def plot_calibrations(group_data, voltage, cal_pars_list, stacked=False): group_name = str(group_data[0].run_number) run = group_data[2] name = str(run.run_number) hists_and_lines = [] for cal_pars in cal_pars_list: pars = parameters.gain_pars[cal_pars] run.calibrate_energies(voltage, pars) hist = make_hist(name, run.calibrated_energies, 0, 3500) K_line = TLine(1460.820, 0, 1460.820, 1000000) K_line.SetLineColor(632) Tl_line = TLine(2614.511, 0, 2614.511, 1000000) Tl_line.SetLineColor(632) hists_and_lines.append([hist, K_line, Tl_line]) if stacked: print('Plotting stacked calibrated histograms.') run_canvas = TCanvas() run_canvas.SetLogy() colors = [808, 397, 436, 424, 628, 852, 800, 863, 403, 797] color_index = 0 hs = THStack('hs', 'Group %s Histograms' % group_name) for entry in hists_and_lines: title = str(run.run_number) entry[0].SetLineColor(colors[color_index]) color_index += 1 hs.Add(entry[0]) hs.Draw('nostack') K_line = TLine(1460.820, 0, 1460.820, 1000000) K_line.SetLineColor(632) K_line.Draw() Tl_line = TLine(2614.511, 0, 2614.511, 1000000) Tl_line.SetLineColor(632) Tl_line.Draw() run_canvas.BuildLegend() path = 'output/group_' + str(group_data[0].run_number) + '/' run_canvas.Print((path + str(group_data[0].run_number) + '_stacked_calibrated_histogram.pdf[')) run_canvas.Print((path + str(group_data[0].run_number) + '_stacked_calibrated_histogram.pdf')) run_canvas.Print((path + str(group_data[0].run_number) + '_stacked_calibrated_histogram.pdf]')) else: print('Plotting calibrated energy histogram.') run_canvas = TCanvas("run_canvas", "run canvas") run_canvas.Divide(3, int(len(cal_pars_list) / 2)) canvas_index = 1 for entry in hists_and_lines: pad = pad.SetLogy() entry[0].Draw() entry[1].Draw() entry[2].Draw() pad.Update() canvas_index += 1 path = 'output/group_' + group_name + '/' run_canvas.Print((path + name + '_calibrated_histograms.pdf[')) run_canvas.Print((path + name + '_calibrated_histograms.pdf')) run_canvas.Print((path + name + '_calibrated_histograms.pdf]'))
def doPlotEtaPtOfSuccessfulMatches(): file = TFile.Open('L1MuonHistogram.root') #Prepare canvas canvas = TCanvas("canvasPtEtaHoMatch", "PtEtaHoMatch", 1200, 1200) #prepare histogram hist = file.Get("hoMuonAnalyzer/etaPhi/3D/NoTrgTdmiAboveThr_EtaPhiPt") stack = THStack(hist, "zx", "2dStack", "", -1, -1, -1, -1, "zx", "") #Create new histogram and add the histograms from the stack histNew = TH2D("histPtEtaHoMatch", "p_{T} vs. #eta distribution;#eta;p_{T} / 5 GeV;#", 40, -1.6, 1.6, 40, 0, 200) histNew.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) for i in stack.GetHists(): histNew.Add(i) gStyle.SetPalette(1) histNew.SetStats(0) histNew.Draw('COLZ') canvas.Update() palette = histNew.FindObject("palette") palette.SetX1NDC(0.9) palette.SetX2NDC(0.92) #add label label = PlotStyle.getLabelCmsPrivateSimulation() label.Draw() canvas.Update() canvas.SaveAs('plots/NoL1HoMatchPtEta.pdf') canvas.SaveAs('plots/NoL1HoMatchPtEta.png') return canvas, hist, stack, histNew, label, palette, file
def histogram_stack(*histograms): """Creates a THStack object with a unique identifier from the specified histograms. This method is useful due to THStack freaking out if a new THStack is created with the same name. Args: histograms: Each argument of this function after plot may be a single histogram, an iterable of histograms (each of which should be plotted), or even an existing THStack object whose component histograms should be included in the new stack. The histograms should be specified from top-to-bottom. Returns: An initialized THStack object containing the specified histograms. """ # Generate an iterable of all histograms provided histograms = chain(*(drawable_iterable(h, unpack_stacks=True) for h in histograms)) # Create a new THStack object with a unique identifier stack = THStack(_rand_uuid(), '') SetOwnership(stack, False) # Add histograms map(stack.Add, histograms) return stack
def DrawNormalized(self, opt='', xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None): '''Draw a normalized version of the stack (integral=1).''' if len(self.hists) == 0: return integral = 0 self.normHists = [] self.obj = THStack(, '') self.totalHist = None for hist in self.hists: normHist = copy.deepcopy(hist) normHist.Scale(1 / self.integral) self.normHists.append(normHist) self.obj.Add(normHist.weighted) if self.totalHist is None: self.totalHist = copy.deepcopy(normHist) else: self.totalHist.Add(normHist) # self.obj.Draw( opt ) # self._updateTitles() self._Draw(opt, self.normHists, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
def GetStack(self, colors='', pr=''): if pr == '': pr = self.processList elif isinstance(pr, str) and ',' in pr: pr = pr.replace(' ', '').split(',') npr = len(pr) if isinstance(colors, dict): colors = [colors[p] for p in pr] elif colors == '': colors = [1] * npr elif isinstance(colors, str) and ',' in colors: colors = colors.replace(' ', '').split(',') hStack = THStack('hStack', '') for p, col in zip(pr, colors): if isinstance(self.histoname, list): for hname in self.histoname: self.indic[p][hname].SetFillColor(col) self.indic[p][hname].SetFillStyle(1000) self.indic[p][hname].SetLineColor(0) self.indic[p][hname].SetLineStyle(0) self.indic[p][hname].SetLineWidth(0) hStack.Add(self.indic[p][hname]) else: self.indic[p][self.histoname].SetFillColor(col) self.indic[p][self.histoname].SetFillStyle(1000) self.indic[p][self.histoname].SetLineColor(0) self.indic[p][self.histoname].SetLineStyle(0) self.indic[p][self.histoname].SetLineWidth(0) hStack.Add(self.indic[p][self.histoname]) return hStack
def getStack(self, lumi, name, var, nbin, xmin, xmax, cut, options, xlabel): if cut == '': cut = '(1)' hs = THStack(name, "") SetOwnership(hs, 0 ) for b in self.blocks: AuxName = "auxStack_block_" + name + "_" + haux = b.getTH1F(lumi, AuxName, var, nbin, xmin, xmax, cut, options, xlabel) haux.SetFillColor(b.color) haux.SetLineColor(r.kBlack) haux.SetTitle(b.label) hs.Add(haux) del haux can_aux = TCanvas("can_%s_%s"%(name, hs.Draw() del can_aux ylabel = "Events" if xmax != xmin: hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xlabel) b = int((xmax-xmin)/nbin) ylabel = "Events / " + str(b) + " GeV" else: ylabel = "Events" hs.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ylabel) return hs
def make_pdf_plot(key, pos=(0.7, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9)): h = getHist(f_all, key) h.SetLineStyle(1) h.SetLineWidth(5) #h.SetFillStyle(1001) h.SetLineColor(kBlack) hs = THStack("hs_" + key, "") h0 = getHist(f_0, key) h1 = getHist(f_1, key) h2 = getHist(f_2, key) h0.SetLineStyle(5) h0.SetFillStyle(3005) h0.SetFillColor(kRed) h0.SetLineColor(kRed) hs.Add(h0) h1.SetLineStyle(5) h1.SetFillStyle(3005) h1.SetFillColor(kBlue) h1.SetLineColor(kBlue) hs.Add(h1) h2.SetLineStyle(5) h2.SetFillStyle(3005) h2.SetFillColor(kGreen) h2.SetLineColor(kGreen) hs.Add(h2) leg = TLegend(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3]) leg.AddEntry(h, 'total') leg.AddEntry(h0, 'y == Pred == 0') leg.AddEntry(h1, 'y == Pred == 1') leg.AddEntry(h2, 'y == Pred == 2') return h, hs, leg
def make_stack(tfile, stack_procs, chan, sys, distr): global mc_stack_n hs = THStack("mc_stack_%d" % mc_stack_n, "mc_stack_%d" % mc_stack_n) for proc in stack_procs.split(','): histo_name = std_histo_name(args.chan, proc, args.sys, args.distr) logging.debug(histo_name) if not tfile.Get(histo_name): logging.warning(histo_name + ' not in the file ' + args.in_file) continue histo = tfile.Get(histo_name) if args.scale_stack: histo.Scale(args.scale_stack) logging.debug(proc + ' ' + str(histo.Integral())) # histo styling col = plotting_root.nick_info[proc]['color'] histo.SetFillColor(col) #histo.SetLineColor( col ); # it's needed for shapes histo.SetMarkerStyle(20) #histo.SetLineStyle(proc_ocurance); histo.SetMarkerColor(col) hs.Add(histo, "HIST") mc_stack_n += 1 return hs
def __init__(self, files, variable, flavour="PF_SYM", selection=Selections.full_selection, luminosity=1): self.variable = variable """Luminosity unit is pb^{-1}!""" self.stack = THStack("stack", "") self.file_list = files self.histogram_handles = [] for file_name in self.file_list: if isinstance(file_name, list): files = [TFile(f) for f in file_name] trees = [f.Get(tree_name) for f in files] total_events = sum([tree.GetEntriesFast() for tree in trees]) self.histogram_handles.append( reduce( operator.add, [HistogramHandler(f, variable, flavour, selection, total_events) for f in file_name] )) else: self.histogram_handles.append(HistogramHandler(file_name, variable, flavour, selection)) self.entries = sum( [h.mass_hist.Integral() for h in self.histogram_handles]) for histo_handle in self.histogram_handles: histo_handle.scale(luminosity) self.histogram_handles = self.sum_with_same_name() self.build_legend() for histo_handle in self.histogram_handles: self.stack.Add(histo_handle.mass_hist)
def BuildTHStack(Properties): stackTitle = Properties.get('title_stack', '') stackName = Properties.get('name_stack', 'thestack') theStack = THStack(stackName, stackTitle) #print "returning a stack ",theStack.GetXaxis() return theStack
def backgroundStack( self ): #implement reordering here by total yield bkgStack = THStack() for p in reversed( self.__processes ): if not p.isSignal(): bkgStack.Add( p.nominal() ) return bkgStack
def summary (self) : '''to be run after the event loop, before saving''' self.summ = THStack ( + '_summ', 'total energy') self.mean = [] for i in range (1, 8) : # self.mean.append (self.histos[i].ProfileX ()) self.mean.append (self.fromProfileToHisto (self.histos[i].ProfileX (), 10 + i * 2)) self.summ.Add (self.mean[len (self.mean) - 1])
def plot_hist_diff(histlist1, histlist2, labellist, log, overflow, filename, options): canv = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800, 600) canv.SetTopMargin(10) canv.SetRightMargin(100) if log: gPad.SetLogy() histstack = THStack("stack", histlist1[0].GetTitle()) legend = TLegend(0.76, 0.88 - 0.08 * len(histlist1), 0.91, 0.88, '', 'NDC') colorlist = [4, 8, 2, 6, 1] if options: options += " NOSTACK" else: options = "NOSTACK" maximum = 0 for i in range(len(histlist1)): entries = histlist1[i].GetEntries() bad_entries = histlist2[i].GetEntries() histlist1[i].SetLineColorAlpha(colorlist[i], 0.65) histlist1[i].SetLineWidth(3) if entries: histlist1[i].Scale(1. / entries) if bad_entries: histlist2[i].Scale(1. / bad_entries) histlist1[i].Add(histlist2[i], -1.) nbins = histlist1[i].GetNbinsX() legend.AddEntry( histlist1[i], "#splitline{" + labellist[i] + "}{#splitline{%d total jets}{%d bad jets}}" % (entries, bad_entries), "l") if overflow: histlist1[i].SetBinContent( nbins, histlist1[i].GetBinContent(nbins) + histlist1[i].GetBinContent(nbins + 1)) #overflow histlist1[i].SetBinContent( 1, histlist1[i].GetBinContent(0) + histlist1[i].GetBinContent(1)) #underflow if histlist1[i].GetMaximum() > maximum: maximum = histlist1[i].GetMaximum() histstack.Add(histlist1[i]) #if i == 0: histlist[i].Draw(options) #else: histlist[i].Draw(same+options) histstack.SetMaximum(maximum * 1.4) histstack.Draw(options) histstack.GetXaxis().SetTitle(histlist1[0].GetXaxis().GetTitle()) histstack.GetYaxis().SetTitle(histlist1[0].GetYaxis().GetTitle()) legend.SetTextSize(0.02) legend.SetFillStyle(0) legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.Draw("SAME") canv.SaveAs(filename) if log: gPad.Clear() canv.Clear() del canv
def __init__(self, name): '''Name is the name you want for your treestack.''' = name self.trees = dict() self.styles = dict() self.treenames = [] self.hists = [] self.histsum = None self.stack = THStack('_'.join([, 'stack']), 'title')
def makeStack(mchists): """make stack plot""" stack = THStack("hs", "") index = 3 for hist in mchists: hist.SetLineColor(index) hist.SetFillColor(index) stack.Add(hist) index += 1 return stack
def myStack(colorlist_, backgroundlist_, legendname_): hs = THStack("hs", "") leg1 = myLegend() for j in range(len(colorlist_)): h = backgroundlist_[j] h.SetFillColor(colorlist_[j]) h.SetLineColor(colorlist_[j]) hs.Add(h, "") leg1.AddEntry(h, legendname_[j], "f") return [hs, leg1]
def drawAppMVAOutputPlots(region, method, isMC): MCstr = "" if isMC: MCstr = "BsMC12" Region = region[:1].upper() + region[ 1:] #capitalize first letter for retrieving file names HistName = "ApplicationOutput" + MCstr + Region + method CvsName = "canvasMVA_" + MCstr + method + region canvas = TCanvas(CvsName, CvsName) stackBDT = THStack(HistName, HistName) histos = [] appFiles = [] canvas.Draw() # note: TMVApp file name structure: "TMVApp"+Region+method+sample+".root" # "BsMC12TMVApp"+Region+method+sample+".root" appFile = TFile(MCstr + "TMVApp" + Region + method + ".root") histo = appFile.Get("MVA_" + method).Clone(HistName) histo.Scale(1 / histo.GetEntries()) stackBDT.Add(histo) for sample in range(3): appFiles.append( TFile(MCstr + "TMVApp" + Region + method + str(sample) + ".root")) histos.append(appFiles[sample].Get("MVA_" + method).Clone("HistName" + str(sample))) histos[sample].SetLineColor(2 * sample) histos[sample].Scale(1 / histos[sample].GetEntries()) stackBDT.Add(histos[sample]) stackBDT.Draw("nostack") if isMC: applicationBDTLegend = TLegend(0.2, 0.7, 0.5, 0.9, "", "brNDC") #applicationBDTLegend.SetHeader("Bs MC "+region.split("BsMC")[1]) applicationBDTLegend.SetHeader("Bs MC " + Region) else: applicationBDTLegend = TLegend(0.55, 0.7, 0.85, 0.9, "", "brNDC") applicationBDTLegend.SetHeader(Region) applicationBDTLegend.AddEntry(histo, "Full sample", "l") applicationBDTLegend.AddEntry(histos[0], "Trained on 0, tested on 1, applied on 2", "l") applicationBDTLegend.AddEntry(histos[1], "Trained on 1, tested on 2, applied on 0", "l") applicationBDTLegend.AddEntry(histos[2], "Trained on 2, tested on 0, applied on 1", "l") applicationBDTLegend.Draw("same") applicationBDTLegend.SetFillColor(0) applicationBDTLegend.SetLineColor(0) canvas.SaveAs(figuresDir + "Application" + method + "Output_" + MCstr + region + ".pdf")
def __init__(self,processes,lumi,plot,files,fromTree=False): self.theStack = THStack() for process in processes: temphist = process.loadHistogram(lumi,files,plot,fromTree) self.theStack.Add(temphist.Clone()) if self.theHistogram == None: self.theHistogram = temphist.Clone() else: self.theHistogram.Add(temphist.Clone())
def slice_and_save(sample,histo,outfile): histo_stack=THStack(histo,'x','Stack_'+histo.GetName(),'') histo_1d=histo_stack.GetHists() histo_stack.Write(histo_stack.GetName()+'_'+sample) nextinlist=TIter(histo_1d) obj=nextinlist() while obj: obj.Write(obj.GetName()+'_'+sample) obj=nextinlist() histo.Write(histo.GetName()+'_'+sample)
def __init__(self,processes,lumi,plot,zScale): self.theStack = THStack() for process in processes: temphist = process.loadHistogramProjected(plot,lumi,zScale) self.theStack.Add(temphist.Clone()) if self.theHistogram == None: self.theHistogram = temphist.Clone() else: self.theHistogram.Add(temphist.Clone())
def stack(wrps): """ Applies only to HistoWrappers. Returns StackWrapper. Checks lumi to be equal among all wrappers. >>> from ROOT import TH1I >>> h1 = TH1I("h1", "", 2, .5, 4.5) >>> h1.Fill(1,4) 1 >>> w1 = wrappers.HistoWrapper(h1, lumi=2.) >>> h2 = TH1I("h2", "", 2, .5, 4.5) >>> h2.Fill(1,3) 1 >>> h2.Fill(3,6) 2 >>> w2 = wrappers.HistoWrapper(h2, lumi=2.) >>> w3 = stack([w1, w2]) >>> w3.histo.Integral() 13.0 >>> w3.lumi 2.0 """ wrps = iterableize(wrps) stk_wrp = None lumi = 0. info = None sample = "" for wrp in wrps: if not isinstance(wrp, wrappers.HistoWrapper): # histo check raise WrongInputError( "stack accepts only HistoWrappers. wrp: " + str(wrp) ) if not stk_wrp: # stack init stk_wrp = THStack(, wrp.title) lumi = wrp.lumi info = wrp.all_info() sample = wrp.sample elif lumi != wrp.lumi: # lumi check raise NoLumiMatchError( "stack needs lumis to match. (%f != %f)" % (lumi, wrp.lumi) ) if sample != wrp.sample: # add to stack sample = "" if wrp.legend: wrp.histo.SetTitle(wrp.legend) stk_wrp.Add(wrp.histo) if not info: raise TooFewWrpsError( "At least one Wrapper must be provided." ) if not sample: del info["sample"] return wrappers.StackWrapper(stk_wrp, **info)
def DrawStackHistograms(histograms, outname, blind=True, verbose=False): #hists_sorted = sorted(histograms, key=lambda h: h.Integral()) hs = THStack("h_stack", "") h_obs = None l = TLegend(0.77, 0.60, 0.90, 0.87) for hist in histograms: hname = hist.GetName() if "data_obs" in hname: if not blind: h_obs = hist SetHistogramStyle(h_obs, "Observed") l.AddEntry(h_obs, "Observed", "p") else: SetHistogramStyle(hist) label = GetLabelName(hist) hs.Add(hist) l.AddEntry(hist, label, "f") h_est = hs.GetStack().Last().Clone() if verbose: est_err = Double(0.) nbins_est = h_est.GetNbinsX() est_yields = h_est.IntegralAndError(1, nbins_est, est_err) print "predicted yields :", est_yields, "+/-", est_err if not blind: print "observed yields :", h_obs.Integral() # draw # SetCMSStyle() TODO canvas = TCanvas() gPad.SetLogy() #ymax_hs = hs.GetMaximum() #ymax = ymax_hs if h_obs is None else max(ymax_hs, h_obs.GetMaximum()) ymax = 10000 ymin = 0.1 hs.SetMaximum(ymax) hs.SetMinimum(ymin) hs.Draw("HIST") l.Draw("same") if not blind: h_obs.Draw("same") canvas.SaveAs(outname)
def stack_n_legend(used_histos, shift=0., exp_legend=False, sort_dy=False, leg=None): '''stack_n_legend(used_histos) used_histos = [(histo, nick of process, channel), ...] first check if there are different channels -- then add the channel name to the legend also the line style changes for different channels of the same process for histograms (not sure if it is a good hack) ''' channels = [c for _, _, c in used_histos] homogeneous_channels = all(c == channels[0] for c in channels) # build Stach and legend hs = THStack("mc_stack", "mc_stack") #leg = TLegend(0.7 - (0.15 if not homogeneous_channels else 0.), 0.4, 0.89, 0.89) if not leg: if exp_legend: leg = TLegend(0.8 - shift, 0.55, 1. - shift, 0.92) else: leg = TLegend(0.7 - shift, 0.55, 0.89 - shift, 0.92) leg.SetBorderSize(0) process_counter = {} # for distinguishing processes in different channels def sort_w_dy_option(histo_nick): order = nick_order.get(histo_nick, 1) if sort_dy and 'dy' in histo_nick: order = 0 return order #for histo, nick, channel in sorted(used_histos, key=lambda h_n: nick_order.get(h_n[1], 1)): for histo, nick, channel in sorted(used_histos, key=lambda h_n: sort_w_dy_option(h_n[1])): logging.debug("plotting stack_n_legend: %s %s" % (nick, channel)) proc_ocurance = process_counter.setdefault(nick, 1) process_counter[nick] += 1 col = nick_colour[nick] histo.SetFillColor( col ); #histo.SetLineColor( col ); # it's needed for shapes histo.SetMarkerStyle(20); histo.SetLineStyle(proc_ocurance); histo.SetMarkerColor(col); #used_histos.append(histo) # hopefully root wont screw this up hs.Add(histo, "HIST") # to have legend in the same order for histo, nick, channel in sorted(used_histos, key=lambda h_n: -sort_w_dy_option(h_n[1])): if homogeneous_channels: leg.AddEntry(histo, nick_info[nick]['legend'], "F") else: leg.AddEntry(histo, "%s %s" % (nick, channel), "F") return hs, leg
def __init__(self,processes,lumi,plot,zScaleFac,genMass=False,CIBins=False,cumulative=False): self.theStack = THStack() for process in processes: temphist = process.loadHistogram(plot,lumi,zScaleFac,genMass=genMass,CIBins=CIBins) if cumulative: temphist = makeHistoCumulative(temphist) self.theStack.Add(temphist.Clone()) if self.theHistogram == None: self.theHistogram = temphist.Clone() else: self.theHistogram.Add(temphist.Clone())
def __init__(self,processes,lumi,plot,zScale,CIBins=False): self.theStack = THStack() for index, process in enumerate(processes[0]): temphist = process.loadHistogramProjected(plot,lumi[0],zScale[0]) temphist.Add(processes[1][index].loadHistogramProjected(plot,lumi[1],zScale[1])) temphist.Add(processes[2][index].loadHistogramProjected(plot,lumi[2],zScale[2])) self.theStack.Add(temphist.Clone()) if self.theHistogram == None: self.theHistogram = temphist.Clone() else: self.theHistogram.Add(temphist.Clone())
def Draw(self, opt='', xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None): '''Draw the stack. opt are the ROOT options''' if len(self.hists) == 0: return self.obj = THStack(, '') self.totalHist = None for hist in self.hists: self.obj.Add(hist.weighted) if self.totalHist is None: self.totalHist = copy.deepcopy(hist) elif hist.layer < 1000.: self.totalHist.Add(hist) self._Draw(opt, self.hists, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
def __init__(self, variable, cut, name, nbin, xmin, xmax, title, xtitle, ytitle_unity_measure, norm=False, logy=False, stack=False, set_title=True): TopMassStyle() self.variable = variable self.cut = cut = name self.nbin = nbin self.xmin = xmin self.xmax = xmax self.title = title self.xtitle = xtitle self.ytitle_unity_measure = ytitle_unity_measure self.norm = norm self.logy = logy self.stack = stack self.set_title = set_title self.dataset = [[], []] self.histograms = [] # legend self.leg = TLegend(0.7, 0.6, 0.9, 0.8) # canvas self.canvas = TCanvas("canvas_" +, self.title, 800, 600) self.canvas.SetGrid() if logy == True: self.canvas.SetLogy() if self.stack == False: self.maxs_histograms = [] else: if self.set_title == True: aux_title = self.title else: aux_title = self.variable + " {" + self.cut + "}" self.h_stack = THStack("h_stack_" +, aux_title)
def __init__(self,processes,lumi,plot,zScaleFac,CIBins=False,cumulative=False): self.theStack = THStack() for index, process in enumerate(processes[0]): temphist = process.loadHistogram(plot,lumi[0],zScaleFac[0],CIBins=CIBins) temphist.Add(processes[1][index].loadHistogram(plot,lumi[1],zScaleFac[1],CIBins=CIBins)) temphist.Add(processes[2][index].loadHistogram(plot,lumi[2],zScaleFac[2],CIBins=CIBins)) if cumulative: temphist = makeHistoCumulative(temphist) self.theStack.Add(temphist.Clone()) if self.theHistogram == None: self.theHistogram = temphist.Clone() else: self.theHistogram.Add(temphist.Clone())
def study_cal_eff(): # Import data and MC files: f_data = TFile.Open("../trees_5gev_e/data_nn50.root", 'read') t_data = f_mc = TFile.Open("../trees_5gev_e/lucas.root", 'read') t_mc = f_mc.lumical t_mc.AddFriend("lumical_noise=lumical", "../trees_5gev_e/lucas_geocuts_noise_cal.root") t_mc.AddFriend("lumical_eff=lumical", "../trees_5gev_e/lucas_geocuts_noise_cal_eff.root") c = TCanvas() hs = THStack("hs", "title") t_data.Draw("energy*(layer > 1)>>h_data50(200, 0, 50)", "energy*(layer > 1) > 0") h_data50 = gROOT.FindObject("h_data50") h_data50.SetTitle("Data") h_data50.SetLineWidth(2) h_data50.SetLineColor(1) hs.Add(h_data50, "histo") t_mc.Draw("cal_energy_new/0.0885>>h_mc(200, 0, 50)", "cal_energy_new/0.0885 > 0", "", 100000) h_mc = gROOT.FindObject("h_mc") h_mc.SetTitle("MC smearing and cal eff") h_mc.SetLineWidth(2) h_mc.SetLineColor(3) h_mc.Scale(t_data.GetEntries() / 100000) #t_mc.GetEntries()) hs.Add(h_mc, "histo") t_mc.Draw("cal_energy_smeared7/0.0885>>h_mc7(200, 0, 50)", "cal_energy_smeared7/0.0885 > 0", "", 100000) h_mc7 = gROOT.FindObject("h_mc7") h_mc7.SetTitle("MC smearing=0.7*#sigma") h_mc7.SetLineWidth(2) h_mc7.SetLineColor(2) h_mc7.Scale(t_data.GetEntries() / 100000) #t_mc.GetEntries()) hs.Add(h_mc7, "histo") print(h_mc7.GetEntries()) hs.Draw("nostack") hs.SetTitle( "Deposited energy in the pads of calorimeter;E, [MIP]; N_{hits}") c.SetGridx() c.SetGridy() c.BuildLegend() c.Update() input("wait")
def __init__(self,processes,lumi,plot,zScaleFac): self.theStack = THStack() for index, process in enumerate(processes[0]): print (index) temphist = process.loadHistogram(plot,lumi[0],zScaleFac[0]) temphist.Add(processes[1][index].loadHistogram(plot,lumi[1],zScaleFac[1])) temphist.Add(processes[2][index].loadHistogram(plot,lumi[2],zScaleFac[2])) self.theStack.Add(temphist.Clone()) if self.theHistogram == None: self.theHistogram = temphist.Clone() else: self.theHistogram.Add(temphist.Clone())