def __init__(self, inputFiles = '', maxEvents=0): """Initialize the AnalysisEvent like a standard Event, plus additional features.""" # initialization of base functionalities TChain.__init__(self,"Delphes","Delphes") if isinstance(inputFiles,Iterable) and not isinstance(inputFiles,StringTypes): for thefile in inputFiles: if path.isfile(thefile): self.AddFile(thefile) else: print "Warning: ",thefile," do not exist." elif isinstance(inputFiles,StringTypes): thefile = inputFiles if path.isfile(thefile): self.AddFile(thefile) else: print "Warning: ",thefile," do not exist." else: print "Warning: invalid inputFiles" self.BuildIndex("Event[0].Number") self.SetBranchStatus("*",0) self._eventCounts = 0 self._maxEvents = maxEvents # additional features: # 1. instrumentation for event weight self._weightCache = {} self._weightEngines = {} # 2. a list of event products used in the analysis self._collections = {} self._branches = dict((b,False) for b in map(lambda b:b.GetName(),self.GetListOfBranches())) # 3. a list of "producers" of analysis high-level quantities self._producers = {} # 4. volatile dictionary. User can add any quantity to the event and it will be # properly erased in the iteration step. self.__dict__["vardict"] = {}
def __getattr__(self, attr): """Overloaded getter to handle properly: - volatile analysis objects - event collections - data producers""" if attr in self.__dict__["vardict"]: return self.vardict[attr] if attr in self._collections: return self.vardict.setdefault(attr, TChain.__getattr__(self,self._collections[attr])) if attr in self._producers: return self.vardict.setdefault(attr, self._producers[attr][0](self, **self._producers[attr][1])) return TChain.__getattr__(self,attr)
def getCollection(self,name): """Retrieve the event product or return the cached collection. Note that the prefered way to get the collection is instead to access the "" attribute.""" if not name in self._collections: raise AttributeError("%r object has no attribute %r" % (type(self).__name__,name)) if not name in self.vardict: self.vardict[name] = TChain.__getattr__(self,self._collections[name]) return getattr(self,name)
def getN(fileDir): # import ssUtil from multiLepSearch.ssUtil import getCut # Initialize nDict nDict = {} can = ROOT.TCanvas( ) # for Draw(). Not necessary, but gets rid of some out of place INFO message fileList = [ d for d in listdir(fileDir) if isfile("%s/%s" % (fileDir, d)) and d.endswith(".root") ] nFiles = len(fileList) n = 0 sw = ROOT.TStopwatch() sw.Start() # Stopwatch print "Loading from", fileDir for line in tqdm(fileList): n += 1 if testRun and n > 1: break # print "Folder %d of %d: %s" % (n, nFiles, line) tqdm.write("File %d of %d: %s" % (n, nFiles, line)) # Skip specified directories if any(substr in line for substr in skipDirs): continue # Get sampleID for MC, set sampleID of data to 0 if "data" not in line: match =".[0-9]{6}.", line) # Find dataset ID if not match: # print "Cannot infer datasetID from filename %s , skipped" % line tqdm.write( "Cannot infer datasetID from filename %s , skipped" % line) continue sampleID = int([1:-1]) weight = "(ElSF * MuSF * BtagSF * weight * pwt)" else: if "data15" in line: continue # Reject 2015 data sampleID = 0 # data weight = "(fLwt+qFwt)" tc = TChain("evt2l") tc.Add("%s/%s" % (fileDir, line)) # Add = tc.Add # for f in listdir("%s/%s" % (fileDir, line)): # if"root\.*[0-9]*$", f) is not None: # Add("%s/%s/%s" % (fileDir,line,f)) # The next two lines are some attempt to speed up the for loop Draw = tc.Draw GetHist = gDirectory.Get nSample = {} for chan in channels: # If tqdm not available, comment out the next line and comment in the next line # for chan in tqdm(channels): Draw("%s>>hist" % weight, "(%s)*(%s)" % (getCut(chan), weight)) h = GetHist("hist") if h is None or not isinstance(h, ROOT.TH1): nSample[chan] = 0 else: nSample[chan] = h.GetSumOfWeights() h.Delete() if nDict.get( sampleID, None ) is None: # Save the dictionary if it doesn't exist for the given sampleID nDict[sampleID] = nSample else: for chan in channels: # Sum the entries in the dictionary if it already exists nDict[sampleID][chan] += nSample[chan] sw.Stop() sw.Print() # Print stopwatch return nDict
class WeightReader: ''' Get uncertainties from 9 scale weights, 33 PDF weights and 100 NNPDF30 weights ### For PDF + alpha_S (33 weights) See Eq 20 and 27 for PDF and alpha_s PDF4LHC15_nlo_nf4_30_pdfas, 1+30+2 weights, see Table 6 ''' def SetPath(self, p): self.path = p def SetOutPath(self, p): self.outpath = p def SetSampleName(self, n): self.sampleName = n def SetPDFhistoName(self, n): self.PDFhistoName = n def SetScaleHistoName(self, n): self.scaleHistoName = n def SetPShistoName(self, n): self.PShistoName = n def SetNormScaleHistoName(self, n): self.normScaleHitstoName = n def SetNormPDFhistoName(self, n): self.normPDFhistoName = n def SetMotherFileName(self, f): self.motherfname = f def SetPathToTrees(self, p): self.pathToTrees = p def SetSampleName(self, n): self.sampleName = n def SetLumi(self, l): self.lumi = l def SetLevel(self, l): self.level = l def SetChan(self, c): self.chan = c def SetHistoPrefix(self, p): self.histoprefix = p def SetNgenEvents(self, n): self.nGenEvents = n def SetYield(self, y): self.yieldnom = y def GetYield(self): return self.yieldnom def GetNgenEvents(self): return self.nGenEvents def GetLumi(self): return self.lumi def GetSampleName(self): return self.sampleName def GetLevel(self): return self.level def GetChan(self): return self.chan def LoadTreeSumOfWeights(self, path, fname): ''' Load the trees with the sum of weights and returns the corresponding TChain ''' self.treesow = TChain('Runs', 'Runs') files = GetFiles(path, fname) for f in files: self.treesow.Add(f) print ' >> Loaded %i mother files!' % len(files) def GetSumPDFhistoFromSumWTree(self): if not hasattr(self, 'treesow'): print 'WARNING: tree with sum of weights has not been loaded!!' return self.treesow.GetEntry(1) nPDFweights = self.treesow.nLHEPdfSumw h = TH1F('SumOfWeightsPDF', '', nPDFweights, 0.5, nPDFweights + 0.5) count = 0 sow = 0 for event in self.treesow: count += event.genEventCount sow += event.genEventSumw for i in range(nPDFweights): h.Fill(i + 1, event.LHEPdfSumw[i]) h.SetDirectory(0) #for i in range(h.GetNbinsX()): print '[%i] %1.2f'%(i, h.GetBinContent(i+1)) self.count = count self.sow = sow return h def GetSumScaleHistoFromSumWTree(self): if not hasattr(self, 'treesow'): print 'WARNING: tree with sum of weights has not been loaded!!' return self.treesow.GetEntry(1) nScaleWeights = self.treesow.nLHEScaleSumw h = TH1F('SumOfWeightsScale', '', nScaleWeights, 0.5, nScaleWeights + 0.5) print 'GetEntries: ', self.treesow.GetEntries() for event in self.treesow: for i in range(nScaleWeights): h.Fill(i + 1, event.LHEScaleSumw[i]) h.SetDirectory(0) #for i in range(h.GetNbinsX()): print '[%i] %1.2f'%(i, h.GetBinContent(i+1)) return h def loadHistos(self): ''' Load the PDF and Scale histos and norm histos ''' t = TopHistoReader(self.path) t.SetHistoNamePrefix(self.histoprefix) t.SetIsData(1) n = self.GetSampleName() t.SetProcess(n) t.SetChan(self.GetChan()) t.SetLevel(self.GetLevel()) #if self.GetNgenEvents() <= 0 : self.SetNgenEvents(t.GetNGenEvents()) self.SetYield(t.GetYield() * self.GetLumi()) self.hpdf = t.GetHisto(n, self.PDFhistoName) self.hscale = t.GetHisto(n, self.scaleHistoName) #self.hPS = t.GetHisto(n,self.PShistoName) if self.pathToTrees != '' and self.motherfname != '': self.LoadTreeSumOfWeights(self.pathToTrees, self.motherfname) self.hsumpdf = t.GetNamedHisto( self.normPDFhistoName ) if self.normPDFhistoName != '' else self.GetSumPDFhistoFromSumWTree( ) self.hsumscale = t.GetNamedHisto( self.normScaleHitstoName ) if self.normScaleHitstoName != '' else self.GetSumScaleHistoFromSumWTree( ) self.SetNgenEvents(self.count) self.nPDFweights = self.hsumpdf.GetNbinsX() self.nScaleWeighs = self.hsumscale.GetNbinsX() print '>> Count : ', self.count print '>> SumOfWeights : ', self.sow def GetPDFyield(self, i): ''' Return value of bin i for PDF weights ''' return self.hpdf.GetBinContent(i) * self.GetLumi() / self.GetPDFnorm( i) #(self.GetNgenEvents()) def GetPDFnom(self): ''' Nominal PDF set ''' return self.GetPDFyield(1) def GetPDFnorm(self, i): ''' Get sum of PDF weights for a given set i ''' return self.hsumpdf.GetBinContent(i) def GetScaleNorm(self, i): ''' Get sum of Scale weights for a given set i ''' return self.hsumscale.GetBinContent(i) def GetScaleYield(self, i): ''' Return value of bin i for scale weights ''' return self.hscale.GetBinContent( i) * self.GetLumi() / self.GetScaleNorm(i) #(self.GetNgenEvents()) def GetPSyield(self, i): ''' Return value of bin i for PS weights ''' y = self.hPS.GetBinContent(i) return y * self.GetLumi() def GetScaleNom(self): ''' Nominal scale weights ''' return self.GetScaleYield(5) def GetRelUncScale(self, i): ''' Returns the relative unc for a given scale set ''' return abs(self.GetScaleYield(i) - self.GetScaleNom()) / self.GetScaleNom() def GetRelUncPDF(self, i): ''' Returns the relative unc for a given PDF set i ''' return abs(self.GetPDFyield(i) - self.GetPDFnom()) / self.GetPDFnom() def GetMaxRelUncScale(self): ''' Returns the max scale unc (avoiding unphysical variations) ''' var = [] for i in range(1, 10): if i == 3 or i == 7: continue var.append(self.GetRelUncScale(i)) return max(var) def GetPDFunc(self): ''' For 33 weights Eq [20] in: Weights 2, to 31, using 1 as nominal For 100 weights: ''' val = 0 delta = sum([ self.GetRelUncPDF(i) * self.GetRelUncPDF(i) for i in range(2, 32) ]) if self.nPDFweights == 33: val = sqrt(delta) elif self.nPDFweights == 100: rms = sqrt(delta / 100) #val = sqrt(rms*rms + ((v110-v111)*0.75/2)*((v110-v111)*0.75/2)); val = rms return val def GetAlphaSunc(self): ''' if 33 weights: Eq [27] in: Weights 32 and 33 if 100 weights: no PDF weights... ''' if self.nPDFweights == 33: alphaDo = self.GetPDFyield(32) alphaUp = self.GetPDFyield(33) return abs(alphaUp - alphaDo) / 2 / self.GetPDFnom() elif self.nPDFweights == 100: print 'WARNING: no LHE weights for alpha_s!!' return 0 def GetPDFandAlphaSunc(self): ''' Quadratic sum of both ''' pdfunc = self.GetPDFunc() alphas = self.GetAlphaSunc() return sqrt(pdfunc * pdfunc + alphas * alphas) def GetPSrelUnc(self, i): var = self.GetPSyield(i) nom = self.GetYield() return (var - nom) / nom def PrintPSunc(self, name='PSuncertainties'): ''' Prints a table with the ISR and FSR info ''' t = OutText(self.outpath, name) #[0] is ISR=0.5 FSR=1; [1] is ISR=1 FSR=0.5; [2] is ISR=2 FSR=1; [3] is ISR=1 FSR=2 s = lambda i, isr, fsr, lab: '[%i] ISR=%1.1f, FSR=%1.1f (%s): %1.4f (%1.3f %s)' % ( i, fsr, isr, lab, self.GetPSyield(i), self.GetPSrelUnc( i) * 100, '%') l1 = s(1, 0.5, 1.0, 'ISR down') t.SetSeparatorLength(len(l1)) t.line(' PS uncertainties') t.line(' Yield: %1.2f' % self.GetYield()) t.line(l1) t.line(s(2, 1.0, 0.5, 'FSR down')) t.line(s(3, 2.0, 1.0, 'ISR up ')) t.line(s(4, 1.0, 2.0, 'FSR up ')) t.write() def PrintMEscale(self, name='ScaleMEvariations'): ''' Prints a table with the info of scale systematics ''' t = OutText(self.outpath, name) s = lambda i, muF, muR: ' [%d] muF = %1.2f, muR = %1.2f | %1.2f (%1.2f %s)' % ( i, muF, muR, self.GetScaleYield(i), self.GetRelUncScale( i) * 100, '%') nom = s(1, 0.5, 0.5) t.SetSeparatorLength(len(nom)) t.line(" Scale ME uncertainties on tt acceptance") t.line(nom) t.line(s(2, 0.5, 1.0)) t.line(s(3, 0.5, 2.0) + ' (unphysical)') t.line(s(4, 1.0, 0.5)) t.line(s(5, 1.0, 1.0) + ' (nominal)') t.line(s(6, 1.0, 2.0)) t.line(s(7, 2.0, 0.5) + ' (unphysical)') t.line(s(8, 2.0, 1.0)) t.line(s(9, 2.0, 2.0)) t.sep() t.line(' Maximum variation: %1.2f %s ' % (self.GetMaxRelUncScale() * 100, '%')) t.write() def PrintPDFyields(self, name='PDFvariations'): ''' Prints a table with the info of PDF systematics ''' t = OutText(self.outpath, name) s = lambda i: ' ' + t.fix('[%d]' % i, 4, 'l', False ) + ' %1.2f (%1.2f %s)' % (self.GetPDFyield( i), self.GetRelUncPDF(i) * 100, '%') c0 = s(1) + ' (nominal) ' t.SetSeparatorLength(len(c0)) t.line('### PDF and alpha_s uncertianties') t.line() if self.nPDFweights == 33: t.line( ' Using PDF4LHC15_nlo_nf4_30_pdfas, 1+30+2 weights, see Table 6 in ' ) t.line(' >') elif self.nPDFweights == 100: t.line('### NNPDF variations: 100 (2 alpha_s variations missing)') #cout << " >>>> NNPDF systematic uncertainty" << endl; #cout << " Evaluated by taking the RMS under the 100 weights" << endl; #cout << " Alpha_s variations are added in quadrature after rescaling by 0.75" << endl; #cout << " The formula is: sqrt(RMS^2 + ((alphas var 1 - alphas var 2)*0.75/2)^2 )" << endl; t.line(c0) for i in range(2, self.nPDFweights + 1): t.line(s(i)) t.sep() pdfunc = self.GetPDFunc() alphas = self.GetAlphaSunc() totunc = self.GetPDFandAlphaSunc() if self.nPDFweights == 33: t.line(' See reference: ') t.line(' >') t.line(' Eq [20] for PDF unc: %1.2f (%1.2f %s)' % (pdfunc * self.GetPDFnom(), pdfunc * 100, '%')) t.line(' Eq [27] for alpha_S: %1.2f (%1.2f %s)' % (alphas * self.GetPDFnom(), alphas * 100, '%')) t.sep() t.line(' Total PDF + alpha_S uncertainty: ') t.line(' ## %1.2f (%1.2f %s)' % (totunc * self.GetPDFnom(), totunc * 100, '%')) t.write() def __init__(self, path='', outpath='./temp/', chan='ElMu', level='2jets', sampleName='TT', PDFname='PDFweights', ScaleName='ScaleWeights', PSname='PSweights', PDFsumName='', ScaleSumName='', lumi=308.54, nGenEvents=-1, pathToTrees='', motherfname='', histoprefix='H'): self.SetPath(path) self.SetOutPath(outpath) self.SetChan(chan) self.SetLevel(level) self.SetSampleName(sampleName) self.SetPDFhistoName(PDFname) self.SetScaleHistoName(ScaleName) self.SetPShistoName(PSname) self.SetNormPDFhistoName(PDFsumName) self.SetNormScaleHistoName(ScaleSumName) self.SetPathToTrees(pathToTrees) self.SetMotherFileName(motherfname) self.SetLumi(lumi) self.SetNgenEvents(nGenEvents) self.SetHistoPrefix(histoprefix) self.loadHistos()
# List of filenames filelistname = sys.argv[1] # Output filename outfilename = sys.argv[2] #outfilename = "csv/topreco_augmented1.csv" #outfilename = "csv/topreco.csv" outfile = open(outfilename, "wt") csvwriter = csv.writer(outfile) print("INFO: output file:", outfilename) ############################### # BUILDING OUTPUTFILE # Not entirely sure how TCHAIN works, but I am guessing the truth/nominal input determines which file it loads in? tree = TChain("Delphes", "Delphes") f = open(filelistname, 'r') for fname in f.readlines(): fname = fname.strip() tree.AddFile(fname) n_entries = tree.GetEntries() print("INFO: entries found:", n_entries) ############################### # LOOPING THROUGH EVENTS # Cap on number of reconstructed events. if n_evt_max > 0: n_entries = min([n_evt_max, n_entries]) n_jets_per_event = 5 print("INFO: looping over %i reco-level events" % n_entries)
#outputdir='bbMETSamples/' if outputdir != '.': os.system('mkdir -p ' + outputdir) if options.outputfile is None or options.outputfile == rootfile: if not isfarmout: outputfilename = "/Output_" + rootfile else: outputfilename = "/Output_" + rootfile.split('.')[0] + ".root" else: outputfilename = "/" + options.outputfile #if isfarmout: outfilename = outputdir + outputfilename print "Input:", options.inputfile, "; Output:", outfilename skimmedTree = TChain("outTree") def WhichSample(filename): samplename = 'all' if filename.find('WJets') > -1: samplename = 'WJETS' elif filename.find('ZJets') > -1 or filename.find('DYJets') > -1: samplename = 'ZJETS' elif filename.find('TT') > -1: samplename = 'TT' else: samplename = 'all' # print samplename
if "GluGluToHH" in files[0] or "HHTo4B" in files[0]: config["isSignal"] = True #read weights from alpSamples config["xsec_br"] = samples[sname]["xsec_br"] config["matcheff"] = samples[sname]["matcheff"] config["kfactor"] = samples[sname]["kfactor"] json_str = json.dumps(config) #define selectors list selector = ComposableSelector(alp.Event)(0, json_str) selector.addOperator(BaseOperator(alp.Event)()) selector.addOperator(FolderOperator(alp.Event)("pair")) selector.addOperator(CounterOperator(alp.Event)(config["n_gen_events"], weights_v)) selector.addOperator(JetPlotterOperator(alp.Event)(btagAlgo, weights_v)) selector.addOperator(DiJetPlotterOperator(alp.Event)(weights_v)) selector.addOperator(EventWriterOperator(alp.Event)(json_str,weights_v)) #create tChain and process each files tchain = TChain("pair/tree") for File in files: tchain.Add(File) nev = numEvents if (numEvents > 0 and numEvents < tchain.GetEntries()) else tchain.GetEntries() procOpt = "ofile=./"+sname+".root" if not oDir else "ofile="+oDir+"/"+sname+".root" print "max numEv {}".format(nev) tchain.Process(selector, procOpt, nev) ns+=1 print "### processed {} samples ###".format(ns)
def Count(chan, trigs): #deal with weights first sumWeights=TChain("sumWeights") sumWeights.Add("%stth*.root" % prepath) weights=[] fCurrent_wt = 0 sampleNEvt=0 nWeightEntries=sumWeights.GetEntries() for a in range(nWeightEntries): sumWeights.GetEntry(a) totalEventsWeighted=getattr(sumWeights, 'totalEventsWeighted') if sumWeights.GetTreeNumber() != fCurrent_wt: fCurrent_wt = sumWeights.GetTreeNumber() weights.append(sampleNEvt) sampleNEvt=0 sampleNEvt = sampleNEvt+totalEventsWeighted if a==nWeightEntries-1: weights.append(sampleNEvt) #last file chain=TChain("nominal") chain.Add("%stth*.root" % prepath) nentries=chain.GetEntries() chain.SetBranchStatus("*",0) chain.SetBranchStatus("Mll01",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("total_charge",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_Pt_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_Pt_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_Eta_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_Eta_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_ID_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_ID_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_truthPdgId_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_truthPdgId_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_truthOrigin_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_truthOrigin_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_truthType_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_truthType_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_isQMisID_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_isQMisID_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("nJets_OR_T_MV2c10_70",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("nJets_OR_T",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_isTightLH_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_isTightLH_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_isLooseLH_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_isLooseLH_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_isolationFixedCutTight_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_isolationFixedCutLoose_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_isolationFixedCutTight_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_isolationFixedCutLoose_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_isolationFixedCutTightTrackOnly_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_isolationFixedCutTightTrackOnly_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("HLT*",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("*type",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("RunYear",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("passEventCleaning",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_isTrigMatch_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_isTrigMatch_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_isTrigMatchDLT_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_isTrigMatchDLT_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("mcWeightOrg",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("pileupEventWeight_090",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lepSFObjTight",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lepSFTrigTight",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("JVT_EventWeight",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("SherpaNJetWeight",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("MV2c10_70_EventWeight",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_chargeIDBDT*",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("nTaus_OR_Pt25",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("tau_JetBDTSigTight_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("tau_JetBDTSigTight_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("tau_tagWeightBin_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("tau_tagWeightBin_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("tau_passMuonOLR_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("tau_passMuonOLR_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("tau_passEleBDT_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("tau_passEleBDT_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("tau_charge_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("tau_charge_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_ID_2",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("Mll02",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_promptLeptonVeto_TagWeight_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_promptLeptonVeto_TagWeight_1",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_ambiguityType_0",1) chain.SetBranchStatus("lep_ambiguityType_1",1) #cuts fCurrent=-1 chain.LoadTree(0) cuts_sr=TTreeFormula("cuts_sr",chan,chain) cuts_trig=TTreeFormula("cuts_trig",trigs,chain) raw_evts, numevts=0,0 for evt in range(nentries): #for event in chain: #if evt%10000==0 : print evt chain.GetEntry(evt) #get current file currentFileName=chain.GetCurrentFile().GetName() RunYear=getattr(chain, "RunYear") mcWeightOrg=getattr(chain, "mcWeightOrg") pileupEventWeight_090=getattr(chain, "pileupEventWeight_090") lepSFObjTight=getattr(chain, "lepSFObjTight") lepSFTrigTight=getattr(chain, "lepSFTrigTight") JVT_EventWeight=getattr(chain, "JVT_EventWeight") SherpaNJetWeight=getattr(chain, "SherpaNJetWeight") MV2c10_70_EventWeight=getattr(chain, "MV2c10_70_EventWeight") lumi=1.0 if RunYear < 2016.5: lumi=36074.6 if RunYear > 2016.5: lumi=43813.7 if chain.GetTreeNumber() != fCurrent: fCurrent=chain.GetTreeNumber() cuts_sr.Notify() cuts_trig.Notify() if cuts_sr.EvalInstance() and cuts_trig.EvalInstance(): #if cuts_trig.EvalInstance(): if "341177" in currentFileName: weight=0.05343 if "341270" in currentFileName: weight=0.22276 if "341271" in currentFileName: weight=0.23082 kfac, filEff=1,1 #weight=weight*kfac*filEff*mcWeightOrg*pileupEventWeight_090*lepSFObjTight*lepSFTrigTight*JVT_EventWeight*SherpaNJetWeight*MV2c10_70_EventWeight*lumi/weights[fCurrent] weight=weight*kfac*filEff*mcWeightOrg*lepSFObjTight*lepSFTrigTight*JVT_EventWeight*SherpaNJetWeight*MV2c10_70_EventWeight*lumi/weights[fCurrent] #print xsec, kfac, filEff, event.mcWeightOrg,event.pileupEventWeight_090,event.lepSFObjTight,event.lepSFTrigTight,event.JVT_EventWeight,event.SherpaNJetWeight,event.MV2c10_70_EventWeight, lumi raw_evts=raw_evts+1 numevts=numevts+weight print "%s(%.2f)" %(raw_evts, numevts)
def multiplicities_2D_vs_eta(sign, var_list, name, cut="", cut_gen=True, treename="ntuple/tree"): cv = TCanvas("cv", "cv", 1000, 800) cv.SetGrid() leg = TLegend(0.62, 0.3 + 0.4, 0.95, 0.58 + 0.4) massimo = 0. minimo = 999. for b, s in enumerate(sign): for a, var in enumerate(var_list): first, second = var.split('.') cutstring = first + ".hasGenJ" if first == "Jets": label = "slimmedJets" elif first == "JetsNew1": label = "(abs(dz) < cosh(eta)*(0.02+0.01/pt)*5)" label = "abs(dz)<x" elif first == "JetsNew2": label = "fromPV()>0 || charge() ==0" label = "fromPV()>0" elif first == "JetsNew3": label = "(abs(dz) < cosh(eta)*(0.02+0.01/pt)*5) || (hasTrackDetails() && abs(dz)<pt*dzError )" label = "abs(dz)<x or abs(dz)<pt*dzError" elif first == "JetsNew4": label = "vertexRef().key()==0 ||( dzAssociatedPV() < cosh(eta)*(0.003+0.01/pt)*5) || charge==0" label = "dzAssociatedPV()" elif first == "JetsNew5": label = "fromPV()==PVUsedInFit || ( (fromPV()==PVTight || fromPV()==PVLoose && abs(dz()) < 0.3 )" label = "PUPPI-like" else: label = "" leg_label = second if cutstring == "": cutstring = cut else: if cut != "": cutstring += " && " + first + "." + cut var_x = first + ".eta" print "Variable y: ", var print "Variable x: ", var_x print "Cut: ", cutstring print "*****" chain[s] = TChain(treename) for j, ss in enumerate(samples[s]['files']): chain[s].Add(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root") if (variable[var_x]['nbins'] > 0 and variable[var]['nbins'] > 0): print var_x, var hist[s][var] = TH2F( s + var, variable[var]['title'] + " vs " + variable[var_x]['title'], variable[var_x]['nbins'], 0, variable[var_x]['max'], variable[var]['nbins'], variable[var]['min'], variable[var]['max']) hist[s][var].Sumw2() chain[s].Project(s + var, var + ":fabs(" + var_x + ")", cutstring) hist[s][var].SetOption("%s" % chain[s].GetTree().GetEntriesFast()) hist[s][var].GetXaxis().SetTitle("jets |#eta|") hist[s][var].SetTitle("") hist[s][var].GetYaxis().SetTitle(variable[var]['title']) hist[s][var].GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0., hist[s][var].GetMaximum()) hist[s][var].SetMarkerColor(colors[a]) hist_profX[s][var] = TProfile(hist[s][var].ProfileX(s + var + "prof")) hist_profX[s][var].SetLineColor(colors[a]) hist_profX[s][var].SetMinimum(0) hist_profX[s][var].SetFillColor(1) hist_profX[s][var].SetLineWidth(2) hist_profX[s][var].SetMarkerStyle(markers[a]) hist_profX[s][var].SetMarkerColor(colors[a]) hist_profX[s][var].GetXaxis().SetTitle("jets |#eta|") hist_profX[s][var].GetYaxis().SetTitle("particle multiplicities") hist_profX[s][var].SetTitle("") hist_profX[s][var].Draw("PL,sames") leg.AddEntry(hist_profX[s][var], leg_label, 'PL') leg.SetHeader("PF candidates: " + label) leg.Draw() drawCMS(-1, "Preliminary") cv.Update() cv.Print(PLOTDIR + sign[0] + "_" + first + "_vs_" + var_x.replace('.', '_') + name + ".pdf") cv.Print(PLOTDIR + sign[0] + "_" + first + "_vs_" + var_x.replace('.', '_') + name + ".png") if not gROOT.IsBatch(): raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
import ROOT, os from ROOT import TChain, TCanvas, TH1 from Imports import * Xic_MC_filedir = ximc2pwd+"18" Xic_MC_filename = "MC_Lc2pKpiTuple_25103036.root" Xic_MC_tree = TChain("tuple_Lc2pKpi/DecayTree") excludedjobs = [] for job in range(25) : if not job in excludedjobs : #print ("- Adding subjob {0}".format(job)) Xic_MC_tree.Add("{0}/{1}/output/{2}".format(Xic_MC_filedir,job,Xic_MC_filename)) c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1") histogram1 = ROOT.TH1F("histogram1", "hist 1", 300, 2240, 2340) histogram2 = ROOT.TH1F("histogram2", "hist 1", 300, 2240, 2340) histogram1.SetLineColor(8) histogram1.SetLineStyle(2) histogram2.SetLineColor(46) histogram2.SetLineStyle(2) mass= ROOT.RooRealVar("mass","Mass",2420,2520,"MeV/c^{2}") nbins = 300 varname = "lcplus_MM" IDcuts = "abs(pplus1_ID)==211 && abs(kminus_ID)==321 && abs(pplus0_ID)==2212 && abs(lcplus_ID)==4122" #cuts to ensure right particles in the Monte Carlo Xic_MC_name = Xic_MC_tree.GetName() + "" Xic_MC_tree.Draw(varname+">>Xic_MC_masshist("+str(nbins)+","+str(2420)+","+str(2520)+")", IDcuts)
action='store', dest='infile', help='File name (multiple files using * are ok.') args = parser.parse_args() #print 'Input', args.infile import os, sys, string, time import ROOT from ROOT import TTree, TObject, TFile, gDirectory, TH1D, TH2D, TH3D, TCanvas, gROOT, TGaxis, gStyle, TColor, TLegend, THStack, TChain from array import array from glob import glob import subprocess # Opening root file fname = glob(args.infile) print "Input file(s): ", fname # Creating TChain chainPOT = TChain("UBXSec/pottree") for f in fname: chainPOT.Add(f) # Printing the number of entries entriesPOT = chainPOT.GetEntries() print "Number of entries in the POT tree: ", entriesPOT file = open("runsubrun_list.txt", "w") # Getting POT number NominalPOT = 6.0e20 TotalPOT = 0 for jentry in xrange(entriesPOT): entry = chainPOT.GetEntry(jentry) #print '{:e}'.format(float(chainPOT.pot)) TotalPOT += chainPOT.pot #print "event:",
class SampleSums: def GetFiles(self): self.files = GetFiles(self.path, self.sname) def LoadTree(self): self.tree = TChain(self.tname, self.tname) for f in self.files: self.tree.Add(f) def GetCountsFromSumWTree(self): if not hasattr(self, 'treesow'): #print 'WARNING: tree with sum of weights has not been loaded!!' self.LoadTree() count = 0 sow = 0 for event in self.tree: count += event.genEventCount sow += event.genEventSumw self.count = count self.sow = sow def GetSumPDFhistoFromSumWTree(self): if not hasattr(self, 'treesow'): #print 'WARNING: tree with sum of weights has not been loaded!!' self.LoadTree() self.treesow.GetEntry(1) nPDFweights = self.treesow.nLHEPdfSumw h = TH1F('SumOfWeightsPDF', '', nPDFweights, 0.5, nPDFweights + 0.5) count = 0 sow = 0 for event in self.treesow: count += event.genEventCount sow += event.genEventSumw for i in range(nPDFweights): h.Fill(i + 1, event.LHEPdfSumw[i]) h.SetDirectory(0) #for i in range(h.GetNbinsX()): print '[%i] %1.2f'%(i, h.GetBinContent(i+1)) self.count = count self.sow = sow return h def GetSumScaleHistoFromSumWTree(self): if not hasattr(self, 'treesow'): #print 'WARNING: tree with sum of weights has not been loaded!!' self.LoadTree() return self.treesow.GetEntry(1) nScaleWeights = self.treesow.nLHEScaleSumw h = TH1F('SumOfWeightsScale', '', nScaleWeights, 0.5, nScaleWeights + 0.5) print 'GetEntries: ', self.treesow.GetEntries() for event in self.treesow: for i in range(nScaleWeights): h.Fill(i + 1, event.LHEScaleSumw[i]) h.SetDirectory(0) #for i in range(h.GetNbinsX()): print '[%i] %1.2f'%(i, h.GetBinContent(i+1)) return h def SetNormPDFhistoName(self, n): self.normPDFhistoName = n def SetNormScaleHistoName(self, n): self.normScaleHitstoName = n def SetCountHistoName(self, n='Count'): self.countName = n def SetSOWname(self, n='SumWeights'): self.SOWname = n def GetHsumPDF(self, hname=''): if hname != '': self.SetNormPDFhistoName(hname) self.hsumpdf = t.GetNamedHisto( self.normPDFhistoName ) if self.normPDFhistoName != '' else self.GetSumPDFhistoFromSumWTree( ) return self.hsumpdf def GetHsumPDF(self, hname=''): if hname != '': self.SetNormPDFhistoName(hname) self.hsumscale = t.GetNamedHisto( self.normScaleHitstoName ) if self.normScaleHitstoName != '' else self.GetSumScaleHistoFromSumWTree( ) return self.hsumscale def GetCount(self, hname): if hname != '': self.SetCountHistoName(hname) if self.t.IsHisto(self.files[0], self.countName): h = t.GetNamedHisto(self.countName) count = h.GetBinContent(1) self.count = count else: self.GetCountsFromSumWTree() return self.count def GetSOW(self, hname): if hname != '': self.SetSOWname(hname) if self.t.IsHisto(self.files[0], self.SOWname): h = t.GetNamedHisto(self.SOWname) sow = h.GetBinContent(1) self.sow = sow else: self.GetCountsFromSumWTree() return self.sow def __init__(self, pathToTrees, sname, tname='Runs', normPDFhistoName='', normScaleHitstoName=''): self.path = pathToTrees self.sname = sname self.tname = tname self.GetFiles() self.t = TopHistoReader('') #self.path) self.SetNormPDFhistoName(normPDFhistoName) self.SetNormScaleHistoName(normScaleHitstoName)
def LoadTree(self): self.tree = TChain(self.tname, self.tname) for f in self.files: self.tree.Add(f)
i + 1, len(runs), len(this_file_list), run) if not len(this_file_list): run_information[run] = [0 for i in range(35)] continue cut_flow = False for file in this_file_list: try: if not cut_flow: first_root_file = TFile.Open(prefix + file) assert first_root_file.IsOpen() if options.verbose: print " - root file " + file + " is open" cut_flow = first_root_file.Get("cut_flow").Clone( "compressed_cut_flow") if options.verbose: print " - cut flow[1]: %i" % cut_flow.GetBinContent(1) first_chain = TChain("qcd") first_chain.Add(prefix + file) n_entries = first_chain.GetEntries() if cut_flow.GetBinContent(1) == 0: zero_entry_runs.append(file) else: root_file = TFile.Open(prefix + file) assert root_file.IsOpen() if options.verbose: print " - root file " + file + " is open" this_cut_flow = root_file.Get("cut_flow") if options.verbose: print " - cut flow[1]: %i" % this_cut_flow.GetBinContent( 1) cut_flow.Add(this_cut_flow) chain = TChain("qcd") chain.Add(prefix + file)
def main(): gStyle.SetOptStat(0) BIAS_DIR = global_paths.BIASDIR+args.btagging+"/" if args.year == 'run2c': BIAS_DIR += "combined_run2/" #BIAS_DIR += "combined_run2_signal{}/" ## individual plots stored in run2c_masspoints ## extract pulls pulls = TGraphErrors() for m in range(1600,8001,100): #try: pull0=int(PULL0[m]) #pull0=10. #tfile = TFile.Open(BIAS_DIR+"fitDiagnostics_M{mass}.root".format(mass=m), "READ") #tfile = TFile.Open(BIAS_DIR.format(pull0)+"fitDiagnostics_M{mass}.root".format(mass=m), "READ") #tree = tfile.Get("tree_fit_sb") tree = TChain("tree_fit_sb") for seed in ['123456', '234567', '345678', '456789', '567891', '678912', '789123', '891234', '912345', '123459']: tree.Add(BIAS_DIR+"fitDiagnostics_M{mass}_{seed}.root".format(mass=m, seed=seed)) ## the method proposed in the documemtation #hist = TH1D("hist", "hist", 20, -5, 5) #tree.Project("hist", "(r-1)/(0.5*(rHiErr+rLoErr))") #fit_func = TF1("gaussfit","gaus" , -5., 5.) #hist.Fit(fit_func, "E") #pulls.SetPoint(pulls.GetN(), m, fit_func.GetParameter(1)) ## get mean of gaussian fit ## Alberto's method #hist = TH1D("s_pulls", ";%s/#sigma_{r};Number of toys" % ("(r - "+str(pull0)+")"), 25, -5, +5) # hist = TH1D("s_pulls", ";%s/#sigma_{r};Number of toys" % ("#Deltar"), 25, -5, +5) # for i in range(tree.GetEntries()): if hist.GetEntries() >= 1000: continue tree.GetEntry(i) #print "r = {} (+{}, -{})".format(tree.r, tree.rHiErr, tree.rLoErr) ##if tree.rLoErr < 0.: continue if abs(tree.r+1.) < 0.001: continue if abs(tree.r-1.) < 0.001: continue if abs(tree.r-0.) < 0.001: continue #if abs(tree.rLoErr)>8.: continue # trying to skip these values FIXME if tree.rHiErr==0. or tree.rLoErr==0.: continue #print "r = {} (+{}, -{})".format(tree.r, tree.rHiErr, tree.rLoErr) #pull = (tree.r-pull0)/(0.5*(abs(tree.rHiErr)+abs(tree.rLoErr))) ## documentation approach #pull = (tree.r-pull0)/abs(tree.rHiErr) if tree.r-pull0 < 0. else (tree.r-pull0)/abs(tree.rLoErr) ## Alberto's sign convention pull = (tree.r-pull0)/abs(tree.rHiErr) if tree.r-pull0 > 0. else (tree.r-pull0)/abs(tree.rLoErr) ## my own approach #pull = (tree.r-pull0)/abs(tree.rHiErr) if tree.r < 0. else (tree.r-pull0)/abs(tree.rLoErr) ## Alberto's sign convention but depending directly on the sign of r #pull = (tree.r-pull0)/abs(tree.rHiErr) if tree.r > 0. else (tree.r-pull0)/abs(tree.rLoErr) ## my own approach with an rErr dependence on r, not r-1 hist.Fill(pull) ## individual plots for checking the fit quality c1 = TCanvas("c1", "Pulls", 600, 600) #c1.GetPad(0).SetTopMargin(0.06) #c1.GetPad(0).SetRightMargin(0.05) #c1.GetPad(0).SetBottomMargin(0.15) #c1.GetPad(0).SetTicks(1, 1) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) hist.GetXaxis().SetLimits(-5, 5.) hist.GetYaxis().SetLimits(0, 200.) hist.SetMinimum(0.) hist.SetMaximum(190.) c1.SetTopMargin(0.05) ##print "@ m= {}: \t mean = {}".format(m, hist.GetMean()) #pulls.SetPoint(pulls.GetN(), m, hist.GetMean()) ## get actual mean of histogram fit_func = TF1("gaussfit","gaus" , -3., 3.) ###fit_func.SetParameter(1, hist.GetMean()) #fit_func.SetParameter(1, 0.) ###fit_func.SetParLimits(1, -0.8, 0.8) #fit_func.SetParameter(2, 1.) ###fit_func.SetParameter(0, 45.) ###fit_func.SetParLimits(0, 30., 100.) hist.Fit(fit_func, "E") hist.Draw() drawCMS(-1, "Simulation Preliminary", year='run2') drawMass("m_{Z'} = "+str(m)+" GeV") c1.Print("plots/bias/run2c_masspoints/bias_fit_"+str(m)+"_"+args.year+".pdf") c1.Print("plots/bias/run2c_masspoints/bias_fit_"+str(m)+"_"+args.year+".png") n = pulls.GetN() pulls.SetPoint(n, m, fit_func.GetParameter(1)) ## get fitted gaussian mean pulls.SetPointError(n, 0., fit_func.GetParError(1)) ## set gaussian width as error hist.Delete() c1.Delete() #tfile.Close() #except: # print "something went wrong in m =", m ## draw pulls c = TCanvas("canvas", "canvas", 800, 600) pulls.SetTitle(";m_{Z'} (GeV);mean #Deltar/#sigma_{r}") pulls.SetMarkerStyle(2) pulls.SetMarkerColor(2) pulls.SetLineColor(2) pulls.SetLineWidth(2) #pulls.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(1020) pulls.SetMinimum(-0.5) pulls.SetMaximum(0.5) pulls.Draw("APL") zeroline = TGraph() zeroline.SetPoint(zeroline.GetN(), 1000, 0) zeroline.SetPoint(zeroline.GetN(), 8600, 0) zeroline.SetMarkerStyle(7) zeroline.SetMarkerSize(0) zeroline.SetLineStyle(15) zeroline.SetLineColor(1) zeroline.Draw("PL") c.SetGrid() pulls.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) pulls.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) pulls.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1) pulls.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.05) pulls.GetXaxis().SetLimits(1350., 8150.) c.SetTopMargin(0.05) drawCMS(-1, "Simulation Preliminary", year='run2') c.Print("plots/bias/bias_study_"+args.year+".png") c.Print("plots/bias/bias_study_"+args.year+".pdf")
cut = allVertCut if opt == '-m': cut = mollerCut if opt == '-w': cut = wabCut if opt == '-e': ebeam = float(arg) if opt == '-c': clusterT = float(arg) if opt == '-z': targetZ = float(arg) if opt == '-h': print_usage() sys.exit(0) print remainder[0] #treeFile = TFile(sys.argv[1],"RECREATE") #tree = TTree("ntuple","data from text tuple "+sys.argv[2]) print remainder[1:] chain = TChain("ntuple") for i in remainder[1:]: chain.Add(i, 0) print chain.GetEntries() outFile = TFile(remainder[0], "RECREATE") events = chain.CopyTree(cut.format(ebeam, clusterT, targetZ)) print events.GetEntries() #outFile = TFile(remainder[0],"RECREATE") #events.Write() events.Write("ntuple", TTree.kOverwrite)
''' p1 = pair[0].p p2 = pair[1].p ppair = p1 + p2 return ppair.M() class Particle: def __init__(self, p, q): self.p = p self.q = q if __name__ == '__main__': data = TChain("mini") data.Add("") num_events = data.GetEntries() print("Number of events = " + str(num_events)) h_mpair = TH1F("mpair", "Invariant Mass of Leptons ; mass /Gev; freq", 50, 0, 200) num_events_to_process = 10000 for i_event in range(num_events_to_process): data.GetEntry(i_event) n_leptons = data.lep_n if n_leptons >= 2: #print("num of Leptons "+str(n_leptons)) leptons = leptons_from_event(data)
class DataReader(Path): """Create RooDataSet from a TChain""" def __init__(self, cfg): """Init""" super(DataReader, self).__init__(cfg) self.argset = cfg['argset'] self.reset() return def reset(self): super(DataReader, self).reset() = None self.friend = None self.dataset = {} def __str__(self): list_of_files = next_file = TIter(list_of_files) print("Input file list is given below.") for f in range(list_of_files.GetEntries()): print("\t{0}".format(next_file().GetTitle())) print("End of the input file list.") return "" @classmethod def templateConfig(cls): cfg = { 'name': "DataReader", 'ifile': [], 'ifriend': [], 'ifriendIndex': ["Run", "Event"], 'argset': [], 'dataset': [], 'preloadFile': None, } return cfg def createDataSet(self, dname, dcut): """Create named dataset""" if dname in self.dataset.keys(): return self.dataset[dname] data = RooDataSet(dname, "",, self.argset, dcut) self.dataset[dname] = data return data def createDataSets(self, cfg): """Create named dataset""" for name, cut in cfg: if self.cfg['preloadFile'] and os.path.exists( self.cfg['preloadFile']): file_preload = ROOT.TFile(self.cfg['preloadFile']) data = file_preload.Get(name) if not data == None: self.dataset[name] = data file_preload.Close() self.createDataSet(name, cut) return self.dataset def _runPath(self): = TChain("events") for f in self.cfg['ifile']: if len(self.cfg['ifriend']) > 0: self.friend = TChain("tree") for f in self.cfg['ifriend']: self.friend.Add(f) self.friend.BuildIndex(*self.cfg['ifriendIndex']) self.createDataSets(self.cfg['dataset']) pass def _addSource(self): """Add dataset and arguments to source pool""" if self.cfg['preloadFile'] and not os.path.exists( self.cfg['preloadFile']): file_preload = ROOT.TFile(self.cfg['preloadFile'], 'RECREATE') for dname, d in self.dataset.items(): d.Write() file_preload.Close() if not 'source' in self.cfg.keys(): self.cfg['source'] = {} self.cfg['source']['{0}.tree'.format(] = self.cfg['source']['{0}.argset'.format(] = self.argset if len(self.cfg['ifriend']) > 0: self.cfg['source']['{0}.friend'.format(] = self.friend for dname, d in self.dataset.items(): self.cfg['source'][dname] = d self.logger.logINFO("{0} events in {1}.".format( d.sumEntries(), dname)) super(DataReader, self)._addSource()
def compare(fnames, varsets, **kwargs): # SETTING tname = kwargs.get('tree', 'Events') entries = kwargs.get('entries', []) # entries of files outdir = kwargs.get('outdir', "compare") tag = kwargs.get('tag', "") cut = kwargs.get('cut', "") norm = kwargs.get('norm', False) ensuredir(outdir) if norm: tag += "_norm" # normalize each histogram tree = TChain(tname) # GET FILES & TREES for fname in fnames: tree.Add(fname) # PLOT for varset in varsets: fname = "%s/%s%s.png" % (outdir, '-'.join(v.filename for v in varset), tag) rrange = 0.5 header = "Compare" # legend header text = "" # corner text ratio = True #and False logy = True and False grid = True #and False staterr = True #and False # add uncertainty band to first histogram lstyle = 1 # solid lines xvar = varset[0] LOG.header(fname) # GET HISOGRAMS hists = [] for i, variable in enumerate(varset): hname = "%s_%d" % (variable.filename, i) htitle = #hist = variable.gethist(hname,htitle) #dcmd = variable.drawcmd(hname) hist = variable.draw( tree, cut, name=hname, title=htitle) # create and fill hist from tree evts = hist.GetEntries() hist.SetTitle(htitle) #"%s (%d)"%(htitle,evts) hists.append(hist) print ">>> %r: entries=%d, integral=%s, mean=%#.6g, s.d.=%#.6g" % ( htitle, evts, hist.Integral(), hist.GetMean(), hist.GetStdDev()) # DRAW PLOT plot = Plot(xvar, hists, norm=norm) plot.draw(ratio=True, logy=logy, ratiorange=rrange, lstyle=lstyle, grid=grid, staterr=staterr) plot.drawlegend(header=header, latex=False) plot.drawtext(text) plot.saveas(fname) plot.close() print
def _load_root(self, files, *, start=None, stop=None, **_): import sys sys.argv.append('-b') from ROOT import TChain from root_numpy import tree2array tree = TChain('T') for file_ in files: if exists(file_): tree.Add(file_) p0 = self._db.d1p * 1000 if < 20000: arm = 'L' pr1_cut = 'L.prl1.e>{}'.format(self._db.pr1_cut * p0) sum_cut = '(L.prl1.e+L.prl2.e)>{}'.format(self._db.sum_cut * p0) else: arm = 'R' pr1_cut = '>{}'.format(self._db.pr1_cut * p0) sum_cut = '(>{}'.format(self._db.sum_cut * p0) cut = '&&'.join([ 'D{}.evtypebits!=0'.format(arm), '{}.tr.n==1'.format(arm), '{}.cer.asum_c>{}'.format(arm, self._db.cer_cut), pr1_cut, sum_cut, '{}rb.bpmavail>0.5'.format(arm), ]) hel_vars = ['hel.{}.{}'.format(arm, x) for x in ['hel_act', 'error']] bpm_vars = [ '{}rb.tgt_0_{}'.format(arm, x) for x in ['x', 'y', 'theta', 'phi'] ] sr_vars = [ '{}rb.Raster.rawcurSL.{}'.format(arm, x) for x in ['x', 'y'] ] gold_vars = [ '{}.gold.{}'.format(arm, x) for x in ['th', 'y', 'ph', 'dp'] ] rec_vars = [ '{}.rec.{}'.format(arm, x) for x in ['x', 'th', 'y', 'ph', 'dp'] ] all_vars = tree2array( tree, hel_vars + bpm_vars + sr_vars + gold_vars + rec_vars, cut, start=start, stop=stop, ) self.hel = np.rec.fromarrays( [all_vars[x] for x in hel_vars], names='val,err', ) self.bpm = np.rec.fromarrays( [all_vars[x] for x in bpm_vars], names='x,y,t,p', ) = np.rec.fromarrays( [all_vars[x] for x in sr_vars], names='x,y', ) = np.rec.fromarrays( [all_vars[x] for x in gold_vars], names='t,y,p', ) self.rec = np.rec.fromarrays( [all_vars[x] for x in rec_vars], names='x,t,y,p,d', )
def compare_variables(sign, var_list, cut_gen, name, cut="", treename="ntuple/tree"): cv = TCanvas("cv", "cv", 1000, 800) cv.SetGrid() leg = TLegend(0.62, 0.7, 0.95, 0.98) leg.SetHeader("Cut on PF candidates") massimo = 0. minimo = 999. for b, s in enumerate(sign): for a, var in enumerate(var_list): if cut_gen: first, second = var.split('.') cutstring = first + ".hasGenJ" if first == "Jets": label = "slimmedJets" elif first == "JetsNew1": label = "(abs(dz) < cosh(eta)*(0.02+0.01/pt)*5)" label = "abs(dz)<x" elif first == "JetsNew2": label = "fromPV()>0 || charge() ==0" label = "fromPV()>0" elif first == "JetsNew3": label = "(abs(dz) < cosh(eta)*(0.02+0.01/pt)*5) || (hasTrackDetails() && abs(dz)<pt*dzError )" label = "abs(dz)<x or abs(dz)<pt*dzError" elif first == "JetsNew4": label = "vertexRef().key()==0 ||( dzAssociatedPV() < cosh(eta)*(0.003+0.01/pt)*5) || charge==0" label = "dzAssociatedPV()" elif first == "JetsNew5": label = "fromPV()==PVUsedInFit || ( (fromPV()==PVTight || fromPV()==PVLoose && abs(dz()) < 0.3 )" label = "PUPPI-like" else: label = "" else: first, second = var.split('n') if second == "Jets": label = "slimmedJets" elif second == "JetsNew1": label = "(abs(dz) < cosh(eta)*(0.02+0.01/pt)*5)" label = "abs(dz)<x" elif second == "JetsNew2": label = "fromPV()>0 || charge() ==0" label = "fromPV()>0" elif second == "JetsNew3": label = "(abs(dz) < cosh(eta)*(0.02+0.01/pt)*5) || (hasTrackDetails() && abs(dz)<pt*dzError )" label = "abs(dz)<x or abs(dz)<pt*dzError" elif second == "JetsNew4": label = "vertexRef().key()==0 ||( dzAssociatedPV() < cosh(eta)*(0.003+0.01/pt)*5) || charge==0" label = "dzAssociatedPV()" elif second == "JetsNew5": label = "fromPV()==PVUsedInFit || ( (fromPV()==PVTight || fromPV()==PVLoose && abs(dz()) < 0.3 )" label = "PUPPI-like" else: label = "" first = "" first = second cutstring = first + ".hasGenJ" if cutstring == "": cutstring = cut else: if cut != "": cutstring += " && " + first + "." + cut print "Variable: ", var print "Cut: ", cutstring print "*****" chain[s] = TChain(treename) for j, ss in enumerate(samples[s]['files']): chain[s].Add(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root") if variable[var]['nbins'] > 0: hist[s][var] = TH1F(s + var, ";" + variable[var]['title'], variable[var]['nbins'], variable[var]['min'], variable[var]['max']) hist[s][var].Sumw2() chain[s].Project(s + var, var, cutstring) hist[s][var].SetOption("%s" % chain[s].GetTree().GetEntriesFast()) hist[s][var].Scale( samples[s]['weight'] if hist[s][var].Integral() >= 0 else 0) hist[s][var].SetLineColor(colors[a]) hist[s][var].SetFillColor(colors[a]) hist[s][var].SetLineWidth(2) hist[s][var].SetMarkerStyle(markers[a]) hist[s][var].SetMarkerColor(colors[a]) hist[s][var].SetTitle("") #hist[s][var].SetFillStyle(0) hist[s][var].SetLineStyle( lines[b] ) #original: lines[b] to have different styles for different backgrounds addOverflow(hist[s][var], False) massimo = max(massimo, hist[s][var].GetMaximum()) minimo = min(minimo, hist[s][var].GetMinimum()) hist[s][var].Draw("SAMES, PL") # if (a>0 and b>0) else "HISTO") leg.AddEntry(hist[s][var], label, 'PL') uncert[s][var] = hist[s][var].Clone(s + "_err") uncert[s][var].SetMarkerStyle(0) uncert[s][var].SetFillColor(colors[a]) uncert[s][var].SetFillStyle(3001) uncert[s][var].Draw("SAME,E2") if variable[var]['log']: cv.SetLogy() for b, s in enumerate(sign): for a, var in enumerate(var_list): hist[s][var].SetMaximum(massimo * 1.5) if variable[var]['log'] == False: hist[s][var].SetMinimum(minimo * 0.5) #leg.SetHeader(samples[sample]['leg_name']) #massimo = 0 leg.Draw() drawCMS(-1, "Preliminary") cv.Update() cv.Print(PLOTDIR + sign[0] + "_" + var_list[0].replace('.', '_') + name + ".pdf") cv.Print(PLOTDIR + sign[0] + "_" + var_list[0].replace('.', '_') + name + ".png") if not gROOT.IsBatch(): raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")
npx_sum = {1: 0, 2: 0} npx_sum_correct = {1: 0, 2: 0} filler.set_next_index(current_index) roi_chain = None fout = open(CSVNAME, 'w') fout.write( 'entry,label_shower_npx,reco_shower_npx,correct_shower_npx,label_track_npx,reco_track_npx,correct_track_npx,total_npx,correct_npx' ) if '1e1p' in FLAVOUR: fout.write( ',eminus_energy,eminus_mom,eminus_dirx,eminus_diry,eminus_dirz,proton_energy,proton_mom,proton_dirx,proton_diry,proton_dirz,open_angle' ) from ROOT import TChain roi_chain = TChain("partroi_segment_tree") for fname in filler.pd().io().file_list(): roi_chain.AddFile(fname) fout.write('\n') def target_event(roi_v): primary_eminus = None primary_proton = None for roi_index in xrange(roi_v.size()): roi = roi_v[roi_index] if roi.PdgCode() == 11 and roi.TrackID() == roi.ParentTrackID(): if not primary_eminus is None: return False primary_eminus = roi_index elif roi.PdgCode() == 2212 and roi.TrackID() == roi.ParentTrackID(): if not primary_eminus is None: return False
def resolution_vs_eta(sign, var, cut_gen, name, min_eta, max_eta, cut="", treename="ntuple/tree", drawDebugFit=False, col_index=-1): massimo = 0. minimo = 999. if col_index == -1: col = 0 else: col = col_index if cut_gen: first, second = var.split('.') cutstring = first + ".hasGenJ" if first == "Jets": label = "slimmedJets" elif first == "JetsNew1": label = "(abs(dz) < cosh(eta)*(0.02+0.01/pt)*5)" label = "abs(dz)<x" elif first == "JetsNew2": label = "fromPV()>0 || charge() ==0" label = "fromPV()>0" elif first == "JetsNew3": label = "(abs(dz) < cosh(eta)*(0.02+0.01/pt)*5) || (hasTrackDetails() && abs(dz)<pt*dzError )" label = "abs(dz)<x or abs(dz)<pt*dzError" elif first == "JetsNew4": label = "vertexRef().key()==0 ||( dzAssociatedPV() < cosh(eta)*(0.003+0.01/pt)*5) || charge==0" label = "dzAssociatedPV()" elif first == "JetsNew5": label = "fromPV()==PVUsedInFit || ( (fromPV()==PVTight || fromPV()==PVLoose && abs(dz()) < 0.3 )" label = "PUPPI-like" else: label = "" else: first, second = var.split('n') label = "aaa" first = "" first = second cutstring = first + ".hasGenJ" if cutstring == "": cutstring = cut + "" else: if cut != "": cutstring += " && " + first + "." + cut + " && abs(" + first + ".eta)<" + str( max_eta) + " && abs(" + first + ".eta)>=" + str(min_eta) print "Variable: ", var print "Cut: ", cutstring print "*****" chain[sign] = TChain(treename) for j, ss in enumerate(samples[sign]['files']): chain[sign].Add(NTUPLEDIR + ss + ".root") if variable[var]['nbins'] > 0: hist[sign][var] = TH1F(sign + var, ";" + variable[var]['title'], variable[var]['nbins'], variable[var]['min'], variable[var]['max']) hist[sign][var].Sumw2() chain[sign].Project(sign + var, var, cutstring) hist[sign][var].SetOption("%s" % chain[sign].GetTree().GetEntriesFast()) hist[sign][var].Scale( samples[sign]['weight'] if hist[sign][var].Integral() >= 0 else 0) hist[sign][var].SetLineColor(colors[col]) hist[sign][var].SetFillColor(colors[col]) hist[sign][var].SetLineWidth(2) hist[sign][var].SetMarkerStyle(markers[1]) hist[sign][var].SetMarkerColor(colors[col]) hist[sign][var].SetTitle("") hist[sign][var].SetLineStyle( lines[0] ) #original: lines[0] to have different styles for different backgrounds addOverflow(hist[sign][var], False) massimo = max(massimo, hist[sign][var].GetMaximum()) minimo = min(minimo, hist[sign][var].GetMinimum()) if drawDebugFit: cv = TCanvas("cv", "cv", 1000, 800) cv.SetGrid() leg = TLegend(0.62, 0.7, 0.95, 0.98) leg.SetHeader("|#eta|:[" + str(min_eta) + "," + str(max_eta) + "]") hist[sign][var].Draw("SAMES, PL") # if (a>0 and b>0) else "HISTO") uncert[sign][var] = hist[sign][var].Clone(sign + "_err") uncert[sign][var].SetMarkerStyle(markers[col]) uncert[sign][var].SetFillColor(colors[col]) uncert[sign][var].SetFillStyle(3001) uncert[sign][var].Draw("SAME,E2") leg.AddEntry(hist[sign][var], label, 'PL') fit0[sign][var] = TF1("f0" + sign + var, "gaus", variable[var]['min'], variable[var]['max']) fit0[sign][var].SetParameter(1, hist[sign][var].GetMean()) fit0[sign][var].SetParameter(2, hist[sign][var].GetRMS()) hist[sign][var].Fit( "f0" + sign + var, "PWMS", "", hist[sign][var].GetMean() - 4 * hist[sign][var].GetRMS(), hist[sign][var].GetMean() + 4 * hist[sign][var].GetRMS()) RMS_resolution = hist[sign][var].GetRMS() fit1[sign][var] = TF1("f1" + sign + var, "gaus", variable[var]['min'], variable[var]['max']) fit1[sign][var].SetParameter(1, fit0[sign][var].GetParameter(1)) fit1[sign][var].SetParameter(2, fit0[sign][var].GetParameter(2)) hist[sign][var].Fit( "f1" + sign + var, "PWMS", "", fit0[sign][var].GetParameter(1) - 1.5 * fit0[sign][var].GetParameter(2), fit0[sign][var].GetParameter(1) + 1.5 * fit0[sign][var].GetParameter(2)) if drawDebugFit: fit0[sign][var].SetLineColor(colors[col]) fit0[sign][var].SetLineWidth(2) fit0[sign][var].SetLineStyle(2) fit0[sign][var].Draw("L,sames") fit1[sign][var].SetLineColor(colors[col]) fit1[sign][var].SetLineWidth(2) fit1[sign][var].SetLineStyle(1) fit1[sign][var].Draw("L,sames") mean_resolution = fit1[sign][var].GetParameter(1) mean_uncertainty = fit1[sign][var].GetParError(1) sigma_resolution = fit1[sign][var].GetParameter(2) sigma_uncertainty = fit1[sign][var].GetParError(2) if variable[var]['log'] and drawDebugFit: cv.SetLogy() hist[sign][var].SetMaximum(massimo * 1.5) if variable[var]['log'] == False: hist[sign][var].SetMinimum(minimo * 0.5) if drawDebugFit: leg.Draw() drawCMS(-1, "Preliminary") cv.Update() cv.Print(PLOTDIR + sign + "_" + var.replace('.', '_') + name + "_eta_" + str(min_eta).replace('.', 'p') + "_" + str(max_eta).replace('.', 'p') + ".pdf") cv.Print(PLOTDIR + sign + "_" + var.replace('.', '_') + name + "_eta_" + str(min_eta).replace('.', 'p') + "_" + str(max_eta).replace('.', 'p') + ".png") if not gROOT.IsBatch(): raw_input("Press Enter to continue...") return mean_resolution, mean_uncertainty, sigma_resolution, sigma_uncertainty, RMS_resolution
print("To generate a kay, go here :") print("You can also define by hand the data project tag wit hthe option -t") sys.exit() passfile = open("atlasdqmpass.txt") passwd =; passfile.close() passurl = 'https://%[email protected]'%passwd s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(passurl) run_spec = {'stream': 'physics_CosmicCalo', 'proc_ver': 1,'source': 'tier0', 'low_run': runNumber, 'high_run':runNumber} run_info= s.get_run_information(run_spec) if '%d'%runNumber not in run_info.keys() or len(run_info['%d'%runNumber])<2: print("Unable to retrieve the data project tag via atlasdqm... Please double check your atlasdqmpass.txt or define it by hand with -t option") sys.exit() tag = run_info['%d'%runNumber][1] amiTag = args.amiTag listOfFiles = pathExtract.returnEosTagPath(runNumber,stream,amiTag,tag) tree = TChain("POOLCollectionTree") file = {} for fileNames in listOfFiles: print("Adding %s"%(fileNames)) tree.AddFile("root://eosatlas/%s"%(fileNames)) entries = tree.GetEntries() if entries != 0: print("The chained tree contains %d entries"%(entries)) else: print("Empty chain...")
def merge_root_file(target, source_list): """ Merge next file from the source list with the target file. Function called recursively for each element of the list. :param TFile target: the result ROOT file :param TList source_list: list of input files to merge """ logger = get_logger() raw_path = target.GetPath() path = raw_path[raw_path.find(":") + 1:] first_source = source_list.First() current_source_dir = gDirectory # gain time, do not add the objects in the list in memory status = TH1.AddDirectoryStatus() TH1.AddDirectory(False) # loop over all keys in this directory #global_chain = TChain() next_key = TIter(current_source_dir.GetListOfKeys()) #key = TKey() #TKey old_key = None key = next_key() while key: # keep only the highest cycle number for each key #if old_key and not old_key.GetName() == key.GetName(): # continue # read object from first source file obj = key.ReadObj() if obj.IsA().InheritsFrom(TH1.Class()): # descendant of TH1 -> merge it"Merging histogram %s", obj.GetName()) h1 = TH1(obj) # loop over all source files and add the content of the # correspondant histogram to the one pointed to by "h1" next_source = source_list.After(first_source) while next_source: # make sure we are at the correct directory level by cd'ing to path key2 = gDirectory.GetListOfKeys().FindObject(h1.GetName()) if key2: h2 = TH1(key2.ReadObj()) h1.Add(h2) #del h2 next_source = source_list.After(next_source) elif obj.IsA().InheritsFrom(TTree.Class()):"Merging tree %s", obj.GetName()) # loop over all source files and create a chain of Trees "global_chain" obj_name = obj.GetName() global_chain = TChain(obj_name) global_chain.Add(first_source.GetName()) next_source = source_list.After(first_source) while next_source: global_chain.Add(next_source.GetName()) next_source = source_list.After(next_source) elif obj.IsA().InheritsFrom(TDirectory.Class()):"Found subdirectory %s", obj.GetName()) # create a new subdir of same name and title in the target file new_dir = target.mkdir(obj.GetName(), obj.GetTitle()) # newdir is now the starting point of another round of merging # newdir still knows its depth within the target file via # GetPath(), so we can still figure out where we are in the recursion merge_root_file(new_dir, source_list) else:"Unknown object type, name: %s, title: %s", obj.GetName(), obj.GetTitle()) # now write the merged histogram (which is "in" obj) to the target file # note that this will just store obj in the current directory level, # which is not persistent until the complete directory itself is stored # by "target.Write()" below if obj is not None: # if the object is a tree, it is stored in global_chain... if obj.IsA().InheritsFrom(TTree.Class()): global_chain.Merge(target.GetFile(), 0, "keep") else: obj.Write(key.GetName()) # move to the next element key = next_key() # save modifications to target file target.SaveSelf(True) TH1.AddDirectory(status) target.Write()
import ROOT, os from ROOT import TChain, TCanvas, TH1 from Imports import * subjobs = 101 filedir = pwd + "4_reduced" filename = "charm_29r2_g.root" excludedjobs = [] tree = TChain("tuple_Lc2pKpi/DecayTree") for job in range(1, subjobs): if not job in excludedjobs: tree.Add("{0}/{1}/output/{2}".format(filedir, job, filename)) c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1") histogram1 = ROOT.TH1F("histogram1", "hist 1", 300, 2240, 2340) histogram2 = ROOT.TH1F("histogram2", "hist 1", 300, 2240, 2340) histogram1.SetLineColor(8) histogram1.SetLineStyle(2) histogram2.SetLineColor(46) histogram2.SetLineStyle(2) masshist_Lc = ROOT.TH1F("masshist_Lc", "Histogram of L_{c} mass", 300, 2240, 2340) masshist_Lc.GetXaxis().SetTitle("M(L_{c}^{+}) [MeV/c^{2}]") masshist_Lc.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Number of events") mass = ROOT.RooRealVar("mass", "Mass", 2240, 2340, "MeV/c^{2}") nbins = 300 varname = "lcplus_MM"
def drawMuonWithDict(inBoxPoints,thisev): antipoints=[] antipoints.append(geo.getNewPos(thisev['StartPointx_tpcFV'], thisev['StartPointy_tpcFV'], thisev['StartPointz_tpcFV'],thisev['theta'],thisev['phi'],700)) antipoints.append((thisev['StartPointx_tpcFV'], thisev['StartPointy_tpcFV'], thisev['StartPointz_tpcFV'])) #print antipoints geo.drawValidPoints(antipoints) def drawShowers(ne): global anatree nepoints=((anatree.StartPointx[ne], anatree.StartPointy[ne], anatree.StartPointz[ne]),(anatree.EndPointx[ne], anatree.EndPointy[ne], anatree.EndPointz[ne])) #print nepoints geo.drawValidPoints(nepoints,2) anatree=TChain('analysistree/anatree') anatree.Add(file) entries=anatree.GetEntries() anatree.SetBranchStatus("*",0) for b in ("StartPointx", "StartPointy", "StartPointz","EndPointx", "EndPointy", "EndPointz", "StartPointx_tpcAV", "StartPointy_tpcAV", "StartPointz_tpcAV","pdg","TrackId","Mother","processname"): anatree.SetBranchStatus(b,1) #tree to store nue-like bgs in nueliketree=flatttree("nuelikes",["jentry/I","ngeant/I","pdg/I", "Mother/I", "TrackId/I", "iscomp/I", "isconv/I","Eng/F", "Mother_ngeant/I", "Mother_pdg/I", "Mother_Eng/F", "Primary_ngeant/I", "Primary_pdg/I", "Primary_Eng/F","muon_inTPCActive/I","muon_inMTG/I","StartPointx_tpcAV/F", "StartPointy_tpcAV/F", "StartPointz_tpcAV/F"]) print "Total anatree entries: ", entries anatree.GetEntry(anatree.GetEntries()-1) print "Total muonslist entries: ", len(muonslist) #draw boxes
parser.add_argument('-r', '--reco-tree', default='reco', type=str, help="Reco tree name") parser.add_argument('-t', '--truth-tree', default='parton', choices=['particle', 'parton'], help="Truth tree name") args = parser.parse_args() print("Read trees from", args.inputfiles) tree_reco = TChain(args.reco_tree) for infile in args.inputfiles: tree_reco.Add(infile) tree_truth = TChain(args.truth_tree) for infile in args.inputfiles: tree_truth.Add(infile) # make them friends! tree_reco.AddFriend(tree_truth) branches_reco = {} branches_truth = {} cuts = "isMatched" if args.truth_tree == 'parton':
signalHistList = [] if len(files) == 2: colors = [632, 600] else: colors = [636, 635, 634, 633, 632, 807, 802, 801, 800, 798] if addBackground: colors.append(600) for f, fileDict in enumerate(files): filename = fileDict['file'] massPoint = fileDict['massPoint'] print('Now considering mass point... ' + massPoint) signalChain = TChain("Events") for actualFile in fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(signalDir), 'nanoLatino*' + filename + '*'): signalChain.AddFile(signalDir + actualFile) histname = 'hist_' + str(f) signalHist = TH1F(histname, 'Mass points distribution', variable[1], variable[2], variable[3]) signalChain.Draw(variable[0] + ' >> ' + histname, cuts) signalHist.SetDirectory(0) if normalization: signalHist.Scale(1. / signalHist.Integral()) #Normalize the histo to unity signalHist.SetStats(0) signalHist.SetLineColor(colors[f])
print 'NEW FOLDER: ' + newfolder print 'OLD WEIGHT "' + oweight + '" - NEW WEIGHT "' + nweight print '\n{:>40}'.format(' Ntuple name ') + '{:>16}'.format( 'Difference') + '{:>17}'.format('Old yield'), print '{:>17}'.format('New yield') + '{:>17}'.format( 'Old entries') + '{:>17}'.format('New entries') print '=' * 128 not_in_old = list() not_in_new = list() rows = list() line = 1 histo = TH1D("histo", "", 10, 0, 10) for ifile in sortedfiles: if ("TTJets_HT" not in ifile): continue ochain = TChain("tree") oldntuples = oldfolder + "/*" + ifile + '*root' no = ochain.Add(oldntuples) if no == 0: not_in_old.append(ifile) continue nchain = TChain("tree") newntuples = newfolder + "/*" + ifile + '*root' nn = nchain.Add(newntuples) if nn == 0: not_in_new.append(ifile) continue no = ochain.Draw("1>>histo", oweight, "goff") oldtot = histo.Integral() nn = nchain.Draw("1>>histo", nweight, "goff")
from ROOT import TFile, TTree, TChain, TH1F import time # specify the tree/tuple name of interest c1 = TChain('tree44') c2 = TChain('tree44') # add root file to the chain # after defining(by adding trees to it) the tchain behaves like a ttree object(Draw() can be used etc.) c1.Add('f1.root') c2.Add('f2.root') # histogram with 100 bins x axis runs from -10 to 10 h1 = TH1F('h1', 'Title of the h1', 100, -10, 10) # set uncertainty of the histogram # this should be done right after the histogram has been defined h1.Sumw2() ########################## # test weighting of hist # ########################## """ # specify in the first entry what variable you want to plot(in our case: v0) # by '>>' we tell the tchain to project the tree to the histogram # the last entry specifies the weight of the events from this variable c1.Draw('v0 >> h1','0.2') # pause the program to be able to see the plot #time.sleep(3) #c2.Draw('l3 >> h1','0.4')
if not jobid in job_files: job_files[jobid]=[] job_files[jobid].append('%s/%s' % (TARGET_DIR,f)) bad_files={} good_files={} for jobid,files in job_files.iteritems(): if not len(files) == len(flavors): print 'JobID %d missing files (%d/%d)' % (jobid,len(files),len(flavors)) bad_files[jobid]=files continue good=True for f in files: ch=TChain("larlite_id_tree") ch.AddFile(f) if ch.GetEntries() > 0: continue good=False break if not good: print 'JobID %d has corrupted file(s)!' % jobid bad_files[jobid]=files else: good_files[jobid]=files print 'Found',len(bad_files),'bad jobs' print bad_files.keys() print