コード例 #1
def produce2DPlots(processes, selections, variables2D, colors, intLumi, pdir, lt, rt, logZ, hfile):

    print ''
    print 'Preparing 2D plots ...'


    intLumiab = intLumi/1e+06 

    ff = "eps"

    logstr = ''
    if logZ:
       logstr = 'log'
       logstr = 'lin'

    nsel = 0
    for s in selections:
        selstr = 'sel{}'.format(int(nsel))
        nsel += 1
        for v in variables2D.keys() :
             i = 0

             for p in processes:
                 filename = '{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(p, v, selstr, logstr)
                 filename = formatted(filename)
                 hname = '{}_{}_{}'.format(p, selstr, v)
                 h = hfile.Get(hname)
                 hh = TH2D.Clone(h)
                 draw2D(filename, lt, rt, ff, pdir, logZ, hh)
    print 'DONE.'
コード例 #2
def produce2DHackedPlots(processes, selections, variables2D, colors, intLumi,
                         pdir, lt, rt, logZ, hfile):

    print ''
    print 'Preparing 2D plots ...'


    intLumiab = intLumi / 1e+06

    ff = FORMAT

    logstr = ''
    if logZ:
        logstr = 'log'
        logstr = 'lin'

    nsel = 0
    for s in selections:
        selstr = 'sel{}'.format(int(nsel))
        nsel += 1
        for v in variables2D.keys():
            i = 0

            for p in processes:
                filename = '{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(p, v, selstr, logstr)
                filename = formatted(filename)
                hname = '{}_{}_{}'.format(p, selstr, v)
                h = hfile.Get(hname)
                hh = TH2D.Clone(h)

                ## fill in empty bins
                for i in range(hh.GetNbinsX() + 1):
                    for j in range(hh.GetNbinsY() + 1):

                        #if 'j#gamma + Jets' in p and 'bdth_bdtqcd' in hname and 'sel0' in hname:
                        #if '#gamma#gamma + Jets' in p and 'bdth_bdtqcd' in hname and 'sel0' in hname:
                        #    print i, j , hh.GetBinContent(i,j)

                        if hh.GetBinContent(i, j) == 0:
                            hh.SetBinContent(i, j, 1)

                draw2D(filename, lt, rt, ff, pdir, logZ, hh)

    print 'DONE.'
コード例 #3
ファイル: tools.py プロジェクト: gouskos/FlatTreeAnalyzer
def produce2DPlots(processes, selections, variables2D, colors, intLumi, pdir,
                   delphesVersion, logZ, hfile):

    print ''
    print 'Preparing 2D plots ...'


    intLumiab = intLumi / 1e+06

    rt = "RECO: Delphes-{}".format(delphesVersion)
    lt = "#sqrt{{s}} = 100 TeV, L = {} ab^{{-1}}".format(intLumiab)

    ff = "png"

    logstr = ''
    if logZ:
        logstr = 'log'
        logstr = 'lin'

    nsel = 0
    for s in selections:
        selstr = 'sel{}'.format(int(nsel))
        nsel += 1
        for v in variables2D.keys():
            i = 0

            for p in processes:
                filename = '{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(p, v, selstr, logstr)
                filename = formatted(filename)
                hname = '{}_{}_{}'.format(p, selstr, v)
                h = hfile.Get(hname)
                hh = TH2D.Clone(h)
                draw2D(filename, lt, rt, ff, pdir, logZ, hh)

    print 'DONE.'