def __init__(self, dimState, dimCommand, delay, arm): ''' Initializes parameters to uses the function implemented below inputs: -dimCommand: dimension of the muscular activation vector U, int (here, 6) -delay: delay in time steps with which we give the observation to the filter, int -arm, armModel, class object ''' = "StateEstimator" self.dimState = dimState self.dimCommand = dimCommand self.delay = delay self.arm = arm para= NeuraNetParameter(1,"") self.regression = NeuralNetTF(para) self.regression.setTheta(np.loadtxt(para.path+para.thetaFile+".theta")) self.regressionInput=np.empty((para.inputDim))
class StateEstimatorRegression: def __init__(self, dimState, dimCommand, delay, arm): ''' Initializes parameters to uses the function implemented below inputs: -dimCommand: dimension of the muscular activation vector U, int (here, 6) -delay: delay in time steps with which we give the observation to the filter, int -arm, armModel, class object ''' = "StateEstimator" self.dimState = dimState self.dimCommand = dimCommand self.delay = delay self.arm = arm para= NeuraNetParameter(1,"") self.regression = NeuralNetTF(para) self.regression.setTheta(np.loadtxt(para.path+para.thetaFile+".theta")) self.regressionInput=np.empty((para.inputDim)) def initStore(self, state): ''' Initialization of the observation storage Input: -state: the state stored ''' self.stateStore = np.zeros((self.delay,self.dimState)) self.commandStore = np.zeros((self.delay,self.dimCommand)) #print ("InitStore:", self.stateStore) self.currentEstimState = state def storeInfo(self, state, command): ''' Stores the current state and returns the delayed state Input: -state: the state to store ''' self.stateStore[1:]=self.stateStore[:-1] self.commandStore[1:]=self.commandStore[:-1] self.stateStore[0]=state self.commandStore[0]=command #print ("After store:", self.stateStore) #print ("retour:", self.stateStore[self.delay-1]) return self.stateStore[self.delay-1] def getEstimState(self, state, command): ''' Function used to compute the next state approximation with the filter Inputs: -state: the state to feed the filter, numpy array of dimension (x, 1), here x = 4 -command: the noiseless muscular activation vector U, numpy array of dimension (x, 1), here x = 6 Output: -stateApprox: the next state approximation, numpy array of dimension (x, 1), here x = 4 ''' #store the state of the arm to feed the filter with a delay on the observation inferredState = self.storeInfo(state, command) if isNull(inferredState): self.regressionInput[:self.dimState]=self.currentEstimState self.regressionInput[self.dimState:]=command self.currentEstimState = self.regression.computeOutput(self.regressionInput) return self.currentEstimState for i in range (self.delay): U = self.commandStore[self.delay-i-1] self.regressionInput[:self.dimState]=inferredState self.regressionInput[self.dimState:]=U inferredState = self.regression.computeOutput(self.regressionInput) ''' qdot,q = getDotQAndQFromStateVector(state) speed = self.arm.cartesianspeed(state) for i in range(2,4): inferredState[i] = inferredState[i]*(1+ np.random.normal(0,0.01*speed)) ''' self.currentEstimState = inferredState return self.currentEstimState def debugStore(self): state = np.array([1,2,3,4]) self.initObsStore(state) for _ in range(5): tmpS = [rd.random() for _ in range(4)] tmpU = [rd.random() for _ in range(6)] self.storeInfo(tmpS,tmpU)