def __init__(self): self.someoneWin = False self.humanChessed = False self.IsStart = False self.player = 0 self.playmethod = 0 self.whi_chessed = [] self.bla_chessed = [] self.board = self.init_board() self.window = Tk() self.var = IntVar() self.var.set(0) self.var1 = IntVar() self.var1.set(0) self.window.title("myGoBang") self.window.geometry("600x470+80+80") self.window.resizable(0, 0) self.can = Canvas(self.window, bg="#EEE8AC", width=470, height=470) self.draw_Board() self.can.grid(row=0, column=0) self.net_board = self.get_net_board() self.robot = Robot(self.board) self.sgf = SGFflie() self.cnn = myCNN() self.cnn.restore_save()
def train(self, qiju): '''训练函数''' sgf = SGFflie() _x, _y = sgf.createTraindataFromqipu(qiju) for i in range(10):, feed_dict={self.x: _x, self.y: _y}) self.restore_save(method=0)
def __init__(self): """ 初始化: someoneWin:标识是否有人赢了 humanChessed:人类玩家是否下了 IsStart:是否开始游戏了 player:玩家是哪一方 playmethod:模式,和robot下棋,还是和ai下棋 bla_start_pos:黑棋开局时下在正中间的位置 bla_chessed:保存黑棋已经下过的棋子 whi_chessed:保存白棋已经下过的棋子 board:棋盘 window:窗口 var:用于标记选择玩家颜色的一个变量 var1:用于标记选择robot或者ai的一个变量 can:画布,用于绘出棋盘 net_board:棋盘的点信息 robot:机器人 sgf:处理棋谱 cnn:cnnc神经网络 """ self.someoneWin = False self.humanChessed = False self.IsStart = False self.player = 0 self.playmethod = 0 self.bla_start_pos = [235, 235] self.whi_chessed = [] self.bla_chessed = [] self.board = self.init_board() self.window = Tk() self.var = IntVar() self.var.set(0) self.var1 = IntVar() self.var1.set(0) self.window.title("myGoBang") self.window.geometry("600x470+80+80") self.window.resizable(0, 0) self.can = Canvas(self.window, bg="#EEE8AC", width=470, height=470) self.draw_board() self.can.grid(row=0, column=0) self.net_board = self.get_net_board() self.robot = Robot(self.board) self.sgf = SGFflie() self.cnn = myCNN() self.cnn.restore_save()
#coding:utf-8 import tensorflow as tf from SGFfile import SGFflie import os sgf = SGFflie() class myCNN(): def __init__(self): self.sess = tf.InteractiveSession() # paras self.W_conv1 = self.weight_varible([5, 5, 1, 32]) self.b_conv1 = self.bias_variable([32]) # conv layer-1 self.x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 225]) self.y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 225]) self.x_image = tf.reshape(self.x, [-1, 15, 15, 1]) self.h_conv1 = tf.nn.relu( self.conv2d(self.x_image, self.W_conv1) + self.b_conv1) self.h_pool1 = self.max_pool_2x2(self.h_conv1) # conv layer-2 self.W_conv2 = self.weight_varible([5, 5, 32, 64]) self.b_conv2 = self.bias_variable([64]) self.h_conv2 = tf.nn.relu( self.conv2d(self.h_pool1, self.W_conv2) + self.b_conv2) self.h_pool2 = self.max_pool_2x2(self.h_conv2)
import tensorflow as tf from SGFfile import SGFflie import os sgf = SGFflie() class myCNN(): def __init__(self): '''初始化神经网络''' self.sess = tf.InteractiveSession() # paras self.W_conv1 = self.weight_varible([5, 5, 1, 32]) self.b_conv1 = self.bias_variable([32]) # conv layer-1 self.x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 225]) self.y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 225]) self.x_image = tf.reshape(self.x, [-1, 15, 15, 1]) self.h_conv1 = tf.nn.relu(self.conv2d(self.x_image, self.W_conv1) + self.b_conv1) self.h_pool1 = self.max_pool_2x2(self.h_conv1) # conv layer-2 self.W_conv2 = self.weight_varible([5, 5, 32, 64]) self.b_conv2 = self.bias_variable([64]) self.h_conv2 = tf.nn.relu(self.conv2d(self.h_pool1, self.W_conv2) + self.b_conv2) self.h_pool2 = self.max_pool_2x2(self.h_conv2) # full connection self.W_fc1 = self.weight_varible([4 * 4 * 64, 1024])
class GoBang(): def __init__(self): self.someoneWin = False self.humanChessed = False self.IsStart = False self.player = 0 self.playmethod = 0 self.whi_chessed = [] self.bla_chessed = [] self.board = self.init_board() self.window = Tk() self.var = IntVar() self.var.set(0) self.var1 = IntVar() self.var1.set(0) self.window.title("myGoBang") self.window.geometry("600x470+80+80") self.window.resizable(0, 0) self.can = Canvas(self.window, bg="#EEE8AC", width=470, height=470) self.draw_Board() self.can.grid(row=0, column=0) self.net_board = self.get_net_board() self.robot = Robot(self.board) self.sgf = SGFflie() self.cnn = myCNN() self.cnn.restore_save() def init_board(self): list1 = [[-1]*15 for i in range(15)] return list1 def draw_Board(self): for row in range(15): if row == 0 or row == 14: self.can.create_line((25, 25 + row * 30), (445, 25 + row * 30), width=2) else: self.can.create_line((25, 25 + row * 30), (445, 25 + row * 30), width=1) for col in range(15): if col == 0 or col == 14: self.can.create_line((25 + col * 30, 25), (25 + col * 30, 445), width=2) else: self.can.create_line((25 + col * 30, 25), (25 + col * 30, 445), width=1) self.can.create_oval(112, 112, 118, 118, fill="black") self.can.create_oval(352, 112, 358, 118, fill="black") self.can.create_oval(112, 352, 118, 358, fill="black") self.can.create_oval(232, 232, 238, 238, fill="black") self.can.create_oval(352, 352, 358, 358, fill="black") def get_nearest_po(self, x, y): flag = 600 position = () for point in self.net_board: distance = math.sqrt((x - point[0]) ** 2 + (y - point[1]) ** 2) if distance < flag: flag = distance position = point return position def check_chessed(self, point, chessed): if len(chessed) == 0: return False flag = 0 for p in chessed: if point[0] == p[0] and point[1] == p[1]: flag = 1 if flag == 1: return True else: return False def have_five(self, chessed): if len(chessed) == 0: return False for row in range(15): for col in range(15): x = 25 + row * 30 y = 25 + col * 30 if self.check_chessed((x, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x, y + 30), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x, y + 60), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x, y + 90), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x, y + 120), chessed) == True: return True elif self.check_chessed((x, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 30, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 60, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 90, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 120, y), chessed) == True: return True if self.check_chessed((x, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 30, y + 30), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 60, y + 60), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 90, y + 90), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 120, y + 120), chessed) == True: return True if self.check_chessed((x, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 30, y - 30), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 60, y - 60), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 90, y - 90), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 120, y - 120), chessed) == True: return True return False def check_win(self): if self.have_five(self.whi_chessed) == True: label = Label(self.window, text="White Win!", background='#FFF8DC', font=("宋体", 15, "bold")), rely=0, x=480, y=40) return True elif self.have_five(self.bla_chessed) == True: label = Label(self.window, text="Black Win!", background='#FFF8DC', font=("宋体", 15, "bold")), rely=0, x=480, y=40) return True return False def draw_chess(self): if len(self.whi_chessed) != 0: for tmp in self.whi_chessed: self.can.create_oval(tmp[0] - 11, tmp[1] - 11, tmp[0] + 11, tmp[1] + 11, fill="white") if len(self.bla_chessed) != 0: for tmp in self.bla_chessed: self.can.create_oval(tmp[0] - 11, tmp[1] - 11, tmp[0] + 11, tmp[1] + 11, fill="black") def AIrobotChess(self): cnn_predict = self.cnn.predition(self.board) pre_x = cnn_predict[0] pre_y = cnn_predict[1] if self.player % 2 == 0: if len(self.bla_chessed) == 0 and len(self.whi_chessed) == 0: self.bla_chessed.append([25 + 30 * 7, 25 + 30 * 7, self.player % 2]) self.can.create_oval(25 + 30 * 7 - 11, 25 + 30 * 7 - 11, 25 + 30 * 7 + 11, 25 + 30 * 7 + 11, fill="black") self.board[7][7] = 1 else: _x, _y, _ = self.robot.MaxValue_po(1, 0) newPoint = [_x * 30 + 25, _y * 30 + 25] if self.check_chessed(cnn_predict, self.whi_chessed) == False and \ self.check_chessed(cnn_predict, self.bla_chessed) == False\ and _ < 5000: self.can.create_oval(pre_x - 11, pre_y - 11, pre_x + 11, pre_y + 11, fill="black") self.bla_chessed.append([pre_x, pre_y, self.player % 2]) _x = int((cnn_predict[0] - 25) / 30) _y = int((cnn_predict[1] - 25) / 30) # print(_x, _y) self.board[_x][_y] = 0 # print("AI") else: self.can.create_oval(newPoint[0] - 11, newPoint[1] - 11, newPoint[0] + 11, newPoint[1] + 11, fill="black") self.bla_chessed.append([newPoint[0], newPoint[1], self.player % 2]) self.board[_x][_y] = 0 else: if self.check_chessed(cnn_predict, self.whi_chessed) == False and self.check_chessed(cnn_predict, self.bla_chessed) == False: self.can.create_oval(pre_x - 11, pre_y - 11, pre_x + 11,pre_y + 11, fill="white") self.bla_chessed.append([pre_x, pre_y, self.player % 2]) _x = int((pre_x - 25) / 30) _y = int((pre_y - 25) / 30) self.board[_x][_y] = 1 else: _x, _y, _ = self.robot.MaxValue_po(0, 1) newPoint = [_x * 30 + 25, _y * 30 + 25] self.can.create_oval(newPoint[0] - 11, newPoint[1] - 11, newPoint[0] + 11, newPoint[1] + 11, fill="white") self.bla_chessed.append([newPoint[0], newPoint[1], self.player % 2]) self.board[_x][_y] = 1 def robotChess(self): if self.player == 0: if len(self.bla_chessed) == 0 and len(self.whi_chessed) == 0: self.bla_chessed.append([25 + 30 * 7, 25 + 30 * 7, self.player % 2]) self.can.create_oval(25 + 30 * 7 - 11, 25 + 30 * 7 - 11, 25 + 30 * 7 + 11, 25 + 30 * 7 + 11, fill="black") self.board[7][7] = 1 return else: _x, _y, _ = self.robot.MaxValue_po(1, 0) #print([_x, _y], [x, y]) newPoint = [_x * 30 + 25, _y * 30 + 25] self.can.create_oval(newPoint[0] - 11, newPoint[1] - 11, newPoint[0] + 11, newPoint[1] + 11, fill="black") self.bla_chessed.append([newPoint[0], newPoint[1], self.player % 2]) self.board[_x][_y] = 0 else: _x, _y, _ = self.robot.MaxValue_po(0, 1) newPoint = [_x * 30 + 25, _y * 30 + 25] self.can.create_oval(newPoint[0] - 11, newPoint[1] - 11, newPoint[0] + 11, newPoint[1] + 11, fill="white") self.whi_chessed.append([newPoint[0], newPoint[1], self.player % 2]) self.board[_x][_y] = 1 def chess(self, event): if self.someoneWin == True or self.IsStart == False: return ex = event.x ey = event.y if ex > 10 and ex < 460 and ey > 10 and ey < 460: neibor_po = self.get_nearest_po(ex, ey) if self.check_chessed(neibor_po, self.whi_chessed) == False \ and self.check_chessed(neibor_po, self.bla_chessed) == False: _x = neibor_po[0] _y = neibor_po[1] if self.player == 0: self.can.create_oval(_x - 11, _y - 11, _x + 11, _y + 11, fill="white") self.whi_chessed.append([_x, _y, self.player % 2]) _x = int((_x - 25) / 30) _y = int((_y - 25) / 30) self.board[_x][_y] = 1 else: self.can.create_oval(_x - 11, _y - 11, _x + 11, _y + 11, fill="black") self.bla_chessed.append([_x, _y, self.player % 2]) _x = int((_x - 25) / 30) _y = int((_y - 25) / 30) self.board[_x][_y] = 0 self.someoneWin = self.check_win() if self.playmethod == 0: self.AIrobotChess() elif self.playmethod == 1: self.robotChess() self.someoneWin = self.check_win() def get_net_board(self): net_list = [] for row in range(15): for col in range(15): point = (25 + row * 30, 25 + col * 30) net_list.append(point) return net_list def resetButton(self): self.someoneWin = False self.IsStart = False self.whi_chessed.clear() self.bla_chessed.clear() self.board = self.init_board() self.robot = Robot(self.board) label = Label(self.window, text=" ", background="#F0F0F0", font=("宋体", 15, "bold")), rely=0, x=480, y=40) self.can.delete("all") self.draw_Board() self.can.grid(row=0, column=0) def BakcAChess(self): if self.someoneWin == False: if len(self.whi_chessed) != 0: p = self.whi_chessed.pop() self.board[int((p[0] - 25) / 30)][int((p[1] - 25) / 30)] = -1 if self.player == 0 and len(self.bla_chessed) != 1: p = self.bla_chessed.pop() self.board[int((p[0] - 25) / 30)][int((p[1] - 25) / 30)] = -1 elif self.player == 1 and len(self.bla_chessed) != 0: p = self.bla_chessed.pop() self.board[int((p[0] - 25) / 30)][int((p[1] - 25) / 30)] = -1 self.can.delete("all") self.draw_Board() self.draw_chess() def startButton(self): if self.IsStart == False: self.IsStart = True if self.player % 2 == 0: if self.playmethod == 0: self.AIrobotChess() elif self.playmethod == 1: self.robotChess() self.draw_chess() def selectColor(self): if self.IsStart == False: if self.var.get() == 0: self.player = 0 elif self.var.get() == 1: self.player = 1 def selectMathod(self): if self.IsStart == False: if self.var1.get() == 0: self.playmethod = 0 elif self.var1.get() == 1: self.playmethod = 1 def createqipu(self): qipu = [] step = 0 totalstep = len(self.whi_chessed) + len(self.bla_chessed) while step < totalstep: if totalstep == 0: break flag = int(step / 2) if step % 2 == 0: x = int((self.bla_chessed[flag][0] - 25) / 30) y = int((self.bla_chessed[flag][1] - 25) / 30) qipu.append([x, y, 0, step + 1]) else: x = int((self.whi_chessed[flag][0] - 25) / 30) y = int((self.whi_chessed[flag][1] - 25) / 30) qipu.append([x, y, 1, step + 1]) step += 1 return qipu def OpenFile(self): file_path = askopenfilename(filetypes=(('sgf file', '*.sgf'), ('All File', '*.*'))) if len(file_path) == 0: return qipu = self.sgf.openfile(file_path) self.whi_chessed.clear() self.bla_chessed.clear() for point in qipu: if point[2] == 0: self.bla_chessed.append([25 + point[0]*30, 25 + point[1]*30, point[2]]) else: self.whi_chessed.append([25 + point[0] * 30, 25 + point[1] * 30, point[2]]) self.can.delete("all") self.draw_Board() self.draw_chess() def SaveFile(self, method=1): '''while method is 0,client should manually chioce file or add new file to save data while method is 1,the data will save with name of random number all by computer''' qipu = self.createqipu() if method == 0: try: file = asksaveasfile(filetypes=(('sgf file', '*.sgf'), ('All File', '*.*'))) file.close() except AttributeError: return pathName = newName = pathName + '.sgf' os.rename(pathName, newName) f = open(newName, 'w') data = self.sgf.createdata(qipu) f.write(data) f.close() elif method == 1: self.sgf.savefile(qipu) def start(self): b3 = Button(self.window, text="开始", command=self.startButton), rely=0, x=495, y=100) b1 = Button(self.window, text="重置", command=self.resetButton), rely=0, x=495, y=150) b2 = Button(self.window, text="悔棋", command=self.BakcAChess), rely=0, x=495, y=200) b4 = Radiobutton(self.window, text="电脑执黑棋", variable=self.var, value=0, command=self.selectColor), rely=0, x=495, y=250) b5 = Radiobutton(self.window, text="电脑执白棋", variable=self.var, value=1, command=self.selectColor), rely=0, x=495, y=280) b6 = Button(self.window, text="打开棋谱", command=self.OpenFile), rely=0, x=495, y=400) b7 = Button(self.window, text="保存棋谱", command=self.SaveFile), rely=0, x=495, y=430) b8 = Radiobutton(self.window, text="用神经网络走", variable=self.var1, value=0, command=self.selectMathod), rely=0, x=490, y=320) b9 = Radiobutton(self.window, text="用普通规则走", variable=self.var1, value=1, command=self.selectMathod), rely=0, x=490, y=350) '''self.robotChess() self.draw_chess()''' self.can.bind("<Button-1>", lambda x: self.chess(x)) self.window.mainloop()
class GoBang(object): def __init__(self): """ 初始化: someoneWin:标识是否有人赢了 humanChessed:人类玩家是否下了 IsStart:是否开始游戏了 player:玩家是哪一方 playmethod:模式,和robot下棋,还是和ai下棋 bla_start_pos:黑棋开局时下在正中间的位置 bla_chessed:保存黑棋已经下过的棋子 whi_chessed:保存白棋已经下过的棋子 board:棋盘 window:窗口 var:用于标记选择玩家颜色的一个变量 var1:用于标记选择robot或者ai的一个变量 can:画布,用于绘出棋盘 net_board:棋盘的点信息 robot:机器人 sgf:处理棋谱 cnn:cnnc神经网络 """ self.someoneWin = False self.humanChessed = False self.IsStart = False self.player = 0 self.playmethod = 0 self.bla_start_pos = [235, 235] self.whi_chessed = [] self.bla_chessed = [] self.board = self.init_board() self.window = Tk() self.var = IntVar() self.var.set(0) self.var1 = IntVar() self.var1.set(0) self.window.title("myGoBang") self.window.geometry("600x470+80+80") self.window.resizable(0, 0) self.can = Canvas(self.window, bg="#EEE8AC", width=470, height=470) self.draw_board() self.can.grid(row=0, column=0) self.net_board = self.get_net_board() self.robot = Robot(self.board) self.sgf = SGFflie() self.cnn = myCNN() self.cnn.restore_save() def init_board(self): """初始化棋盘""" list1 = [[-1] * 15 for i in range(15)] return list1 def draw_board(self): """画出棋盘""" for row in range(15): if row == 0 or row == 14: self.can.create_line((25, 25 + row * 30), (445, 25 + row * 30), width=2) else: self.can.create_line((25, 25 + row * 30), (445, 25 + row * 30), width=1) for col in range(15): if col == 0 or col == 14: self.can.create_line((25 + col * 30, 25), (25 + col * 30, 445), width=2) else: self.can.create_line((25 + col * 30, 25), (25 + col * 30, 445), width=1) self.can.create_oval(112, 112, 118, 118, fill="black") self.can.create_oval(352, 112, 358, 118, fill="black") self.can.create_oval(112, 352, 118, 358, fill="black") self.can.create_oval(232, 232, 238, 238, fill="black") self.can.create_oval(352, 352, 358, 358, fill="black") def get_nearest_po(self, x, y): """得到坐标(x, y)在棋盘各点中最近的一个点""" flag = 600 position = () for point in self.net_board: distance = get_distance([x, y], point) if distance < flag: flag = distance position = point return position def no_in_chessed(self, pos): """pos 没有下过""" whi_chess = self.check_chessed(pos, self.whi_chessed) bla_chess = self.check_chessed(pos, self.bla_chessed) return whi_chess == False and bla_chess == False def ai_no_in_chessed(self, pos, value): """ ai预测出来的点是否已经下过, 以及结合机器人计算出来的值, 如果ai的点为下过,而且机器 人预测出来的最大值小于400 返回真 """ no_in_chessed = self.no_in_chessed(pos) return no_in_chessed and value < 4000 def check_chessed(self, point, chessed): """检测是否已经下过了""" if len(chessed) == 0: return False flag = 0 for p in chessed: if point[0] == p[0] and point[1] == p[1]: flag = 1 if flag == 1: return True else: return False def have_five(self, chessed): """检测是否存在连五了""" if len(chessed) == 0: return False for row in range(15): for col in range(15): x = 25 + row * 30 y = 25 + col * 30 if self.check_chessed((x, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x, y + 30), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x, y + 60), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x, y + 90), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x, y + 120), chessed) == True: return True elif self.check_chessed((x, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 30, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 60, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 90, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 120, y), chessed) == True: return True elif self.check_chessed((x, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 30, y + 30), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 60, y + 60), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 90, y + 90), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 120, y + 120), chessed) == True: return True elif self.check_chessed((x, y), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 30, y - 30), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 60, y - 60), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 90, y - 90), chessed) == True and \ self.check_chessed((x + 120, y - 120), chessed) == True: return True else: pass return False def check_win(self): """检测是否有人赢了""" if self.have_five(self.whi_chessed) == True: label = Label(self.window, text="White Win!", background='#FFF8DC', font=("宋体", 15, "bold")), rely=0, x=480, y=40) return True elif self.have_five(self.bla_chessed) == True: label = Label(self.window, text="Black Win!", background='#FFF8DC', font=("宋体", 15, "bold")), rely=0, x=480, y=40) return True else: return False def draw_chessed(self): """在棋盘中画出已经下过的棋子""" if len(self.whi_chessed) != 0: for tmp in self.whi_chessed: oval = pos_to_draw(*tmp[0:2]) self.can.create_oval(oval, fill="white") if len(self.bla_chessed) != 0: for tmp in self.bla_chessed: oval = pos_to_draw(*tmp[0:2]) self.can.create_oval(oval, fill="black") def draw_a_chess(self, x, y, player=None): """在棋盘中画一个棋子""" _x, _y = pos_in_qiju(x, y) oval = pos_to_draw(x, y) if player == 0: self.can.create_oval(oval, fill="black") self.bla_chessed.append([x, y, 0]) self.board[_x][_y] = 1 elif player == 1: self.can.create_oval(oval, fill="white") self.whi_chessed.append([x, y, 1]) self.board[_x][_y] = 0 else: print(AttributeError("请选择棋手")) return def AIrobotChess(self): """ai机器人下棋""" cnn_predict = self.cnn.predition(self.board) #预测 if self.player % 2 == 0: """开局优化""" if len(self.bla_chessed) == 0 and len(self.whi_chessed) == 0: self.draw_a_chess(*self.bla_start_pos, 0) else: #机器人计算出全局价值最大的点 _x, _y, _ = self.robot.MaxValue_po(1, 0) newPoint = pos_in_board(_x, _y) if self.ai_no_in_chessed(cnn_predict, _): self.draw_a_chess(*cnn_predict, 0) else: self.draw_a_chess(*newPoint, 0) else: ''' 由于我没有训练白色棋子的神经网络 所以,在这里直接让robot来下 ''' self.robotChess() def robotChess(self): """机器人下棋""" if self.player == 0: if len(self.bla_chessed) == 0 and len(self.whi_chessed) == 0: '''电脑执黑棋,开局优化''' self.draw_a_chess(*self.bla_start_pos, player=0) return else: _x, _y, _ = self.robot.MaxValue_po(0, 1) newPoint = pos_in_board(_x, _y) self.draw_a_chess(*newPoint, player=0) else: #白棋下 _x, _y, _ = self.robot.MaxValue_po(1, 0) newPoint = pos_in_board(_x, _y) self.draw_a_chess(*newPoint, player=1) def chess(self, event): """下棋函数""" if self.someoneWin == True or self.IsStart == False: """判断是否有人赢了或者是否按了开始键""" return ex = event.x ey = event.y if not click_in_board(ex, ey): """检查鼠标点击的坐标是否在棋盘内""" return neibor_po = self.get_nearest_po(ex, ey) if self.no_in_chessed(neibor_po): if self.player == 0: self.draw_a_chess(*neibor_po, 1) else: self.draw_a_chess(*neibor_po, 0) self.someoneWin = self.check_win() if self.playmethod == 0: self.AIrobotChess() else: self.robotChess() self.someoneWin = self.check_win() def get_net_board(self): """得到棋盘的点信息""" net_list = [] for row in range(15): for col in range(15): point = pos_in_board(row, col) net_list.append(point) return net_list def resetButton(self): """重置按钮的回调函数,实现了整个棋盘重置""" self.someoneWin = False self.IsStart = False self.whi_chessed.clear() self.bla_chessed.clear() self.board = self.init_board() self.robot = Robot(self.board) label = Label(self.window, text=" ", background="#F0F0F0", font=("宋体", 15, "bold")), rely=0, x=480, y=40) self.can.delete("all") self.draw_board() self.can.grid(row=0, column=0) def BakcAChess(self): """悔棋按钮的回调函数""" if self.someoneWin == False: if len(self.whi_chessed) != 0: p = self.whi_chessed.pop() x, y = pos_in_qiju(*p[0:2]) self.board[x][y] = -1 if self.player == 0 and len(self.bla_chessed) != 1: p = self.bla_chessed.pop() x, y = pos_in_qiju(*p[0:2]) self.board[x][y] = -1 elif self.player == 1 and len(self.bla_chessed) != 0: p = self.bla_chessed.pop() x, y = pos_in_qiju(*p[0:2]) self.board[x][y] = -1 else: pass self.can.delete("all") self.draw_board() self.draw_chessed() def startButton(self): """开始按钮的回调函数""" if self.IsStart == False: self.IsStart = True if self.player % 2 == 0: if self.playmethod == 0: self.AIrobotChess() elif self.playmethod == 1: self.robotChess() self.draw_chessed() def selectColor(self): """选择执棋的颜色""" if self.IsStart == False: if self.var.get() == 0: self.player = 0 elif self.var.get() == 1: self.player = 1 else: pass return def selectMathod(self): """选择下棋的方式,与robot下还是与ai下,0:跟ai,1:跟robot""" if self.IsStart == False: if self.var1.get() == 0: self.playmethod = 0 elif self.var1.get() == 1: self.playmethod = 1 else: pass return def createqipu(self): """将棋盘中的棋局生成棋盘""" qipu = [] step = 0 totalstep = len(self.whi_chessed) + len(self.bla_chessed) while step < totalstep: if totalstep == 0: break flag = int(step / 2) if step % 2 == 0: pos = pos_in_qiju(*self.bla_chessed[flag][0:2]) qipu.append([*pos, 0, step + 1]) else: pos = pos_in_qiju(*self.whi_chessed[flag][0:2]) qipu.append([*pos, 1, step + 1]) step += 1 return qipu def OpenFile(self): """打开保存好的棋谱""" file_path = askopenfilename(filetypes=(('sgf file', '*.sgf'), ('All File', '*.*'))) if len(file_path) == 0: return qipu = self.sgf.openfile(file_path) self.whi_chessed.clear() self.bla_chessed.clear() for point in qipu: pos = pos_in_board(*point[0:2]) if point[2] == 0: self.bla_chessed.append([*pos, 0]) else: self.whi_chessed.append([*pos, 1]) self.can.delete("all") self.draw_board() self.draw_chessed() def SaveFile(self, method=1): """保存棋谱""" qipu = self.createqipu() if method == 0: try: file = asksaveasfile(filetypes=(('sgf file', '*.sgf'), ('All File', '*.*'))) file.close() except AttributeError: return pathName = newName = pathName + '.sgf' os.rename(pathName, newName) f = open(newName, 'w') data = self.sgf.createdata(qipu) f.write(data) f.close() elif method == 1: self.sgf.savefile(qipu) def start(self): """开始,主要实现一些按钮与按键""" b3 = Button(self.window, text="开始", command=self.startButton), rely=0, x=495, y=100) b1 = Button(self.window, text="重置", command=self.resetButton), rely=0, x=495, y=150) b2 = Button(self.window, text="悔棋", command=self.BakcAChess), rely=0, x=495, y=200) b4 = Radiobutton(self.window, text="电脑执黑棋", variable=self.var, value=0, command=self.selectColor), rely=0, x=495, y=250) b5 = Radiobutton(self.window, text="电脑执白棋", variable=self.var, value=1, command=self.selectColor), rely=0, x=495, y=280) b6 = Button(self.window, text="打开棋谱", command=self.OpenFile), rely=0, x=495, y=400) b7 = Button(self.window, text="保存棋谱", command=self.SaveFile), rely=0, x=495, y=430) b8 = Radiobutton(self.window, text="用神经网络走", variable=self.var1, value=0, command=self.selectMathod), rely=0, x=490, y=320) b9 = Radiobutton(self.window, text="用普通规则走", variable=self.var1, value=1, command=self.selectMathod), rely=0, x=490, y=350) self.can.bind("<Button-1>", lambda x: self.chess(x)) self.window.mainloop()