entry["file_path"], flavour)

    navi_str = ''
    if num != (len(entrylist) - 1):
        fname = entrylist[num + 1]
        e = entries.fileentry.FileEntry(request, fname, datadir)
        prev_link = _entry_url(e)
        navi_str += '&lt; <a href="%s">%s</a> ' % (prev_link, e['title'])

    navi_str += '| <a href="%s">MAIN</a> |' % base_url

    if num:
        fname = entrylist[num - 1]
        e = entries.fileentry.FileEntry(request, fname, datadir)
        next_link = _entry_url(e)
        navi_str += ' <a href="%s">%s</a> &gt;' % (next_link, e['title'])

    data['entry_navi'] = navi_str
コード例 #5
ファイル: blosxom.py プロジェクト: thor509/personal_code
    def _getFlavour(self, taste='html'):
        Flavours, or views, or templates, as some may call it, defaults are
        given, but can be overidden with files on the datadir. Don't like the
        default html templates, add your own, head.html, story.html etc.
        data = self._request.getData()
        config = self._request.getConfiguration()

        pattern = re.compile(r'.+?\.' + taste + '$')

        datadir = config["datadir"]

        dirname = data["root_datadir"]
        if os.path.isfile(dirname):
            dirname = os.path.dirname(dirname)

        template_files = None
        while len(dirname) >= len(datadir):
            template_files = tools.Walk(self._request, dirname, 1, pattern)
            if template_files: break
            dirname = os.path.split(dirname)[0]

        if not template_files:
            template_files = tools.Walk(self._request, config['datadir'], 1,

        # we grab a copy of the templates for the taste we want
        flavour = {}
        flavour.update(DEFAULT_FLAVOURS.get(taste, {}))

        # we update the flavours dict with what we found
        for filename in template_files:
            flavouring = os.path.basename(filename).split('.')
            flav_template = unicode(
                open(filename).read(), config.get('blog_encoding',

            flavour[flavouring[0]] = flav_template

        if not flavour:
            return DEFAULT_FLAVOURS["error"]

        return flavour
コード例 #6
def blogger_getRecentPosts(request,
    Get recent posts from a blog tree
    authenticate(request, username, password)
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    data = request.getData()
    from Pyblosxom.entries.fileentry import FileEntry
    from Pyblosxom import pyblosxom

    exts = tools.run_callback("entryparser",
                              {'txt': pyblosxom.blosxom_entry_parser},
                              mappingfunc=lambda x, y: y,
                              defaultfunc=lambda x: x)

    data['extensions'] = exts

    result = []
    dataList = []
    filelist = tools.Walk(request,
                          os.path.join(config['datadir'], blogid[1:]),
                          pattern=re.compile(r'.*\.(' + '|'.join(exts.keys()) +
    for ourfile in filelist:
        entry = FileEntry(request, ourfile, config['datadir'])
        dataList.append((entry._mtime, entry))

    # this sorts entries by mtime in reverse order.  entries that have
    # no mtime get sorted to the top.
    dataList = [x[1] for x in dataList]

    count = 1
    for entry in dataList:
            entry['filename'].replace(config['datadir'], ''),
        if count >= int(numberOfPosts):
        count += 1
    return result
コード例 #7
 def keys(self):
     import re
     keys = []
     cached = []
     if os.path.isdir(self._config):
         cached = tools.Walk(self._request, self._config, 1,
     for cache in cached:
         cache_data = pickle.load(open(cache))
         key = cache_data.get('realfilename', '')
         if not key and os.path.isfile(cache):
         if not self.isCached():
     return keys
コード例 #8
def cb_handle(args):
    request = args["request"]
    data = request.getData()
    pyhttp = request.getHttp()
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    url = config.get("sitemap_url", "/sitemap.xml")
    if pyhttp["PATH_INFO"] != url:
        return 0
    response = request.getResponse()
    response.addHeader("Content-type", "text/xml")
    urls = []
    for fname in tools.Walk(request, config["datadir"]):
        entry = entries.fileentry.FileEntry(request, fname, config["datadir"])
        url = "%s.html" % os.path.join(
            config["base_url"], entry.get("absolute_path"), entry.get("fn"))
        urls.append(TEMPLATE_URL % (url, entry.get("w3cdate")))
    sitemap = TEMPLATE_BASE % ("\n".join(urls))
    print >> response, sitemap
    return 1
コード例 #9
def blogger_getUsersBlogs(request, appkey, username, password):
    Returns trees below datadir
    authenticate(request, username, password)
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    url = config.get('base_url', '')
    result = [{'url': url + '/', 'blogid': '/', 'blogName': '/'}]
    for directory in tools.Walk(request, config['datadir'], 0,
                                re.compile(r'.*'), 1):
        blogpath = directory.replace(config['datadir'], '') + '/'
        blogpath = blogpath.replace(os.sep, '/')
            'url': url + blogpath,
            'blogid': blogpath,
            'blogName': blogpath
    if config.get('xmlrpc_blogger_metaweblog', '') == 'True':
        return result[:1]
        return result
コード例 #10
    def genCategories(self):
        config = self._request.getConfiguration()
        root = config["datadir"]

        data = self._request.getData()

        flav = config.get("category_flavour", "")
        if flav:
            self._flavour = "?flav=" + flav
            self._flavour = ""

        self._baseurl = config.get("base_url", "")

        # build the list of entries
        elist = tools.Walk(self._request, root)
        elist = [mem[len(root) + 1:] for mem in elist]

        total = len(elist)

        elistmap = {}
        for mem in elist:
            mem = os.path.dirname(mem)
            elistmap[mem] = 1 + elistmap.get(mem, 0)
        self._elistmap = elistmap

        clistmap = {}
        for mem in elistmap.keys():
            mem = mem.split(os.sep)
            for i in range(len(mem) + 1):
                p = os.sep.join(mem[0:i])
                clistmap[p] = 0

        clist = clistmap.keys()

        clist = map(self.genitem, clist)
        self._categories = "<br />".join(clist)
コード例 #11
def _getEntryCount(request):
    Return a count of the number of published and unpublished
    (suffixed with '-') entries

    @param request: the HTTP Request
    @type request: Request

    @return the number of published an unpublished entries
    @rtype int
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    root = config['datadir']

    elist = tools.Walk(request, root, pattern=_allEntriesPattern(request))
    elist = [mem[len(root) + 1:] for mem in elist]

    elistmap = {}
    for mem in elist:
        mem = os.path.dirname(mem)
        elistmap[mem] = 1 + elistmap.get(mem, 0)
        mem = mem.split(os.sep)
    return len(elist)
コード例 #12
def handle_registry_queue(args):
    Handles showing all the entries that are in the submission queue
    and all the data involved in each.
    request = args["request"]
    pyhttp = request.getHttp()
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    registrydir = config["registry_dir"]

    entries = tools.Walk(request, registrydir, 0, re.compile(".*\\.[^\\.]+-$"),

    if len(entries) == 0:
        return [generate_entry(request, "<p>No entries in the queue.</p>")]

    # Get our URL and configure the base_url param
    if pyhttp.has_key('SCRIPT_NAME'):
        if not config.has_key('base_url'):
            config['base_url'] = 'http://%s%s' % (pyhttp['HTTP_HOST'],
        config['base_url'] = config.get('base_url', '')

    config['base_url'] = config['base_url'] + TRIGGER

    output = []
    entries = get_entries(request, registrydir, entries)
    for mem in entries:
        output.append((mem, "queue-summary"))

    entry = generate_entry(request, "", "queue", "queue")
    entry["registry_render"] = output
    entry["template_name"] = "registry-index"
    entry["nocomments"] = 1

    return [entry]
コード例 #13
ファイル: index.py プロジェクト: BGCX261/zoomquiet-hg-to-git
def cb_filelist(args):
  request = args['request']
  http = request.getHttp()
  data = request.getData()
  config = request.getConfiguration()

  trigger = config.get('index_trigger', 'site-index')
  if http['PATH_INFO'] != trigger:

  # get the entries
  datadir = config['datadir']
  files = tools.Walk(request, datadir)

  # sort into sections, one for each letter. the dictionary is 
  # letter => (entry name, path) where path is the relative to datadir.
  sections = {}
  entry_extensions = data['extensions'].keys()

  for file in files:
    assert file.startswith(datadir)
    path, ext = os.path.splitext(file[len(datadir):])
    if ext[1:] in entry_extensions:  # strip the leading period from ext
      entry_name = os.path.basename(path)
      sections.setdefault(entry_name[0].upper(), []).append((entry_name, path))

  # extract the first letters. sort as usual, except that numbers and other
  # non-letters go *after* letters. 
  def letters_before_symbols(a, b):
    if a.isalpha() and not b.isalpha():
      return -1
    elif not a.isalpha() and b.isalpha():
      return 1
      return cmp(a, b)

  letters = sections.keys()
  if config.get('index_letters_first', 1):

  # add the header with links to each section
  body = '<p class="index-header">'
  letter_links = ['<a href="#%s">%s</a>' % (l, l) for l in letters]
  body += ' |\n'.join(letter_links)
  body += '</p>\n<hr class="index"/>\n\n'

  # add the sections themselves, with one link per entry, in a table. the
  # number of columns is taken from the index_num_columns config variable.
  # entries are ordered down each column, in order.
  num_cols = config.get('index_num_columns', 2)

  for l in letters:
    body += '<h3 class="index">%s</h3> <a name="%s"></a n>\n' % (l, l)
    body += '<table class="index">\n'

    entries = sections[l]
    num_rows = int(math.ceil(float(len(entries)) / num_cols))

    for row in range(0, num_rows):
      # alternate the <tr> tags' class between index-row-stripe-0 and
      # index-row-stripe-1, so you can use CSS to alternate their color for
      # readability, if you want.
      body += '<tr class="index-row-stripe-%d">\n' % (row % 2)
      for col in range(0, num_cols):
        entry_index = col * num_rows + row
        if entry_index < len(entries):
          entry_name, path = entries[entry_index]
          entry_name = path = ''
        body += '<td><a href="%s">%s</a></td>\n' % (path, entry_name)
      body += '</tr>\n'

    body += '</table>\n<hr class="index"/>\n\n'

  data = {'title': config.get('index_title', 'index')}
  # use the epoch for mtime. otherwise, pyblosxom uses the current time, which
  # makes other plugins (like weblogsping) think this is a new entry.
  epoch = time.localtime(0)
  fe = Pyblosxom.entries.base.generate_entry(request, data, body, epoch)
  return [fe]
コード例 #14
def metaWeblog_getRecentPosts(request, blogid, username, password,
    Get the most recent posts
    Part of the metaWeblog API

    @param request: the pyblosxom Request instance
    @type  request: Request

    @param blogid: the id of the blog
    @type blogid: string

    @param username: the username
    @type  username: string

    @param password: the password
    @type  password: string

    @param numberOfPosts: the number of posts to retreive
    @type  numberOfPosts: int

    @returns list of dicts, one per post
    @rtype list
    # tools.log("getRecentPosts blogid:%s count:%s" % (blogid, numberOfPosts))
    authenticate(request, username, password)
    config = request.getConfiguration()

    filelist = tools.Walk(request,

    entryList = []
    for f in filelist:
        entry = FileEntry(request, f, config['datadir'])
        entryList.append((entry._mtime, entry))
        numberOfPosts = int(numberOfPosts)
        # tools.log("Couldn't convert numberOfPosts")
        numberOfPosts = 5
    entryList = [x[1] for x in entryList][:numberOfPosts]

    posts = [{
        "%s/%s/%s/%s#%s" %
        (config['base_url'], x['yr'], x['mo_num'], x['da'], x['fn']),
        re.sub(r'^/', '', "%s/%s" % (x['absolute_path'], x['fn'])),
        'categories': [x['absolute_path']],
    } for x in entryList]

    return posts
コード例 #15
def cb_filelist(args):
    request = args["request"]
    pyhttp = request.getHttp()
    data = request.getData()
    config = request.getConfiguration()

    if not pyhttp["PATH_INFO"].startswith("/zqcrecent"):

    datadir = config["datadir"]
    walkdir = datadir + "/" + str(pyhttp["QUERY_STRING"])
    data["debug"] = "DEBUG::%s<br/>%s<br/>%s" % (
        datadir, str(pyhttp["QUERY_STRING"]), walkdir)

    baseurl = config.get("base_url", "")
    cmntdir = config.get("comment_dir", datadir + os.sep + "comments")
    cmntext = config.get("comment_ext", ".cmt")

    data["blog_title"] = config.get(
        "blog_title", "") + "<DIV id='recent'> - category recent</DIV>"

    data[INIT_KEY] = 1
    config['num_entries'] = 9999

    marker = time.time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * 14)

    # get entries and export
    # get all the entries
    #allentries = tools.Walk(request, datadir)
    ## Zoomq::060128 walking base Categories Point
    allentries = tools.Walk(request, walkdir)

    debug = []
    stuff = []

    for mem in allentries:
        timetuple = tools.filestat(request, mem)
        entrytstamp = time.mktime(timetuple)
        tstamp = entrytstamp

        absolute_path = mem[len(datadir):mem.rfind(os.sep)]
        fn = mem[mem.rfind(os.sep) + 1:mem.rfind(".")]

        cmtexpr = os.path.join(cmntdir + absolute_path, fn + '-*.' + cmntext)
        cmtlist = glob.glob(cmtexpr)
        cmtlist = [(os.stat(m)[8], m) for m in cmtlist]

        # we want the most recent mtime from either the entry or
        # any of its comments
        if len(cmtlist) > 0:
            if tstamp < cmtlist[0][0]:
                tstamp = cmtlist[0][0]

        # if the mtime is more recent than our marker, we toss the
        # stuff into our list of things to look at.
        # Zoomq::060214 fixed cancel this limited
        if tstamp > marker:
            stuff.append( [tstamp, entrytstamp, mem, cmtlist] )
        stuff.append([tstamp, entrytstamp, mem, cmtlist])


    # time stamp and blog entry
    #e = "<tr>\n<td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">%s:</td>\n" \
    #    "<td><a href=\"%s/%s\">%s</a> (%s)<br />%s</td></tr>\n"
    e = """<tr>
        <td valign="top" align="left">%s:</td>
        <td><a href="%s/%s.html">%s</a> (%s)

    entrylist = []
    output = []
    for mem in stuff:
        entry = entries.fileentry.FileEntry(request, mem[2],
        tstamp = time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y", time.localtime(mem[1]))

        temp = e % (tstamp, \
                    baseurl, \
                    entry["file_path"], \
                    entry["title"], \
                    "", \
                    "".join( [get_comment_text(c) + "<br />" for c in mem[3]])

        new_entry(request, "Category Recent Entries::",
                  "<tr><td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td></tr>\n".join(output)))

    return entrylist
コード例 #16
ファイル: registry.py プロジェクト: waytai/pyblosxom-web
def cb_filelist(args):
    global registrydir, TRIGGER
    request = args["request"]

    pyhttp = request.get_http()
    data = request.get_data()
    config = request.get_configuration()

    if not pyhttp["PATH_INFO"].startswith(TRIGGER):

    data[INIT_KEY] = 1

    data['root_datadir'] = config['datadir']

    # if they haven't add a registrydir to their config file, we
    # pleasantly error out
    if not config.has_key("registry_dir"):
        output = ("<p>\"registry_dir\" config setting is not set.  "
                  "Refer to documentation.</p>")
        return [generate_entry(request, output, "setup error")]

    registrydir = config["registry_dir"]

    # make sure the registrydir has a / at the end
    if registrydir[-1] != os.sep:
        registrydir = registrydir + os.sep

    pathinfo = pyhttp["PATH_INFO"]

    dir2 = pathinfo[len(TRIGGER):]
    if dir2.startswith("/"):
        dir2 = dir2[1:]

    filename, ext = os.path.splitext(dir2)
    fullpath = os.path.join(registrydir, filename)

    if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
        entries = tools.Walk(request, fullpath)

    elif fullpath.endswith("index") and os.path.isdir(fullpath[:len("index")]):
        entries = tools.Walk(request, fullpath[:-1 * len("index")])

        fext = tools.what_ext(data["extensions"].keys(), fullpath)
        entries = [fullpath + "." + fext]

    if ext[1:]:
        data["flavour"] = ext[1:]

    # that entry doesn't exist....
    if len(entries) == 0:
        output = "<p>No entries of that kind registered here.</p>"
        return [generate_entry(request, output)]

    # if we're looking at a specific entry....
    if len(entries) == 1:
            entry = build_entry(request, entries[0], registrydir, False)
            if entries[0].find("/flavours/") != -1:
                entry["template_name"] = "flavour-story"
                entry["template_name"] = "registry-story"

            return [entry]

        except Exception:
            output = "<p>That plugin does not exist.</p>"
            return [generate_entry(request, output)]

    return get_entries_by_item(request, registrydir, entries, "path")
コード例 #17
    def generateCalendar(self):
        Generates the calendar.  We'd like to walk the archives
        for things that happen in this month and mark the dates
        accordingly.  After doing that we pass it to a formatting
        method which turns the thing into HTML.
        config = self._request.getConfiguration()
        data = self._request.getData()
        entry_list = data["entry_list"]

        root = config["datadir"]
        baseurl = config.get("base_url", "")

        self._today = time.localtime()

        if len(entry_list) == 0:
            # if there are no entries, we shouldn't even try to
            # do something fancy.
            self._cal = ""

        view = list(entry_list[0]["timetuple"])

        # this comes in as 2001, 2002, 2003, ...  so we can convert it
        # without an issue
        temp = data.get("pi_yr", time.strftime("%Y", self._today))
        if temp:
            view[0] = int(temp)

        # the month is a bit harder since it can come in as "08", "", or
        # "Aug" (in the example of August).
        temp = data.get("pi_mo", time.strftime("%m", self._today))
        if temp.isdigit():
            temp = int(temp)
            if tools.month2num.has_key(temp):
                temp = int(tools.month2num[temp])
                temp = view[1]
        view[1] = temp

        view = tuple(view)
        self._view = view

        # if we're looking at a specific day, we figure out what it is
            if data["pi_yr"] and data["pi_mo"] and data["pi_da"]:
                if data["pi_mo"].isdigit():
                    mon = data["pi_mo"]
                    mon = tools.month2num[data["pi_mo"]]

                self._specificday = [data["pi_yr"], mon, data["pi_da"]]
                self._specificday = tuple(
                    [int(mem) for mem in self._specificday])

        archiveList = tools.Walk(self._request, root)

        yearmonth = {}

        for mem in archiveList:
            timetuple = tools.filestat(self._request, mem)

            # if we already have an entry for this date, we skip to the
            # next one because we've already done this processing
            day = str(timetuple[2]).rjust(2)
            if self._entries.has_key(day):

            # add an entry for yyyymm so we can figure out next/previous
            year = str(timetuple[0])
            dayzfill = string.zfill(timetuple[1], 2)
            yearmonth[year + dayzfill] = time.strftime("%b", timetuple)

            # if the entry isn't in the year/month we're looking at with
            # the calendar, then we skip to the next one
            if timetuple[0:2] != view[0:2]:

            # mark the entry because it's one we want to show
            datepiece = time.strftime("%Y/%b/%d", timetuple)
            self._entries[day] = (baseurl + "/" + datepiece, day)

        # create the calendar
        cal = calendar.monthcalendar(view[0], view[1])

        # insert the days of the week
        cal.insert(0, ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"])

        # figure out next and previous links by taking the dict of yyyymm
        # strings we created, turning it into a list, sorting them,
        # and then finding "today"'s entry.  then the one before it
        # (index-1) is prev, and the one after (index+1) is next.
        keys = yearmonth.keys()
        thismonth = time.strftime("%Y%m", view)

        # do some quick adjustment to make sure we didn't pick
        # a yearmonth that's outside the yearmonths of the entries we
        # know about.
        if thismonth in keys:
            index = keys.index(thismonth)
        elif len(keys) == 0 or keys[0] > thismonth:
            index = 0
            index = len(keys) - 1

        # build the prev link
        if index == 0:
            prev = None
            prev = ("%s/%s/%s" %
                    (baseurl, keys[index - 1][:4], yearmonth[keys[index - 1]]),

        # build the next link
        if index == len(yearmonth) - 1:
            next = None
            next = ("%s/%s/%s" %
                    (baseurl, keys[index + 1][:4], yearmonth[keys[index + 1]]),

        # insert the month name and next/previous links
        cal.insert(0, [prev, time.strftime("%B %Y", view), next])

        self._cal = self.formatWithCSS(cal)
コード例 #18
def cb_filelist(args):
    request = args["request"]
    pyhttp = request.getHttp()
    data = request.getData()
    config = request.getConfiguration()

    if not pyhttp["PATH_INFO"].startswith("/recent"):

    datadir = config["datadir"]
    baseurl = config.get("base_url", "")
    cmntdir = config.get("comment_dir", datadir + os.sep + "comments")
    cmntext = config.get("comment_ext", ".cmt")

    data["blog_title"] = config.get("blog_title", "") + " - recent activity"
    data[INIT_KEY] = 1
    config['num_entries'] = 9999

    marker = time.time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * 14)

    # get all the entries
    allentries = tools.Walk(request, datadir)

    debug = []
    stuff = []

    for mem in allentries:
        timetuple = tools.filestat(request, mem)
        entrytstamp = time.mktime(timetuple)
        tstamp = entrytstamp

        absolute_path = mem[len(datadir):mem.rfind(os.sep)]
        fn = mem[mem.rfind(os.sep) + 1:mem.rfind(".")]

        cmtexpr = os.path.join(cmntdir + absolute_path, fn + '-*.' + cmntext)
        cmtlist = glob.glob(cmtexpr)
        cmtlist = [(os.stat(m)[8], m) for m in cmtlist]

        # we want the most recent mtime from either the entry or
        # any of its comments
        if len(cmtlist) > 0:
            if tstamp < cmtlist[0][0]:
                tstamp = cmtlist[0][0]

        # if the mtime is more recent than our marker, we toss the
        # stuff into our list of things to look at.
        if tstamp > marker:
            stuff.append([tstamp, entrytstamp, mem, cmtlist])


    # time stamp and blog entry
    e = "<tr>\n<td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">%s:</td>\n" \
        "<td><a href=\"%s/%s\">%s</a> (%s)<br />%s</td></tr>\n"

    entrylist = []
    output = []
    for mem in stuff:
        entry = entries.fileentry.FileEntry(request, mem[2], config["datadir"])
        tstamp = time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y", time.localtime(mem[1]))

        temp = e % (tstamp, \
                    baseurl, \
                    entry["file_path"], \
                    entry["title"], \
                    entry["path"], \
                    "".join( [get_comment_text(c) + "<br />" for c in mem[3]]))

        new_entry(request, "Recent activity:",
                  "<tr><td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td></tr>\n".join(output)))

    return entrylist
コード例 #19
    def genCategories(self):
        config = self._request.getConfiguration()
        root = config["datadir"]

        start_t = config.get("category_start", DEFAULT_START)
        begin_t = config.get("category_begin", DEFAULT_BEGIN)
        item_t = config.get("category_item", DEFAULT_ITEM)
        end_t = config.get("category_end", DEFAULT_END)
        finish_t = config.get("category_start", DEFAULT_FINISH)

        self._baseurl = config.get("base_url", "")

        form = self._request.getForm()
        flavour = (form.has_key('flav') and form['flav'].value or 
            config.get('default_flavour', 'html'))

        # build the list of all entries in the datadir
        elist = tools.Walk(self._request, root)

        # peel off the root dir from the list of entries
        elist = [mem[len(root)+1:] for mem in elist]

        # go through the list of entries and build a map that
        # maintains a count of how many entries are in each 
        # category
        elistmap = {}
        for mem in elist:
            mem = os.path.dirname(mem)
            elistmap[mem] = 1 + elistmap.get(mem, 0)
        self._elistmap = elistmap

        # go through the elistmap keys (which is the list of
        # categories) and for each piece in the key (i.e. the key
        # could be "dev/pyblosxom/releases" and the pieces would
        # be "dev", "pyblosxom", and "releases") we build keys
        # for the category list map (i.e. "dev", "dev/pyblosxom",
        # "dev/pyblosxom/releases")
        clistmap = {}
        for mem in elistmap.keys():
            mem = mem.split(os.sep)
            for index in range(len(mem)+1):
                p = os.sep.join(mem[0:index])
                clistmap[p] = 0

        # then we take the category list from the clistmap and
        # sort it alphabetically
        clist = clistmap.keys()

        output = []
        indent = 0

        # then we generate each item in the list
        for item in clist:
            itemlist = item.split(os.sep)

            num = 0
            for key in self._elistmap.keys():
                if key.endswith(item) or key.endswith(item + os.sep):
                    num = num + self._elistmap[key]

            if not item:
                tab = ""
                tab = len(itemlist) * "&nbsp;&nbsp;"

            if indent > len(itemlist):
                for i in range(indent - len(itemlist)):

            elif indent < len(itemlist):
                for i in range(len(itemlist) - indent):

            # now we build the dict with the values for substitution
            d = { "base_url":     self._baseurl, 
                  "fullcategory": item + "/", 
                  "category":     itemlist[-1] + "/", 
                  #"flavour":      flavour,
                  "count":        num,
                  "indent":       tab }

            # and we toss it in the thing
            output.append(item_t % d)

            indent = len(itemlist)

        output.append(end_t * indent)

        # then we join the list and that's the final string
        self._categories = "\n".join(output)
コード例 #20
def cb_filelist(args):
    global registrydir, TRIGGER, SUBMITTRIGGER
    request = args["request"]

    pyhttp = request.getHttp()
    data = request.getData()
    config = request.getConfiguration()
    form = pyhttp["form"]

    if not pyhttp["PATH_INFO"].startswith(TRIGGER):

    data[INIT_KEY] = 1

    data['root_datadir'] = config['datadir']

    # Get our URL and configure the base_url param
    if pyhttp.has_key('SCRIPT_NAME'):
        if not config.has_key('base_url'):
            config['base_url'] = 'http://%s%s' % (pyhttp['HTTP_HOST'],
        config['base_url'] = config.get('base_url', '')

    config['base_url'] = config['base_url'] + TRIGGER

    # if they haven't add a registrydir to their config file,
    # we pleasantly error out
    if not config.has_key("registry_dir"):
        output = "<p>\"registry_dir\" config setting is not set.  Refer to documentation.</p>"
        return [generate_entry(request, output, "setup error")]

    registrydir = config["registry_dir"]

    # make sure the registrydir has a / at the end
    if registrydir[-1] != os.sep:
        registrydir = registrydir + os.sep

    # if they are doing the queue thing, then we spin them off to queue
    # stuff.
    if pyhttp["PATH_INFO"].startswith(QUEUETRIGGER):
        data["extensions"]["txt-"] = data["extensions"]["txt"]

        return handle_registry_queue(args)

    # if they are doing the submit thing, then we spin them off to
    # the submit stuff.
    if pyhttp["PATH_INFO"].startswith(SUBMITTRIGGER):
        return handle_registry_submit(args)

    # check if we're looking for a listing of all entries
    if pyhttp["PATH_INFO"] == TRIGGER:
        entries = tools.Walk(request, registrydir)

        dir2 = pyhttp["PATH_INFO"][len(TRIGGER):]
        filename, ext = os.path.splitext(dir2)
        if os.path.isdir(registrydir + filename):
            entries = tools.Walk(request, registrydir + filename)
            fn = registrydir + filename[1:]
            fext = tools.what_ext(data["extensions"].keys(), fn)
            entries = [fn + "." + fext]

        if ext[1:]:
            data["flavour"] = ext[1:]

    # that entry doesn't exist....
    if len(entries) == 0:
        output = "<p>No entries of that kind registered here.</p>"
        return [generate_entry(request, output)]

    # if we're looking at a specific entry....
    if len(entries) == 1:
            entry = fileentry.FileEntry(request, entries[0], registrydir,
            if entries[0].find("flavours") != -1:
                entry["template_name"] = "flavour-story"
                entry["template_name"] = "registry-story"

            if entry.has_key("contrib"):
                entry["body"] = entry["body"] + CONTRIB_DESC

            return [entry]
        except Exception, e:
            output = "That plugin does not exist."
            return [generate_entry(request, output)]