コード例 #1
 def test_subst_overriding_gvars(self):
     """Test scons_subst():  supplying an overriding gvars dictionary"""
     env = DummyEnv({'XXX' : 'xxx'})
     result = scons_subst('$XXX', env, gvars=env.Dictionary())
     assert result == 'xxx', result
     result = scons_subst('$XXX', env, gvars={'XXX' : 'yyy'})
     assert result == 'yyy', result
コード例 #2
    def test_subst_type_errors(self):
        """Test scons_subst():  handling type errors"""
        env = DummyEnv(self.loc)
            scons_subst("${NONE[2]}", env, gvars={'NONE':None})
        except SCons.Errors.UserError as e:
            expect = [
                # Python 2.7 and later
                "TypeError `'NoneType' object is not subscriptable' trying to evaluate `${NONE[2]}'",
                # Python 2.7 and later under Fedora
                "TypeError `'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'' trying to evaluate `${NONE[2]}'",
            assert str(e) in expect, e
            raise AssertionError("did not catch expected UserError")

            def func(a, b, c):
            scons_subst("${func(1)}", env, gvars={'func':func})
        except SCons.Errors.UserError as e:
            expect = [
                # Python 3.5 (and 3.x?)
                "TypeError `func() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'b' and 'c'' trying to evaluate `${func(1)}'",
                # Python 3.10
                "TypeError `scons_subst_TestCase.test_subst_type_errors.<locals>.func() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'b' and 'c'' trying to evaluate `${func(1)}'",
            assert str(e) in expect, repr(str(e))
            raise AssertionError("did not catch expected UserError")
コード例 #3
    def test_subst_raw_function(self):
        """Test scons_subst():  fetch function with SUBST_RAW plus conv"""
        # Test that the combination of SUBST_RAW plus a pass-through
        # conversion routine allows us to fetch a function through the
        # dictionary.  CommandAction uses this to allow delayed evaluation
        # of $SPAWN variables.
        env = DummyEnv(self.loc)
        gvars = env.Dictionary()
        x = lambda x: x
        r = scons_subst("$CALLABLE1", env, mode=SUBST_RAW, conv=x, gvars=gvars)
        assert r is self.callable_object_1, repr(r)
        r = scons_subst("$CALLABLE1", env, mode=SUBST_RAW, gvars=gvars)
        assert r == 'callable-1', repr(r)

        # Test how we handle overriding the internal conversion routines.
        def s(obj):
            return obj

        n1 = self.MyNode('n1')
        env = DummyEnv({'NODE' : n1})
        gvars = env.Dictionary()
        node = scons_subst("$NODE", env, mode=SUBST_RAW, conv=s, gvars=gvars)
        assert node is n1, node
        node = scons_subst("$NODE", env, mode=SUBST_CMD, conv=s, gvars=gvars)
        assert node is n1, node
        node = scons_subst("$NODE", env, mode=SUBST_SIG, conv=s, gvars=gvars)
        assert node is n1, node
コード例 #4
    def test_subst_SUBST_modes(self):
        """Test scons_subst():  SUBST_* modes"""
        env = DummyEnv(self.loc)
        subst_cases = self.subst_cases[:]

        gvars = env.Dictionary()

        failed = 0
        while subst_cases:
            input, eraw, ecmd, esig = subst_cases[:4]
            result = scons_subst(input, env, mode=SUBST_RAW, gvars=gvars)
            if result != eraw:
                if failed == 0: print()
                print("    input %s => RAW %s did not match %s" % (repr(input), repr(result), repr(eraw)))
                failed = failed + 1
            result = scons_subst(input, env, mode=SUBST_CMD, gvars=gvars)
            if result != ecmd:
                if failed == 0: print()
                print("    input %s => CMD %s did not match %s" % (repr(input), repr(result), repr(ecmd)))
                failed = failed + 1
            result = scons_subst(input, env, mode=SUBST_SIG, gvars=gvars)
            if result != esig:
                if failed == 0: print()
                print("    input %s => SIG %s did not match %s" % (repr(input), repr(result), repr(esig)))
                failed = failed + 1
            del subst_cases[:4]
        assert failed == 0, "%d subst() mode cases failed" % failed
コード例 #5
 def test_subst_syntax_errors(self):
     """Test scons_subst():  handling syntax errors"""
     env = DummyEnv(self.loc)
         scons_subst('$foo.bar.3.0', env)
     except SCons.Errors.UserError as e:
         expect = [
             # Python 2.5 and later
             "SyntaxError `invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)' trying to evaluate `$foo.bar.3.0'",
         assert str(e) in expect, e
         raise AssertionError("did not catch expected UserError")
コード例 #6
    def test_subst_balance_errors(self):
        """Test scons_subst():  handling syntax errors"""
        env = DummyEnv(self.loc)
            scons_subst('$(', env, mode=SUBST_SIG)
        except SCons.Errors.UserError as e:
            assert str(e) == "Unbalanced $(/$) in: $(", str(e)
            raise AssertionError("did not catch expected UserError")

            scons_subst('$)', env, mode=SUBST_SIG)
        except SCons.Errors.UserError as e:
            assert str(e) == "Unbalanced $(/$) in: $)", str(e)
            raise AssertionError("did not catch expected UserError")
コード例 #7
 def test_subst_env(self):
     """Test scons_subst():  expansion dictionary"""
     # The expansion dictionary no longer comes from the construction
     # environment automatically.
     env = DummyEnv(self.loc)
     s = scons_subst('$AAA', env)
     assert s == '', s
コード例 #8
def create_asr_experiment(target, source, env):

    # the first three sources are the original configuration dictionaries
    files, directories, parameters = [x.read() for x in source[:3]]
    files = {k : env.File(v) for k, v in files.iteritems()}
    directories = {k : env.Dir(os.path.abspath(v)) for k, v in directories.iteritems()}

    # the remainder are template files
    templates = source[3:6]

    # create one big configuration dictionary
    config = {k : v for k, v in sum([list(y) for y in [files.iteritems(), directories.iteritems(), parameters.iteritems()]], [])}
    config["GRAPH_OFILE"] = env.File(os.path.join(config["ASR_OUTPUT_PATH"].rstr(), "dnet.bin.gz"))
    config["CTM_OPATH"] = env.Dir(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(config["ASR_OUTPUT_PATH"].rstr(), "ctm")))
    config["LAT_OPATH"] = env.Dir(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(config["ASR_OUTPUT_PATH"].rstr(), "lat")))
    config["DATABASE_FILE"] = config["SEGMENTATION_FILE"]

    # print dictionary for debugging
    logging.debug("%s", "\n".join(["%s = %s" % (k, v) for k, v in config.iteritems()]))

    # perform substitution on each template file, write to appropriate location
    for template, final in zip(templates, target):
        with open(template.rstr()) as ifd, open(final.rstr(), "w") as ofd:
            ofd.write(scons_subst(ifd.read(), env=env, lvars=config))

    return None
コード例 #9
 def test_subst_attribute_errors(self):
     """Test scons_subst():  handling attribute errors"""
     env = DummyEnv(self.loc)
         class Foo:
         scons_subst('${foo.bar}', env, gvars={'foo':Foo()})
     except SCons.Errors.UserError as e:
         expect = [
             "AttributeError `bar' trying to evaluate `${foo.bar}'",
             "AttributeError `Foo instance has no attribute 'bar'' trying to evaluate `${foo.bar}'",
             "AttributeError `'Foo' instance has no attribute 'bar'' trying to evaluate `${foo.bar}'",
             "AttributeError `'Foo' object has no attribute 'bar'' trying to evaluate `${foo.bar}'",
         assert str(e) in expect, e
         raise AssertionError("did not catch expected UserError")
コード例 #10
 def test_subst_callable_with_default_expansion(self):
     """Test scons_subst():  expanding a callable with a default value arg"""
     env = DummyEnv(self.loc)
     gvars = env.Dictionary()
     newcom = scons_subst("test $CallableWithDefault $SOURCES $TARGETS", env,
                          target=self.MyNode('t'), source=self.MyNode('s'),
     assert newcom == "test CallableWithDefault: default s t", newcom
コード例 #11
 def test_subst_callable_expansion(self):
     """Test scons_subst():  expanding a callable"""
     env = DummyEnv(self.loc)
     gvars = env.Dictionary()
     newcom = scons_subst("test $CMDGEN1 $SOURCES $TARGETS", env,
                          target=self.MyNode('t'), source=self.MyNode('s'),
     assert newcom == "test foo bar with spaces.out s t", newcom
コード例 #12
 def test_subst_partial_callable_with_no_default_expansion(self):
     """Test scons_subst():  expanding a functools.partial callable which sets
        the value for extraneous function argument"""
     env = DummyEnv(self.loc)
     gvars = env.Dictionary()
     newcom = scons_subst("test $PartialCallableNoDefault $SOURCES $TARGETS", env,
                          target=self.MyNode('t'), source=self.MyNode('s'),
     assert newcom == "test CallableWithNoDefault: partialNoDefault s t", newcom
コード例 #13
    def test_subst_target_source(self):
        """Test scons_subst():  target= and source= arguments"""
        env = DummyEnv(self.loc)
        t1 = self.MyNode('t1')
        t2 = self.MyNode('t2')
        s1 = self.MyNode('s1')
        s2 = self.MyNode('s2')
        result = scons_subst("$TARGET $SOURCES", env,
                                  target=[t1, t2],
                                  source=[s1, s2])
        assert result == "t1 s1 s2", result
        result = scons_subst("$TARGET $SOURCES", env,
                                  target=[t1, t2],
                                  source=[s1, s2],
        assert result == "t1 s1 s2", result

        result = scons_subst("$TARGET $SOURCES", env, target=[], source=[])
        assert result == " ", result
        result = scons_subst("$TARGETS $SOURCE", env, target=[], source=[])
        assert result == " ", result
コード例 #14
    def test_CLVar(self):
        """Test scons_subst() and scons_subst_list() with CLVar objects"""

        loc = {}
        loc['FOO'] = 'foo'
        loc['BAR'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('bar')
        loc['CALL'] = lambda target, source, env, for_signature: 'call'
        env = DummyEnv(loc)

        cmd = SCons.Util.CLVar("test $FOO $BAR $CALL test")

        newcmd = scons_subst(cmd, env, gvars=env.Dictionary())
        assert newcmd == ['test', 'foo', 'bar', 'call', 'test'], newcmd

        cmd_list = scons_subst_list(cmd, env, gvars=env.Dictionary())
        assert len(cmd_list) == 1, cmd_list
        assert cmd_list[0][0] == "test", cmd_list[0][0]
        assert cmd_list[0][1] == "foo", cmd_list[0][1]
        assert cmd_list[0][2] == "bar", cmd_list[0][2]
        assert cmd_list[0][3] == "call", cmd_list[0][3]
        assert cmd_list[0][4] == "test", cmd_list[0][4]
コード例 #15
ファイル: scons_tools.py プロジェクト: TomLippincott/python
 def generator(target, source, env, for_signature):
     args = source[-1].read()
     return scons_subst(command, env, target=target, source=source, lvars=args, gvars=env.gvars())