コード例 #1
ファイル: test_geometry.py プロジェクト: ndsulit/rpaframework
def test_tuple_to_region():
    region = geometry.to_region((11, 233, 56, 320))
    assert isinstance(region, geometry.Region)
    assert region.left == 11
    assert region.top == 233
    assert region.right == 56
    assert region.bottom == 320
コード例 #2
    def take_screenshot(self, filename=None, region=None) -> Image:
        """*DEPRECATED* Use keyword `RPA.Desktop.Take Screenshot` instead
        Take a screenshot of the current desktop.

        :param filename:    Save screenshot to filename
        :param region:      Region to crop screenshot to
        region = to_region(region)

        with mss.mss() as sct:
            if region is not None:
                image = sct.grab(region.as_tuple())
                # mss uses the first monitor on the array as an
                # alias for a combined virtual monitor
                image = sct.grab(sct.monitors[0])

        if filename is not None:
            filename = Path(filename).with_suffix(".png")
            mss.tools.to_png(image.rgb, image.size, output=filename)

            self.logger.info("Saved screenshot as '%s'", filename)

        # Convert raw mss screenshot to Pillow Image. Might be a bit slow
        pillow_image = Image.frombytes("RGB", image.size, image.bgra, "raw",
        return pillow_image
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_geometry.py プロジェクト: ndsulit/rpaframework
def test_str_to_region():
    region = geometry.to_region("10,20,30,40")
    assert isinstance(region, geometry.Region)
    assert region.left == 10
    assert region.top == 20
    assert region.right == 30
    assert region.bottom == 40
コード例 #4
ファイル: templates.py プロジェクト: zodiitti/rpaframework
def find(
    image: Union[Image.Image, Path],
    template: Union[Image.Image, Path],
    region: Optional[Region] = None,
    limit: Optional[int] = None,
    confidence: float = DEFAULT_CONFIDENCE,
) -> List[Region]:
    """Attempt to find the template from the given image.

    :param image:       Path to image or Image instance, used to search from
    :param template:    Path to image or Image instance, used to search with
    :param limit:       Limit returned results to maximum of `limit`.
    :param region:      Area to search from. Can speed up search significantly.
    :param confidence:  Confidence for matching, value between 1 and 100
    :return:            List of matching regions
    :raises ImageNotFoundError: No match was found
    # Ensure images are in Pillow format
    image = _to_image(image)
    template = _to_image(template)

    # Convert confidence value to tolerance
    tolerance = _to_tolerance(confidence)

    # Crop image if requested
    if region is not None:
        region = geometry.to_region(region)
        image = image.crop(region.as_tuple())

    # Verify template still fits in image
    if template.size[0] > image.size[0] or template.size[1] > image.size[1]:
        raise ValueError("Template is larger than search region")

    # Do the actual search
    start = time.time()

    matches: List[Region] = []
    for match in _match_template(image, template, tolerance):
        if limit is not None and len(matches) >= int(limit):
        elif len(matches) >= LIMIT_FAILSAFE:
            logger.warning("Reached maximum of %d matches", LIMIT_FAILSAFE)

    logging.info("Scanned image in %.2f seconds", time.time() - start)

    if not matches:
        raise ImageNotFoundError("No matches for given template")

    # Convert region coördinates back to full-size coördinates
    if region is not None:
        for match in matches:
            match.move(region.left, region.top)

    return matches
コード例 #5
    def show_region_in_image(self, image, region, color="red", width=5):
        """Draw a rectangle onto the image around the given region.

        :param image:   image to draw onto
        :param region:  coordinates for region or Region object
        :param color:   color of rectangle
        :param width:   line width of rectangle
        image = to_image(image)
        region = to_region(region)

        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
        draw.rectangle(region.as_tuple(), outline=color, width=int(width))
        return image
コード例 #6
    def find_template_in_image(self,
                               tolerance=None) -> List[Region]:
        """*DEPRECATED* Use keyword `Find` from library `RPA.Recognition` instead
        Attempt to find the template from the given image.

        :param image:       Path to image or Image instance, used to search from
        :param template:    Path to image or Image instance, used to search with
        :param limit:       Limit returned results to maximum of `limit`.
        :param region:      Area to search from. Can speed up search significantly.
        :param tolerance:   Tolerance for matching, value between 0.1 and 1.0
        :return:            List of matching regions
        :raises ImageNotFoundError: No match was found
        # Ensure images are in Pillow format
        image = to_image(image)
        template = to_image(template)

        # Crop image if requested
        if region is not None:
            region = to_region(region)
            image = image.crop(region.as_tuple())

        # Verify template still fits in image
        if template.size[0] > image.size[0] or template.size[1] > image.size[1]:
            raise ValueError("Template is larger than search region")

        # Strip alpha channels
        if image.mode == "RGBA":
            image = image.convert("RGB")
        if template.mode == "RGBA":
            template = template.convert("RGB")

        # Do the actual search
        start = time.time()
        matches = self.matcher.match(image, template, limit, tolerance)
        logging.info("Scanned image in %.2f seconds", time.time() - start)

        if not matches:
            raise ImageNotFoundError("No matches for given template")

        # Convert region coördinates back to full-size coördinates
        if region is not None:
            for match in matches:
                match.move(region.left, region.top)

        return matches
コード例 #7
    def crop_image(self, image, region, filename=None) -> None:
        """Crop an existing image.

        :param image:       Image to crop
        :param region:      Region to crop image to
        :param filename:    Save cropped image to filename
        region = to_region(region)
        image = to_image(image)

        image = image.crop(region.as_tuple())

        if filename:
            # Suffix isn't created automatically here
            image.save(Path(filename).with_suffix(".png"), "PNG")
コード例 #8
ファイル: ocr.py プロジェクト: xluckywang/rpaframework
def find(
    image: Union[Image.Image, Path],
    text: str,
    confidence: float = DEFAULT_CONFIDENCE,
    region: Optional[Region] = None,
    """Scan image for text and return a list of regions
    that contain it (or something close to it).

    :param image: Path to image or Image object
    :param text: Text to find in image
    :param confidence: Minimum confidence for text similaritys
    image = to_image(image)
    confidence = clamp(1, float(confidence), 100)

    text = str(text).strip()
    if not text:
        raise ValueError("Empty search string")

    if region is not None:
        region = geometry.to_region(region)
        image = image.crop(region.as_tuple())

        data = pytesseract.image_to_data(image, output_type=pytesseract.Output.DICT)
    except TesseractNotFoundError as err:
        raise EnvironmentError(INSTALL_PROMPT) from err

    lines = _dict_lines(data)
    matches = _match_lines(lines, text, confidence)

    if region is not None:
        for match in matches:
            match["region"] = match["region"].move(region.left, region.top)

    return matches
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_geometry.py プロジェクト: ndsulit/rpaframework
def test_region_to_region():
    before = geometry.Region(10, 10, 20, 20)
    after = geometry.to_region(before)
    assert before == after