def profile(dx, dy, name, bins, xlow=None, xup=None, log=False): if xlow == None and xup == None: prof = TProfile("prof-%s" % name, "prof-%s" % name, int(len(bins)), bins, "s") else: if not log: prof = TProfile("prof-%s" % name, "prof-%s" % name, int(bins), xlow, xup, "s") else: if xlow <= 0: xlow = 1 step = np.log((xup - xlow)) / bins bins = lseq(xlow, xup, step) prof = TProfile("prof-%s" % name, "prof-%s" % name, int(len(bins)) - 1, bins, "s") for xi, yi in zip(dx, dy): prof.Fill(xi, yi) x = np.array([prof.GetBinCenter(i) for i in xrange(prof.GetNbinsX()) if prof.GetBinContent(i) > 0]) y = np.array([prof.GetBinContent(i) for i in xrange(prof.GetNbinsX()) if prof.GetBinContent(i) > 0]) yerr = np.array([prof.GetBinError(i) for i in xrange(prof.GetNbinsX()) if prof.GetBinContent(i) > 0]) n = np.array([prof.GetBinEntries(i) for i in xrange(prof.GetNbinsX()) if prof.GetBinContent(i) > 0]) return x, y, yerr, n
def showENC(): fname1 = '/data/repos/Mic4Test_KC705/Software/Analysis/data/ENC/ENC_Chip5Col12_scan1.dat' tree1 = TTree() tree1.ReadFile( '/data/repos/Mic4Test_KC705/Software/Analysis/data/ENC/ENC_Chip5Col12_scan1.dat', 'idX/i:vL/F:vH:A:D/i:R:W') tree1.ReadFile( '/data/repos/Mic4Test_KC705/Software/Analysis/data/ENC/ENC_Chip5Col12_scan2_mod.dat' ) tree1.Show(500) p1 = TProfile('p1', 'p1;#DeltaU [V];Prob', 50, 0.12, 0.2) tree1.Draw("D:(vH-vL)>>p1", "", "profE") ### change it to tgraph g1 = TGraphErrors() for i in range(p1.GetNbinsX() + 2): N = p1.GetBinEntries(i) if N > 0: print i, N, p1.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i), p1.GetBinContent( i), p1.GetBinError(i) n = g1.GetN() g1.SetPoint(n, p1.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i), p1.GetBinContent(i)) g1.SetPointError(n, 0, p1.GetBinError(i)) # g1.SetMarkerColor(3) # g1.SetLineColor(3) p1.Draw("axis") g1.Draw('Psame') fun1 = TF1('fun1', '0.5*(1+TMath::Erf((x-[0])/(TMath::Sqrt(2)*[1])))', 0.05, 0.3) fun1.SetParameter(0, 0.155) fun1.SetParameter(1, 0.005) g1.Fit(fun1) fun1a = g1.GetFunction('fun1') # p1.Fit(fun1) # fun1a = p1.GetFunction('fun1') fun1a.SetLineColor(2) # p1.Draw("Esame") v0 = fun1a.GetParameter(0) e0 = fun1a.GetParError(0) v1 = fun1a.GetParameter(1) e1 = fun1a.GetParError(1) print v0, v1 fUnit = 1000. lt = TLatex() lt.DrawLatexNDC( 0.185, 0.89, '#mu = {0:.1f} #pm {1:.1f} mV'.format(v0 * fUnit, e0 * fUnit)) lt.DrawLatexNDC( 0.185, 0.84, '#sigma = {0:.1f} #pm {1:.1f} mV'.format(v1 * fUnit, e1 * fUnit)) print 'TMath::Gaus(x,{0:.5f},{1:.5f})'.format(v0, v1) fun2 = TF1('gaus1', 'TMath::Gaus(x,{0:.5f},{1:.5f})'.format(v0, v1)) fun2.SetLineColor(4) fun2.SetLineStyle(2) fun2.Draw('same') lg = TLegend(0.7, 0.4, 0.95, 0.5) lg.SetFillStyle(0) lg.AddEntry(p1, 'Measurement', 'p') lg.AddEntry(fun1a, 'Fit', 'l') lg.AddEntry(fun2, 'Gaus', 'l') lg.Draw() waitRootCmdX()
def showENC(self): tree1 = TTree() header = 'idX/i:vL/F:vH:A:D/i:R:W' first = True for f in self.dataFiles: if first: tree1.ReadFile(f, header) else: tree1.ReadFile(f) p1 = TProfile('p1', 'p1;#DeltaU [V];Prob', self.bins[0], tree1.GetMinimum('vH-vL') * 0.8, tree1.GetMaximum('vH-vL') * 1.2) tree1.Draw("D:(vH-vL)>>p1", "", "profE") ### change it to tgraph g1 = TGraphErrors() for i in range(p1.GetNbinsX() + 2): N = p1.GetBinEntries(i) if N > 0: print i, N, p1.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i), p1.GetBinContent( i), p1.GetBinError(i) n = g1.GetN() g1.SetPoint(n, p1.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i), p1.GetBinContent(i)) g1.SetPointError(n, 0, p1.GetBinError(i)) p1.Draw("axis") g1.Draw('Psame') fun1 = TF1('fun1', '0.5*(1+TMath::Erf((x-[0])/(TMath::Sqrt(2)*[1])))', 0.05, 0.3) fun1.SetParameter(0, 0.155) fun1.SetParameter(1, 0.005) g1.Fit(fun1) fun1a = g1.GetFunction('fun1') fun1a.SetLineColor(2) v0 = fun1a.GetParameter(0) e0 = fun1a.GetParError(0) v1 = fun1a.GetParameter(1) e1 = fun1a.GetParError(1) print v0, v1 fUnit = 1000. 0.185, 0.89, '#mu = {0:.1f} #pm {1:.1f} mV'.format(v0 * fUnit, e0 * fUnit)) 0.185, 0.84, '#sigma = {0:.1f} #pm {1:.1f} mV'.format(v1 * fUnit, e1 * fUnit)) if self.Info:, 0.6, self.Info) print 'TMath::Gaus(x,{0:.5f},{1:.5f})'.format(v0, v1) fun2 = TF1('gaus1', 'TMath::Gaus(x,{0:.5f},{1:.5f})'.format(v0, v1)) fun2.SetLineColor(4) fun2.SetLineStyle(2) fun2.Draw('same') lg = TLegend(0.7, 0.4, 0.95, 0.5) lg.SetFillStyle(0) lg.AddEntry(p1, 'Measurement', 'p') lg.AddEntry(fun1a, 'Fit', 'l') lg.AddEntry(fun2, 'Gaus', 'l') lg.Draw() waitRootCmdX()