コード例 #1
                    'file "{product}" succeeded to generate "final test" report.'

            except Exception as e:
                print(logName + ' fail: Read file fail')
        print('file "{product}" fail to generate "final test" report.'.format(

    # Export Final Test report
    targetDir = "finalTestReport"
    fileName = "FT-2"
    finalReport.generate_report(product, targetDir, fileName, 'xlsx', 'DUT SN')

    # Export shipping SN Report
    targetDir = "shippingSNReport"
    fileName = "serial"
    snReport.generate_report(product, targetDir, fileName, 'csv', 'SN')
    product['sndf'] = snReport.generate_df()
    # Function test data fields, and generate function test report (funcData)
    print('*' * 50 +
          '\nstart generating {product} function test rerport\n'.format(
              product=product['name']) + '*' * 2)

    funcData = {
        'Application Version_FT1': [],
        'DUT SN': [],
        'DUT MAC': [],
コード例 #2
    def gen_and_save_histograms(self, dirs_and_files, dir_priorities,
                                indicator_data, bins, row, rownum, program,
        """Generates and saves histograms for all files passed in

        Each file passed to gen_and_save_histograms will have a histogram generated for it
        and saved. 

            dirs_and_files(dict(list(string))): The grade files that were found. See the
                Examples section for some sample inputs
            dir_priorities(list(string)): The directory priority to which files should be
                saved. In cases where data is not found at the highest priority directory,
                but data is found at a lower priority directory, the highest priority
                directory will get a copy of the histogram(s) using the data sets in that
                low priority directory.
            indicator_data(dict(string)): The indicator data for generating Report objects.
                The method will pull other required items from here such as Program,
                Course Number, etc.
            bins(list(int or float)): The bins for generating Report objects
            row(pd.Series): The row that the program got all of this indicator data from
            rownum(int): The row number that all of this indicator data is coming from
            program(string): The program that all of this indicator data belongs to
            missing_data: The missing data file

            dirs_and_files comes in like this (and dir_priorities is in the same order
            as the keys)::

                    'ENCM': ['MATH 1001 Course Grade - ENCM.xlsx'],
                    'Core': [
                        'MATH 1001 Course Grade - Core.xlsx',
                        'MATH 1001 Course Grade - Core - By Semester.xlsx'
                    'ECE': ['MATH 1001 Course Grade - ECE.xlsx']

            Histograms get saved like so:
                * ENCM gets a histogram of the one ENCM file
                * Core gets 2 histograms of the Core files
                * ECE gets 1 histogram of the ECE file

            dirs_and_files comes in like this (and dir_priorities is in the same order
            as the keys)::

                    'ENCM': [],
                    'Core': ['MATH 1001 Course Grade - Core.xlsx'],
                    'ECE': []
            Histograms get saved like so:
                * ENCM gets a copy of a histogram using the data from Core
                * Core gets a copy of a histogram using their data, but ENCM's
                  indicator information
                * ECE gets nothing saved to it
            dirs_and files comes in like this (and dir_priorities is in the same order
            as the keys)::

                    'ENCM': [],
                    'Core': [
                        'MATH 1001 Course Grade - Core.xlsx',
                        'MATH 1001 Course Grade - Core - Program Comparison.xlsx'
                    'ECE': ['MATH 1001 Course Grade - ECE.xlsx']

            Histograms get saved like so:
                * ENCM gets two histograms, both copies of the ones using data from Core
                * Core gets two histograms using their data, but with ENCM's indicator
                * ECE gets one histogram using their data, but with ENCM's indicator

            dirs_and_files comes in like this (and dir_priorities is in the same order
            as the keys)::

                    'ENCM': [],
                    'Core': [],
                    'ECE': []

            Histograms get saved like so:
                * Only ENCM gets a histogram. That histogram indicates that no data was
        logging.info("Preparing to save and generate a list of histograms")
        logging.debug("dirs_and_files is %s", str(dirs_and_files))
        logging.debug("dir_priorities is %s", str(dir_priorities))

        # Keep track of the number of locations that come up empty
        empty_locations = 0
        # Indicates if an extra copy of the histogram needs to be saved to the top priority dir
        save_extra_to = ""
        if dirs_and_files[
                dir_priorities[0]] == []:  # If the top priority dir is empty
                "First priority dir %s is empty. Will save a histogram there",
            save_extra_to = dir_priorities[0]

        # Check the unique course table to see if the course has a unique term offering
        term_offered = None
        for _, unique_course in self.ds.unique_courses.iterrows():
            if row['Course #'] == unique_course['Course #']:
                term_offered = unique_course['Term Offered']
                logging.info("Course %s came up with unique term_offered %s",
                             row['Course #'], str(term_offered))

        for dir in dir_priorities:
            logging.debug("Generating histograms from dir %s", dir)
            if dirs_and_files[dir] == []:
                logging.debug("Dir %s is empty. Moving on...", dir)
                empty_locations += 1
                logging.debug("empty_locations is %i", empty_locations)
                # If the dir does not match the program that the indicator belongs to, indicate that
                if dir != program:
                    indicator_data['Notes'] = "Using data from {}".format(dir)

                for file in dirs_and_files[
                        dir]:  # For each grades file in the specified dir
                    # Open the grades file
                        "Reading file %s",
                        "{}/{}/{}".format(self.config.grades_loc, dir, file))
                    grades = pd.read_excel("{}/{}/{}".format(
                        self.config.grades_loc, dir, file))
                    # Ready the DataFrame for histogramming
                    grades = self.ready_DataFrame(grades,
                                                  course=row['Course #'],

                    # Generate a Report object
                    rprt = Report.generate_report(indicator_data, bins,
                                                  self.config, grades)

                    # File name format if the list of files is only one long
                    if len(dirs_and_files[dir]) == 1:
                        histogram_name = "{program} {row} {ind}-{lvl} {cfg}"
                    # File name format if the list of files is longer
                        histogram_name = "{program} {row} {ind}-{lvl}_{i} {cfg}"

                    # Save the Report to the current directory
                    save_name = histogram_name.format(
                        ind=row["Indicator #"],
                        # row is rownumber + 2 because Pandas indexes from 0 starting from row 2 in
                        # the original spreadsheet. zfill adds padding zeros
                        row=str(rownum + 2).zfill(3))
                    # Make sure the save directory exists, then save the file
                        path=self.config.histograms_loc, dir=dir),

                    # If the extra save location was specified, save a copy there
                    if save_extra_to:
                            path=self.config.histograms_loc, dir=program),
                # Set the extra save location back to an empty string to prevent further saving
                # Happens outside of the "files in directory" for-loop so that the extra location
                # gets copies of every file that matches the criteria. To prevent that behaviour,
                # indent by one.
                save_extra_to = ""

        # If all locations came up empty, generate a blank histogram in the Core directory
        if empty_locations == len(dir_priorities):
            logging.debug("empty_locations = %i while len(dir_priorities = %i",
                          empty_locations, len(dir_priorities))
            # Write the missing data entry to the missing data file
            missing_thing = "{a} {b} ({c}-{d})".format(
                a=row["Course #"],
                b=row["Method of Assessment"],
                c=row['Indicator #'],
            logging.warning("No data found for %s", missing_thing)
            missing_data.write("Missing data for {}\n".format(missing_thing))

            # Set up blank histogram Report
            grades = pd.DataFrame({'NO DATA FOUND': [-1]})
                'Notes'] = 'No file containing any of this assessment data was found'
            rprt = Report.generate_report(indicator_data, bins, self.config,

            # Set up file name
            histogram_name = "{program} {row} {ind}-{lvl} {cfg} NDA"
            save_name = histogram_name.format(
                ind=row["Indicator #"],
                # row is rownumber + 2 because Pandas indexes from 0 starting from row 2 in
                # the original spreadsheet. zfill adds padding zeros
                row=str(rownum + 2).zfill(3))

            # Check to see that the directory exists
                path=self.config.histograms_loc, dir=program, name=save_name))

            # Save histogram to program directory
                path=self.config.histograms_loc, dir=program, name=save_name))

            "Finished generating histograms for row %s of %s indicators",
            str(rownum), str(program))