def paint(self, painter, option, widget=None): path = QPainterPath() path.addRoundedRect(self.m_rect, 5, 5) anchor = self.mapFromParent(self.m_chart.mapToPosition(self.m_anchor)) if not self.m_rect.contains(anchor): point1 = QPointF() point2 = QPointF() # establish the position of the anchor point in relation to m_rect above = anchor.y() <= aboveCenter = (anchor.y() > and anchor.y() <= belowCenter = (anchor.y() > and anchor.y() <= self.m_rect.bottom()) below = anchor.y() > self.m_rect.bottom() onLeft = anchor.x() <= self.m_rect.left() leftOfCenter = (anchor.x() > self.m_rect.left() and anchor.x() <= rightOfCenter = (anchor.x() > and anchor.x() <= self.m_rect.right()) onRight = anchor.x() > self.m_rect.right() # get the nearest m_rect corner. x = (onRight + rightOfCenter) * self.m_rect.width() y = (below + belowCenter) * self.m_rect.height() cornerCase = ((above and onLeft) or (above and onRight) or (below and onLeft) or (below and onRight)) vertical = abs(anchor.x() - x) > abs(anchor.y() - y) x1 = (x + leftOfCenter * 10 - rightOfCenter * 20 + cornerCase * int(not vertical) * (onLeft * 10 - onRight * 20)) y1 = (y + aboveCenter * 10 - belowCenter * 20 + cornerCase * int(vertical) * (above * 10 - below * 20)) point1.setX(x1) point1.setY(y1) x2 = (x + leftOfCenter * 20 - rightOfCenter * 10 + cornerCase * int(not vertical) * (onLeft * 20 - onRight * 10)) y2 = (y + aboveCenter * 20 - belowCenter * 10 + cornerCase * int(vertical) * (above * 20 - below * 10)) point2.setX(x2) point2.setY(y2) path.moveTo(point1) path.lineTo(anchor) path.lineTo(point2) path = path.simplified() painter.setBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255)) painter.drawPath(path) painter.drawText(self.m_textRect, self.m_text)
def resizeEvent(self, event): a = min(self.width(), self.height()) top_left = QPointF() if self._alignment & Qt.AlignTop: top_left.setY(0) elif self._alignment & Qt.AlignVCenter: top_left.setY((self.height() - a) * 0.5) elif self._alignment & Qt.AlignBottom: top_left.setY(self.height() - a) if self._alignment & Qt.AlignLeft: top_left.setX(0) elif self._alignment & Qt.AlignHCenter: top_left.setX((self.width() - a) * 0.5) elif self._alignment & Qt.AlignRight: top_left.setX(self.width() - a) self._bounds = QRectF(top_left, QSize(a, a)) self._knop_bounds.setWidth(a * 0.3) self._knop_bounds.setHeight(a * 0.3) radius = (self._bounds.width() - self._knop_bounds.height()) * 0.5 self._knop_bounds.moveCenter( QPointF( + self._x * radius, - self._y * radius))
def mousePressEvent(self, event): self._prev_value = self.value() self._start_drag_pos = event.pos() if event.button() == Qt.MidButton: if not self._draggers: self._draggers = SliderDraggers(parent=self, is_float=self._is_float, dragger_steps=self._dragger_steps) self._draggers.increment.connect(self.valueIncremented.emit) if self._is_float: self._draggers.move( self.mapToGlobal(QPoint(event.pos().x() - 1, event.pos().y() - self._draggers.height() / 2))) else: draggers_height = self._draggers.height() self._draggers.move( self.mapToGlobal( QPoint(event.pos().x() - 1, event.pos().y() - (self._draggers.height() - draggers_height / 6)))) elif event.button() == self._left_button and event.modifiers() not in \ [Qt.ControlModifier, Qt.ShiftModifier, Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.ShiftModifier]: buttons = Qt.MouseButtons(self._mid_button) mouse_event = QMouseEvent(event.type(), event.pos(), self._mid_button, buttons, event.modifiers()) super(Slider, self).mousePressEvent(mouse_event) elif event.modifiers() in [Qt.ControlModifier, Qt.ShiftModifier, Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.ShiftModifier]: style_slider = QStyleOptionSlider() style_slider.initFrom(self) style_slider.orientation = self.orientation() available =, style_slider, self) x_loc = QStyle.sliderPositionFromValue( self.minimum(), self.maximum(), super(Slider, self).value(), available) buttons = Qt.MouseButtons(self._mid_button) new_pos = QPointF() new_pos.setX(x_loc) mouse_event = QMouseEvent(event.type(), new_pos, self._mid_button, buttons, event.modifiers()) self._start_drag_pos = new_pos self._real_start_drag_pos = event.pos() super(Slider, self).mousePressEvent(mouse_event) self._delta_value = self.value() - self._prev_value self.setValue(self._prev_value) else: super(Slider, self).mousePressEvent(event)
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): delta_x = event.pos().x() - self._real_start_drag_pos.x() delta_y = event.pos().y() - self._real_start_drag_pos.y() new_pos = QPointF() if event.modifiers() in [Qt.ControlModifier, Qt.ShiftModifier, Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.ShiftModifier]: if event.modifiers() == Qt.ControlModifier: new_pos.setX(self.startDragpos.x() + delta_x / 2) new_pos.setY(self.startDragpos.y() + delta_y / 2) elif event.modifiers() == Qt.ShiftModifier: new_pos.setX(self.startDragpos.x() + delta_x / 4) new_pos.setY(self.startDragpos.y() + delta_y / 4) elif event.modifiers() == Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.ShiftModifier: new_pos.setX(self.startDragpos.x() + delta_x / 8) new_pos.setY(self.startDragpos.y() + delta_y / 8) mouse_event = QMouseEvent(event.type(), new_pos, event.button(), event.buttons(), event.modifiers()) super(Slider, self).mouseMoveEvent(mouse_event) self.setValue(self.value() - self._delta_value) else: super(Slider, self).mouseMoveEvent(event)
def redraw(self): self.graphicsScene.clear() # draw screenshot self.graphicsScene.addPixmap(self.screenPixel) # prepare for drawing selected area rect = QRectF(self.selectedArea) rect = rect.normalized() topLeftPoint = rect.topLeft() topRightPoint = rect.topRight() bottomLeftPoint = rect.bottomLeft() bottomRightPoint = rect.bottomRight() topMiddlePoint = (topLeftPoint + topRightPoint) / 2 leftMiddlePoint = (topLeftPoint + bottomLeftPoint) / 2 bottomMiddlePoint = (bottomLeftPoint + bottomRightPoint) / 2 rightMiddlePoint = (topRightPoint + bottomRightPoint) / 2 # draw the picture mask mask = QColor(0, 0, 0, 155) if self.selectedArea == QRect(): self.graphicsScene.addRect(0, 0, self.screenPixel.width(), self.screenPixel.height(), QPen(Qt.NoPen), mask) else: self.graphicsScene.addRect(0, 0, self.screenPixel.width(), topRightPoint.y(), QPen(Qt.NoPen), mask) self.graphicsScene.addRect(0, topLeftPoint.y(), topLeftPoint.x(), rect.height(), QPen(Qt.NoPen), mask) self.graphicsScene.addRect( topRightPoint.x(), topRightPoint.y(), self.screenPixel.width() - topRightPoint.x(), rect.height(), QPen(Qt.NoPen), mask) self.graphicsScene.addRect( 0, bottomLeftPoint.y(), self.screenPixel.width(), self.screenPixel.height() - bottomLeftPoint.y(), QPen(Qt.NoPen), mask) # draw the toolBar if self.action != ACTION_SELECT: spacing = 5 # show the toolbar first, then move it to the correct position # because the width of it may be wrong if this is the first time it shows dest = QPointF(rect.bottomRight() - QPointF(self.tooBar.width(), 0) - QPointF(spacing, -spacing)) if dest.x() < spacing: dest.setX(spacing) pen_set_bar_height = self.penSetBar.height( ) if self.penSetBar is not None else 0 if dest.y() + self.tooBar.height( ) + pen_set_bar_height >= self.height(): if - self.tooBar.height( ) - pen_set_bar_height < spacing: dest.setY( + spacing) else: dest.setY( - self.tooBar.height() - pen_set_bar_height - spacing) self.tooBar.move(self.mapToGlobal(dest.toPoint())) if self.penSetBar is not None: _pen_point = QPoint(dest.toPoint() + QPoint(0, self.tooBar.height() + spacing)) self.penSetBar.move(self.mapToGlobal(_pen_point)) if self.action == ACTION_TEXT: self.penSetBar.showFontWidget() else: self.penSetBar.showPenWidget() else: self.tooBar.hide() if self.penSetBar is not None: self.penSetBar.hide() # draw the list for step in self.drawListResult: self.drawOneStep(step) if self.drawListProcess is not None: self.drawOneStep(self.drawListProcess) if self.action != ACTION_TEXT: self.drawListProcess = None # if self.selectedArea != QRect(): # self.itemsToRemove = [] # # draw the selected rectangle # pen = QPen(QColor(0, 255, 255), 2) # self.itemsToRemove.append(self.graphicsScene.addRect(rect, pen)) # # draw the drag point # radius = QPoint(3, 3) # brush = QBrush(QColor(0, 255, 255)) # self.itemsToRemove.append( # self.graphicsScene.addEllipse(QRectF(topLeftPoint - radius, topLeftPoint + radius), pen, brush)) # self.itemsToRemove.append( # self.graphicsScene.addEllipse(QRectF(topMiddlePoint - radius, topMiddlePoint + radius), pen, brush)) # self.itemsToRemove.append( # self.graphicsScene.addEllipse(QRectF(topRightPoint - radius, topRightPoint + radius), pen, brush)) # self.itemsToRemove.append( # self.graphicsScene.addEllipse(QRectF(leftMiddlePoint - radius, leftMiddlePoint + radius), pen, brush)) # self.itemsToRemove.append( # self.graphicsScene.addEllipse(QRectF(rightMiddlePoint - radius, rightMiddlePoint + radius), pen, brush)) # self.itemsToRemove.append( # self.graphicsScene.addEllipse(QRectF(bottomLeftPoint - radius, bottomLeftPoint + radius), pen, brush)) # self.itemsToRemove.append( # self.graphicsScene.addEllipse(QRectF(bottomMiddlePoint - radius, bottomMiddlePoint + radius), pen, brush)) # self.itemsToRemove.append( # self.graphicsScene.addEllipse(QRectF(bottomRightPoint - radius, bottomRightPoint + radius), pen, brush)) # draw the textedit if self.textPosition is not None: textSpacing = 50 position = QPoint() if self.textPosition.x() + self.textInput.width( ) >= self.screenPixel.width(): position.setX(self.textPosition.x() - self.textInput.width()) else: position.setX(self.textPosition.x()) if self.textRect is not None: if self.textPosition.y() + self.textInput.height( ) + self.textRect.height() >= self.screenPixel.height(): position.setY(self.textPosition.y() - self.textInput.height() - self.textRect.height()) else: position.setY(self.textPosition.y() + self.textRect.height()) else: if self.textPosition.y() + self.textInput.height( ) >= self.screenPixel.height(): position.setY(self.textPosition.y() - self.textInput.height()) else: position.setY(self.textPosition.y()) self.textInput.move(self.mapToGlobal(position)) # self.textInput.getFocus() # draw the magnifier if self.action == ACTION_SELECT: self.drawMagnifier() if self.mousePressed: self.drawSizeInfo() if self.action == ACTION_MOVE_SELECTED: self.drawSizeInfo()