def test_quad_vs_cq(): """ Проверяем, как работают ИКФ и СКФ при одинакомом количестве обращений к функции """ x0, x1 = 0, np.pi/2 p = Harmonic(0, 1) y0 = p[x0, x1] n_nodes = 2 ys_nt_ct = [] ys_gauss = [] ys_cquad = [] n_intervals = 2 ** np.arange(8) for n in n_intervals: n_evals = n * n_nodes ys_nt_ct.append(quad(p, x0, x1, np.linspace(0, 1, n_evals) * (x1-x0) + x0)) ys_gauss.append(quad_gauss(p, x0, x1, n_evals)) ys_cquad.append(composite_quad(p, x0, x1, n, n_nodes)) for ys, label in zip((ys_nt_ct, ys_gauss, ys_cquad), (f'newton-cotes', f'gauss', f'{n_nodes}-node CQ')): acc = get_accuracy(ys, y0 * np.ones_like(ys)) acc[acc > 17] = 17 plt.plot(np.log10(n_intervals), acc, '.:', label=label) plt.legend() plt.ylabel('accuracy') plt.xlabel('log10(n_evals)') plt.suptitle(f'test quad vs composite quad')
def test_composite_quad(n_nodes): """ Проверяем 2-, 3-, 5-узловые СКФ Q: объясните скорость сходимости для каждого случая """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2) x0, x1 = 0, 1 L = 2 n_intervals = [L ** q for q in range(0, 8)] for i, degree in enumerate((5, 6)): p = Monome(degree) Y = [composite_quad(p, x0, x1, n_intervals=n, n_nodes=n_nodes) for n in n_intervals] accuracy = get_accuracy(Y, p[x0, x1] * np.ones_like(Y)) x = np.log10(n_intervals) # оценка сходимости ind = np.isfinite(x) & np.isfinite(accuracy) k, b = np.polyfit(x[ind], accuracy[ind], 1) aitken_degree = aitken(*Y[0:6:2], L ** 2) ax[i].plot(x, k*x+b, 'b:', label=f'{k:.2f}*x+{b:.2f}') ax[i].plot(x, aitken_degree*x+b, 'm:', label=f'aitken ({aitken_degree:.2f})') ax[i].plot(x, accuracy, 'kh', label=f'accuracy for x^{degree}') ax[i].set_title(f'{n_nodes}-node CQ for x^{degree}') ax[i].set_xlabel('log10(n_intervals)') ax[i].set_ylabel('accuracy') ax[i].legend() if n_nodes < degree: assert np.abs(aitken_degree - k) < 0.5, \ f'Aitken estimation {aitken_degree:.2f} is too far from actual {k:.2f}'
def test_composite_quad_degree(v): """ Проверяем сходимость СКФ при наличии неравных весов Q: скорость сходимости оказывается дробной, почему? """ from .variants import params a, b, alpha, beta, f = params(v) x0, x1 = a, b # a, b = -10, 10 L = 2 n_intervals = [L**q for q in range(2, 11)] n_nodes = 3 exact = sp_quad(lambda x: f(x) / (x - a)**alpha / (b - x)**beta, x0, x1)[0] Y = [ composite_quad(f, x0, x1, n_intervals=n, n_nodes=n_nodes, a=a, b=b, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) for n in n_intervals ] accuracy = get_accuracy(Y, exact * np.ones_like(Y)) x = np.log10(n_intervals) aitken_degree = aitken(*Y[5:8], L) a1, a0 = np.polyfit(x, accuracy, 1) assert a1 > 1, 'composite quad did not converge!' fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) # график весовой функции xs = np.linspace(x0, x1, n_intervals[-1] + 1) ys = 1 / ((xs - a)**alpha * (b - xs)**beta) ax1.plot(xs, ys, label='weights') ax = list(ax1.axis()) ax[2] = 0. ax1.axis(ax) ax1.set_xlabel('x') ax1.set_ylabel('p(x)') ax1.legend() # график точности ax2.plot(x, accuracy, 'kh') ax2.plot(x, a1 * x + a0, 'b:', label=f'{a1:.2f}*x+{a0:.2f}') ax2.set_xlabel('log10(n_intervals)') ax2.set_ylabel('accuracy') ax2.legend() fig.suptitle(f'variant #{v} (alpha={alpha:4.2f}, beta={beta:4.2f})\n' f'aitken estimation: {aitken_degree:.2f}') fig.tight_layout()
def test_composite_quad(): plt.figure() x0, x1 = 0, 1 L = 2 n_intervals = [L**q for q in range(0, 8)] n_nodes = 3 for i, degree in enumerate((5, 6)): p = Monome(degree) Y = [ composite_quad(p, x0, x1, n_intervals=n, n_nodes=n_nodes) for n in n_intervals ] accuracy = get_log_error(Y, p[x0, x1] * np.ones_like(Y)) x = np.log10(n_intervals) # check convergence ind = np.isfinite(x) & np.isfinite(accuracy) k, b = np.polyfit(x[ind], accuracy[ind], 1) aitken_degree = aitken(*Y[0:6:2], L**2) plt.subplot(1, 2, i + 1) plt.plot(x, k * x + b, 'b:', label=f'{k:.2f}*x+{b:.2f}') plt.plot(x, aitken_degree * x + b, 'm:', label=f'aitken estimation') plt.plot(x, accuracy, 'kh', label=f'accuracy for x^{degree}') plt.xlabel('log10(node count)') plt.ylabel('accuracy') plt.legend() assert np.abs(aitken_degree - k) < 0.5, \ f'Aitken estimation {aitken_degree:.2f} is too far from actual {k:.2f}'
def test_gauss_vs_cq(): """ check quad_gauss() versus composite_quad() on the same number of function evaluations """ x0, x1 = 0, np.pi/2 p = Harmonic(0, 1) y0 = p[x0, x1] n_nodes = 2 Y_gauss = [] Y_cquad = [] n_intervals = np.arange(1, 256, 5) for n in n_intervals: n_evals = n * n_nodes Y_gauss.append(quad_gauss(p, x0, x1, n_evals)) Y_cquad.append(composite_quad(p, x0, x1, n, n_nodes)) accuracy_gauss = get_log_error(Y_gauss, y0 * np.ones_like(Y_gauss)) accuracy_gauss[accuracy_gauss > 17] = 17 accuracy_cquad = get_log_error(Y_cquad, y0 * np.ones_like(Y_cquad)) accuracy_cquad[accuracy_cquad > 17] = 17 plt.plot(np.log10(n_intervals), accuracy_gauss, '.:', label=f'gauss') plt.plot(np.log10(n_intervals), accuracy_cquad, '.:', label=f'2-node CQ') plt.legend() plt.ylabel('accuracy') plt.xlabel('log10(n_evals)') plt.suptitle(f'test gauss vs CQ')
def test_composite_quad(n_nodes): """ test composite 2-, 3-, 5-node quads Q: explain converge speed for each case """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2) x0, x1 = 0, 1 L = 2 n_intervals = [L ** q for q in range(0, 8)] for i, degree in enumerate((5, 6)): p = Monome(degree) Y = [composite_quad(p, x0, x1, n_intervals=n, n_nodes=n_nodes) for n in n_intervals] accuracy = get_log_error(Y, p[x0, x1] * np.ones_like(Y)) x = np.log10(n_intervals) # check convergence ind = np.isfinite(x) & np.isfinite(accuracy) k, b = np.polyfit(x[ind], accuracy[ind], 1) aitken_degree = aitken(*Y[0:6:2], L ** 2) ax[i].plot(x, k*x+b, 'b:', label=f'{k:.2f}*x+{b:.2f}') ax[i].plot(x, aitken_degree*x+b, 'm:', label=f'aitken ({aitken_degree:.2f})') ax[i].plot(x, accuracy, 'kh', label=f'accuracy for x^{degree}') ax[i].set_title(f'{n_nodes}-node CQ for x^{degree}') ax[i].set_xlabel('log10(n_intervals)') ax[i].set_ylabel('accuracy') ax[i].legend() if n_nodes < degree: assert np.abs(aitken_degree - k) < 0.5, \ f'Aitken estimation {aitken_degree:.2f} is too far from actual {k:.2f}'
def test_gauss_vs_cq(): """ Проверяем, как работают quad_gauss() и composite_quad() при одинакомом количестве обращений к функции """ x0, x1 = 0, np.pi/2 p = Harmonic(0, 1) y0 = p[x0, x1] n_nodes = 2 Y_gauss = [] Y_cquad = [] n_intervals = np.arange(1, 256, 5) for n in n_intervals: n_evals = n * n_nodes Y_gauss.append(quad_gauss(p, x0, x1, n_evals)) Y_cquad.append(composite_quad(p, x0, x1, n, n_nodes)) accuracy_gauss = get_accuracy(Y_gauss, y0 * np.ones_like(Y_gauss)) accuracy_gauss[accuracy_gauss > 17] = 17 accuracy_cquad = get_accuracy(Y_cquad, y0 * np.ones_like(Y_cquad)) accuracy_cquad[accuracy_cquad > 17] = 17 plt.plot(np.log10(n_intervals), accuracy_gauss, '.:', label=f'gauss') plt.plot(np.log10(n_intervals), accuracy_cquad, '.:', label=f'2-node CQ') plt.legend() plt.ylabel('accuracy') plt.xlabel('log10(n_evals)') plt.suptitle(f'test gauss vs CQ')
def test_composite_quad_degree(v): """ Q: convergence maybe somewhat between 3 and 4, why? """ from .variants import params fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) a, b, alpha, beta, f = params(v) x0, x1 = a, b # a, b = -10, 10 exact = sp_quad(lambda x: f(x) / (x - a)**alpha / (b - x)**beta, x0, x1)[0] # plot weights xs = np.linspace(x0, x1, 101) ys = 1 / ((xs - a)**alpha * (b - xs)**beta) ax1.plot(xs, ys, label='weights') ax = list(ax1.axis()) ax[2] = 0. ax1.axis(ax) ax1.set_xlabel('x') ax1.set_ylabel('p(x)') ax1.legend() L = 2 n_intervals = [L**q for q in range(2, 10)] n_nodes = 4 Y = [ composite_quad(f, x0, x1, n_intervals=n, n_nodes=n_nodes, a=a, b=b, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) for n in n_intervals ] accuracy = get_log_error(Y, exact * np.ones_like(Y)) x = np.log10(n_intervals) k, b = np.polyfit(x, accuracy, 1) assert k > 1, 'composite quad did not converge!' aitken_degree = aitken(*Y[5:8], L) # plot acc ax2.plot(x, accuracy, 'kh') ax2.plot(x, k * x + b, 'b:', label=f'{k:.2f}*x+{b:.2f}') ax2.set_xlabel('log10(n_intervals)') ax2.set_ylabel('accuracy') ax2.legend() fig.suptitle(f'variant #{v} (alpha={alpha:4.2f}, beta={beta:4.2f})\n' f'aitken estimation: {aitken_degree:.2f}')
def test_composite_quad_degree(v): """ Q: convergence maybe somewhat between 3 and 4, why? """ from .variants import params from .variants import exactint plt.figure() a, b, alpha, beta, f = params(v) x0, x1 = a, b #a, b = -10, 10 exact = exactint( v) #sp_quad(lambda x: f(x) / (x-a)**alpha / (b-x)**beta, x0, x1)[0] # plot weights xs = np.linspace(x0, x1, 101) ys = 1 / (xs - a)**alpha / (b - xs)**beta plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.plot(xs, ys, label='weights') ax = list(plt.axis()) ax[2] = 0. plt.axis(ax) plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('p(x)') plt.legend() L = 2 n_intervals = [L**q for q in range(2, 10)] n_nodes = 3 Y = [ composite_quad(f, x0, x1, n_intervals=n, n_nodes=n_nodes, a=a, b=b, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) for n in n_intervals ] accuracy = get_log_error(Y, exact * np.ones_like(Y)) x = np.log10(n_intervals) aitken_degree = aitken(*Y[5:8], L) # plot acc plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.plot(x, accuracy, 'kh') plt.xlabel(Y) plt.ylabel(exact) plt.suptitle(f'variant #{v} (alpha={alpha:4.2f}, beta={beta:4.2f})\n' f'aitken estimation: {aitken_degree:.2f}')