class testConcurrentQueryFlow(FlowTestsBase): def __init__(self): # skip test if we're running under Valgrind if Env().envRunner.debugger is not None: Env().skip( ) # valgrind is not working correctly with multi processing self.env = Env(decodeResponses=True) global graphs graphs = [] for i in range(0, CLIENT_COUNT): redis_con = self.env.getConnection() graphs.append(Graph(GRAPH_ID, redis_con)) self.populate_graph() def populate_graph(self): nodes = {} graph = graphs[0] # Create entities for p in people: node = Node(label="person", properties={"name": p}) graph.add_node(node) nodes[p] = node # Fully connected graph for src in nodes: for dest in nodes: if src != dest: edge = Edge(nodes[src], "know", nodes[dest]) graph.add_edge(edge) graph.commit() # Count number of nodes in the graph def test01_concurrent_aggregation(self): q = """MATCH (p:person) RETURN count(p)""" queries = [q] * CLIENT_COUNT run_concurrent(self.env, queries, query_aggregate) # Concurrently get neighbors of every node. def test02_retrieve_neighbors(self): q = """MATCH (p:person)-[know]->(n:person) RETURN""" queries = [q] * CLIENT_COUNT run_concurrent(self.env, queries, query_neighbors) # Concurrent writes def test_03_concurrent_write(self): queries = [ """CREATE (c:country {id:"%d"})""" % i for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT) ] run_concurrent(self.env, queries, query_write) # Try to delete graph multiple times. def test_04_concurrent_delete(self): pool = Pool(nodes=CLIENT_COUNT) # invoke queries assertions =, graphs) # Exactly one thread should have successfully deleted the graph. self.env.assertEquals(assertions.count(True), 1) # Try to delete a graph while multiple queries are executing. def test_05_concurrent_read_delete(self): redis_con = self.env.getConnection() ############################################################################################## # Delete graph via Redis DEL key. ############################################################################################## self.populate_graph() pool = Pool(nodes=CLIENT_COUNT) q = """UNWIND (range(0, 10000)) AS x WITH x AS x WHERE (x / 900) = 1 RETURN x""" queries = [q] * CLIENT_COUNT # invoke queries m = pool.amap(thread_run_query, graphs, queries) redis_con.delete(GRAPH_ID) # wait for processes to return m.wait() # get the results result = m.get() # validate result. self.env.assertTrue(all([r.result_set[0][0] == 900 for r in result])) # Make sure Graph is empty, e.g. graph was deleted. resultset = graphs[0].query("MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)").result_set self.env.assertEquals(resultset[0][0], 0) ############################################################################################## # Delete graph via Redis FLUSHALL. ############################################################################################## self.populate_graph() q = """UNWIND (range(0, 10000)) AS x WITH x AS x WHERE (x / 900) = 1 RETURN x""" queries = [q] * CLIENT_COUNT # invoke queries m = pool.amap(thread_run_query, graphs, queries) redis_con.flushall() # wait for processes to return m.wait() # get the results result = m.get() # validate result. self.env.assertTrue(all([r.result_set[0][0] == 900 for r in result])) # Make sure Graph is empty, e.g. graph was deleted. resultset = graphs[0].query("MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)").result_set self.env.assertEquals(resultset[0][0], 0) ############################################################################################## # Delete graph via GRAPH.DELETE. ############################################################################################## self.populate_graph() q = """UNWIND (range(0, 10000)) AS x WITH x AS x WHERE (x / 900) = 1 RETURN x""" queries = [q] * CLIENT_COUNT # invoke queries m = pool.amap(thread_run_query, graphs, queries) graphs[-1].delete() # wait for processes to return m.wait() # get the results result = m.get() # validate result. self.env.assertTrue(all([r.result_set[0][0] == 900 for r in result])) # Make sure Graph is empty, e.g. graph was deleted. resultset = graphs[0].query("MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)").result_set self.env.assertEquals(resultset[0][0], 0) def test_06_concurrent_write_delete(self): # Test setup - validate that graph exists and possible results are None graphs[0].query("MATCH (n) RETURN n") pool = Pool(nodes=1) redis_con = self.env.getConnection() heavy_write_query = """UNWIND(range(0,999999)) as x CREATE(n)""" writer = pool.apipe(thread_run_query, graphs[0], heavy_write_query) redis_con.delete(GRAPH_ID) writer.wait() possible_exceptions = [ "Encountered different graph value when opened key " + GRAPH_ID, "Encountered an empty key when opened key " + GRAPH_ID ] result = writer.get() if isinstance(result, str): self.env.assertContains(result, possible_exceptions) else: self.env.assertEquals(1000000, result.nodes_created) def test_07_concurrent_write_rename(self): # Test setup - validate that graph exists and possible results are None graphs[0].query("MATCH (n) RETURN n") pool = Pool(nodes=1) redis_con = self.env.getConnection() new_graph = GRAPH_ID + "2" # Create new empty graph with id GRAPH_ID + "2" redis_con.execute_command("GRAPH.QUERY", new_graph, """MATCH (n) return n""", "--compact") heavy_write_query = """UNWIND(range(0,999999)) as x CREATE(n)""" writer = pool.apipe(thread_run_query, graphs[0], heavy_write_query) redis_con.rename(GRAPH_ID, new_graph) writer.wait() # Possible scenarios: # 1. Rename is done before query is sent. The name in the graph context is new_graph, so when upon commit, when trying to open new_graph key, it will encounter an empty key since new_graph is not a valid key. # Note: As from this may not be valid since the rename event handler might actually rename the graph key, before the query execution. # 2. Rename is done during query executing, so when commiting and comparing stored graph context name (GRAPH_ID) to the retrived value graph context name (new_graph), the identifiers are not the same, since new_graph value is now stored at GRAPH_ID value. possible_exceptions = [ "Encountered different graph value when opened key " + GRAPH_ID, "Encountered an empty key when opened key " + new_graph ] result = writer.get() if isinstance(result, str): self.env.assertContains(result, possible_exceptions) else: self.env.assertEquals(1000000, result.nodes_created) def test_08_concurrent_write_replace(self): # Test setup - validate that graph exists and possible results are None graphs[0].query("MATCH (n) RETURN n") pool = Pool(nodes=1) redis_con = self.env.getConnection() heavy_write_query = """UNWIND(range(0,999999)) as x CREATE(n)""" writer = pool.apipe(thread_run_query, graphs[0], heavy_write_query) set_result = redis_con.set(GRAPH_ID, "1") writer.wait() possible_exceptions = [ "Encountered a non-graph value type when opened key " + GRAPH_ID, "WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value" ] result = writer.get() if isinstance(result, str): # If the SET command attempted to execute while the CREATE query was running, # an exception should have been issued. self.env.assertContains(result, possible_exceptions) else: # Otherwise, both the CREATE query and the SET command should have succeeded. self.env.assertEquals(1000000, result.nodes_created) self.env.assertEquals(set_result, True) def test_09_concurrent_multiple_readers_after_big_write(self): # Test issue #890 redis_graphs = [] for i in range(0, CLIENT_COUNT): redis_con = self.env.getConnection() redis_graphs.append(Graph("G890", redis_con)) redis_graphs[0].query( """UNWIND(range(0,999)) as x CREATE()-[:R]->()""") read_query = """MATCH (n)-[r:R]->(m) RETURN n, r, m""" queries = [read_query] * CLIENT_COUNT pool = Pool(nodes=CLIENT_COUNT) # invoke queries m = pool.amap(thread_run_query, redis_graphs, queries) # wait for processes to return m.wait() # get the results result = m.get() for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT): if isinstance(result[i], str): self.env.assertIsNone(result[i]) else: self.env.assertEquals(1000, len(result[i].result_set))
class testConcurrentQueryFlow(FlowTestsBase): def __init__(self): self.env = Env() global graphs graphs = [] for i in range(0, CLIENT_COUNT): redis_con = self.env.getConnection() graphs.append(Graph(GRAPH_ID, redis_con)) self.populate_graph() def populate_graph(self): nodes = {} graph = graphs[0] # Create entities for p in people: node = Node(label="person", properties={"name": p}) graph.add_node(node) nodes[p] = node # Fully connected graph for src in nodes: for dest in nodes: if src != dest: edge = Edge(nodes[src], "know", nodes[dest]) graph.add_edge(edge) graph.commit() # Count number of nodes in the graph def test01_concurrent_aggregation(self): q = """MATCH (p:person) RETURN count(p)""" threads = [] for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT): graph = graphs[i] t = threading.Thread(target=query_aggregate, args=(graph, q, i)) t.setDaemon(True) threads.append(t) t.start() # Wait for threads to return. for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT): t = threads[i] t.join() self.env.assertTrue(assertions[i]) # Concurrently get neighbors of every node. def test02_retrieve_neighbors(self): q = """MATCH (p:person)-[know]->(n:person) RETURN""" threads = [] for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT): graph = graphs[i] t = threading.Thread(target=query_neighbors, args=(graph, q, i)) t.setDaemon(True) threads.append(t) t.start() # Wait for threads to return. for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT): t = threads[i] t.join() self.env.assertTrue(assertions[i]) # Concurrent writes def test_03_concurrent_write(self): threads = [] for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT): graph = graphs[i] q = """CREATE (c:country {id:"%d"})""" % i t = threading.Thread(target=query_write, args=(graph, q, i)) t.setDaemon(True) threads.append(t) t.start() # Wait for threads to return. for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT): t = threads[i] t.join() self.env.assertTrue(assertions[i]) # Try to delete graph multiple times. def test_04_concurrent_delete(self): threads = [] for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT): graph = graphs[i] t = threading.Thread(target=delete_graph, args=(graph, i)) t.setDaemon(True) threads.append(t) t.start() # Wait for threads to return. for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT): t = threads[i] t.join() # Exactly one thread should have successfully deleted the graph. self.env.assertEquals(assertions.count(True), 1) # Try to delete a graph while multiple queries are executing. def test_05_concurrent_read_delete(self): redis_con = self.env.getConnection() ############################################################################################## # Delete graph via Redis DEL key. ############################################################################################## self.populate_graph() q = """UNWIND (range(0, 10000)) AS x WITH x AS x WHERE (x / 900) = 1 RETURN x""" threads = [] for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT): graph = graphs[i] t = threading.Thread(target=thread_run_query, args=(graph, q, i)) t.setDaemon(True) threads.append(t) t.start() redis_con.delete(GRAPH_ID) # Wait for threads to return. for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT): t = threads[i] t.join() self.env.assertEquals(assertions[i].result_set[0][0], 900) # Make sure Graph is empty, e.g. graph was deleted. resultset = graphs[0].query("MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)").result_set self.env.assertEquals(resultset[0][0], 0) ############################################################################################## # Delete graph via Redis FLUSHALL. ############################################################################################## self.populate_graph() q = """UNWIND (range(0, 10000)) AS x WITH x AS x WHERE (x / 900) = 1 RETURN x""" threads = [] for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT): graph = graphs[i] t = threading.Thread(target=thread_run_query, args=(graph, q, i)) t.setDaemon(True) threads.append(t) t.start() redis_con.flushall() # Wait for threads to return. for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT): t = threads[i] t.join() self.env.assertEquals(assertions[i].result_set[0][0], 900) # Make sure Graph is empty, e.g. graph was deleted. resultset = graphs[0].query("MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)").result_set self.env.assertEquals(resultset[0][0], 0) ############################################################################################## # Delete graph via GRAPH.DELETE. ############################################################################################## self.populate_graph() q = """UNWIND (range(0, 10000)) AS x WITH x AS x WHERE (x / 900) = 1 RETURN x""" threads = [] for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT): graph = graphs[i] t = threading.Thread(target=thread_run_query, args=(graph, q, i)) t.setDaemon(True) threads.append(t) t.start() graphs[i].delete() # Wait for threads to return. for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT): t = threads[i] t.join() self.env.assertEquals(assertions[i].result_set[0][0], 900) # Make sure Graph is empty, e.g. graph was deleted. resultset = graphs[0].query("MATCH (n) RETURN count(n)").result_set self.env.assertEquals(resultset[0][0], 0) def test_06_concurrent_write_delete(self): # Test setup - validate that graph exists and possible results are None graphs[0].query("MATCH (n) RETURN n") assertions[0] = None exceptions[0] = None redis_con = self.env.getConnection() heavy_write_query = """UNWIND(range(0,999999)) as x CREATE(n)""" writer = threading.Thread(target=thread_run_query, args=(graphs[0], heavy_write_query, 0)) writer.setDaemon(True) writer.start() redis_con.delete(GRAPH_ID) writer.join() if exceptions[0] is not None: self.env.assertEquals( exceptions[0], "Encountered an empty key when opened key " + GRAPH_ID) else: self.env.assertEquals(1000000, assertions[0].nodes_created) def test_07_concurrent_write_rename(self): # Test setup - validate that graph exists and possible results are None graphs[0].query("MATCH (n) RETURN n") assertions[0] = None exceptions[0] = None redis_con = self.env.getConnection() new_graph = GRAPH_ID + "2" # Create new empty graph with id GRAPH_ID + "2" redis_con.execute_command("GRAPH.QUERY", new_graph, """MATCH (n) return n""", "--compact") heavy_write_query = """UNWIND(range(0,999999)) as x CREATE(n)""" writer = threading.Thread(target=thread_run_query, args=(graphs[0], heavy_write_query, 0)) writer.setDaemon(True) writer.start() redis_con.rename(new_graph, GRAPH_ID) writer.join() # Possible scenarios: # 1. Rename is done before query is sent. The name in the graph context is new_graph, so when upon commit, when trying to open new_graph key, it will encounter an empty key since new_graph is not a valid key. # Note: As from this may not be valid since the rename event handler might actually rename the graph key, before the query execution. # 2. Rename is done during query executing, so when commiting and comparing stored graph context name (GRAPH_ID) to the retrived value graph context name (new_graph), the identifiers are not the same, since new_graph value is now stored at GRAPH_ID value. possible_exceptions = [ "Encountered different graph value when opened key " + GRAPH_ID, "Encountered an empty key when opened key " + new_graph ] if exceptions[0] is not None: self.env.assertContains(exceptions[0], possible_exceptions) else: self.env.assertEquals(1000000, assertions[0].nodes_created) def test_08_concurrent_write_replace(self): # Test setup - validate that graph exists and possible results are None graphs[0].query("MATCH (n) RETURN n") assertions[0] = None exceptions[0] = None redis_con = self.env.getConnection() heavy_write_query = """UNWIND(range(0,999999)) as x CREATE(n)""" writer = threading.Thread(target=thread_run_query, args=(graphs[0], heavy_write_query, 0)) writer.setDaemon(True) writer.start() set_result = redis_con.set(GRAPH_ID, "1") writer.join() if exceptions[0] is not None: # If the SET command attempted to execute while the CREATE query was running, # an exception should have been issued. self.env.assertEquals( exceptions[0], "Encountered a non-graph value type when opened key " + GRAPH_ID) else: # Otherwise, both the CREATE query and the SET command should have succeeded. self.env.assertEquals(1000000, assertions[0].nodes_created) self.env.assertEquals(set_result, True) def test_09_concurrent_multiple_readers_after_big_write(self): # Test issue #890 global assertions global exceptions redis_con = self.env.getConnection() redis_graph = Graph("G890", redis_con) redis_graph.query("""UNWIND(range(0,999)) as x CREATE()-[:R]->()""") read_query = """MATCH (n)-[r:R]->(m) RETURN n, r, m""" assertions = [True] * CLIENT_COUNT exceptions = [None] * CLIENT_COUNT threads = [] for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT): t = threading.Thread(target=thread_run_query, args=(redis_graph, read_query, i)) t.setDaemon(True) threads.append(t) t.start() for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT): t = threads[i] t.join() for i in range(CLIENT_COUNT): self.env.assertIsNone(exceptions[i]) self.env.assertEquals(1000, len(assertions[i].result_set))