コード例 #1
def get_val(fn_name, dlist):
    curr_ptr = dlist
    while (not iseqbool(curr_ptr, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL"))
           and not iseqbool(car(car(curr_ptr)), fn_name)):
        curr_ptr = curr_ptr.right
    if (iseqbool(curr_ptr, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL"))):
        raise MyError("%s is not a function definition\n" % fn_name)
    return cdr(car(curr_ptr))
コード例 #2
def addtoAlist(plist, x, alist, fn):
    curr_ptr_p = plist
    curr_ptr_x = x
    new_alist = alist
    while (not iseqbool(curr_ptr_p, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL"))):
        new_alist = cons(cons(car(curr_ptr_p), car(curr_ptr_x)), new_alist)
        curr_ptr_x = cdr(curr_ptr_x)
        curr_ptr_p = cdr(curr_ptr_p)
    if not iseqbool(curr_ptr_x, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL")):
        raise MyError("Number of argument does not match for function %s" % fn)
    return new_alist
コード例 #3
def eq(SExp1, SExp2):
    if SExp1.type == 1:
        if SExp2.type == 1:
            return retLisp(SExp1.int_val == SExp2.int_val)
            return SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL")
    elif SExp1.type == 2:
        if SExp2.type == 2:
            return retLisp(SExp1.sym_atm == SExp2.sym_atm)
            return SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL")
        return SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL")
コード例 #4
def EQLISP(SExp1, SExp2):
    if SExp1.type == 1:
        if SExp2.type == 1:
            return retLisp(SExp1.int_val == SExp2.int_val)
            return SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL")
    elif SExp1.type == 2:
        if SExp2.type == 2:
            return retLisp(SExp1.sym_atm == SExp2.sym_atm)
            return SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL")
        raise MyError("Arguments for equal should be atomic and same type")
コード例 #5
def evcon(be, alist, dlist):
    if iseqbool(be, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL")):
        raise MyError("No condition correct")
    car_ev_be = evlist(car(be), alist, dlist)
    # leval, _, _ = lispeval(car(car(be)), alist, dlist)
    if not chk_numarg(car_ev_be, 2):
        raise MyError("Number of arguments for COND is not 2")
    if iseqbool(car(car_ev_be), SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="T")):
        # leval, _, _ = lispeval(car(cdr(be)), alist, dlist)
        # return leval
        return car(cdr(car_ev_be))
        return evcon(cdr(be), alist, dlist)
コード例 #6
def main():
    # raw_input(SExp_str)
    # SExp_str = "  (  2   3   4  )  "
    # SExp_str = "((2.4) (3.5))"
    # SExp_str = "((ASD3   .   324) (2   .   L2))"
    # SExp_str = "((2.4)  .  (3.5))"
    # SExp_str = "(2.(3.4))"
    # SExp_str = "( 3 (3.5)) "
    # Full_SExp_str = "(AB.(BC.AB))$( 3 (3.5))$$"
    # SExp_str = "(s)"
    # SExp_str = "((()))"
    # SExp_str = "(ASF2.2)"

    # just making sure nothing is after $$
    # Full_SExp_str = Full_SExp_str[:Full_SExp_str.find("$$")]
    # list_SExp_str = Full_SExp_str.split("$")

    flag = True
    alist = SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL")
    dlist = SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL")
    while flag:
        SExp_str = ""
        line = raw_input()
        SExp_str = SExp_str + line.split('$')[0]
        while (line.find("$") == -1):
            line = raw_input()
            SExp_str = SExp_str + line.split('$')[0]

        if line.find("$$") != -1:
            flag = False
        # elif dollar_str != "$":
        # 	print "Expected SExp in line and then $ in new line- alternating between SExpression and $"
        SExp_str = remove_space(SExp_str)
            Fin_SExp, rem_SExp_str = input_lisp(SExp_str)
            if rem_SExp_str:
                raise MyError(
                    "error expected input to be finished but got %s" %
            print "Dot Notation: %s " % print_tree(Fin_SExp)
            Eval_SExp, state, dlist = lispeval(Fin_SExp, alist, dlist)
            if state:
                print "State Changed and dlist looks: %s" % print_tree(dlist)
                print "Evaluation: %s" % print_tree(Eval_SExp)
            # import pdb
            # pdb.set_trace()
        except MyError as e:
            print "Error in %s: %s" % (SExp_str, e.err_msg)
コード例 #7
def get_valAlist(LSExp, alist):
    list_pair = alist
    while (not iseqbool(list_pair, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL"))):
        if iseqbool(car(car(list_pair)), LSExp):
            return cdr(car(list_pair))
        list_pair = cdr(list_pair)
    raise MyError("Unbounded error %s" % LSExp.sym_atm.name)
コード例 #8
def addtodlist(dlist, functparbody):
    if not chk_numarg(functparbody, 3):
        raise MyError("Number of arguments for DEFUN should be 3")
    if iseqbool(atom(car(cdr(functparbody))), SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="T")):
        raise MyError("Parameters for functions should not be a atom")
    dlist = cons(functparbody, dlist)
    return dlist
コード例 #9
def initiate_atoms():
    SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="T")
    SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL")
    SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="CONS")
    SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="CAR")
    SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="CDR")
    SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="COND")
コード例 #10
def input2(SExp_str, tkn, l_type):
    if l_type == 1:
        S1, SExp_str = input_lisp("(" + SExp_str)
        SExp_str, tkn, l_type = ckNextToken(SExp_str)
        S2, SExp_str = input2(SExp_str, tkn, l_type)
        return cons(S1, S2), SExp_str
    if l_type == 2:
        return SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL"), SExp_str
    elif l_type == 4:
        tkn_old = tkn
        SExp_str, tkn, l_type = ckNextToken(SExp_str)
        S2, SExp_str = input2(SExp_str, tkn, l_type)
        return cons(SExp(exp_type=1, int_val=tkn_old), S2), SExp_str
    elif l_type == 5:
        tkn_old = tkn
        SExp_str, tkn, l_type = ckNextToken(SExp_str)
        S2, SExp_str = input2(SExp_str, tkn, l_type)
        return cons(SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm=tkn_old), S2), SExp_str
    elif l_type == 6:
        SExp_str, tkn, l_type = ckNextToken(SExp_str)
        return input2(SExp_str, tkn, l_type)
        raise MyError("error did not expect \".\" at %s" % tkn + SExp_str)
コード例 #11
def input_lisp(SExp_str):
    SExp_str, tkn, l_type = ckNextToken(SExp_str)
    if l_type == 1:
        # adding for special () dont know how to handle otherwise
        temp_SExp_str, tkn, l_type = ckNextToken(SExp_str)
        if l_type == 2:
            return SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL"), temp_SExp_str

        S1, SExp_str = input_lisp(SExp_str)
        SExp_str, tkn, l_type = ckNextToken(SExp_str)
        # Space automatically implies a list
        if l_type == 6 or l_type == 2:
            # list
            S2, SExp_str = input2(SExp_str, tkn, l_type)
            return cons(S1, S2), SExp_str
        elif l_type == 3:
            S2, SExp_str = input_lisp(SExp_str)
            SExp_str, tkn, l_type = ckNextToken(SExp_str)
            if l_type == 2:
                return cons(S1, S2), SExp_str
                raise MyError("error expected \")\" at %s" % tkn + SExp_str)
            raise MyError("error expected \".\" or \")\" or \" \" at %s" %
                          tkn + SExp_str)

    # TODO: accepts 4., 4, ), etc
    if l_type == 4:
        # if its just a number it better end with $
        return SExp(exp_type=1, int_val=tkn), SExp_str
    # TODO: accepts 4., 4, ), etc
    if l_type == 5:
        # if its just a identifier it better end with $
        return SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm=tkn), SExp_str
    if l_type == 2 or l_type == 3 or l_type == 6 or l_type == -1:
        raise MyError("error expected Symbolic atom, integer or \"(\" at %s" %
                      tkn + SExp_str)
コード例 #12
def lispeval(LSExp, alist, dlist):
    if iseqbool(atom(LSExp), SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="T")):
        if LSExp.type == 1:
            return LSExp, 0, dlist
        elif iseqbool(LSExp, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="T")) or iseqbool(
                LSExp, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL")):
            return LSExp, 0, dlist
            return get_valAlist(LSExp, alist), 0, dlist
    elif iseqbool(atom(car(LSExp)), SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="T")):
        if iseqbool(car(LSExp), SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="COND")):
            return evcon(cdr(LSExp), alist, dlist), 0, dlist
        elif iseqbool(car(LSExp), SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="DEFUN")):
            return None, 1, addtodlist(dlist, cdr(LSExp))
        # TODO: Quote parameter checking
        elif iseqbool(car(LSExp), SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="QUOTE")):
            return car(cdr(LSExp)), 0, dlist
            return lispapply(car(LSExp), evlist(cdr(LSExp), alist, dlist),
                             alist, dlist), 0, dlist
        raise MyError("SExp should be atom or car of SExp should be atom")
コード例 #13
def evlist(LSExp, alist, dlist):
    curr_ptr = LSExp
    while (not iseqbool(curr_ptr, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL"))):
        car_eval, _, _ = lispeval(car(LSExp), alist, dlist)
        return cons(car_eval, evlist(cdr(LSExp), alist, dlist))
    return SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL")
コード例 #14
def chk_numarg(x, expected):
    curr_x = x
    while (not iseqbool(curr_x, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL"))):
        curr_x = cdr(curr_x)
        expected -= 1
    return True if expected == 0 else False
コード例 #15
def cons(SExp_1, SExp_2):
    return SExp(exp_type=3, SE1=SExp_1, SE2=SExp_2)
コード例 #16
def lispapply(fn_name, x, alist, dlist):
    # fn_name should be an atom as its checked in lispeval
    if iseqbool(fn_name, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="CAR")):
        if not chk_numarg(x, 1):
            raise MyError("Number of argument for CAR not correct")
        return car(car(x))
    elif iseqbool(fn_name, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="CDR")):
        if not chk_numarg(x, 1):
            raise MyError("Number of argument for CDR not correct")
        return cdr(car(x))
    elif iseqbool(fn_name, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="EQ")):
        if not chk_numarg(x, 2):
            raise MyError("Number of argument for EQ not correct")
        return EQLISP(car(x), car(cdr(x)))
    elif iseqbool(fn_name, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="ATOM")):
        if not chk_numarg(x, 1):
            raise MyError("Number of argument for ATOM not correct")
        return atom(car(x))
    elif iseqbool(fn_name, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="CONS")):
        if not chk_numarg(x, 2):
            raise MyError("Number of argument for CONS not correct")
        return cons(car(x), car(cdr(x)))
    elif iseqbool(fn_name, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NULL")):
        if not chk_numarg(x, 1):
            raise MyError("Number of argument for NULL not correct")
        return eq(car(x), SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL"))
    elif iseqbool(fn_name, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="INT")):
        if not chk_numarg(x, 1):
            raise MyError("Number of argument for INT not correct")
        return SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="T") if car(x).type == 1 \
         else SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL")
    elif iseqbool(fn_name, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="PLUS")):
        if not chk_numarg(x, 2):
            raise MyError("Number of argument for PLUS not correct")
        if car(x).type == 1 and car(cdr(x)).type == 1:
            return SExp(exp_type=1,
                        int_val=car(x).int_val + car(cdr(x)).int_val)
            raise MyError("Not correct format for PLUS")
    elif iseqbool(fn_name, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="MINUS")):
        if not chk_numarg(x, 2):
            raise MyError("Number of argument for MINUS not correct")
        if car(x).type == 1 and car(cdr(x)).type == 1:
            return SExp(exp_type=1,
                        int_val=car(x).int_val - car(cdr(x)).int_val)
            raise MyError("Not correct format for MINUS")
    elif iseqbool(fn_name, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="TIMES")):
        if not chk_numarg(x, 2):
            raise MyError("Number of argument for TIMES not correct")
        if car(x).type == 1 and car(cdr(x)).type == 1:
            return SExp(exp_type=1,
                        int_val=car(x).int_val * car(cdr(x)).int_val)
            raise MyError("Not correct format for TIMES")
    elif iseqbool(fn_name, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="QUOTIENT")):
        if not chk_numarg(x, 2):
            raise MyError("Number of argument for QUOTIENT not correct")
        if car(x).type == 1 and car(cdr(x)).type == 1:
                return SExp(exp_type=1,
                            int_val=car(x).int_val / car(cdr(x)).int_val)
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                raise MyError("Zero cannot be in denomintor for QUOTIENT")
            raise MyError("Not correct format for QUOTIENT")
    elif iseqbool(fn_name, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="REMAINDER")):
        if not chk_numarg(x, 2):
            raise MyError("Number of argument for REMAINDER not correct")
        if car(x).type == 1 and car(cdr(x)).type == 1:
                return SExp(exp_type=1,
                            int_val=car(x).int_val % car(cdr(x)).int_val)
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                raise MyError("Zero cannot be in denomintor for REAMINDER")
            raise MyError("Not correct format for REMAINDER")
    elif iseqbool(fn_name, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="LESS")):
        if not chk_numarg(x, 2):
            raise MyError("Number of argument for LESS not correct")
        if car(x).type == 1 and car(cdr(x)).type == 1:
            return retLisp(car(x).int_val < car(cdr(x)).int_val)
            raise MyError("Not correct format for LESS")
    elif iseqbool(fn_name, SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="GREATER")):
        if not chk_numarg(x, 2):
            raise MyError("Number of argument for GREATER not correct")
        if car(x).type == 1 and car(cdr(x)).type == 1:
            return retLisp(car(x).int_val > car(cdr(x)).int_val)
            raise MyError("Not correct format for GREATER")
        par_bdy = get_val(fn_name, dlist)
        leval, _, _ = lispeval(car(cdr(par_bdy)),
                               addtoAlist(car(par_bdy), x, alist, fn_name),
        return leval
コード例 #17
def retLisp(boolval):
    return SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="T") if boolval \
      else SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL")
コード例 #18
def atom(LSExp):
    return SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="T") if LSExp.type != 3 \
       else SExp(exp_type=2, sym_atm="NIL")