def conv2d_fixed_padding(inputs, filters, kernel_size, strides, data_format, name): """Strided 2-D convolution with explicit padding.""" # The padding is consistent and is based only on `kernel_size`, not on the # dimensions of `inputs` (as opposed to using `tf.layers.conv2d` alone). if strides > 1: inputs = fixed_padding(inputs, kernel_size, data_format) c_in = inputs.get_shape().as_list()[1] def _compute_fans(shape): """Computes the number of input and output units for a weight shape. Args: shape: Integer shape tuple or TF tensor shape. Returns: A tuple of scalars (fan_in, fan_out). """ if len(shape) < 1: # Just to avoid errors for constants. fan_in = fan_out = 1 elif len(shape) == 1: fan_in = fan_out = shape[0] elif len(shape) == 2: fan_in = shape[0] fan_out = shape[1] else: # Assuming convolution kernels (2D, 3D, or more). # kernel shape: (..., input_depth, depth) receptive_field_size = 1. for dim in shape[:-2]: receptive_field_size *= dim fan_in = shape[-2] * receptive_field_size fan_out = shape[-1] * receptive_field_size return fan_in, fan_out shape = [kernel_size, kernel_size, c_in, filters] fan_in, fan_out = _compute_fans(shape) with tf.variable_scope(name, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): W = tf.Variable(fBits( tf.truncated_normal(shape=shape, stddev=1.0 / tf.sqrt(float(fan_in))), 16), name='conv2d/kernel') w_q = fw(W) if strides == 1: padding = 'SAME' else: padding = 'VALID' inputs = tf.nn.conv2d(inputs, w_q, strides=[1, 1, strides, strides], padding=padding, data_format='NCHW', name=name) inputs = fe2(inputs) return inputs
def __getitem__(self, slice_spec): """Basic indexing, returns a `TensorTrain` containing the specified region. Examples: >>> a = t3f.random_tensor((2, 3, 4)) >>> a[1, :, :] is a 2D TensorTrain 3 x 4. >>> a[1:2, :, :] is a 3D TensorTrain 1 x 3 x 4 """ if len(slice_spec) != self.ndims(): raise ValueError('Expected %d indices, got %d' % (self.ndims(), len(slice_spec))) new_tt_cores = [] remainder = None print('%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%') for i in range(self.ndims()): curr_core = self.tt_cores[i] if self.is_tt_matrix(): raise NotImplementedError else: sliced_core = curr_core[:, slice_spec[i], :] if len(curr_core.get_shape()) != len(sliced_core.get_shape()): # This index is specified exactly and we want to collapse this axis. if remainder is None: remainder = sliced_core else: remainder = tf.matmul(remainder, sliced_core) else: if remainder is not None: # Add reminder from the previous collapsed cores to the current # core. sliced_core = tf.einsum('ab,bid->aid', remainder, sliced_core) remainder = None new_tt_cores.append(sliced_core) if remainder is not None: # The reminder obtained from collapsing the last cores. new_tt_cores[-1] = tf.einsum('aib,bd->aid', new_tt_cores[-1], remainder) remainder = None # TODO: infer the output ranks and shape. for i in range(len(new_tt_cores)): print('FP core: ', new_tt_cores[i]) new_tt_cores[i] = fBits(new_tt_cores[i], 8) print('8bits core: ', new_tt_cores[i]) return TensorTrain(new_tt_cores)
def matrix_with_random_cores(shape, tt_rank=2, mean=0., stddev=1., dtype=tf.float32, name='t3f_matrix_with_random_cores'): """Generate a TT-matrix of given shape with N(mean, stddev^2) cores. Args: shape: 2d array, shape[0] is the shape of the matrix row-index, shape[1] is the shape of the column index. shape[0] and shape[1] should have the same number of elements (d) Also supports omitting one of the dimensions for vectors, e.g. matrix_with_random_cores([[2, 2, 2], None]) and matrix_with_random_cores([None, [2, 2, 2]]) will create an 8-element column and row vectors correspondingly. tt_rank: a number or a (d+1)-element array with ranks. mean: a number, the mean of the normal distribution used for initializing TT-cores. stddev: a number, the standard deviation of the normal distribution used for initializing TT-cores. dtype: [tf.float32] dtype of the resulting matrix. name: string, name of the Op. Returns: TensorTrain containing a TT-matrix of size[0]) x[1]) """ # TODO: good distribution to init training. # In case the shape is immutable. shape = list(shape) # In case shape represents a vector, e.g. [None, [2, 2, 2]] if shape[0] is None: shape[0] = np.ones(len(shape[1]), dtype=int) # In case shape represents a vector, e.g. [[2, 2, 2], None] if shape[1] is None: shape[1] = np.ones(len(shape[0]), dtype=int) shape = np.array(shape) tt_rank = np.array(tt_rank) _validate_input_parameters(is_tensor=False, shape=shape, tt_rank=tt_rank) num_dims = shape[0].size if tt_rank.size == 1: tt_rank = tt_rank * np.ones(num_dims - 1) tt_rank = np.concatenate([[1], tt_rank, [1]]) tt_rank = tt_rank.astype(int) tt_cores = [None] * num_dims with tf.name_scope(name): for i in range(num_dims): curr_core_shape = (tt_rank[i], shape[0][i], shape[1][i], tt_rank[i + 1]) tt_cores[i] = tf.random_normal(curr_core_shape, mean=mean, stddev=stddev, dtype=dtype) # Quantization if i == 0 or i == num_dims - 1: tt_cores[i] = fBits(tt_cores[i], 8) else: tt_cores[i] = fBits(tt_cores[i], 8) #print('!!!!tt_cores!! after:', tt_cores[i]) return TensorTrain(tt_cores, shape, tt_rank)
def resnet_model_fn(features, labels, mode, params): """Our model_fn for ResNet to be used with our Estimator.""" tf.summary.image('images', features, max_outputs=6) network = resnet_model.imagenet_resnet_v2(params['resnet_size'], _LABEL_CLASSES, params['data_format']) logits = network(inputs=features, is_training=(mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN)) print('<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>') print( predictions = { 'classes': tf.argmax(logits, axis=1), 'probabilities': tf.nn.softmax(logits, name='softmax_tensor') } if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode=mode, predictions=predictions) # Calculate loss, which includes softmax cross entropy and L2 regularization. cross_entropy = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(logits=logits, onehot_labels=labels) #cross_entropy = -tf.reduce_sum(labels*tf.log(logits)) #cross_entropy = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy( #logits=logits, labels=labels) # Create a tensor named cross_entropy for logging purposes. tf.identity(cross_entropy, name='cross_entropy') tf.summary.scalar('cross_entropy', cross_entropy) # Add weight decay to the loss. We exclude the batch norm variables because # doing so leads to a small improvement in accuracy. loss = cross_entropy + _WEIGHT_DECAY * tf.add_n([ tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in tf.trainable_variables() if 'BatchNorm' not in ]) if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: # Scale the learning rate linearly with the batch size. When the batch size # is 256, the learning rate should be 0.1. #initial_learning_rate = 0.1 * params['batch_size'] / 256 initial_learning_rate = 0.05 batches_per_epoch = _NUM_IMAGES['train'] / params['batch_size'] global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() # Multiply the learning rate by 0.1 at 30, 60, 80, and 90 epochs. boundaries = [ int(batches_per_epoch * epoch) for epoch in [30, 60, 80, 90] ] #int(batches_per_epoch * epoch) for epoch in [20, 30, 40, 50]] values = [ initial_learning_rate * decay for decay in [1, 0.12, 0.06, 0.03, 0.03] ] learning_rate = tf.train.piecewise_constant( tf.cast(global_step, tf.int32), boundaries, values) g_values = [128., 128., 32., 8., 2.] g_scale = tf.train.piecewise_constant(tf.cast(global_step, tf.int32), boundaries, g_values) tf.identity(g_scale, name='g_scale') learning_rate = flr(learning_rate) # Create a tensor named learning_rate for logging purposes. tf.identity(learning_rate, name='learning_rate') tf.summary.scalar('learning_rate', learning_rate) optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate, momentum=_MOMENTUM) # Batch norm requires update_ops to be added as a train_op dependency. update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) gradTrainBatch = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss) grad = [] var = [] for grad_and_vars in gradTrainBatch: grad.append(grad_and_vars[0]) var.append(grad_and_vars[1]) def QuantizeG(gradTrainBatch): grads = [] for grad_and_vars in gradTrainBatch: if grad_and_vars[1].name == 'conv2d/kernel:0' or grad_and_vars[ 1].name.find('dense') > -1: grads.append([grad_and_vars[0] * 1.0, grad_and_vars[1]]) elif grad_and_vars[1].name.find('BatchNorm') > -1: grads.append( [fgBN(grad_and_vars[0], 1.0), grad_and_vars[1]]) else: grads.append( [fg(grad_and_vars[0], 1.0, g_scale), grad_and_vars[1]]) return grads gradTrainBatch = QuantizeG(gradTrainBatch) Mom_Q = [] Mom_W = [] w_vars = tf.trainable_variables() for w_var in w_vars: if == ( 'conv2d/kernel:0') or'dense') > -1: Mom_W.append(tf.assign(w_var, w_var)) print( print('**************************') else: Mom_W.append(tf.assign(w_var, fBits(w_var, 24))) with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(gradTrainBatch, global_step=global_step) opt_slot_name = optimizer.get_slot_names() train_vars = tf.trainable_variables() for train_var in train_vars: mom_var = optimizer.get_slot(train_var, opt_slot_name[0]) if == ('conv2d/kernel:0' ) or'dense') > -1: print( else: Mom_Q.append(tf.assign(mom_var, fBits(mom_var, 13))) train_op =[train_op, Mom_Q, Mom_W]) else: train_op = None accuracy = tf.metrics.accuracy(tf.argmax(labels, axis=1), predictions['classes']) accuracy5 = tf.metrics.mean( tf.nn.in_top_k(logits, tf.argmax(labels, axis=1), k=5)) metrics = {'accuracy': accuracy, 'accuracy5': accuracy5} # Create a tensor named train_accuracy for logging purposes. tf.identity(accuracy[1], name='train_accuracy') tf.summary.scalar('train_accuracy', accuracy[1]) return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode=mode, predictions=predictions, loss=loss, train_op=train_op, eval_metric_ops=metrics)