'vbf': 1.0, 'wzh': 1.0, 'wh': 1.0, 'zh': 1.0, 'tth': 1.0, } #### ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L Normalization_7TeV.C++") ### ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L Normalization_8TeV.C++") ### from ROOT import GetBR ### from ROOT import GetXsection ### GetProcXsection = GetXsection ROOT.gSystem.Load("../libLoopAll") from ROOT import Normalization_8TeV norm = Normalization_8TeV() GetBR = lambda x: norm.GetBR(float(x)) GetXsection = lambda x: norm.GetXsection(float(x)) GetProcXsection = lambda x, y: norm.GetXsection(x, y) # ROOT Setup ROOT.gROOT.SetStyle("Plain") ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(1) # Global Setup, Modify with each Reload ##### NCAT = 5 ##### lumi = 5089 #lumi=3770 #systematics = ["vtxEff","idEff","E_scale","E_res","triggerEff","regSig","phoIdMva"] # These are the main contributions to eff*Acc systematics = ["vtxEff", "idEff", "E_scale", "E_res", "triggerEff"] # These are the main contributions to eff*Acc
mass = ws.var("CMS_hgg_mass") for name in procs: #print " LOOKING FOR dataset %s%s"%(name,suffix) #ws.data(name+suffix).Print() print "name+suffix", name+suffix ws.data(name+suffix).Print() slurpDic = { name : ws.data(name+suffix) for name in procs} # filter out histos that are null pointers return { k : v for k, v in slurpDic.iteritems() if v } r.gSystem.Load("Signal/lib/libSimultaneousSignalFit.so") r.gSystem.Load("libHiggsAnalysisCombinedLimit") from ROOT import Normalization_8TeV norm = Normalization_8TeV() # Should be checking if 7TeV or 8TeV signal, default is 13TeV GetBR = lambda x : norm.GetBR(float(x)) GetXsection = lambda x : norm.GetXsection(float(x)) GetProcXsection = lambda x,y : norm.GetXsection(x,y) r.gROOT.SetBatch(1) # Global Setup, Modify with each Reload systematics = ["TriggerWeight","MvaShift","MCScaleLowR9EB","MCScaleHighR9EB","MCScaleLowR9EE","MCScaleHighR9EE","MCSmearLowR9EBRho","MCSmearHighR9EBRho","MCSmearLowR9EERho","MCSmearHighR9EERho","MCSmearLowR9EBPhi","MCSmearHighR9EBPhi","MCSmearLowR9EEPhi","MCSmearHighR9EEPhi","FracRVWeight"] # These are the main contributions to eff*Acc #systematics = ["TriggerWeight"] # These are the main contributions to eff*Acc #systematics = ["FracRVWeight"] # These are the main contributions to eff*Acc Masses = range(120,135,5) #Masses = [125] #Masses = range(120) # -------------------------------------------------------------