コード例 #1
ファイル: message.py プロジェクト: aacevedor/dbs
 def recv(cls, connection, requiredMsgTypes=None, hmac_key=None):
     Receives a pyro message from a given connection.
     Accepts the given message types (None=any, or pass a sequence).
     Also reads annotation chunks and the actual payload data.
     Validates a HMAC chunk if present.
     msg = cls.from_header(connection.recv(cls.header_size))
     msg.hmac_key = hmac_key
     if 0 < Pyro4.config.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE < (msg.data_size +
         errorMsg = "max message size exceeded (%d where max=%d)" % (
             msg.data_size + msg.annotations_size,
         log.error("connection " + str(connection) + ": " + errorMsg)
         )  # close the socket because at this point we can't return the correct sequence number for returning an error message
         exc = errors.MessageTooLargeError(errorMsg)
         exc.pyroMsg = msg
         raise exc
     if requiredMsgTypes and msg.type not in requiredMsgTypes:
         err = "invalid msg type %d received" % msg.type
         exc = errors.ProtocolError(err)
         exc.pyroMsg = msg
         raise exc
     if msg.annotations_size:
         # read annotation chunks
         annotations_data = connection.recv(msg.annotations_size)
         msg.annotations = {}
         i = 0
         while i < msg.annotations_size:
             anno, length = struct.unpack("!4sH", annotations_data[i:i + 6])
             if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
                 anno = anno.decode("ASCII")
             msg.annotations[anno] = annotations_data[i + 6:i + 6 + length]
             if sys.platform == "cli":
                 msg.annotations[anno] = bytes(msg.annotations[anno])
             i += 6 + length
     # read data
     msg.data = connection.recv(msg.data_size)
     if "HMAC" in msg.annotations and hmac_key:
         if not secure_compare(msg.annotations["HMAC"], msg.hmac()):
             exc = errors.SecurityError("message hmac mismatch")
             exc.pyroMsg = msg
             raise exc
     elif ("HMAC" in msg.annotations) != bool(hmac_key):
         # Not allowed: message contains hmac but hmac_key is not set, or vice versa.
         err = "hmac key config not symmetric"
         exc = errors.SecurityError(err)
         exc.pyroMsg = msg
         raise exc
     return msg
コード例 #2
def start(daemon):
    Create and register a Flame server in the given daemon.
    Be *very* cautious before starting this: it allows the clients full access to everything on your system.
    if config.FLAME_ENABLED:
        if set(config.SERIALIZERS_ACCEPTED) != {"pickle"}:
            raise errors.SerializeError(
                "Flame requires the pickle serializer exclusively")
        return daemon.register(Flame(), constants.FLAME_NAME)
        raise errors.SecurityError(
            "Flame is disabled in the server configuration")
コード例 #3
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: adityax10/Pyro4
 def getMessage(cls, connection, requiredMsgType):
     headerdata = connection.recv(cls.HEADERSIZE)
     msgType, flags, seq, datalen, datahmac = cls.parseMessageHeader(headerdata)
     if 0 < Pyro4.config.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE < datalen:
         errorMsg = "max message size exceeded (%d where max=%d)" % (datalen, Pyro4.config.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE)
         log.error("connection "+str(connection)+": "+errorMsg)
         connection.close()   # close the socket because at this point we can't return the correct sequence number for returning an error message
         raise errors.ProtocolError(errorMsg)
     if requiredMsgType is not None and msgType != requiredMsgType:
         err="invalid msg type %d received" % msgType
         raise errors.ProtocolError(err)
     local_hmac_set=Pyro4.config.HMAC_KEY is not None and len(Pyro4.config.HMAC_KEY) > 0
     if flags&MessageFactory.FLAGS_HMAC and local_hmac_set:
         if datahmac != hmac.new(Pyro4.config.HMAC_KEY, databytes, digestmod=hashlib.sha1).digest():
             raise errors.SecurityError("message hmac mismatch")
     elif flags&MessageFactory.FLAGS_HMAC != local_hmac_set:
         # Message contains hmac and local HMAC_KEY not set, or vice versa. This is not allowed.
         err="hmac key config not symmetric"
         raise errors.SecurityError(err)
     return msgType, flags, seq, databytes
コード例 #4
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: dean-shaff/Pyro4
 def dict_to_class(cls, data):
     Recreate an object out of a dict containing the class name and the attributes.
     Only a fixed set of classes are recognized.
     Not used for the pickle serializer.
     from Pyro4 import core, futures  # XXX circular
     classname = data.get("__class__", "<unknown>")
     if isinstance(classname, bytes):
         classname = classname.decode("utf-8")
     if classname in cls.__custom_dict_to_class_registry:
         converter = cls.__custom_dict_to_class_registry[classname]
         return converter(classname, data)
     if "__" in classname:
         raise errors.SecurityError("refused to deserialize types with double underscores in their name: " + classname)
     # for performance, the constructors below are hardcoded here instead of added on a per-class basis to the dict-to-class registry
     if classname.startswith("Pyro4.core."):
         if classname == "Pyro4.core.URI":
             uri = core.URI.__new__(core.URI)
             return uri
         elif classname == "Pyro4.core.Proxy":
             proxy = core.Proxy.__new__(core.Proxy)
             return proxy
         elif classname == "Pyro4.core.Daemon":
             daemon = core.Daemon.__new__(core.Daemon)
             return daemon
     elif classname.startswith("Pyro4.util."):
         if classname == "Pyro4.util.SerpentSerializer":
             return SerpentSerializer()
         elif classname == "Pyro4.util.PickleSerializer":
             return PickleSerializer()
         elif classname == "Pyro4.util.MarshalSerializer":
             return MarshalSerializer()
         elif classname == "Pyro4.util.JsonSerializer":
             return JsonSerializer()
         elif classname == "Pyro4.util.MsgpackSerializer":
             return MsgpackSerializer()
         elif classname == "Pyro4.util.CloudpickleSerializer":
             return CloudpickleSerializer()
         elif classname == "Pyro4.util.DillSerializer":
             return DillSerializer()
     elif classname.startswith("Pyro4.errors."):
         errortype = getattr(errors, classname.split('.', 2)[2])
         if issubclass(errortype, errors.PyroError):
             return SerializerBase.make_exception(errortype, data)
     elif classname == "Pyro4.futures._ExceptionWrapper":
         ex = data["exception"]
         if isinstance(ex, dict) and "__class__" in ex:
             ex = SerializerBase.dict_to_class(ex)
         return futures._ExceptionWrapper(ex)
     elif data.get("__exception__", False):
         if classname in all_exceptions:
             return SerializerBase.make_exception(all_exceptions[classname], data)
         # python 2.x: exceptions.ValueError
         # python 3.x: builtins.ValueError
         # translate to the appropriate namespace...
         namespace, short_classname = classname.split('.', 1)
         if namespace in ("builtins", "exceptions"):
             if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
                 exceptiontype = getattr(exceptions, short_classname)
                 if issubclass(exceptiontype, BaseException):
                     return SerializerBase.make_exception(exceptiontype, data)
                 exceptiontype = getattr(builtins, short_classname)
                 if issubclass(exceptiontype, BaseException):
                     return SerializerBase.make_exception(exceptiontype, data)
         elif namespace == "sqlite3" and short_classname.endswith("Error"):
             import sqlite3
             exceptiontype = getattr(sqlite3, short_classname)
             if issubclass(exceptiontype, BaseException):
                 return SerializerBase.make_exception(exceptiontype, data)
     log.warning("unsupported serialized class: " + classname)
     raise errors.SerializeError("unsupported serialized class: " + classname)