コード例 #1
def getXsec(mttbin):

    inFile = open('xsecFit_tab13TeV_mtt' + str(mttbin) + '.tex', 'r')
    l = inFile.read().splitlines()
    xsec = ''
    total = ''
    for line in l:
        if '$\\sigma_{t\\bar{t}}^{(\\mu_' + str(
                mttbin) in line and '\\hline' in line:
            xsec = line
        if 'Total' in line and not 'vis' in line:
            total = line

    xsec = xsec.split('&')[3]
    xsec = TString(xsec)
    xsec.ReplaceAll('pb \\\\ \\hline \\hline', '')
    xsec = float(str(xsec))

    total = total.split('&')[3]
    total = TString(total)
    total.ReplaceAll('}_{', ' ')
    total.ReplaceAll(' $\mp^{', '')
    total.ReplaceAll(' $\pm^{', '')
    total.ReplaceAll('}$ \\\\', '')
    total.ReplaceAll(' \hline', '')
    total = str(total)
    total = total.split()
    err_up = float(total[0])
    err_down = float(total[1])

    err_up *= xsec / 100.
    err_down *= xsec / 100.

    h = rFile.Get('h_xsec_' + str(mttbin))
    err_toys = h.GetRMS()

    err_up = (err_up**2 + err_toys**2)**.5
    err_down = (err_down**2 + err_toys**2)**.5

    err_up = round(err_up, 2)
    err_down = round(err_down, 2)

    return [xsec, err_up, err_down]
コード例 #2
def printXsecErrs(mttbin):

    inFile = open('xsecFit_tab13TeV_mtt' + str(mttbin) + '.tex', 'r')
    l = inFile.read().splitlines()
    lextr = []
    tot_vis = ''
    xsec = ''
    for line in l:
        if '(extr)' in line:
        if 'Total vis' in line:
            tot_vis = line
        if '\\sigma_{t\\bar{t}}^{(\\mu_' + str(
                mttbin) in line and '\\hline' in line:
            xsec = line

    for i in range(0, 3):
        del l[0]
    l_short = []

    for line in l:
        if '\\sigma_{t\\bar{t}}' in line: break

    name_all = []
    contribution_all = []

    for line in l_short:
        name, pull, constrain, contribution = line.split('&')
        name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('\\_', ' '))
        name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('$t\\bar{t}$', 'ttbar'))
        name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('$p_{T}$', 'pT'))
        name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('$p_T$', 'pT'))
        name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('$\eta$', 'eta'))
        name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('bar{t}', 'tbar'))
        name = str(
            TString(name).ReplaceAll('Electron energy resolution',
                                     'Electron ER'))
        name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('DY background', 'DY bg'))
        name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll(' response', ''))
        name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('PDF', 'PDF '))
        name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('$m_{t}^{MC}$', 'top mass'))
        if 'b-tag' in name:
            name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('fragmentation', 'fragm'))
            name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('correction', 'corr'))
            name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('template', 'templ'))
            name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('$D \to \mu X$', 'D to mu'))
            name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('splitting', 'split'))
            name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('production', 'prod'))
            name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('light to c', 'l/c'))
            name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('dependence', 'dep'))
            name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('statistical', 'stat'))
            name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('$', ''))
            name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('\\', '#'))
            name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('#to', 'tp'))
            name = str(TString(name).ReplaceAll('K_s^0', 'Ks0'))

        contribution = str(TString(contribution).ReplaceAll('\\', ''))
        contribution = str(TString(contribution).ReplaceAll('$', ''))
        contribution = str(TString(contribution).ReplaceAll('{', ''))
        contribution = str(TString(contribution).ReplaceAll('}', ''))

        name = TString(name).ReplaceAll(' ', '_')
        name.ReplaceAll(':_', '_')
        name.ReplaceAll('#DeltaR', 'DR')
        name.ReplaceAll('#mu', 'mu')
        name.ReplaceAll('(#Lambda)', 'Lambda')
        name.ReplaceAll('_-_', '_')
        name.ReplaceAll('_/_', '_')
        name.ReplaceAll('fragm.', 'fragm')
        name.ReplaceAll('_(', '_')
        name.ReplaceAll(')', '')
        if name.EndsWith('_'): name = str(name)[0:len(str(name)) - 1]
        name_all.append('\'' + str(name) + '\'')

    extr_up = []
    extr_down = []

    extr_name = []

    for line in lextr:
        extr = line.split('&')[3]
        name = line.split('&')[0]
        mp = False
        if '\mp' in line: mp = True
        extr = TString(extr)
        extr.ReplaceAll('}_{', ' ')
        extr.ReplaceAll(' $\mp^{', '')
        extr.ReplaceAll(' $\pm^{', '')
        extr.ReplaceAll('}$ \\\\', '')
        extr.ReplaceAll(' \hline', '')
        extr = str(extr)
        extr = extr.split()
        extr[0] = float(extr[0])
        extr[1] = float(extr[1])
        extr[1] *= -1
        if (mp):

        name = TString(name)
        name.ReplaceAll(' (extr) ', '')
        name.ReplaceAll('$t\\bar{t}$ ', '')
        name.ReplaceAll('Top', 'top')
        name.ReplaceAll('$p_{T}$', 'pt')
        name.ReplaceAll('$m_{t}^{MC}$', 'mt')
        name.ReplaceAll(' ', '_')
        name = '\'' + str(name) + '\''

    tot_vis = tot_vis.split('&')[3]
    tot_vis = TString(tot_vis)
    tot_vis.ReplaceAll('}_{', ' ')
    tot_vis.ReplaceAll(' $\mp^{', '')
    tot_vis.ReplaceAll(' $\pm^{', '')
    tot_vis.ReplaceAll('}$ \\\\', '')
    tot_vis.ReplaceAll(' \hline', '')
    tot_vis = str(tot_vis)
    tot_vis = tot_vis.split()
    tot_vis[0] = float(tot_vis[0])
    tot_vis[1] = float(tot_vis[1])

    xsec = xsec.split('&')[3]
    xsec = TString(xsec)
    xsec.ReplaceAll('pb \\\\ \\hline \\hline', '')
    xsec = float(str(xsec))

    h = rFile.Get('h_xsec_' + str(mttbin))

    print 'xsec_' + str(mttbin) + ' =', xsec
    print 'err_xsec_' + str(mttbin) + '_up =', tot_vis[0]
    print 'err_xsec_' + str(mttbin) + '_down =', tot_vis[1]
    print 'extr_' + str(mttbin) + '_up = [',
    for e in extr_up:
        print e, ',',
    print ']'
    print 'extr_' + str(mttbin) + '_down = [',
    for e in extr_down:
        print e, ',',
    print ']'
    print 'err_xsec_toys_' + str(mttbin) + ' =', round(h.GetRMS(), 3)
    if mttbin == 1:
        print 'extr_name = [',
        for name in extr_name:
            print name, ',',
        print ']'
        counter = 0
        print 'syst_names = [',
        for name in name_all:
            counter += 1
            if counter < 5: print name, ',',
                print name, ','
                counter = 0
        print ']'