コード例 #1
ファイル: h5toroot_evc.py プロジェクト: whhopkins/3Dgan
import sys
import ROOT
from ROOT import TTree, TFile, AddressOf, gROOT, std, vector
gROOT.ProcessLine("#include <vector>")
events = []

if len(sys.argv) != 4:
        'Usage: python h5toroot.py [h5 input file name] [root output file name] [max number of events]'

ifile = h5py.File(sys.argv[1], 'r')
ofile = ROOT.TFile(sys.argv[2], 'RECREATE')
maxn = int(sys.argv[3])
ecalTree = TTree('ecalTree', "ecal Tree")

#hcal = np.array(ifile['HCAL'])
ecal = np.array(ifile['ECAL'])
#target = np.array(ifile['target'])

#print('TARGET:', target.shape)
#print('ECAL:', ecal.shape)
#print('HCAL:', hcal.shape)
en = 0
ei = ecal.shape[1]
ej = ecal.shape[2]
ek = ecal.shape[3]

#hi = hcal.shape[1]
#hj = hcal.shape[2]
コード例 #2

    nevts = len(inputdata)
    if nprocess_events >= 0:
        nevts = nprocess_events
    nbatches = nevts / batch_size
    if nevts % batch_size != 0:
        nbatches += 1

    # root hist to inspect diff
    f = TFile('test.root', 'recreate')
    h = TH1F('h1', 'diff', 150, -25., 25.)
    h2 = TH2F('h2', 'diff2d', 100, 0., 100., 100, 0., 100.)
    h3 = TH1F('h3', 'adc value', 100, 0., 100.)
    h4 = TH1F('h4', 'adc value', 100, 0., 100.)
    t = TTree('t1', 'diff histos')

    ientry = 0
    averageacc2 = 0.0
    averageacc5 = 0.0
    averageacc10 = 0.0
    averageacc20 = 0.0

    for ibatch in range(nbatches):

        if verbose:
            print "=== [BATCH %d] ===" % (ibatch)
        data = inputdata[0]
        # diff_h= array( 'diff', [ 0 ] )
        t.Branch('diff', h, 'diff')
コード例 #3
                if (frameIt -
                        frameStart) % nPayloadFrames == nPayloadFrames - 1:
                    # counts events in hw
                    nHw += 1
                    # add a null jet if no jet has been found, just as a place holder
                    del hwJets
                    hwJets = []

                    hwSum = [0, 0, 0]

# writing to tree
hardwareJetSumsTree = TTree(
    "Tree with output from hardware in a event-like structure")
emulatorJetSumsTree = TTree(
    "Tree with output from emulator in a event-like structure")
# these trees can be used for analysis in FAST
hardwareJetTree = TTree("HardwareJets",
                        "Flat tree with jets in output from hardware")
emulatorJetTree = TTree("EmulatorJets",
                        "Flat tree with jets in output from emulator")
sumsTree = TTree("Sums",
                 "Flat tree with sums in output from hardware and emulator")

# preparing data holders

hardware_jetPt = array("f", maxNumberOfJetsPerEvent * [0])
コード例 #4
ファイル: TreeWriter.py プロジェクト: diamondIPP/pxar
 def init_tree(self):
     return TTree(*[self.Config.get('TREE', 'name')] * 2)
コード例 #5
file_header = sys.argv[2]
caption = sys.argv[3]

print "input folder: " + sys.argv[1]
print "file header: " + sys.argv[2]
print "caption: " + sys.argv[3]

#if (sys.argc>2) NPULSES = sys.argv[2]

#std::cout << "file_header: " << file_header << std::endl;
#std::cout << "NPULSES to be processed: " << NPULSES << std::endl;
output_file_name = output_folder + caption + ".root"
output_file = TFile(output_file_name, "RECREATE")

n = array('i', [0])
waveTree = TTree("waveTree", "waveTree")

maxN = 80000
index = array('i', [0])

#t_time_l = array('f', maxN*[ 0. ] )
#t_amp_l  = array('f', maxN*[ 0. ] )
#t_time = array('f', maxN*[ 0. ] )
#t_amp  = array('f', maxN*[ 0. ] )

t_time_l = ROOT.std.vector(float)()
t_amp_l = ROOT.std.vector(float)()
t_time = ROOT.std.vector(float)()
t_amp = ROOT.std.vector(float)()

waveTree._t_time_l = t_time_l
コード例 #6
def process_csv(inputfile):
    histosize = 252  # recordLength
    filename = inputfile.split('.')[0]
    print "now processing ", filename, "it will take minutes!"
    f0 = open(inputfile)
    reader = csv.reader(f0)
    csvdata = list(reader)
    csvdata = csvdata[1:]  #delete the table title
    totalevents = len(csvdata)
    print "total events: " + str(totalevents)
    divide = totalevents / 10000 + 1
    if divide != 0:
        print "divide into " + str(divide) + " files: " + str(
            divide - 1) + "*10000 + " + str(totalevents -
                                            (divide - 1) * 10000) + " events."

    lineNum = 0  # eventID == line number in data
    fN = 0  # file number
    for fN in range(divide):
        print 'process file ' + str(fN)
        evtID = array('I', [0])  #unsigned int
        timeStamp = array('L', [0])  #unsigned long
        energy = array('I', [0])
        energyShort = array('I', [0])
        flag = array('I', [0])
        tree = TTree('T', 'dump CAEN data')
        tree.Branch('eventID', evtID, 'eventID/s')
        tree.Branch("timeStamp", timeStamp, "timeStamp/L")
        tree.Branch("energy", energy, "energy/s")
        tree.Branch("energyShort", energyShort, "energyShort/s")
        tree.Branch("flag", flag, "flag/s")
        #tree.Branch("hwf","TH1F", hwaveform)

        f = TFile("dump_" + filename + "_" + str(fN) + ".root", "recreate")
        lineNum = 0 + fN * 10000
        if fN < divide - 1:
            csvdata_divide = csvdata[lineNum:lineNum + 10000]
            csvdata_divide = csvdata[lineNum:]
        for item in csvdata_divide:
            evtID[0] = lineNum
            timeStamp[0] = int(item[0])
            energy[0] = int(item[1])
            energyShort[0] = int(item[2])
            flag[0] = int(item[3], 16)
            waveformdata = item[4:4 + histosize]
            waveformdata = map(int, waveformdata)
            #print evtID, timeStamp, energy,energyShort,flag, waveformdata
            hwaveform = TH1F("hwf", "", histosize - 1, 0, histosize)
            # fill waveform
            ibin = 0
            for idata in waveformdata:
                hwaveform.SetBinContent(ibin + 1, idata)
                ibin = ibin + 1
            hwaveform.SetName("hwf" + str(lineNum))
            lineNum = lineNum + 1

        fN = fN + 1
コード例 #7
    def do_startRun(self, args):
        """Starts the TLU run. If a number is specified, this number will be appended to the file name as Run_#"""
    	#startTLU( uhalDevice = self.hw, pychipsBoard = self.board,  writeTimestamps = ( options.writeTimestamps == "True" ) )
        arglist = args.split()
        if len(arglist) == 0:
            print "\tno run# specified, using 1"
            runN= 1
            runN= arglist[0]

        logdata= True
#        logdata= False

        if (TLU.isRunning): #Prevent double start
            print "  Run already in progress"
            now = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
            default_filename = "./datafiles/"+ now + "_tluData_" + str(runN) + ".root"
            rootFname= default_filename
            print "OPENING ROOT FILE:", rootFname
            self.root_file = TFile( rootFname, 'RECREATE' )
            # Create a root "tree"
            root_tree = TTree( 'T', 'TLU Data' )
            #highWord =0
            #lowWord =0
            #bufPos = 0

            "struct MyStruct {\
               UInt_t     raw0;\
               UInt_t     raw1;\
               UInt_t     raw2;\
               UInt_t     raw3;\
               UInt_t     raw4;\
               UInt_t     raw5;\
               UInt_t     evtNumber;\
               ULong64_t     tluTimeStamp;\
               UChar_t     tluEvtType;\
               UChar_t     tluTrigFired;\
            };" );

            mystruct= MyStruct()

            # Create a branch for each piece of data
            root_tree.Branch('EVENTS', mystruct, 'raw0/i:raw1/i:raw2/i:raw3/i:raw4/i:raw5/i:evtNumber/i:tluTimeStamp/l:tluEvtType/b:tluTrigFired/b' )
            # root_tree.Branch( 'tluHighWord'  , highWord  , "HighWord/l")
            # root_tree.Branch( 'tluLowWord'   , lowWord   , "LowWord/l")
            # root_tree.Branch( 'tluExtWord'   , extWord   , "ExtWord/l")
            # root_tree.Branch( 'tluTimeStamp' , timeStamp , "TimeStamp/l")
            # root_tree.Branch( 'tluBufPos'    , bufPos    , "Bufpos/s")
            # root_tree.Branch( 'tluEvtNumber' , evtNumber , "EvtNumber/i")
            # root_tree.Branch( 'tluEvtType'   , evtType   , "EvtType/b")
            # root_tree.Branch( 'tluTrigFired' , trigsFired, "TrigsFired/b")

            daq_thread= threading.Thread(target = TLU.start, args=(logdata, runN, mystruct, root_tree))
コード例 #8
    return sidesarr


ROOT.gInterpreter.GenerateDictionary("vector<TPolyMarker3D>", "vector")
clusters_xyz = ROOT.std.vector('TPolyMarker3D*')()
clusters_type = ROOT.std.vector(
    int)()  ## -1 for random noise or 0 for background track
clusters_id = ROOT.std.vector(
    int)()  ## the id of the generated background track (-1 for noise culsters)
tF = TFile("../data/root/background_clusters_" + proc + ".root", "RECREATE")
tT = TTree("clusters", "clusters")

tT.Branch('clusters_xyz', clusters_xyz)
tT.Branch('clusters_type', clusters_type)
tT.Branch('clusters_id', clusters_id)

sidesarr = getLogicSidesArr()

n = 0  ### init n
for n in range(Nevt):
    ## clear the output vectors

    ### embed some noise ***clusters***
コード例 #9
ファイル: ana_wjet.py プロジェクト: Pupoin/tool
import numpy as np
import sys, os
import pickle
# from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from ROOT import TFile, TTree, AddressOf
import sys
from DataFormats.FWLite import Events, Handle
from array import array
from math import hypot, pi
import codecs

out = TFile('outputRootFile.root', 'RECREATE')
tree = TTree('test', 'a test tree')
t1_px = array('d', [0])
t1_py = array('d', [0])
t1_pz = array('d', [0])
t1_e = array('d', [0])
t2_px = array('d', [0])
t2_py = array('d', [0])
t2_pz = array('d', [0])
t2_e = array('d', [0])
mtt = array('d', [0])
ht = array('d', [0])
wpt = array('d', [0])
pid = array('d', [0])
wpt_r = array('d', [0])
lx_r = array('d', [0])
nuy_r = array('d', [0])
コード例 #10
ファイル: code_ang.py プロジェクト: myamatan/MVA_workspace
        mean, sigma = self.get_probability_visible(hidden)
        visible = self.sample_v_given_h(mean, sigma)
        return visible

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Input
    sample = np.loadtxt('../input/signal.d.txt', delimiter=',')
    sample[:, :3] = np.cos(sample[:, :3])
    Nsample = 10000
    sample = sample[:Nsample]

    # Output
    f = TFile('../output/test.root', 'recreate')
    tr = TTree('coll', 'coll')

    v1 = array('f', [0])
    v2 = array('f', [0])
    v3 = array('f', [0])
    v4 = array('f', [0])
    v5 = array('f', [0])
    bv1 = array('f', [0])
    bv2 = array('f', [0])
    bv3 = array('f', [0])
    bv4 = array('f', [0])
    bv5 = array('f', [0])
    bbv1 = array('f', [0])
    bbv2 = array('f', [0])
    bbv3 = array('f', [0])
    bbv4 = array('f', [0])
コード例 #11
ファイル: lat3.py プロジェクト: rafaellopesdesa/LAT
def makeCutFiles():

    from ROOT import TFile, TTree, MGTWaveform

    enrExc, natExc, enrRates, natRates = getOutliers(True)
    # enrExc, natExc: [:,0]=dsNum, [:,1]=cpd, [:,2]=bkgIdx
    # enrRates, natRates: [:,0]=rate1, [:,1]=rate2, [:,2]=expo, [:,3]=bkgIdx, [:,4]=cpd, [:,5]=ds

    cutType = "fr"

    # which burst cut do we want?
    pass2 = False
    outType = "frb2%d" % pctTot if pass2 else "frb%d" % pctTot

    for ds in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, "5A", "5B", "5C", 6]:

        dsNum = int(ds[0]) if isinstance(ds, str) else ds
        nBkg = bkg.dsMap()[dsNum]
        bLo, bHi = 0, nBkg
        if ds == "5A": bLo, bHi = 0, 79
        if ds == "5B": bLo, bHi = 80, 112
        if ds == "5C": bLo, bHi = 113, 121
        runRanges = bkg.getRanges(dsNum)
        chList = det.getGoodChanList(dsNum)

        # clear out any files from a previous attempt
        fList = [
            "%s/bkg/cut/%s/%s_ds%d_%d_*.root" %
            (dsi.dataDir, outType, outType, dsNum, bIdx)
            for bIdx in range(bLo, bHi + 1)
        for f in fList:
            fTmp = glob.glob(f)
            for f in fTmp:

        # build skip list
        dsTmp = ds
        if ds == "5A": dsTmp = 50
        if ds == "5B": dsTmp = 51
        if ds == "5C": dsTmp = 52
        iE = np.where(enrExc[:, 0] == dsTmp)
        iN = np.where(natExc[:, 0] == dsTmp)
        skipList = np.vstack((enrExc[iE], natExc[iN]))
        print("DS-%s, skipList:" % ds)

        # load ds_livetime output
        tl = TFile("./data/ds_%s_livetime.root" % str(ds))
        lt = tl.Get("dsTree")

        for bIdx in range(bLo, bHi + 1):
            print("DS-%s  bIdx %d" % (ds, bIdx))

            # get channel livetimes (to identify 'zombie' channels declared dead that have hits)
            live = {ch: 0 for ch in chList}
            n = lt.Draw(
                "run:channel:livetime", "run>=%d && run<=%d" %
                (runRanges[bIdx][0], runRanges[bIdx][-1]), 'goff')
            ltRun, ltChan, ltLive = lt.GetV1(), lt.GetV2(), lt.GetV3()
            for i in range(n):
                ch = ltChan[i]
                cpd = det.getChanCPD(dsNum, ch)
                detID = det.getDetIDChan(dsNum, ch)
                aMass = det.allActiveMasses[detID]
                live[ch] += ltLive[i]

            # load the cut files
            for ch in sorted(chList):

                cpd = det.getChanCPD(dsNum, ch)

                if len(
                             == (dsTmp, int(cpd), bIdx)).all(axis=1))[0]) > 0:
                    # print("skipping det %s in bkgIdx %d" % (cpd, bIdx))

                # skip nonexistent files.  other parts of chsel should tell us why these aren't here.
                fName = "%s/bkg/cut/%s%d/%s_ds%d_%d_ch%d.root" % (
                    dsi.dataDir, cutType, pctTot, cutType, dsNum, bIdx, ch)
                if not os.path.isfile(fName):
                    # print("no file for det %s in bkgIdx %d" % (cpd, bIdx))

                tf = TFile(fName)
                tt = tf.Get("skimTree")
                nEvt = tt.GetEntries()

                # skip zombie detectors
                if live[ch] == 0:
                        "Zombie detector, cpd %s  ch %d, lt=0, nHits %d.  Excluding..."
                        % (cpd, ch, nEvt))

                outName = "%s/bkg/cut/%s/%s_ds%d_%d_ch%d.root" % (
                    dsi.dataDir, outType, outType, dsNum, bIdx, ch)
                outFile = TFile(outName, "RECREATE")
                outTree = TTree()
                outTree = tt.CopyTree("")
                # outTree = tt.CloneTree()
                # print("Wrote %d entries." % outTree.GetEntries())

                # if nEvt != outTree.GetEntries():
                # print("ERROR, number of entries don't match: input %d  output %d" % (nEvt, outTree.GetEntries()))
                # return

コード例 #12
def createplot(giffile, file, filename, folder):
	'''create graph of current of voltage, find spikes and linearity plots from GIF'''
	if "D" in filename:
		return None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None
	layer = filename[5:7] #get layer
	rootdirectory = directories[layer] #set root file directory

	sectorforarea = filename[8:9]
	chambertype = folder[0:3] #SM1 or SM2 LM1 or LM2

	#to be checked
	areasSM1 = {"1":(30.0+52.)*(45.2/4.), "2":(52.+70.2)*(43.5/4.), "3":(70.2+84.2)*(43.5/4.), "4":(84.2+104.)*(43.5/4.), "5":(104.+114.9)*(43.5/4.)}
	areasSM2 = {"6":(130.3+117.1)*(45.7/4.), "7":(150.5+130.3)*(43.6/4.), "8":(166.4+150.5)*(45.6/4.)}
	areasLM2 = {"6":(189.2+194.482)*(47.46/4.), "7":(194.482+200.1)*(46.08/4.), "8":(200.1+201.4)*(46.8/4.)} 
	areasLM1 = {"1":(48.8+85.)*(45.3/4.), "2":(85.+114.8)*(45.3/4.), "3":(114.8+137.7)*(43.5/4.), "4":(137.7+170.0)*(43.5/4.), "5":(170.0+187.8)*(43.5/4.)}

	if chambertype == "SM1":
	elif chambertype == "SM2":
	elif chambertype == "LM1":
	elif chambertype == "LM2":
		print "areas not found"
	area = areas[sectorforarea]

	times = [x.split(' 	 ')[0] for x in open(file,"r").readlines()]
	if len(times) == 1:
		print "Exception -----> Only one data in "+str(filename)+".dat \n" #handle exception of empty files (should not be the case after daq fixing)
		return None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None
	if not times:
		print "Exception -----> File empty: "+str(filename)+".dat \n"
		return None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None

	times = [x.replace(':',' ') for x in times]
	times = [x.replace('/',' ') for x in times]
	times = [x.replace('_',' ') for x in times]
	times = [dt.strptime(x, '%m %d %Y %H %M %S') for x in times]

	starttime = times[0]
	dates = [starttime]

	times = [int((x-starttime).total_seconds()) for x in times]

	values = [float(x.split(' 	 ')[1]) for x in open(file,"r").readlines()]

	newtimes = range(times[len(times)-1])
	newvalues = [None]*len(newtimes)

	for counter, value in enumerate(newvalues):
		if counter in times:
			newvalues[counter] = values[times.index(counter)]
			newvalues[counter] = newvalues[counter-1]

	for counter in range(len(newtimes)-1):

	rootdates = [TDatime(x.year, x.month, x.day, x.hour, x.minute, x.second) for x in dates]
	#end of creating vectors for times, dates, values (current or voltage)

	sectorscurrent = None #default values
	sectorsvoltage = None
	meancurrent = None
	nospike_meancurrent = None #to have current not affected by spikes
	meanvoltage = None
	notrips_meanvoltage = None

	duration = len(newtimes) #total seconds from start to stop

	#data from gif file (for attenuation)------------------------
	atten = [x.split(' 	 ') for x in open(giffile,"r").readlines()[1:]] #read attenutation factor exept first line (header)
	#atten = [x for x in atten if len(x) == 11] #used before change in daq
	atten_times = [x[0] for x in atten]
	atten_values = [float(x[1]) for x in atten]

	atten_times = [x.replace(':',' ') for x in atten_times]
	atten_times = [x.replace('/',' ') for x in atten_times]
	atten_times = [x.replace('_',' ') for x in atten_times]
	atten_times = [dt.strptime(x, '%m %d %Y %H %M %S') for x in atten_times]

	atten_starttime = atten_times[0]
	atten_dates = [atten_starttime]

	atten_times = [int((x-atten_starttime).total_seconds()) for x in atten_times]

	atten_newtimes = range(atten_times[len(atten_times)-1])
	atten_newvalues = [None]*len(atten_newtimes)

	for atten_counter, atten_value in enumerate(atten_newvalues):
		if atten_counter in atten_times:
			atten_newvalues[atten_counter] = atten_values[atten_times.index(atten_counter)]
			atten_newvalues[atten_counter] = atten_newvalues[atten_counter-1]

	for counter in range(len(atten_newtimes)-1):
		atten_dates.append(atten_dates[counter]+td(seconds=1)) #end of creating arrays atten values and times

	source = [x.split(' 	 ') for x in open(sourcefile,"r").readlines()[1:]] #read attenutation factor exept first line (header)
	#atten = [x for x in atten if len(x) == 11] #used before change in daq
	source_times = [x[0] for x in source]
	source_values = [float(x[1]) for x in source] #0.0 off 1.0 on

	source_times = [x.replace(':',' ') for x in source_times]
	source_times = [x.replace('/',' ') for x in source_times]
	source_times = [x.replace('_',' ') for x in source_times]

	source_times = [dt.strptime(x, '%m %d %Y %H %M %S') for x in source_times]

	source_starttime = source_times[0]
	source_dates = [source_starttime]

	source_times = [int((x-source_starttime).total_seconds()) for x in source_times]

	source_newtimes = range(source_times[len(source_times)-1])
	source_newvalues = [None]*len(source_newtimes)

	for source_counter, source_value in enumerate(source_newvalues):
		if source_counter in source_times:
			source_newvalues[source_counter] = source_values[source_times.index(source_counter)]
			source_newvalues[source_counter] = source_newvalues[source_counter-1]

	for counter in range(len(source_newtimes)-1):
		source_dates.append(source_dates[counter]+td(seconds=1)) #end of creating arrays source values and times

	#now important to match starting time of source file and atten file
	if "i" in filename and "D" not in filename:

		if source_dates[10] in atten_dates:
			syncindex = atten_dates.index(source_dates[10])
			source_dates = source_dates[10:]
			syncindex = atten_dates.index(source_dates[50])
			source_dates = source_dates[50:]
		atten_dates = atten_dates[syncindex:]
		if len(atten_dates) > len(source_dates):
			atten_dates = atten_dates[0:len(source_dates)]
			atten_newvalues = atten_newvalues[0:len(source_newvalues)] #attenuation values sync to i values
		elif len(atten_dates) < len(source_dates):
			source_dates = source_dates[0:len(atten_dates)]
			source_newvalues = source_newvalues[0:len(atten_newvalues)] #syn complete

		#for counter in range(0,50):
		#	print source_dates[counter],source_newvalues[counter],atten_dates[counter],atten_newvalues[counter]

	#part added on 7/10/2019 to sync also the end of data from source.dat and effectiveattenuation.dat	
	if len(atten_newvalues)>len(source_newvalues):
		atten_newvalues = atten_newvalues[:len(source_newvalues)]
		source_newvalues = source_newvalues[:len(atten_newvalues)]

	for counter, atten_newvalue in enumerate(atten_newvalues):
		if counter < len(source_newvalues):
			if source_newvalues[counter] == 0.0:
				atten_newvalues[counter] = 0.0  #put attenuation to 0 il source is off, i will later remove zeros
		else:                                   #else assing 0 to all remaining current values if source was off for the last minutes
			if source_newvalues[len(source_newvalues)-1] == 0.0:
				for x in atten_newvalues[len(source_newvalues)-1::len(atten_newvalues)-1]:
					x = 0.0
	#completed date array and attenuation array from GIF
	#now important to match starting time with data from chamber
	#not done for drift

	if "i" in filename and "D" not in filename:

		if dates[10] in atten_dates:
			syncindex = atten_dates.index(dates[10])
			dates = dates[10:]
			syncindex = atten_dates.index(dates[100]) #mettere 100 e provare!
			dates = dates[100:]
		atten_dates = atten_dates[syncindex:]
		if len(atten_dates) > len(dates):
			atten_dates = atten_dates[0:len(dates)]
			atten_newvalues = atten_newvalues[0:len(newvalues)] #attenuation values sync to i values
		elif len(atten_dates) < len(dates):
			dates = dates[0:len(atten_dates)]
			newvalues = newvalues[0:len(atten_newvalues)] #syn complete!

		#if want to check sync, first 50 seconds
		#for counter in range(0,50):
		#	print dates[counter],newvalues[counter],atten_dates[counter],atten_newvalues[counter]

	#end data from gif file--------------------------------------

		new_rootdates = [TDatime(x.year, x.month, x.day, x.hour, x.minute, x.second) for x in dates] #rootdates with updated dates

	#start analysis, i'm in "i" not drift files
		sectorscurrent = filename[5:9] #sector name
		meancurrent = np.mean(newvalues) #mean of current value

		#Identify drops
		valuesdeltas = np.diff(newvalues)
		valuesdeltas = [0]+valuesdeltas #differences in currents of voltages

		#remove spikes in current files
		copynewvalues = copy.copy(newvalues) #need to copy it to pass to function below
		nospike_newvalues = search.removespikes_atgif(valuesdeltas, copynewvalues, atten_newvalues) #remove spikes when source on at gif current files
		#for i in range(3):
		#	nospike_newvalues = search.removespikes_atgif([0]+np.diff(nospike_newvalues), nospike_newvalues, atten_values) #two times to actually remove spikes
		#nospike_newvalues = search.removespikes_atgif([0]+np.diff(nospike_newvalues), nospike_newvalues, atten_values) #two times to actually remove spikes
		#nospike_newvalues = search.removespikes_atgif([0]+np.diff(nospike_newvalues), nospike_newvalues, atten_values) #two times to actually remove spikes
		#nospike_newvalues = search.removespikes_atgif([0]+np.diff(nospike_newvalues), nospike_newvalues, atten_values) #two times to actually remove spikes
		nospike_meancurrent = np.mean(nospike_newvalues) #used to have real baseline of the current under fixed flux

		setattenvalues = set(atten_newvalues)
		setattenvalues = [x for x in setattenvalues if float(x) != 0.] #remove 0
		setattenvalues.sort(reverse=True) #from min to max
		setmeancurrents = []
		normalizedsetmeancurrents = []

		#print len(newvalues), len(atten_newvalues)
		currentatzero = [x for counter, x in enumerate(newvalues[0:len(atten_newvalues)]) if atten_newvalues[counter] == 0.] #current when source is off
		currentatzero = np.mean(currentatzero) #current mean when source is off

		for setattenuation in setattenvalues: #using nospike_newvalues here to not count spikes
			startindex = atten_newvalues.index(setattenuation) #first second at a given attenuation
			lastindex = len(atten_newvalues)-atten_newvalues[::-1].index(setattenuation)-1 #last second at a given attenuation
			middle = (lastindex-startindex)/2
			found = [x for x in nospike_newvalues[lastindex-60:lastindex]]
			#this way gave problem as underestimates the current values
			#found = [x for counter, x in enumerate(nospike_newvalues[0:len(atten_newvalues)]) if atten_newvalues[counter] == setattenuation]

		#if want to remove offset
		for counter in range(len(setmeancurrents)):
			setmeancurrents[counter] = setmeancurrents[counter] - currentatzero #remove offset

		for counter, setattenvalue in enumerate(setattenvalues):
			print setattenvalue, setmeancurrents[counter] #to check linearity of sectors

		setattenvalues = [float(x)**(-1) for x in setattenvalues] #perform 1/attenfactor
		#tools.write_attenuationrootgraph(setattenvalues, normalizedsetmeancurrents, filename, "1/attenuation", "i", dir_summary)
		graphlinearity = classes.attenuationrootgraph(filename[5:9], setattenvalues, normalizedsetmeancurrents, filename, "1/attenuation", "i", dir_summary)
		#find spikes -> new part to use threshold over plateu at given attenuation filter without spikes
		spikecounter, filename, spikedates, spikeseconds, spikenames, spikeduration = search.findspikes_atgif(newvalues, atten_newvalues, setmeancurrents, setattenvalues, dates, newtimes, filename)

	if "i" in filename and "D" in filename:
		sectorscurrent = None
		nospike_meancurrent = None

	if "v" in filename: #it's a voltage file
		sectorsvoltage = filename[5:9]
		meanvoltage = np.mean(newvalues)

		#Identify drops
		valuesdeltas = np.diff(newvalues)
		valuesdeltas = [0]+valuesdeltas #differences in currents of voltages

		copynewvalues = copy.copy(newvalues)
		notrips_newvalues = search.removetrips(valuesdeltas, copynewvalues)
		notrips_meanvoltage = np.mean(notrips_newvalues)

		if "D" in filename:
			sectorsvoltage = None
			notrips_meanvoltage = None

	if "i" not in filename or "D" in filename:
		spikenames = None
		duration = None
		spikeseconds = None
		spikeduration = None

	#write layer graphs
	#tools.write_roothistogram(newvalues, filename, filename[0], "Entries", rootdirectory) #if you want additional histograms

	if "i" in filename and "D" not in filename:
		#tools.write_rootdategraph_fromgif(rootdates, nospike_newvalues, filename, "time (s)", filename[0], rootdirectory) #plot graphs
		#tools.write_rootdategraph_plusatten(new_rootdates, newvalues, atten_newvalues, filename, "time (s)", filename[0], rootdirectory) #plot graph current + source
		graph_atten = classes.rootdategraph_plusatten(filename[5:9], new_rootdates, newvalues, atten_newvalues, filename, "time (s)", filename[0], rootdirectory)											     #or nospike_newvalues
		tools.write_rootdategraph_fromgif(rootdates, newvalues, filename, "time (s)", filename[0], rootdirectory)
		tools.write_rootdategraph_fromgif(rootdates, newvalues, filename, "time (s)", filename[0], rootdirectory) #plot graphs
		graph_atten = None
		graphlinearity = None

	#tools.write_rootdategraph_fromgif(rootdates, newvalues, filename, "time (s)", filename[0], rootdirectory) #plot graphs

	if "D" not in filename:
		#create trees
		if "i" in filename:
			tree = TTree(filename, "tree")
			newvalue = array( 'f', [ 0 ] )
			branch = tree.Branch(filename, newvalue, "newvalue/F")

			treesource = TTree(filename+"_source", "tree")
			atten = array('f', [0])
			branch = treesource.Branch(filename, atten, "atten/F")
			for i in range(len(newvalues)):
				newvalue[0] = newvalues[i]
				if i<len(atten_newvalues):
					atten[0] = atten_newvalues[i]
		if "v" in filename:
			tree = TTree(filename, "tree")
			newvalue = array( 'f', [ 0 ] )
			branch = tree.Branch(filename, newvalue, "newvalue/F")
			for i in range(len(newvalues)):
				newvalue[0] = newvalues[i]

	return graph_atten, graphlinearity, spikenames, spikeduration, duration, sectorsvoltage, notrips_meanvoltage, sectorscurrent, nospike_meancurrent, spikeseconds
コード例 #13
ファイル: root2d_test.py プロジェクト: ZhiyuanH3/BDT_study
  zi[zi < 0]= 0.
  zi[np.abs(xi) > eta_max/eta_scale]= 0.
  #print xi
  #print np.array(zi).shape
  return xi, yi, zi

nnn    = 40#2
Npix   = int(nnn)#int(40)#int(128)#int(512)#int(32) 
imgpix = int(nnn)#int(40)#int(128)#int(512)#int(32)

path    = '/beegfs/desy/user/hezhiyua/backed/dustData/crab_folder_v2/'
pathOut = '/beegfs/desy/user/hezhiyua/backed/dustData/crab_folder_v2/test/'
Fname   = 'VBFH_HToSSTobbbb_MH-125_MS-40_ctauS-500_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-powheg-pythia8_PRIVATE-MC.root'
fout  = TFile(pathOut + 'for2d.root','recreate')
tout  = TTree('tree44','tree44')

img = np.zeros(imgpix**2, dtype=float)

imgVec = ROOT.std.vector('float')()
tout.Branch('imgv', imgVec)
tout.Branch('img', img, 'img[' + str(imgpix**2) + ']/D')

#entries = tin.GetEntriesFast()
entries = 100

コード例 #14
ファイル: readthrdata.py プロジェクト: iravasen/QCanalysis
def main(barrel=first_arg, layer=second_arg):
    runs = askruns()
    staven = input('Type the number of the first stave in the (half-)layer: ')

    runnum = array('i', [0])
    currstave = array('i', [0])
    currchip = array('i', [0])
    avgthr = array('f', [0.])
    col = array('i', [0])
    row = array('i', [0])

    f = open("datatoanalyse.txt", "r")  ## file with all paths

    #open file with all the paths
    ftree = TFile.Open(
            barrel, layer, runs[0],
            runs[1]), "recreate")  ## file containing the tree
    roottree1 = TTree("thrscan_thr", "thrscan_thr")
    roottree1.Branch("runnum", runnum, "runnum/I")
    roottree1.Branch("stavenum", currstave, "stavenum/I")
    roottree1.Branch("chipnum", currchip, "chipnum/I")
    roottree1.Branch("avgchipthr", avgthr, "avgchipthr/F")
    roottree2 = TTree("thrscan_deadpix", "thrscan_deadpix")
    roottree2.Branch("runnum", runnum, "runnum/I")
    roottree2.Branch("stavenum", currstave, "stavenum/I")
    roottree2.Branch("chipnum", currchip, "chipnum/I")
    roottree2.Branch("col", col, "col/I")
    roottree2.Branch("row", row, "row/I")
    sum = [0] * 200
    counter = [0] * 200
    for xline in f:  #loop on file lines (paths)
        run = re.search('run(.+?)/thr', xline)
        if (run):
            runnum[0] = int(run.group(1))  # run number
            if (runs[0] <= runnum[0] <= runs[1]):
                #read data
                datathr = readdata(str(xline.rstrip()))
                # calculate the average thr chip by chip
                for i in range(len(datathr)):  ## loop on rows
                    currstave[0] = int(staven) + math.floor(i / 512.)

                    for j in range(len(datathr[i])):  ##loop on columns
                        currchip[0] = math.floor(j / 1024)
                        if (datathr[i][j] != 0):
                            sum[currchip[0]] += datathr[i][j]
                            counter[currchip[0]] += 1
                        if (datathr[i][j] == 0):  #dead pixels
                            row[0] = i
                            col[0] = j
                    if (
                            int(staven) + math.floor(
                                (i + 1) / 512.) > currstave[0]
                    ):  ## when changing stave, write into the tree and reset the counters
                        for ichip in range(len(counter)):
                            if (counter[ichip] != 0):
                                avgthr[0] = sum[ichip] / counter[ichip]
                                currchip[0] = ichip
                        sum = [0] * 200
                        counter = [0] * 200
コード例 #15
        IsMC = True

print('<EVID: %s> -- Load up calibration map.'%_tag)
calibfile = TFile.Open(_calibmap,'read')
calibMap0 = calibfile.Get("hImageCalibrationMap_00")
calibMap1 = calibfile.Get("hImageCalibrationMap_01")
calibMap2 = calibfile.Get("hImageCalibrationMap_02")
calibMap_v = [calibMap0,calibMap1,calibMap2]

print('<EVID: %s> -- Create target root file and get started!'%_tag)
outFileName = 'FinalVertexVariables-prime_'+_tag+'_1M1P.root'
outFileName = os.path.join(_dest,outFileName)
outFile = TFile(outFileName,'RECREATE')
outTree = TTree('FinalVertexVariables','Final Vertex Variable Tree')

## lepton agnostic
_run = MakeTreeBranch(outTree,'run','int')
_subrun = MakeTreeBranch(outTree,'subrun','int')
_event = MakeTreeBranch(outTree,'event','int')
_vtxid = MakeTreeBranch(outTree,'vtxid','int')
_x = MakeTreeBranch(outTree,'Xreco','float')
_y = MakeTreeBranch(outTree,'Yreco','float')
_z = MakeTreeBranch(outTree,'Zreco','float')
_infiducial = MakeTreeBranch(outTree,'InFiducial','int')
_anyReco = MakeTreeBranch(outTree,'AnyReco','int')
_ntracks = MakeTreeBranch(outTree,'NTracks','int')
_n5tracks = MakeTreeBranch(outTree,'N5cmTracks','int')
_passCuts = MakeTreeBranch(outTree,'PassSimpleCuts','int')
_passShowerReco = MakeTreeBranch(outTree,'PassShowerReco','int')
コード例 #16
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

#import pyroot_logon
import root_logon

from ROOT import gROOT

gROOT.ProcessLine('.L truncRMS.cc+')

from ROOT import TFile, TTree, gPad, TFitter, kBlue, kGreen, \
     Double, Long, \
     setData, hookupMinuit, makeHOFunc

dataf = TFile(args[0])
dataTree = TTree()
dataf.GetObject('plotanal/dataTree', dataTree)

mipE = options.mip
lblHB = 'HB_E'
lblEB = 'EB_E'
lblHO = '(HO_E'
cuts = '(HB_E9 + EB_E9 > 5)'
if (options.towers > 1):
    lblHB += str(options.towers)
    lblEB += str(options.towers)
    lblHO += str(options.towers)
lblHO += '/' + str(mipE) + ')'

barrelH = TH1D('barrelH', 'barrelH', 100, 0., hcalhits.GetMaximum(lblHB))
hcalhits.Draw(lblEB + ' + ' + lblHB + '>>barrelH', cuts)
コード例 #17
	for v in info:
		if v!='Row' and v!='':
	#variable_amount_current = len(variables)
	#if (f > 0):# check to make sure all variables are in all files
		#if (variable_amount_current != variable_amount_prior):
			#sys.exit('differing variable amounts between \n' + files[f] + '\n and \n' + files[f-1])
	#variable_amount_prior = len(variables)

	tout = TTree("tmvatree","tmvatree")

	#for x in range(50):
	additionalvariables = ['XS','BR','LUM','NGE','B2','B3','RND','CUT','Thrust','DeltaPz','DeltaPhi_ZH','TransMass','TransMass_Eff','CScostheta']#,'CScostheta']#,'ST','CScos']
	for v in additionalvariables:
		exec(v+' = numpy.zeros(1,dtype=float)')
	#DeltaPhi_ll = fabs(L1_4.DeltaPhi(L2_4))
コード例 #18
    def test01TemplatedBranchCreation(self):
        """Templated call when creating a branch"""

        t = TTree()
        t.Branch("a", 0)
コード例 #19
ファイル: neugammav2.py プロジェクト: vihophong/neutrongamma

#make prediction
myfile = TFile.Open("test.root")
tree = myfile.Get("treeNN")

beginentry = 0
endentry = tree.GetEntries()

output_file = TFile.Open('output.root', 'recreate')
nn_psd = array('f', [0.])
psd = array('f', [0.])
tof = array('f', [0.])
treeout = TTree('mytree', '')
treeout.Branch('nn_psd', nn_psd, 'nn_psd/F')
treeout.Branch('psd', psd, 'psd/F')
treeout.Branch('tof', tof, 'tof/F')

for i in xrange(beginentry, endentry):
    wsample = np.empty([1, wlen], dtype='float32')
    for j in xrange(wlen):
        wsample[0][j] = tree.w[j]
    nnpre = model.predict(wsample)
    nn_psd[0] = nnpre[0]
    #print nn_psd[0]
    psd[0] = tree.psd
    tof[0] = tree.tof
コード例 #20
# #!/usr/bin/python

from ROOT import TDatime, TTree, TFile
import numpy as np
from os import walk, path, listdir, system
import re
import xml.etree.cElementTree as et
#from array import array

# open the output file
f = TFile("tree2.root", "recreate")
t = TTree("t", "t")

# create 1 dimensional float arrays (python's float datatype corresponds to c++ doubles)
# as fill variables
run = np.zeros([1], dtype=np.uint32)
good =  np.zeros([1], dtype=np.bool)
numberOfDefects = np.zeros([3,9,12,56], dtype=np.uint32)
numberOfNewDefects = np.zeros([3,9,12,56], dtype=np.uint32)
numberOfRefDefects = np.zeros([3,9,12,56], dtype=np.uint32)
numberOfNPtGainDefects = np.zeros([3,9,12,56], dtype=np.uint32)
numberOfNoiseOccupancyDefects = np.zeros([3,9,12,56], dtype=np.uint32)
numberOfNoisyStripsMon = np.zeros([3,9,12,56], dtype=np.uint32)
numberOfNoisyStripsMonOnly = np.zeros([3,9,12,56], dtype=np.uint32)
channelID = np.zeros([3,9,12,56], dtype=np.uint32)
noise_occup = np.zeros([3,9,12,56], dtype=np.float32)
eff = np.zeros([3,9,3], dtype=np.float32)
n_err_link = np.zeros([3,9,3], dtype=np.uint32)
noisy_strips_measured =  np.zeros([1], dtype=np.bool)
noise_occup_measured =  np.zeros([1], dtype=np.bool)
コード例 #21
def main(args):
    start_time = time.time()
    # Upload data for analysis
    input_file = TFile.Open(args.path_to_file, "READ")
    input_tree = input_file.lumical
    print("Total n events in loaded files: ", input_tree.GetEntries())

    # Create output root file.
    # Create output root file before the tree!!! It prevents memory leakage
    output_file = TFile("./lucas_geocuts.root", "RECREATE")
    output_tree = TTree('lumical', 'MC')

    # Create variables associated with the output tree
    n_triggers = array.array('i', [0])
    trigger1 = array.array('i', [0])
    trigger2 = array.array('i', [0])
    trigger3 = array.array('i', [0])

    tr1_n_hits = array.array('i', [0])
    tr1_hit_pad = array.array('i', [0] * 128)
    tr1_hit_sector = array.array('i', [0] * 128)
    tr1_hit_layer = array.array('i', [0] * 128)
    tr1_hit_x = array.array('f', [0.0] * 128)
    tr1_hit_y = array.array('f', [0.0] * 128)
    tr1_hit_energy = array.array('f', [0.0] * 128)

    tr2_n_hits = array.array('i', [0])
    tr2_hit_pad = array.array('i', [0] * 128)
    tr2_hit_sector = array.array('i', [0] * 128)
    tr2_hit_layer = array.array('i', [0] * 128)
    tr2_hit_x = array.array('f', [0.0] * 128)
    tr2_hit_y = array.array('f', [0.0] * 128)
    tr2_hit_energy = array.array('f', [0.0] * 128)

    cal_n_hits = array.array('i', [0])
    cal_hit_pad = array.array('i', [0] * 128 * 5)
    cal_hit_sector = array.array('i', [0] * 128 * 5)
    cal_hit_layer = array.array('i', [0] * 128 * 5)
    cal_hit_x = array.array('f', [0.0] * 128 * 5)
    cal_hit_y = array.array('f', [0.0] * 128 * 5)
    cal_hit_energy = array.array('f', [0.0] * 128 * 5)

    # Create branches in the output tree for these variables
    output_tree.Branch('n_triggers', n_triggers, 'n_triggers/I')
    output_tree.Branch('trigger1', trigger1, 'trigger1/I')
    output_tree.Branch('trigger2', trigger2, 'trigger2/I')
    output_tree.Branch('trigger3', trigger3, 'trigger3/I')

    output_tree.Branch('tr1_n_hits', tr1_n_hits, 'tr1_n_hits/I')
    output_tree.Branch('tr1_hit_pad', tr1_hit_pad, 'tr1_hit_pad[tr1_n_hits]/I')
    output_tree.Branch('tr1_hit_sector', tr1_hit_sector, 'tr1_hit_sector[tr1_n_hits]/I')
    output_tree.Branch('tr1_hit_layer', tr1_hit_layer, 'tr1_hit_layer[tr1_n_hits]/I')
    output_tree.Branch('tr1_hit_x', tr1_hit_x, 'tr1_hit_x[tr1_n_hits]/F')
    output_tree.Branch('tr1_hit_y', tr1_hit_y, 'tr1_hit_y[tr1_n_hits]/F')
    output_tree.Branch('tr1_hit_energy', tr1_hit_energy, 'tr1_hit_energy[tr1_n_hits]/F')

    output_tree.Branch('tr2_n_hits', tr2_n_hits, 'tr2_n_hits/I')
    output_tree.Branch('tr2_hit_pad', tr2_hit_pad, 'tr2_hit_pad[tr2_n_hits]/I')
    output_tree.Branch('tr2_hit_sector', tr2_hit_sector, 'tr2_hit_sector[tr2_n_hits]/I')
    output_tree.Branch('tr2_hit_layer', tr2_hit_layer, 'tr2_hit_layer[tr2_n_hits]/I')
    output_tree.Branch('tr2_hit_x', tr2_hit_x, 'tr2_hit_x[tr2_n_hits]/F')
    output_tree.Branch('tr2_hit_y', tr2_hit_y, 'tr2_hit_y[tr2_n_hits]/F')
    output_tree.Branch('tr2_hit_energy', tr2_hit_energy, 'tr2_hit_energy[tr2_n_hits]/F')

    output_tree.Branch('cal_n_hits', cal_n_hits, 'cal_n_hits/I')
    output_tree.Branch('cal_hit_pad', cal_hit_pad, 'cal_hit_pad[cal_n_hits]/I')
    output_tree.Branch('cal_hit_sector', cal_hit_sector, 'cal_hit_sector[cal_n_hits]/I')
    output_tree.Branch('cal_hit_layer', cal_hit_layer, 'cal_hit_layer[cal_n_hits]/I')
    output_tree.Branch('cal_hit_x', cal_hit_x, 'cal_hit_x[cal_n_hits]/F')
    output_tree.Branch('cal_hit_y', cal_hit_y, 'cal_hit_y[cal_n_hits]/F')
    output_tree.Branch('cal_hit_energy', cal_hit_energy, 'cal_hit_energy[cal_n_hits]/F')

    n_events = input_tree.GetEntries()
    for idx, event in enumerate(input_tree):
        # if idx == 20000:
        #     break

        if idx % (1000) == 0:
            time_min = (time.time() - start_time) // 60
            time_sec = (time.time() - start_time) % 60
            print('Event: {} out of {};'.format(idx, n_events), end=' ')
            print('{} min {} sec'.format(time_min, time_sec))

        hits_tr1, hits_tr2, hits_cal = make_hits_lists(event)

        n_triggers[0] = event.n_triggers
        trigger1[0] = event.trigger1
        trigger2[0] = event.trigger2
        trigger3[0] = event.trigger3

        tr1_n_hits[0] = len(hits_tr1)
        for i, hit in enumerate(hits_tr1):
            tr1_hit_pad[i] = hit.pad
            tr1_hit_sector[i] = hit.sector
            tr1_hit_layer[i] = hit.layer
            tr1_hit_energy[i] = hit.energy
            tr1_hit_x[i] = hit.x
            tr1_hit_y[i] = hit.y

        tr2_n_hits[0] = len(hits_tr2)
        for i, hit in enumerate(hits_tr2):
            tr2_hit_pad[i] = hit.pad
            tr2_hit_sector[i] = hit.sector
            tr2_hit_layer[i] = hit.layer
            tr2_hit_energy[i] = hit.energy
            tr2_hit_x[i] = hit.x
            tr2_hit_y[i] = hit.y

        cal_n_hits[0] = len(hits_cal)
        for i, hit in enumerate(hits_cal):
            cal_hit_pad[i] = hit.pad
            cal_hit_sector[i] = hit.sector
            cal_hit_layer[i] = hit.layer
            cal_hit_x[i] = hit.x
            cal_hit_y[i] = hit.y
            cal_hit_energy[i] = hit.energy



    print("Hooray, extracted tree file is ready, take it :3")
コード例 #22
import service

#Hardcoded calibration constants and Chi factor
#You can estimate them with dedicated part
scincalibconstant = 23.92  #MeV/MeV
chercalibconstant = 23.00  #MeV/Cpe
Chi = 0.50  #to be better defined
HEcher = 0.360
HEscin = 0.679

#Set root file and tree to be analyzed
file = raw_input("Insert namefile: ")
filename = str(file) + "B4.root"
inputFile = TFile(str(filename))  #root input file
tree = TTree()  #Tree name B4
inputFile.GetObject("B4", tree)

#Section used only if you want to estimate the calibration constants and Chi factor of a module.
#DREAM is calibrated with electrons. The input file must be from electron events with the same energy.
#To estimate h/e Cher and scin values and the Chi factor a second root file with pions (+ or -) is needed.

#To later perform h/e Cher and scin computation and Chi factor
print "You have given an electron file event, now pass a pion one for h/e estimation.\n"
namepionfile = raw_input("Insert name of ROOT pion (+ or -) file: ")

#Set parameters
NofEvents = tree.GetEntries()
fastchercalibconstant = 0  #Done without building clusters
fastscincalibconstant = 0  #Done without building clusters
コード例 #23
ファイル: convert2athena.py プロジェクト: kaducovas/ringer
from ROOT import TFile, TEnv, TTree
from ROOT import std

for key in signatures['tuning'].keys():
  s = signatures['tuning'][key]
  m = signatures['metadata']
  key = clearName( key )
  f1 = TFile(('TrigL2CaloRinger%sConstants.root')%(key) ,'recreate')
  createRootParameter( 'int'   , '__version__', 2).Write()
  # t->GetEntry(0)  t->GetEntry(0);; Compile the neural network
  t          = TTree('discriminators','')
  n          = std.vector('unsigned int')()
  w          = std.vector('double')()
  b          = std.vector('double')()
  etbin      = std.vector('double')()
  etabin     = std.vector('double')()
  t.Branch( 'nodes'      , 'vector<unsigned int>', n      )
  t.Branch( 'weights'    , 'vector<double>', w      )
  t.Branch( 'bias'       , 'vector<double>', b      )
  t.Branch( 'etBin'      , 'vector<double>', etbin  )
  t.Branch( 'etaBin'     , 'vector<double>', etabin )
  for bkey in sorted(s.keys()):
    net = s[bkey]
    listToVector( net['discriminator']['weights'] , w      )
コード例 #24
    August 2020

def convert(ecms, save):
    pull = array('d', [999.])
    save.Branch('pull', pull, 'pull/D')
    f_txt = open('./txts/xs_diff_' + str(ecms) + '.txt', 'r')
    for line in f_txt.readlines():
        rs = line.rstrip('\n')
        pull[0] = float(rs)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = sys.argv[1:]
    if len(args)<1:
    ecms = int(args[0])

    if not os.path.exists('/besfs5/users/$USER/bes/DDPIPI/v0.2/ana/sys_err/omega/' + str(ecms) + '/'):
        os.system('mkdir -p /besfs5/users/$USER/bes/DDPIPI/v0.2/ana/sys_err/omega/' + str(ecms) + '/')
    f_root = TFile('/besfs5/users/$USER/bes/DDPIPI/v0.2/ana/sys_err/omega/' + str(ecms) + '/xs_diff_' + str(ecms) + '.root', 'RECREATE')
    save = TTree('save', 'save')
    convert(ecms, save)
コード例 #25
 def __init__(self, name):
     print 'TreeProducerCommon is called', name
     # TREE
     self.outputfile = ROOT.TFile(name, 'RECREATE')
     self.tree = TTree('tree','tree')
     self.cutflow = TH1D('cutflow', 'cutflow',  25, 0,  25)
     self.pileup  = TH1D('pileup',  'pileup',  100, 0, 100)
     ## CHECK genPartFlav
     #self.flags_LTF_DM1 = TH1D('flags_LTF_DM1', "flags for l #rightarrow #tau_{h}, DM1", 18, 0, 18)
     #self.flags_LTF_DM0 = TH1D('flags_LTF_DM0', "flags for l #rightarrow #tau_{h}, DM0", 18, 0, 18)
     #self.flags_LTF_mis = TH1D('flags_LTF_mis', "flags for l #rightarrow #tau_{h}, DM1, wrong genPartFlav", 18, 0, 18)
     #self.flags_LTF_DM1_sn1 = TH1D('flags_LTF_DM1_sn1', "flags for l #rightarrow #tau_{h}, DM1 (status!=1)", 18, 0, 18)
     #self.flags_LTF_DM0_sn1 = TH1D('flags_LTF_DM0_sn1', "flags for l #rightarrow #tau_{h}, DM0 (status!=1)", 18, 0, 18)
     #self.flags_LTF_mis_sn1 = TH1D('flags_LTF_mis_sn1', "flags for l #rightarrow #tau_{h}, DM1, wrong genPartFlav (status!=1)", 18, 0, 18)
     #for hist in [self.flags_LTF_DM1, self.flags_LTF_DM0, self.flags_LTF_mis, self.flags_LTF_DM0_sn1, self.flags_LTF_DM1_sn1, self.flags_LTF_mis_sn1]:
     #  hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( 1,  "isPrompt"                            )
     #  hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( 2,  "isDirectPromptTauDecayProduct"       )
     #  hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( 3,  "isHardProcess"                       )
     #  hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( 4,  "fromHardProcess"                     )
     #  hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( 5,  "isDirectHardProcessTauDecayProduct"  )
     #  hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( 6,  "fromHardProcessBeforeFSR"            )
     #  hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( 7,  "isFirstCopy"                         )
     #  hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( 8,  "isLastCopy"                          )
     #  hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( 9,  "isLastCopyBeforeFSR"                 )
     #  hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(10,  "status==1"                           )
     #  hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(11,  "status==23"                          )
     #  hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(12,  "status==44"                          )
     #  hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(13,  "status==51"                          )
     #  hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(14,  "status==52"                          )
     #  hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(15,  "other status"                        )
     #  hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.041)
     #self.genmatch_corr     = TH2D("genmatch_corr","correlation between Tau_genPartFlav and genmatch",6,0,6,6,0,6)
     #self.genmatch_corr_DM0 = TH2D("genmatch_corr_DM0","correlation between Tau_genPartFlav and genmatch for DM0",6,0,6,6,0,6)
     #self.genmatch_corr_DM1 = TH2D("genmatch_corr_DM1","correlation between Tau_genPartFlav and genmatch for DM1",6,0,6,6,0,6)
     #   EVENT   #
     self.addBranch('run',                     int)
     self.addBranch('lumi',                    int)
     self.addBranch('event',                   int)
     self.addBranch('isData',                  bool)
     self.addBranch('nPU',                     int)
     self.addBranch('nTrueInt',                int)
     self.addBranch('npvs',                    int)
     self.addBranch('npvsGood',                int)
     self.addBranch('LHE_Njets',               int)
     self.addBranch('metfilter',               bool)
     #   WEIGHT   #
     self.addBranch('genweight',               float)
     self.addBranch('weight',                  float)
     self.addBranch('trigweight',              float)
     self.addBranch('puweight',                float)
     self.addBranch('zptweight',               float)
     self.addBranch('ttptweight',              float)
     self.addBranch('idisoweight_1',           float)
     self.addBranch('idisoweight_2',           float)
     self.addBranch('btagweight',              float)
     #   JETS   #
     self.addBranch('njets',                   int)
     self.addBranch('njets50',                 int)
     self.addBranch('ncjets',                  int)
     self.addBranch('nfjets',                  int)
     self.addBranch('nbtag',                   int)
     self.addBranch('jpt_1',                   float)
     self.addBranch('jeta_1',                  float)
     self.addBranch('jphi_1',                  float)
     self.addBranch('jdeepb_1',                float)
     self.addBranch('jpt_2',                   float)
     self.addBranch('jeta_2',                  float)
     self.addBranch('jphi_2',                  float)
     self.addBranch('jdeepb_2',                float)
     self.addBranch('bpt_1',                   float)
     self.addBranch('beta_1',                  float)
     self.addBranch('bpt_2',                   float)
     self.addBranch('beta_2',                  float)
     self.addBranch('met',                     float)
     self.addBranch('metphi',                  float)
     self.addBranch('genmet',                  float)
     self.addBranch('genmetphi',               float)
     ###self.addBranch('puppimet',                float)
     ###self.addBranch('puppimetphi',             float)
     ###self.addBranch('metsignificance',         float)
     ###self.addBranch('metcovXX',                float)
     ###self.addBranch('metcovXY',                float)
     ###self.addBranch('metcovYY',                float)
     ###self.addBranch('fixedGridRhoFastjetAll',  float)
     #   OTHER   #
     self.addBranch('pfmt_1',                  float)
     self.addBranch('pfmt_2',                  float)
     self.addBranch('m_vis',                   float)
     self.addBranch('pt_ll',                   float)
     self.addBranch('dR_ll',                   float)
     self.addBranch('dphi_ll',                 float)
     self.addBranch('deta_ll',                 float)
     self.addBranch('pzetamiss',               float)
     self.addBranch('pzetavis',                float)
     self.addBranch('dzeta',                   float)
     self.addBranch('dilepton_veto',           bool)
     self.addBranch('extraelec_veto',          bool)
     self.addBranch('extramuon_veto',          bool)
     self.addBranch('lepton_vetos',            bool)
     self.addBranch('ngentauhads',             int)
     self.addBranch('ngentaus',                int)
     self.addBranch('m_genboson',              float)
     self.addBranch('pt_genboson',             float)
     #self.addBranch('m_taub',                    float)
     #self.addBranch('m_taumub',                  float)
     #self.addBranch('m_tauj',                    float)
     #self.addBranch('m_muj',                     float)
     #self.addBranch('m_coll_muj',                float)
     #self.addBranch('m_coll_tauj',               float)
     #self.addBranch('mt_coll_muj',               float)
     #self.addBranch('mt_coll_tauj',              float)
     #self.addBranch('m_max_lj',                  float)
     #self.addBranch('m_max_lb',                  float)
     #self.addBranch('m_mub',                     float)
     self.nPU[0]           = -1
     self.nTrueInt[0]      = -1
     self.LHE_Njets[0]     = -1
     self.weight[0]        = 1.
     self.genweight[0]     = 1.
     self.trigweight[0]    = 1.
     self.puweight[0]      = 1.
     self.idisoweight_1[0] = 1.
     self.idisoweight_2[0] = 1.
     self.btagweight[0]    = 1.
     self.zptweight[0]     = 1.
     self.ttptweight[0]    = 1.
     self.genmet[0]        = -1
     self.genmetphi[0]     = -9
     self.m_genboson[0]    = -1
     self.pt_genboson[0]   = -1
コード例 #26

#root_file = sys.argv[1]
filename = sys.argv[1]

#filename = root_files_directory + root_file
file = TFile(filename, 'read')
tree = file.Get('t1')

nb_entries = tree.GetEntries()

#newfilename = root_files_directory
#newfile = TFile(root_files_directory + root_file[:-5] + '-t2-z3mm-r10mm.root', 'recreate')
newfilename = filename[:-5] + '-t2-z3mm-r10mm.root'
newfile = TFile(newfilename, 'recreate')
newtree = TTree('t2', '')

#che eto takoe??
max_size = 10000

eventid = array('i', [0])
etot_NR = array('f', [0.])
etot_ER = array('f', [0.])
ns_NR = array('i', [0])
ns_ER = array('i', [0])
ed_NR = array('f', max_size * [0.])
ed_ER = array('f', max_size * [0.])
xp_NR = array('f', max_size * [0.])
xp_ER = array('f', max_size * [0.])
yp_NR = array('f', max_size * [0.])
yp_ER = array('f', max_size * [0.])
コード例 #27
    canv.SaveAs(calo_init.output(0) + ".png")
    plots = TFile(calo_init.output(0) + ".root", "RECREATE")
    if calo_init.args.preview:
        cPreview.SaveAs("preview_" + calo_init.output(0) + ".png")
    plots = TFile("sampling_fraction.root", "RECREATE")
    if calo_init.args.preview:
for g in all_graphs:

mean = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=float)
std = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=float)
t = TTree("samplingFraction", "Sampling fraction for detector layers")
t.Branch("mean", mean, "mean/D")
t.Branch("std", std, "std/D")
for islice in range(0, Nslicesmerged):
    for ilay in range(0, calo_init.args.merge[islice]):
        mean[0] = gSF.GetY()[islice]
        std[0] = gSF.GetErrorY(islice)

print("== to be used in FCCSW, with CalibrateInLayers algorithm: ==")
print "samplingFraction = ",
for islice in range(0, Nslicesmerged):
コード例 #28
        draw_text([calo_init.args.specialLabel], [0.67, 0.78, 0.95, 0.88],
                  kGray + 3, 0).SetTextSize(0.05 * factor)

# Save canvas and root file with graph, const term and sampling term
if calo_init.output(0):
    cRes.SaveAs(calo_init.output(0) + ".png")
    plots = TFile(calo_init.output(0) + ".root", "RECREATE")
    plots = TFile("energy_resolution_plots.root", "RECREATE")
const = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=float)
sampl = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=float)
constErr = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=float)
samplErr = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=float)
t = TTree("params", "Fit parameters")
t.Branch("const", const, "const/D")
t.Branch("sampl", sampl, "sampl/D")
t.Branch("constErr", constErr, "constErr/D")
t.Branch("samplErr", samplErr, "samplErr/D")
const[0] = fitResult.Get().Parameter(0)
sampl[0] = fitResult.Get().Parameter(1)
constErr[0] = fitResult.Get().Error(0)
samplErr[0] = fitResult.Get().Error(1)

raw_input("Press ENTER to exit")
コード例 #29
    def __init__(self, args):
        # set up logging info
                            format='[%(asctime)s]   %(message)s',
                            datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
        logging.info('Beginning job...')

        # set defaults. These can be overridden with command line arguments
        # inputs
        self.filenames = []
        self.treedir = 'makeroottree'
        self.infoname = 'AC1Binfo'
        self.luminame = 'AC1Blumi'
        self.treename = 'AC1B'
        input_file_list = args.input_file_list
        self.max_events = args.nevents
        self.skip_events = args.skipevents
        self.whichfile = args.whichfile
        self.data_dir = ('{0}/src/AnalysisToolLight/AnalysisTool'
        # outputs
        self.output = args.output_filename

        # put file names into a list called self.filenames
        with open(input_file_list, 'r') as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                fname_ = line.strip()
                if fname_.startswith('#'): continue
                if not fname_: continue

                # personal storage options
                if fname_.startswith('T2_CH_CERN'):
                    fname_ = 'root://eoscms.cern.ch/{0}'.format(fname_[10:])
                elif fname_.startswith('T2_US_UCSD'):
                    fname_ = 'root://xrootd.t2.ucsd.edu/{0}'.format(

                self.filenames += [fname_]

        logging.info('Assembling job information...')
        # things we will check in the first file
        self.cmsswversion = ''
        self.dataset_source = ''
        self.isdata = None
        # open first file and load info tree
        tfile0 = TFile.Open(self.filenames[0])
        infotree = tfile0.Get('{0}/{1}'.format(self.treedir, self.infoname))
        self.isdata = bool(infotree.isdata)
        self.ismc = not self.isdata
        self.cmsswversion = str(infotree.CMSSW_version)
        # strip " and / from parent dataset name
        self.dataset_source = ''.join(c for c in str(infotree.source_dataset)
                                      if c not in '"/')


        # get short CMSSW version that was used to produce these
        self.cmsswversion = ''.join(self.cmsswversion.split('_')[1:3] + ['X'])
        # get dataset cross section
            self.nom_xsec = xsecs[self.dataset_source]
            logging.info('       *   ')
            logging.info('    *******')
            logging.info('    No cross section information found for source:')
            logging.info('        "{0}".'.format(self.dataset_source))
            logging.info('    *******')
            logging.info('       *   ')
            self.nom_xsec = -1.

        # set up lumi info and see how many events we have to process
        infochain = TChain('{0}/{1}'.format(self.treedir, self.infoname))
        self.nevents_to_process = 0
        # find original sum weights
        lumichain = TChain('{0}/{1}'.format(self.treedir, self.luminame))
        self.numlumis = 0
        self.sumweights = 0
        self.nevents = 0
        for f, fname in enumerate(self.filenames):
            logging.info('Adding file {0}: {1}'.format(f + 1, fname))
        # iterate over lumis to find total number of events
        #     and summed event weights
        logging.info('Counting events and lumiblocks...')
        self.numlumis = lumichain.GetEntries()
        self.numinfos = infochain.GetEntries()
        for entry in xrange(self.numlumis):
            self.nevents += lumichain.lumi_nevents
            self.sumweights += lumichain.lumi_sumweights
        for entry in xrange(self.numinfos):
            self.nevents_to_process += infochain.nevents_filled

            ('    Number of events found: {0} in {1} lumi sections '
             'in {2} files').format(self.nevents_to_process, self.numlumis,
        logging.info('Sample will be processed as '
                     '{0}'.format('DATA' if self.isdata else 'MC'))
        logging.info('Sample has been identified as coming from:')
        logging.info('    {0}'.format(self.dataset_source))
        if self.ismc:
            logging.info('  with a nominal cross section of:')
            logging.info('    {0} pb.'.format(self.nom_xsec))

        # initialize map of histograms as empty
        self.histograms = histograms
        self.extra_histogram_map = {}

        # initialise list of category trees
        self.category_trees = []
        # initialise some other options that will be overridden
        #     in the derived class
        self.path_for_trigger_scale_factors = ''

        self.do_pileup_reweighting = False
        self.pu_shift = ''

        self.include_trigger_scale_factors = False
        self.hlt_shift = ''

        self.include_lepton_scale_factors = False
        self.sf_shift = ''

        self.use_rochester_corrections = False

        self.jet_shift = ''
        self.jet_shift_down = None
        self.jet_shift_up = None

        # summary tree
        self.summary_tree = TTree('Summary', 'Summary')
        # branches of summary tree
        # python array: 'L' = unsigned long, 'l' = signed long, 'f' = float
        # TBranch: 'l' = unsigned long, 'L' = signed long, 'F' = float
        self.nevents_a = array('L', [self.nevents])
        self.summary_tree.Branch('tNumEvts', self.nevents_a, 'tNumEvts/l')
        self.sumweights_a = array(
            'f', [self.sumweights if self.sumweights != 0. else self.nevents])
        self.summary_tree.Branch('tSumWts', self.sumweights_a, 'tSumWts/F')
        self.nom_xsec_a = array('f', [self.nom_xsec])
        self.summary_tree.Branch('tCrossSec', self.nom_xsec_a, 'tCrossSec/F')


        # initialize output file
        self.outfile = TFile(self.output, 'RECREATE')

        # initialize event counters
        self.cutflow = initialize_cutflow(self)
コード例 #30
                  help='run in batch mode without graphics',

(opts, args) = parser.parse_args()

from ROOT import TTree, TFile, TH1F, TH1, gPad, gROOT, TCanvas
import sys

import pyroot_logon

fname = args[0]

pes = TTree()
pes.ReadFile(fname, 'LayerPES[19]/F')

BarrelPE = TH1F("BarrelPE", "Barrel PE", 100, 0., 1500. * 30.)
BarrelSum = 0.
for entry in pes:
    BarrelSum = 0.
    for i in range(0, 17):
        BarrelSum += entry.LayerPES[i]
    if (BarrelSum > 300):

c1 = TCanvas()