コード例 #1
ファイル: power_stats.py プロジェクト: matteobachetti/presto
 def calc_time_series(self):
     data = zeros(self.Nbins, 'f')
     # Place the non-pulsed photons
     points = randint(0, self.Nbins, self.backgdphot)
     for point in points:
         data[point] = data[point] + 1.0
     # Place the pulsed photons
     pulses = randint(0, self.freq, self.pulsedphot)
     if pulsetype=='Sine':
         x = arange(10001, typecode='d') * TWOPI/10000
         coscdf = (x + sin(x))/TWOPI
         uvar = random(self.pulsedphot)
         phases = take((x + TWOPI * random()) % TWOPI,
                       searchsorted(coscdf, uvar)) / TWOPI
         # plotxy(coscdf, x)
         # closeplot()
         # hist = histogram(phases, 100, [0.0, TWOPI])
         # plotbinned(hist[:,1], hist[:,0])
         # closeplot()
     elif pulsetype=='Gaussian':
         phases = normal(0.0, width, self.pulsedphot) % 1.0 + random()
     points = ((pulses + phases) / self.freq * self.Nbins).astype('i')
     for point in points:
         data[point] = data[point] + 1.0
         # tmp = average(data)
         # print 'Average Data = ', tmp
         # print '   sqrt(avg) = ', sqrt(tmp)
         # print ' StdDev Data = ', standardDeviation(data)
     return data
コード例 #2
 def calc_time_series(self):
     data = zeros(self.Nbins, 'f')
     # Place the non-pulsed photons
     points = randint(0, self.Nbins, self.backgdphot)
     for point in points:
         data[point] = data[point] + 1.0
     # Place the pulsed photons
     pulses = randint(0, self.freq, self.pulsedphot)
     if pulsetype == 'Sine':
         x = arange(10001, typecode='d') * TWOPI / 10000
         coscdf = (x + sin(x)) / TWOPI
         uvar = random(self.pulsedphot)
         phases = take((x + TWOPI * random()) % TWOPI,
                       searchsorted(coscdf, uvar)) / TWOPI
         # plotxy(coscdf, x)
         # closeplot()
         # hist = histogram(phases, 100, [0.0, TWOPI])
         # plotbinned(hist[:,1], hist[:,0])
         # closeplot()
     elif pulsetype == 'Gaussian':
         phases = normal(0.0, width, self.pulsedphot) % 1.0 + random()
     points = ((pulses + phases) / self.freq * self.Nbins).astype('i')
     for point in points:
         data[point] = data[point] + 1.0
         # tmp = average(data)
         # print 'Average Data = ', tmp
         # print '   sqrt(avg) = ', sqrt(tmp)
         # print ' StdDev Data = ', standardDeviation(data)
     return data
コード例 #3
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: mikeswamp/numeric_copy
 def testLinearLeastSquares(self):
     From bug #503733.
     # XXX not positive on this yet
     import LinearAlgebra
     from RandomArray import seed, random
     (n, m) = (180, 35)
     yp = random((n,m))
     y  = random(n)
     x, residuals, rank, sv = LinearAlgebra.linear_least_squares(yp, y)
     # shouldn't segfault.
     assert rank == m
コード例 #4
    def test_randomSequence(self):
        """randomSequence: 99% of new frequencies should be within 3*SD"""
        r_num, c_num = 100,20
        num_elements = r_num*c_num
        r = random([r_num,c_num])
        p = Profile(r,alpha[:c_num])
        d = p.Data
        n = 1000
        #Test only works on normalized profile, b/c of 1-d below
        means = n*d
        three_stds = sqrt(d*(1-d)*n)*3

        a = Alignment([p.randomSequence() for x in range(n)])

        def absoluteProfile(alignment,char_order):
            f = a.columnFrequencies()
            res = zeros([len(f),len(char_order)])
            for row, freq in enumerate(f):
                for i in freq:
                    col = char_order.index(i)
                    res[row, col] = freq[i]
            return res

        ap = absoluteProfile(a,p.CharOrder)
        failure = abs(ap-means) > three_stds
        assert sum(sum(failure))/num_elements <= 0.01
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_wavelets.py プロジェクト: uniomni/CV
    def test_big(self):
        from RandomArray import seed, random

        seed(13, 17)

        X = random((1024, 512))

        Y = fwt2(X)
        X1 = ifwt2(Y)
        assert Numeric.allclose(X - X1, 0)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_wavelets.py プロジェクト: uniomni/CV
    def test_ifwt2c(self):

        from RandomArray import seed, random

        seed(13, 17)

        X = random((8, 4))

        Y = ifwt2(X)
        Y = ifwt2(Y)

        Y = fwt2(Y)
        X1 = fwt2(Y)
        assert Numeric.allclose(X - X1, 0)
コード例 #7
    def AutoCorrelationFunction(series):
        n = 2*len(series)
        FFTSeries = FFT.fft(series,n,0)
        FFTSeries = FFTSeries*N.conjugate(FFTSeries)
        FFTSeries = FFT.inverse_fft(FFTSeries,len(FFTSeries),0)
        return FFTSeries[:len(series)]/(len(series)-N.arange(len(series)))

    from MMTK.Random import gaussian
    from Scientific.Statistics import mean
    from Scientific.IO.ArrayIO import readArray
    from Gnuplot import plot
    from RandomArray import random
    dt = 1.
    t = dt*N.arange(500)
    if 0:
        data = N.sin(t) + N.cos(3.*t) + 0.1*(random(len(t))-0.5)
        data = data + 0.1j*(random(len(t))-0.5)
    if 0:
        data = [0.]
        for i in range(500+len(t)-1):
            data.append(mean(data[-500:]) + gaussian(0., 0.1))
        data = N.exp(1j*N.array(data[500:]))

    if 0:
        #data = readArray('~/scientific/Test/data')
        string = open('/users1/hinsen/scientific/Test/data').read()[4:]
        data = N.array(eval(string))
        data = data[:,0]
    model = AutoRegressiveModel(20, data, dt)
    print model.coeff
    print model.poles()
コード例 #8
        # Scroll scene center right to follow data
        if len(ch.x) > 0 and ch.x[-1] > 10:
            # scroll center of the scene with x
            new_x_center = (ch.x[0] + ch.x[-1]) / 2.
            self.scene.center = (new_x_center, 0, 0)
            self.updateTicks(ch.x, ch.y)
            self.grid.x = new_x_center
            self.ticklabels.x = new_x_center

            # shift curve and append

            ch.pos[:-1] = ch.pos[1:]
            ch.pos[-1] = point

st = Strip(2)
ch1 = st.channels[0]
ch2 = st.channels[1]
start = time.clock()
i = -10
while True:
    if i < 20:
        st.plot(ch1, (i, 10 * sin(i), 0))
        st.plot(ch2, (i, 10 * cos(i) + random(), 0))
        #rate(50)#set maximum frame rate
        i += 0.1
        #print "frame rate: ", 1/((time.clock()-start)/210.)
コード例 #9
    def AutoCorrelationFunction(series):
        n = 2 * len(series)
        FFTSeries = FFT.fft(series, n, 0)
        FFTSeries = FFTSeries * N.conjugate(FFTSeries)
        FFTSeries = FFT.inverse_fft(FFTSeries, len(FFTSeries), 0)
        return FFTSeries[:len(series)] / (len(series) - N.arange(len(series)))

    from MMTK.Random import gaussian
    from Scientific.Statistics import mean
    from Scientific.IO.ArrayIO import readArray
    from Gnuplot import plot
    from RandomArray import random
    dt = 1.
    t = dt * N.arange(500)
    if 1:
        data = N.sin(t) + N.cos(3. * t) + 0.1 * (random(len(t)) - 0.5)
        data = data + 0.1j * (random(len(t)) - 0.5)
    if 0:
        data = [0.]
        for i in range(500 + len(t) - 1):
            data.append(mean(data[-500:]) + gaussian(0., 0.1))
        data = N.exp(1j * N.array(data[500:]))

    if 0:
        #data = readArray('~/scientific/Test/data')
        string = open('/users1/hinsen/scientific/Test/data').read()[4:]
        data = N.array(eval(string))
        data = data[:, 0]
    model = AutoRegressiveModel(20, data, dt)
    print model.coeff
    print model.poles()
コード例 #10
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: mikeswamp/numeric_copy
from Numeric import * 
from RandomArray import random 
tolerance = .001 
from FFT import real_fft,inverse_real_fft 

for size in range (1,25): 
    for i in range(3): 
        a = random(size) 
        b = real_fft(a) 
        c = inverse_real_fft(b,size) 
        assert not sometrue(greater(abs(a-c),tolerance))

  #example from previously fixed real_fft bug (OK) 
x = cos(arange(30.0)/30.0*2*pi) 
y = real_fft(x) 
z = inverse_real_fft(y,30) 
assert not sometrue(greater(abs(x-z),tolerance)) 
コード例 #11
ファイル: test2.py プロジェクト: mikeswamp/numeric_copy
def test():
    print fft( (0,1)*4 )
    print inverse_fft( fft((0,1)*4) )
    print fft( (0,1)*4, n=16 )
    print fft( (0,1)*4, n=4 )

    print fft2d( [(0,1),(1,0)] )
    print inverse_fft2d (fft2d( [(0, 1), (1, 0)] ) )
    print real_fft2d([(0,1),(1,0)] )
    print real_fft2d([(1,1),(1,1)] )

    import sys

    oosq2 = 1.0/Numeric.sqrt(2.0)

    toler = 1.e-10

    p = Numeric.array(((1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
                       (1, oosq2, 0, -oosq2, -1, -oosq2, 0, oosq2),
                       (1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0),
                       (1, -oosq2, 0, oosq2, -1, oosq2, 0, -oosq2),
                       (1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1),
                       (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                       (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)))

    q = Numeric.array(((8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),

    def cndns(m):
        return Numeric.maximum.reduce(abs(m).flat)

        junk = hermite_fft
        new = 1
    except NameError:
        new = 0

    # Tests for correctness.
    # Somewhat limited since
    # p (and thus q also) is real and hermite, and the dimension we're
    # testing is a power of 2.  If someone can cook up more general data
    # in their head or with another program/library, splice it in!

    print "\nCorrectness testing dimension -1."

    sys.stdout.write("fft: ")
    P = fft(p)
    if cndns(P-q) / cndns(q) > toler:
        print "inaccurate"
        print "OK"
    sys.stdout.write("real_fft: ")
    RP = real_fft(p)
    npt = p.shape[-1]
    rpt = npt/2 + 1
    qr = q[:,:rpt]
    if cndns(RP-qr) / cndns(qr) > toler:
        print "inaccurate"
        print "OK"

    sys.stdout.write("inverse_real_fft: ")
    if cndns(inverse_real_fft(q, npt)-p) / cndns(p) > toler:
        print "inaccurate"
        print "OK"

    # now just test consistency

    for dim in range(len(p.shape)):
        print "\nConsistency testing dimension %d, length %d." % \
              (dim, p.shape[dim])

        sys.stdout.write("fft/inverse_fft: ")
        P = fft(p, None, dim)
        Q = inverse_fft(P, None, dim)
        if cndns(Q-p) / cndns(p) > toler:
            print "inconsistent"
            print "OK"

        sys.stdout.write("fft/real_fft: ")
        RP = real_fft(p, None, dim)
        npt = p.shape[dim]
        rpt = npt/2 + 1

        P = Numeric.take(P, range(rpt), dim)
        if cndns(RP-P) / cndns(RP) > toler:
            print "inconsistent"
            print "OK"

        sys.stdout.write("inverse_fft/inverse_hermite_fft: ")
        hp = inverse_hermite_fft(q, npt, dim)
        Q = inverse_fft(q, None, dim)
        Q = Numeric.take(Q, range(rpt), dim)
        if cndns(hp-Q) / cndns(hp) > toler:
            print "inconsistent"
            print "OK"
        sys.stdout.write("real_fft/inverse_real_fft: ")
        if cndns(inverse_real_fft(RP, npt, dim)-p) / cndns(p) > toler:
            print "inconsistent"
            print "OK"

        sys.stdout.write("inverse_hermite_fft/hermite_fft: ")
        if cndns(hermite_fft(hp, npt, dim)-q) / cndns(q) > toler:
            print "inconsistent"
            print "OK"

        print ""
    # test multi-dim stuff
    print "Multi-dimensional tests:"

    tee = Numeric.array(((2.0, 0, 2, 0),
                         (0, 2, 0, 2),
                         (2, 0, 2, 0),
                         (0, 2, 0, 2)))
    eff = Numeric.array(((16.0, 0, 0, 0),
                         (0, 0, 0, 0),
                         (0, 0, 16, 0),
                         (0, 0, 0, 0)))

    sys.stdout.write("fftnd: ")
    ftest = fftnd(tee)
    if cndns(ftest - eff) / cndns(eff) > toler:
        print "OK"

    sys.stdout.write("inverse_fftnd: ")
    if cndns(inverse_fftnd(ftest) - tee) / cndns(tee) > toler:
        print "inconsistent with fftnd"
        print "OK"

    sys.stdout.write("real_fftnd: ")
    fred = real_fftnd(p)
    npts = p.shape[-1]
    rpts = npts/2 + 1
    actual = fftnd(p)
    ract = actual[..., :rpts]
    if cndns(fred-ract) / cndns(ract) > toler:
        print "inconsistent with fftnd"
        print "OK"
    sys.stdout.write("inverse_real_fftnd: ")
    ethel = inverse_real_fftnd(fred)
    if cndns(p-ethel) / cndns(p) > toler:
        print "inconsistent with real_fftnd"
        print fred
        print ethel
        print p
        print "OK"

    sys.stdout.write("\nfft2d shape test: ")
    success = 1
    axes = (0,1)
    shape = (7,4)
    barney = Numeric.zeros(shape,'d')
    betty = fft2d(barney)
    success = success and betty.shape == barney.shape
    betty = fft2d(barney, None, axes)
    success = success and betty.shape == barney.shape
    betty = fft2d(barney, shape)
    success = success and betty.shape == barney.shape
    betty = fft2d(barney, shape, axes)
    success = success and betty.shape == barney.shape
    betty = real_fft2d(barney)
    wilma = inverse_real_fft2d(betty)
    success = success and wilma.shape == barney.shape
    wilma = inverse_real_fft2d(betty, shape)
    success = success and wilma.shape == barney.shape
    wilma = inverse_real_fft2d(betty, None, axes)
    success = success and wilma.shape == barney.shape
    wilma = inverse_real_fft2d(betty, shape, axes)
    success = success and wilma.shape == barney.shape
    if success:
        print "OK"
        print "fail"

    sys.stdout.write("\nCodelet order test: ")
    from RandomArray import random
    success = 1
    for size in range (1,25): 
        for i in range(3): 
            a = random(size) 
            b = real_fft(a) 
            c = inverse_real_fft(b,size) 
            if cndns(c-a) / cndns(a) > toler:
                print "real transforms failed for size %d" % size
                success = 0
            a = a + random(size) * 1j
            b = fft(a) 
            c = inverse_fft(b,size) 
            if cndns(c-a) / cndns(a) > toler:
                print "complex transforms failed for size %d" % size
                success = 0
    if success:
        print "OK"
コード例 #12
ファイル: hmm.py プロジェクト: pruan/TestDepot
 def setRandomTransitionProba(self):
     """set transition probability matrix to some random values"""
     self.A = random(self.A.shape)
     self.A /= sum(self.A) # normalization
コード例 #13
ファイル: hmm.py プロジェクト: pruan/TestDepot
 def setRandomInitialProba(self):
     """set initial state probability matrix to some random values"""
     self.pi = random(self.pi.shape)
     self.pi /= sum(self.pi) # normalization
コード例 #14
ファイル: hmm.py プロジェクト: pruan/TestDepot
 def setRandomObservationProba(self):
     """set observation probability matrix to some random values"""
     self.B = random(self.B.shape)
     self.B /= sum(self.B) # normalization