def load_data_and_run(model, input_shape, TBCallBack): train_data_loader = ImageDataGenerator(samplewise_center=True, samplewise_std_normalization=True) train_data = train_data_loader.flow_from_directory( r"E:\Gitlab\MarkerTrainer\data_train", target_size=(input_shape, input_shape), batch_size=128, color_mode="grayscale", class_mode='binary') validation_data_loader = ImageDataGenerator( samplewise_center=True, samplewise_std_normalization=True) validation_data = validation_data_loader.flow_from_directory( r"E:\Gitlab\MarkerTrainer\data_validate", target_size=(input_shape, input_shape), batch_size=128, color_mode="grayscale", class_mode='binary') model_name = os.path.join(r"E:\Gitlab\MarkerTrainer\models", unique_name()) checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(model_name, monitor='val_acc', verbose=1, save_best_only=True, mode='max') callbacks_list = [TBCallBack, checkpoint] model.fit_generator(train_data, steps_per_epoch=100, epochs=20, validation_data=validation_data, validation_steps=100, callbacks=callbacks_list)'E:\Gitlab\MarkerTrainer\models\\', unique_name()))
def load_data_and_run(model, input_shape, TBCallBack): load_dotenv() train_path = os.getenv("train_path") train_csv_path = os.getenv("train_csv_path") validate_path = os.getenv("validate_path") validate_csv_path = os.getenv("validate_csv_path") # Dynamicly generate model path. project_root = os.path.realpath(__file__) model_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(project_root), "models") generate_csv(train_path, train_csv_path) train_data = DataSequence(train_csv_path, 128, mode="Train") generate_csv(validate_path, validate_csv_path) validation_data = DataSequence(validate_csv_path, 128) model_name = os.path.join(model_path, unique_name()) checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(model_name, monitor='val_acc', verbose=1, save_best_only=True, mode='max') callbacks_list = [TBCallBack, checkpoint] model.fit_generator(train_data, steps_per_epoch=256, epochs=500, validation_data=validation_data, validation_steps=256, callbacks=callbacks_list), unique_name()))
def list_random(bg_list, overlay_list, output_path, samples): """ Output the combinatino of BG and OVERLAY into a TARGET folder. in random draw manner. :param bg_folder: :param overlay_folder: :param output_path: :return: """ from random import randint # Generate this number of samples. i = 0 pbar = tqdm(samples) while i < samples: # Randomly draw a bg bg_image = bg_list[randint(0, len(bg_list)) - 1] # Randomly draw an overlay overlay_image = overlay_list[randint(0, len(overlay_list)) - 1] # Attempt overlay. try: # Generate new image name. merged_image = os.path.join(output_path, unique_name() + ".png") randomly(bg_image, overlay_image, merged_image) i = i + 1 # only increase counter if successfully generated one pbar.update(i) except: #FileNotFoundError or OSError or IOError"Bad image found during overlay: " + bg_image) continue pbar.close()
def subfolder(bg_folder, overlay_folder, output_root_path): """ Wrapper function that output to a UNIQUE subfolder instead of directly into the folder. For output into a SPECIFIC output folder, use the folder_foreground instead. :param bg_folder: :param overlay_folder: :param output_root_path: :return: """ # Generate and make the directory unique_path = os.path.join(output_root_path, "Overlay_" + unique_name()) os.makedirs(unique_path) folder(bg_folder, overlay_folder, unique_path) return unique_path
def ImageAugmentator(image_path, out_path, aug_seq, iterations): ''' Augment ONE image over ITERATIONS and output to the path, with the augmentation sequence given. :param image_path: :param out_path: :param aug_seq: :param iterations: :return: ''' # Duplicate the images x times. for x in range(0, iterations): new_file_name = os.path.join(out_path, unique_name() + ".png") shutil.copyfile(image_path, new_file_name) folder(out_path, out_path, aug_seq, 1)
def folder_random(bg_folder, overlay_folder, output_root_path, samples=100): """ Wrapper function that output to a UNIQUE subfolder instead of directly into the folder. For output into a SPECIFIC output folder, use the folder_foreground instead. :param bg_folder: :param overlay_folder: :param output_root_path: :return: """ # Generate and make the directory unique_path = os.path.join(output_root_path, "Overlay_" + unique_name()) os.makedirs(unique_path) bg_list = recursive_list(bg_folder) overlay_list = recursive_list(overlay_folder) list_random(bg_list, overlay_list, unique_path, samples) return unique_path
def crop_filelist(filelist, output_folder, width, height, iterations): """ crop the background images and generate the cropped version of them that are only 500x500 :param image_folder: folder contain downloads. :param width: width of the area will be cropped out. :param height: height of the area will be cropped out. :return: """ # Duplicate input file lists X iterations into the output destination updated_filelist = duplicates_into_folders(filelist, output_folder, iterations) # For all the files, try to convert and export to that address for file in tqdm(updated_filelist): try: image_path = file image = randomly(image_path, width, height) except OSError:"Found a bad file. Ignoring: " + file) continue bg_cropped_path = os.path.join(output_folder, unique_name() + ".png") if image is None: continue else: try: # Generate a RGB image from the cropped image. This FORCE the image to be RGB even if it was originally GRAY scale! rgbimg ="RGBA", image.size) # Paste the image in. rgbimg.paste(image) # Save the file., "PNG")"Saved " + bg_cropped_path) # Delete the original os.remove(file) except OSError:"Found a bad file. Ignoring: " + file + " from " + image_path) continue
def save_images(images_aug_collection, out_path): """ Take an augmented image collection an a path, then iterate through the collection to save them. :param images_aug_collection: the data bundle that has been properly augmented :param out_path: the output ROOT path where all images will reside. :return: """ for image in tqdm(images_aug_collection): # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.imshow(image, aspect="auto") # # Generate the time stamp required. filename = os.path.join(out_path, unique_name() + ".png")"Saving" + filename) # Saving the file. imageio.imwrite(filename, image)
def subfolder(input_path, output_path, aug_sequence, iterations, aug_description): """ A wrapped version of FolderAugmentator that create a UNQIUE subfolder. :param input_path: input path that contain the list of files. :param output_path: output root path, a :param aug_sequence: the augmentation seuqence that will be applied. :param iterations: number of the time to augment these input folders. :param aug_description: additional text string to be part of the folder name. :return: the path of the created SUBFOLDER """ # Set and create the path of the augmented background. augmentation_folder = os.path.join(output_path, unique_name() + aug_description) os.makedirs(augmentation_folder) # Augment from input folder into the output folder. folder(input_path, augmentation_folder, aug_sequence, iterations) # return the path. return augmentation_folder
def folder(bg_folder, overlay_folder, output_path): """ Output the combinatino of BG and OVERLAY into a TARGET folder after all possible combination. :param bg_folder: :param overlay_folder: :param output_path: :return: """ from PythonUtils.folder import recursive_list bg_list = recursive_list(bg_folder) overlay_list = recursive_list(overlay_folder) for bg_image in tqdm(bg_list): for overlay_image in overlay_list: try: # Generate new image name. merged_image = os.path.join(output_path, unique_name() + ".png") randomly(bg_image, overlay_image, merged_image) except FileNotFoundError: continue
def crop_folder_bg(input_image_root_folder, output_root_folder, width, height, iterations): """ A batch function for cropping the background images and generate the cropped version of them that are only 500x500 :param input_image_root_folder: folder contain downloads. :param width: width of the area will be cropped out. :param height: height of the area will be cropped out. :return: """ # Generate the temp name that will be used to store the crop results. crop_folder_name = unique_name() + "_" + str(width) + "x" + str(height) # Combine folder and root to form path name. output_subfolder = os.path.join(output_root_folder, crop_folder_name) # Make DIR if it does not already exist. if not os.path.exists(output_subfolder): os.makedirs(output_subfolder) crop_folder(input_image_root_folder, output_subfolder, width, height, iterations) return output_subfolder