コード例 #1
ファイル: VNF.py プロジェクト: ViniGarcia/PyCOO
    def controlVNF(self, action, arguments):

        if self.VNF_STATUS < 0:

        if not self.VNF_UP:
            return -1

        if self.VNF_REST == None:
            management = self.managementVNF()
            if isinstance(management, basestring):
                self.VNF_REST = REST(management)
                return -2

        if action == 'function_start':
            return self.VNF_REST.postStart()
        if action == 'function_stop':
            return self.VNF_REST.postStop()
        if action == 'function_replace':
            return self.VNF_REST.postFunction(arguments[0])
        if action == 'function_run':
            return self.VNF_REST.getRunning()
        if action == 'function_data':
            return self.VNF_REST.getFunction()
        if action == 'function_id':
            return self.VNF_REST.getIdentification()
        if action == 'function_metrics':
            return self.VNF_REST.getMetrics()
        if action == 'function_log':
            return self.VNF_REST.getLog()
コード例 #2
ファイル: instance.py プロジェクト: rorymurdock/WSO-SaaS
    def check_hostname_valid(self, path=None):
        """Checks hostname has DNS entry and responds to HTTP GET"""
            # Check if the DNS name resolves
            self.ip_address = socket.gethostbyname('cn%s.awmdm.com' %

            # Test HTTP Request
                # GET index
                rest = REST('cn%s.awmdm.com/%s' % (self.instance, path),
                if rest.get('').status_code == 200:
                    self.debug_print('\t Active')
                    self.active = True
                    # Non 200 response, mark as inactive
                    self.active = False

            # Catch Timeout or Connection Errors and mark as inactive
            except (requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout,
                self.debug_print('\t - HTTP timeout')
                self.active = False

        # Catch DNS SERVFAIL
        except socket.gaierror:
            self.debug_print('\t - DNS error')
            self.active = False

        return self.active
コード例 #3
ファイル: instance.py プロジェクト: rorymurdock/WSO-SaaS
    def get_version(self):
        """Get instance version"""
        # Create REST instance
        rest = REST(url='cn%s.awmdm.com' % self.instance, debug=self.debug)

        # At some stage the version file changed, try both
        urls = ['/api/help/local.json', '/api/system/help/localjson']

        # Try the first URL
        response = rest.get(urls[0])

        # If that 404's try the second URL
        if response.status_code == 404:
            response = rest.get(urls[1])

        # If this 200 OKs
        if response.status_code == 200:
            # Get the text, parse is
            versions = json.loads(response.text)
            version = versions['apis'][0]['products'][0]

            # Regex it to remove AirWatch and VMWare Workspace ONE UEM strings
            # Leaving just the version number
            version = re.match(r'(AirWatch|VMware Workspace ONE UEM);(.*)',
                               version, re.M | re.I).group(2)

            self.version = version
            self.debug_print('\t Version: %s' % self.version)

        # API could be behind an auth wall
        # Leave as None
        return self.version
コード例 #4
    def get_stops(self):
        """Get the PT stops in the area"""
        with open('api_key.json') as json_file:
            api_key = json.load(json_file)['api_key']

        # Set headers
        headers = {
            'Accept': 'application/json',
            'Authorization': 'apikey %s' % api_key

        # Create instance of configured REST
        rest = REST(url='api.transport.nsw.gov.au',

        # URL to get
        url = "/v1/tp/departure_mon?outputFormat=rapidJSON&coordOutputFormat=EPSG%3A4326&mode=direct&type_dm=stop&name_dm=10111010&itdDate=20161001&itdTime=1200&departureMonitorMacro=true&TfNSWDM=true&version="

        response = rest.get(url)

        # Check response was good


        return True
コード例 #5
class GPIO:

	# set up databases
	independent = REST("https://marsoasis.firebaseio.com/")
	softwaredev = REST("https://cumarsoasis.firebaseio.com/")

	def __init__(self, name, pin):

		# assign table
		self.name = name

		# assign pin
		self.pin = pin

		# set path for device file with pin
		self.path = "/sys/devices/virtual/gpio/gpio" + str(pin) + "/value" 

	def check_status(self): 

		# open up the device
		device = open(self.path)

		# read in the value as an integer
		value = int(device.read().rstrip())

		# close the device

		# look up the state
		state = lookup_key[self.pin][value]

		return state

	def toggle(self):

		# open the device for reading
		device = open(self.path)

		# read in the value as an integer
		value = int(device.read().rstrip())

		# close the device

		# flip the switch
		if   value == 0: value = 1
		elif value == 1: value = 0
		else: print "throw error"

		# open the device for writing
		device = open(self.path, 'w')

		# write the new value

		# close the device

		print self.check_status()
コード例 #6
def test_custom_header():
    """Test custom header function"""
    header_content = randomString()
    header_key = randomString()

    headers = {header_key: header_content}

    rest_header = REST(url='postman-echo.com', headers=headers, debug=True)

    response = json.loads(rest_header.get('/headers').text)

    assert response['headers'][header_key] == header_content
コード例 #7
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: erettozi/FarmersMarket
class FMRestfulMethods_2(Resource):
    def __init__(self):
        self._rest = REST()

    def post(self):
        if not get_pw(auth.username()):
            abort(404, message='Unauthorized User')

        data = request.get_json(force=True)
        result = self._rest.insertFarmerMarket(data)
        return jsonify(result)
コード例 #8
ファイル: instance.py プロジェクト: rorymurdock/WSO-SaaS
    def get_location(self):
        """Lookup IP location"""
        # For some reason this IP API fails without a user agent
        headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}

        # Create REST instance to Geo check IP
        rest = REST(url='ip-api.com',

        # Query API
        response = rest.get('/json/%s' % self.ip_address)

        # If succesful parse json and set location
        if response.status_code == 200:
            response = json.loads(response.text)
            self.location = "\"%s, %s, %s\", %s, %s" % (
                response['city'], response['regionName'], response['country'],
                response['as'], response['org'])

        return self.location
コード例 #9
ファイル: VNF.py プロジェクト: ViniGarcia/PyCOO
    def scriptVNF(self, scriptTasks, scriptError, functionPath):

        if self.VNF_STATUS < 0:

        if not self.VNF_UP:
            return -1

        if self.VNF_REST == None:
            management = self.managementVNF()
            if isinstance(management, basestring):
                self.VNF_REST = REST(management)
                return -2

        resultCheck = self.VNF_REST.scriptExecution(scriptTasks, scriptError, functionPath)
        if isinstance(resultCheck, list):
            return resultCheck
            if resultCheck < 0:
                return resultCheck - 2
                return resultCheck
コード例 #10
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: erettozi/FarmersMarket
class FMRestfulMethods_1(Resource):
    def __init__(self):
        self._rest = REST()

    def get(self, paramName, value):
        if not get_pw(auth.username()):
            abort(404, message='Unauthorized User')

        result = self._rest.getFarmerMarket(paramName, value)
        return result

    def delete(self, paramName, value):
        if not get_pw(auth.username()):
            abort(404, message='Unauthorized User')

        result = {}
        if paramName == 'registerID':
            result = self._rest.deleteFarmerMarket(value)
            result['message'] = 'Invalid parameter!'

        return jsonify(result)

    def put(self, paramName, value):
        if not get_pw(auth.username()):
            abort(404, message='Unauthorized User')

        result = {}
        if paramName == 'update':
            data = request.get_json(force=True)
            result = self._rest.updateFarmerMarket(data, value)
            result['message'] = 'Invalid parameter!'

        return jsonify(result)
コード例 #11
ファイル: instance.py プロジェクト: rorymurdock/WSO-SaaS
    def check_redirection(self):
        """Checks if an instance redirects to a company hostname"""
        # Get base URL
        rest = REST(url='cn%s.awmdm.com' % self.instance, debug=self.debug)
        response = rest.get('')

        # If response array isn't empty then we have been redirected
        if response.history:
            # Get the final URL and extract the hostname in regex
                # Use regex to extract URL, for SAML catch identity service / login
                #TODO: Fix nike login match
                hostname = re.match(
                    response.url, re.M | re.I).group(1)

            # Unable to regex match, just use the whole URL
            except AttributeError:
                hostname = response.url

            self.hostname = hostname
            self.debug_print('\t Hostname: %s' % self.hostname)

        return self.hostname
コード例 #12
"""Tests REST module"""
import json
import random
import string
from REST import REST

# Thanks to https://postman-echo.com
# For the demo REST API

rest = REST(url='postman-echo.com', debug=True)

# Generate random data for testing
def randomString(stringLength=15):
    """Generate a random string of fixed length """
    letters = string.ascii_lowercase
    return ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(stringLength))

def test_rest_get():
    """Tests GET function"""
    test_param1 = randomString()
    test_param1_value = randomString()
    test_param2 = randomString()
    test_param2_value = randomString()

    response = rest.get(
        "/get?%s=%s&%s=%s" %
        (test_param1, test_param1_value, test_param2, test_param2_value))

    assert response.status_code == 200
コード例 #13
 def __init__(self,
              accept="application/json, */*",
     self.request = {
         'method': None,
         'url': None,
         'scheme': "",
         'netloc': "",
         'path': "",
         'query': {},
         'body': None,
         'headers': {
             'Accept': REST._input_string(accept),
             'Content-Type': REST._input_string(content_type),
             'User-Agent': REST._input_string(user_agent)
         'proxies': REST._input_object(proxies),
         'timeout': [None, None],
         'cert': None,
         'sslVerify': REST._input_ssl_verify(ssl_verify),
         'allowRedirects': True
     if url:
         url = REST._input_string(url)
         if url.endswith('/'):
             url = url[:-1]
         if not url.startswith(("http://", "https://")):
             url = "http://" + url
         url_parts = urlparse(url)
         self.request['scheme'] = url_parts.scheme
         self.request['netloc'] = url_parts.netloc
         self.request['path'] = url_parts.path
     if not self.request['sslVerify']:
     self.schema = {
         "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
         "title": url,
         "description": None,
         "default": True,
         "examples": [],
         "type": "object",
         "properties": {
             "request": {
                 "type": "object",
                 "properties": {}
             "response": {
                 "type": "object",
                 "properties": {}
     self.spec = {}
     self.instances = self._input_array(instances)
コード例 #14
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: erettozi/FarmersMarket
 def __init__(self):
     self._rest = REST()
コード例 #15
ファイル: VNF.py プロジェクト: ViniGarcia/PyCOO
class VNF:
    ID = ''
    MEMORY = 0
    VCPU = 0

    VNF_EXIST = False
    VNF_UP = False
    VNF_STATUS = 0

    VNF_JSON = ''
    VNF_REST = None

# __init__: redirects to the correct function to initialize the class, for file interfaces use set 'interface'
#          as none.
    def __init__(self, configurationPath, interfaces):

        if interfaces != None:
            self.outInterfaces(configurationPath, interfaces)

#inInterfaces: receives the JSON VNF configuration, parses it, apply data in destiny attributes and
#              validates the read data and check for VNF existence.
#              -5 = file does not exist
    def inInterfaces(self, configurationPath):

        if path.isfile(configurationPath):
            self.VNF_JSON = configurationPath
            with open(self.VNF_JSON) as dataVNF:
                parsedVNF = json.load(dataVNF)
            self.VNF_STATUS = -5
            return -5

        if 'ID' in parsedVNF:
            self.ID = parsedVNF['ID']
        if 'MEMORY' in parsedVNF:
            self.MEMORY = parsedVNF['MEMORY']
        if 'VCPU' in parsedVNF:
            self.VCPU = parsedVNF['VCPU']
        if 'MANAGEMENT_MAC' in parsedVNF:
            self.MANAGEMENT_MAC = parsedVNF['MANAGEMENT_MAC']
        if 'INTERFACES' in parsedVNF:
            self.INTERFACES = parsedVNF['INTERFACES']


# outInterfaces : receives the JSON VNF configuration and ignores the interface data, in this case
#                 it receives as argument too, parses it, apply data in destiny attributes and validates
#                 the read data and check for VNF existence.
#                 -5 = file does not exist
    def outInterfaces(self, configurationPath, interfaces):

        if path.isfile(configurationPath):
            self.VNF_JSON = configurationPath
            with open(self.VNF_JSON) as dataVNF:
                parsedVNF = json.load(dataVNF)
            self.VNF_STATUS = -5
            return -5

        if 'ID' in parsedVNF:
            self.ID = parsedVNF['ID']
        if 'MEMORY' in parsedVNF:
            self.MEMORY = parsedVNF['MEMORY']
        if 'VCPU' in parsedVNF:
            self.VCPU = parsedVNF['VCPU']
        if 'MANAGEMENT_MAC' in parsedVNF:
            self.MANAGEMENT_MAC = parsedVNF['MANAGEMENT_MAC']
        self.INTERFACES = interfaces


#fullValidation: verify all attributes checking if it contains possible values, check the VNF existence
#          in database.
#          -4 = VNF already exists created by an external agent
#          -3 = VNF already in use by an external agent or other VNFServer instance
#          -2 = problems in INTERFACES data
#          -1 = problems in GENERAL data
#           0 = valid configuration, VNF is not in the database and is free for creation
#           1 = valid configuration, VNF already in the database
    def fullValidation(self):

        if self.ID == '' or self.MEMORY <= 0 or self.VCPU <= 0 or self.MANAGEMENT_MAC == '':
            self.VNF_STATUS = -1
            return -1
        for iface in self.INTERFACES:
            if 'ID' not in iface or 'MAC' not in iface:
                self.VNF_STATUS = -2
                return -2

        existingImages = glob('./IMAGES/*')
        for images in existingImages:
            if images[9:] == self.ID:
                self.VNF_EXIST = True

        upVMs = check_output(['virsh', 'list']).split('\n')
        for index in range(2, len(upVMs)-2):
            if [VM for VM in upVMs[index].replace(' ', ',').split(',') if VM != ''][1] == self.ID:
                self.VNF_UP = True

        identicalVM = False
        allVMs = check_output(['virsh', 'list', '--all']).split('\n')
        for index in range(2, len(allVMs)-2):
            if [VM for VM in allVMs[index].replace(' ', ',').split(',') if VM != ''][1] == self.ID:
                identicalVM = True

        if self.VNF_EXIST:
            if self.VNF_UP:
                self.VNF_STATUS = -3
                return -3
                if identicalVM:
                    self.VNF_STATUS = -4
                    return -4
                    self.VNF_STATUS = 1
                    return 1
            if identicalVM:
                self.VNF_STATUS = -4
                return -4

        self.VNF_STATUS = 0
        return 0

#modifyValidation: verify only attributes checking if it contains possible values
#                  -2 = problems in INTERFACES data
#                  -1 = problems in GENERAL data
#                   1 = valid configuration, VNF ready for modification
    def modifyValidation(self):

        if self.ID == '' or self.MEMORY <= 0 or self.VCPU <= 0 or self.MANAGEMENT_MAC == '':
            self.VNF_STATUS = -1
            return -1
        for iface in self.INTERFACES:
            if 'ID' not in iface or 'MAC' not in iface:
                self.VNF_STATUS = -2
                return -2

        self.VNF_STATUS = 1
        return 1

#createVNF: copy data file in VNF does not exist in the database and modify the XML configuration
#           according to received JSON.
#           -1 = VNF already exists
#            0 = VNF successfully created
    def createVNF(self):

        if self.VNF_STATUS < 0:

        if not self.VNF_EXIST:
            call(['mkdir', './IMAGES/' + self.ID])
            call(['cp', './IMAGES/click-on-osv.qcow2', './IMAGES/' + self.ID + '/click-on-osv.qcow2'])
            self.VNF_EXIST = True
            return 0
            return -1

# modifyVNF: reads the VNF JSON to replace the actual configuration.
#            -4 = VNF does not exist, you need create it before apply configurations
#            -3 = problems in INTERFACES data
#            -2 = problems in GENERAL data
#            -1 = VNF is up, down it to modify
#             0 = VNF successfully modified
    def modifyVNF(self):

        if self.VNF_STATUS < 0:

        if self.VNF_UP:
            return -1

        with open(self.VNF_JSON) as dataVNF:
            parsedVNF = json.load(dataVNF)

        if 'MEMORY' in parsedVNF:
            self.MEMORY = parsedVNF['MEMORY']
        if 'VCPU' in parsedVNF:
            self.VCPU = parsedVNF['VCPU']
        if 'MANAGEMENT_MAC' in parsedVNF:
            self.MANAGEMENT_MAC = parsedVNF['MANAGEMENT_MAC']
        if 'INTERFACES' in parsedVNF:
            self.INTERFACES = parsedVNF['INTERFACES']

        check = self.modifyValidation()
        if check == -1:
            return -2
        if check == -2:
            return -3
        check = self.applyVNF()
        if check == -2:
            return -4
        return 0

# destroyVNF: remove the VNF from database deleting all files.
#           -2 = VNF is up, down it to destroy
#           -1 = VNF does not exists, so it can't be removed
#            0 = VNF successfully removed
    def destroyVNF(self):

        if self.VNF_STATUS < 0:

        if self.VNF_UP:
            return -2

        if self.VNF_EXIST:
            call(['rm', '-r', './IMAGES/' + self.ID])
            self.VNF_EXIST = False
            self.VNF_STATUS = 0
            return 0
            return -1

#applyVNF: modify the standart XML configuration according to received JSON for VNF deploy.
#           -2 = VNF does not exist, you need create it before apply configurations
#           -1 = VNF is up, down it to modify the configuration
#            0 = configuration successfully set
    def applyVNF(self):

        if self.VNF_STATUS < 0:

        if not self.VNF_EXIST:
            return -2

        if not self.VNF_UP:
            call(['cp', './IMAGES/click-on-osv.xml', './IMAGES/' + self.ID + '/click-on-osv.xml'])

            configurationXML = ElementTree.parse('./IMAGES/' + self.ID + '/click-on-osv.xml')
            configurationXML.find('name').text = self.ID
            configurationXML.find('uuid').text = str(uuid4())
            configurationXML.find('memory').text = str(self.MEMORY * 1024)
            configurationXML.find('currentMemory').text = str(self.MEMORY * 1024)
            configurationXML.find('vcpu').text = str(self.VCPU)
            configurationXML.find('devices/interface/mac').attrib['address'] = self.MANAGEMENT_MAC
            configurationXML.find('devices/disk/source').attrib['file'] = path.abspath('IMAGES/' + self.ID + '/click-on-osv.qcow2')

            slotID = bytearray('a')
            for iface in self.INTERFACES:
                interfaceTag = ElementTree.SubElement(configurationXML.find('devices'), 'interface')
                interfaceTag.attrib['type'] = 'bridge'
                interfaceConfig = ElementTree.SubElement(interfaceTag, 'mac')
                interfaceConfig.attrib['address'] = iface['MAC']
                interfaceConfig = ElementTree.SubElement(interfaceTag, 'source')
                interfaceConfig.attrib['bridge'] = iface['ID']
                interfaceConfig = ElementTree.SubElement(interfaceTag, 'model')
                interfaceConfig.attrib['type'] = 'virtio'
                interfaceConfig = ElementTree.SubElement(interfaceTag, 'address')
                interfaceConfig.attrib['type'] = 'pci'
                interfaceConfig.attrib['domain'] = '0x0000'
                interfaceConfig.attrib['bus'] = '0x00'
                interfaceConfig.attrib['slot'] = '0x0' + str(slotID)
                interfaceConfig.attrib['function'] = '0x0'
                slotID[0] += 1

            configurationXML.write('./IMAGES/' + self.ID + '/click-on-osv.xml')
            return 0
            return -1

#upVNF: starts the VNF VM in KVM hypervisor, it is a temporary VM, so when the VM downs it will
#       disappear from hypervisor list.
#       -2 = VNF does not exist, create it to up
#       -1 = VNF already up
#        0 = VNF upped successfully
    def upVNF(self):

        if self.VNF_STATUS < 0:

        if not self.VNF_EXIST:
            return -2

        if not self.VNF_UP:
            ifacesData = check_output(['brctl', 'show']).split('\n')
            ifacesCreate = copy(self.INTERFACES)
            for iface in self.INTERFACES:
                for iface2 in ifacesData:
                    if iface2.startswith(iface['ID']):

            for iface in ifacesCreate:
                call(['brctl', 'addbr', iface['ID']])
            for iface in self.INTERFACES:
                call(['ifconfig', iface['ID'], 'up'])

            call(['virsh', 'create', path.abspath('IMAGES/' + self.ID + '/click-on-osv.xml')], stdout = FNULL)
            self.VNF_UP = True
            return 0
            return -1

#downVNF: down a started VNF and removes from hypervisor list.
#         -2 = VNF does not exist
#         -1 = VNF already down
#          0 = VNF downed successfully
    def downVNF(self):

        if self.VNF_STATUS < 0:

        if not self.VNF_EXIST:
            return -2

        if self.VNF_UP:
            call(['virsh', 'destroy', self.ID], stdout = FNULL)
            self.VNF_UP = False
            self.VNF_REST = None
            return 0
            return -1

#managementVNF: get the management interface address by a arp request.
#               -2 = arp did not respond
#               -1 = VNF is not up
#               IP:Port = management address
    def managementVNF(self):

        if self.VNF_STATUS < 0:

        if self.VNF_UP:
            for attempt in range(0,3):
                arpData = check_output(['arp', '-n']).split('\n')
                for index in range(1,len(arpData)-1):
                    iface = [data for data in arpData[index].replace(' ', ',').split(',') if data != '']
                    if iface[2] == self.MANAGEMENT_MAC:
                        return iface[0] + ':8000'
            return -1

        return -2

#controlVNF: control functions life cycle and get VNFs informations, the action is
#            the expected RESTfull call and arguments is a list of this call needs,
#            actually, only 'function_replace' uses to pass the function file.
#            -1    = VNF is no up, up to control it
#            -2    = management not acessible by ARP
#            other = check REST.py file
    def controlVNF(self, action, arguments):

        if self.VNF_STATUS < 0:

        if not self.VNF_UP:
            return -1

        if self.VNF_REST == None:
            management = self.managementVNF()
            if isinstance(management, basestring):
                self.VNF_REST = REST(management)
                return -2

        if action == 'function_start':
            return self.VNF_REST.postStart()
        if action == 'function_stop':
            return self.VNF_REST.postStop()
        if action == 'function_replace':
            return self.VNF_REST.postFunction(arguments[0])
        if action == 'function_run':
            return self.VNF_REST.getRunning()
        if action == 'function_data':
            return self.VNF_REST.getFunction()
        if action == 'function_id':
            return self.VNF_REST.getIdentification()
        if action == 'function_metrics':
            return self.VNF_REST.getMetrics()
        if action == 'function_log':
            return self.VNF_REST.getLog()

#scriptVNF: execute a script serialized in a dictionary in scriptTasks, scriptError is
#           another serial tasks set as a error handle (can be None), finally, functionPath is for
#           replace actions, it can be None.
#            []     = seccessfull execution, REST results is presented
#           -1      = VNF is no up, up to control it
#           -2      = management not acessible by ARP
#           -3 ~ -8 = analog to REST.scriptExecution + 2 result
    def scriptVNF(self, scriptTasks, scriptError, functionPath):

        if self.VNF_STATUS < 0:

        if not self.VNF_UP:
            return -1

        if self.VNF_REST == None:
            management = self.managementVNF()
            if isinstance(management, basestring):
                self.VNF_REST = REST(management)
                return -2

        resultCheck = self.VNF_REST.scriptExecution(scriptTasks, scriptError, functionPath)
        if isinstance(resultCheck, list):
            return resultCheck
            if resultCheck < 0:
                return resultCheck - 2
                return resultCheck
コード例 #16
def test_bad_http_responses():
    """Checks good responses are False"""
    demo_api = REST(url='postman-echo.com')
    for code in (400, 401, 403, 404, 422):
        assert TRANSPORT.check_http_response(
            demo_api.get("/status/%i" % code).status_code) is False
コード例 #17
def test_good_http_responses():
    """Checks good responses are True"""
    demo_api = REST(url='postman-echo.com')
    for code in (200, 201, 204):
        assert TRANSPORT.check_http_response(
            demo_api.get("/status/%i" % code).status_code) is True