def produceFamilyPlot(family, surname): canvas = TCanvas(surname, "", 2400, 800) legend = TLegend(0.1, 0.5, 0.4, 0.87) legend.SetBorderSize(0) legend.SetFillStyle(0) counter = 0 markers = [] for person in family: if len(person) < 2: print "error" continue name = person[0] sex = person[1] if len(person) >= 3: birth = person[2] else: birth = 0 plot = makePlot(name, sex) normalizePlot(plot) plot.SetTitle("") plot.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0) plot.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.07) plot.GetYaxis().SetTickSize(0) plot.GetYaxis().SetTitle("normalized popularity") plot.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.07) plot.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(0.22) plot.SetLineColor(colors[counter]) legend.AddEntry(plot, name, "L") plot.Draw("same C") if birth > 0: marker = TMarker(birth+0.5, plot.GetBinContent(plot.FindBin(birth)), 20) marker.SetMarkerColor(colors[counter]) marker.SetMarkerSize(5) markers.append(marker) markers[counter].Draw("same") counter += 1 legend.Draw() canvas.SaveAs(surname + ".pdf")
def plotCombinedEfficiency(): hl = plotEfficiency('.') canv = TCanvas("canvasCombinedEfficiency", "Combined efficiency plot", 1200, 1200) leg = TLegend(0.55, 0.1, 0.9, 0.5) for i, val in enumerate(hl): if (i == 0): val[0].Draw() val[0].SetTitle("Efficiency for several p_{T}") else: val[0].Draw('same') val[1].Draw('same') hl[0][1].SetFillColor(colorRwthMagenta) hl[0][0].SetFillColor(colorRwthDarkBlue) leg.AddEntry(hl[0][0], "L1", "f") leg.AddEntry(hl[0][1], "L1 + HO", "f") markers = [] for i, pair in enumerate(markerpairs): markers.append(TMarker(1, 1, pair[0])) markers[i].SetMarkerSize(3) leg.AddEntry(markers[i], "p_{T} = " + str((i + 1) * 5) + " GeV", "p") leg.Draw() label = drawLabelCmsPrivateSimulation() if (not os.path.exists('plots')): os.mkdir('plots') if (not os.path.exists('plots/efficiency')): os.mkdir('plots/efficiency') canv.SaveAs('plots/efficiency/combinedEfficiency.png') canv.SaveAs('plots/efficiency/combinedEfficiency.pdf') canv.SaveAs('plots/efficiency/combinedEfficiency.root') return canv, leg, hl, label
def _doProfile2d( solver, ipar1=0, type1="u", ipar2=1, type2= "m" ): from ConstrainedFit import clsq from ROOT import TGraph2D, TMarker, gPad from array import array global tg2d, hist, te1, te2, te3, tm par1= clsq.createClsqPar( ipar1, type1, solver ) par2= clsq.createClsqPar( ipar2, type2, solver ) parval1, parerr1, name1= _getUMParErrName( par1 ) parval2, parerr2, name2= _getUMParErrName( par2 ) print( "\nChi^2 profile plot " + name1 + " - " + name2 + ":" ) corr= solver.getCorrMatrix() icorr1= ipar1 icorr2= ipar2 if type1 == "u" or type2 == "u": nmpar= len(solver.getMpars()) if type1 == "u": icorr1= nmpar + ipar1 if type2 == "u": icorr2= nmpar + ipar2 rho= corr[icorr1,icorr2] te1= _makeEllipse( parval1, parval2, parerr1, parerr2, rho ) te2= _makeEllipse( parval1, parval2, 2.0*parerr1, 2.0*parerr2, rho ) te3= _makeEllipse( parval1, parval2, 3.0*parerr1, 3.0*parerr2, rho ) ca= clsq.clsqAnalysis( solver ) points= ca.profile2d( par1, par2 ) npoints= len(points) tg2d= TGraph2D( npoints ) for i in range( npoints ): point= points[i] tg2d.SetPoint( i, point[0], point[1], point[2] ) hist= tg2d.GetHistogram() contourlevels= array( "d", [ 1.0, 4.0, 9.0 ] ) hist.SetContour( 3, contourlevels ) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle( name1 ) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle( name2 ) hist.SetTitle( "Triangle fit "+name2+" vs "+name1 ) hist.Draw( "cont1" ) tm= TMarker( parval1, parval2, 20 ) tm.Draw( "s" ) te1.Draw( "s" ) te2.Draw( "s" ) te3.Draw( "s" ) gPad.Print( "triangle_errorellipse.png" ) return
def findIntersect(g1,g2,x1,x2): orientation = (g1.Eval(x1)<g2.Eval(x1)) for iX in xrange(1000): x = (x2-x1)*iX/1000.+x1 if orientation != (g1.Eval(x)<g2.Eval(x)): # return TGraph(1,array('f',[x]),array('f',[g1.Eval(x)])) return TMarker(x,g1.Eval(x),1) # return x print 'Could not find intersection!' return None
def draw_potential(): markers = [] c1 = TCanvas("c1", "Prova") h2 = TH2F("h2", "h2", 1000, -100, 1200, 1000, 0, 1000) m = re.compile("(\d+)\s(\d+)\s([\-0-9\.]+)\s([\-0-9]+)") file = open("mappa_piazza.dat") while 1: line = file.readline() if (not line): break n = m.match(line) if (n): po = TMarker(float(, float(, 6) po.SetMarkerColor(abs(int( + 1) markers.append(po) h2.Draw() for i in markers: i.Draw("SAME") c1.SaveAs("potenziale_piazza.png") sys.exit(1)
def calculateCentralFractionInTight(self): hSum = self.fileHandler.getHistogram('deltaEtaDeltaPhiEnergy/averageEMaxAroundPointpatTightToL1Muons_2dSummedWeights') hCounter = self.fileHandler.getHistogram('deltaEtaDeltaPhiEnergy/averageEMaxAroundPointpatTightToL1Muons_2dCounter') points = [] sum = 0 for x in range(0,5): for y in range(0,5): sum += hCounter.GetBinContent(hSum.FindBin(x*0.0435 - 0.087,y*0.0435 - 0.087)) p = TMarker(x*0.0435 - 0.087,y*0.0435 - 0.087,20) # p.Draw('same') points.append(p) print sum print hCounter.Integral() print '-----' print sum/hCounter.Integral()
def plot_event(name, canvas): primitives = canvas.GetListOfPrimitives() histo = None point = None for primitive in primitives: if primitive.InheritsFrom(TH2Poly.Class()): histo = primitive if primitive.InheritsFrom(TMarker.Class()): point = primitive histo.SetXTitle('x [cm]') histo.SetYTitle('y [cm]') canvas_new = Canvas(700, 700) histo.SetAxisRange(77,100,'X') histo.Draw('colz') point.Draw() canvas_new.SetLogz() canvas_new.Print('./plots/event_{}.png'.format(name))
def GetCanvasWithHistAndPeakMarkers(Hist, Peaks, Name): "Take the histogram and peaks to make a nice plot" c = TCanvas(Name, Name) Hist.Draw("hist") Markers = [] for peak in Peaks: print 'peak found at ', peak, Peaks[peak] Markers.append(TMarker(peak, Peaks[peak], 26)) Markers[-1].Draw('same') c.SetLogy(1) c.SaveAs(Name + '.pdf') return c
def myMarkerTextSmall2(x, y, lcolor, lstyle, mcolor, mstyle, msize, size, text): l = TLatex() l.SetTextAlign(12) l.SetTextSize(size / 2.5) l.SetNDC() l.DrawLatex(x, y, text) yb1 = y - 0.15 * size yb2 = y + 0.15 * size xb1 = x - 0.28 * size - 0.45 * size xb2 = x + 0.28 * size - 0.45 * size print "box = ", xb1, yb1, xb2, yb2 #print "line = ",xl1,yl1,xl2,yl2 mline1 = TLine(xb1, yb1, xb2, yb2) mline1.SetLineColor(lcolor) mline1.SetLineStyle(lstyle) mline1.SetLineWidth(2) y_new = (yb1 + yb2) / 2. mline1.DrawLineNDC(xb1, y_new, xb2, y_new) mline2 = TLine(xb1, yb1, xb2, yb2) mline2.SetLineColor(lcolor) mline2.SetLineStyle(lstyle) mline2.SetLineWidth(2) x_new = (xb1 + xb2) / 2. mline2.DrawLineNDC(x_new, yb1, x_new, yb2) marker = TMarker((xb1 + xb2) / 2.0, y, mstyle) marker.SetNDC() marker.SetMarkerColor(mcolor) marker.SetMarkerStyle(mstyle) marker.SetMarkerSize(msize) marker.Draw() return marker
def closureTest_plots(filename): f = BareRootFile(filename) tree = f.Get('closureTest') gStyle.SetStatX(0.9) gStyle.SetStatY(0.9) gStyle.SetStatW(0.2) gStyle.SetStatH(0.14) hist1 = TH1F('hist1', '', 55, 0.9, 2.0) hist2 = TH1F('hist2', '', 55, 0.9, 2.0) condition = ('fit_overlapDiff>=0 && temp_overlapDiff>=0 && ' 'fit_chisq/fit_dof<=2 && temp_chisq/temp_dof<=2') tree.Draw('temp_chisq/temp_dof>>hist1', condition) tree.Draw('fit_chisq/fit_dof>>hist2', condition) for i, hist in [(0, hist1), (1, hist2)]: hist.SetLineColor(colors[i]) hist.SetLineWidth(3) maxi = max(hist1.GetMaximum(), hist2.GetMaximum()) * 1.1 plot = SingleHistBase(hist1, 'hist_numberPerChisq', fill=None, workinprogress=wip) gStyle.SetOptStat(10) plot._xtitle = '#chi^{2}/d.o.f.' plot._ytitle = 'number of toys' plot.yrange(0.0, maxi) leg = TLegend(0.65, 0.75, 0.89, 0.85) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.AddEntry(hist1, 'DG fit', 'L') leg.AddEntry(hist2, 'SupDG fit', 'L') plot.draw() hist2.Draw('SAMEH') leg.Draw() plot.save_pdf() plot.Close() hist3 = TH2F('hist3', '', 31, -0.05, 3.05, 31, -0.05, 3.05) tree.Draw('100*temp_overlapDiff:100*fit_overlapDiff>>hist3', condition) one = TF1('one', 'x', -10.0, 10.0) one.SetLineColor(1) plot = SingleHistBase(hist3, 'correctionDGvsSupDG', fill=None, workinprogress=wip) plot.add(one) plot._drawoption = 'BOX' plot._xtitle = 'correction [%] from SupDG fit' plot._ytitle = 'correction [%] from DG fit' plot._above = True plot.draw() plot.save_pdf() plot.Close() hist4 = TH2F('hist4', '', 22, 0.95, 1.5, 22, 0.95, 1.5) tree.Draw('temp_chisq/temp_dof:fit_chisq/fit_dof>>hist4', condition) plot = SingleHistBase(hist4, 'chisqDGvsSupDG', fill=None, workinprogress=wip) plot.add(one) plot._drawoption = 'BOX' plot._xtitle = '#chi^{2}/d.o.f. of SupDG fit' plot._ytitle = '#chi^{2}/d.o.f. of DG fit' plot._above = True plot.draw() plot.save_pdf() plot.Close() gStyle.SetStatX(0.9) gStyle.SetStatY(0.83) gStyle.SetStatW(0.3) gStyle.SetStatH(0.08) #bins_csq = [(0.0, 1.1), (1.1, 1.3), (1.3, 1.6), (1.6, 2.0)] #bins_cor = [(0.0, 0.5), (0.5, 1.0), (1.0, 1.5), (1.5, 2.0), (2.0, 2.5)] #bins_csq = [(1.07, 1.13), (1.06, 1.11), (1.3, 1.5), (1.08, 1.17), (1.1, 1.2)] #bins_cor = [(0.3, 0.8), (0.9, 1.2), (0.1, 0.5), (0.4, 0.7), (0.3, 1.1)] bins_csq = [(0.99, 1.06), (0.98, 1.07), (0.99, 1.10), (1.02, 1.06), (1.00, 1.06), (1.00, 1.04)] bins_cor = [(0.9, 1.9), (0.4, 1.6), (0.6, 1.5), (0.6, 1.9), (1.0, 1.3), (0.3, 1.5)] means = { mod: [[0.0 for __ in bins_cor] for __ in bins_csq] for mod in ('DG', 'SupDG') } meane = { mod: [[0.0 for __ in bins_cor] for __ in bins_csq] for mod in ('DG', 'SupDG') } rmses = { mod: [[0.0 for __ in bins_cor] for __ in bins_csq] for mod in ('DG', 'SupDG') } rmser = { mod: [[0.0 for __ in bins_cor] for __ in bins_csq] for mod in ('DG', 'SupDG') } #for i, (csq_lo, csq_hi) in enumerate(bins_csq): # for j, (cor_lo, cor_hi) in enumerate(bins_cor): for i, ((csq_lo, csq_hi), (cor_lo, cor_hi)) in enumerate(zip(bins_csq, bins_cor)): j = i name = 'hist_{{0}}_{0}csq{1}_{2}cor{3}' \ .format(csq_lo, csq_hi, cor_lo, cor_hi) fields = '100*({0}_overlapDiff-toy_overlapDiff)>>hist' condition = ( '100*{{0}}_overlapDiff>={0} && 100*{{0}}_overlapDiff<{1} && ' '{{0}}_chisq/{{0}}_dof>={2} && {{0}}_chisq/{{0}}_dof<{3} && ' 'fit_overlapDiff>=0 && temp_overlapDiff>=0 && ' 'fit_chisq/fit_dof<=2 && temp_chisq/temp_dof<=2').format( cor_lo, cor_hi, csq_lo, csq_hi) xtitle = 'correction [%] from {0} fit #minus true correction [%]' line1 = '{0} < correction < {1}'.format(cor_lo, cor_hi) line2 = '{0} < #chi^{{2}}/d.o.f. < {1}'.format(csq_lo, csq_hi) gStyle.SetOptStat(2210) for prefix, modname in (('temp', 'DG'), ('fit', 'SupDG')): hist = TH1F('hist', '', 41, -2.05, 2.05) hist.StatOverflows() tree.Draw(fields.format(prefix), condition.format(prefix)) plot = SingleHistBase(hist, name.format(modname), fill=None, workinprogress=wip) gStyle.SetOptStat(2210) plot._xtitle = xtitle.format(modname) plot._ytitle = 'number of toys' plot.xrange(-2.05, 2.05) plot.yrange(0.0, plot._graph.GetMaximum() * 1.2) pave = plot.add_pave(0.6, 0.83, 0.9, 0.9, border=True) pave(line1) pave(line2) plot.draw() plot.save_pdf() means[modname][i][j] = plot._graph.GetMean() meane[modname][i][j] = plot._graph.GetMeanError() rmses[modname][i][j] = plot._graph.GetRMS() rmser[modname][i][j] = plot._graph.GetRMSError() plot.Close() multi = TMultiGraph('multi', '') for k, modname in enumerate(('DG', 'SupDG')): for i, (csq_lo, csq_hi) in enumerate(bins_csq): xval = array( 'd', [j - 0.35 + k * 0.4 + i * 0.1 for j in range(len(bins_cor))]) xerr = array('d', [0.0] * len(bins_cor)) yval = array('d', means[modname][i]) yerr = array('d', rmses[modname][i]) graph = TGraphErrors(len(bins_cor), xval, yval, xerr, yerr) graph.SetName('graph{0}{1}'.format(k, i)) graph.SetMarkerStyle(22 + k) graph.SetMarkerColor(colors[i]) graph.SetLineColor(colors[i]) multi.Add(graph) minvalues = [ means[mod][i][j] - rmses[mod][i][j] for j in range(len(bins_cor)) for i in range(len(bins_csq)) for mod in ('DG', 'SupDG') ] maxvalues = [ means[mod][i][j] + rmses[mod][i][j] for j in range(len(bins_cor)) for i in range(len(bins_csq)) for mod in ('DG', 'SupDG') ] mini, maxi = min(minvalues), max(maxvalues) mini, maxi = mini - 0.1 * (maxi - mini), maxi + 0.3 * (maxi - mini) hist = TH2F('axishist', '', len(bins_cor), -0.5, len(bins_cor) - 0.5, 100, mini, maxi) for j, (cor_lo, cor_hi) in enumerate(bins_cor): hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(j + 1, '{0}% #minus {1}%'.format(cor_lo, cor_hi)) leg1 = TLegend(0.53, 0.78, 0.63, 0.86) leg1.SetBorderSize(0) dgmarker = TMarker(0.0, 0.0, 22) supdgmarker = TMarker(0.0, 0.0, 23) leg1.AddEntry(dgmarker, 'DG', 'P') leg1.AddEntry(supdgmarker, 'SupDG', 'P') leg2 = TLegend(0.65, 0.75, 0.89, 0.89) leg2.SetBorderSize(0) csqmarker = TMarker(0.0, 0.0, 1) for i, (csq_lo, csq_hi) in enumerate(bins_csq): title = '{0} < #chi^{{2}}/d.o.f. < {1}'.format(csq_lo, csq_hi) entry = leg2.AddEntry(csqmarker, title, 'L') entry.SetMarkerColor(colors[i]) entry.SetLineColor(colors[i]) zero = TF1('zero', '0.0', -1.0, 10.0) zero.SetLineColor(1) zero.SetLineStyle(2) plot = SingleHistBase(hist, name='differenceDoubleDifferential', fill=None, workinprogress=wip) plot._xtitle = 'correction from fit' plot._ytitle = 'correction [%] from fit #minus true correction [%]' plot.xrange(-0.5, len(bins_cor) - 0.5) plot.yrange(mini, maxi) plot._drawoption = 'AXIS' plot.draw() plot.xaxis().SetNdivisions(len(bins_cor), False) plot.xaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) zero.Draw('SAME') multi.Draw('P') leg1.Draw() leg2.Draw() plot.save_pdf() plot.Close() bcid = (41, 281, 872, 1783, 2063) DGcor1 = array('d', [0.809, 0.392, 0.846, 0.731, 0.497]) DGerr1 = array('d', [0.548, 0.567, 0.984, 0.984, 1.018]) DGcor2 = array('d', [1.145, 0.799, 1.58, 1.465, 1.281]) DGerr2 = array('d', [0.432, 0.395, 0.656, 0.656, 0.649]) DGxval = array('d', [j - 0.1 for j in range(5)]) SupDGcor1 = array('d', [0.823, 0.761, 1.458, 0.986, 1.012]) SupDGerr1 = array('d', [0.513, 0.513, 0.499, 0.513, 0.499]) SupDGcor2 = array('d', [0.978, 0.916, 1.532, 1.141, 1.086]) SupDGerr2 = array('d', [0.489, 0.489, 0.493, 0.489, 0.493]) SupDGxval = array('d', [j + 0.1 for j in range(5)]) xerr = array('d', [0.0] * 5) for fill, values in [ (4266, { 'DGcor': [1.021, 1.057, 0.968, 1.084, 1.114], 'DGerr': [(e**2 + 0.74**2)**0.5 for e in (0.118, 0.124, 0.119, 0.117, 0.119)], 'SupDGcor': [1.402, 1.411, 1.164, 1.549, 1.589], 'SupDGerr': [(e**2 + 0.45**2)**0.5 for e in (0.106, 0.110, 0.108, 0.106, 0.115)], 'bcids': [51, 771, 1631, 2211, 2674] }), (4954, { 'DGcor': [0.799, 0.398, 0.845, 0.724, 0.502], 'DGerr': [(e**2 + 0.79**2)**0.5 for e in (0.137, 0.124, 0.122, 0.130, 0.116)], 'SupDGcor': [0.794, 0.694, 1.642, 0.983, 0.993], 'SupDGerr': [(e**2 + 0.50**2)**0.5 for e in (0.126, 0.112, 0.186, 0.102, 0.144)], 'bcids': [41, 281, 872, 1783, 2063] }), (4937, { 'DGcor': [0.649, 0.494, 0.575, 0.527, 0.602], 'DGerr': [(e**2 + 0.85**2)**0.5 for e in (0.127, 0.115, 0.120, 0.125)], 'SupDGcor': [0.377, 0.611, 1.137, 0.453, 1.840], 'SupDGerr': [(e**2 + 0.56**2)**0.5 for e in (0.100, 0.105, 0.288, 0.161, 0.207)], 'bcids': [81, 875, 1610, 1690, 1730] }), (6016, { 'DGcor': [0.146, 0.394, 0.377, 0.488, 0.184], 'DGerr': [(e**2 + 1.15**2)**0.5 for e in (0.110, 0.114, 0.118, 0.123, 0.109)], 'SupDGcor': [0.760, 0.953, 1.048, 0.847, 0.373], 'SupDGerr': [(e**2 + 0.79**2)**0.5 for e in (0.219, 0.094, 0.189, 0.098, 0.169)], 'bcids': [41, 281, 872, 1783, 2063] }) ]: bcid = values['bcids'] DGcor = array('d', values['DGcor']) DGerr = array('d', values['DGerr']) DGxvl = array('d', [j - 0.1 for j in range(len(bcid))]) SupDGcor = array('d', values['SupDGcor']) SupDGerr = array('d', values['SupDGerr']) SupDGxvl = array('d', [j + 0.1 for j in range(len(bcid))]) xerr = array('d', [0.0] * len(bcid)) maxi = max(max([v + e for v, e in zip(DGcor, DGerr)]), max([v + e for v, e in zip(SupDGcor, SupDGerr)])) mini = min(min([v - e for v, e in zip(DGcor, DGerr)]), min([v - e for v, e in zip(SupDGcor, SupDGerr)])) maxi, mini = maxi + 0.2 * (maxi - mini), mini - 0.1 * (maxi - mini) graphDG = TGraphErrors(len(bcid), DGxvl, DGcor, xerr, DGerr) graphDG.SetName('graphDG') graphSupDG = TGraphErrors(len(bcid), SupDGxvl, SupDGcor, xerr, SupDGerr) graphSupDG.SetName('graphSupDG') multi = TMultiGraph('multi', '') for i, graph in [(0, graphDG), (1, graphSupDG)]: graph.SetMarkerStyle(22 + i) graph.SetMarkerColor(colors[i]) graph.SetLineColor(colors[i]) multi.Add(graph) leg = TLegend(0.15, 0.80, 0.5, 0.83) leg.SetNColumns(2) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.AddEntry(graphDG, 'DG fit', 'PL') leg.AddEntry(graphSupDG, 'SupDG fit', 'PL') axishist = TH2F('axishist', '', len(bcid), -0.5, len(bcid) - 0.5, 100, mini, maxi) for i, bx in enumerate(bcid): axishist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i + 1, '{0}'.format(bx)) plot = SingleHistBase(axishist, name='Fill{0}biased'.format(fill), fill=fill, workinprogress=wip) plot._xtitle = 'BCID' plot._ytitle = 'correction [%] from fit' plot.xrange(-0.5, len(bcid) - 0.5) plot.yrange(mini, maxi) plot._drawoption = 'AXIS' plot.draw() plot.xaxis().SetNdivisions(len(bcid), False) plot.xaxis().SetLabelSize(0.03) multi.Draw('P') leg.Draw() plot.save_pdf() plot.Close() print print 'Fill', fill for bx, cor, err in zip(bcid, SupDGcor, SupDGerr): print 'BCID {0}:\t{1:.2f} +- {2:.2f}'.format(bx, cor, err) print
def plotFailedHoMatchesNoTrg(): c = TCanvas("cFailedHoMatchesNoTrg","cFailedHoMatchesNoTrg",1200,1200) #Graph for in events not in geometric acceptance grNotInGaNC = file.Get("hoMuonAnalyzer/graphs/NoTrgTdmiNotInGA") grNotInGa = PlotStyle.convertToHcalCoords(grNotInGaNC) grNotInGa.GetYaxis().SetTitle("i#phi / a.u.") grNotInGa.GetXaxis().SetTitle("i#eta / a.u.") grNotInGa.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(62) grNotInGa.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(62) grNotInGa.SetMarkerStyle(6) grNotInGa.SetMarkerColor(PlotStyle.colorRwthDarkBlue) grNotInGa.SetTitle("#eta #phi plot failed HO matches in no Single #mu Trg. events") grNotInGa.Draw("AP") #Graph of events with HO match below threshold grHoBelowThrNC = file.Get("hoMuonAnalyzer/graphs/NoTrgTdmiBelowThr") grHoBelowThr = PlotStyle.convertToHcalCoords(grHoBelowThrNC) grHoBelowThr.SetMarkerStyle(20) grHoBelowThr.SetMarkerSize(1.2) grHoBelowThr.SetMarkerColor( PlotStyle.colorRwthGruen ) grHoBelowThr.Draw("samep") #Graph for events where HO matching failed grHoMatchFailNC = file.Get("hoMuonAnalyzer/graphs/NoTrgHoMatchFail") grHoMatchFail = PlotStyle.convertToHcalCoords(grHoMatchFailNC) grHoMatchFail.SetMarkerStyle(21) grHoMatchFail.SetMarkerSize(1) grHoMatchFail.SetMarkerColor( PlotStyle.colorRwthRot ) grHoMatchFail.Draw("samep") #Draw chimneys chimney1Converted = PlotStyle.convertToHcalCoords(PlotStyle.chimney1) chimney2Converted = PlotStyle.convertToHcalCoords(PlotStyle.chimney2) chimney1Converted.SetLineColor(PlotStyle.colorRwthMagenta) chimney2Converted.SetLineColor(PlotStyle.colorRwthMagenta) chimney1Converted.Draw('same') chimney2Converted.Draw('same') #cms private label label = TPaveText(PlotStyle.getLabelCmsPrivateSimulation(x1ndc=0.5,x2ndc=0.75)) label.Draw() #create extra marker for the legend marker = TMarker(1,1,2) marker.SetMarkerSize(3) marker.SetMarkerColor(PlotStyle.colorRwthDarkBlue) #legend legend = TLegend(0.75,0.8,0.99,0.9) legend.AddEntry(chimney2Converted,"chimney","l") legend.AddEntry(marker,'Not in GA','p') legend.AddEntry(grHoMatchFail,'HO match fail','p') legend.AddEntry(grHoBelowThr,'HO match < 0.2 GeV','p') legend.Draw() nNotMatching = grHoMatchFail.GetN() nNotInGa = grNotInGa.GetN() nBelowThr = grHoBelowThr.GetN() nTotal = nNotMatching + nNotInGa + nBelowThr print 80*'#' print 'Not Matching:\t%5d/%d\t=> %5.2f%% +- %f%%' % (nNotMatching,nTotal,nNotMatching/float(nTotal)*100,PlotStyle.calcSigma(nNotMatching,float(nTotal))) print 'Not in GA:\t%5d/%d\t=> %5.2f%% +- %f%%' % (nNotInGa,nTotal,nNotInGa/float(nTotal)*100,PlotStyle.calcSigma(nNotInGa,float(nTotal))) print 'Below Thr:\t%5d/%d\t=> %5.2f%% +- %f%%' % (nBelowThr,nTotal,nBelowThr/float(nTotal)*100,PlotStyle.calcSigma(nBelowThr,float(nTotal))) print 80*'#' c.Update() c.SaveAs('plots/graphsEtaPhi/gNoTrgHoMatchingFailed.png') c.SaveAs('plots/graphsEtaPhi/gNoTrgHoMatchingFailed.pdf') return c,grNotInGa,label,chimney1Converted,chimney2Converted,legend,grHoMatchFail,grHoBelowThr
ROCwmass.SetMaximum(1.0) ROCwmass.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0.0,1.0) ROCwmass.SetLineColor(2) ROCwmass.SetLineWidth(2) ROCwmass.SetTitle(";signal efficiency;background rejection") c2 = TCanvas("c2") ptlimstrs = [str(int(2000.0*ptlims[0])),str(int(2000.0*ptlims[1]))] ROCwmass.Draw() prelim.DrawLatex( 0.15, 0.85, ptlimstrs[0]+" GeV < p_{T} < "+ptlimstrs[1]+" GeV" ) if (cust=="w" or cust=="top") and Drawmarker: if cust=="w": prelim.DrawLatex( 0.44, 0.55, "N_{2}^{DDT}+msd" ) TM = TMarker(0.4, 0.01, 23) if cust=="top": prelim.DrawLatex( 0.44, 0.60, "#tau_{32}+msd+subjetb" ) TM = TMarker(0.4, 0.017, 23) TM.SetMarkerSize(2) TM.SetMarkerColor(4) TM.Draw() c2.SetLogy() c2.Write("rocwmass") ROC.Draw() c2.Write("roccomp") dnnsig.Write() dnnbkg.Write() output.Write()
def analyze(datasets, inputDir='.'): gROOT.SetBatch() gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) canvas = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800, 800) input_ele = TFile(inputDir + '/output_electrons.root', 'read') input_muon = TFile(inputDir + '/output_muons.root', 'read') input_fake = TFile(inputDir + '/output_fake.root', 'read') h_disc_ele = input_ele.Get('disc') h_disc_muon = input_muon.Get('disc') h_disc_fake = input_fake.Get('disc') h_sigma_ele = input_ele.Get('sigma') h_sigma_muon = input_muon.Get('sigma') h_sigma_fake = input_fake.Get('sigma') h_disc_signal = {} h_sigma_signal = {} for dataset in datasets: if not dataset.startswith('higgsino'): continue fin = TFile(inputDir + '/output_' + dataset + '.root', 'read') h_disc = fin.Get('disc') h_sigma = fin.Get('sigma') h_disc.SetDirectory(0) h_sigma.SetDirectory(0) h_disc_signal[dataset] = h_disc h_sigma_signal[dataset] = h_sigma fin.Close() roc_curves = { 'disc_%d_%s' % (i, sig) : getROC(h_disc_ele, h_disc_muon, h_disc_fake, h_disc_signal[sig], i) for i in [4, 5, 6] for sig in h_disc_signal } roc_curves.update( { 'sigma_%d_%s' % (i, sig) : getROC(h_sigma_ele, h_sigma_muon, h_sigma_fake, h_sigma_signal[sig], i) for i in [4, 5, 6] for sig in h_disc_signal } ) fout = TFile('durp.root', 'recreate') for curve_name in roc_curves: roc_curves[curve_name][0].Write(curve_name) print 'Optimal cut for', curve_name, '=', roc_curves[curve_name][1] m = TMarker(roc_curves[curve_name][2], roc_curves[curve_name][3], 29) m.Write(curve_name + '_optimal') fout.Close() for i in [4, 5, 6]: plotStack(h_disc_ele, h_disc_muon, h_disc_fake, h_disc_signal['higgsino_300_1000'], i, 'discriminant', canvas, rebin=5) plotStack(h_sigma_ele, h_sigma_muon, h_sigma_fake, h_sigma_signal['higgsino_300_1000'], i, 'sigma', canvas, rebin=5) for dataset in h_disc_signal: for i in [4, 5, 6]: wp = getWP(h_disc_ele, h_sigma_ele, h_disc_muon, h_sigma_muon, h_disc_fake, h_sigma_fake, h_disc_signal[dataset], h_sigma_signal[dataset], i) print dataset, '--', wp iClone = -1 print '\nComparing disc < 0.3 to fiducial map method:\n' printChanges('Electrons nLayers=4', h_sigma_ele, h_disc_ele, 0.3, 4, iClone) printChanges('Electrons nLayers=5', h_sigma_ele, h_disc_ele, 0.3, 5, iClone) printChanges('Electrons nLayers>=6', h_sigma_ele, h_disc_ele, 0.3, 6, iClone) printChanges('Muons nLayers=4', h_sigma_muon, h_disc_muon, 0.3, 4, iClone) printChanges('Muons nLayers=5', h_sigma_muon, h_disc_muon, 0.3, 5, iClone) printChanges('Muons nLayers>=6', h_sigma_muon, h_disc_muon, 0.3, 6, iClone) printChanges('Fakes nLayers=4', h_sigma_fake, h_disc_fake, 0.3, 4, iClone) printChanges('Fakes nLayers=5', h_sigma_fake, h_disc_fake, 0.3, 5, iClone) printChanges('Fakes nLayers>=6', h_sigma_fake, h_disc_fake, 0.3, 6, iClone) extra_samples = { 10 : ['0p' + str(i) for i in range(2, 10)] + [str(i) for i in range(0, 10)], 100 : [str(i*10) for i in range(2, 10)], 1000 : [str(i*100) for i in range(2, 10)], 10000 : [str(i*1000) for i in range(2, 10)], } for i in [4, 5, 6]: print 'NLAYERS: ', i for mass in range(100, 1000, 100): for lifetime in [10, 100, 1000, 10000]: datasetName = 'higgsino_%d_%d' % (mass, lifetime) change_string = printChanges('Higgsino_%dGeV_%dcm_94X' % (mass, lifetime), h_sigma_signal[datasetName], h_disc_signal[datasetName], 0.3, i, iClone) for extra_lifetime in extra_samples[lifetime]: print change_string.replace('Higgsino_%dGeV_%dcm_94X' % (mass, lifetime), 'Higgsino_%dGeV_%scm_94X' % (mass, extra_lifetime))
for i in xrange(1, h_coupling.GetNbinsX() + 1): h_coupling.SetBinContent(i, 1. / h_coupling.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i)**2) n_points = h_width.GetNbinsX() g_width = TGraph(n_points) g_partial_width = TGraph(n_points) for i in xrange(n_points): g_width.SetPoint(i, h_coupling.GetBinContent(i + 1), h_width.GetBinContent(i + 1)) g_partial_width.SetPoint( i, h_coupling.GetBinContent(i + 1), h_width.GetBinContent(i + 1) * h_br.GetBinContent(i + 1)) # Points/lines for simulated samples p_5percent = TMarker(1., 0.05 * mass, 1) p_10percent = TMarker(1., 0.1 * mass, 2) p_25percent = TMarker(1., 0.025 * mass, 3) def findX(graph, y): '''Find x value, assume monotonously decreasing y''' xvals = graph.GetX() yvals = graph.GetY() for i in xrange(graph.GetN()): yval = yvals[i] xval = xvals[i] print xval, yval, y if yval < y: if i == 0: return xval
def plot_rocs(plotObjects, kwargs): from ROOT import kCyan, kRed, kGreen, kBlue, kBlack, kMagenta, kGray, kWhite, kYellow Colors = [kBlue, kRed, kMagenta, kBlack, kCyan, kGreen] from RingerCore import StdPair as std_pair from util import line, minmax dset = kwargs['set'] ref = kwargs['reference'] refVal = kwargs['refVal'] eps = kwargs['eps'] savename = kwargs['cname'] + '.pdf' #Some protection if not ('operation' in dset or 'tst' in dset): raise ValueError('Option set must be: tst (test) or val (validation)') if not ('SP' in ref or 'Pd' in ref or 'Pf' in ref): raise ValueError('Option reference must be: SP, Pd or Pf') #Create dict to hold all list plots curves = dict() #list of dicts to dict of lists for name in plotObjects.keys(): curves[name] = plotObjects.tolist(name) paintIdx = kwargs['paintListIdx'] # [best, worst] paintCurves = [ std_pair(plotObjects.index_correction(paintIdx[0]), kBlack), std_pair(plotObjects.index_correction(paintIdx[1]), kRed) ] curves['roc'] = curves['roc_' + dset] #Start to build all ROOT objects from ROOT import TCanvas, gROOT, kTRUE gROOT.SetBatch(kTRUE) canvas = TCanvas('canvas', 'canvas', 1600, 1300) x_limits = [0.00, 0.40] y_limits = [0.6, 1.03] #create dummy graph dummy = curves['roc'][0] dummy.SetTitle('Receive Operation Curve') dummy.GetXaxis().SetTitle('False Alarm') dummy.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Detection') dummy.GetHistogram().SetAxisRange(y_limits[0], y_limits[1], 'Y') dummy.GetHistogram().SetAxisRange(x_limits[0], x_limits[1], 'X') dummy.Draw('AL') corredor = None target = None from ROOT import TBox if ref == 'Pf': corredor = TBox(refVal - eps, y_limits[0], refVal + eps, y_limits[1]) target = line(refVal, y_limits[0], refVal, y_limits[1], kBlack, 2, 1, '') elif ref == 'Pd': corredor = TBox(x_limits[0], refVal - eps, x_limits[1], refVal + eps) target = line(x_limits[0], refVal, x_limits[1], refVal, kBlack, 2, 1, '') if ref != 'SP': corredor.SetFillColor(kYellow - 9) corredor.Draw('same') target.Draw('same') canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() #Plot curves for c in curves['roc']: c.SetLineColor(kGray + 1) #c.SetMarkerStyle(7) #c.SetMarkerColor(kBlue) c.SetLineWidth(1) c.SetLineStyle(3) #c.Draw('PLsame') c.Draw('same') marker = list() #Paint a specifical curve for pair in paintCurves: curves['roc'][pair.first].SetLineWidth(1) curves['roc'][pair.first].SetLineStyle(1) #curves['roc'][pair.first].SetMarkerStyle(7) #curves['roc'][pair.first].SetMarkerColor(kBlue) curves['roc'][pair.first].SetLineColor(pair.second) #curves['roc'][pair.first].Draw('PLsame') curves['roc'][pair.first].Draw('same') if ref == 'SP': faVec = curves['roc'][pair.first].GetX() detVec = curves['roc'][pair.first].GetY() from RingerCore import calcSP spVec = [ calcSP(detVec[i], 1 - faVec[i]) for i in range(curves['roc'][pair.first].GetN()) ] imax = spVec.index(max(spVec)) from ROOT import TMarker marker.append(TMarker(faVec[imax], detVec[imax], 4)) marker[-1].SetMarkerColor(pair.second) marker[-1].Draw('same') #Update Canvas canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() canvas.SaveAs(savename) del canvas return savename
nIterations) + ") trying hit inefficiency of " + str(i) + "..." chi2, N = getChi2(i) if N == 0: continue chi2 /= N if chi2 < minChi2 or minChi2 < 0.0: minChi2 = chi2 minChi2HitAndTOBDrop = i minChi2Index = copy.deepcopy(index) g.SetPoint(n, i, chi2) n += 1 print "(" + str(iteration + 1) + " / " + str( nIterations) + ") minimum chi2: " + str(minChi2) + " at " + str( minChi2HitAndTOBDrop) m = TMarker(minChi2HitAndTOBDrop, minChi2, 29) m.SetMarkerSize(3) hitDropGridLower = hitDropGrid[ minChi2Index - 1] if minChi2Index > 0 else hitDropGrid[ minChi2Index] - hitDropGrid[minChi2Index + 1] hitDropGridUpper = hitDropGrid[minChi2Index + 1] if minChi2Index < len( hitDropGrid) - 1 else hitDropGrid[minChi2Index] + hitDropGrid[ minChi2Index - 1] hitDropGrid = numpy.linspace(max(hitDropGridLower, 0.0), hitDropGridUpper, 5) foutMode = "update" if iteration > 0 else "recreate" fout = TFile.Open("hipChi2.root", foutMode) g.Write("chi2VsHitDropProbability_" + str(iteration))
xp = -xp xm = math.sqrt(r2**2 - ym**2) if abs((xm - x1)**2 + (ym - y1)**2 - r1**2) > 1e-9: xm = -xm if switchxy: xm, ym = ym, xm xp, yp = yp, xp return xm, ym, xp, yp if __name__ == '__main__': from ROOT import TEllipse, TH2F, TCanvas, TMarker can = TCanvas("can", "", 600, 600) suph = TH2F("suph", "", 10, -5, 5, 10, -5, 5) suph.Draw() x1, y1, r1, r2 = 0., 1.8, 1., 2. results = circle_intersection(x1, y1, r1, r2) c1 = TEllipse(x1, y1, r1) c1.Draw('same') c2 = TEllipse(0., 0., r2) c2.Draw('same') c1.SetFillStyle(0) c2.SetFillStyle(0) mm = TMarker(results[0], results[1], 8) mp = TMarker(results[2], results[3], 21) mm.Draw('same') mp.Draw('same') can.Update()
def MuFit(Nbins,irebin=1.): # Get histrograms h_bgr = GetMassDistribution(1) h_data = GetMassDistribution(2) h_sig = GetMassDistribution(125) h_bgr.Rebin(irebin) h_data.Rebin(irebin) h_sig.Rebin(irebin) h_sf = TH2D("scalefactor","title",Nbins,0.5,2.,Nbins,0.,5.) for i in range(1,h_sf.GetNbinsX()+1): for j in range(1,h_sf.GetNbinsY()+1): sf_bgr = h_sf.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i) sf_sig = h_sf.GetYaxis().GetBinCenter(j) # Loop over bins, compute likelihood loglik = 0. for iDataBin in range(1,h_data.GetNbinsX()+1): m4lepBin = h_data.GetBinCenter(iDataBin) NObsBin = h_data.GetBinContent(iDataBin) MeanBin = sf_bgr*h_bgr.GetBinContent(iDataBin) + sf_sig*h_sig.GetBinContent(iDataBin) if (MeanBin>0): loglik += TMath.Log( TMath.Poisson(NObsBin,MeanBin) ) h_sf.SetBinContent(i,j,-2.*loglik) # Get best SF parameters x=ctypes.c_int(0) y=ctypes.c_int(0) z=ctypes.c_int(0) h_sf.GetBinXYZ(h_sf.GetMinimumBin(),x,y,z) Minimum = h_sf.GetBinContent(x.value,y.value) best_alpha = h_sf.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(x.value) best_mu = h_sf.GetYaxis().GetBinCenter(y.value) print(Minimum,best_alpha,best_mu) # Rescale histogram for i in range(1,h_sf.GetNbinsX()+1): for j in range(1,h_sf.GetNbinsY()+1): h_sf.SetBinContent( i,j, h_sf.GetBinContent(i,j)-Minimum ) canvas = TCanvas("canvas","Standard Canvas",600,400) Min = TMarker(best_alpha,best_mu,29) Min.SetMarkerSize(2) h_sf.SetStats(kFALSE) h_sf.SetTitle("HIGGS PRODUCTION CROSS SECTION - PARAMETERS") h_sf.GetXaxis().SetTitle(r"#alpha") h_sf.GetYaxis().SetTitle(r"#mu") h_sf.Draw("COLZ") h_sigma = h_sf.Clone("h_sigma") h_sigma.Reset() for i in range(1,h_sigma.GetNbinsX()+1): for j in range(1,h_sigma.GetNbinsY()+1): if( h_sf.GetBinContent(i,j)<=1.): h_sigma.SetBinContent(i,j, 1.) h_sigma.SetMarkerColorAlpha(kRed,0.40) h_sigma.SetMarkerSize(10) h_sigma.Draw("same L") Min.Draw() leg1 = TLegend(0.65,0.85,0.85,0.75) leg1.SetBorderSize(1); leg1.SetFillColor(0); leg1a = leg1.AddEntry(Min, r"optimal (#alpha,#mu)", "p"); leg1a.SetTextSize(0.04); leg1.Draw() canvas.Print("Plots/MuFit.pdf")