コード例 #1
ファイル: LDF.py プロジェクト: hitalex/PR-homework
def build_LDF_model(num_class, x_train, y_train):
    """ LDF model
    First call QDF model to caculate the mean, cov_matirx
    prior, mean, cov_matrix = build_QDF_model(num_class, x_train, y_train)
    # cacualte the shared covariance matirx
    avg_cov = np.matlib.zeros(cov_matrix[0].shape)
    for i in range(num_class):
        avg_cov += (prior[i] * cov_matrix[i])
    inverse_cov = avg_cov.getI() # get the inverse covariance matrix
    num_feature = x_train.shape[1]
    # each column for weight[i]
    weight = np.matrix([0] * num_feature).T
    w0 = []
    for i in range(num_class):
        wi = 2 * inverse_cov.T * mean[i]
        weight = np.hstack((weight, wi))
        wi0 = 2 * math.log(prior[i]) - (mean[i].T * inverse_cov * mean[i])[0,0]
    return inverse_cov, weight[:, 1:], w0
コード例 #2
ファイル: RDA.py プロジェクト: hitalex/PR-homework
def build_RDA_model(num_class, x_train, y_train, beta, gamma):
    """ First call QDF model to caculate the mean, cov_matirx
    beta, gamma: hyper-parameters, range: 0~1
    prior, mean, cov_matrix = build_QDF_model(num_class, x_train, y_train)
    # cacualte the shared covariance matirx
    avg_cov = np.matlib.zeros(cov_matrix[0].shape)
    for i in range(num_class):
        avg_cov += (prior[i] * cov_matrix[i])
    num_feature = len(x_train[0])
    for i in range(num_class):
        # the following formula is from PPT
        tmp = cov_matrix[i]
        dev = tmp.trace()[0,0] * 1.0 / num_feature
        cov_matrix[i] = (1-gamma) * ((1-beta)*tmp + beta*avg_cov) + gamma * dev * np.matlib.eye(num_feature)
        # refer to Statistical Pattern Recognition, page 43
        tmp = cov_matrix[i]
        tmp = (1-beta) * prior[i] * tmp + beta * avg_cov
        dev = tmp.trace()[0,0] * 1.0 / num_feature
        cov_matrix[i] = (1-gamma) * tmp + gamma * dev * np.matlib.eye(num_feature)
    return prior, mean, cov_matrix
コード例 #3
ファイル: MQDF.py プロジェクト: hitalex/PR-homework
def build_MQDF_model(num_class, x_train, y_train, k, delta0):
    """ MQDF model
    @k and @delta are hyper-parameters
    Note: There are three possible ways to set @delta:
    1) @delta is a hyper-parameter, set by cross validation
    2) @delta can be estimated via ML estimation, in which case, this delta 
        is no longer a hyper-parameter
    3) @delta can be set close to $\sigma_{i,k}$ or $\sigma_{i,k+1}$, in which case, 
        this delta is also not a hyper-parameter
    d = len(x_train[0]) # number of features
    assert(k<d and k>0)
    prior, mean, cov_matrix = build_QDF_model(num_class, x_train, y_train)
    eigenvalue = []    # store the first largest k eigenvalues of each class
    eigenvector = []   # the first largest k eigenvectors, column-wise of each class
    delta = [0] * num_class # deltas for each class
    for i in range(num_class):
        cov = cov_matrix[i]
        eig_values, eig_vectors = linalg.eigh(cov)
        # sort the eigvalues
        idx = eig_values.argsort()
        idx = idx[::-1] # reverse the array
        eig_values = eig_values[idx]
        eig_vectors = eig_vectors[:,idx]
        eigenvector.append(eig_vectors[:, 0:k])
        # delta via ML estimation
        #delta[i] = (cov.trace() - sum(eigenvalue[i])) * 1.0 / (d-k)
        # delta close to $\sigma_{i,k-1}$ or $\sigma_{i,k}$
        #delta[i] = (eig_values[k-1] + eig_values[k])/2
        #print 'Suggestd delta[%d]: %f' % (i, (eig_values[k] + eig_values[k+1])/2)
        # delta as the mean of minor values
        delta[i] = sum(eig_values[k:]) / len(eig_values[k:])
    #delta = [delta0] * num_class
    return prior, mean, eigenvalue, eigenvector, delta